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soil moisture.pdf
Presented by: Ali Adnan
Soil Moisture
Why we measure soil moisture
Information of soil moisture is necessary for
Assessing plant water requirement and Scheduling irrigation
Plant water uptake and consumptive use
Water storage capacity of soil
Rate and quantity of water movement
Methods of measuring soil moisture
Direct methods
Measurement of moisture content in the
soil (wetness)
Indirect methods
Measurement of water potential or stress or tension under which water is held by
the soil.
Direct Methods
1. Gravimetric Method
2. Using Methyl
3. Volumetric Method
Direct Methods
1)Gravimetric methods.
Basic measurement of soil moisture is made on soil samples of known
weight or volume.
The soil samples are weighed and they are dried in an oven at 105 oC
for about 24 hours.
Then cooled it on room temperature & weighed.
The difference in weight is amount of moisture in the soil.
Soil Sampling
Direct Method Conti…
Moisture content
On weight basis X 100
Wet weight –Dry weight
= -----------------------------
Dry weight
Direct Method Conti…
2) Using Methyl Alcohol:
Soil sample is mixed with a known volume of methyl alcohol and then
measure the change in specific gravity of solution with a hydrometer.
This is a shot cut procedure but it is no in common use.
Direct Method Conti…
3) Volumetric Method
Soil sample is taken with a core sampler or with a tube auger whose
volume is known.
The amount of water present in soil sample is estimated by drying it in
the oven and calculating by formula.
Direct Method Conti…
core sampler tube auger
Direct Method Conti…
Volumetric Method
Conti… Formula
Moisture content =
Moisture content (%) by weight x Bulk Density (%) by volume
Direct Method Conti…
Volumetric Method Conti…
The method is though accurate and simple it is used mainly for
experimental purpose.
Sampling, transporting & repeated weighing give errors. It is also
laborious and time consuming. The errors of the gravimetric method
can be reduced by increasing the size and number of samples.
However, the sampling disturbs the experimental plots and hence
many workers prefer indirect methods.
Indirect Methods
Common instruments
1) Gypsum block
2) Tensiometer
3) Neutron probe
4) Pressure plate and pressure membrane apparatus
Indirect Method Conti…
1) Gypsum block
Gypsum blocks or plaster of Paris resistance units are used for
measurement of soil moisture is situ.
These were first invented by Bouycos and Mick in 940.
The blocks are generally rectangular shaped.
Indirect Method Conti…
The blocks are made of various materials like
nylon fiber
plaster of Paris or
combination of these materials
Indirect Method Conti…
Indirect Method Conti…
It works on principle of conductance of electricity. When two
electrodes A and B are placed parallel to each other in a
medium and then electric current is passed.
The resistance to the flow of electricity is proportional to the
moisture content in the medium.
R ∞ 1/M
Thus, when the block is wet, conductivity is high and resistance
is low.
Indirect Method Conti…
Principle Conti..
Generally these read about 400 to 600 ohms resistance at field
capacity and 50,000 at wilting point.
The readings are taken with portable Wheatstone Bridge Bouycos
water Bridge operated by dry cells
Indirect Method Conti…
While placing the gypsum block in soil, care should be taken that the
blocks must have close contact with undisturbed soil.
After placing, the blocks get wetted with soil moisture due to capillary
movement. Pure gypsum block sets in about 30 minutes.
Indirect Method Conti…
The gypsum block is sensitive to soil to moisture from 1.0 atm tension
to 20.0 atm.
How ever, the gypsum blocks are not reliable in wet soils.
Indirect Method Conti…
2) Tensiometer
It is also called irrometer. Tensionmeters provide a direct measure
of tenacity (tension) with which water is held by soil.
Indirect Method Conti…
It consist of
A ceramic or clay cup (7.5
A cap for closure
A vacuum gauge and
A hollow metallic tube.
Working of
Working of Tensiometer
At the time of installation, the system is filled with water from
the opening at the top and rubber corked when set up in the
Moisture from cup moves out with drying of soil, creating a
vacuum in the tube which is measured with the gauge.
When desired tension is reached, the soil is irrigated.
Tensiometer works satisfactory up to 0.85 bars of
Indirect Method Conti…
Merits of tensiometer.
It is very simple and easy to
read soil moisture.
It is very useful instrument for
scheduling irrigation to crops
which require frequent irrigations
at low tension.
Sensitivity of a tensiometer is
only up to 0.85 atmospheres
while available soil moisture
range is up to atmosphere.
Hence is useful more on sandy
soils wherein about 80% of
available water is held within
0.85 ranges
Indirect Method Conti…
3) Neutron meter (neutron scattering method)
Soil moisture can be estimated quickly and continuously
another with neutron moisture meter without disturbing the
Another advantage is that soil moisture can be estimated
from large volume of soil.
This method is based use radioactive material for measuring soil
Indirect Method Conti…
Indirect Method Conti…
The probe contains fast neutron source, which may be a mixture of
radium and beryllium or Americium and beryllium. Access tubes
are aluminum tubes of 50 to 100 cm length and are placed in the
field where moisture to be estimated.
Neutron probe is lowered into access tube to the desired depth. fast
neutrons are released from the probes, which scatter into the soil.
When neutrons encounter nuclei of hydrogen atom of water, their
speed is reduced. the scalar or the rate meter counts the number of
slow neutrons, which are directly proportional to water molecules.
Moisture content of soil can be known from the calibration curve with
counts of slow neutrons.
Indirect Method Conti…
It is expensive and moisture content from shallow top layers
cannot be estimated.
The fast neutrons are also slowed down by other source of
hydrogen (present in the organic matter).
Other atoms such as chlorine, boron and iron also slow down the
fast neutrons, thus overestimating the soil moisture content.
Indirect Method Conti…
4) Pressure membrane and pressure plate
•It is generally used to estimate field capacity, permanent wilting
point and moisture content at different pressures.
Indirect Method Conti…
5) Gama Ray absorption method:
Measurement of changes in soil water content by change in amount of
gamma radiation absorbed.
The amount of radiation passing through soil depends on soil destiny
which varies chiefly with change in water content.
Indirect Method Conti…
6) Feel and appearance method:
A practical estimate of moisture content is obtained by thefeel
and appearance of soil samples taken from the desired depths.
The soil sample is squeezed in the hand and its feel and appearance
are taken into consideration.
When to irrigate and how much water to be

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soil moisture.pdf

  • 4. Why we measure soil moisture Information of soil moisture is necessary for Assessing plant water requirement and Scheduling irrigation Plant water uptake and consumptive use Water storage capacity of soil Rate and quantity of water movement
  • 5. Methods of measuring soil moisture Direct methods Measurement of moisture content in the soil (wetness) Indirect methods Measurement of water potential or stress or tension under which water is held by the soil.
  • 6. Direct Methods 1. Gravimetric Method 2. Using Methyl Alcohol 3. Volumetric Method
  • 7. Direct Methods 1)Gravimetric methods. Basic measurement of soil moisture is made on soil samples of known weight or volume. The soil samples are weighed and they are dried in an oven at 105 oC for about 24 hours. Then cooled it on room temperature & weighed. The difference in weight is amount of moisture in the soil.
  • 9. Direct Method Conti… Formula Moisture content On weight basis X 100 Wet weight –Dry weight = ----------------------------- Dry weight
  • 10. Direct Method Conti… 2) Using Methyl Alcohol: Soil sample is mixed with a known volume of methyl alcohol and then measure the change in specific gravity of solution with a hydrometer. This is a shot cut procedure but it is no in common use.
  • 11. Direct Method Conti… 3) Volumetric Method Soil sample is taken with a core sampler or with a tube auger whose volume is known. The amount of water present in soil sample is estimated by drying it in the oven and calculating by formula.
  • 12. Direct Method Conti… core sampler tube auger
  • 13. Direct Method Conti… Volumetric Method Conti… Formula Moisture content = Moisture content (%) by weight x Bulk Density (%) by volume
  • 14. Direct Method Conti… Volumetric Method Conti… The method is though accurate and simple it is used mainly for experimental purpose. Sampling, transporting & repeated weighing give errors. It is also laborious and time consuming. The errors of the gravimetric method can be reduced by increasing the size and number of samples. However, the sampling disturbs the experimental plots and hence many workers prefer indirect methods.
  • 15. Indirect Methods Common instruments 1) Gypsum block 2) Tensiometer 3) Neutron probe 4) Pressure plate and pressure membrane apparatus
  • 16. Indirect Method Conti… 1) Gypsum block Gypsum blocks or plaster of Paris resistance units are used for measurement of soil moisture is situ. These were first invented by Bouycos and Mick in 940. The blocks are generally rectangular shaped.
  • 17. Indirect Method Conti… Structure: The blocks are made of various materials like gypsum nylon fiber glass plaster of Paris or combination of these materials
  • 19. Indirect Method Conti… Principles It works on principle of conductance of electricity. When two electrodes A and B are placed parallel to each other in a medium and then electric current is passed. The resistance to the flow of electricity is proportional to the moisture content in the medium. R ∞ 1/M Thus, when the block is wet, conductivity is high and resistance is low.
  • 20. Indirect Method Conti… Principle Conti.. Generally these read about 400 to 600 ohms resistance at field capacity and 50,000 at wilting point. The readings are taken with portable Wheatstone Bridge Bouycos water Bridge operated by dry cells
  • 21. Indirect Method Conti… Limitations. While placing the gypsum block in soil, care should be taken that the blocks must have close contact with undisturbed soil. After placing, the blocks get wetted with soil moisture due to capillary movement. Pure gypsum block sets in about 30 minutes.
  • 22. Indirect Method Conti… Limitations. The gypsum block is sensitive to soil to moisture from 1.0 atm tension to 20.0 atm. How ever, the gypsum blocks are not reliable in wet soils.
  • 23. Indirect Method Conti… 2) Tensiometer It is also called irrometer. Tensionmeters provide a direct measure of tenacity (tension) with which water is held by soil.
  • 24. Indirect Method Conti… Structure: It consist of A ceramic or clay cup (7.5 cm) A cap for closure A vacuum gauge and A hollow metallic tube.
  • 25. Working of Tensiometer. Working of Tensiometer At the time of installation, the system is filled with water from the opening at the top and rubber corked when set up in the soil. Moisture from cup moves out with drying of soil, creating a vacuum in the tube which is measured with the gauge. When desired tension is reached, the soil is irrigated. Tensiometer works satisfactory up to 0.85 bars of atmosphere.
  • 26. Indirect Method Conti… Merits of tensiometer. It is very simple and easy to read soil moisture. It is very useful instrument for scheduling irrigation to crops which require frequent irrigations at low tension. Limitations: Sensitivity of a tensiometer is only up to 0.85 atmospheres while available soil moisture range is up to atmosphere. Hence is useful more on sandy soils wherein about 80% of available water is held within 0.85 ranges
  • 27. Indirect Method Conti… 3) Neutron meter (neutron scattering method) Soil moisture can be estimated quickly and continuously another with neutron moisture meter without disturbing the soil. Another advantage is that soil moisture can be estimated from large volume of soil. Principle This method is based use radioactive material for measuring soil moisture.
  • 29. Indirect Method Conti… working The probe contains fast neutron source, which may be a mixture of radium and beryllium or Americium and beryllium. Access tubes are aluminum tubes of 50 to 100 cm length and are placed in the field where moisture to be estimated. Neutron probe is lowered into access tube to the desired depth. fast neutrons are released from the probes, which scatter into the soil. When neutrons encounter nuclei of hydrogen atom of water, their speed is reduced. the scalar or the rate meter counts the number of slow neutrons, which are directly proportional to water molecules. Moisture content of soil can be known from the calibration curve with counts of slow neutrons.
  • 30. Indirect Method Conti… Limitations It is expensive and moisture content from shallow top layers cannot be estimated. The fast neutrons are also slowed down by other source of hydrogen (present in the organic matter). Other atoms such as chlorine, boron and iron also slow down the fast neutrons, thus overestimating the soil moisture content.
  • 31. Indirect Method Conti… 4) Pressure membrane and pressure plate apparatus: •It is generally used to estimate field capacity, permanent wilting point and moisture content at different pressures.
  • 32. Indirect Method Conti… 5) Gama Ray absorption method: Measurement of changes in soil water content by change in amount of gamma radiation absorbed. The amount of radiation passing through soil depends on soil destiny which varies chiefly with change in water content.
  • 33. Indirect Method Conti… 6) Feel and appearance method: A practical estimate of moisture content is obtained by thefeel and appearance of soil samples taken from the desired depths. The soil sample is squeezed in the hand and its feel and appearance are taken into consideration.
  • 34. Conclusion When to irrigate and how much water to be applied