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Presented by : Abdulaziz Tagawy
In IP multicasting messages are sent from the
source node to all destination nodes. In
order to meet QoS requirements an
optimizing algorithm is needed. We propose
an Ant Colony Optimization algorithm to do
so. Ants release a chemical called
pheromone while searching for food. They
are capable of finding shortest path to their
target. This can give an effective optimal
solution to our Multicast Routing Problem.
 sending a packet from a source to the
members of a multicast group is referred to as
 Unlike IP multicasting, IP unicasting sends a
separate datagram to each recipient host.
 IP broadcasting sends a single datagram to
all hosts on a single network segment (also
known as subnet), even to those not interested
in receiving it.
 Multicasting has a number of practical applications. For
example : -
1) Multimedia: A number of users “tune in” to a video or
audio transmission from a multimedia source station .
2) Teleconferencing: A group of workstations form a
multicast group such that a transmission from any member
is received by all other group members.
3) Database: All copies of a replicated file or database are
updated at the same time.
4) Distributed computation: Intermediate results are sent to
all participants.
5) Real-time workgroup: Files, graphics, and messages are
exchanged among active group members in real time.
 IPv4 and IPv6 each assign a block of
addresses for this purpose.
 In IPv4, Class D addresses are reserved for
Multicasting . These are 32-bit addresses with
1110 as their high-order 4 bits, followed by a
28-bit group identifier.
 In IPv6, a 128-bit multicast address consists of
an 8-bit prefix of all ones, a 4-bit flags field, a
4-bit scope field, and a 112-bit group identifier .
 A router must translate between an IP multicast
address and a network multicast address in order
to deliver a multicast IP datagram on the
destination network .
 in IEEE 802 networks, a MAC-level address is 48
bits long; if the highest-order bit is 1, then it is a
multicast address. Thus, for multicast delivery, a
router attached to an IEEE 802 network must
translate a 32-bit IPv4 or a 128-bit IPv6 multicast
address into a 48-bit IEEE 802 MAC-level
 Each router must determine multicast routing
paths on the basis of both source and
destination addresses.
 A network must be enabled for multicasting,
as follows:
1) Hosts must be configured to send and
receive multicast data
2) Routers must support the Internet Group
Membership Protocol (IGMP), multicast
forwarding, and multicast routing protocols
 Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)
is used by hosts and routers to exchange
multicast group membership information over a
 IGMP supports two principal operations:
1) Hosts send messages to routers to subscribe
to and unsubscribe from a multicast group
defined by a given multicast address.
2) Routers periodically check which multicast
groups are of interest to which hosts.
 All IGMP messages are transmitted in IP
datagrams. The current version (IGMPv3)
defines two message types: Membership
Query and Membership Report.
IGMP : Message Format
 Membership Query message is sent by a multicast router.
There are three subtypes :-
1) General query, used to learn which groups have
members on an attached network.
2) Group-specific query, used to learn if a particular
group has any members on an attached network.
3) Group-and-source-specific query, used to learn if any
attached device desires reception of packets sent to a
specified multicast address, from any of a specified list
of sources.
 Membership Report message is sent by a host as a
response to a query message.
IGMP : Message Format
 To support multicasting in an internetwork, the
hosts and routers must be multicast-enabled.
 In an IP multicast-enabled intranet, any host
can send IP multicast datagrams, and any
host can receive IP multicast datagrams,
including sending and receiving across the
 The source host sends multicast datagrams
to a single Class D IP address, known as the
group address.
 Any host that is interested in receiving the
datagrams contacts a local router to join the
multicast group and then receives all
subsequent datagrams sent to that address.
 Routers use a multicast routing protocol to
determine which subnets include at least one
interested multicast group member and to
forward multicast datagrams only to those
subnets that have group members or a router
that has downstream group members.
Component Description
Host (source or receiver)
A host is any client or server on the
network. A multicast-enabled host is
configured to send and receive (or
only send) multicast data.
Router A multicast router is capable of
handling host requests to join or
leave a group and of forwarding
multicast data to subnets that
contain group members.
Component Description
Multicast address A Class D IP address used for
sending IP multicast data. An IP
multicast source sends the data to a
single multicast address, as
described later in this section. A
specific IP multicast address is also
known as group address.
Multicast group A multicast group is the set of hosts
that listen for a specific IP multicast
address. A multicast group is also
known as a host group.
MBone The Internet multicast backbone, or
the portion of the Internet that
 Anycast is a communication technique
between a single sender and nearest of
several receivers of group. It exists in the
contradistinction to multicast, communication
between a single sender and multiple
receivers, and unicast, communication
between a single sender and a single
receiver in a network.
 An anycast packet is delivered to one of
these nodes with the same anycast address.
Like a multicast address, a single anycast
address is assigned to multiple nodes (called
anycast membership), but unlike
multicasting, only one member of the
assigned anycast address communicates
with the originator at a time.
 was unknown until IPv6 made it a standard
connection type. Anycast is not standardized
in IPv4 but can be emulated.
 It was unknown until IPv6 made it a standard connection
type. Anycast is not standardized in IPv4 but can be
 The basic idea of Anycast is very simple:
 multiple servers, which share the same IP address, host
the same service.
 The routing infrastructure sends IP packets to the
nearest server (according to the metric of the routing
protocol used).
 The major benefits of employing Anycast in IPv4 are
improved latency times, server load balancing, and
improved security.
 Anycast packets can be dropped like any other kind of
 Packets are not specifically marked or tagged.
 Preferably only anycast server receives a packet, but there
is no guarantee.
 It is possible that the sequential packets from a client to
anycast address are delivered to different servers.
 If servers are not synchronized incorrect data maybe sent
 The server that receives a specific packet is solely
determined by the unicast routing protocol used in the
 Clients, servers, and routers require no
special software/firmware.
 The only special configuration is needed on
servers and routing infrastructure.
 Unicast is the term used to describe
communication where one piece of
information is sent from one point to another
having just one sender and one receiver.
 It defined as a point-to-point flow of packets
between a source (client) and destination
host (server).
 Certain network applications which are mass-
distributed are too costly to be conducted
with unicast transmission since each network
connection consumes computing resources
on the sending host and requires its own
separate network bandwidth for transmission.
 Such applications include streaming media of
many forms. Internet radio stations using
unicast connections may have high
bandwidth costs.
 Broadcasting refers to a method of
transferring a message to all recipients
 can be performed in following ways:
1) As a high level operation in a program, for
example broadcasting Message Passing
Interface .
2) It may be a low level networking
operation, for example broadcasting on
 Not all network technologies support
broadcast addressing. For example, neither
X.25 nor frame relay have broadcast
capability, nor is there any form of Internet-
wide broadcast.
 Broadcasting is largely confined to local are
network (LAN) technologies.
 most notably Ethernet and token ring, where
the performance impact of broadcasting is
not as large as it would be in a wide area
 Swarm intelligence is a relatively new
approach to problem solving that takes
inspiration from social behaviors to solve
optimization problem.
 Ant colony optimization is a heuristic algorithm
which has been proven a successful technique
and applied to a number of combinational
optimization problem and taken as one of the
high performance computing methods.
ANT Colony Optimization :
 It has wide range of applications with very
good search capabilities for optimization
problems but it still remains a bottleneck due to
high cost and time conversion.
 ACO inspired by the forging behavior of real
ants to find food from their nest.
ANT Colony Optimization :
 The algorithm is basically used to find shortest
path from nest to food source and the path is
then used by other ants this is all due to
chemical name pheromone deposited by ants
on ground while searching for food .
ANT Colony Optimization :
ANT Colony Optimization :
ANT Colony Optimization :
 Ant Colony Optimization technique has
emerged recently novel meta-heuristic for a
hard combinational optimization problems.
 It is designed to stimulate the ability of ant
colonies to determine the shortest paths to
 Although individual ant posses few capabilities,
their operation as a colony is capable of
complex behavior.
ANT Colony Optimization :
 Real ants can indirectly can communicate
though pheromone information without visual
cues and capable of finding shortest path
between food and their nests.
 The ants follow pheromone on trail while
walking and the other ants follow the trail with
some probability dependent on the density of
pheromone deposited by the ants.
ANT Colony Optimization :
 more the pheromone deposited the more ants
will follow that trail.
 Through this mechanism ants ultimately find
the shortest path.
ANT Colony Optimization :
ANT Colony Optimization :
 A search algorithm with such concept is
called Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm.
ACO inspired by the forging behavior of real
ants to find food from their nest.
 Assuming S is source code and U= {U1, U2……...Um} donated a set of
destination nodes.
 1. Initialize network nodes.
 2. Set LC=0 where LC is loop count.
 3. Let 𝐿 𝑘 be the shortest path for the destination node Ui.
 4. The initial value of 𝜏 𝑘=0 as no ant has traversed any path so ant can
chose any path as probability of any path=0.
 5. Ant chooses the path according to the probability of path.
 6. Compute the pheromone update of the path and each edge selected by
the ant using
 𝜏 𝑘 =
𝐿 𝑘
 Where
 R is any constant value.
 Lk is total path traversed by the ant.
 Update the local pheromone 𝜏 𝑘
 𝜏 𝑘= (1-ρ) 𝜏 𝑘
+ 𝜏 𝑘
 Where ρ = (0 to 1) pheromone decay .
 Compute the probability 𝑃𝑘 of each edge.
𝑃𝑘 =
[𝜏] 𝛼
∗ [𝑛]
𝑗∈𝑛[𝜏] 𝛼
∗ [𝑛]
𝑛 𝑘= 1
𝑒 𝑘
Where k ϵ N
α,β are meta values.
𝑛 𝑘 heuristic value.
𝑒 𝑘 edge value.
9. Set LC=LC+1.
 Repeat from step 5 update the
value of 𝜏 𝑘 and probability of
 11. Collect best paths to get the
multicast tree.

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Solving QoS multicast routing problem using aco algorithm

  • 2. In IP multicasting messages are sent from the source node to all destination nodes. In order to meet QoS requirements an optimizing algorithm is needed. We propose an Ant Colony Optimization algorithm to do so. Ants release a chemical called pheromone while searching for food. They are capable of finding shortest path to their target. This can give an effective optimal solution to our Multicast Routing Problem. Abstract
  • 4. INTRODUCTION  sending a packet from a source to the members of a multicast group is referred to as multicasting.  Unlike IP multicasting, IP unicasting sends a separate datagram to each recipient host.  IP broadcasting sends a single datagram to all hosts on a single network segment (also known as subnet), even to those not interested in receiving it. DEFINITION :
  • 6. INTRODUCTION  Multicasting has a number of practical applications. For example : - 1) Multimedia: A number of users “tune in” to a video or audio transmission from a multimedia source station . 2) Teleconferencing: A group of workstations form a multicast group such that a transmission from any member is received by all other group members. 3) Database: All copies of a replicated file or database are updated at the same time. 4) Distributed computation: Intermediate results are sent to all participants. 5) Real-time workgroup: Files, graphics, and messages are exchanged among active group members in real time. ` DEFINITION :
  • 7. INTRODUCTION  IPv4 and IPv6 each assign a block of addresses for this purpose.  In IPv4, Class D addresses are reserved for Multicasting . These are 32-bit addresses with 1110 as their high-order 4 bits, followed by a 28-bit group identifier. DEFINITION : Function Requirements
  • 8. INTRODUCTION  In IPv6, a 128-bit multicast address consists of an 8-bit prefix of all ones, a 4-bit flags field, a 4-bit scope field, and a 112-bit group identifier . DEFINITION : Function Requirements
  • 9. INTRODUCTION  A router must translate between an IP multicast address and a network multicast address in order to deliver a multicast IP datagram on the destination network .  in IEEE 802 networks, a MAC-level address is 48 bits long; if the highest-order bit is 1, then it is a multicast address. Thus, for multicast delivery, a router attached to an IEEE 802 network must translate a 32-bit IPv4 or a 128-bit IPv6 multicast address into a 48-bit IEEE 802 MAC-level DEFINITION : Function Requirements
  • 11. INTRODUCTION DEFINITION : Function Requirements  Each router must determine multicast routing paths on the basis of both source and destination addresses.
  • 12. INTRODUCTION  A network must be enabled for multicasting, as follows: 1) Hosts must be configured to send and receive multicast data 2) Routers must support the Internet Group Membership Protocol (IGMP), multicast forwarding, and multicast routing protocols DEFINITION :
  • 13. INTRODUCTION  Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is used by hosts and routers to exchange multicast group membership information over a LAN .  IGMP supports two principal operations: 1) Hosts send messages to routers to subscribe to and unsubscribe from a multicast group defined by a given multicast address. 2) Routers periodically check which multicast groups are of interest to which hosts. IGMP :
  • 14. INTRODUCTION  All IGMP messages are transmitted in IP datagrams. The current version (IGMPv3) defines two message types: Membership Query and Membership Report. IGMP : Message Format
  • 15. INTRODUCTION  Membership Query message is sent by a multicast router. There are three subtypes :- 1) General query, used to learn which groups have members on an attached network. 2) Group-specific query, used to learn if a particular group has any members on an attached network. 3) Group-and-source-specific query, used to learn if any attached device desires reception of packets sent to a specified multicast address, from any of a specified list of sources.  Membership Report message is sent by a host as a response to a query message. IGMP : Message Format
  • 16. INTRODUCTION  To support multicasting in an internetwork, the hosts and routers must be multicast-enabled.  In an IP multicast-enabled intranet, any host can send IP multicast datagrams, and any host can receive IP multicast datagrams, including sending and receiving across the Internet. WORKING :
  • 17. INTRODUCTION  The source host sends multicast datagrams to a single Class D IP address, known as the group address.  Any host that is interested in receiving the datagrams contacts a local router to join the multicast group and then receives all subsequent datagrams sent to that address. WORKING :
  • 18. INTRODUCTION  Routers use a multicast routing protocol to determine which subnets include at least one interested multicast group member and to forward multicast datagrams only to those subnets that have group members or a router that has downstream group members. WORKING :
  • 20. INTRODUCTION ARCHITECTURE : Component Description Host (source or receiver) A host is any client or server on the network. A multicast-enabled host is configured to send and receive (or only send) multicast data. Router A multicast router is capable of handling host requests to join or leave a group and of forwarding multicast data to subnets that contain group members.
  • 21. INTRODUCTION ARCHITECTURE : Component Description Multicast address A Class D IP address used for sending IP multicast data. An IP multicast source sends the data to a single multicast address, as described later in this section. A specific IP multicast address is also known as group address. Multicast group A multicast group is the set of hosts that listen for a specific IP multicast address. A multicast group is also known as a host group. MBone The Internet multicast backbone, or the portion of the Internet that
  • 23. RELATED WORK  Anycast is a communication technique between a single sender and nearest of several receivers of group. It exists in the contradistinction to multicast, communication between a single sender and multiple receivers, and unicast, communication between a single sender and a single receiver in a network. ANYCAST :
  • 24. RELATED WORK  An anycast packet is delivered to one of these nodes with the same anycast address. Like a multicast address, a single anycast address is assigned to multiple nodes (called anycast membership), but unlike multicasting, only one member of the assigned anycast address communicates with the originator at a time. ANYCAST :
  • 25. RELATED WORK  was unknown until IPv6 made it a standard connection type. Anycast is not standardized in IPv4 but can be emulated. ANYCAST :
  • 26. RELATED WORK  It was unknown until IPv6 made it a standard connection type. Anycast is not standardized in IPv4 but can be emulated.  The basic idea of Anycast is very simple:  multiple servers, which share the same IP address, host the same service.  The routing infrastructure sends IP packets to the nearest server (according to the metric of the routing protocol used).  The major benefits of employing Anycast in IPv4 are improved latency times, server load balancing, and improved security. ANYCAST :
  • 27. RELATED WORK  Anycast packets can be dropped like any other kind of traffic.  Packets are not specifically marked or tagged.  Preferably only anycast server receives a packet, but there is no guarantee.  It is possible that the sequential packets from a client to anycast address are delivered to different servers.  If servers are not synchronized incorrect data maybe sent back.  The server that receives a specific packet is solely determined by the unicast routing protocol used in the domain. ANYCAST :
  • 28. RELATED WORK  Clients, servers, and routers require no special software/firmware.  The only special configuration is needed on servers and routing infrastructure. ANYCAST :
  • 29. RELATED WORK  Unicast is the term used to describe communication where one piece of information is sent from one point to another having just one sender and one receiver.  It defined as a point-to-point flow of packets between a source (client) and destination host (server). UNICAST :
  • 30. RELATED WORK  Certain network applications which are mass- distributed are too costly to be conducted with unicast transmission since each network connection consumes computing resources on the sending host and requires its own separate network bandwidth for transmission.  Such applications include streaming media of many forms. Internet radio stations using unicast connections may have high bandwidth costs. UNICAST :
  • 31. RELATED WORK  Broadcasting refers to a method of transferring a message to all recipients simultaneously.  can be performed in following ways: 1) As a high level operation in a program, for example broadcasting Message Passing Interface . 2) It may be a low level networking operation, for example broadcasting on BROADCAST :
  • 32. RELATED WORK  Not all network technologies support broadcast addressing. For example, neither X.25 nor frame relay have broadcast capability, nor is there any form of Internet- wide broadcast.  Broadcasting is largely confined to local are network (LAN) technologies.  most notably Ethernet and token ring, where the performance impact of broadcasting is not as large as it would be in a wide area BROADCAST :
  • 34. ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM  Swarm intelligence is a relatively new approach to problem solving that takes inspiration from social behaviors to solve optimization problem.  Ant colony optimization is a heuristic algorithm which has been proven a successful technique and applied to a number of combinational optimization problem and taken as one of the high performance computing methods. ANT Colony Optimization :
  • 35. ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM  It has wide range of applications with very good search capabilities for optimization problems but it still remains a bottleneck due to high cost and time conversion.  ACO inspired by the forging behavior of real ants to find food from their nest. ANT Colony Optimization :
  • 36. ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM  The algorithm is basically used to find shortest path from nest to food source and the path is then used by other ants this is all due to chemical name pheromone deposited by ants on ground while searching for food . ANT Colony Optimization :
  • 38. ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM ANT Colony Optimization :  Ant Colony Optimization technique has emerged recently novel meta-heuristic for a hard combinational optimization problems.  It is designed to stimulate the ability of ant colonies to determine the shortest paths to food.  Although individual ant posses few capabilities, their operation as a colony is capable of complex behavior.
  • 39. ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM ANT Colony Optimization :  Real ants can indirectly can communicate though pheromone information without visual cues and capable of finding shortest path between food and their nests.  The ants follow pheromone on trail while walking and the other ants follow the trail with some probability dependent on the density of pheromone deposited by the ants.
  • 40. ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM ANT Colony Optimization :  more the pheromone deposited the more ants will follow that trail.  Through this mechanism ants ultimately find the shortest path.
  • 42. ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM ANT Colony Optimization :  A search algorithm with such concept is called Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm. ACO inspired by the forging behavior of real ants to find food from their nest.
  • 43. ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM ALGORITHM :  Assuming S is source code and U= {U1, U2……...Um} donated a set of destination nodes.  1. Initialize network nodes.  2. Set LC=0 where LC is loop count.  3. Let 𝐿 𝑘 be the shortest path for the destination node Ui.  4. The initial value of 𝜏 𝑘=0 as no ant has traversed any path so ant can chose any path as probability of any path=0.  5. Ant chooses the path according to the probability of path.  6. Compute the pheromone update of the path and each edge selected by the ant using  𝜏 𝑘 = 𝑅 𝐿 𝑘  Where  R is any constant value.  Lk is total path traversed by the ant.
  • 44. ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM ALGORITHM :  Update the local pheromone 𝜏 𝑘  𝜏 𝑘= (1-ρ) 𝜏 𝑘 + 𝜏 𝑘  Where ρ = (0 to 1) pheromone decay .
  • 45. ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM ALGORITHM :  Compute the probability 𝑃𝑘 of each edge. 𝑃𝑘 = [𝜏] 𝛼 ∗ [𝑛] 𝛽 𝑗∈𝑛[𝜏] 𝛼 ∗ [𝑛] 𝛽 𝑛 𝑘= 1 𝑒 𝑘 Where k ϵ N α,β are meta values. 𝑛 𝑘 heuristic value. 𝑒 𝑘 edge value. 9. Set LC=LC+1.
  • 46. ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM ALGORITHM :  Repeat from step 5 update the value of 𝜏 𝑘 and probability of paths.  11. Collect best paths to get the multicast tree.