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SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Chipotle Mexican
Arielle Roth
September 21, 2016
1. Executive Summary
2. Social Media Audit
a. Social Media Assessment
b. Website
c. Audience
d. Competitiors
3. Social Media Objectives
4. Online Brand Persona and Voice
5. Strategies and Tools
6. Timing and Key Dates
7. Social Media Roles and Responsibilities
8. Social Media Policy
9. Critical Response Plan
10. Measurement and Reporting Results
Our major social media priorities for 2017 will be to grow our community, and the strength of our new app.
The primary focus will be to offer more deals through our application so people will be more willing to use it, and continue to
update our graphics to make them more relatable to our customers.
Two major social strategies will support this objective:
1. A plan to increase the number of users by increasing content
2. Conduct surveys to see what is the most eye-catching and relatable type of graphics
Network URL Follower Count Weekly Activity Engagements
Facebook facebook.com/c
3,031,176 5 posts .0007%
Instagram @chipotlemexic
382k 10 posts .03%
Twitter @chipotletweet
808k 20 posts .004%
Google Plus plus.google.co
658,540 4 posts .0001%
Social Media Assessment
At this time, Facebook has the most followers. However,
Instagram has the highest amount of engagement. This could
be because you must post pictures on Instagram, and this
captures more attention than a status or tweet without
pictures would.
Website Traffic Sources Assessment
Source Volume % of Overall Traffic Conversion Rate
Facebook 10k 79.34% 2%
Instagram - - -
Twitter 6k 6.93% 3%
Google Plus - - -
Facebook makes up the web traffic summary. Almost 80% of the
traffic comes from Facebook, with YouTube coming in next
with 7.56%. This agrees with the social media audit, saying
that Facebook is by far doing the best in the world of
social media.
70% 18-30
20% 31-40
7% 41-55
3% 55+
52% Female
48% Male
30% Twitter
40% Twitter
Good size
for good
In conclusion, the main target audience would be a female in
her twenties who primarily uses Facebook and is looking for
a bang for her buck.
Name SM Profile Strengths Weaknesses
Moe’s IG:
Extremely high
traffic on Facebook
A lot of their traffic is
from social media
A lot of content
Not that many
Tijuana Flats FB:
Facebook makes up
their traffic
Not that many
Lack of high quality
Moe’s seems to be the biggest competitor. Chipotle has more
followers on all social media accounts, however many
customers seem to think they get more bang for their buck
with Moe’s according to reviews.
Our main social media goal is to make our app more popular,
and to engage more customers on all platforms.
By increasing the quality of our graphics and videos, it
will be easier to gain more likes and followers.
Specifically, reach out to the millenials.
Since 70% of our customers are 18-30 years old, the smartest idea is to target
them. According to the chart below, approximately 20% of the US population are
Adjectives that Describe our Brand:
1. Youthful
2. Bold
3. Fresh
When interacting with customers we are:
1. Energetic
2. Caring
3. Helpful
-Paid:Every month boost most popular Facebook posts for the end of the month. The post
must have a minimum organic reach of 85, as well as a minimum of 100 likes or 50 comments.
-Owned:Introduce hashtag #FasterandFresher to encourage use of the app. Customers can
get their food in a matter of minutes right after they order, and it’ll still be as fresh
as it would be if you ordered in store.
-Earned: Create a video showing how easy it is to use the app, like a real life
demonstration and time it. 10 random comments will be picked and the users will receive a
free meal for using the app.
Approved: Rejected: Existing Subscriptions:
Buffer N/A Vimeo
Holidays: Internal Events: Lead Times:
Cinco De Mayo Employee Meetings Reporting will
National Burrito Day occur twice a
Valentines Day quarter
Labor Day
Social Media Director: Richard Scricca
-creates strategies, see what the trends are in order to
create the best material
Social Media Manager: Sarah Jones
-manage the customers: complaints, problems etc.
Social Media Coordinator: Darryl Thomas
-promotes social media within the company
-Social Networks are to be used, but keep them clean and not
derogatory towards our company. We expect you to be:
-Violation of this will result in corrective action,
including termination.
Scenario 1 - Inappropriate Tweet Sent from @Chipotletweets
Action Plan
When Tweet is detected:
Take screenshot (on Mac press: Command+Shift+ 3)
‹ Delete Tweet
Alert Darryl Thomas (Social Media Manager). If Rob unavailable, alert Kim Jang (Marketing
Darryl to sync with Richard and Sarah to discuss impact and reach, and evaluate further
Develop appropriate apology tweet
Sarah deals with media
Preapproved message: dependent on tweet
Scenario 2- customer finds something gross in food
Action Plan
Alert Sarah who will sync with Darryl to evaluate impact of tweet.
Once you have figured out the problem, alert customer you have fixed it.
Offer customer a gift card or some kind of compensation.
Pre approved message:
Twitter: “Our food is as fresh as ever!”
Quantitative KPIs
-Reporting Period:1 month
Shares and Retweets Assessment
Source Weekly Activity Multimedia Activity Share/RT Rate
Facebook 5 posts 5 posts +25%
Twitter 20 posts 15 posts +30%
The use of multimedia posts seems to engage viewers the
most. Without the photos or videos, the posts don’t get
liked or retweeted as much.

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Social media strategy

  • 2. Tableofcontents 1. Executive Summary 2. Social Media Audit a. Social Media Assessment b. Website c. Audience d. Competitiors 3. Social Media Objectives 4. Online Brand Persona and Voice 5. Strategies and Tools 6. Timing and Key Dates 7. Social Media Roles and Responsibilities 8. Social Media Policy 9. Critical Response Plan 10. Measurement and Reporting Results
  • 3. ExecutiveSummary Our major social media priorities for 2017 will be to grow our community, and the strength of our new app. The primary focus will be to offer more deals through our application so people will be more willing to use it, and continue to update our graphics to make them more relatable to our customers. Two major social strategies will support this objective: 1. A plan to increase the number of users by increasing content 2. Conduct surveys to see what is the most eye-catching and relatable type of graphics
  • 4. Socialmediaaudit Network URL Follower Count Weekly Activity Engagements Facebook facebook.com/c hipotle 3,031,176 5 posts .0007% Instagram @chipotlemexic angrill 382k 10 posts .03% Twitter @chipotletweet s 808k 20 posts .004% Google Plus plus.google.co m/+chipotle/ 658,540 4 posts .0001% Social Media Assessment
  • 5. SocialMediaAssessment At this time, Facebook has the most followers. However, Instagram has the highest amount of engagement. This could be because you must post pictures on Instagram, and this captures more attention than a status or tweet without pictures would.
  • 6. SocialMediaAudit Website Traffic Sources Assessment Source Volume % of Overall Traffic Conversion Rate Facebook 10k 79.34% 2% Instagram - - - Twitter 6k 6.93% 3% Google Plus - - -
  • 7. Trafficsummary Facebook makes up the web traffic summary. Almost 80% of the traffic comes from Facebook, with YouTube coming in next with 7.56%. This agrees with the social media audit, saying that Facebook is by far doing the best in the world of social media.
  • 8. AudienceDemographicsAssessment Age Distribution Gender Distribution Primary Social Network Secondary Social Network Primary Need Secondary Need 70% 18-30 20% 31-40 7% 41-55 3% 55+ 52% Female 48% Male 50% Facebook 30% Twitter 20% Instagram 40% Twitter 20% Facebook 20% Instagram Good size for good price Good Mexican Food
  • 9. AudienceDemographicsSummary In conclusion, the main target audience would be a female in her twenties who primarily uses Facebook and is looking for a bang for her buck.
  • 10. CompetitorAssessment Name SM Profile Strengths Weaknesses Moe’s IG: @moessouthwestgri ll Extremely high traffic on Facebook A lot of their traffic is from social media A lot of content Not that many followers Tijuana Flats FB: facebook.comtijuana flats Facebook makes up their traffic Not that many followers Lack of high quality photos
  • 11. CompetitorAssessmentSummary Moe’s seems to be the biggest competitor. Chipotle has more followers on all social media accounts, however many customers seem to think they get more bang for their buck with Moe’s according to reviews.
  • 12. SocialMediaObjectives Our main social media goal is to make our app more popular, and to engage more customers on all platforms. By increasing the quality of our graphics and videos, it will be easier to gain more likes and followers. Specifically, reach out to the millenials.
  • 13. SocialMediaObjectivesCont. Since 70% of our customers are 18-30 years old, the smartest idea is to target them. According to the chart below, approximately 20% of the US population are millenials.
  • 14. OnlineBrandpersonaandvoice Adjectives that Describe our Brand: 1. Youthful 2. Bold 3. Fresh When interacting with customers we are: 1. Energetic 2. Caring 3. Helpful
  • 15. StrategiesandTools -Paid:Every month boost most popular Facebook posts for the end of the month. The post must have a minimum organic reach of 85, as well as a minimum of 100 likes or 50 comments. -Owned:Introduce hashtag #FasterandFresher to encourage use of the app. Customers can get their food in a matter of minutes right after they order, and it’ll still be as fresh as it would be if you ordered in store. -Earned: Create a video showing how easy it is to use the app, like a real life demonstration and time it. 10 random comments will be picked and the users will receive a free meal for using the app.
  • 16. Strategiesandtoolscontinued Approved: Rejected: Existing Subscriptions: Buffer N/A Vimeo Hootsuite Photoshop Canva
  • 17. TimingandKeydates Holidays: Internal Events: Lead Times: Cinco De Mayo Employee Meetings Reporting will National Burrito Day occur twice a Valentines Day quarter Labor Day
  • 18. Socialmediarolesandresponsibilities Social Media Director: Richard Scricca -creates strategies, see what the trends are in order to create the best material Social Media Manager: Sarah Jones -manage the customers: complaints, problems etc. Social Media Coordinator: Darryl Thomas -promotes social media within the company
  • 19. Socialmediapolicy -Social Networks are to be used, but keep them clean and not derogatory towards our company. We expect you to be: -respectful -honest -appropriate -Violation of this will result in corrective action, including termination.
  • 20. Criticalresponseplan Scenario 1 - Inappropriate Tweet Sent from @Chipotletweets Action Plan When Tweet is detected: Take screenshot (on Mac press: Command+Shift+ 3) ‹ Delete Tweet Alert Darryl Thomas (Social Media Manager). If Rob unavailable, alert Kim Jang (Marketing Director.) Darryl to sync with Richard and Sarah to discuss impact and reach, and evaluate further action. Develop appropriate apology tweet Sarah deals with media Preapproved message: dependent on tweet
  • 21. Criticalresponseplancont Scenario 2- customer finds something gross in food Action Plan Alert Sarah who will sync with Darryl to evaluate impact of tweet. Once you have figured out the problem, alert customer you have fixed it. Offer customer a gift card or some kind of compensation. Pre approved message: Twitter: “Our food is as fresh as ever!”
  • 22. Measurementandreporting Quantitative KPIs -Reporting Period:1 month Shares and Retweets Assessment Source Weekly Activity Multimedia Activity Share/RT Rate Facebook 5 posts 5 posts +25% Twitter 20 posts 15 posts +30%
  • 23. Measurementandreportingsummary The use of multimedia posts seems to engage viewers the most. Without the photos or videos, the posts don’t get liked or retweeted as much.