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Social Programs During Ramos Presidency
• 12th president of the 
• Former chief-of-staff of 
AFP during administration of 
Cory Aquino. 
• Become well-known when 
he breakaway the 
administration of Marcos 
during EDSA revolution.
PHILIPPINES 2000 Five Point Program 
~ Peace & Stability 
~ Economic Growth & Sustainable 
~ Energy & Power Generation 
~ Environmental Protection 
~ Streamlined Bureaucracy
The Philippines then was experiencing widespread blackouts due to huge 
demand for electricity and antiquity of power plants, the abolishment of the 
Department of Energy and discontinuation of the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant 
during the Aquino administration. During his State of the Nation address on July 
27, 1992, he requested that the Congress enact a law that would create an 
Energy Department that would plan and manage the Philippines' energy 
demands. Congress not only created an Energy Department but gave him 
special emergency powers to resolve the power crisis. Using the powers given 
to him, Ramos issued licenses to independent power producers (IPP) to 
construct power plants within 24 months. Ramos issued supply contracts that 
guaranteed the government would buy whatever power the IPPs produced 
under the contract in U.S. dollars to entice investments in power plants.
 Institutionalized through R.A. 8425. 
Addressed the long-standing problem of poverty: jobs 
and livelihood, health, education and skills training, 
housing, environmental protection, children, the youth, 
the elderly and the handicapped, agrarian reform and 
access to equal opportunity.
Ramos a military general himself, made peace with 
rebel panels, specifically Moro National Liberation 
Front headed by Nur Misuari. They signed the peace 
agreement in 1996.
President Fidel V. Ramos speeded the implementation of 
the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program(CARP) of 
former President Corazon Aquino in order to meet the 
ten-year time frame. 
One major problem that the Ramos administration faced 
was the lack of funds to support and implement the 
program. The Php50 million, alloted by R.A. No. 6657 to 
finance the CARP from 1988 to 1998, was no longer 
sufficient to support the program. To address this 
problem, Ramos signed R.A. No. 8532 to amend the 
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL) which 
further strengthened the CARP by extending the program 
to another ten years. Ramos signed this law on February 
23, 1998 - a few months before the end of Ramos' term.
 The Ramos government supported and signed into law 
the RA 7432, RA 8353, RA 8369 and Women In Nation 
Building Law.
Republic Act 7432 
• This law grants special privileges to senior 
Republic Act 8353 or The Anti-Rape Law of 1997 
• This law reclassified rape from private offense to public 
offense such that it was no longer a crime againts 
chasity, but a crime against a person.
Republic Act 8369 or Family Courts Act of 1997 
• This law is mandated to established courts to 
handle cases of domestic violence and women's 
desks in the police agencies to attend to women 
victims of violence.
the Women In Nation Building Law or RA 7192 
• It gives women equal economic opportunities in 
national development efforts, budget for gender and 
development in government agencies.
Social Programs During Ramos Presidency

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Social Programs During Ramos Presidency

  • 2. • 12th president of the Philippines. • Former chief-of-staff of AFP during administration of Cory Aquino. • Become well-known when he breakaway the administration of Marcos during EDSA revolution.
  • 3. PHILIPPINES 2000 Five Point Program ~ Peace & Stability ~ Economic Growth & Sustainable Development ~ Energy & Power Generation ~ Environmental Protection ~ Streamlined Bureaucracy
  • 4. The Philippines then was experiencing widespread blackouts due to huge demand for electricity and antiquity of power plants, the abolishment of the Department of Energy and discontinuation of the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant during the Aquino administration. During his State of the Nation address on July 27, 1992, he requested that the Congress enact a law that would create an Energy Department that would plan and manage the Philippines' energy demands. Congress not only created an Energy Department but gave him special emergency powers to resolve the power crisis. Using the powers given to him, Ramos issued licenses to independent power producers (IPP) to construct power plants within 24 months. Ramos issued supply contracts that guaranteed the government would buy whatever power the IPPs produced under the contract in U.S. dollars to entice investments in power plants.
  • 5.  Institutionalized through R.A. 8425. Addressed the long-standing problem of poverty: jobs and livelihood, health, education and skills training, housing, environmental protection, children, the youth, the elderly and the handicapped, agrarian reform and access to equal opportunity.
  • 6. Ramos a military general himself, made peace with rebel panels, specifically Moro National Liberation Front headed by Nur Misuari. They signed the peace agreement in 1996.
  • 7. President Fidel V. Ramos speeded the implementation of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program(CARP) of former President Corazon Aquino in order to meet the ten-year time frame. One major problem that the Ramos administration faced was the lack of funds to support and implement the program. The Php50 million, alloted by R.A. No. 6657 to finance the CARP from 1988 to 1998, was no longer sufficient to support the program. To address this problem, Ramos signed R.A. No. 8532 to amend the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL) which further strengthened the CARP by extending the program to another ten years. Ramos signed this law on February 23, 1998 - a few months before the end of Ramos' term.
  • 8.  The Ramos government supported and signed into law the RA 7432, RA 8353, RA 8369 and Women In Nation Building Law.
  • 9. Republic Act 7432 • This law grants special privileges to senior citizens.
  • 10. Republic Act 8353 or The Anti-Rape Law of 1997 • This law reclassified rape from private offense to public offense such that it was no longer a crime againts chasity, but a crime against a person.
  • 11. Republic Act 8369 or Family Courts Act of 1997 • This law is mandated to established courts to handle cases of domestic violence and women's desks in the police agencies to attend to women victims of violence.
  • 12. the Women In Nation Building Law or RA 7192 • It gives women equal economic opportunities in national development efforts, budget for gender and development in government agencies.