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Soliciting Corporate Sponsors:
Steps to Successful Partnerships

      Presented by: Layne Gray, Founder of Vivanista


How this webinar works

• A link to the slides and a recording will be
  sent after the webinar

• If you‟d like to ask a question during the
  webinar, you can type it in the box on the
  right side of your screen

• Use the hashtag #fgwebinar to tweet about
  this webinar


Who is FirstGiving


Fundraising solutions
                                Peer-to-Peer                                Donor
                                Fundraising Pages                           Analytics and
Online Donations                and Event                                   Market
                                Registrations                               Research

                   Personal Support for your nonprofit, donors, and
                   Easy, tested, and secure transaction processes for the


About Speaker: Layne Gray
                            • Founder of Vivanista
                            • Conducts fundraising training for
                              nonprofits & volunteer groups
                            • Consults w/organizations on
                              strategic fundraising campaigns
                            • Has raised millions for nonprofits
                              as a volunteer
                            • Corporate background; has
                              trained companies all over the

© 2011 Vivanista Inc.


                                • Community for volunteer fundraisers,
                                  nonprofits & changemakers

© 2011 Vivanista Inc.


                                • Community for volunteer fundraisers,
                                  nonprofits & changemakers

                                • Resource library of tips, tricks and
                                  fundraising techniques

© 2011 Vivanista Inc.


                                • Community for volunteer fundraisers,
                                  nonprofits & changemakers

                                • Resource library of tips, tricks and
                                  fundraising techniques

                                • Pro Level: downloadable templates,
                                  guides and cheat sheets & weekly
                                  mentoring sessions

© 2011 Vivanista Inc.


                                • Community for volunteer fundraisers,
                                  nonprofits & changemakers

                                • Resource library of tips, tricks and
                                  fundraising techniques

                                • Pro Level: downloadable templates,
                                  guides and cheat sheets & weekly
                                  mentoring sessions

                                • Interactive master classes and training

© 2011 Vivanista Inc.


                                • Community for volunteer fundraisers,
                                  nonprofits & changemakers

                                • Resource library of tips, tricks and
                                  fundraising techniques

                                • Pro Level: downloadable templates,
                                  guides and cheat sheets & weekly
                                  mentoring sessions

                                • Interactive master classes and training

                                • Pre-packaged fundraisers for both large
                                  and small organizations

© 2011 Vivanista Inc.


                                • Community for volunteer fundraisers,
                                  nonprofits & changemakers

                                • Resource library of tips, tricks and
                                  fundraising techniques

                                • Pro Level: downloadable templates,
                                  guides and cheat sheets & weekly
                                  mentoring sessions

                                • Interactive master classes and training

                                • Pre-packaged fundraisers for both large
                                  and small organizations

                                • First ever Fundraising Summit November
© 2011 Vivanista Inc.
                                  11-12 for volunteers & Nonprofits


What You’ll Learn.

© 2011 Vivanista Inc.


“I have a day job and don’t have time to read each
“We never want to say no to our valued clients.” letter fully. I look who sent it and if I do not know them, or they’re not a client, I skim the fir
- Giles Marsden, leading Group Director for Tiffany & Co. their Foundation grant committee
  Executive from former financial institution who sits on

                                   What You’ll Learn
              • Why corporations give


What You’ll Learn
• Why corporations give
• Steps in the solicitation process


What You’ll Learn
• Why corporations give
• Steps in the solicitation process
• How to set realistic quantifiable goals


What You’ll Learn
•   Why corporations give
•   Steps in the solicitation process
•   How to set realistic quantifiable goals
•   How to create and make a pitch


What You’ll Learn
•   Why corporations give
•   Steps in the solicitation process
•   How to set realistic quantifiable goals
•   How to create and make a pitch
•   How to overcome objections


What You’ll Learn
•   Why corporations give
•   Steps in the solicitation process
•   How to set realistic quantifiable goals
•   How to create and make a pitch
•   How to overcome objections
•   How to find prospective corporate


Set Goals.

© 2011 Vivanista Inc.


Fundraising Goals
Individual           Nonprofit Organization


Fundraising Goals
Individual        Nonprofit Organization
• Raise Money     • Raise Money


Fundraising Goals
Individual        Nonprofit Organization
• Raise Money     • Raise Money
                  • Build a community


Fundraising Goals
Individual        Nonprofit Organization
• Raise Money     • Raise Money
                  • Build a community
                  • Attract and maintain a
                    volunteer base


Fundraising Goals
Individual        Nonprofit Organization
• Raise Money     • Raise Money
                  • Build a community
                  • Attract and maintain a
                    volunteer base
                  • Establish a sustainable


Fundraising Goals
Individual        Nonprofit Organization
• Raise Money     • Raise Money
                  • Build a community
                  • Attract and maintain a
                    volunteer base
                  • Establish a sustainable
                  • Market the organization
                    through new channels


                        Revenue $$$

© 2011 Vivanista Inc.


Sponsorship Channels


 Web site

       Crowd             Matching
      sourcing           Program


Think Like A

© 2011 Vivanista Inc.


Why Do Corporations Sponsor?

    Give Back To       New Customer
   The Community        Cultivation


     Employee              Client
    Engagement         Entertainment


How It Works.

© 2011 Vivanista Inc.


12 Steps To Solicitation
                          5. Research target list      9. Make benefits-
1. Train the Committee         of sponsors           oriented presentation

                           6. Send personalized
 2. Set financial goals
                          letters to past sponsors   10. „Ask for the order‟

 3. Develop program        7. Send personalized      11. Over-deliver what
      overview                 letters to new
                           prospective sponsors          you promised

  4. Analyze & report     8. Follow-up by phone      12. Thank sponsors in
audience demographics       to set up in-person
                                 meetings             every way possible


12 Steps To Solicitation
                         5. Research target list      9. Make benefits-
1. Train the Committee        of sponsors           oriented presentation

                          6. Send personalized
2. Set financial goals
                         letters to past sponsors   10. „Ask for the order‟

 3. Develop program       7. Send personalized      11. Over-deliver what
      overview                letters to new
                          prospective sponsors          you promised

  4. Analyze & report    8. Follow-up by phone      12. Thank sponsors in
audience demographics      to set up in-person
                                meetings             every way possible


12 Steps To Solicitation
                          5. Research target list      9. Make benefits-
1. Train the Committee         of sponsors           oriented presentation

                           6. Send personalized
 2. Set financial goals
                          letters to past sponsors   10. „Ask for the order‟

 3. Develop program        7. Send personalized      11. Over-deliver what
      overview                 letters to new
                           prospective sponsors          you promised

  4. Analyze & report     8. Follow-up by phone      12. Thank sponsors in
audience demographics       to set up in-person
                                 meetings             every way possible


12 Steps To Solicitation
                           5. Research target list      9. Make benefits-
 1. Train the Committee         of sponsors           oriented presentation

                            6. Send personalized
  2. Set financial goals
                           letters to past sponsors   10. „Ask for the order‟

  3. Develop program        7. Send personalized      11. Over-deliver what
       overview                 letters to new
                            prospective sponsors          you promised

  4. Analyze & report      8. Follow-up by phone      12. Thank sponsors in
audience demographics        to set up in-person
                                  meetings             every way possible


12 Steps To Solicitation
                          5. Research target list      9. Make benefits-
1. Train the Committee         of sponsors           oriented presentation

                           6. Send personalized
 2. Set financial goals
                          letters to past sponsors   10. „Ask for the order‟

 3. Develop program        7. Send personalized      11. Over-deliver what
      overview                 letters to new
                           prospective sponsors          you promised

  4. Analyze & report     8. Follow-up by phone      12. Thank sponsors in
audience demographics       to set up in-person
                                 meetings             every way possible


12 Steps To Solicitation
                          5. Research target list     9. Make benefits-
1. Train the Committee         of sponsors          oriented presentation

                          6. Send personalized
 2. Set financial goals       letters to past       10. „Ask for the order‟

 3. Develop program       7. Send personalized      11. Over-deliver what
      overview                letters to new
                          prospective sponsors          you promised

  4. Analyze & report     8. Follow-up by phone     12. Thank sponsors in
audience demographics       to set up in-person
                                 meetings            every way possible


12 Steps To Solicitation
                          5. Research target list of     9. Make benefits-
1. Train the Committee           sponsors              oriented presentation

                            6. Send personalized
 2. Set financial goals
                           letters to past sponsors    10. „Ask for the order‟

 3. Develop program        7. Send personalized        11. Over-deliver what
      overview                 letters to new
                           prospective sponsors            you promised

  4. Analyze & report      8. Follow-up by phone to    12. Thank sponsors in
audience demographics     set up in-person meetings     every way possible


12 Steps To Solicitation
                          5. Research target list      9. Make benefits-
1. Train the Committee         of sponsors           oriented presentation

                           6. Send personalized
 2. Set financial goals
                          letters to past sponsors   10. „Ask for the order‟

 3. Develop program        7. Send personalized      11. Over-deliver what
      overview                 letters to new
                           prospective sponsors          you promised

  4. Analyze & report        8. Follow-up by         12. Thank sponsors in
audience demographics      phone to set up in-
                            person meetings           every way possible


12 Steps To Solicitation
                          5. Research target list       9. Make benefits-
1. Train the Committee         of sponsors            oriented presentation

                           6. Send personalized
 2. Set financial goals
                          letters to past sponsors    10. „Ask for the order‟

 3. Develop program        7. Send personalized      11. Over-deliver what you
      overview                 letters to new
                           prospective sponsors              promised

  4. Analyze & report     8. Follow-up by phone       12. Thank sponsors in
audience demographics       to set up in-person
                                 meetings              every way possible


12 Steps To Solicitation
                          5. Research target list       9. Make benefits-
1. Train the Committee         of sponsors            oriented presentation

                           6. Send personalized
 2. Set financial goals
                          letters to past sponsors   10. ‘Ask for the order’

 3. Develop program        7. Send personalized       11. Over-deliver what
      overview                 letters to new
                           prospective sponsors           you promised

  4. Analyze & report     8. Follow-up by phone      12. Thank sponsors in
audience demographics       to set up in-person
                                 meetings             every way possible


12 Steps To Solicitation
                          5. Research target list      9. Make benefits-
1. Train the Committee         of sponsors           oriented presentation

                           6. Send personalized
 2. Set financial goals
                          letters to past sponsors   10. „Ask for the order‟

 3. Develop program        7. Send personalized      11. Over-deliver what
      overview                 letters to new
                           prospective sponsors          you promised

  4. Analyze & report     8. Follow-up by phone      12. Thank sponsors in
audience demographics       to set up in-person
                                 meetings             every way possible


12 Steps To Solicitation
                          5. Research target list    9. Make benefits-oriented
1. Train the Committee         of sponsors                 presentation

                           6. Send personalized
 2. Set financial goals
                          letters to past sponsors    10. „Ask for the order‟

 3. Develop program        7. Send personalized      11. Over-deliver what you
      overview                 letters to new
                           prospective sponsors              promised

  4. Analyze & report     8. Follow-up by phone      12. Thank sponsors in
audience demographics       to set up in-person
                                 meetings             every way possible


Set Financial Goal$

© 2011 Vivanista Inc.


Setting Financial Goal$

• Sponsorship program levels
  – Exclusivity at highest level


Setting Financial Goal$

• Sponsorship program levels
  – Exclusivity at highest level

• Any previous sponsorship revenue


Setting Financial Goal$

• Sponsorship program levels
  – Exclusivity at highest level

• Any previous sponsorship revenue

• Sponsorships of similar events or campaigns


Setting Financial Goal$

• Sponsorship program levels
  – Exclusivity at highest level

• Any previous sponsorship revenue

• Sponsorships of similar events or campaigns

• Economic factors impacting the corporation


How to Find:


                      Other Charitable


Prospective            Chamber of
                       Commerce / BBB
 Sponsors                Internet: LinkedIn
                         / Facebook


Create A Pitch.

© 2011 Vivanista Inc.


Creating the Pitch
There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor:


Creating the Pitch
There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor:
• Personal relationships


Creating the Pitch
There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor:
• Personal relationships

“I look who sent the solicitation letter and if I do
not know them or they’re not a client, I skim
the first paragraph to see if someone I do know
recommended they contact me, or if there’s
someone mentioned who is important to the firm.”
 - Executive from leading financial institution


Creating the Pitch
There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor:
• Personal relationships
• Customer request


Creating the Pitch
There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor:
• Personal relationships
• Customer request

“We never want to say no to
 our valued clients.”
 - Giles Marsden, former Director,
   Tiffany & Co.


Creating the Pitch
There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor:
• Personal relationships
• Customer request
• Employee involvement


Creating the Pitch
There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor:
•   Personal relationships
•   Customer request
•   Employee involvement
•   Target Audience demographics


Creating the Pitch
There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor:
•   Personal relationships
•   Customer request
•   Employee involvement
•   Target Audience demographics

“Luxury brands, like Chanel, are more willing to
sponsor an event where there’s a consistency in the
audience being served.”
- Erika Kasel, Vice President of Marketing, Chanel USA


Creating the Pitch
There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor:
•   Personal relationships
•   Customer request
•   Employee involvement
•   Target Audience demographics
•   Commitment to cause


Creating the Pitch
There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor:
•   Personal relationships
•   Customer request
•   Employee involvement
•   Target Audience demographics
•   Commitment to cause
•   Opportunity to entertain clients


Creating the Pitch
There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor:
•   Personal relationships
•   Customer request
•   Employee involvement
•   Target Audience demographics
•   Commitment to cause
•   Opportunity to entertain clients
•   Extension of current company marketing


Creating the Pitch
There are many reasons a corporation is willing
to sponsor
•   Personal relationships
•   Customer request
•   Employee involvement
•   Target Audience demographics
•   Commitment to cause
•   Opportunity to entertain clients
•   Extension of current company marketing
•   Social media promotion


Making the Pitch
• Hand-outs:
  –   Presentation
  –   Sponsorship Benefits
  –   Audience demographics
  –   Sponsorship Sign-up form


Making the Pitch
• Hand-outs:
  –   Presentation
  –   Sponsorship Benefits
  –   Audience demographics
  –   Sponsorship Sign-up form

• Flow
  –   Introductions
  –   Thank them for any past sponsorship
  –   Ask them questions to lead them to a Yes
  –   Ask for the Order


Overcoming Objections
•   Budget
•   Charter
•   Planning cycle
•   Interest level
•   Not decision maker
•   Previous commitments


Overcoming Objections
• Budget:

• Charter:

• Planning cycle:

• Interest level:

• Not decision maker:

• Previous commitments:


Overcoming Objections
• Budget: What sponsorship could fit into this year?

• Charter:

• Planning cycle:

• Interest level:

• Not decision maker:

• Previous commitments:


Overcoming Objections
• Budget: What sponsorship could fit into this year?

• Charter: If we could find a correlation, would it work for you?

• Planning cycle:

• Interest level:

• Not decision maker:

• Previous commitments:


Overcoming Objections
• Budget: What sponsorship could fit into this year?

• Charter: If we could find a correlation, would it work for you?

• Planning cycle: If we extended the payment timeframe, would that be
• Interest level:

• Not decision maker:

• Previous commitments:


Overcoming Objections
• Budget: What sponsorship could fit into this year?

• Charter: If we could find a correlation, would it work for you?

• Planning cycle: If we extended the payment timeframe, would that be
• Interest level: What are the key areas that get you interested in a
  particular charitable event or campaign?
• Not decision maker:

• Previous commitments:


Overcoming Objections
• Budget: What sponsorship could fit into this year?

• Charter: If we could find a correlation, would it work for you?

• Planning cycle: If we extended the payment timeframe, would that be
• Interest level: What are the key areas that get you interested in a
  particular charitable event or campaign?
• Not decision maker: Who else within the organization should we meet
• Previous commitments:


Overcoming Objections
• Budget: What sponsorship could fit into this year?

• Charter: If we could find a correlation, would it work for you?

• Planning cycle: If we extended the payment timeframe, would that be
• Interest level: What are the key areas that get you interested in a
  particular charitable event or campaign?
• Not decision maker: Who else within the organization should we meet
• Previous commitments: If we could help you reach a new audience,
  could you make room for this fundraiser?


Solicitation Tips
1. You must follow-up, assume they will not


Solicitation Tips
1. You must follow-up, assume they will not

2. It’s a numbers game


Solicitation Tips
1. You must follow-up, assume they will not

2. It‟s a numbers game

3. A lack of response is not a NO


Solicitation Tips
1. You must follow-up, assume they will not

2. It‟s a numbers game

3. A lack of response is not a NO

4. A NO is not a rejection


Solicitation Tips
1. You must follow-up, assume they will not

2. It‟s a numbers game

3. A lack of response is not a NO

4. A NO is not a rejection

5. Executives’ assistants are your ally


Solicitation Tips
1. You must follow-up, assume they will not

2. It‟s a numbers game

3. A lack of response is not a NO

4. A NO is not a rejection

5. Executives‟ assistants are your ally

6. Choose committee members carefully


Solicitation Tips
1. You must follow-up, assume they will not
2. It‟s a numbers game
3. A lack of response is not a NO
4. A NO is not a rejection
5. Executives‟ assistants are your ally
6. Choose committee members carefully
7. Don’t promise anything you cannot deliver


Corporate Sponsorship
          Solicitation In Summary.

© 2011 Vivanista Inc.


• Craft a professional presentation


• Craft a professional presentation
• Do your homework


• Craft a professional presentation
• Do your homework
• Pluck the low-hanging fruit first


•   Craft a professional presentation
•   Do your homework
•   Pluck the low-hanging fruit first
•   Cultivate sponsors that believe in your cause or
    your audience fits their marketing profile


• Craft a professional presentation
• Do your homework
• Pluck the low-hanging fruit first
• Cultivate sponsors that believe in your cause or
  your audience fits their marketing profile
• Don‟t give up


• Craft a professional presentation
• Do your homework
• Pluck the low-hanging fruit first
• Cultivate sponsors that believe in your cause or
  your audience fits their marketing profile
• Don‟t give up
• Think outside the box


• Craft a professional presentation
• Do your homework
• Pluck the low-hanging fruit first
• Cultivate sponsors that believe in your cause or
  your audience fits their marketing profile
• Don‟t give up
• Think outside the box
• Remember that they will be
  proud of how they helped
  the cause!


• Vivanista Resource Library
  – Copy of the presentation
  – Guide to Corporate Sponsor Solicitation

• Videos:
  - Fundraising Events: http://youtu.be/fRZk2vIm8r0
  - Fundraising Fundamentals: http://youtu.be/owKj_rzVTsc
  - Social Media for Fundraising: http://youtu.be/NHxB40oq-iw



© 2011 Vivanista Inc.


Soliciting Corporate Sponsors: Steps to Successful Partnerships


Thank you!

                        FirstGiving Webinar Attendees: 50% discount
                             (must be purchased by October 25th 12:00am)

                         Go to: http://vivanista-summit.eventbrite.com/
                                    Use code: Webinar-VIP

                               Questions: layne@vivanista.com

© 2011 Vivanista Inc.


Connect with us in our social spaces

    Facebook: facebook.com/firstgiving
       Twitter: twitter.com/firstgiving

       FirstGiving Insights blog:

        Online Fundraising blog:

      FirstGiving for Runners blog:

More Related Content

Soliciting Corporate Sponsors: Steps to Successful Partnerships

  • 1. Soliciting Corporate Sponsors: Steps to Successful Partnerships Presented by: Layne Gray, Founder of Vivanista
  • 2. How this webinar works • A link to the slides and a recording will be sent after the webinar • If you‟d like to ask a question during the webinar, you can type it in the box on the right side of your screen • Use the hashtag #fgwebinar to tweet about this webinar
  • 4. Fundraising solutions Peer-to-Peer Donor Fundraising Pages Analytics and Online Donations and Event Market Registrations Research Personal Support for your nonprofit, donors, and fundraisers Easy, tested, and secure transaction processes for the donor
  • 5. About Speaker: Layne Gray • Founder of Vivanista • Conducts fundraising training for nonprofits & volunteer groups • Consults w/organizations on strategic fundraising campaigns • Has raised millions for nonprofits as a volunteer • Corporate background; has trained companies all over the world © 2011 Vivanista Inc.
  • 6. About • Community for volunteer fundraisers, nonprofits & changemakers © 2011 Vivanista Inc.
  • 7. About • Community for volunteer fundraisers, nonprofits & changemakers • Resource library of tips, tricks and fundraising techniques © 2011 Vivanista Inc.
  • 8. About • Community for volunteer fundraisers, nonprofits & changemakers • Resource library of tips, tricks and fundraising techniques • Pro Level: downloadable templates, guides and cheat sheets & weekly mentoring sessions © 2011 Vivanista Inc.
  • 9. About • Community for volunteer fundraisers, nonprofits & changemakers • Resource library of tips, tricks and fundraising techniques • Pro Level: downloadable templates, guides and cheat sheets & weekly mentoring sessions • Interactive master classes and training workshops © 2011 Vivanista Inc.
  • 10. About • Community for volunteer fundraisers, nonprofits & changemakers • Resource library of tips, tricks and fundraising techniques • Pro Level: downloadable templates, guides and cheat sheets & weekly mentoring sessions • Interactive master classes and training workshops • Pre-packaged fundraisers for both large and small organizations © 2011 Vivanista Inc.
  • 11. About • Community for volunteer fundraisers, nonprofits & changemakers • Resource library of tips, tricks and fundraising techniques • Pro Level: downloadable templates, guides and cheat sheets & weekly mentoring sessions • Interactive master classes and training workshops • Pre-packaged fundraisers for both large and small organizations • First ever Fundraising Summit November © 2011 Vivanista Inc. 11-12 for volunteers & Nonprofits
  • 12. What You’ll Learn. © 2011 Vivanista Inc.
  • 13. “I have a day job and don’t have time to read each “We never want to say no to our valued clients.” letter fully. I look who sent it and if I do not know them, or they’re not a client, I skim the fir - Giles Marsden, leading Group Director for Tiffany & Co. their Foundation grant committee Executive from former financial institution who sits on What You’ll Learn • Why corporations give
  • 14. What You’ll Learn • Why corporations give • Steps in the solicitation process
  • 15. What You’ll Learn • Why corporations give • Steps in the solicitation process • How to set realistic quantifiable goals
  • 16. What You’ll Learn • Why corporations give • Steps in the solicitation process • How to set realistic quantifiable goals • How to create and make a pitch
  • 17. What You’ll Learn • Why corporations give • Steps in the solicitation process • How to set realistic quantifiable goals • How to create and make a pitch • How to overcome objections
  • 18. What You’ll Learn • Why corporations give • Steps in the solicitation process • How to set realistic quantifiable goals • How to create and make a pitch • How to overcome objections • How to find prospective corporate sponsors
  • 19. Set Goals. © 2011 Vivanista Inc.
  • 20. Fundraising Goals Individual Nonprofit Organization
  • 21. Fundraising Goals Individual Nonprofit Organization • Raise Money • Raise Money
  • 22. Fundraising Goals Individual Nonprofit Organization • Raise Money • Raise Money • Build a community
  • 23. Fundraising Goals Individual Nonprofit Organization • Raise Money • Raise Money • Build a community • Attract and maintain a volunteer base
  • 24. Fundraising Goals Individual Nonprofit Organization • Raise Money • Raise Money • Build a community • Attract and maintain a volunteer base • Establish a sustainable relationship
  • 25. Fundraising Goals Individual Nonprofit Organization • Raise Money • Raise Money • Build a community • Attract and maintain a volunteer base • Establish a sustainable relationship • Market the organization through new channels
  • 26. Generate Revenue $$$ © 2011 Vivanista Inc.
  • 27. Sponsorship Channels Event s Cause Web site Marketin Sponsor g Corporate Sponsors Crowd Matching sourcing Program
  • 28. Think Like A Sponsor. © 2011 Vivanista Inc.
  • 29. Why Do Corporations Sponsor? Give Back To New Customer The Community Cultivation Corporate Giving Employee Client Engagement Entertainment
  • 30. How It Works. © 2011 Vivanista Inc.
  • 31. 12 Steps To Solicitation 5. Research target list 9. Make benefits- 1. Train the Committee of sponsors oriented presentation 6. Send personalized 2. Set financial goals letters to past sponsors 10. „Ask for the order‟ 3. Develop program 7. Send personalized 11. Over-deliver what overview letters to new prospective sponsors you promised 4. Analyze & report 8. Follow-up by phone 12. Thank sponsors in audience demographics to set up in-person meetings every way possible
  • 32. 12 Steps To Solicitation 5. Research target list 9. Make benefits- 1. Train the Committee of sponsors oriented presentation 6. Send personalized 2. Set financial goals letters to past sponsors 10. „Ask for the order‟ 3. Develop program 7. Send personalized 11. Over-deliver what overview letters to new prospective sponsors you promised 4. Analyze & report 8. Follow-up by phone 12. Thank sponsors in audience demographics to set up in-person meetings every way possible
  • 33. 12 Steps To Solicitation 5. Research target list 9. Make benefits- 1. Train the Committee of sponsors oriented presentation 6. Send personalized 2. Set financial goals letters to past sponsors 10. „Ask for the order‟ 3. Develop program 7. Send personalized 11. Over-deliver what overview letters to new prospective sponsors you promised 4. Analyze & report 8. Follow-up by phone 12. Thank sponsors in audience demographics to set up in-person meetings every way possible
  • 34. 12 Steps To Solicitation 5. Research target list 9. Make benefits- 1. Train the Committee of sponsors oriented presentation 6. Send personalized 2. Set financial goals letters to past sponsors 10. „Ask for the order‟ 3. Develop program 7. Send personalized 11. Over-deliver what overview letters to new prospective sponsors you promised 4. Analyze & report 8. Follow-up by phone 12. Thank sponsors in audience demographics to set up in-person meetings every way possible
  • 35. 12 Steps To Solicitation 5. Research target list 9. Make benefits- 1. Train the Committee of sponsors oriented presentation 6. Send personalized 2. Set financial goals letters to past sponsors 10. „Ask for the order‟ 3. Develop program 7. Send personalized 11. Over-deliver what overview letters to new prospective sponsors you promised 4. Analyze & report 8. Follow-up by phone 12. Thank sponsors in audience demographics to set up in-person meetings every way possible
  • 36. 12 Steps To Solicitation 5. Research target list 9. Make benefits- 1. Train the Committee of sponsors oriented presentation 6. Send personalized 2. Set financial goals letters to past 10. „Ask for the order‟ sponsors 3. Develop program 7. Send personalized 11. Over-deliver what overview letters to new prospective sponsors you promised 4. Analyze & report 8. Follow-up by phone 12. Thank sponsors in audience demographics to set up in-person meetings every way possible
  • 37. 12 Steps To Solicitation 5. Research target list of 9. Make benefits- 1. Train the Committee sponsors oriented presentation 6. Send personalized 2. Set financial goals letters to past sponsors 10. „Ask for the order‟ 3. Develop program 7. Send personalized 11. Over-deliver what overview letters to new prospective sponsors you promised 4. Analyze & report 8. Follow-up by phone to 12. Thank sponsors in audience demographics set up in-person meetings every way possible
  • 38. 12 Steps To Solicitation 5. Research target list 9. Make benefits- 1. Train the Committee of sponsors oriented presentation 6. Send personalized 2. Set financial goals letters to past sponsors 10. „Ask for the order‟ 3. Develop program 7. Send personalized 11. Over-deliver what overview letters to new prospective sponsors you promised 4. Analyze & report 8. Follow-up by 12. Thank sponsors in audience demographics phone to set up in- person meetings every way possible
  • 39. 12 Steps To Solicitation 5. Research target list 9. Make benefits- 1. Train the Committee of sponsors oriented presentation 6. Send personalized 2. Set financial goals letters to past sponsors 10. „Ask for the order‟ 3. Develop program 7. Send personalized 11. Over-deliver what you overview letters to new prospective sponsors promised 4. Analyze & report 8. Follow-up by phone 12. Thank sponsors in audience demographics to set up in-person meetings every way possible
  • 40. 12 Steps To Solicitation 5. Research target list 9. Make benefits- 1. Train the Committee of sponsors oriented presentation 6. Send personalized 2. Set financial goals letters to past sponsors 10. ‘Ask for the order’ 3. Develop program 7. Send personalized 11. Over-deliver what overview letters to new prospective sponsors you promised 4. Analyze & report 8. Follow-up by phone 12. Thank sponsors in audience demographics to set up in-person meetings every way possible
  • 41. 12 Steps To Solicitation 5. Research target list 9. Make benefits- 1. Train the Committee of sponsors oriented presentation 6. Send personalized 2. Set financial goals letters to past sponsors 10. „Ask for the order‟ 3. Develop program 7. Send personalized 11. Over-deliver what overview letters to new prospective sponsors you promised 4. Analyze & report 8. Follow-up by phone 12. Thank sponsors in audience demographics to set up in-person meetings every way possible
  • 42. 12 Steps To Solicitation 5. Research target list 9. Make benefits-oriented 1. Train the Committee of sponsors presentation 6. Send personalized 2. Set financial goals letters to past sponsors 10. „Ask for the order‟ 3. Develop program 7. Send personalized 11. Over-deliver what you overview letters to new prospective sponsors promised 4. Analyze & report 8. Follow-up by phone 12. Thank sponsors in audience demographics to set up in-person meetings every way possible
  • 43. Set Financial Goal$ © 2011 Vivanista Inc.
  • 44. Setting Financial Goal$ • Sponsorship program levels – Exclusivity at highest level
  • 45. Setting Financial Goal$ • Sponsorship program levels – Exclusivity at highest level • Any previous sponsorship revenue
  • 46. Setting Financial Goal$ • Sponsorship program levels – Exclusivity at highest level • Any previous sponsorship revenue • Sponsorships of similar events or campaigns
  • 47. Setting Financial Goal$ • Sponsorship program levels – Exclusivity at highest level • Any previous sponsorship revenue • Sponsorships of similar events or campaigns • Economic factors impacting the corporation
  • 48. How to Find: Past Sponsors Committee Members Other Charitable Events Local advertisers Prospective Chamber of Commerce / BBB Corporate Sponsors Internet: LinkedIn / Facebook
  • 49. Create A Pitch. © 2011 Vivanista Inc.
  • 50. Creating the Pitch There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor:
  • 51. Creating the Pitch There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor: • Personal relationships
  • 52. Creating the Pitch There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor: • Personal relationships “I look who sent the solicitation letter and if I do not know them or they’re not a client, I skim the first paragraph to see if someone I do know recommended they contact me, or if there’s someone mentioned who is important to the firm.” - Executive from leading financial institution
  • 53. Creating the Pitch There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor: • Personal relationships • Customer request
  • 54. Creating the Pitch There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor: • Personal relationships • Customer request “We never want to say no to our valued clients.” - Giles Marsden, former Director, Tiffany & Co.
  • 55. Creating the Pitch There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor: • Personal relationships • Customer request • Employee involvement
  • 56. Creating the Pitch There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor: • Personal relationships • Customer request • Employee involvement • Target Audience demographics
  • 57. Creating the Pitch There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor: • Personal relationships • Customer request • Employee involvement • Target Audience demographics “Luxury brands, like Chanel, are more willing to sponsor an event where there’s a consistency in the audience being served.” - Erika Kasel, Vice President of Marketing, Chanel USA
  • 58. Creating the Pitch There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor: • Personal relationships • Customer request • Employee involvement • Target Audience demographics • Commitment to cause
  • 59. Creating the Pitch There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor: • Personal relationships • Customer request • Employee involvement • Target Audience demographics • Commitment to cause • Opportunity to entertain clients
  • 60. Creating the Pitch There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor: • Personal relationships • Customer request • Employee involvement • Target Audience demographics • Commitment to cause • Opportunity to entertain clients • Extension of current company marketing
  • 61. Creating the Pitch There are many reasons a corporation is willing to sponsor • Personal relationships • Customer request • Employee involvement • Target Audience demographics • Commitment to cause • Opportunity to entertain clients • Extension of current company marketing • Social media promotion
  • 62. Making the Pitch • Hand-outs: – Presentation – Sponsorship Benefits – Audience demographics – Sponsorship Sign-up form
  • 63. Making the Pitch • Hand-outs: – Presentation – Sponsorship Benefits – Audience demographics – Sponsorship Sign-up form • Flow – Introductions – Thank them for any past sponsorship – Ask them questions to lead them to a Yes – Ask for the Order
  • 64. Overcoming Objections • Budget • Charter • Planning cycle • Interest level • Not decision maker • Previous commitments
  • 65. Overcoming Objections OBJECTIONS/YOUR QUESTIONS: • Budget: • Charter: • Planning cycle: • Interest level: • Not decision maker: • Previous commitments:
  • 66. Overcoming Objections OBJECTIONS/YOUR QUESTIONS: • Budget: What sponsorship could fit into this year? • Charter: • Planning cycle: • Interest level: • Not decision maker: • Previous commitments:
  • 67. Overcoming Objections OBJECTIONS/YOUR QUESTIONS: • Budget: What sponsorship could fit into this year? • Charter: If we could find a correlation, would it work for you? • Planning cycle: • Interest level: • Not decision maker: • Previous commitments:
  • 68. Overcoming Objections OBJECTIONS/YOUR QUESTIONS: • Budget: What sponsorship could fit into this year? • Charter: If we could find a correlation, would it work for you? • Planning cycle: If we extended the payment timeframe, would that be feasible? • Interest level: • Not decision maker: • Previous commitments:
  • 69. Overcoming Objections OBJECTIONS/YOUR QUESTIONS: • Budget: What sponsorship could fit into this year? • Charter: If we could find a correlation, would it work for you? • Planning cycle: If we extended the payment timeframe, would that be feasible? • Interest level: What are the key areas that get you interested in a particular charitable event or campaign? • Not decision maker: • Previous commitments:
  • 70. Overcoming Objections OBJECTIONS/YOUR QUESTIONS: • Budget: What sponsorship could fit into this year? • Charter: If we could find a correlation, would it work for you? • Planning cycle: If we extended the payment timeframe, would that be feasible? • Interest level: What are the key areas that get you interested in a particular charitable event or campaign? • Not decision maker: Who else within the organization should we meet with? • Previous commitments:
  • 71. Overcoming Objections OBJECTIONS/YOUR QUESTIONS: • Budget: What sponsorship could fit into this year? • Charter: If we could find a correlation, would it work for you? • Planning cycle: If we extended the payment timeframe, would that be feasible? • Interest level: What are the key areas that get you interested in a particular charitable event or campaign? • Not decision maker: Who else within the organization should we meet with? • Previous commitments: If we could help you reach a new audience, could you make room for this fundraiser?
  • 72. Solicitation Tips 1. You must follow-up, assume they will not
  • 73. Solicitation Tips 1. You must follow-up, assume they will not 2. It’s a numbers game
  • 74. Solicitation Tips 1. You must follow-up, assume they will not 2. It‟s a numbers game 3. A lack of response is not a NO
  • 75. Solicitation Tips 1. You must follow-up, assume they will not 2. It‟s a numbers game 3. A lack of response is not a NO 4. A NO is not a rejection
  • 76. Solicitation Tips 1. You must follow-up, assume they will not 2. It‟s a numbers game 3. A lack of response is not a NO 4. A NO is not a rejection 5. Executives’ assistants are your ally
  • 77. Solicitation Tips 1. You must follow-up, assume they will not 2. It‟s a numbers game 3. A lack of response is not a NO 4. A NO is not a rejection 5. Executives‟ assistants are your ally 6. Choose committee members carefully
  • 78. Solicitation Tips 1. You must follow-up, assume they will not 2. It‟s a numbers game 3. A lack of response is not a NO 4. A NO is not a rejection 5. Executives‟ assistants are your ally 6. Choose committee members carefully 7. Don’t promise anything you cannot deliver
  • 79. Corporate Sponsorship Solicitation In Summary. © 2011 Vivanista Inc.
  • 80. Summary • Craft a professional presentation
  • 81. Summary • Craft a professional presentation • Do your homework
  • 82. Summary • Craft a professional presentation • Do your homework • Pluck the low-hanging fruit first
  • 83. Summary • Craft a professional presentation • Do your homework • Pluck the low-hanging fruit first • Cultivate sponsors that believe in your cause or your audience fits their marketing profile
  • 84. Summary • Craft a professional presentation • Do your homework • Pluck the low-hanging fruit first • Cultivate sponsors that believe in your cause or your audience fits their marketing profile • Don‟t give up
  • 85. Summary • Craft a professional presentation • Do your homework • Pluck the low-hanging fruit first • Cultivate sponsors that believe in your cause or your audience fits their marketing profile • Don‟t give up • Think outside the box
  • 86. Summary • Craft a professional presentation • Do your homework • Pluck the low-hanging fruit first • Cultivate sponsors that believe in your cause or your audience fits their marketing profile • Don‟t give up • Think outside the box • Remember that they will be proud of how they helped the cause!
  • 87. Resources • Vivanista Resource Library – Copy of the presentation – Guide to Corporate Sponsor Solicitation • Videos: - Fundraising Events: http://youtu.be/fRZk2vIm8r0 - Fundraising Fundamentals: http://youtu.be/owKj_rzVTsc - Social Media for Fundraising: http://youtu.be/NHxB40oq-iw
  • 90. Thank you! FirstGiving Webinar Attendees: 50% discount (must be purchased by October 25th 12:00am) Go to: http://vivanista-summit.eventbrite.com/ Use code: Webinar-VIP Questions: layne@vivanista.com © 2011 Vivanista Inc.
  • 91. Connect with us in our social spaces Facebook: facebook.com/firstgiving Twitter: twitter.com/firstgiving FirstGiving Insights blog: http://insights.firstgiving.com Online Fundraising blog: http://blog.firstgiving.com FirstGiving for Runners blog: http://runners.firstgiving.com