Testing software is often misunderstood and many myths exist. Some of the more common myths include that testing is too expensive, when in reality early testing saves both time and costs. It is also a myth that testing is time consuming or that complete testing is possible, as it is impossible to test all scenarios. Additionally, while testers aim to find bugs, their role extends beyond only bug finding, as they are domain experts for the overall software.
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Software testing myths
Givenbeloware some of the more popularand commonmythsaboutSoftware testing.
Source:http://www.tutorialspoint.com/software _te sting/te sting_myths.htm
1 Myths: Testingis too expensive.
Reality: There isa saying, pay lessfortestingduringsoftware developmentorpaymore for
maintenance orcorrectionlater.Earlytestingsavesbothtime andcostin manyaspectshowever,
reducingthe costwithouttestingmayresultinthe improperdesignnof a software application
the product useless.
2 Myths: Testingis time consuming.
Reality: Duringthe SDLC phasestestingisneveratime consumingprocess.Howeverdiagnosing
and fixingthe errorwhichisidentifiedduringpropertestingisatime consumingbutproductive activity.
3 Myths: Testingcannot be started if the product isnot fullydeveloped.
Reality: Nodoubt,testingdependsonthe source code but reviewingrequirementsanddeveloping
testcases isindependentfromthe developedcode.Howeveriterative orincremental approachasa
developmentlife cycle model mayreduce the dependencyof testingonthe fullydevelopedsoftware.
4 Myths: Complete TestingisPossible.
Reality: Itbecomesan issue whenaclientortesterthinksthatcomplete testingispossible.Itis
possible thatall pathshave beentestedbythe teambutoccurrence of complete testingisnever
possible. There might be some scenariosthatare neverexecutedbythe testteamorthe clientduring
the software developmentlife cycle andmaybe executedonce the projecthasbeendeployed.
5 Myths: If the software is testedthenit must be bug free.
Reality:T hisisa verycommonmythwhichclients,ProjectManagersandthe managementteam
believein. Noone cansay withabsolute certaintythatasoftware applicationis100% bug free evenif a
testerwithsuperbtestingskillshastestedthe application.
6 Myths: Misseddefectsare due to Testers.
Reality: Itis not a correct approachto blame testers forbugs that remaininthe applicationevenafter
testinghasbeenperformed.ThismythrelatestoTime,Cost,and Requirementschanging Constraints.
Howeverthe teststrategyymay alsoresultinbug s beingmissedbythe testingteam.
7 Myths: T estersshould be responsible forthe qualityof a product.
Reality: Itis a verycommonmisinterpretationthatonlytestersorthe testingteamshouldbe
2. responsible forproductquality.Tester.responsibilitiesinclude the identificationof bugsto the
stakeholdersandthenitistheirdecisionwhethertheywillfix the bugorrelease the software.Releasing
the software at the time putsmore pressure onthe testersas theywill be blamedforanyerror.
8 Myths: Test Automationshould be usedwhereverit is possible touse it and to
reduce time.
Reality: Yesit istrue that Test Automationreducesthe testingtime butitisnotpossible tostartTest
Automationatany time duringSoftware development.TestAutomatonshouldbe startedwhenthe
software has beenmanuallytestedandisstable tosome extent.Moreover,TestAutomationcannever
be usedif requirementskeepchanging.
9 Myths: Any one can test a Software application.
Reality: People outside the ITindustrythinkandevenbelievethatanyone can testthe software and
testingisnota creative job.Howevertestersknow verywell thatthisismyth.Thinkingalternatives
Scenarios,tryto crash the Software withthe intenttoexplore potential bugsisnot possible forthe
10 Myths: A tester'stask isonly to find bugs.
Reality: Findingbugsinthe Software isthe taskof testersbutat the same time theyare domainexperts
of the particularsoftware.Developersare onlyresponsible forthe specificcomponentorareathat is
assignedtothembuttestersunderstandthe overall workingsof the software,whatthe dependencies
are and whatthe impactsof one module onanothermodule are.