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Social network privacy.

      Social Network Privacy
      This series of articles about security trips how to make social networking is
      more secure on the top social networks.

               ocial networking services are kind of online ser-     site. A profile is generated from fields filled by users,
               vice that focuses on building social relations        such as age, location, interests, etc. Many sites allow
               among people shared their information about           users to post blog entries, search for others with similar
      themselves. This information filled their profiles makes       interests create groups shared their interests, and up-
      users possible to search and extract necessary infor-          load or stream live videos. Real-time feature allows us-
      mation. It means the search will analyze only the ac-          ers to contribute with content type of which is broadcast
      tual contents you want (images, video, text, calendar          as live radio or television broadcasts. Companies have
      events). Such representation is often based on each            begun to merge business technologies and solutions
      user profile as set of social links, interests, public data,   with new interactive communities that connect individu-
      and other linked services. Current trend has fast been         als based on shared business needs or experiences,
      growing to control mechanism unification for a long            sometimes by providing additional tools and applica-
      time. Each of these social services meets with users
      desires to less inputting about them. That’s why you are
      allowed to be sign up/in by Facebook button or Twit-
      ter button following which you can start to organization
      your own networks groups by involving others friends
      via email, social address book or switching your profile
      into public zone indexed by search engines like Google,
      Yahoo or Bing. This is so-called individual-centered ser-
      vice whereas online community services are group-cen-
      tered based on user abilities to share ideas, activities,
      events, and interests within their individual networks.
         Web-based social networking services make it pos-
      sible to connect people who share interests and activi-
      ties across political, economic, and geographic borders.
      Through e-mail and instant messaging, online commu-
      nities are created where a gift economy and reciprocal
      altruism are encouraged through cooperation. Informa-
      tion is particularly suited to gift economy, as information
      is a nonrival good and can be gifted at practically no
      cost (Figure 1).
         Social networking services share a variety of techni-
      cal features. The most basic of these are visible pro-
      files with a list of “friends” who are also users of the       Figure 1. Reciprocal altruism

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Social Network Privacy Guide

tions, like LinkedIn. Social networks are becoming one         • 	 Friends are common type of trusted members
of the most popular tools to build your own brand im-              of the site that are allowed to post comments on
age despite if enterprise you are or individual specialist.        your profile or send you private messages regard-
Moreover, you can to learn about new technologies and              ing your social IT policy. It changes from one so-
competitors. It’s a powerful way to the students/workers           cial network to another, e.g. LinkedIn refers to them
to be involved with their professionals for internship and         as connections without ability to create lists of your
job opportunities using these services.                            friends like Facebook.
   The easiest way to understand social networking is to       • 	 Groups help you find people with similar interests
think of it like high school. You had friends in school, and       or meet up in discussions specific topics.
you knew quite a few people even if you weren’t friends        • 	 Discussions bring interaction building between us-
with all of them, but it’s likely that you didn’t know ev-         ers’ by discussion boards and polls.
eryone. If you’ve ever moved to a new school – or if you       • 	 Media is some kind of features to post pictures, mu-
can imagine moving to a new school – you start out with            sic, video clips and other related your interests.
no friends. After attending classes, you start meeting         • 	 Notes extend social profile place them as short
people, and as you meet them, you begin associating                commentaries or drafts.
with those that have similar interests. Getting started        • 	 Blogs are another feature of some social networks
with social networking is much the same as starting at             underlay in ability to create your own blog entries.
a new school. At first, you don’t have any friends. But            It’s also different per each service. For example, it
as you join groups, you begin to meet people, and you              has the same name on MySpace, while it named
build a friends list of those with similar interests.              Pages on Facebook. Many social services allow to
   Social networking is based on a certain structure that          cross=post into your blog, Facebook pages, wall/
allows people to both express their individuality and              feed and etc.
meet people with similar interests. Profile is main check-     • 	 Applications are popular kind of widgets usually lo-
list to become part of each social network by describing           cated on application market (Figure 2-6).
yourself. It is a typical records like where you live, what
your hometown is, how old you are, who’s your favor-           Social networks have a privacy issues like any tech-
ite actor/singer, and what’s your favorite book/song and       nology especially emerging technology. Privacy con-
etc.                                                           cerns with social networking services have been
                                                               raised growing concerns amongst users on the dan-
                                                               gers of giving out too much personal information that
                                                               can be leaked to the hands of large corporations or
                                                               governmental bodies, allowing a profile to be produced
                                                               on an individual’s behavior on which decisions, detri-
                                                               mental to an individual, may be taken. Privacy on so-
                                                               cial networks can be too complex to build and up-
                                                               grade by many factors like inadequate way of protec-
                                                               tion, third parties frequently nullify IT policy because
                                                               their applications and services post information on so-
                                                               cial networks for a variety of purposes mainly in public.
                                                               Many social networking services, such as Facebook,
                                                               provide the user with a choice of who can view their
Figure 2. Social Networks used

Figure 3. Problems experienced on social networks              Figure 4. The social networks are least blocked on workplaces

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      profile. This prevents unauthorized user(s) from ac-          Security behind default setting
      cessing their information. Users disclose identity-rele-      For example, despite of insecurity by default existence
      vant information via their profile to others. This infor-     Facebook has extremely detailed setting brought abil-
      mation is referential, directly referring to a person, or     ity to set up the of desirable privacy aspects. However,
      attributive, describing attributes to the data subject. Al-   these settings change often; you may think you know
      though most laws and regulations restrict the access          everything there is about them, only to be greeted with a
      to referential information, attributive information is not    completely different layout and a bunch of new options
      protected as such. However, the aggregation of large          the next time you visit the dreaded Facebook Privacy
      amounts of attributive information poses new privacy          Settings page. Nowadays there several good practic-
      risks.                                                        es researching Facebook Privacy such “MakeUseOf”
         Information spreads faster through a Social Net-           as one of the most full detailed whitepaper. Unfortu-
      works than through a real-life network. Information           nately, there is no one whitepaper around it after Face-
      might be disclosed to a group of people unexpectedly,         book TimeLine was introduced. It extremely redesigned
      because the digital information is easy copyable, can         privacy management versus manner that’s was be-
      be stored indefinitely and is searchable. The usage of        fore. That’s why this issue is hot for now. Also, I’m go-
      most of these websites is free, and social networks           ing to cover not only Facebook but Twitter, LinkedIn,
      have to make money by generating revenues from                MySpace, Windows Live, Google, YouTube, Viadeo,
      the relevant information of their users. The most com-        etc. I’m going to discuss social privacy policy as well
      mon way to achieve this is to create marketing pro-           as smart web-services that help everyone to keep their
      files of users and serve them with targeted ads. Social       social network cleaner and inform about some kind of
      Network Sites track the activity of their users on their      harmful events.
      own websites and those of their marketing partners.              Before I present details of social privacy I’d to high-
      They are able to gather unprecedented amounts of              light the general ideas of privacy and their justifiability.
      secondary personal information on their users, some-          As you know each network has a so-called a trust mem-
      times even without the informed consent of the users.         ber connection often named as Friends, Connection
      The information on the websites can easily be used            or somehow in this manner. Some of social networks
      to damage someone’s reputation. Of course, these              like Facebook bring difference between all your social
      points aren’t obliged to affect all social users, but most    friends. This feature is known as Friend Lists. The first
      of them. Architecture of vulnerability emerges personal       mention covers idea to avoid naming any list as Friend;
      data become public after what there’s no legal docu-          if you really want to name like this then name it like F-
      ment granted protection of them. It’s true for American       r-i-e-n-d-s, for example. You have to distinguish sense
      Law, it’s also true for Russian, and I suppose it’s true      between headers of your list and term in general use.
      for most countries at world, because it is hard to proof      Anyway your list may cross, because it’s normal like a
      that the facts are private when a user posts them on          “Security Friends”, “Security Blog Readers” and “Non-
      public-profile and the monetary damage is in this case        Security Blog Reader” where the “Security Friends” and
      difficult to measure.                                         “Security Blog Readers” are possible to cross while
         There’s a main privacy risk for social users that social   “Blog Readers” may include both of readers like secu-
      network don’t suggest any control over your relevant in-      rity, non-security, or your publishing team’ friends. It’s up
      formation by default. Moreover, others like friends can       to because some posts you will do aren’t applicable to
      post information about the user, which can only be de-        intersection set. In that case, you can include “black list”
      leted after the fact, if possible at all.                     that won’t see you posts as well as select people you

      Figure 5. % who feel unsafe on the social networks            Figure 6. Displeasure with privacy controls in social networks

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Social Network Privacy Guide

want exclude from seeing, or select people as white list.     modules on your BlackBerry device and track mali-
Each case is different therefore there’s no unique solu-      cious active on GUI-side.
tion for that, because you may have a lot of “black list”        Your birthday, relationship and other sensitive infor-
people that difficult to exclude by selecting and vice ver-   mation should be hided from eyes except you have
sa you may have a lot of friends in white list. However,      a strong reason not to do like this. It should be hided
each group (friend list) is applicable for unique privacy     cause of only one reason: there’s no legal document to
setting you made.                                             grant protection for your private data if it’s easy avail-
   Next insecurity statement is around removing your-         able on web or search engine. It doesn’t matter much
self from Facebook or search engine results. It’s unique      whether it’s Facebook legal documents or country legal
for each case again, and you mustn’t think about pri-         documents. Other sensitive information like your IM da-
vacy among specific networks. A simple example,               ta or your emails should be opened only around a mini-
you’ve a Facebook account that has a protection like          mum data, because it’s not a just a service that helps
this meant you can’t be found on web or Facebook. Al-         you to memorize them. On other hand, there’s no need
so you have a LinkedIn account that public where you          to hide it if you public blog have the same quantity of
can place information about your Facebook account             ways how anyone can contact with you.
or job-searcher account like HeadHunter. So, it’s ob-            Applications often bring useful features like filtering
vious hasn’t enough to remove yourself from only one          or another extending of your social profile. Unfortu-
social network if you want totally anonymous within           nately, a little of them prefer to give you non-posting
a scope of this conception. As you can see, there’s           features by default while other tends to retell for all
a lot of side attack vector to know your Facebook ac-         Facebook about actions you made. Sometimes, you
count. Another example, you’ve a friend on Facebook           have a time by chance after you installed it and be-
who’s have a public friends list for his friends which        fore application will do reposting your action. It’s time
has the public list by-turn. You wouldn’t bring one-          to correctly set up all notification from such programs.
self to hide friends list. Sometimes, it’s enough to find     The most applicable way to set notification is “only for
out information about you, too. Moreover, you can be          me”, because I know rarely cases when I have to tell
tagged on photos; however it lies in privacy manage-          anyone about it. No one application breaks your pri-
ment to ask moderation. In the last case, you’ll re-          vacy policy; you only should realize that you have to
ceive asking on your timeline to decide whether agree         recreate a new level of you privacy. It means any ap-
with it or not. So, somewhere your social contact or          plication only asks you about available social data and
reference about it is being found with the lapse of           possible actions and application aren’t being covered
time.                                                         by the base policy.
   Photo tagging is one of discussed insecurity points.          The typical social privacy policy declares that “We
Everyone is hurry to say, not tag your photos even if         allow you to choose the information you provide to
it’s profile picture. It’s quite justifiability, because of   friends and networks through our social network. Our
the blog picture can be indexed my search engine, or          network architecture and your privacy settings allow
Google avatar are indexing. It means you already have         you to make informed choices about who has access
at least minimum indexed photos but it doesn’t mean           to your information. We do not provide contact informa-
you should tag everything everywhere and everybody.           tion to third party marketers without your permission.” It
You may tag among your friends but you must be sure           changes from one to another while a sense is provid-
that they don’t have some kind of public profile that         ing setting feature where you should set your privacy
brings your photos on the web. Yes, some of your              vision. The main reason why any service is subjected
friends don’t want to live public lives so it can only be     to criticism is the default account settings allow for any-
recommendation for everyone to hide their friends list        one in a shared network to view a user’s entire profile.
while in scope of Facebook legal documents you may            It’s right; your default account must restrict any actions
only ask your friend follow this idea; however other his      even for you. However, even Wizard Privacy Manager
friend can ask him to show. It remembers me my first          will appear on any social service after your first login,
article about BlackBerry where I discuss key-stoke            such Privacy Wizard makes no difference because you
emulation and ability to photoscreen password when            have to set privacy for all your social flows. Sometimes
it’s free from asterisks (Hakin9 2011 #2, Is data secure      Facebook comes in criticism because of that despite of
on the password protected blackberry device). You’re          security feature that switch allowability of your profile
as an administrator can to disable feature of password        into “only for you”.
unmasking. If you do like this you’ll get a user-device          Police is always behind any security trick and tips be-
that totally wiped when user spend all password at-           cause they might legitimately ask to access your friend’s
tempts. That was why you shouldn’t do like this and           data exposing your actions to a public court case if you
should check installed programs as well as installed          shared something private with him.

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      Chapter I. Security beyond the                                       able not only for public, your friends or only you, it’s
                                                                           completely set up to choose by list or specific person
      whole picture                                                        who can or can’t see this part.
      Part I. Facebook                                                        The Basic info section [Figure 8] stores all informa-
      Profile                                                              tion which can be used to fill other non-Facebook profile
      Before we start talking about security options we need
      to examine what our profile looks like after timeline is
      accepted. Each profile has following parts:

      •	   Basic Info
      •	   About You
      •	   Contact Info
      •	   Favorite Quotations
      •	   Work and Education
      •	   History by Year
      •	   Pages
      •	   Relationships and Family
      •	   Living

      The About Me section [Figure 7] stores all information
      you want put to this section. This section can be avail-             Figure 7. “About you” section

       The best Facebook privacy rules [Figure 46]
       The most sharing cases cover by following security settings that enough to keep privacy

       •	   Public
       	    Public includes people who are not your friends on Facebook and people who are not in your school or work networks.
       •	   Friends of friends
       	    The Friends of Friends option is available for minors only as the maximum audience they can share with. It allows minors to
            share with friends and their friends.
       •	   Friends
       	    This option lets you post stuff to your friends on Facebook. If anyone else is tagged in a post, it becomes some kind of
            Friends because the audience expands to also include the tagged person and their friends.
       •	   Friends except Acquaintances
       	    All friends except acquaintances list
       •	   Only Me
       	    This option let’s see something only for you. The most interesting when you don’t want to share your birthday, but you need
            to fill it to pass social networks agreement
       •	   Custom
       	    The Custom privacy setting lets you specify who is able and not able to view the content you share. When you choose Cus-
            tom a pop-up box will appear. From the box, you can choose to share with or exclude specific networks, friends, and Friend
            Lists. In other words, you can make content visible to specific people or make content visible to work or school networks that
            you belong to, hide content from specific people or hide content from everyone so that only you can see it.
       •	   Friends List
       	    Different friends list you made including auto created list by city tag or company tag

       The top of public data on Facebook (according to MakeUseOf)
       • 	 Things that are always public include questions, comments on Facebook help pages, comments on application help pages,
           showing up as an attendee at a public event, your -name and current profile picture-, your gender and your networks.
       • 	 Things that most people think is private (but are public by default) include Google search results, letting applications your
           friends use know your information, pages you “like”, allowing websites and applications you use know your information, in-
           stant personalization by Facebook partner sites, ability to add you as a friend, ability to send you a message, status updates,
           bio & favorite quotes, current location, hometown, interests, relationships and family.

       Did you know?
       To see how your public profile looks like follow Home->Account Setting->Subscribers->”Want to know what subscribers can see? View
       your public timeline”.

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Social Network Privacy Guide

Figure 8. „Basic info” section

by clicking sing up button; also each social application
tend to use this part. Basic info includes your sex, birth-
                                                               Figure 10. „Contact info” section
day date, your current relation status, your languages,
political views and other. All records except your sex         sage via traditional email even if it’s Facebook email
are controlling in the same way like previous section          address. Other emails should set into “Friends” or
by choosing any one to see. Your birthday record has           “Only Me” state. The last state is most applicable if
two ways to control where the first way is stronger. First     you keep your IMs as public information. Each of your
way is to choose who can see it; second way is choos-          phones are allow to separately controlling too despite
ing whether or not publishes this in timeline [Figure 9].      of group tag such works, mobile, fax, home, etc. Scope
  The Contact info section [Figure 10] stores your             of your Address, city, zip is controlling as an entire,
emails account, mobile/work/home phone numbers,                therefore you must decide if Facebook is one of eBay
your IMs, your address and web site. Each email is             account to fill too much details as they ask or not.
available to be public or private for anyone or for se-        Web-site record often refers to public blog, live jour-
lected persons. The best idea to set your Facebook             nals or your own web-site. As for me, I place this link to
email to public, because if somebody doesn’t have a            the http://re.vu/yury.chemerkin site stored all social ac-
Facebook Account (s-)he always can send you mes-               count in one place. It means I can hide all of my social
                                                               contacts on Facebook except re.vu link. It’s completely
                                                               up to you whether Facebook more privacy than re.vu if
                                                               you start to receive a lot spam of not.
                                                                  The Favorite Quotations section is the same with
                                                               About Me section, so I miss this.
                                                                  The Live section [Figure 11] stores two part informa-
                                                               tion about your current city and your hometown site.
                                                               They are both easy controlled separately. If you want
                                                               to be easy found my these points while someone wants
                                                               to connect with old-friends you should set this position

Figure 9. „Birthday” (Basic info) on timeline                  Figure 11. „Live” section

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                                                                        The Work and Education section [Figure 14] pro-
                                                                     vides three categorizes separately controlled by each
                                                                     user regarding to place you’ve worked, your Unis and
                                                                     your high schools. You’re allowed to fill this by posi-
                                                                     tion, city, positions description, time period, your proj-
                                                                     ect with their description, time period and persons in-
                                                                     volved if they’re available on Facebook and approved
                                                                     this information. Adding your employer to the Educa-
      Figure 12. „Relationships and Family” section                  tion and Work section of your profile (timeline) will not
                                                                     automatically add you to your work network; you have
                                                                     to join manually.
                                                                        The History by Year section built on previous and
                                                                     non-editable. It’s a part of your public timeline for any-
                                                                     one, friends or specific persons. You can’t hide the
                                                                     whole history, but can’t hide some part of them by hid-
      Figure 13. „Pages” section                                     ing by privacy settings or deleting items from you pro-
      to public and make sure that profile are searchable for        file/timeline.
      Facebook and not for all internet.                                Also, your profile provides notes, likes as kind of
         The Relationships and Family section [Figure 12]            your interests, your mapped places, photo albums, and
      stores your current relationship which also can be             friends’ visibility for others.
      controlled accurate within specific person and Fam-               The Notes section [Figure 15] stores your draft notes
      ily relation about your uncles, wife, children and etc.        and released notes. The draft notes are private by de-
      Good idea to set family relations visible only for per-        fault while released notes are public by default. There-
      son who involved in it to avoid any embarrassments             fore you need to check desirable visibility of them.
      except cases you has other reason to merge this list
      with another friends list, for example to build genea-
      logical tree.
         The Pages section [Figure 13] provides one way
      controlling your pages consisted on showing those or
      not. Pages are for organizations, businesses, celebri-
      ties, and bands to broadcast great information in an of-
      ficial, public manner to people who choose to connect
      with them. Similar to profiles (timelines), Pages can be
      enhanced with applications that help the entity com-
      municate and engage with their audiences, and cap-
      ture new audiences virally through friend recommen-
      dations, News Feed stories, Facebook events, and
      beyond. On the Manage Permissions tab where you
      can set country and age restrictions to control who is
      able to search for and like your Page as well as con-
      trol posting preferences and manage your moderation
      blocklist from this tab. If you’re logged in to Facebook
      and visit a website with the Like button or another so-
      cial plugin, your browser sends us information about
      your visit. Since the Like button is a little piece of Face-
      book embedded on another website, your browser is
      sending information about the request to load Face-
      book content on that page. Facebook records some-
      what of this information like your user ID, the website
      you’re visiting, the date and time, and other browser-
      related information. In case you’re not logged on Face-
      book, Facebook receives the web page you’re visiting,
      the date and time, and other browser-related informa-
      tion. Facebook delete or anonymize the information
      we receive within 90 days also.                                Figure 14. „Work and Education” section

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Social Network Privacy Guide

Figure 15. „Notes” section
  The Favorites section (or likes, or interests) stores
[Figure 16] your interests about music, books, movies,
television, games, sports teams, your activities, other
interests and other pages you liked once. Each of these
sections is separately controlled too. All your likes are   Figure 17. „Reporting/Blocking” section
built into likes’ timeline by date and time.                es privacy of specific photos; regarding to specific pho-
  The Maps section is also known as mapped places           tos you can choose tags, location, description, involved
via photos. Despite of that, it includes you work and       persons, and comments. If you share a high resolu-
education cities and countries that you can’t control by    tion photo or album with someone, that person will be
choosing specific person or group while your photos are     able to download those photos. If you tag someone in
allowed to be restricted to see by selected persons or      a photo, the Friends audience for that photo becomes
persons’ list. With the new sharing tool, you and oth-      extended Friends meaning. That means the audience
ers can create posts and add location in other words,       expands to include friends of anyone who is tagged in
anyone who can see a post can see a tag of you in that      that photo. Anyone who can see a photo can also like
post, including posts with location if you weren’t remove   or comment on it. If you want to share specific album
these tags.                                                 with people who is not on Facebook you should to find a
  The Photo albums section provide you to choose pri-       “public link” at the bottom of the page and send this link
vacy of photos by controlling friends list, Album Name,     to friends or posting it on a website will allow everyone
Place, Date (Year, Month and Day are completely sep-        who clicks on it to view that album. Notice that this link
arately) and Description. The privacy setting for your      will always work, even if you add photos or change your
Cover Photos album is always public. You can’t chang-       album privacy settings. Note that a video is almost the

Figure 16. „Favourites” section                             Figure 18. „News feed customization” section

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                                                                   Figure 21. „Events” section

                                                                   between each other, like your work lists can crossed
                                                                   with Security list or Writing list, or Reader List.
                                                                      The News Feed section [Figure 20] stores content is
                                                                   visible only for you except case when you share it for
                                                                   others. You’re allowed to sort news by clicking “Most
                                                                   Recent” to see stories in the order they were posted,
      Figure 19. „Friends List” section                            or by clicking “Top Stories” to see the most interesting
                                                                   stories at the top of your News Feed. Also, you filter by
      same with photos.                                            friend lists or subscribers list.
         The Friends section indicates who can see your list          The Events section [Figure 21] stores your upcom-
      of friends. Point from here [Figure 17] user can build       ing events at first, and then declined, past, suggested
      Friends list, unfriend someone or block specific person.     event and birthdays with ability to export all events as
      To block any person user need to choose report/block         an entire calendar to Outlook, Google, Yahoo, and etc.
      feature on friend page to see reporting wizard. I miss       When you create [Figure 22] event you can make this
      several options like fake timeline, inappropriate photos     as public even when anyone can join and be added to
      and mention you to feature “My Friend is annoying me”.       the event guest list without receiving an invitation or be-
      This features covers subscribing news from your friends      ing approved by an admin and invite-only when events
      when you can minimize news feed [Figure 18] for spe-         can only be seen by people who have received invita-
      cific person. You also can unsubscribe from all friend       tions and cannot be found in public search results. Both
      updates by choosing option “Unsubscribe from …”.             types can hide invite-list. If you join public events then
      If you want to unfriend somebody you should know that        information about that will appear on your timeline. Pub-
      public news as subscription are still keeping while block-   lic events will appear in your newsfeed after creating by
      ing person leads to interrupting of any interactions be-     others but if you invited all invitations store in events
      tween two profiles. If you want to build friend list check   section.
      your existed list [Figure 19] because, if anyone on Face-       The Messages section stores absolutely private
      book add place of work and education or his city then        messages you’ve received and sent. By default, any-
      (s-)he automatically adds to your list named “City area”     one on Facebook can send you a message, and if
      or “Family list”. You’re allowed to create lists crossed     you set up a Facebook email address, anyone out-
                                                                   side of Facebook can send you email too. Emails
                                                                   from friends and their friends go directly to your main
                                                                   Messages folder, and everything else goes to the
                                                                   “Other folder” within your Messages. You can modify

      Figure 20. „News feed” section                               Figure 22. „Create event” section

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Social Network Privacy Guide

                                                             open, close and private groups. Anyone on Face-
                                                             book can see the open group and join them. That
                                                             means the group will appear in search results and
                                                             all content that members post is visible to anyone
                                                             viewing the group while group members of closed
                                                             type of groups can see posts in the group un-
                                                             less you’re added to the closed group by another
                                                             member and your request is approved. The secret
                                                             groups cannot be found in searches, and non-mem-
                                                             bers can’t see anything about the group, including
                                                             its name and member list. The name of the group
Figure 23. Facebook settings
                                                             will not display on the profiles (timelines) of mem-
                                                             bers. To join a secret group, you need to be add-
who can send you Facebook messages and email by              ed by a member of the group. However, if you have
using the “How You Connect” that’s discussing fur-           non-friends are in the same group as you, this does
ther. Only emails from people that fall within the mes-      not mean that they can see any more of your profile
sage privacy setting you choose will be delivered to         (timeline) information than your privacy settings al-
your Facebook Messages; all messages are sent out-           low.
side Facebook to @facebook.com address still ap-                The Invite Friends section help you find all friends that
pear in your inbox folder. Also, you report messages         join to social network by the same their email address-
as a spam.                                                   es stored in your address book of Google, Yahoo, AOL,
   The Chat section extends previous but allows you          and etc. Note, the Facebook starts store all your con-
to control your privacy when you go to online. If you        tacts once added .csv file or grant pair email address
manage friend lists on chat, you may see some of             plus password. If your email service is allowed to use
your friends listed as “offline”. To appear online to any    one-time password such as Google then you may type
friend, update your privacy settings or click on their       this password and then remove it from Google service;
names to start chatting. You can hide yourself from all      if not then you may change password before you grant
or some by:                                                  to Facebook your own address book and change again
                                                             after you’ve finished adding. By the way, you can re-
• 	 Go offline to all friends by selecting Go Offline.       move all stored contacts from invite history by clicking
• 	 Go offline to some friends, but stay online (avail-      “Manage imported contacts” and then remove all con-
    able) for others by selecting Advanced Settings.         tacts by following link https://www.facebook.com/con-
• 	 Go offline to one person by clicking at the top of       tact_importer/remove_uploads.php.
    your chat window with that person and selecting
    Go Offline to X.                                         Settings
• 	 Facebook Advanced settings provide a few differ-         Let’s start with final Facebook security features.
    ent visibility options to be:                            Please, keep in mind that some features may depend
• 	 Stay online (available) to most friends and go offline   on country. You can use your Facebook account as pri-
    (unavailable) to specific friends or friend lists.       mary profile as well as profile page [Figure 23]. There
• 	 Stay offline (unavailable) to most friends and go on-    are two setting groups are available for your primary
    line (available) to specific friends or friend lists     profile with their subgroups (keeping Facebook Set-
• 	 Go offline (unavailable) to all friends                  tings notation):

The Group section extend page to allow anyone (or            • 	 Account setting [Figure 24]
anyone member) to post something in this group.                  • 	 General
Depends on the group’s administration you may find               • 	 Security
                                                                 • 	 Notifications
                                                                 • 	 Subscribers
                                                                 • 	 Apps
                                                                 • 	 Mobile
                                                                 • 	 Payments
                                                                 • 	 Facebook Ads
                                                             • 	 Privacy setting [Figure 45]
                                                                 • 	 Default Privacy
Figure 24. General account settings                              • 	 How you connect

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                                                               Figure 29. Facebook email verification

      Figure 25. Name setting

                                                               Figure 30. Linked accounts’ settings
      Figure 26. Username settings
         •	   How Tags Work                                    the way that’s most natural for them if they use Face-
         •	   Apps and Websites                                book in the same language as your language-specif-
         •	   Limit the Audience for Past Posts                ic name. Despite some social networks like LinkedIn
         •	   Blocked People and Apps                          you can’t set any kind of your last name obfuscation,
                                                               such as “Yury C.“, to show this to public or friends of
      Account settings show a brief overview of your com-      friends. Your username record [Figure 26] indicates
      mon setting like GUI Language, your password, email      yours identity to show how easy anyone could find
      account, name, linked accounts, mobile management        you or not. You may keep your numeric to be more
      features and others typical settings.                    private or put any random characters at this field, but
        On General tab the name record [Figure 25] is avail-   you can do it only at once. Your email record [Fig-
      able to type your Full Name as well as Language spe-     ure 27] indicates primary email, Facebook email and
      cific name that help your friends see your name in       ability to store your email address for your friends if
                                                               they download their own copy of Facebook informa-
                                                               tion. Set of primary emails allow user to sign via pair
                                                               “email address” plus “password” where email address
                                                               maybe on Hotmail or Yahoo. To add new email you
                                                               should click “Add another email”, type a new email
                                                               address and your current password and save chang-
                                                               es. For example, I type “test21test12@mail.ru” and I
                                                               need to verify it [Figure 28] by following link from re-
                                                               ceived emails messages [Figure 29]. By agreeing to
                                                               share user email address, user’s giving an app per-
                                                               mission to send user email to user’s primary Face-
      Figure 27. Email settings

      Figure 28. Email confirmation settings                   Figure 31. Linked accounts’ settings

182                                                                                                             01/2012
Social Network Privacy Guide

                                                            • 	 Your friends’ names and some of their email (if
                                                                they’ve allowed this in their account settings) ad-
Figure 32. Secure browsing settings                         • 	 Notes you have created
                                                            • 	 Events to which you have
                                                            • 	 Your sent and received messages
                                                            • 	 Any comments that you and your friends have
                                                                made on your Wall or timeline posts, photos, and
Figure 33. Login notification settings                          other profile or timeline content

                                                            This file excludes any other friends information that
                                                            non-related your profile even if it’s a comments you’ve
Figure 34. Login approvals’ settings
                                                            made on posts and photos. When file will be ready
book email address while user changes it. Your Face-        you’ve received an email notification that provides link
book email is good idea to keep privacy because you         to download. A typical time is around 5 hours. When
can put it to public information to allow anyone sends      you download your information, Facebook requires
you email on “username@facebook.com” as well as             you to confirm your identity before you can complete
“username@myspace.com” and keep your real email             the process. First of all, Facebook send an email to
address in secret. The Password record is obvious           the email addresses that’s listed on your Facebook ac-
to type and re-type password because Facebook re-           count to ensure that you initiated the process. Once
minds you how long your password doesn’t change,            you receive the email, you will have to re-enter your
e.g. 7 month ago. Linked account allows to you easy         password. If you are using a public computer or one
sign in into Facebook, but it’s not a good idea if you’re   you do not use regularly, you may also have to solve a
use a shared PC in a caf?. Note, that it’s not the same     friend photo captcha or an SMS captcha via your mo-
cross-posting news via several social networks. Prac-       bile phone.
tical valuable is very disputable. Following link [Figure      On Security tab Facebook shows a basic security
31] named “Download your Facebook Information” is           setting of controlling your identity when try to login or
a good way to check how many information stores on          while your browsing on Facebook. Security Browsing
Facebook data-centers as important part of control-         is clearly to understand and must be set into “https”
ling what you share. In addition, this copy may be very     type. However, some applications can’t manage with
useful in case you lost your mobile phone contained         this setting like a FBRSS. So, when you need to ex-
many photos. When you download there is no way to           tract new RSS links regarding to your friends or fun-
select desirable data to download. The entire zip file      pages you should switch it, open application and
you download covers following data types according          switch back this setting. Login notifications as a fea-
last Facebook news:                                         ture is very useful to be informed if anyone has pass
                                                            a successfully login to kick out somebody and change
• 	 Your profile or timeline information (as your contact   password or pair “email plus password”. Recently fea-
    information, interests, groups)                         ture is text notification if you provide Facebook with
• 	 Wall or timeline posts and content that you and         your mobile phone number despite you’re 24-hour on-
    your friends have posted to your profile (timeline)     line like BlackBerry user to get emails and control this.
• 	 Photos and videos that you have uploaded to your
• 	 Your friend list

Figure 35. Facebok one-time password’s settings             Figure 36. Recognized devices settings

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                                                                   Figure 40. Subscribers’ settings
      Figure 37. Active sessions settings
                                                                   use it during two month, you should remove these de-
                                                                   vices with an easy conscience. The active sessions
                                                                   [Figure 37] are some kind of recognized devices be-
                                                                   cause indicates all your non-sign out activities. Some
                                                                   of them maybe mobile as Wikitude, or some activities
                                                                   you forget on shared PC or work PC. Also, you can de-
                                                                   activate your account [Figure 38] by reason, for exam-
                                                                   ple, you already have one more account stored more
                                                                   relevant information, or you create one only for test.
                                                                   As you can see on Figure 38, if you have developed
                                                                   applications or Facebook pages you should to choose
                                                                   close them or keep in non-editable state; you’re allow
                                                                   reassign new admins for yours groups too.
                                                                     The Facebook Notification tab brings [Figure 39]
                                                                   control to be inform about any events happened by se-
                                                                   lecting all or only desirable events. This features leads
      Figure 38. Facebook account deactivation settings
                                                                   more to security control than simple notification be-
      Login approvals [Figure 34] as a feature is very strong      cause you’ll know if you tagged on somebody photos
      feature to use, because it’s expand the previous set-        except strange trend to post photos like scenic wallpa-
      ting give you two-factor authentication by verifying all     pers on which amount of friends tagged. To avoiding
      unrecognized attempts to login into your Facebook ac-        spam you’re allow to check sending important news
      count. Login approvals use text message (SMS) con-           per day with summary news at the weekend. This isn’t
      firmations to bet you to enter a security code that Face-    powerful way to avoid scam or get the most important
      book text to your mobile phone. If you lose your phone       updates on Facebook; some more useful web-servic-
      you can always log in using a recognized computer.           es and tools are going to discuss in the second chap-
      Applications Passwords are useful to don’t save your         ter of article.
      real Facebook password anywhere you have to. A set             The Facebook Subscribers tab shows [Figure 40]
      of recognized devices [Figure 36] fills anytime when         summary settings about your public posts. If this fea-
      verify new “device” after successfully login. Each re-       ture checked anyone, who want get news from you,
      cord store the last date of use, therefore if you’ve can’t

      Figure 39. Notification settings                             Figure 41. Applications’ settings – 1

184                                                                                                                 01/2012
Social Network Privacy Guide

                                                              cident or not) to professional group like LinkedIn or
                                                              Viadeo. Anyway you set up privacy settings for any
                                                              application to control what types of your friends can
                                                              be notified about your activity. Causes of these set-
                                                              tings are part of Facebook Account Privacy Settings I
                                                              discuss it further. A comparing the Figure 41 and Fig-
                                                              ure 42 shows that application asks you about required
                                                              and additional permissions. Thus, my “Paper.li” appli-
                                                              cation has an additional permission about posting to
                                                              Facebook in my name. If you don’t need to give such
                                                              permission you’re allow to remove it. Each applica-
Figure 42. Applications’ settings – 2                         tion a static permission like data set [Figure 43] you
                                                              granted. Such information is often to extract your ba-
is allowed to subscribe and read posts if they are            sic information. It’s discussing further, but you should
not added as friends by you. It’s useful for famous           note that the basic information often may include you
people, magazine, journalists. There you should de-           public part when application install. Finally, any ap-
cide who can comment your public posts among your             plication like NutshellMail should be set to only me
friends, their friends or anyone including subscribers.       visibility because the logic sense is around extending
Facebook improves publish feature of your account             your social notifications only for you. It’s some kind of
by linking with Twitter as one-way interaction from           the best informing and interacting with the top social
Facebook to the Twitter or from your Facebook pag-            networks by emails.
es to Twitter. To build backward linkage you should              The Facebook Mobile tab extend interaction by receiv-
set up your Twitter account. That’s why YouTube or            ing and sending sms; there’s no tips about security ex-
MySpace account features is more powerful by pro-             cept one that I mentioned in my 3rd article on April 2011
viding ability to select the right notification way in-       “The Backroom Message That’s Stolen Your Deal”. Idea
side account. From this tab you can see what of your          was based in misleading with text messages are the
posts are public at current time by looking public part       totally seems like Facebook messages or Twitter mes-
of your timeline.                                             sages to attack your account.
   The Applications tab is a first serious tab for security      The Facebook Payments tab is totally the same as a
management. As I wrote before any social application          previous tab because it’s only improving your social ac-
doesn’t know anything about your profile privacy set-         counts by using online payments methods. The security
tings, and build privacy over them. Application start         idea is based on that you mustn’t to link your real cred-
as very useful to inform your friends crossing several        it card. Instead of real card you should make “Virtual
networks like MySpace [Figure 41] by reposting your           Card” or special card which would have a limited quan-
updates from MySpace to Facebook until the dupli-             tity of money. As far as I am concerned I use a Virtual
cate quantity is exceed any reasonable limits. In men-        QIWI card (http://qiwi.com/en/) for all online payments.
tion of that any technical part of social networks can        It’s very easy to destroy virtual and create new when
be rebuilt such social applications regarding to the au-      Steam Community hacked and or your baking data may
tomatically cross-posting aren’t a good way to keep           published.
privacy you forget what social networks are linked
or posting your like about video on YouTube (by ac-

Figure 43. Data requesting per application                    Figure 44. Facebook advertisement settings

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      Figure 45. Facebook general privacy settings                   Figure 47. Custom Privacy Setting

         The Facebook Ads tab allows [Figure 44] controlling              Facebook and people who are not in your school or
      your likes on any advertisements you’ll see on Face-                work networks.
      book. Facebook strives to show relevant and interest-          •	   Friends of friends
      ing advertisements to you and your friends. The con-           	    The Friends of Friends option is available for minors
      tent of a Facebook Ad is sometimes paired with news                 only as the maximum audience they can share with. It
      about social actions (e.g., liking a Page) that your                allows minors to share with friends and their friends.
      friends have taken. Your friends might see news about          •	   Friends
      the social actions you have taken in Facebook Ads.             	    This option lets you post stuff to your friends on
      This news will only be shown to your confirmed friends              Facebook. If anyone else is tagged in a post, it be-
      and will adhere to applicable privacy settings you’ve               comes some kind of Friends because the audience
      set for your account. If a photo is used, it is your profile        expands to also include the tagged person and
      photo and not from your photo albums. There are no                  their friends.
      many variations how control user activity, so the most         •	   Friends except Acquaintances
      suitable set is equal to “No One” despite of only friends      	    All friends except acquaintances list
      can see, because you can’t choose list of friends who          •	   Only Me
      can see it.                                                    	    This option let’s see something only for you. The
                                                                          most interesting when you don’t want to share your
      Privacy Settings                                                    birthday, but you need to fill it to pass social net-
      The most powerful window to manage is shown on Fig-                 works agreement
      ure 46 and includes following items:                           •	   Custom
                                                                     	    The Custom privacy setting lets you specify who
      • 	 Public                                                          is able and not able to view the content you share.
      	 Public includes people who are not your friends on                When you choose Custom a pop-up box will ap-
                                                                          pear. From the box, you can choose to share with

      Figure 46. The best Facebook privacy rules                     Figure 48. How you connect settings

186                                                                                                                     01/2012
Social Network Privacy Guide

                                                            	   This part restricted via options limited by friend
                                                                subscribers and only me. Moreover, applications
                                                                are equals you (it depends on your application set-
                                                                tings). You can also control what your friends are
                                                                going to post on your timeline in section “How Tags
Figure 49. Received email outside Facebook
                                                            • 	 Who can see posts by others on your timeline?
    or exclude specific networks, friends, and Friend       	 This part restricted via options limited by Pub-
    Lists. In other words, you can make content visible         lic, Friends of friends, Friends, Friends except Ac-
    to specific people or make content visible to work          quaintances, Only Me, Custom, Friends List
    or school networks that you belong to, hide content
    from specific people or hide content from everyone      The How Tag Work section [Figure 50] stores security
    so that only you can see it.                            records linking between all Facebook substances may
• 	 Friends List                                            be linked. A tag links a person, page, or place to some-
	 Different friends list you made including auto creat-     thing you post, like a status update or a photo. For ex-
    ed list by city tag or company tag                      ample, you can tag a photo to say who’s in the photo
                                                            or post a status update and say who you’re with. Tag-
Most of them are obvious but first section named            ging people, pages and places in your posts lets others
“Default Privacy” is most important because default         know more about who you’re with, what’s on your mind
security is a top fault when your private information       and where you are. When you tag someone, they’ll be
becomes public. While “Public” and “Friends” sec-           notified. When someone adds a tag of you to a post,
tions are clear to understand, the section “Custom”         your friends may see what you’re tagged in on Face-
regards to “Friends” by default. You have to set up         book. The tagged post also goes on your profile (time-
custom section because if you use any application           line). If you’d like, you can turn on Profile (Timeline) Re-
that doesn’t provide you a full-management when             view to review and approve each tagged post before it
posting news or photos, these three section always          goes on your profile (timeline) or exclude some people
available for any application. Custom Privacy set-          from seeing tagged posts of you on your Wall (timeline).
tings [Figure 47] include the white list of people of       Also, tagging successfully works in the same way wher-
those posts are going to visible, black list of people      ever you post even private groups. However, when you
who doesn’t see your update and third list of tagged        post to a group you can only tag other group members.
friends. White list covers friends of friends, friends,     So, when you tag someone, the audience you select-
only me and specific person and lists while black list      ed for your post can see as well as friends of the person
covers only specific people and list. Moreover, you         you tagged (if the audience is set to Friends or more).
have to input black list setting manually, but with sug-
gestion if you remember how exactly person/list was         • 	 Timeline Review of posts friends tag you in before
named.                                                          they go on your timeline
   The How you connect section [Figure 48] stores secu-     	 This part restricted via only two options (enable
rity records about five parts:                                  and disable) to control whether user has to approve
                                                                posts where (s-)he tagged in before they go on
• 	 Who can look up your timeline by name or contact            your timeline.
    info?                                                   • 	 Tag Review of tags that friends want to add to your
	 This part restricted via options limited by everyone,         posts
    friend of friends and friends subscribers
• 	 Who can send you friend requests?
	 This part restricted via options limited by everyone,
    friend of friends subscribers
• 	 Who can send you Facebook messages?
	 This part restricted via options limited by everyone,
    friend of friends and friends subscribers. However,
    don’t forget a username@facebook.com email ad-
    dress you set public to receive [Figure 49] emails.
    If restrict here “everyone” option you continue to
    receive emails messages sent directly by @face-
    book.com address
• 	 Who can post on your timeline?                          Figure 50. How tag works

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                                                                    Figure 53. Limitation for old posts
                                                                       move tags from location stories that you don’t want
                                                                       to be included in.

                                                                    The Apps and Websites section [Figure 51] stores se-
                                                                    curity records about four parts:
      Figure 51. Application and web-site settings
      	   This part restricted via only two options (enable and     • 	 Apps you use
          disable) to control tags that your friends add to your    	 Settings of application security were discussed in
          content before they appear on Facebook.                       account settings and are totally the same. When you
      • 	 Tag Suggestions when friends upload photos that               grant that permission, apps can store the informa-
          look like you                                                 tion they receive, but they are not allowed to trans-
      	 This part restricted via options limited by Friends             fer your information without your consent or use your
          and No one (Only Me) to control audience who can              information for advertisements. Deleting an app from
          tag suggestions while photo is uploading.                     your profile (timeline) simply means that it will no lon-
      • 	 Friends Can Check You Into Places using the mo-               ger have access to any new information that you
          bile Places app                                               share. If you would like a developer to permanent-
      	 This part restricted via only two options (enable and           ly delete all of your information, you will need to con-
          disable) to control map placed that be appear in your         tact the developer directly.
          timeline with mobile applications. It’s strongly recom-   • 	 How people bring your info to apps they use [Figure 52]
          mended to turn on timeline preview to maximize cas-       	 This part covers all records of your basic information,
          es you tagged and mapped to receive a notification            your media links, education and works, your interest-
          when you’re tagged in a post, including those with            ing (likes) including application activities, your web-
          location. However, anyone can tag you in their posts,         site and online status. It regards only to application
          including when they also add location. But, if some-          your friends use and not for previous privacy. There-
          one you’re not friends with tags you, you’ll receive a        fore the most rational points you may check are Bio
          request to approve the tag before it appears on your          (About you), your web-site, your links, notes and in-
          profile (timeline). If you want to block someone from         terests, your current city and work’n’education. Well,
          tagging you’ll be surprised because there’s no suit-          it bring some promotion on one hand, on other hand
          able feature for doing that; Instead, you have to turn        may minimize this list or uncheck all.
          on Profile (Timeline) Review to approve all tags be-      • 	 Instant personalization
          fore they show up on your profile (timeline) and/or re-   	 Instant personalization covers cases when user us-
                                                                        es several social services like Bing, Pandora, Tri-

      Figure 52. Public data for friends’ application               Figure 54. Facebook blocking

188                                                                                                                      01/2012
Social Network Privacy Guide

                                  pAdvisor, Yelp, Docs by       • 	 You also have the option to individually change
                                   providing information            the audience of your posts. Just go to the post you
                                    that user has made              want to change and choose a different audience.
                                     public. If you want        • 	 People who are tagged and their friends may see
                                     provide this infor-            those posts as well.
                                     mation you may un-
                                     check this feature.        The Blocked People and Apps section [Figure 54]
                                     Moreover, it’s a two-      stores records such as, blocked users by name or
                                     sided way; if you un-      email, blocked application and event invites by name as
                                     check it you can’t ac-     well as blocked application. Restricting the privacy set-
                                     tivities when your         ting for Profile Visibility only limits other people’s abili-
                                     friends use these          ty to view your tagged photos via your profile (timeline).
                                     web-sites as well as       It does not limit the ability of others to view these pho-
                                     no one cans your ac-       tos elsewhere on the site. Please keep in mind that the
                                     tivities because you       person who uploaded a photo chooses the audience for
                                     don’t share informa-       that photo. If other people are able to view photos you
                                     tion. Instant person-      are tagged in, then it is because the owner of the pho-
                                     alization tends to ex-     tos has most likely set the privacy of the photo album
                                     tract mostly public in-    so that everyone can see the photos in it. While there is
                                    formation      includes     the option to block people from viewing the “Photos of”
                                   your name, profile pic-      section on your own profile (timeline), there is no way to
                                 ture, gender, networks,        restrict the visibility of a photo that you didn’t upload.
                              friend list, and any infor-
                        mation you choose to share as
    Public. To access any non-public information, these
    websites must ask for explicit permission.
• 	 Public search
• 	 Public search covers visibility of your profile for
    search engine by checking this feature. However,
    almost all search engines cache information, your
    timeline information may be available for a period
    of time after you turn public search off. Everyone
    not logged on Facebook can see your name, profile
    picture, gender and networks as basic information
    that always visible to everyone; also your friend list
    and your likes, activities and interests if it was set
    up as public information.

The Limit the Audience for Past Posts section [Figure           YURY CHEMERKIN
53] stores security record to narrow your content vis-          Graduated at Russian State University for the Humanities
ibility from public to friends only except tagged per-          (http://rggu.com/) in 2010. At present postgraduate at RSUH.
sons. If you’re concerned about who can see your past           Information Security Researcher since 2009 and currently
posts, there’s a privacy tool to limit the audience for         works as mobile and social infosecurity researcher in Moscow.
anything you’ve shared with more than your friends ex-          Experienced in Reverse Engineering, Software Programming,
cept public posts, however:                                     Cyber & Mobile Security Researching, Documentation, Securi-
                                                                ty Writing as regular contributing. Now researchingCloud Se-
• 	 You can’t undo this action.                                 curity and Social Privacy. Contacts:
• 	 This may result in people losing access to things           I have a lot of social contacts, that’s way you’re able to choose
    that they previously commented on.                          the most suitable way for you.
• 	 People who are tagged and their friends can al-             Regular blog: http://security-through-obscurity.blogspot.com
    ways see those posts as well.                               Regular Email: yury.chemerkin@gmail.com
• 	 The tool limits visibility of past posts that were avail-   Skype: yury.chemerkin
    able to more than friends on your Wall (timeline); it       Other my contacts (blogs, IM, social networks) you’ll find
    doesn’t make any posts that had a more private or           among http links and social icons before TimeLine section on
    custom setting open to Friends.                             Re.Vu: http://re.vu/yury.chemerkin

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Social network privacy.

  • 2. SOCIAL NETWORK SECURITY Social Network Privacy Guide This series of articles about security trips how to make social networking is more secure on the top social networks. S ocial networking services are kind of online ser- site. A profile is generated from fields filled by users, vice that focuses on building social relations such as age, location, interests, etc. Many sites allow among people shared their information about users to post blog entries, search for others with similar themselves. This information filled their profiles makes interests create groups shared their interests, and up- users possible to search and extract necessary infor- load or stream live videos. Real-time feature allows us- mation. It means the search will analyze only the ac- ers to contribute with content type of which is broadcast tual contents you want (images, video, text, calendar as live radio or television broadcasts. Companies have events). Such representation is often based on each begun to merge business technologies and solutions user profile as set of social links, interests, public data, with new interactive communities that connect individu- and other linked services. Current trend has fast been als based on shared business needs or experiences, growing to control mechanism unification for a long sometimes by providing additional tools and applica- time. Each of these social services meets with users desires to less inputting about them. That’s why you are allowed to be sign up/in by Facebook button or Twit- ter button following which you can start to organization your own networks groups by involving others friends via email, social address book or switching your profile into public zone indexed by search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing. This is so-called individual-centered ser- vice whereas online community services are group-cen- tered based on user abilities to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual networks. Web-based social networking services make it pos- sible to connect people who share interests and activi- ties across political, economic, and geographic borders. Through e-mail and instant messaging, online commu- nities are created where a gift economy and reciprocal altruism are encouraged through cooperation. Informa- tion is particularly suited to gift economy, as information is a nonrival good and can be gifted at practically no cost (Figure 1). Social networking services share a variety of techni- cal features. The most basic of these are visible pro- files with a list of “friends” who are also users of the Figure 1. Reciprocal altruism 172 01/2012
  • 3. Social Network Privacy Guide tions, like LinkedIn. Social networks are becoming one • Friends are common type of trusted members of the most popular tools to build your own brand im- of the site that are allowed to post comments on age despite if enterprise you are or individual specialist. your profile or send you private messages regard- Moreover, you can to learn about new technologies and ing your social IT policy. It changes from one so- competitors. It’s a powerful way to the students/workers cial network to another, e.g. LinkedIn refers to them to be involved with their professionals for internship and as connections without ability to create lists of your job opportunities using these services. friends like Facebook. The easiest way to understand social networking is to • Groups help you find people with similar interests think of it like high school. You had friends in school, and or meet up in discussions specific topics. you knew quite a few people even if you weren’t friends • Discussions bring interaction building between us- with all of them, but it’s likely that you didn’t know ev- ers’ by discussion boards and polls. eryone. If you’ve ever moved to a new school – or if you • Media is some kind of features to post pictures, mu- can imagine moving to a new school – you start out with sic, video clips and other related your interests. no friends. After attending classes, you start meeting • Notes extend social profile place them as short people, and as you meet them, you begin associating commentaries or drafts. with those that have similar interests. Getting started • Blogs are another feature of some social networks with social networking is much the same as starting at underlay in ability to create your own blog entries. a new school. At first, you don’t have any friends. But It’s also different per each service. For example, it as you join groups, you begin to meet people, and you has the same name on MySpace, while it named build a friends list of those with similar interests. Pages on Facebook. Many social services allow to Social networking is based on a certain structure that cross=post into your blog, Facebook pages, wall/ allows people to both express their individuality and feed and etc. meet people with similar interests. Profile is main check- • Applications are popular kind of widgets usually lo- list to become part of each social network by describing cated on application market (Figure 2-6). yourself. It is a typical records like where you live, what your hometown is, how old you are, who’s your favor- Social networks have a privacy issues like any tech- ite actor/singer, and what’s your favorite book/song and nology especially emerging technology. Privacy con- etc. cerns with social networking services have been raised growing concerns amongst users on the dan- gers of giving out too much personal information that can be leaked to the hands of large corporations or governmental bodies, allowing a profile to be produced on an individual’s behavior on which decisions, detri- mental to an individual, may be taken. Privacy on so- cial networks can be too complex to build and up- grade by many factors like inadequate way of protec- tion, third parties frequently nullify IT policy because their applications and services post information on so- cial networks for a variety of purposes mainly in public. Many social networking services, such as Facebook, provide the user with a choice of who can view their Figure 2. Social Networks used Figure 3. Problems experienced on social networks Figure 4. The social networks are least blocked on workplaces www.hakin9.org/en 173
  • 4. SOCIAL NETWORK SECURITY profile. This prevents unauthorized user(s) from ac- Security behind default setting cessing their information. Users disclose identity-rele- For example, despite of insecurity by default existence vant information via their profile to others. This infor- Facebook has extremely detailed setting brought abil- mation is referential, directly referring to a person, or ity to set up the of desirable privacy aspects. However, attributive, describing attributes to the data subject. Al- these settings change often; you may think you know though most laws and regulations restrict the access everything there is about them, only to be greeted with a to referential information, attributive information is not completely different layout and a bunch of new options protected as such. However, the aggregation of large the next time you visit the dreaded Facebook Privacy amounts of attributive information poses new privacy Settings page. Nowadays there several good practic- risks. es researching Facebook Privacy such “MakeUseOf” Information spreads faster through a Social Net- as one of the most full detailed whitepaper. Unfortu- works than through a real-life network. Information nately, there is no one whitepaper around it after Face- might be disclosed to a group of people unexpectedly, book TimeLine was introduced. It extremely redesigned because the digital information is easy copyable, can privacy management versus manner that’s was be- be stored indefinitely and is searchable. The usage of fore. That’s why this issue is hot for now. Also, I’m go- most of these websites is free, and social networks ing to cover not only Facebook but Twitter, LinkedIn, have to make money by generating revenues from MySpace, Windows Live, Google, YouTube, Viadeo, the relevant information of their users. The most com- etc. I’m going to discuss social privacy policy as well mon way to achieve this is to create marketing pro- as smart web-services that help everyone to keep their files of users and serve them with targeted ads. Social social network cleaner and inform about some kind of Network Sites track the activity of their users on their harmful events. own websites and those of their marketing partners. Before I present details of social privacy I’d to high- They are able to gather unprecedented amounts of light the general ideas of privacy and their justifiability. secondary personal information on their users, some- As you know each network has a so-called a trust mem- times even without the informed consent of the users. ber connection often named as Friends, Connection The information on the websites can easily be used or somehow in this manner. Some of social networks to damage someone’s reputation. Of course, these like Facebook bring difference between all your social points aren’t obliged to affect all social users, but most friends. This feature is known as Friend Lists. The first of them. Architecture of vulnerability emerges personal mention covers idea to avoid naming any list as Friend; data become public after what there’s no legal docu- if you really want to name like this then name it like F- ment granted protection of them. It’s true for American r-i-e-n-d-s, for example. You have to distinguish sense Law, it’s also true for Russian, and I suppose it’s true between headers of your list and term in general use. for most countries at world, because it is hard to proof Anyway your list may cross, because it’s normal like a that the facts are private when a user posts them on “Security Friends”, “Security Blog Readers” and “Non- public-profile and the monetary damage is in this case Security Blog Reader” where the “Security Friends” and difficult to measure. “Security Blog Readers” are possible to cross while There’s a main privacy risk for social users that social “Blog Readers” may include both of readers like secu- network don’t suggest any control over your relevant in- rity, non-security, or your publishing team’ friends. It’s up formation by default. Moreover, others like friends can to because some posts you will do aren’t applicable to post information about the user, which can only be de- intersection set. In that case, you can include “black list” leted after the fact, if possible at all. that won’t see you posts as well as select people you Figure 5. % who feel unsafe on the social networks Figure 6. Displeasure with privacy controls in social networks 174 01/2012
  • 5. Social Network Privacy Guide want exclude from seeing, or select people as white list. modules on your BlackBerry device and track mali- Each case is different therefore there’s no unique solu- cious active on GUI-side. tion for that, because you may have a lot of “black list” Your birthday, relationship and other sensitive infor- people that difficult to exclude by selecting and vice ver- mation should be hided from eyes except you have sa you may have a lot of friends in white list. However, a strong reason not to do like this. It should be hided each group (friend list) is applicable for unique privacy cause of only one reason: there’s no legal document to setting you made. grant protection for your private data if it’s easy avail- Next insecurity statement is around removing your- able on web or search engine. It doesn’t matter much self from Facebook or search engine results. It’s unique whether it’s Facebook legal documents or country legal for each case again, and you mustn’t think about pri- documents. Other sensitive information like your IM da- vacy among specific networks. A simple example, ta or your emails should be opened only around a mini- you’ve a Facebook account that has a protection like mum data, because it’s not a just a service that helps this meant you can’t be found on web or Facebook. Al- you to memorize them. On other hand, there’s no need so you have a LinkedIn account that public where you to hide it if you public blog have the same quantity of can place information about your Facebook account ways how anyone can contact with you. or job-searcher account like HeadHunter. So, it’s ob- Applications often bring useful features like filtering vious hasn’t enough to remove yourself from only one or another extending of your social profile. Unfortu- social network if you want totally anonymous within nately, a little of them prefer to give you non-posting a scope of this conception. As you can see, there’s features by default while other tends to retell for all a lot of side attack vector to know your Facebook ac- Facebook about actions you made. Sometimes, you count. Another example, you’ve a friend on Facebook have a time by chance after you installed it and be- who’s have a public friends list for his friends which fore application will do reposting your action. It’s time has the public list by-turn. You wouldn’t bring one- to correctly set up all notification from such programs. self to hide friends list. Sometimes, it’s enough to find The most applicable way to set notification is “only for out information about you, too. Moreover, you can be me”, because I know rarely cases when I have to tell tagged on photos; however it lies in privacy manage- anyone about it. No one application breaks your pri- ment to ask moderation. In the last case, you’ll re- vacy policy; you only should realize that you have to ceive asking on your timeline to decide whether agree recreate a new level of you privacy. It means any ap- with it or not. So, somewhere your social contact or plication only asks you about available social data and reference about it is being found with the lapse of possible actions and application aren’t being covered time. by the base policy. Photo tagging is one of discussed insecurity points. The typical social privacy policy declares that “We Everyone is hurry to say, not tag your photos even if allow you to choose the information you provide to it’s profile picture. It’s quite justifiability, because of friends and networks through our social network. Our the blog picture can be indexed my search engine, or network architecture and your privacy settings allow Google avatar are indexing. It means you already have you to make informed choices about who has access at least minimum indexed photos but it doesn’t mean to your information. We do not provide contact informa- you should tag everything everywhere and everybody. tion to third party marketers without your permission.” It You may tag among your friends but you must be sure changes from one to another while a sense is provid- that they don’t have some kind of public profile that ing setting feature where you should set your privacy brings your photos on the web. Yes, some of your vision. The main reason why any service is subjected friends don’t want to live public lives so it can only be to criticism is the default account settings allow for any- recommendation for everyone to hide their friends list one in a shared network to view a user’s entire profile. while in scope of Facebook legal documents you may It’s right; your default account must restrict any actions only ask your friend follow this idea; however other his even for you. However, even Wizard Privacy Manager friend can ask him to show. It remembers me my first will appear on any social service after your first login, article about BlackBerry where I discuss key-stoke such Privacy Wizard makes no difference because you emulation and ability to photoscreen password when have to set privacy for all your social flows. Sometimes it’s free from asterisks (Hakin9 2011 #2, Is data secure Facebook comes in criticism because of that despite of on the password protected blackberry device). You’re security feature that switch allowability of your profile as an administrator can to disable feature of password into “only for you”. unmasking. If you do like this you’ll get a user-device Police is always behind any security trick and tips be- that totally wiped when user spend all password at- cause they might legitimately ask to access your friend’s tempts. That was why you shouldn’t do like this and data exposing your actions to a public court case if you should check installed programs as well as installed shared something private with him. www.hakin9.org/en 175
  • 6. SOCIAL NETWORK SECURITY Chapter I. Security beyond the able not only for public, your friends or only you, it’s completely set up to choose by list or specific person whole picture who can or can’t see this part. Part I. Facebook The Basic info section [Figure 8] stores all informa- Profile tion which can be used to fill other non-Facebook profile Before we start talking about security options we need to examine what our profile looks like after timeline is accepted. Each profile has following parts: • Basic Info • About You • Contact Info • Favorite Quotations • Work and Education • History by Year • Pages • Relationships and Family • Living The About Me section [Figure 7] stores all information you want put to this section. This section can be avail- Figure 7. “About you” section The best Facebook privacy rules [Figure 46] The most sharing cases cover by following security settings that enough to keep privacy • Public Public includes people who are not your friends on Facebook and people who are not in your school or work networks. • Friends of friends The Friends of Friends option is available for minors only as the maximum audience they can share with. It allows minors to share with friends and their friends. • Friends This option lets you post stuff to your friends on Facebook. If anyone else is tagged in a post, it becomes some kind of Friends because the audience expands to also include the tagged person and their friends. • Friends except Acquaintances All friends except acquaintances list • Only Me This option let’s see something only for you. The most interesting when you don’t want to share your birthday, but you need to fill it to pass social networks agreement • Custom The Custom privacy setting lets you specify who is able and not able to view the content you share. When you choose Cus- tom a pop-up box will appear. From the box, you can choose to share with or exclude specific networks, friends, and Friend Lists. In other words, you can make content visible to specific people or make content visible to work or school networks that you belong to, hide content from specific people or hide content from everyone so that only you can see it. • Friends List Different friends list you made including auto created list by city tag or company tag The top of public data on Facebook (according to MakeUseOf) • Things that are always public include questions, comments on Facebook help pages, comments on application help pages, showing up as an attendee at a public event, your -name and current profile picture-, your gender and your networks. • Things that most people think is private (but are public by default) include Google search results, letting applications your friends use know your information, pages you “like”, allowing websites and applications you use know your information, in- stant personalization by Facebook partner sites, ability to add you as a friend, ability to send you a message, status updates, bio & favorite quotes, current location, hometown, interests, relationships and family. Did you know? To see how your public profile looks like follow Home->Account Setting->Subscribers->”Want to know what subscribers can see? View your public timeline”. 176 01/2012
  • 7. Social Network Privacy Guide Figure 8. „Basic info” section by clicking sing up button; also each social application tend to use this part. Basic info includes your sex, birth- Figure 10. „Contact info” section day date, your current relation status, your languages, political views and other. All records except your sex sage via traditional email even if it’s Facebook email are controlling in the same way like previous section address. Other emails should set into “Friends” or by choosing any one to see. Your birthday record has “Only Me” state. The last state is most applicable if two ways to control where the first way is stronger. First you keep your IMs as public information. Each of your way is to choose who can see it; second way is choos- phones are allow to separately controlling too despite ing whether or not publishes this in timeline [Figure 9]. of group tag such works, mobile, fax, home, etc. Scope The Contact info section [Figure 10] stores your of your Address, city, zip is controlling as an entire, emails account, mobile/work/home phone numbers, therefore you must decide if Facebook is one of eBay your IMs, your address and web site. Each email is account to fill too much details as they ask or not. available to be public or private for anyone or for se- Web-site record often refers to public blog, live jour- lected persons. The best idea to set your Facebook nals or your own web-site. As for me, I place this link to email to public, because if somebody doesn’t have a the http://re.vu/yury.chemerkin site stored all social ac- Facebook Account (s-)he always can send you mes- count in one place. It means I can hide all of my social contacts on Facebook except re.vu link. It’s completely up to you whether Facebook more privacy than re.vu if you start to receive a lot spam of not. The Favorite Quotations section is the same with About Me section, so I miss this. The Live section [Figure 11] stores two part informa- tion about your current city and your hometown site. They are both easy controlled separately. If you want to be easy found my these points while someone wants to connect with old-friends you should set this position Figure 9. „Birthday” (Basic info) on timeline Figure 11. „Live” section www.hakin9.org/en 177
  • 8. SOCIAL NETWORK SECURITY The Work and Education section [Figure 14] pro- vides three categorizes separately controlled by each user regarding to place you’ve worked, your Unis and your high schools. You’re allowed to fill this by posi- tion, city, positions description, time period, your proj- ect with their description, time period and persons in- volved if they’re available on Facebook and approved this information. Adding your employer to the Educa- Figure 12. „Relationships and Family” section tion and Work section of your profile (timeline) will not automatically add you to your work network; you have to join manually. The History by Year section built on previous and non-editable. It’s a part of your public timeline for any- one, friends or specific persons. You can’t hide the whole history, but can’t hide some part of them by hid- Figure 13. „Pages” section ing by privacy settings or deleting items from you pro- to public and make sure that profile are searchable for file/timeline. Facebook and not for all internet. Also, your profile provides notes, likes as kind of The Relationships and Family section [Figure 12] your interests, your mapped places, photo albums, and stores your current relationship which also can be friends’ visibility for others. controlled accurate within specific person and Fam- The Notes section [Figure 15] stores your draft notes ily relation about your uncles, wife, children and etc. and released notes. The draft notes are private by de- Good idea to set family relations visible only for per- fault while released notes are public by default. There- son who involved in it to avoid any embarrassments fore you need to check desirable visibility of them. except cases you has other reason to merge this list with another friends list, for example to build genea- logical tree. The Pages section [Figure 13] provides one way controlling your pages consisted on showing those or not. Pages are for organizations, businesses, celebri- ties, and bands to broadcast great information in an of- ficial, public manner to people who choose to connect with them. Similar to profiles (timelines), Pages can be enhanced with applications that help the entity com- municate and engage with their audiences, and cap- ture new audiences virally through friend recommen- dations, News Feed stories, Facebook events, and beyond. On the Manage Permissions tab where you can set country and age restrictions to control who is able to search for and like your Page as well as con- trol posting preferences and manage your moderation blocklist from this tab. If you’re logged in to Facebook and visit a website with the Like button or another so- cial plugin, your browser sends us information about your visit. Since the Like button is a little piece of Face- book embedded on another website, your browser is sending information about the request to load Face- book content on that page. Facebook records some- what of this information like your user ID, the website you’re visiting, the date and time, and other browser- related information. In case you’re not logged on Face- book, Facebook receives the web page you’re visiting, the date and time, and other browser-related informa- tion. Facebook delete or anonymize the information we receive within 90 days also. Figure 14. „Work and Education” section 178 01/2012
  • 9. Social Network Privacy Guide Figure 15. „Notes” section The Favorites section (or likes, or interests) stores [Figure 16] your interests about music, books, movies, television, games, sports teams, your activities, other interests and other pages you liked once. Each of these sections is separately controlled too. All your likes are Figure 17. „Reporting/Blocking” section built into likes’ timeline by date and time. es privacy of specific photos; regarding to specific pho- The Maps section is also known as mapped places tos you can choose tags, location, description, involved via photos. Despite of that, it includes you work and persons, and comments. If you share a high resolu- education cities and countries that you can’t control by tion photo or album with someone, that person will be choosing specific person or group while your photos are able to download those photos. If you tag someone in allowed to be restricted to see by selected persons or a photo, the Friends audience for that photo becomes persons’ list. With the new sharing tool, you and oth- extended Friends meaning. That means the audience ers can create posts and add location in other words, expands to include friends of anyone who is tagged in anyone who can see a post can see a tag of you in that that photo. Anyone who can see a photo can also like post, including posts with location if you weren’t remove or comment on it. If you want to share specific album these tags. with people who is not on Facebook you should to find a The Photo albums section provide you to choose pri- “public link” at the bottom of the page and send this link vacy of photos by controlling friends list, Album Name, to friends or posting it on a website will allow everyone Place, Date (Year, Month and Day are completely sep- who clicks on it to view that album. Notice that this link arately) and Description. The privacy setting for your will always work, even if you add photos or change your Cover Photos album is always public. You can’t chang- album privacy settings. Note that a video is almost the Figure 16. „Favourites” section Figure 18. „News feed customization” section www.hakin9.org/en 179
  • 10. SOCIAL NETWORK SECURITY Figure 21. „Events” section between each other, like your work lists can crossed with Security list or Writing list, or Reader List. The News Feed section [Figure 20] stores content is visible only for you except case when you share it for others. You’re allowed to sort news by clicking “Most Recent” to see stories in the order they were posted, Figure 19. „Friends List” section or by clicking “Top Stories” to see the most interesting stories at the top of your News Feed. Also, you filter by same with photos. friend lists or subscribers list. The Friends section indicates who can see your list The Events section [Figure 21] stores your upcom- of friends. Point from here [Figure 17] user can build ing events at first, and then declined, past, suggested Friends list, unfriend someone or block specific person. event and birthdays with ability to export all events as To block any person user need to choose report/block an entire calendar to Outlook, Google, Yahoo, and etc. feature on friend page to see reporting wizard. I miss When you create [Figure 22] event you can make this several options like fake timeline, inappropriate photos as public even when anyone can join and be added to and mention you to feature “My Friend is annoying me”. the event guest list without receiving an invitation or be- This features covers subscribing news from your friends ing approved by an admin and invite-only when events when you can minimize news feed [Figure 18] for spe- can only be seen by people who have received invita- cific person. You also can unsubscribe from all friend tions and cannot be found in public search results. Both updates by choosing option “Unsubscribe from …”. types can hide invite-list. If you join public events then If you want to unfriend somebody you should know that information about that will appear on your timeline. Pub- public news as subscription are still keeping while block- lic events will appear in your newsfeed after creating by ing person leads to interrupting of any interactions be- others but if you invited all invitations store in events tween two profiles. If you want to build friend list check section. your existed list [Figure 19] because, if anyone on Face- The Messages section stores absolutely private book add place of work and education or his city then messages you’ve received and sent. By default, any- (s-)he automatically adds to your list named “City area” one on Facebook can send you a message, and if or “Family list”. You’re allowed to create lists crossed you set up a Facebook email address, anyone out- side of Facebook can send you email too. Emails from friends and their friends go directly to your main Messages folder, and everything else goes to the “Other folder” within your Messages. You can modify Figure 20. „News feed” section Figure 22. „Create event” section 180 01/2012
  • 11. Social Network Privacy Guide open, close and private groups. Anyone on Face- book can see the open group and join them. That means the group will appear in search results and all content that members post is visible to anyone viewing the group while group members of closed type of groups can see posts in the group un- less you’re added to the closed group by another member and your request is approved. The secret groups cannot be found in searches, and non-mem- bers can’t see anything about the group, including its name and member list. The name of the group Figure 23. Facebook settings will not display on the profiles (timelines) of mem- bers. To join a secret group, you need to be add- who can send you Facebook messages and email by ed by a member of the group. However, if you have using the “How You Connect” that’s discussing fur- non-friends are in the same group as you, this does ther. Only emails from people that fall within the mes- not mean that they can see any more of your profile sage privacy setting you choose will be delivered to (timeline) information than your privacy settings al- your Facebook Messages; all messages are sent out- low. side Facebook to @facebook.com address still ap- The Invite Friends section help you find all friends that pear in your inbox folder. Also, you report messages join to social network by the same their email address- as a spam. es stored in your address book of Google, Yahoo, AOL, The Chat section extends previous but allows you and etc. Note, the Facebook starts store all your con- to control your privacy when you go to online. If you tacts once added .csv file or grant pair email address manage friend lists on chat, you may see some of plus password. If your email service is allowed to use your friends listed as “offline”. To appear online to any one-time password such as Google then you may type friend, update your privacy settings or click on their this password and then remove it from Google service; names to start chatting. You can hide yourself from all if not then you may change password before you grant or some by: to Facebook your own address book and change again after you’ve finished adding. By the way, you can re- • Go offline to all friends by selecting Go Offline. move all stored contacts from invite history by clicking • Go offline to some friends, but stay online (avail- “Manage imported contacts” and then remove all con- able) for others by selecting Advanced Settings. tacts by following link https://www.facebook.com/con- • Go offline to one person by clicking at the top of tact_importer/remove_uploads.php. your chat window with that person and selecting Go Offline to X. Settings • Facebook Advanced settings provide a few differ- Let’s start with final Facebook security features. ent visibility options to be: Please, keep in mind that some features may depend • Stay online (available) to most friends and go offline on country. You can use your Facebook account as pri- (unavailable) to specific friends or friend lists. mary profile as well as profile page [Figure 23]. There • Stay offline (unavailable) to most friends and go on- are two setting groups are available for your primary line (available) to specific friends or friend lists profile with their subgroups (keeping Facebook Set- • Go offline (unavailable) to all friends tings notation): The Group section extend page to allow anyone (or • Account setting [Figure 24] anyone member) to post something in this group. • General Depends on the group’s administration you may find • Security • Notifications • Subscribers • Apps • Mobile • Payments • Facebook Ads • Privacy setting [Figure 45] • Default Privacy Figure 24. General account settings • How you connect www.hakin9.org/en 181
  • 12. SOCIAL NETWORK SECURITY Figure 29. Facebook email verification Figure 25. Name setting Figure 30. Linked accounts’ settings Figure 26. Username settings • How Tags Work the way that’s most natural for them if they use Face- • Apps and Websites book in the same language as your language-specif- • Limit the Audience for Past Posts ic name. Despite some social networks like LinkedIn • Blocked People and Apps you can’t set any kind of your last name obfuscation, such as “Yury C.“, to show this to public or friends of Account settings show a brief overview of your com- friends. Your username record [Figure 26] indicates mon setting like GUI Language, your password, email yours identity to show how easy anyone could find account, name, linked accounts, mobile management you or not. You may keep your numeric to be more features and others typical settings. private or put any random characters at this field, but On General tab the name record [Figure 25] is avail- you can do it only at once. Your email record [Fig- able to type your Full Name as well as Language spe- ure 27] indicates primary email, Facebook email and cific name that help your friends see your name in ability to store your email address for your friends if they download their own copy of Facebook informa- tion. Set of primary emails allow user to sign via pair “email address” plus “password” where email address maybe on Hotmail or Yahoo. To add new email you should click “Add another email”, type a new email address and your current password and save chang- es. For example, I type “test21test12@mail.ru” and I need to verify it [Figure 28] by following link from re- ceived emails messages [Figure 29]. By agreeing to share user email address, user’s giving an app per- mission to send user email to user’s primary Face- Figure 27. Email settings Figure 28. Email confirmation settings Figure 31. Linked accounts’ settings 182 01/2012
  • 13. Social Network Privacy Guide • Your friends’ names and some of their email (if they’ve allowed this in their account settings) ad- dresses Figure 32. Secure browsing settings • Notes you have created • Events to which you have • Your sent and received messages • Any comments that you and your friends have made on your Wall or timeline posts, photos, and Figure 33. Login notification settings other profile or timeline content This file excludes any other friends information that non-related your profile even if it’s a comments you’ve Figure 34. Login approvals’ settings made on posts and photos. When file will be ready book email address while user changes it. Your Face- you’ve received an email notification that provides link book email is good idea to keep privacy because you to download. A typical time is around 5 hours. When can put it to public information to allow anyone sends you download your information, Facebook requires you email on “username@facebook.com” as well as you to confirm your identity before you can complete “username@myspace.com” and keep your real email the process. First of all, Facebook send an email to address in secret. The Password record is obvious the email addresses that’s listed on your Facebook ac- to type and re-type password because Facebook re- count to ensure that you initiated the process. Once minds you how long your password doesn’t change, you receive the email, you will have to re-enter your e.g. 7 month ago. Linked account allows to you easy password. If you are using a public computer or one sign in into Facebook, but it’s not a good idea if you’re you do not use regularly, you may also have to solve a use a shared PC in a caf?. Note, that it’s not the same friend photo captcha or an SMS captcha via your mo- cross-posting news via several social networks. Prac- bile phone. tical valuable is very disputable. Following link [Figure On Security tab Facebook shows a basic security 31] named “Download your Facebook Information” is setting of controlling your identity when try to login or a good way to check how many information stores on while your browsing on Facebook. Security Browsing Facebook data-centers as important part of control- is clearly to understand and must be set into “https” ling what you share. In addition, this copy may be very type. However, some applications can’t manage with useful in case you lost your mobile phone contained this setting like a FBRSS. So, when you need to ex- many photos. When you download there is no way to tract new RSS links regarding to your friends or fun- select desirable data to download. The entire zip file pages you should switch it, open application and you download covers following data types according switch back this setting. Login notifications as a fea- last Facebook news: ture is very useful to be informed if anyone has pass a successfully login to kick out somebody and change • Your profile or timeline information (as your contact password or pair “email plus password”. Recently fea- information, interests, groups) ture is text notification if you provide Facebook with • Wall or timeline posts and content that you and your mobile phone number despite you’re 24-hour on- your friends have posted to your profile (timeline) line like BlackBerry user to get emails and control this. • Photos and videos that you have uploaded to your account • Your friend list Figure 35. Facebok one-time password’s settings Figure 36. Recognized devices settings www.hakin9.org/en 183
  • 14. SOCIAL NETWORK SECURITY Figure 40. Subscribers’ settings Figure 37. Active sessions settings use it during two month, you should remove these de- vices with an easy conscience. The active sessions [Figure 37] are some kind of recognized devices be- cause indicates all your non-sign out activities. Some of them maybe mobile as Wikitude, or some activities you forget on shared PC or work PC. Also, you can de- activate your account [Figure 38] by reason, for exam- ple, you already have one more account stored more relevant information, or you create one only for test. As you can see on Figure 38, if you have developed applications or Facebook pages you should to choose close them or keep in non-editable state; you’re allow reassign new admins for yours groups too. The Facebook Notification tab brings [Figure 39] control to be inform about any events happened by se- lecting all or only desirable events. This features leads Figure 38. Facebook account deactivation settings more to security control than simple notification be- Login approvals [Figure 34] as a feature is very strong cause you’ll know if you tagged on somebody photos feature to use, because it’s expand the previous set- except strange trend to post photos like scenic wallpa- ting give you two-factor authentication by verifying all pers on which amount of friends tagged. To avoiding unrecognized attempts to login into your Facebook ac- spam you’re allow to check sending important news count. Login approvals use text message (SMS) con- per day with summary news at the weekend. This isn’t firmations to bet you to enter a security code that Face- powerful way to avoid scam or get the most important book text to your mobile phone. If you lose your phone updates on Facebook; some more useful web-servic- you can always log in using a recognized computer. es and tools are going to discuss in the second chap- Applications Passwords are useful to don’t save your ter of article. real Facebook password anywhere you have to. A set The Facebook Subscribers tab shows [Figure 40] of recognized devices [Figure 36] fills anytime when summary settings about your public posts. If this fea- verify new “device” after successfully login. Each re- ture checked anyone, who want get news from you, cord store the last date of use, therefore if you’ve can’t Figure 39. Notification settings Figure 41. Applications’ settings – 1 184 01/2012
  • 15. Social Network Privacy Guide cident or not) to professional group like LinkedIn or Viadeo. Anyway you set up privacy settings for any application to control what types of your friends can be notified about your activity. Causes of these set- tings are part of Facebook Account Privacy Settings I discuss it further. A comparing the Figure 41 and Fig- ure 42 shows that application asks you about required and additional permissions. Thus, my “Paper.li” appli- cation has an additional permission about posting to Facebook in my name. If you don’t need to give such permission you’re allow to remove it. Each applica- Figure 42. Applications’ settings – 2 tion a static permission like data set [Figure 43] you granted. Such information is often to extract your ba- is allowed to subscribe and read posts if they are sic information. It’s discussing further, but you should not added as friends by you. It’s useful for famous note that the basic information often may include you people, magazine, journalists. There you should de- public part when application install. Finally, any ap- cide who can comment your public posts among your plication like NutshellMail should be set to only me friends, their friends or anyone including subscribers. visibility because the logic sense is around extending Facebook improves publish feature of your account your social notifications only for you. It’s some kind of by linking with Twitter as one-way interaction from the best informing and interacting with the top social Facebook to the Twitter or from your Facebook pag- networks by emails. es to Twitter. To build backward linkage you should The Facebook Mobile tab extend interaction by receiv- set up your Twitter account. That’s why YouTube or ing and sending sms; there’s no tips about security ex- MySpace account features is more powerful by pro- cept one that I mentioned in my 3rd article on April 2011 viding ability to select the right notification way in- “The Backroom Message That’s Stolen Your Deal”. Idea side account. From this tab you can see what of your was based in misleading with text messages are the posts are public at current time by looking public part totally seems like Facebook messages or Twitter mes- of your timeline. sages to attack your account. The Applications tab is a first serious tab for security The Facebook Payments tab is totally the same as a management. As I wrote before any social application previous tab because it’s only improving your social ac- doesn’t know anything about your profile privacy set- counts by using online payments methods. The security tings, and build privacy over them. Application start idea is based on that you mustn’t to link your real cred- as very useful to inform your friends crossing several it card. Instead of real card you should make “Virtual networks like MySpace [Figure 41] by reposting your Card” or special card which would have a limited quan- updates from MySpace to Facebook until the dupli- tity of money. As far as I am concerned I use a Virtual cate quantity is exceed any reasonable limits. In men- QIWI card (http://qiwi.com/en/) for all online payments. tion of that any technical part of social networks can It’s very easy to destroy virtual and create new when be rebuilt such social applications regarding to the au- Steam Community hacked and or your baking data may tomatically cross-posting aren’t a good way to keep published. privacy you forget what social networks are linked or posting your like about video on YouTube (by ac- Figure 43. Data requesting per application Figure 44. Facebook advertisement settings www.hakin9.org/en 185
  • 16. SOCIAL NETWORK SECURITY Figure 45. Facebook general privacy settings Figure 47. Custom Privacy Setting The Facebook Ads tab allows [Figure 44] controlling Facebook and people who are not in your school or your likes on any advertisements you’ll see on Face- work networks. book. Facebook strives to show relevant and interest- • Friends of friends ing advertisements to you and your friends. The con- The Friends of Friends option is available for minors tent of a Facebook Ad is sometimes paired with news only as the maximum audience they can share with. It about social actions (e.g., liking a Page) that your allows minors to share with friends and their friends. friends have taken. Your friends might see news about • Friends the social actions you have taken in Facebook Ads. This option lets you post stuff to your friends on This news will only be shown to your confirmed friends Facebook. If anyone else is tagged in a post, it be- and will adhere to applicable privacy settings you’ve comes some kind of Friends because the audience set for your account. If a photo is used, it is your profile expands to also include the tagged person and photo and not from your photo albums. There are no their friends. many variations how control user activity, so the most • Friends except Acquaintances suitable set is equal to “No One” despite of only friends All friends except acquaintances list can see, because you can’t choose list of friends who • Only Me can see it. This option let’s see something only for you. The most interesting when you don’t want to share your Privacy Settings birthday, but you need to fill it to pass social net- The most powerful window to manage is shown on Fig- works agreement ure 46 and includes following items: • Custom The Custom privacy setting lets you specify who • Public is able and not able to view the content you share. Public includes people who are not your friends on When you choose Custom a pop-up box will ap- pear. From the box, you can choose to share with Figure 46. The best Facebook privacy rules Figure 48. How you connect settings 186 01/2012
  • 17. Social Network Privacy Guide This part restricted via options limited by friend subscribers and only me. Moreover, applications are equals you (it depends on your application set- tings). You can also control what your friends are going to post on your timeline in section “How Tags Work” Figure 49. Received email outside Facebook • Who can see posts by others on your timeline? or exclude specific networks, friends, and Friend This part restricted via options limited by Pub- Lists. In other words, you can make content visible lic, Friends of friends, Friends, Friends except Ac- to specific people or make content visible to work quaintances, Only Me, Custom, Friends List or school networks that you belong to, hide content from specific people or hide content from everyone The How Tag Work section [Figure 50] stores security so that only you can see it. records linking between all Facebook substances may • Friends List be linked. A tag links a person, page, or place to some- Different friends list you made including auto creat- thing you post, like a status update or a photo. For ex- ed list by city tag or company tag ample, you can tag a photo to say who’s in the photo or post a status update and say who you’re with. Tag- Most of them are obvious but first section named ging people, pages and places in your posts lets others “Default Privacy” is most important because default know more about who you’re with, what’s on your mind security is a top fault when your private information and where you are. When you tag someone, they’ll be becomes public. While “Public” and “Friends” sec- notified. When someone adds a tag of you to a post, tions are clear to understand, the section “Custom” your friends may see what you’re tagged in on Face- regards to “Friends” by default. You have to set up book. The tagged post also goes on your profile (time- custom section because if you use any application line). If you’d like, you can turn on Profile (Timeline) Re- that doesn’t provide you a full-management when view to review and approve each tagged post before it posting news or photos, these three section always goes on your profile (timeline) or exclude some people available for any application. Custom Privacy set- from seeing tagged posts of you on your Wall (timeline). tings [Figure 47] include the white list of people of Also, tagging successfully works in the same way wher- those posts are going to visible, black list of people ever you post even private groups. However, when you who doesn’t see your update and third list of tagged post to a group you can only tag other group members. friends. White list covers friends of friends, friends, So, when you tag someone, the audience you select- only me and specific person and lists while black list ed for your post can see as well as friends of the person covers only specific people and list. Moreover, you you tagged (if the audience is set to Friends or more). have to input black list setting manually, but with sug- gestion if you remember how exactly person/list was • Timeline Review of posts friends tag you in before named. they go on your timeline The How you connect section [Figure 48] stores secu- This part restricted via only two options (enable rity records about five parts: and disable) to control whether user has to approve posts where (s-)he tagged in before they go on • Who can look up your timeline by name or contact your timeline. info? • Tag Review of tags that friends want to add to your This part restricted via options limited by everyone, posts friend of friends and friends subscribers • Who can send you friend requests? This part restricted via options limited by everyone, friend of friends subscribers • Who can send you Facebook messages? This part restricted via options limited by everyone, friend of friends and friends subscribers. However, don’t forget a username@facebook.com email ad- dress you set public to receive [Figure 49] emails. If restrict here “everyone” option you continue to receive emails messages sent directly by @face- book.com address • Who can post on your timeline? Figure 50. How tag works www.hakin9.org/en 187
  • 18. SOCIAL NETWORK SECURITY Figure 53. Limitation for old posts move tags from location stories that you don’t want to be included in. The Apps and Websites section [Figure 51] stores se- curity records about four parts: Figure 51. Application and web-site settings This part restricted via only two options (enable and • Apps you use disable) to control tags that your friends add to your Settings of application security were discussed in content before they appear on Facebook. account settings and are totally the same. When you • Tag Suggestions when friends upload photos that grant that permission, apps can store the informa- look like you tion they receive, but they are not allowed to trans- This part restricted via options limited by Friends fer your information without your consent or use your and No one (Only Me) to control audience who can information for advertisements. Deleting an app from tag suggestions while photo is uploading. your profile (timeline) simply means that it will no lon- • Friends Can Check You Into Places using the mo- ger have access to any new information that you bile Places app share. If you would like a developer to permanent- This part restricted via only two options (enable and ly delete all of your information, you will need to con- disable) to control map placed that be appear in your tact the developer directly. timeline with mobile applications. It’s strongly recom- • How people bring your info to apps they use [Figure 52] mended to turn on timeline preview to maximize cas- This part covers all records of your basic information, es you tagged and mapped to receive a notification your media links, education and works, your interest- when you’re tagged in a post, including those with ing (likes) including application activities, your web- location. However, anyone can tag you in their posts, site and online status. It regards only to application including when they also add location. But, if some- your friends use and not for previous privacy. There- one you’re not friends with tags you, you’ll receive a fore the most rational points you may check are Bio request to approve the tag before it appears on your (About you), your web-site, your links, notes and in- profile (timeline). If you want to block someone from terests, your current city and work’n’education. Well, tagging you’ll be surprised because there’s no suit- it bring some promotion on one hand, on other hand able feature for doing that; Instead, you have to turn may minimize this list or uncheck all. on Profile (Timeline) Review to approve all tags be- • Instant personalization fore they show up on your profile (timeline) and/or re- Instant personalization covers cases when user us- es several social services like Bing, Pandora, Tri- Figure 52. Public data for friends’ application Figure 54. Facebook blocking 188 01/2012
  • 19. Social Network Privacy Guide pAdvisor, Yelp, Docs by • You also have the option to individually change providing information the audience of your posts. Just go to the post you that user has made want to change and choose a different audience. public. If you want • People who are tagged and their friends may see provide this infor- those posts as well. mation you may un- check this feature. The Blocked People and Apps section [Figure 54] Moreover, it’s a two- stores records such as, blocked users by name or sided way; if you un- email, blocked application and event invites by name as check it you can’t ac- well as blocked application. Restricting the privacy set- tivities when your ting for Profile Visibility only limits other people’s abili- friends use these ty to view your tagged photos via your profile (timeline). web-sites as well as It does not limit the ability of others to view these pho- no one cans your ac- tos elsewhere on the site. Please keep in mind that the tivities because you person who uploaded a photo chooses the audience for don’t share informa- that photo. If other people are able to view photos you tion. Instant person- are tagged in, then it is because the owner of the pho- alization tends to ex- tos has most likely set the privacy of the photo album tract mostly public in- so that everyone can see the photos in it. While there is formation includes the option to block people from viewing the “Photos of” your name, profile pic- section on your own profile (timeline), there is no way to ture, gender, networks, restrict the visibility of a photo that you didn’t upload. friend list, and any infor- mation you choose to share as Public. To access any non-public information, these websites must ask for explicit permission. • Public search • Public search covers visibility of your profile for search engine by checking this feature. However, almost all search engines cache information, your timeline information may be available for a period of time after you turn public search off. Everyone not logged on Facebook can see your name, profile picture, gender and networks as basic information that always visible to everyone; also your friend list and your likes, activities and interests if it was set up as public information. The Limit the Audience for Past Posts section [Figure YURY CHEMERKIN 53] stores security record to narrow your content vis- Graduated at Russian State University for the Humanities ibility from public to friends only except tagged per- (http://rggu.com/) in 2010. At present postgraduate at RSUH. sons. If you’re concerned about who can see your past Information Security Researcher since 2009 and currently posts, there’s a privacy tool to limit the audience for works as mobile and social infosecurity researcher in Moscow. anything you’ve shared with more than your friends ex- Experienced in Reverse Engineering, Software Programming, cept public posts, however: Cyber & Mobile Security Researching, Documentation, Securi- ty Writing as regular contributing. Now researchingCloud Se- • You can’t undo this action. curity and Social Privacy. Contacts: • This may result in people losing access to things I have a lot of social contacts, that’s way you’re able to choose that they previously commented on. the most suitable way for you. • People who are tagged and their friends can al- Regular blog: http://security-through-obscurity.blogspot.com ways see those posts as well. Regular Email: yury.chemerkin@gmail.com • The tool limits visibility of past posts that were avail- Skype: yury.chemerkin able to more than friends on your Wall (timeline); it Other my contacts (blogs, IM, social networks) you’ll find doesn’t make any posts that had a more private or among http links and social icons before TimeLine section on custom setting open to Friends. Re.Vu: http://re.vu/yury.chemerkin www.hakin9.org/en 189