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Mixtures – a review
• Mixture: a combination of two or more
substances that do not combine
chemically, but remain the same
individual substances; can be separated
by physical means.
• Two types:
– Heterogeneous
– Homogeneous
Heterogeneous Mixture
• “Hetero” means “different”
• Consists of visibly different substances or
phases (solid, liquid, gas)
• Can be separated by filtering
• Example:
Homogeneous Mixture
• “Homo” means the same
• has the same uniform appearance and
composition throughout; maintain one phase
(solid, liquid, gas)
• Commonly referred to as solutions
• Example:
Salt Water
• Solution: a mixture of two or more substances
that is identical throughout (homogeneous)
• can be physically separated
• composed of solutes and solvents
the substance being dissolved
the substance that dissolves the solute
Iced Tea Mix
Iced Tea
Salt water is
considered a
solution. How can it
be physically
• The solvent is the largest part of the solution
and the solute is the smallest part of the
Chemistry-Borders IPC-Solutions-Borders
Types of Solutions
Gaseous solutions – air = Oxygen + Nitrogen
Liquid solutions – drinks = mix + water
Solid solutions – alloys = steel, brass, etc
• the amount of solute dissolved in a
solvent at a given temperature
•described as dilute if it has
a low concentration of solute
•described as concentrated
if it has a high concentration
of solute dissolved
•Unsaturated - has a less than the
maximum concentration of solute
•Saturated - has the maximum
concentration of solute dissolved
(can see solid in bottom of
•Supersaturated -contains more
dissolved solute than normally
possible (usually requires an
increase in temperature followed
by cooling)
• the amount of solute that
dissolves in a certain amount of a
solvent at a given temperature
and pressure to produce a
saturated solution
Factors affecting solubility of solids
increased temperature causes
solids to dissolve faster
Note: Increasing the amount of solute
DOES NOT increase the rate of dissolving
Shaking (agitation) causes
solids to dissolve faster
Smaller particles dissolve
Faster because they have
more surface area
Particle Sizee
• Miscible liquids can easily dissolve in one
• Immiscible liquids are not soluble in
each other.
Polarity and Dissolving
• Chemists use the saying
“like dissolves like”:
Polar solutes tend to
dissolve in polar
Nonpolar solutes tend to
dissolve in nonpolar
Oil is nonpolar while water is
polar. They are immiscible.
Solubility Curves
Generally, the
solubility of solid
solutes in liquid
solvents increases
with increasing
To read the
graph, find the
line for the
substance. The
amount that
dissolves at a
temperature is
on the y- axis.
How much KNO3
dissolves in 100g
(or 100mL H2O
at 50oC?
1.Find the line (green)
2.Find the temperature
and follow up to the
line.(red arrow)
3. Read across to the y-
axis and this is the
answer. (blue arrow)
4. Since it is more than
½-way between 80 and
90, it is 87.
 A point on the line is a saturated solution.
 Above the line is supersaturated.
 Below the line is unsaturated.
Using Solubility Curves
What is the solubility of
NaNO3 in 100 g of H2O at
How many grams of KNO3
will dissolve in 200g of
H2O at 45°C?
How much water is needed to
dissolve 190g of NaNO3 at
73g NaNO3
75g = ?
100g H2O 200g H2O
= 150 g KNO3
95g = 190g
100g H2O ? g H2O
= 200 g H2O
• Molarity is the concentration of a
solution expressed in moles of solute
per Liter of solution.
• Molarity is a conversion factor for
Molarity (M) = moles of solute
Liters of solution
M = mol (solute)
L (solution)
• Example 1: What is the molarity of a solution
that has 2.3 moles of sodium chloride in 0.45
liters of solution?
2.3 moles NaCl = 5.1M NaCl
0.45 L
M = mol (solute)
L (solution)
• Example 2: How many moles of Na2CO3 are there
in 10.0 L of 2.0 M solution?
10.0 L 2.0 mol Na2CO3
1 1 L
= 20.0 moles Na2CO3
M = mol (solute)
L (solution)
• Example 3: How many moles of KNO3 are needed
to make 450. mL of 1.5 molar solution?
450. mL 1L 1.5 mol KNO3
1 1000mL 1L
= .675 moles KNO3
M = mol (solute)
L (solution)
• Example 4: How many grams of NaCl are needed
to make 3.0 L of 1.5 M solution?
3.0 L 1.5 mol NaCl 58.44 g NaCl
1 1 L 1 mol NaCl
= 260 g NaCl
M = mol (solute)
L (solution)
• Example 5: How many L of 4.0 M solution can be
made with 132g of NaCl ?
132 g NaCl 1 mol NaCl 1 L
1 58.44 g NaCl 4.0 mol NaCl
= .565 L
Chemistry-Borders IPC-Solutions-Borders
Dilutions and Molarity
• Use this formula to make a more dilute
solution from a concentrated solution
Molarity1 x Volume1 = Molarity2 x Volume2
(Concentrated) (Dilute)
(before) = (after)
M1V1 = M2V2
Example 1
How many liters of 2.5 M HCl are
required to make 1.5 L of 1.0 M HCl?
M1V1 = M2V2
M1 = 2.5 M
V1 = ?
M2 = 1.0 M
V2 = 1.5 L
(2.5M) V1 = (1.0M) (1.5 L)
= 0.60L
Example 1
M1 = 2.5M V1 = 0.60L M2 = 1.0 M V2= 1.5 L
How much water should you add to the volume
of 2.5M HCl you calculated above to make the
solution? (draw this in your notes)
1st add .60L of HCl to
measuring device.
Example 1
M1 = 2.5M V1 = 0.60L M2 = 1.0 M V2= 1.5 L
How much water should you add to the volume of 2.5M
HCl you calculated above to make the solution?
Then add enough water to get
to 1.5L of solution
V2 – V1 = Amount of water
1.5L – 0.60L = 0.90L water
Example 1
M1 = 2.5M V1 = 0.60L M2 = 1.0 M V2= 1.5 L
How much water should you add to the volume of 2.5M
HCl you calculated above to make the solution?
Final solution is 1.5L
of 1.0M HCl
Example 2
• 250.0 mL of a 0.500 M HCl solution needs
to be made from concentrated HCl. What
volume of the concentrated solution is
needed if its molarity is 12.0 M?
M1V1 = M2V2
M1 =
V1 =
M2 =
V2 =
Example 2
• 250.0 mL of a 0.500 M HCl solution needs to be made
from concentrated HCl. What volume of the
concentrated solution is needed if its molarity is
12.0 M?
M1V1 = M2V2
M1 = 12.0M
V1 = 10.4mL
M2 = 0.500M
V2 = 250.0mL
How much water would you
add to make the final
250.0mL - 10.4mL = 239.6mL
Mass Percent
Chemistry-Borders IPC-Solutions-Borders
Mass Percent
• Solutions can also be represented as percent
of solute in a specific mass of solution.
• For a solid dissolved in water, you use percent
by mass which is Mass Percent.
• % by mass = mass solute x 100
mass of solution
**Mass of solution = solute mass + solvent mass
Example 1
• If a solution that has a mass of 800.0
grams contains 20.0 grams of NaCl,
what is the concentration using Percent
by Mass?
% by mass = mass solute x 100
mass of solution
% by mass = 20.0g NaCl x 100
800.0g solution
= 2.50% NaCl
Example 2
• If 10.0 grams of NaCl is dissolved in
90.0 grams of water, what is the
concentration using Percent by Mass?
% by mass = mass solute x 100
mass of solution
% by mass = 10.0g NaCl x 100 = 10.0%NaCl
100.0g solution
Example 3
• How many grams of sodium bromide are
in 200.0g of solution that is 15.0%
sodium bromide by mass?
% by mass = mass solute x 100
mass of solution
% by mass = ? g NaBr x 100 = 15.0%NaBr
200.0g solution
g NaBr = 200.0 x 15.0
= 30 g NaBr
Solution Stoichiometry
Chemistry-Borders IPC-Solutions-Borders
reactants products
Solution Stoichiometry
• When we previously did stoichiometry
for a reaction to determine theoretical
yield, we only worked with GRAMS and
• Ex/ How many MOLES of HCl are
required to react with 13 GRAMS of
Zn + 2 HCl  ZnCl2 + H2
Solution Stoichiometry
• But we may be given something OTHER than
grams and moles
• We can use stoichiometry to solve for ANY
unit. We just need to make sure units cancel
out and we end up with the unit we are trying
to solve for!
• The mole ratio using coefficients from the
balanced chemical equation is the key to
switching between compounds
Solution Stoichiometry
Ex/ How many LITERS of 12 M HCl are
required to react with 13.0 GRAMS of zinc?
Zn + 2 HCl  ZnCl2 + H2
13.0g Zn 1 mole Zn 2 mol HCl 1L HCl
1 65.38g Zn 1 mol Zn 12 mol HCl
Remember – Molarity (M) is a conversion Factor
= 0.0331 L HCl
Solution Stoichiometry
• Ex/ How many grams of NaOH would be
required to react with 1.50 L of 3.75M
sulfuric acid?
H2SO4 + NaOH  Na2SO4 + H2O
1.50L 1 H2SO4 3.75 mole H2SO4 2 mol NaOH 40.00g NaOH
1 1 L H2SO4 1 mole H2SO4 1 mol NaOH
= 450. g NaOH

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Solutions ppt.pptx

  • 2. Mixtures – a review • Mixture: a combination of two or more substances that do not combine chemically, but remain the same individual substances; can be separated by physical means. • Two types: – Heterogeneous – Homogeneous
  • 3. Heterogeneous Mixture • “Hetero” means “different” • Consists of visibly different substances or phases (solid, liquid, gas) • Can be separated by filtering • Example:
  • 4. Homogeneous Mixture • “Homo” means the same • has the same uniform appearance and composition throughout; maintain one phase (solid, liquid, gas) • Commonly referred to as solutions • Example: Salt Water
  • 5. Solution • Solution: a mixture of two or more substances that is identical throughout (homogeneous) • can be physically separated • composed of solutes and solvents the substance being dissolved the substance that dissolves the solute Iced Tea Mix (solute) Water (solvent) Iced Tea (solution) Salt water is considered a solution. How can it be physically separated?
  • 6. Solution • The solvent is the largest part of the solution and the solute is the smallest part of the solution Chemistry-Borders IPC-Solutions-Borders S O L V E N T S O L U T E
  • 7. Types of Solutions Gaseous solutions – air = Oxygen + Nitrogen Liquid solutions – drinks = mix + water Solid solutions – alloys = steel, brass, etc
  • 8. Concentration • the amount of solute dissolved in a solvent at a given temperature •described as dilute if it has a low concentration of solute dissolved •described as concentrated if it has a high concentration of solute dissolved
  • 9. Concentration •Unsaturated - has a less than the maximum concentration of solute dissolved •Saturated - has the maximum concentration of solute dissolved (can see solid in bottom of solution) •Supersaturated -contains more dissolved solute than normally possible (usually requires an increase in temperature followed by cooling)
  • 10. Solubility • the amount of solute that dissolves in a certain amount of a solvent at a given temperature and pressure to produce a saturated solution
  • 11. Factors affecting solubility of solids Temperaturee increased temperature causes solids to dissolve faster Shaking Note: Increasing the amount of solute DOES NOT increase the rate of dissolving Shaking (agitation) causes solids to dissolve faster Smaller particles dissolve Faster because they have more surface area Particle Sizee
  • 12. • Miscible liquids can easily dissolve in one another. • Immiscible liquids are not soluble in each other. Chemistry-Borders
  • 13. Polarity and Dissolving • Chemists use the saying “like dissolves like”: Polar solutes tend to dissolve in polar solvents. Nonpolar solutes tend to dissolve in nonpolar solvents. Oil is nonpolar while water is polar. They are immiscible.
  • 14. Solubility Curves Generally, the solubility of solid solutes in liquid solvents increases with increasing temperature.
  • 15. To read the graph, find the line for the substance. The amount that dissolves at a given temperature is on the y- axis.
  • 16. How much KNO3 dissolves in 100g (or 100mL H2O at 50oC? 1.Find the line (green) 2.Find the temperature and follow up to the line.(red arrow) 3. Read across to the y- axis and this is the answer. (blue arrow) 4. Since it is more than ½-way between 80 and 90, it is 87.
  • 17.  A point on the line is a saturated solution.  Above the line is supersaturated.  Below the line is unsaturated.
  • 18. Using Solubility Curves What is the solubility of NaNO3 in 100 g of H2O at 0°C? How many grams of KNO3 will dissolve in 200g of H2O at 45°C? How much water is needed to dissolve 190g of NaNO3 at 30°C? 73g NaNO3 75g = ? 100g H2O 200g H2O = 150 g KNO3 95g = 190g 100g H2O ? g H2O = 200 g H2O
  • 20. Molarity • Molarity is the concentration of a solution expressed in moles of solute per Liter of solution. • Molarity is a conversion factor for calculations Molarity (M) = moles of solute Liters of solution
  • 21. Molarity M = mol (solute) L (solution) • Example 1: What is the molarity of a solution that has 2.3 moles of sodium chloride in 0.45 liters of solution? 2.3 moles NaCl = 5.1M NaCl 0.45 L
  • 22. Molarity M = mol (solute) L (solution) • Example 2: How many moles of Na2CO3 are there in 10.0 L of 2.0 M solution? 10.0 L 2.0 mol Na2CO3 1 1 L = 20.0 moles Na2CO3
  • 23. Molarity M = mol (solute) L (solution) • Example 3: How many moles of KNO3 are needed to make 450. mL of 1.5 molar solution? 450. mL 1L 1.5 mol KNO3 1 1000mL 1L = .675 moles KNO3
  • 24. Molarity M = mol (solute) L (solution) • Example 4: How many grams of NaCl are needed to make 3.0 L of 1.5 M solution? 3.0 L 1.5 mol NaCl 58.44 g NaCl 1 1 L 1 mol NaCl = 260 g NaCl
  • 25. Molarity M = mol (solute) L (solution) • Example 5: How many L of 4.0 M solution can be made with 132g of NaCl ? 132 g NaCl 1 mol NaCl 1 L 1 58.44 g NaCl 4.0 mol NaCl = .565 L
  • 27. Dilutions and Molarity • Use this formula to make a more dilute solution from a concentrated solution Molarity1 x Volume1 = Molarity2 x Volume2 (Concentrated) (Dilute) (before) = (after) M1V1 = M2V2
  • 28. Example 1 How many liters of 2.5 M HCl are required to make 1.5 L of 1.0 M HCl? M1V1 = M2V2 M1 = 2.5 M V1 = ? M2 = 1.0 M V2 = 1.5 L (2.5M) V1 = (1.0M) (1.5 L) 2.5M 2.5M = 0.60L
  • 29. Example 1 M1 = 2.5M V1 = 0.60L M2 = 1.0 M V2= 1.5 L How much water should you add to the volume of 2.5M HCl you calculated above to make the solution? (draw this in your notes) 1st add .60L of HCl to measuring device.
  • 30. Example 1 M1 = 2.5M V1 = 0.60L M2 = 1.0 M V2= 1.5 L How much water should you add to the volume of 2.5M HCl you calculated above to make the solution? Then add enough water to get to 1.5L of solution V2 – V1 = Amount of water 1.5L – 0.60L = 0.90L water
  • 31. Example 1 M1 = 2.5M V1 = 0.60L M2 = 1.0 M V2= 1.5 L How much water should you add to the volume of 2.5M HCl you calculated above to make the solution? Final solution is 1.5L of 1.0M HCl
  • 32. Example 2 • 250.0 mL of a 0.500 M HCl solution needs to be made from concentrated HCl. What volume of the concentrated solution is needed if its molarity is 12.0 M? M1V1 = M2V2 M1 = V1 = M2 = V2 =
  • 33. Example 2 • 250.0 mL of a 0.500 M HCl solution needs to be made from concentrated HCl. What volume of the concentrated solution is needed if its molarity is 12.0 M? M1V1 = M2V2 M1 = 12.0M V1 = 10.4mL M2 = 0.500M V2 = 250.0mL How much water would you add to make the final solution? 250.0mL - 10.4mL = 239.6mL
  • 35. Mass Percent • Solutions can also be represented as percent of solute in a specific mass of solution. • For a solid dissolved in water, you use percent by mass which is Mass Percent. • % by mass = mass solute x 100 mass of solution **Mass of solution = solute mass + solvent mass
  • 36. Example 1 • If a solution that has a mass of 800.0 grams contains 20.0 grams of NaCl, what is the concentration using Percent by Mass? % by mass = mass solute x 100 mass of solution % by mass = 20.0g NaCl x 100 800.0g solution = 2.50% NaCl
  • 37. Example 2 • If 10.0 grams of NaCl is dissolved in 90.0 grams of water, what is the concentration using Percent by Mass? % by mass = mass solute x 100 mass of solution % by mass = 10.0g NaCl x 100 = 10.0%NaCl 100.0g solution
  • 38. Example 3 • How many grams of sodium bromide are in 200.0g of solution that is 15.0% sodium bromide by mass? % by mass = mass solute x 100 mass of solution % by mass = ? g NaBr x 100 = 15.0%NaBr 200.0g solution g NaBr = 200.0 x 15.0 100 = 30 g NaBr
  • 40. Solution Stoichiometry • When we previously did stoichiometry for a reaction to determine theoretical yield, we only worked with GRAMS and MOLES • Ex/ How many MOLES of HCl are required to react with 13 GRAMS of zinc? Zn + 2 HCl  ZnCl2 + H2
  • 41. Solution Stoichiometry • But we may be given something OTHER than grams and moles • We can use stoichiometry to solve for ANY unit. We just need to make sure units cancel out and we end up with the unit we are trying to solve for! • The mole ratio using coefficients from the balanced chemical equation is the key to switching between compounds
  • 42. Solution Stoichiometry Ex/ How many LITERS of 12 M HCl are required to react with 13.0 GRAMS of zinc? Zn + 2 HCl  ZnCl2 + H2 13.0g Zn 1 mole Zn 2 mol HCl 1L HCl 1 65.38g Zn 1 mol Zn 12 mol HCl Remember – Molarity (M) is a conversion Factor = 0.0331 L HCl
  • 43. Solution Stoichiometry • Ex/ How many grams of NaOH would be required to react with 1.50 L of 3.75M sulfuric acid? H2SO4 + NaOH  Na2SO4 + H2O 1.50L 1 H2SO4 3.75 mole H2SO4 2 mol NaOH 40.00g NaOH 1 1 L H2SO4 1 mole H2SO4 1 mol NaOH = 450. g NaOH