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 About PRIME database : India’s pioneering and the only comprehensive resource
providing, since 1989, complete, correct, timely and analyzed information on the
Indian primary capital market covering fund raising by the Indian corporate sector
and the Government through equity, debt or securitization, in public and private
market, in India or abroad. In all, primedatabase.com, has till 1st January 2023,
tracked and analyzed over 1,42,321 offerings including 7,766 public issues.
 We currently subscribe to over 700 full-text electronic journals, around 35 databases
and a growing collection of electronic books, many of which are core texts.
 DSpace @JNU is our institutional repository designed to store and make available the
entire digital scholarly output of JNU. DSpace @JNU allows you to self-archive your
papers, share research data, and store your digitised image or multimedia
 Inter Library Loan
Our dedicated Inter-Library Loans team provides access to material not held within JNU
Library System. A wide range of material can be loaned for you from DELNET an agency
that operate in India to facilitate InterLibrary Loan among the Libraries in India and abroad.
 All the books procured in the Library are being Classified in DDC, a Scheme for
Classification of Subjects used by Library Professionals to arrange the books in
proper order on the shelf for easy retrieval. Books are catalogued according to
AACR2 and the catalogues are generated using VIRTUA Library Management
Software. The catalogue is available online across the globe for browsing and
 Books on Social Science, Philosophy, Religion, Arts & Aesthetics, Government
Documents are classified at Technical Processing Section in Mezzanine Floor.
Science and Language books are processed at 3rd and 4th Floor respectively


Book Acquisition Policy
 Existing Acquisition Policy(active tab)
Presently JNU Central Library has a fairly comprehensive book procurement procedure.
However, It is being felt that the framework needs little bit modifications to make it more
efficient and transparent. Therefore, some changes in the present procedure and also some
new methods of procurement of books – both print and online have been introduced w.e.f. 10
January 2012. This has been approved by the Library Advisory Committee in its meeting
held on 4.1.2012.
Book selection
It has been customary for the faculty and students to take part in book selection in the
University. The Library staff usually recommends general reference books and those
materials not covered by departmental subject categories like books on library and
information science etc. Publishers and Vendors are increasingly providing electronic lists of
titles available for purchase, printed catalogues and other printed announcements. These are
being forwarded to the Schools and Centres from time to time. Besides catalogues, book
reviews in important magazines and databases are also a basis for recommending books for
the library. The library also circulates reviews of books to the Schools to keep them informed
about new publications.
Book Purchasing Procedure
 1. The Faculty and students can recommend books and other publications for purchase to
the Central Library. It is desired that the list of books requisitioned by the Faculty for
purchase for each School/Centre be always routed through the respective
Deans/Chairpersons. The requisitions of students can be got approved by the concerned
faculty and Dean/Chairperson. It will be desirable that books relating to semester courses
may be sent in with one clear semester notice.
 2. The Library would then check for duplication and place the list of recommended books
before the Library Advisory Committee (LAC) for its review. Some very urgent requirements
of books forwarded by the Deans/Chairpersons of respective Schools/Centres may be
purchased with the approval of Chairperson of the Library Advisory Committee or by
circulation to LAC members.
 3. Once approved by the LAC for purchase, library staff re-checks the library OPAC to
eliminate any duplicate orders etc..
 4. The Library then prepares the final list of books and obtains financial sanction for their
acquisition from the Librarian/Rector/Vice-Chancellor as per the financial powers delegated
to each authority.
 5. On the recommendations of the faculty the Library may purchase multiple copies of only
those books which are found to be in great demand but not more than five copies of any
book are procured.
 6. The library will change the earlier practice of ordering books through a select list of
approved vendors. The Library may now place orders with any well recognised Vendors
registered with Federation of Publishers and Booksellers Association in India (FPBSA) and
Delhi State Booksellers & Publishers Association. The discount insisted upon would be a
minimum of 20% on the printed/publishers price. The exceptions would be Government
publications/institutional publications and nil discount items. Also in some exceptional cases
the vendors charge the library for handling on publishers’ demand. In case of multivolume


books and encyclopaedia, efforts may be made to obtain higher discounts. On the basis of
service and past records the review of the suppliers will be done on annual basis.
 7. A system of online ordering of books and purchase of books by Faculty during their visits
abroad has been introduced. Whenever, the faculty are in need of books urgently, they may
purchase books for the library from online book stores like amazon.com, flipkart.com etc.
using their own credit/debit cards after checking with the library about its non-availability
and with due certification from the library to that effect. Same procedure of obtaining
approval and financial sanction from the appropriate authority will be followed. They may
also be authorised to purchase books on official foreign trips in similar way. Such requests
may be processed by circulation to LAC. In such procurements discounts may or may not be
available. Sometimes courier/postage charges are also included. The faculty may be
reimbursed full amount paid on such transactions on the basis of credit/debit card
statement and the bill generated through the online transaction.
Books purchased on Standing Order :
Faculty Publications :
The Library may now purchase three copies of Faculty publications as and when the
publications are brought to the notice of the Library. The financial sanction for procuring the
same may be obtained from the Librarian/Rector/VC depending upon their financial powers.
Government Documents :
Though JNU library is designated as a depository library of all Indian government
publications, many Government documents do not reach the Library due to various reasons.
Since they are immensely useful information sources for research, therefore, all important
Indian government publications have been placed on Standing Order. The list of such
publications is to be finalised and should be approved by the LAC from time to time
Bill Processing :
Once the books are received in the Library along with the bills, the price of each book and
discount rates, bank rates are verified by the concerned staff in Acquisition Section. Entry for
each book is made in the Accession Register which has all the relevant details of a book like
its price, publisher, vendor, year of publication etc. Then the bills are processed for payment
with the accession nos. entered against each item. The In-charge, Acquisition Section
certifies above procedure before forwarding bill to Accounts. The bills are put up to the
Librarian by In-charge, Library Administration for expenditure sanction on the basis of
approval by the competent authority. As per the present practice the Library follows the bank
rates prevailing on 1st of every month for the bills from 1st to 15th of every month and the
bank rate which prevails on the 16th, for the bills from 16th to 30th/31st of the month.
Gifts :
Constraints of space necessitate the library to stop accepting books from any individuals.
Books gifted from major institutions and other individuals may be accepted depending on
their utility and physical condition.
B. Subscription to Print/e-Journals and online Databases :
 1. The Schoolwise/Special Centrewise lists of Print/e-Journals are compiled and
forwarded to the respective Deans of Schools/Chairpersons of Special Centres before
placing them in the Library Advisory Committee meeting.
 2. Recommendations are received from the various Schools/Centres to
subscribe/renew the Print/e-Journals.


 3. A Negotiations Committee was formed by the Library Advisory Committee to
negotiate with the online journals/database dealers about the subscription cost of
each database. The tenure of the Committee may be one year with following
i. Chairperson, Library Advisory Committee
ii. University Librarian (Ex-officio)
iii. Finance Officer (Ex-officio)
iv. Five-six members from different Schools/Centres
 4. After obtaining necessary approval and sanction from the competent authority,
the Print/e-Journals are subscribed/renewed through the subscription agents
keeping in view their past service records. Some Print/e-Journals are also ordered
directly from the publishers.
 5. In case e-resources are not available through any consortium, publishers of e-
resources are directly contacted for raising the invoice.
 6. The Journals are no discount items and under Govt. of India General Financial
Rules, no tender needs to be invited for Print/e-Journals subscription.
 7. The bills are received from the vendors along with the price proof and the proof of
exchange rate as which prevails on the date of remittance to the publisher.
 8. The payment for Print/e-Journals subscription is made as per the bank exchange
rates prevailing on the date of billing.
 9. The supplementary bills are accepted in case there is rise in price of the Print/e-
Journals and exchange rate.
 10. Each Print/e-Journal is considered as a separate item in itself. The payment for
each Print/e-Journals is treated as Advance Payment. The payment is made from the
budget head “Journals”, or from any other head such as Plan Grant/Project Fund etc.
The following amendments to Book Procurement Policy, 2012 were made by the Library
Advisory Committee Meeting held on 27th August, 2014
1) We already have a provision for procuring the urgent books through credit/debit cards of
the faculty for their students and utilization of this facility is rare and research scholars are
requesting to procure the urgent books through their credit cards/debit cards and may be
reimbursed the actual amount paid including postage and any other charges paid by them for
purchasing the books through either Amazon.com or through any other online sources. So
this facility may be added to the visually challenged students/M.Phil./Ph.D. students for
procuring the urgent books with the recommendation from the concerned faculty and duly
forwarded to their respective chairperson or deans. The reimbursement will be made after
submitting the books alongwith receipts/bills to the Acquisition Section.
2) In case of text book if one copy is available in the Library and it has been issued to Faculty
Members, one more copy of the title will be procured immediately for Library Users.
3) The Committee decided to include following points in book Procurement Policy. All books
either single or multi volume title having cost of Rs. 30,000/- should have appropriate
justification from the recommending faculty/researcher/student and must be duly forwarded
by Dean of School/Centre Chairperson.


JNU & UGC-Infonet
1. Prime Database
2. Scifinder sub structural module
3. SIAM - Journal of the Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics
4. ACM Digital
5. American Chemical Society
6. American Institute of Physics (AIP)
7. American Physical Society
8. American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
9. Annual Reviews
10. BioScope
11. Brill Humanities and Social Sciences Journal Collection
12. Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC)
13. Cambridge University Press
14. CapitalineAWS Database
15. CEIC Macroeconomic Database
16. China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)
17. Consumer Pyramid Household Survey
18. Critical Collective
19. EBSCO Academic Search Complete
20. Ebsco ScoINDEX with Full Text
21. Economic and Political weekly
22. Emerald Insight
23. EPWRF India Time Series
24. Grammarly
25. HBP Core Curriculum (main.ehost.hcc)
26. HBS Select Case Study Collection (eBook Sub) (EBSCOhost) (main.ehost.t098sww)
27. IEL Online (IEEE Xplore)
28. Indiadistricts.com
29. IndianJournals.com
30. Indiastat.com
31. Institute of Physics
32. J-Gate Custom Content for Consortium (JCCC)
34. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
35. Manupatra-Online
36. MathSciNet
37. Nature Research Journals
38. Newspaper Direct
39. Ouriginal
40. Oxford University Press
41. Portland Press
42. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science
43. Project Euclid
44. Project Muse
45. ProQuest Academic Research Library
46. ProQuest Historical Newspapers Times of India Archive (1838-2010)
47. Prowess
48. Royal Society of Chemistry


49. Sage Management Collection
50. SAGE Package
51. SAGE Politics & International Relations Collection
52. SCC Online
53. Science Direct
54. Science Magazines : American Association for the Advancement of Science
55. SciFinder
56. Scifinder sub structural module
57. South Asia Archive
58. Springer Link
59. Statista Database
60. TAIR Database
61. Taylor & Francis
62. UNiLibrary
63. Web of Science
64. Wiley Online Library
 World Bank Open Data(active tab)
 World Bank Website
 World Bank India
 World Bank India (Hindi)
 Open Development
provides tools, knowledge resources, research, and data that support the Bank's work in
promoting openness and transparency.
 Open Data
provides free access to over 8000 development indicators in five languages, free to use, re-
use and redistribute – and growing collection of surveys.
 Open Finances
provides portions of the Bank's investments, assets it manages on behalf of global funds,
and the Bank's own financial statements.
 Mapping for Results
provides information on more than 16,000 geographic locations of 1600+ Bank financed
 Open Knowledge Repository (OKR)
provides access to the Bank's repository for its research outputs and knowledge products.
 projects & Operations
provides easy access to detailed information on over 11,000 lending project documents in
over 100 countries from 1947 onwards.
 Documents and Reports
provides access to more than 145,000 pubpcally available World Bank documents that
enable sharing the institution's extensive knowledge base and implementing its AI popcy
 Topics
provides information on more than 200 thematic issues in development
 World Development Report
provides full text free downloadable World Development Report an annual flagship WB
 World Bank Institute
provides information on knowledge exchange, scholarships, e-institute and on innovative


 Integrity Vice presidency (INT)
provides information on INT's activities and program documents.
 Independent Evaluation Group
provides formation on IEG's activities and program documents.
E-News Paper
Press Reader (Newspaper Direct) Times of India (Archives)
Trial Resources
Statista JoVE SAGE Politics & International Relations Collection
Biomedical & Life
Science E-Books(Full
Cambridge Books Online
(Full List)
Earth & Environmental
Science E-Books(Full
EBSCO eBooks (Net
EBSCO eBooks Tutorial
Reference Centre PLus
ECCO (Literature and
Law (Full List)
Linguistics (Full List) List of EBSCO eBooks Literature (Full List)
Oxford Handbooks
Oxford Reference:
Oxford Reference
Oxford Scholarly
Editions Online
Oxford Scholarship
No Record
Oxford Scholarship
Online: (Linguistics)
Political Science (Full
Public Health (Full List) Science (Free Trial)
Science Translational
Medicine (Free Trial)
Springer E-Books
Science Signaling (Free
No Record
Alberta Journal of Educational
American Journal of
American Journal of
American Journal
of Public Health
Angewandte Chemie
International Edition in English
Annals of Applied
Antioxidants & Redox
Arctic Antarctic
and Alpine


(Back files) Research
Asian Population Studies ASM Journals Australian Geographers
Biochemical Journal Bioinformatics
Biotechnology and
Blood BMJ (P+O)
British Journal
of Cancer
British Journal of
Bulletin of the American
Meteorology Society
Canadian Journal of
Forest Research
Cancer Biology and
Cancer Prevention Research Cancer Research
Cell Cycle
Cell Death and
Cell Research Cellular Microbiology
Chem Bio Chem Chem Phys Chem
Chemical Biology and Drug
Design(formerly Journal of
Peptide Research
Chemistry - A
European Journal
(Back files)
Chemistry :An Asian
Clinical Cancer Research Comparative Sociology
Political Theory
Critical Horizons
Current Protocols in
Current Protocols in
Current Protocols in
Molecular Biology
Current Protocols in
Protein Science
Current Protocols in
Stem Cell Biology
Development cell
Earth and Planetary
Economic & Political
Weekly (EPW)
Economic & Political
Weekly (EPW)
Elsevier ( List of accessible
Journals under Elsevier )
Embo journal Embo report Endocrine Review Endocrinology
European journal of
European Journal of
Inorganic chemistry
FASEB Journal
Gastroenterology Gene Therapy Genes & Development
Genes and
Genetics Genetics in Medicine Genome Biology Genome Research


Health Sciences, Nursing & Health
IGI Global
Immunity Immunological Reviews
Indian Journal of
History of Science
Indian Journal of
Indian Journal Of
Medical Ethics
Indian Journal of Medical
Indian Journal of
Preventive & Social
Indian journal of
Public Health
Indian Journal of
Tuberculosis (P+O)
Innovation Institute of Physics
Journal Of Artificial
intelligence Tools
International Journal
of Cancer
International journal of
Communication Networks &
Distributed Systems
International journal
of Energy Technology
and Policy
Journal of High
Speed Computing
International Journal
of Mobile
International journal of Mobile
Networks Design &Innovation
International Journal
of Modern Physics :A
Journal of Modern
Physics: B
International journal
of Radiation Biology
International Journal of Security
and Networks
International journal
of Sensor Networks
Journal of
Technology and
International Journal
of Toxicology
International journal of Web
Based Communities
International journal
of Wireless & Optical
Journal of Wireless
and Mobile
Jouranl of Quality Technology
Journal of Algebraic
Journal of Applied
Metrology and
Journal of
Atmospheric Science
Journal of Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology
Journal of Biological
Journal of
Journal of
Structure & Dynamics
Journal of Cell Biology Journal of Cell Science
Journal of Cellular
and Molecular
Journal of Circuits,
Systems and
Journal of Climate
Journal of Clinical
Endocrinology &
Journal of Clinical
Journal of Coastal


Journal of Computational
Journal of Experimental
Journal of
Journal of Geophysical
Journal of Glaciology
Journal of
Journal of
Journal of Infectious
Journal of Interconnection
Journal of Investigative
Journal of Lie
Journal of Medical
Journal of Nanoscience and
Journal of
Journal of
Journal of Physical
Chemistry Letters
Mathematical Research
Modern Physics
Letters: A>
Modern Physics Letters:
Molecular Cancer
Molecular cell>
Molecular Plant Microbe
Molecular Therapy>
Monthly Weather Review>
Nature American Journal of
Nature Biotechnology
Nature Cell
Nature Cell Death and
Nature Cellular and
Molecular Immunology
Nature Chemical
Nature Climate Change
Nature European Journal of
Human Genetics
Nature Gene Therapy Nature Genetics
Nature Geoscience Nature Immunology
Nature Immunology
& Cell Biology
Nature Journal
of Antibiotics
Nature Journal of
Investigative Dermatology
Nature Leukemia Nature Materials
Nature Methods Nature Molecular Therapy Nature Neuroscience
Nature Physics Nature Protocols
Nature Research
Journals all parts with
Nature Reviews
Nature Reviews Drug
Nature Reviews
Gastroenterology and
Nature Reviews
Nature Reviews
Nature Reviews Microbiology
Nature Reviews Molecular
Cell Biology
Nature Reviews


Nature Structural and
Molecular biology
Networks Neural Computation Neuron
Neuroreport Neuroscience
New England Journal
of Medicine
New Left
New Mathematics and
Natural Computation
North Korea News
Oncogene Oncology
Parallel Processing Letters
Plant Cell
PNAS: Proceeding of the National
Academy of science
Population And
Radiation Research RNA
Science Science Express Science Online Science Signaling
Scientific American
Security and
Communication networks
Soil Society of
America journal
Statistical Applications in
Genetics and Molecular Biology
Taylor and Francis ( List of accessible Journals
under Taylor and Francis)
Transactions of AMS Transfusion
Weather and
Wiley Journals ( List of accessible
Journals under Wiley)
Wireless Communications and
Mobile Computing
Newspaper Direct (Press Display)
The Database contains 2990 full content newspapers and magazines from 100 countries. It
launches PressReader Windows Store App, one of the first apps to bring high-resolution full-
content newspapers and magazines to Windows 8. The access is available 24*7 from any
terminal/computer attached with JNU Intranet/Wi-Fi. It can also be accessed on mobile.
North Korea News


New York Times
NYTimes.com/GroupPass passes can be claimed by visiting, while connected to the
university's IP . To access the Newspaper kindly register for an NYTimes.com account.
Proquest Newspapers Collection
 ProQuest Times of India Archive (1838-2004)
 ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Guardian (1821-2003) and The Observer (1791-2003)
 ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Wall Street Journal (1889-1996)
 Rare collection of old Urdu newspaper Al-Islah
Link of other important Newspapers
 Ajit
 Amar Ujala
 Anand Bazar Patrika
 Asian Age
 Assam Tribune
 Business Bhaskar (Hindi)
 Business Standard : http://www.business-standard.com/india/
Daily Awam
Daily Excelsior
 Dainik Assam
 Dainik Bhaskar
 Dainik Jagran
 Deccan Chronicle
 Deccan Herald
 Deshbandhu
 Dinamani
 Economic Times
 Eenadu
 Financial Express
 Financial Times
 Hindu (Chennai)
 Hindu (Delhi)
 Hindustan Times
 Hindustan Times (Hindi)
 Indian Express
 Jansatta
 Loksatta
 Mathrubhumi
 Nai Dunia
 Nav Bharat Times
 Pioneer
 Prajavani
 Rajasthan Patrika
 Rashtriya Sahara (Hindi)


 Roznama Rashtriya Sahara (Urdu)
 Samaj
 Sandesh
 Statesman
 Swatantra Bharat
 Telegraph
 Times of India
 Tribune (English)
 Tribune (Punjabi)
Foreign Newspapers
 China Daily
 Island Daily
 Japan Times
 Jerusalem Post
 LE-monde
 Renmin Ribao
 Observer (London)
 Sunday Times (London)
Regional Newspapers
 Asomiya Pratidin
 Etemaad
 Inquilab
 Munsif
Theses and Dissertations
The JNU library has over 22,000 theses and dissertations, which belongs to Humanities,
Social Sciences & Sciences discipline awarded by the University and its affiliated Institutes.
The collection contains approximately 19,000 unique theses and dissertation titles. The
Library has digitised all M.Phil/Ph.D. Theses covering over 30 lacs pages and the metadata
has been captured as per MARC21 standard. The full text of M.Phil./Ph.D. Theses and
Dissertations can be access through JNU Web-OPAC on the intranet.
Helen Keller
Central Library, JNU is delivering special service to the visually challenged students and
researchers of the University by using advanced assistive technologies. In Library, these
services are being delivered through a special unit named after Helen Keller. Helen Keller
unit is equipped with 30 computers, each installed with JAWS (screen reading softwares),
Kurzweil 1000 (OCR software) and computer headphones. In addition, to this 20 HP
flatbed scanners, 02 Lexcam scanners, 02 braille refreshable display and 02 braille
embossers are also provided. The softwares installed in the computers of this unit supports
different European and Hindi Language. Further, this unit has been extended to different
School/Centres like SSS-I, SSS-II, SIS, CSLG and Sanskrit Centre.


Library has also distributed 52 Angle Daisy Player (Digital Voice recorder) to each student
to record their classroom lectures. Library has distributed 40 Dell make Laptops to M. Phil
and Ph.D scholars.
Library has also extended the locker facilities upto M. Phil. and Ph.D scholars to visually
challenged and physical Handicapped students/researchers.
15 Wheelchairs were provided by EOO for the Physically Challenged students and are being
distributed by the Central Library. 5 computers are provided (reserved) at ground floor of the
Library for the physically challenged students.
Central Library has subscribed bookshare.org to facilitate the visually challenged students to
provide the relevant collection in different formats such as daisy, mp3 and e-text. In addition,
to this Library is also a member of Daisy Forum of India (DFI).
Library is organising training and orientation programme on the uses of assistive technology
for the benefit of these students so that they can use of the latest assistive technologies in
their day to day studies.
Through EBSCO discovery service
 Ezproxy
 OpenAthens
 Search All
Books & E-books
A to Z Search
JNU Catalogue
E-Thesis to ETD
Newspaper Clippings


JNU’s ETD Repository
Theses and Dissertations are one of the important primary sources of information; and generally,
libraries of every academic institution maintain a separate collection of theses and dissertations
for reference of their user community. Normally, theses and dissertations are meant to be used
within the library premises, therefore, access to and use of these valuable resources of every
library is limited.
The Central Library of the University has been receiving theses and dissertations from various
schools, centres and affiliated institutions of the university. The Library maintains a separate
collection of theses and dissertation, and its bibliographic details are maintained along with other
library resources. Users can search it in the online public access catalogue (OPAC) of JNU
Library which is available at or can be accessed from Home Page of Central
Library http://www.jnu.ac.in/Library
The date of oldest thesis available in the library goes back to the year 1960 when the doctorate
degree was awarded to Tarun Chandra Bose by former Indian School of International Studies
(ISIS), University of Delhi which was later merged in JNU. The thesis of first PhD awarded by
JNU in the year 1970 is also available in the library. As on March 2014, JNU library has over
21,000 theses and dissertations awarded by the University and its affiliated institutes. The
research topics of this collection are from various subject domains of humanities, social sciences
& sciences disciplines. The collection contains approximately 18,000 unique theses and
dissertation titles.
Advent and proliferation of information and communication technologies has greatly influenced
the way information sources are managed and disseminated by libraries. Simultaneously, it has
also impacted the information seeking behaviour of library users and has raised their
expectations from libraries. Therefore, the library envisioned to make Table of Contents (TOC)
of theses and dissertations available online along with the its bibliographic details in OPAC.
In 2007, the library started in-house project to digitise title page and TOC of theses and
dissertations in order to make them available as part of bibliographic records. Approximately, ten
thousand theses and dissertations were scanned and their TOC were uploaded bibliographic
database of the library. This increased users’ satisfaction level as well as commitment of the
library towards applications of ICT Infrastructure in library activities.
In 2012, the library took one more gigantic step towards increasing visibility and usage of its
theses and dissertation collection by digitizing them and started project for digitization of all the
theses and dissertations available with library. Digitization work has been outsourced and till
date, more than 17,000 hard volumes of theses and dissertations have been digitized. More than
30 lacs digitized pages restrain knowledge of over 5,500 PhD theses and more than 12,000
M.Phil. dissertations. Almost all available back volumes of theses and dissertations have already


been digitised; and, the work on the newly received theses and dissertations is in progress. It is
expected to be completed in near future.
Recently, the University has signed an MoU with INFLIBNET Centre and accordingly has
provided digitized copy of more than 5,000 PhD theses to INFLIBNET Centre to make them
available in Shodhganga.
Furthermore, the University envisioned and started developing its own online repository of
Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs). Although, JNU’s PhD theses are available in
Shodhganga, its ETD Repository envisages making MPhil Dissertations available in public
domain along with PhD theses. The university has framed its policy for availability of ETDs
under open access with an embargo period of three years. The requisite infrastructure for
development of JNU’s ETD Repository is ready; work is progressing with a rapid pace and it is
expected to make it available at http://etd.lib.jnu.ac.in very soon.
Press Clippings
JNU Library has a huge archive of Press Clippings since last four decades of Indian Newspapers
available in INTRANET. Users can find news items on Indian Politics, Social Problems,
Education, Law & Criminalization and news about JNU etc. in our Database. Scanned copy of
the hard copy and softcopy of the Newspapers are being uploaded into VTLS Library
Management Software for storage and retrieval. This is the unique indigenous database of the
JNU Library.
The Press Clippings Service of the JNU Library is one of the widely used service among the
scholars. The library has been providing the press clippings services to academic community
right from its inception in Seventies. The newspaper articles are selected in the area of Social
sciences, International relations, Humanities, and news about JNU. In the recent past the library
has digitised approximately 8 lacs newspaper articles pulled out from over 30 English
newspapers from India and abroad. After digitization of the collection the usage has multiplied.
Presently, the newspaper articles are pulled out from 21 national & international
newspapers.Apart from this, the JNU Library also subscribed " PressDisplay " an online
newspaper database to complement the press clippings database. This database covers 2000
newspapers from 100 countries in 60 languages.
 NK News
 ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Guardian (1821-2003) and The Observer
 ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Wall Street Journal (1889-1996)
 Rare collection of old Urdu newspaper Al-Islah


Research Tools
How to avoid plagiarism
Plagiarism Information
What Is Plagiarism
When you use the work of others, whether published, unpublished or posted on
web sites, attributed or anonymous, you must include proper acknowledgment.
In its most simple form plagiarism is any attempt to present someone else’s ideas,
words, code, art, intellectual property as your own. It involves any activity where
you fail to give credit for the ideas of others either intentionally or unintentionally.
Plagiarism constitutes using the work of another without indicating by referencing
(and by quotations marks when exact phrases or passages are borrowed) that the
ideas expressed are not one’s own. (e.g. 2009, p. 33)
Plagiarism takes many forms. Some common types of plagiarism include:
 Copying and Pasting (copying and pasting portions of text from online journal articles or websites
without proper citation)
 Downloading or buying research papers (Downloading a free paper from a web site or paying to
download a paper and submitting it as your own work)
 Copying or submitting someone else's work (copying a paper/lab report/formula/design/computer
code/music/choreography/assignment etc. and submitting it as your own work)
 Submitting a paper that had been submitted previously
Your work must include some of your own intellectual contribution. You can use the
ideas and information from other authors, but this must be acknowledged. It is
however, not acceptable for you to submit an assignment that is simply linking
quotes together and or a paraphrasing of extracts from other authors.
- "Plagiarism is passing off someone else's work, whether intentionally or
unintentionally, as your own for your own benefit" (Carroll, 2002, p. 9). It is
important to understand that plagiarism even if it is unintentional is unacceptable
and is not excused.
– In this form of plagiarism, students submit work that is so alike in content that
similarity goes beyond coincidence. When submitting an assessment task students
sign a declaration on the coversheet they submit with assignments. This declaration
reads as follows:


Except where I have indicated [through referencing], the work I am submitting in
this assignment is my own work and has not previously been submitted for
assessment in another unit
Ghost writing
– In this form of plagiarism, an assignment has been written by a third party for a
fee and represented by a student as his or her own work. This form of plagiarism is
understood by the University to be intentional.
– In this form of plagiarism, a student takes information/text/data without the
consent or knowledge the work of another student and submitted it as his or her
own. This form of plagiarism is understood by the university to be intentional.
In addition to the above, Plagiarism.org cite the following as forms of plagiarism:
Sources Cited (But Still Plagiarised)
"The Forgotten Footnote" - The writer mentions an author's name for a source,
but neglects to include specific information on the location of the material
referenced. This often masks other forms of plagiarism by obscuring source
"The Misinformer" - The writer provides inaccurate information regarding the
sources, making it impossible to find them.
"The Too-Perfect Paraphrase" - The writer properly cites a source, but neglects to
put in quotation marks, text that has been copied word-for-word, or close to it.
Although attributing the basic ideas to the source, the writer is falsely claiming
original presentation and interpretation of the information.
"The Resourceful Citer" - The writer properly cites all sources, paraphrasing and
using quotations appropriately. The catch? The paper contains almost no original
work! It is sometimes difficult to spot this form of plagiarism because it looks like
any other well-researched document.
"The Perfect Crime" - Well, we all know it doesn't exist. In this case, the writer
properly quotes and cites sources in some places, but goes on to paraphrase other
arguments from those sources without citation. This way, the writer tries to pass off
the paraphrased material as his or her own analysis of the cited material.
Sourced from: here
Why plagiarism happens
There are many reasons why you might consider plagiarising something. Factors
that may lead you to consider plagiarising in your work could include:


 Poor time management - over committed with work or social activities
 English Comprehension difficulties
 Cultural differences - referencing sources was not required in previous educational institutions
 A belief in not getting caught.
It is important to understand that none of these is an acceptable justification for an
act of plagiarism. If you are experiencing difficulty with your studies, then you
should seek assistance from Library staff.
Generally, most plagiarism is unintended. A significant portion of plagiarism results
from poor study habits or from a combination of:
 Carelessness
 Submitting first drafts
 Mistakes with citations
 Information that has been copied but not cited and referenced
 Inappropriate and poor paraphrasing
 Reference list incorrectly formatted or not attached
 Inadequate English language skills and understanding
Linking quotes, cutting and pasting from websites or other publications without
citing the source is also a commonly encountered problem in students’ work.
Reasons for this occurring are also varied and complex; however, for many
students it is more than just poor study skills, poor planning, and poor drafting.
English language skills are also cited by many students as a contributing factor
leading to them plagiarising. Students often report that they linked quotes and/or
cut and pasted because they didn’t fully understand the concepts or the language.
It is important to understand that it is perfectly acceptable to directly quote from
any document. However, it is not acceptable to simply ‘cut and paste’ irrespective
of the reason. It is also your responsibility to develop your academic English
language. Ask University Librarian to organize a workshop to learn how to avoid
these types of problems.
Referencing is a consistent method of acknowledging another person's ideas, which
you have used, in your own essay or assignment.
Why should I cite references?
To abide by the University’s policy on Plagiarism.
To acknowledge the work of other writers.
To enable other researchers to trace your sources.
To demonstrate the depth of your research.


Referencing Style
The are number of styles like APA, MLA and many more.
APA Style
MLA Style
Zotero, Mendeley, RefWorks, , EndNote (Desktop and Web versions) are five
common citation management tools for students and faculty members. These
citation management tools provide the four basic functions including
Capture,Organize,Cite, and Share references. All these tools have almost similar
features in capturing (adding) and citing functions, but the major differences are in
organizing and sharing (collaboration) functions. For details visit the sites:
is a combination of a desktop application and a website which helps you
manage, share and discover both content and research contacts. The website
version was modeled after Last.fm, the social networking music site; it incorporates
social features into the academic process and allows users to share references with
other users or groups, share new research, discover research trends, and get
recommendations based on one's interests.


JNU e-Thesis Submission Guidelines
Rules and Regulations for checking Similarity Index (Plagiarism)
• The term papers for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students will be checked by URKUND
software provided by INFLIBNET, as long as the facility is available to the library.
• Turnitin software will be used for generating similarity report/originality for content in English
and other European languages.
• The Central library will only entertain the drafts of M.Phil and Ph.D dissertations and theses for
checking originality(Plagiarism).
• The library will check the drafts of theses and dissertations twice only.
• As per UGC regulation, the Similarity Index (SI) of the dissertation and theses should be 10%
or less, so in case the SI is 10% or less the same will not be re-checked by the library.


(1) Please download the Annexure I, II and III available above and fill up the desired information
in these forms –sign it and enclose it with CD/DVDs. (If annexures have been already included
in thesis/dissertations and are part of CD/DVD may ignore this).
i. Authentication Certificate:
Copy of duly filled ‘Thesis/Dissertation Authentication Certificate’ (Annexure-I) to be signed by
the research scholar that the thesis/dissertation contained in the CD/DVD is complete in all
respect and is same as submitted in print and has been checked for plagiarism using TURNITIN.
ii. Metadata Form:
The ‘Thesis/dissertation Metadata Form’ (Annexure-II) duly filled by the research scholar.
iii. Consent Form for Digital Archiving:
Copy of ‘Consent Form for Digital Archiving’ (Annexure-III) duly signed by the research
(2) CD/DVD should contain the following:
a. Thesis/dissertation:
A single searchable PDF (Portable Document Format) file containing the complete
thesis/dissertation. (including all certificates)
Note: In case of scanned PDF file, scholars are advised to OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
the scanned PDF so as make it searchable. Besides, the PDF file shouldn’t have any password,
security tags, and restriction on copy, paste or print. OR
MS-Word files of the thesis/dissertation along with all special fonts used in the thesis.
UNICODE Fonts should be used.
b. Other accompanying material/s, if any.
All other accompanying material/s like audio, video, computer programme/ algorithm, etc., if
any, which have been submitted along with the print thesis/ dissertation, are to be provided on
(3) CD should be inserted preferably in a jacket and have name of the scholar, enrolment No. and
Library ID No.
(4) CD/DVD and Annexure I,II and III should be submitted to the following person:
Shri Mahesh Chand, Assistant Librarian,
Govt. Document Section,9th floor, Central Library, JNU.
In case, above person is on leave or at outstation, the next person is –
Shri Amar Singh Yadav, Prof. Assistant,
7th floor, Central Library, JNU.


 Shodganga
 Turnitin
 Grammarly
 Mendley
 Zotero
 Faculty 1000
 Research Guide

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some brief about JNU Central LIBRARY.docx

  • 1. ABOUT JNU LIBRARY  About PRIME database : India’s pioneering and the only comprehensive resource providing, since 1989, complete, correct, timely and analyzed information on the Indian primary capital market covering fund raising by the Indian corporate sector and the Government through equity, debt or securitization, in public and private market, in India or abroad. In all, primedatabase.com, has till 1st January 2023, tracked and analyzed over 1,42,321 offerings including 7,766 public issues.  We currently subscribe to over 700 full-text electronic journals, around 35 databases and a growing collection of electronic books, many of which are core texts.  DSpace @JNU is our institutional repository designed to store and make available the entire digital scholarly output of JNU. DSpace @JNU allows you to self-archive your papers, share research data, and store your digitised image or multimedia collections.  Inter Library Loan Our dedicated Inter-Library Loans team provides access to material not held within JNU Library System. A wide range of material can be loaned for you from DELNET an agency that operate in India to facilitate InterLibrary Loan among the Libraries in India and abroad.  All the books procured in the Library are being Classified in DDC, a Scheme for Classification of Subjects used by Library Professionals to arrange the books in proper order on the shelf for easy retrieval. Books are catalogued according to AACR2 and the catalogues are generated using VIRTUA Library Management Software. The catalogue is available online across the globe for browsing and searching.  Books on Social Science, Philosophy, Religion, Arts & Aesthetics, Government Documents are classified at Technical Processing Section in Mezzanine Floor. Science and Language books are processed at 3rd and 4th Floor respectively 
  • 2. ACQUISITION Book Acquisition Policy  Existing Acquisition Policy(active tab) Presently JNU Central Library has a fairly comprehensive book procurement procedure. However, It is being felt that the framework needs little bit modifications to make it more efficient and transparent. Therefore, some changes in the present procedure and also some new methods of procurement of books – both print and online have been introduced w.e.f. 10 January 2012. This has been approved by the Library Advisory Committee in its meeting held on 4.1.2012. Book selection It has been customary for the faculty and students to take part in book selection in the University. The Library staff usually recommends general reference books and those materials not covered by departmental subject categories like books on library and information science etc. Publishers and Vendors are increasingly providing electronic lists of titles available for purchase, printed catalogues and other printed announcements. These are being forwarded to the Schools and Centres from time to time. Besides catalogues, book reviews in important magazines and databases are also a basis for recommending books for the library. The library also circulates reviews of books to the Schools to keep them informed about new publications. Book Purchasing Procedure  1. The Faculty and students can recommend books and other publications for purchase to the Central Library. It is desired that the list of books requisitioned by the Faculty for purchase for each School/Centre be always routed through the respective Deans/Chairpersons. The requisitions of students can be got approved by the concerned faculty and Dean/Chairperson. It will be desirable that books relating to semester courses may be sent in with one clear semester notice.  2. The Library would then check for duplication and place the list of recommended books before the Library Advisory Committee (LAC) for its review. Some very urgent requirements of books forwarded by the Deans/Chairpersons of respective Schools/Centres may be purchased with the approval of Chairperson of the Library Advisory Committee or by circulation to LAC members.  3. Once approved by the LAC for purchase, library staff re-checks the library OPAC to eliminate any duplicate orders etc..  4. The Library then prepares the final list of books and obtains financial sanction for their acquisition from the Librarian/Rector/Vice-Chancellor as per the financial powers delegated to each authority.  5. On the recommendations of the faculty the Library may purchase multiple copies of only those books which are found to be in great demand but not more than five copies of any book are procured.  6. The library will change the earlier practice of ordering books through a select list of approved vendors. The Library may now place orders with any well recognised Vendors registered with Federation of Publishers and Booksellers Association in India (FPBSA) and Delhi State Booksellers & Publishers Association. The discount insisted upon would be a minimum of 20% on the printed/publishers price. The exceptions would be Government publications/institutional publications and nil discount items. Also in some exceptional cases the vendors charge the library for handling on publishers’ demand. In case of multivolume
  • 3. books and encyclopaedia, efforts may be made to obtain higher discounts. On the basis of service and past records the review of the suppliers will be done on annual basis.  7. A system of online ordering of books and purchase of books by Faculty during their visits abroad has been introduced. Whenever, the faculty are in need of books urgently, they may purchase books for the library from online book stores like amazon.com, flipkart.com etc. using their own credit/debit cards after checking with the library about its non-availability and with due certification from the library to that effect. Same procedure of obtaining approval and financial sanction from the appropriate authority will be followed. They may also be authorised to purchase books on official foreign trips in similar way. Such requests may be processed by circulation to LAC. In such procurements discounts may or may not be available. Sometimes courier/postage charges are also included. The faculty may be reimbursed full amount paid on such transactions on the basis of credit/debit card statement and the bill generated through the online transaction. Books purchased on Standing Order : Faculty Publications : The Library may now purchase three copies of Faculty publications as and when the publications are brought to the notice of the Library. The financial sanction for procuring the same may be obtained from the Librarian/Rector/VC depending upon their financial powers. Government Documents : Though JNU library is designated as a depository library of all Indian government publications, many Government documents do not reach the Library due to various reasons. Since they are immensely useful information sources for research, therefore, all important Indian government publications have been placed on Standing Order. The list of such publications is to be finalised and should be approved by the LAC from time to time Bill Processing : Once the books are received in the Library along with the bills, the price of each book and discount rates, bank rates are verified by the concerned staff in Acquisition Section. Entry for each book is made in the Accession Register which has all the relevant details of a book like its price, publisher, vendor, year of publication etc. Then the bills are processed for payment with the accession nos. entered against each item. The In-charge, Acquisition Section certifies above procedure before forwarding bill to Accounts. The bills are put up to the Librarian by In-charge, Library Administration for expenditure sanction on the basis of approval by the competent authority. As per the present practice the Library follows the bank rates prevailing on 1st of every month for the bills from 1st to 15th of every month and the bank rate which prevails on the 16th, for the bills from 16th to 30th/31st of the month. Gifts : Constraints of space necessitate the library to stop accepting books from any individuals. Books gifted from major institutions and other individuals may be accepted depending on their utility and physical condition. B. Subscription to Print/e-Journals and online Databases :  1. The Schoolwise/Special Centrewise lists of Print/e-Journals are compiled and forwarded to the respective Deans of Schools/Chairpersons of Special Centres before placing them in the Library Advisory Committee meeting.  2. Recommendations are received from the various Schools/Centres to subscribe/renew the Print/e-Journals.
  • 4.  3. A Negotiations Committee was formed by the Library Advisory Committee to negotiate with the online journals/database dealers about the subscription cost of each database. The tenure of the Committee may be one year with following composition: i. Chairperson, Library Advisory Committee ii. University Librarian (Ex-officio) iii. Finance Officer (Ex-officio) iv. Five-six members from different Schools/Centres  4. After obtaining necessary approval and sanction from the competent authority, the Print/e-Journals are subscribed/renewed through the subscription agents keeping in view their past service records. Some Print/e-Journals are also ordered directly from the publishers.  5. In case e-resources are not available through any consortium, publishers of e- resources are directly contacted for raising the invoice.  6. The Journals are no discount items and under Govt. of India General Financial Rules, no tender needs to be invited for Print/e-Journals subscription.  7. The bills are received from the vendors along with the price proof and the proof of exchange rate as which prevails on the date of remittance to the publisher.  8. The payment for Print/e-Journals subscription is made as per the bank exchange rates prevailing on the date of billing.  9. The supplementary bills are accepted in case there is rise in price of the Print/e- Journals and exchange rate.  10. Each Print/e-Journal is considered as a separate item in itself. The payment for each Print/e-Journals is treated as Advance Payment. The payment is made from the budget head “Journals”, or from any other head such as Plan Grant/Project Fund etc. The following amendments to Book Procurement Policy, 2012 were made by the Library Advisory Committee Meeting held on 27th August, 2014 1) We already have a provision for procuring the urgent books through credit/debit cards of the faculty for their students and utilization of this facility is rare and research scholars are requesting to procure the urgent books through their credit cards/debit cards and may be reimbursed the actual amount paid including postage and any other charges paid by them for purchasing the books through either Amazon.com or through any other online sources. So this facility may be added to the visually challenged students/M.Phil./Ph.D. students for procuring the urgent books with the recommendation from the concerned faculty and duly forwarded to their respective chairperson or deans. The reimbursement will be made after submitting the books alongwith receipts/bills to the Acquisition Section. 2) In case of text book if one copy is available in the Library and it has been issued to Faculty Members, one more copy of the title will be procured immediately for Library Users. 3) The Committee decided to include following points in book Procurement Policy. All books either single or multi volume title having cost of Rs. 30,000/- should have appropriate justification from the recommending faculty/researcher/student and must be duly forwarded by Dean of School/Centre Chairperson.
  • 5. JNU COLLECTIONS ONLINE DATABASES JNU & UGC-Infonet 1. Prime Database 2. Scifinder sub structural module 3. SIAM - Journal of the Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics 4. ACM Digital 5. American Chemical Society 6. American Institute of Physics (AIP) 7. American Physical Society 8. American Society for Microbiology (ASM) 9. Annual Reviews 10. BioScope 11. Brill Humanities and Social Sciences Journal Collection 12. Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) 13. Cambridge University Press 14. CapitalineAWS Database 15. CEIC Macroeconomic Database 16. China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) 17. Consumer Pyramid Household Survey 18. Critical Collective 19. EBSCO Academic Search Complete 20. Ebsco ScoINDEX with Full Text 21. Economic and Political weekly 22. Emerald Insight 23. EPWRF India Time Series 24. Grammarly 25. HBP Core Curriculum (main.ehost.hcc) 26. HBS Select Case Study Collection (eBook Sub) (EBSCOhost) (main.ehost.t098sww) 27. IEL Online (IEEE Xplore) 28. Indiadistricts.com 29. IndianJournals.com 30. Indiastat.com 31. Institute of Physics 32. J-Gate Custom Content for Consortium (JCCC) 33. JSTOR 34. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 35. Manupatra-Online 36. MathSciNet 37. Nature Research Journals 38. Newspaper Direct 39. Ouriginal 40. Oxford University Press 41. Portland Press 42. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 43. Project Euclid 44. Project Muse 45. ProQuest Academic Research Library 46. ProQuest Historical Newspapers Times of India Archive (1838-2010) 47. Prowess 48. Royal Society of Chemistry
  • 6. 49. Sage Management Collection 50. SAGE Package 51. SAGE Politics & International Relations Collection 52. SCC Online 53. Science Direct 54. Science Magazines : American Association for the Advancement of Science 55. SciFinder 56. Scifinder sub structural module 57. South Asia Archive 58. Springer Link 59. Statista Database 60. TAIR Database 61. Taylor & Francis 62. UNiLibrary 63. Web of Science 64. Wiley Online Library WORLD BANK OPEN DATABSE  World Bank Open Data(active tab)  World Bank Website  World Bank India  World Bank India (Hindi)  Open Development provides tools, knowledge resources, research, and data that support the Bank's work in promoting openness and transparency.  Open Data provides free access to over 8000 development indicators in five languages, free to use, re- use and redistribute – and growing collection of surveys.  Open Finances provides portions of the Bank's investments, assets it manages on behalf of global funds, and the Bank's own financial statements.  Mapping for Results provides information on more than 16,000 geographic locations of 1600+ Bank financed projects  Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) provides access to the Bank's repository for its research outputs and knowledge products.  projects & Operations provides easy access to detailed information on over 11,000 lending project documents in over 100 countries from 1947 onwards.  Documents and Reports provides access to more than 145,000 pubpcally available World Bank documents that enable sharing the institution's extensive knowledge base and implementing its AI popcy  Topics provides information on more than 200 thematic issues in development  World Development Report provides full text free downloadable World Development Report an annual flagship WB pubpcation.  World Bank Institute provides information on knowledge exchange, scholarships, e-institute and on innovative solutions
  • 7.  Integrity Vice presidency (INT) provides information on INT's activities and program documents.  Independent Evaluation Group provides formation on IEG's activities and program documents. E-News Paper Press Reader (Newspaper Direct) Times of India (Archives) Trial Resources Statista JoVE SAGE Politics & International Relations Collection E-Books Biomedical & Life Science E-Books(Full List) Cambridge Books Online (Full List) Earth & Environmental Science E-Books(Full List) EBSCO eBooks (Net Library) EBSCO eBooks Tutorial EBSCO-Literary Reference Centre PLus ECCO (Literature and Language) Law (Full List) Linguistics (Full List) List of EBSCO eBooks Literature (Full List) Oxford Handbooks Online Oxford Reference: Oxford Reference Library Oxford Scholarly Editions Online Oxford Scholarship Online No Record Oxford Scholarship Online: (Linguistics) Political Science (Full List) Public Health (Full List) Science (Free Trial) Science Translational Medicine (Free Trial) Springer E-Books (Tutorials) Science Signaling (Free Trial) No Record E-Journals Alberta Journal of Educational Research American Journal of Gastroenterology American Journal of Physiology American Journal of Public Health Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English Annals of Applied Statistics Antioxidants & Redox Signaling Arctic Antarctic and Alpine
  • 8. (Back files) Research Asian Population Studies ASM Journals Australian Geographers Biochemical Journal Bioinformatics BioOne Journals Biotechnology and Bioengineering Blood BMJ (P+O) British Journal of Cancer British Journal of Hematology Bulletin of the American Meteorology Society Canadian Journal of Forest Research Cancer Biology and Therapy Cancer Prevention Research Cancer Research Cell Cycle Cell Death and Differentiation Cell Research Cellular Microbiology Chem Bio Chem Chem Phys Chem Chemical Biology and Drug Design(formerly Journal of Peptide Research Chemistry - A European Journal (Back files) Chemistry :An Asian Journal Clinical Cancer Research Comparative Sociology Contemporary Political Theory Critical Horizons Current Protocols in Cytometry Current Protocols in Immunology Current Protocols in Molecular Biology Current Protocols in Protein Science Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology Development cell Earth and Planetary Science Economic & Political Weekly (EPW) Economic & Political Weekly (EPW) Elsevier ( List of accessible Journals under Elsevier ) Embo journal Embo report Endocrine Review Endocrinology Environment Science European journal of Hematology European Journal of Inorganic chemistry FASEB Journal FEBS Journal FEBS Journal Gastroenterology Gene Therapy Genes & Development Genes and Immunity Genetics Genetics in Medicine Genome Biology Genome Research Gut
  • 9. Health Sciences, Nursing & Health Professions,Pharamacology Historical Materialism IGI Global Journals(8) Immunity Immunological Reviews Indian Journal of History of Science Indian Journal of Leprosy Indian Journal Of Medical Ethics Indian Journal of Medical Research Indian Journal of Preventive & Social Medicine Indian journal of Public Health (P+O) Indian Journal of Tuberculosis (P+O) Innovation Institute of Physics International Journal Of Artificial intelligence Tools International Journal of Cancer International journal of Communication Networks & Distributed Systems International journal of Energy Technology and Policy International Journal of High Speed Computing International Journal of Mobile Communication International journal of Mobile Networks Design &Innovation International Journal of Modern Physics :A International Journal of Modern Physics: B International journal of Radiation Biology International Journal of Security and Networks International journal of Sensor Networks International Journal of Technology and Globalization International Journal of Toxicology International journal of Web Based Communities International journal of Wireless & Optical Communications International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing Intervirology Jouranl of Quality Technology Journal of Algebraic Geometry Journal of Applied Metrology and Climatology Journal of Atmospheric Science Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Journal of Biological Chemistry Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics Journal of Cell Biology Journal of Cell Science Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers Journal of Climate Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Journal of Clinical Investigation Journal of Coastal Research
  • 10. Journal of Computational Biology Journal of Experimental Medicine Journal of Experimental Nanoscience Journal of Geophysical Research Journal of Glaciology Journal of Hydrometeorology Journal of Immunology Journal of Infectious Diseases Journal of Interconnection Networks Journal of Investigative Dermatology Journal of Lie Theory Journal of Medical Virology Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Journal of Neurochemistry Journal of Neuroscience Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Leukemia Mathematical Research Letters> Modern Physics Letters: A> Modern Physics Letters: B> Molecular Cancer Therapeutics> Molecular cell> Molecular Endocrinology> Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions> Molecular Therapy> Monthly Weather Review> Nanotoxicology Nature American Journal of Gastroenterology Nature Biotechnology Nature Cell Biology Nature Cell Death and Differentiation Nature Cellular and Molecular Immunology Nature Chemical Biology Nature Chemistry Nature Climate Change Nature European Journal of Human Genetics Nature Gene Therapy Nature Genetics Nature Geoscience Nature Immunology Nature Immunology & Cell Biology Nature Journal of Antibiotics Nature Journal of Investigative Dermatology Nature Leukemia Nature Materials Nature Medicine Nature Methods Nature Molecular Therapy Nature Neuroscience Nature Oncogene Nature Physics Nature Protocols Nature Research Journals all parts with archives Nature Reviews Cancer Nature Reviews Drug Discovery Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology Nature Reviews Genetics Nature Reviews Immunology Nature Reviews Microbiology Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology Nature Reviews Neuroscience Nature Scientific American
  • 11. Nature Structural and Molecular biology Networks Neural Computation Neuron Neuroreport Neuroscience New England Journal of Medicine New Left Review New Mathematics and Natural Computation North Korea News Oncogene Oncology Optics Letters Parallel Processing Letters Physiological Genomics Plant Cell Plant Physiology PNAS: Proceeding of the National Academy of science Polity Population And Environment Protein Science Radiation Research RNA Science Science Express Science Online Science Signaling Scientific American Security and Communication networks Small Soil Society of America journal Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology Taylor and Francis ( List of accessible Journals under Taylor and Francis) Telos Tissue Engineering Traffic Transactions of AMS Transfusion Weather and forecasting Wiley Journals ( List of accessible Journals under Wiley) WILEY Protocols Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing E-Newspapers Newspaper Direct (Press Display) The Database contains 2990 full content newspapers and magazines from 100 countries. It launches PressReader Windows Store App, one of the first apps to bring high-resolution full- content newspapers and magazines to Windows 8. The access is available 24*7 from any terminal/computer attached with JNU Intranet/Wi-Fi. It can also be accessed on mobile. ...................................................................................................................................................... ......................................... North Korea News ...................................................................................................................................................... .........................................
  • 12. New York Times NYTimes.com/GroupPass passes can be claimed by visiting, while connected to the university's IP . To access the Newspaper kindly register for an NYTimes.com account. ...................................................................................................................................................... ......................................... Proquest Newspapers Collection  ProQuest Times of India Archive (1838-2004)  ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Guardian (1821-2003) and The Observer (1791-2003)  ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Wall Street Journal (1889-1996)  Rare collection of old Urdu newspaper Al-Islah ...................................................................................................................................................... ......................................... Link of other important Newspapers  Ajit  Amar Ujala  Anand Bazar Patrika  Asian Age  Assam Tribune  Business Bhaskar (Hindi)  Business Standard : http://www.business-standard.com/india/ http://epaper.business-standard.com/bsepaper/login.php Daily Awam Daily Excelsior  Dainik Assam  Dainik Bhaskar  Dainik Jagran  Deccan Chronicle  Deccan Herald  Deshbandhu  Dinamani  Economic Times  Eenadu  Financial Express  Financial Times  Hindu (Chennai)  Hindu (Delhi)  Hindustan Times  Hindustan Times (Hindi)  Indian Express  Jansatta  Loksatta  Mathrubhumi  Nai Dunia  Nav Bharat Times  Pioneer  Prajavani  Rajasthan Patrika  Rashtriya Sahara (Hindi)
  • 13.  Roznama Rashtriya Sahara (Urdu)  Samaj  Sandesh  Statesman  Swatantra Bharat  Telegraph  Times of India  Tribune (English)  Tribune (Punjabi) Foreign Newspapers  China Daily  Island Daily  Japan Times  Jerusalem Post  LE-monde  Renmin Ribao  Observer (London)  Sunday Times (London) Regional Newspapers  Asomiya Pratidin  Etemaad  Inquilab  Munsif Theses and Dissertations The JNU library has over 22,000 theses and dissertations, which belongs to Humanities, Social Sciences & Sciences discipline awarded by the University and its affiliated Institutes. The collection contains approximately 19,000 unique theses and dissertation titles. The Library has digitised all M.Phil/Ph.D. Theses covering over 30 lacs pages and the metadata has been captured as per MARC21 standard. The full text of M.Phil./Ph.D. Theses and Dissertations can be access through JNU Web-OPAC on the intranet. Helen Keller Central Library, JNU is delivering special service to the visually challenged students and researchers of the University by using advanced assistive technologies. In Library, these services are being delivered through a special unit named after Helen Keller. Helen Keller unit is equipped with 30 computers, each installed with JAWS (screen reading softwares), Kurzweil 1000 (OCR software) and computer headphones. In addition, to this 20 HP flatbed scanners, 02 Lexcam scanners, 02 braille refreshable display and 02 braille embossers are also provided. The softwares installed in the computers of this unit supports different European and Hindi Language. Further, this unit has been extended to different School/Centres like SSS-I, SSS-II, SIS, CSLG and Sanskrit Centre.
  • 14. Library has also distributed 52 Angle Daisy Player (Digital Voice recorder) to each student to record their classroom lectures. Library has distributed 40 Dell make Laptops to M. Phil and Ph.D scholars. Library has also extended the locker facilities upto M. Phil. and Ph.D scholars to visually challenged and physical Handicapped students/researchers. 15 Wheelchairs were provided by EOO for the Physically Challenged students and are being distributed by the Central Library. 5 computers are provided (reserved) at ground floor of the Library for the physically challenged students. Central Library has subscribed bookshare.org to facilitate the visually challenged students to provide the relevant collection in different formats such as daisy, mp3 and e-text. In addition, to this Library is also a member of Daisy Forum of India (DFI). Library is organising training and orientation programme on the uses of assistive technology for the benefit of these students so that they can use of the latest assistive technologies in their day to day studies. SINGLE WINDOW SEARCH Through EBSCO discovery service REMOTE ACCESS  Ezproxy  IDP  OpenAthens  Search All Articles Books & E-books A to Z Search JNU Catalogue E-Thesis to ETD Newspaper Clippings
  • 15. JNU’s ETD Repository Theses and Dissertations are one of the important primary sources of information; and generally, libraries of every academic institution maintain a separate collection of theses and dissertations for reference of their user community. Normally, theses and dissertations are meant to be used within the library premises, therefore, access to and use of these valuable resources of every library is limited. The Central Library of the University has been receiving theses and dissertations from various schools, centres and affiliated institutions of the university. The Library maintains a separate collection of theses and dissertation, and its bibliographic details are maintained along with other library resources. Users can search it in the online public access catalogue (OPAC) of JNU Library which is available at or can be accessed from Home Page of Central Library http://www.jnu.ac.in/Library The date of oldest thesis available in the library goes back to the year 1960 when the doctorate degree was awarded to Tarun Chandra Bose by former Indian School of International Studies (ISIS), University of Delhi which was later merged in JNU. The thesis of first PhD awarded by JNU in the year 1970 is also available in the library. As on March 2014, JNU library has over 21,000 theses and dissertations awarded by the University and its affiliated institutes. The research topics of this collection are from various subject domains of humanities, social sciences & sciences disciplines. The collection contains approximately 18,000 unique theses and dissertation titles. Advent and proliferation of information and communication technologies has greatly influenced the way information sources are managed and disseminated by libraries. Simultaneously, it has also impacted the information seeking behaviour of library users and has raised their expectations from libraries. Therefore, the library envisioned to make Table of Contents (TOC) of theses and dissertations available online along with the its bibliographic details in OPAC. In 2007, the library started in-house project to digitise title page and TOC of theses and dissertations in order to make them available as part of bibliographic records. Approximately, ten thousand theses and dissertations were scanned and their TOC were uploaded bibliographic database of the library. This increased users’ satisfaction level as well as commitment of the library towards applications of ICT Infrastructure in library activities. In 2012, the library took one more gigantic step towards increasing visibility and usage of its theses and dissertation collection by digitizing them and started project for digitization of all the theses and dissertations available with library. Digitization work has been outsourced and till date, more than 17,000 hard volumes of theses and dissertations have been digitized. More than 30 lacs digitized pages restrain knowledge of over 5,500 PhD theses and more than 12,000 M.Phil. dissertations. Almost all available back volumes of theses and dissertations have already
  • 16. been digitised; and, the work on the newly received theses and dissertations is in progress. It is expected to be completed in near future. Recently, the University has signed an MoU with INFLIBNET Centre and accordingly has provided digitized copy of more than 5,000 PhD theses to INFLIBNET Centre to make them available in Shodhganga. Furthermore, the University envisioned and started developing its own online repository of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs). Although, JNU’s PhD theses are available in Shodhganga, its ETD Repository envisages making MPhil Dissertations available in public domain along with PhD theses. The university has framed its policy for availability of ETDs under open access with an embargo period of three years. The requisite infrastructure for development of JNU’s ETD Repository is ready; work is progressing with a rapid pace and it is expected to make it available at http://etd.lib.jnu.ac.in very soon. Press Clippings JNU Library has a huge archive of Press Clippings since last four decades of Indian Newspapers available in INTRANET. Users can find news items on Indian Politics, Social Problems, Education, Law & Criminalization and news about JNU etc. in our Database. Scanned copy of the hard copy and softcopy of the Newspapers are being uploaded into VTLS Library Management Software for storage and retrieval. This is the unique indigenous database of the JNU Library. The Press Clippings Service of the JNU Library is one of the widely used service among the scholars. The library has been providing the press clippings services to academic community right from its inception in Seventies. The newspaper articles are selected in the area of Social sciences, International relations, Humanities, and news about JNU. In the recent past the library has digitised approximately 8 lacs newspaper articles pulled out from over 30 English newspapers from India and abroad. After digitization of the collection the usage has multiplied. Presently, the newspaper articles are pulled out from 21 national & international newspapers.Apart from this, the JNU Library also subscribed " PressDisplay " an online newspaper database to complement the press clippings database. This database covers 2000 newspapers from 100 countries in 60 languages.  NK News  ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Guardian (1821-2003) and The Observer (1791-2003)  ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Wall Street Journal (1889-1996)  Rare collection of old Urdu newspaper Al-Islah
  • 17. Research Tools How to avoid plagiarism Plagiarism Information What Is Plagiarism When you use the work of others, whether published, unpublished or posted on web sites, attributed or anonymous, you must include proper acknowledgment. In its most simple form plagiarism is any attempt to present someone else’s ideas, words, code, art, intellectual property as your own. It involves any activity where you fail to give credit for the ideas of others either intentionally or unintentionally. Plagiarism constitutes using the work of another without indicating by referencing (and by quotations marks when exact phrases or passages are borrowed) that the ideas expressed are not one’s own. (e.g. 2009, p. 33) Plagiarism takes many forms. Some common types of plagiarism include:  Copying and Pasting (copying and pasting portions of text from online journal articles or websites without proper citation)  Downloading or buying research papers (Downloading a free paper from a web site or paying to download a paper and submitting it as your own work)  Copying or submitting someone else's work (copying a paper/lab report/formula/design/computer code/music/choreography/assignment etc. and submitting it as your own work)  Submitting a paper that had been submitted previously Your work must include some of your own intellectual contribution. You can use the ideas and information from other authors, but this must be acknowledged. It is however, not acceptable for you to submit an assignment that is simply linking quotes together and or a paraphrasing of extracts from other authors. Plagiarism - "Plagiarism is passing off someone else's work, whether intentionally or unintentionally, as your own for your own benefit" (Carroll, 2002, p. 9). It is important to understand that plagiarism even if it is unintentional is unacceptable and is not excused. Collusion – In this form of plagiarism, students submit work that is so alike in content that similarity goes beyond coincidence. When submitting an assessment task students sign a declaration on the coversheet they submit with assignments. This declaration reads as follows:
  • 18. Except where I have indicated [through referencing], the work I am submitting in this assignment is my own work and has not previously been submitted for assessment in another unit Ghost writing – In this form of plagiarism, an assignment has been written by a third party for a fee and represented by a student as his or her own work. This form of plagiarism is understood by the University to be intentional. Purloining – In this form of plagiarism, a student takes information/text/data without the consent or knowledge the work of another student and submitted it as his or her own. This form of plagiarism is understood by the university to be intentional. In addition to the above, Plagiarism.org cite the following as forms of plagiarism: Sources Cited (But Still Plagiarised) "The Forgotten Footnote" - The writer mentions an author's name for a source, but neglects to include specific information on the location of the material referenced. This often masks other forms of plagiarism by obscuring source locations. "The Misinformer" - The writer provides inaccurate information regarding the sources, making it impossible to find them. "The Too-Perfect Paraphrase" - The writer properly cites a source, but neglects to put in quotation marks, text that has been copied word-for-word, or close to it. Although attributing the basic ideas to the source, the writer is falsely claiming original presentation and interpretation of the information. "The Resourceful Citer" - The writer properly cites all sources, paraphrasing and using quotations appropriately. The catch? The paper contains almost no original work! It is sometimes difficult to spot this form of plagiarism because it looks like any other well-researched document. "The Perfect Crime" - Well, we all know it doesn't exist. In this case, the writer properly quotes and cites sources in some places, but goes on to paraphrase other arguments from those sources without citation. This way, the writer tries to pass off the paraphrased material as his or her own analysis of the cited material. Sourced from: here Why plagiarism happens There are many reasons why you might consider plagiarising something. Factors that may lead you to consider plagiarising in your work could include:
  • 19.  Poor time management - over committed with work or social activities  English Comprehension difficulties  Cultural differences - referencing sources was not required in previous educational institutions  A belief in not getting caught. It is important to understand that none of these is an acceptable justification for an act of plagiarism. If you are experiencing difficulty with your studies, then you should seek assistance from Library staff. Generally, most plagiarism is unintended. A significant portion of plagiarism results from poor study habits or from a combination of:  Carelessness  Submitting first drafts  Mistakes with citations  Information that has been copied but not cited and referenced  Inappropriate and poor paraphrasing  Reference list incorrectly formatted or not attached  Inadequate English language skills and understanding Linking quotes, cutting and pasting from websites or other publications without citing the source is also a commonly encountered problem in students’ work. Reasons for this occurring are also varied and complex; however, for many students it is more than just poor study skills, poor planning, and poor drafting. English language skills are also cited by many students as a contributing factor leading to them plagiarising. Students often report that they linked quotes and/or cut and pasted because they didn’t fully understand the concepts or the language. It is important to understand that it is perfectly acceptable to directly quote from any document. However, it is not acceptable to simply ‘cut and paste’ irrespective of the reason. It is also your responsibility to develop your academic English language. Ask University Librarian to organize a workshop to learn how to avoid these types of problems. Referencing Referencing is a consistent method of acknowledging another person's ideas, which you have used, in your own essay or assignment. Why should I cite references? To abide by the University’s policy on Plagiarism. To acknowledge the work of other writers. To enable other researchers to trace your sources. To demonstrate the depth of your research.
  • 20. Referencing Style The are number of styles like APA, MLA and many more. APA Style MLA Style RESEARCH COMMON Zotero, Mendeley, RefWorks, , EndNote (Desktop and Web versions) are five common citation management tools for students and faculty members. These citation management tools provide the four basic functions including Capture,Organize,Cite, and Share references. All these tools have almost similar features in capturing (adding) and citing functions, but the major differences are in organizing and sharing (collaboration) functions. For details visit the sites: source is a combination of a desktop application and a website which helps you manage, share and discover both content and research contacts. The website version was modeled after Last.fm, the social networking music site; it incorporates social features into the academic process and allows users to share references with other users or groups, share new research, discover research trends, and get recommendations based on one's interests.
  • 21. JNU e-Thesis Submission Guidelines Rules and Regulations for checking Similarity Index (Plagiarism) • The term papers for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students will be checked by URKUND software provided by INFLIBNET, as long as the facility is available to the library. • Turnitin software will be used for generating similarity report/originality for content in English and other European languages. • The Central library will only entertain the drafts of M.Phil and Ph.D dissertations and theses for checking originality(Plagiarism). • The library will check the drafts of theses and dissertations twice only. • As per UGC regulation, the Similarity Index (SI) of the dissertation and theses should be 10% or less, so in case the SI is 10% or less the same will not be re-checked by the library. GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION OF DIGITAL COPY OF THESIS AND DISSERTATION IN CD/DVDS TO CENTRAL LIBRARY.
  • 22. (1) Please download the Annexure I, II and III available above and fill up the desired information in these forms –sign it and enclose it with CD/DVDs. (If annexures have been already included in thesis/dissertations and are part of CD/DVD may ignore this). i. Authentication Certificate: Copy of duly filled ‘Thesis/Dissertation Authentication Certificate’ (Annexure-I) to be signed by the research scholar that the thesis/dissertation contained in the CD/DVD is complete in all respect and is same as submitted in print and has been checked for plagiarism using TURNITIN. ii. Metadata Form: The ‘Thesis/dissertation Metadata Form’ (Annexure-II) duly filled by the research scholar. iii. Consent Form for Digital Archiving: Copy of ‘Consent Form for Digital Archiving’ (Annexure-III) duly signed by the research scholar. (2) CD/DVD should contain the following: a. Thesis/dissertation: A single searchable PDF (Portable Document Format) file containing the complete thesis/dissertation. (including all certificates) Note: In case of scanned PDF file, scholars are advised to OCR (Optical Character Recognition) the scanned PDF so as make it searchable. Besides, the PDF file shouldn’t have any password, security tags, and restriction on copy, paste or print. OR MS-Word files of the thesis/dissertation along with all special fonts used in the thesis. UNICODE Fonts should be used. b. Other accompanying material/s, if any. All other accompanying material/s like audio, video, computer programme/ algorithm, etc., if any, which have been submitted along with the print thesis/ dissertation, are to be provided on CD/DVD. (3) CD should be inserted preferably in a jacket and have name of the scholar, enrolment No. and Library ID No. (4) CD/DVD and Annexure I,II and III should be submitted to the following person: Shri Mahesh Chand, Assistant Librarian, Govt. Document Section,9th floor, Central Library, JNU. In case, above person is on leave or at outstation, the next person is – Shri Amar Singh Yadav, Prof. Assistant, 7th floor, Central Library, JNU.
  • 23. RESEARCH SUPPORT  Shodganga  Turnitin  Grammarly  URKUND  Mendley  Zotero  Faculty 1000  Research Guide