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IsoDamp Soundproofing System

ASC                    ACOUSTIC
                       S CIENCES
4275 West 5th Avenue • Eugene, Oregon 97402
Phone: 541-343-9727 • Fax: 541-343-9245
www.acousticsciences.com                      © 2005 Acoustic Sciences Corp
What is ASC’s IsoDamp System?
    Unlike other soundproofing systems,         The key is separation of each layer of
    IsoDamp is based on the principle of        wall sheathing from the wall framing                      IsoDamp Features Summary
    stopping sound transmission by ab-          by WallDamp, an acoustic dampen-                         ☞ Absorbs sound and vibration
    sorption of sonic energy. Just like the     ing material. Installation is easy and                   ☞ Very easy to install
    shock absorber in a car, IsoDamp is         requires no special tools or skills. We
                                                                                                         ☞ Uses standard building materials
    designed to quiet by absorbing excess       ship you a kit with everything you
                                                                                                         ☞ Versatile applications and uses
    sound. Many soundproofing systems           need including complete instructions.
    available today seek to contain sound                                                                ☞ Superior to barrier systems
    instead of absorbing. While they work       Basic Soundproofing                                       ☞ Lightweight, 1 lb. per sq. ft.
    quite well containing, the excess
    sound is simply bounced around in           Sound spends most of it’s time “flying”
    the room. It’s like driving around town     through the air but sound in a room                    Most builders know to add interior
    with no shock absorbers, a pretty           keeps on running into the surfaces of                  wall fiberglass insulation in order to
    rough ride in our opinion.                  the room. Each time sound impacts a                    add soundproofing. The insulation
                                                wall, floor or ceiling of a room, most                 reduces the build up of sound within
    All of our IsoDamp products use a                                of the energy is re-              the air cavity of the walls. The less
    product we call WallDamp. This                                   flected. But, not all             noise there is in the air cavity, the less
    extraordinary material was first                                 of it reflects, some              noise is transmitted through the wall
    developed for use as a vibration                                       of the energy is            into the next room. Adding fiberglass
    damping material for multipurpose                                              trans-              to the wall cavity is usually done dur-
    industrial and automotive applica-                                                                 ing construction. Basic batt insulation
    tions. Acoustic Sciences Corpora-                                                                  or blown insulation is a good way to
    tion has been designing and testing                                                                retrofit a wall for some sound absorb-
    the use of this damping material in                                                                ing properties.
    modern frame wall construction as
    a noise and vibration damping in-                                                                  Once the air cavity inside the wall is
    terface between building materials                                                                 quieted down, adding more insulation
    for sound control projects. Wall-                                                                  does not help make things more quiet.
    Damp has proven to be extremely                                                                    This is because the sound you now
    effective for controlling unwanted                                                                 hear is being conducted mainly from
    noise in structures where sound trans-      mitted directly into the wallboard.                    the wallboard of one room through the
    mission is critical to the function of      The wallboard is teeming with sound                    stud and into the wallboard of the next
    the building space.                         which can easily be heard by using a                   room. Adding WallDamp to the face
                                                mechanic’s stethoscope. Part of this                   of the framing, between the wallboard
    Besides it’s remarkable characteristics,    sound, trapped in the wallboard leaks                  and the framing creates a sound attenu-
    it is easy to install by any commercial     out of the wallboard and excites the air               ating gap in the conduction path. What
    contractor or “do-it-yourselfer”. The       inside the wall cavity. The remainder of               fiberglass does for the air in the wall
    product comes with adhesive coating         the sound is conducted into the wood                   cavity, WallDamp does for the wood
    on both sides and a paper backing           stud to which the wallboard is nailed or               or metal in wall framing.
    material to prevent contamination.          screwed. In either case, the wallboard
    Application is purely a matter of “peel     on the far side of the wall becomes ener-              IsoDamp Soundproofing
    and stick”.                                 gized and fills with sound as well. This
                                                                                                       When WallDamp is placed between
                                                excited wallboard then stimulates the
                                                                                                       the stud face and the wallboard, the
    Three Levels of IsoDamp                     air near the wall on the other side of the
                                                                                                       sound conducting path between the
                                                wall, transmitting the original sound into
    IsoDamp Ultra for walls and ceilings is                                                            two sides of the wall is disconnected,
                                                the new space. Sound “leaks” through
    our most comprehensive soundproof-                                                                 interrupted by the thin layer of sound
                                                the wall two ways, by air borne conduc-
    ing treatment. This system uses resilient                                                          damping material. Like adding fiberglass
                                                tion and by structure borne conduction.
    channel plus felt perimeter gasket and                                                             to the wall cavity, adding WallDamp
    multiple layers of sheetrock. IsoDamp
    Standard uses multiple layers of sheet-
    rock separated by WallDamp. IsoDamp
    Economy will work with any standard
    stud framing system made of wood or
    steel. Apply WallDamp to all framing
    prior to sheathing. In each case, the
    goal is to improve acoustic qualities
    while reducing sound transmission.
                                                WallDamp blocks the sounding board effect, the conduction of sound right through the studs and wall cavity
to the framing faces dampens sound                     fundamental structural mode of vibra-                         A) Visco comes from the word viscos-
transmission. This occurs in the higher                tion. The entire wall shudders and the                        ity meaning how easily a liquid pours.
frequency ranges of sound, the treble                  sound of the shudder is as loud in one                        For example, water is not viscous and
range. But there is more to the convey-                room as the other. Adding WallDamp                            pours easily, but honey is a viscous
ing of sound through a wall than the air               to the wallboard facing sides of the                          liquid and pours very slowly. A vis-
and structure borne sound paths. Walls                 framing members causes damping of                             cous material absorbs energy when
vibrate. Whenever a wall vibrates as a                 this major mode wall vibration and                            it is forced to change shape. It takes
whole or in parts, sound energy rides                  improves it’s soundproof quality.                             work to deform a viscous material.
the vibration right through the wall.                  Although it may be interesting that                           A lump of clay has much viscosity.
WallDamp also controls the free vibra-                 the soundproof quality of a wall, it’s                        It takes work to change its shape and
tion of the wall and puts a damper on                  resistance to being knocked on or                             then it holds that shape.
these sounds vibrating through the wall.               thumped is improved with the addi-
                                                                                                                     B) Elastic means that something can be
A wall is basically a sheet of thin wall-              tion of WallDamp, such is not the
                                                                                                                     deformed and it returns to its original
board tacked to studs. The studs are                   usual reason for adding WallDamp.
                                                                                                                     shape. A rubber ball is elastic because
typically 16” apart. If the wallboard is               It isn’t someone’s hand that is usually
                                                                                                                     it returns to its original shape, even
                                                       exciting the wall into a vibration, it is
                                                                                                                     after bouncing off the floor. It takes
                                                                                                                     work to deform an elastic material but
                                                                                                                     the material is like a spring, and stores
                                                                                                                     the energy. This is why a ball bounces

                                                                                                                     A) + B) = C) Viscoelastic means it
                                                                                                                     takes work to deform the object and
                  BEFORE                                                AFTER                                        also that the object returns to its origi-
                                                                                                                     nal shape. But, it just doesn’t spring
WallDamp quiets wallboard twang--the plate vibration of wallboard stretched across studs                             back like a rubber ball.

tapped with the finger or rapped with                  sound itself that does it. For example,                       Example:
the knuckle somewhere between the                      sound generated by the powerful
                                                                                                                     If we have three balls, one of each
studs, it twangs. The free vibration of                loudspeakers found in today’s home
                                                                                                                     type; visco, elastic and viscoelastic,
that one section transfers across the                  theater, media and audio rooms. The
                                                                                                                     and then we throw them one at a time
stud to the next section and soon it                   subwoofer provides ample thumping
                                                                                                                     on the ground, each behaves differ-
is vibrating. Then the next section of                 energy and the regular speakers setup
                                                                                                                     ently. The visco ball of clay hits the
wall between the studs picks up the                    right next to the walls in today’s home
                                                                                                                     ground and flattens out like a pan-
motion and soon, the entire wall is                    theater systems provide plenty of
                                                                                                                     cake. The elastic ball hits the ground
quivering with the vibration. And the                  knuckle tapping energy.
                                                                                                                     and bounces right back up off the
vibration is conducted through the                     WallDamp Defined                                               ground, as round as ever. The visco-
stud and the air cavity to the wall-                                                                                 elastic ball however takes the middle
board on the other side which also                     WallDamp is a viscoelastic material. It                       road, it hits the ground and doesn’t
vibrates freely at this same frequency.                is not foam or vinyl, nor is it bitumi-                       bounce up but it also doesn’t flatten
One good rap and the entire wall                       nous sheet material. The concept of                           out, just sits there on the ground, still
becomes engulfed in a twanging                         a viscoelastic material can be broken                         a completely round ball.
condition. Certain tones are easily                    down into two parts:
conducted from one side of the wall
to the other side by this mechanism.
Adding WallDamp to the wallboard
facing sides of the framing members
calms down the wall twang, the plate
vibration effect, and improves the
soundproof quality of the wall.

The wall as a whole is attached to
the upper and lower plates which are
rigidly affixed to the other and more
heavy framing members. The mid
section of the assembled wall how-
ever is free to vibrate out and in. A                             BEFORE                                           AFTER
solid thump with the tight heel of the
fist will send most any wall into it’s                 WallDamp eliminates wall shudder--the structural vibration of the whole wall pinned
                                                       between plates
How WallDamp Works                          temperatures found in the walls, floors     The Result
                                                and ceilings of places where people
    A wall, floor or ceiling is constructed                                                 You can get walls & ceilings that
                                                live and work and play.
    using a complex set of objects, each                                                    reduce sound transmission by 20dB or
    touching the other in some fashion.         WallDamp may look simple but what           greater compared to standard interior
    When any one piece moves, it pushes         it does is complex and well suited to       walls. That is more than quadruple the
    on the adjoining pieces and so on.          its application in damping out the free     perceived sound volume reduction,
    The reason WallDamp works is that           vibration of walls, floor and ceilings.     which is what makes our wall system
    it is located between all the pieces        WallDamp is setting the new standard        the highest available using standard
    so that every time one piece pushes         in frame construction. And, once you        single-stud construction.
    against another, WallDamp is there          hear the difference, you’ll know what
    absorbing energy out of the push.           you’ve been missing.
                                                                                            Vibration Damping
                                                                                            Undamped Vibrations - Vibrational
                                                                                            energy is stored for a long period
        WallDamp Facts                                                                      of time and can be retransmitted
                                                                    release paper
        • WallDamp is 1/16” thick.                                                          through other mechanisms. Example:
                                                                                            an undamped room wall can vibrate
        • WallDamp has high strength adhesive
                                                                                            perceptibly for more than one sec-
        • Strips are 1.5” wide x 48” long.
                                                                                            ond when excited by sudden sonic
        • Squares are 4” x 4”                                                               impacts. This vibration then becomes
        • Sheets are 24” x 48”                                     release paper
                                                                                            a secondary source of sound emitted
                                                                                            back into the room, creating a source

    Actually, Walldamp does not absorb          The Root of the Problem
    much energy when one piece pushes
    or pulls squarely on another piece.         When a noise produces powerful
    It does absorb a lot of energy when         low-frequency acoustic energy, that

                                                                                            VIBRATIONAL ENERGY
    one piece tries to slide past the other.    wave front travels through the room
    Fortunately when an object pushes           and then collides with the wall, floor
    on another object, there is a strong        & ceiling surfaces. Upon collision,
    tendency for the two to slip or slide a     much of the kinetic energy of the
    bit at their contact point. This is where   wave front is converted into mechani-                                 Standard Construction
    WallDamp extracts the energy - from         cal (vibrational) energy, which sets the
    the shifting surfaces.                      thin, flexible wall surface into vibra-
                                                tion. This vibration is easily conducted                         0      1                  2
    The second thing about WallDamp is          through solid surfaces it is in contact                              SECONDS

    that it has been made to extract energy     with—such as the studs, joists and
                                                                                            of unwanted lingering noise. This is
    from microscopic movements. That’s          flooring. The vibration travels up and
                                                                                            highly contrary to the desired acous-
    good because very small movements           through the framing of the house—vi-
                                                                                            tics of a well-developed sound room.
    are involved in the making of sound,        brating the walls, floors and ceilings
    especially when it comes to surfaces        as it passes them. What you get is a        Damped Vibrations - Vibrational
    as big as walls, floors and ceilings.       quaking house full of noise. This is        energy is removed quickly, usually
    There are many kinds of viscoelastic        what is known as Structure-borne            through frictional losses, and is no
    materials. The most familiar is the         Sound Transmission. The fact of the         longer available to be transmitted.
    soft type that is put into the heels of     matter is, conventional wall & ceiling      This means that there is no secondary
    runner’s shoes to absorb the shock of       construction methods easily conduct         radiation of unwanted noise and is the
    the footfall. The deformation of this       low-frequency sound, and are poor at        desirable situation for preferred sound
    soft material is measured in fractions      blocking them out.                          room acoustics.
    of an inch. WallDamp is relatively
    hard, but that is because the deforma-      The Solution
    tion it has to process is measured in       We have identified three ways to keep
    thousandths of an inch or less. The         sound from traveling through a structure:
                                                                                            VIBRATIONAL ENERGY

    hardness corresponds to the force and       1. Block the sound by increasing the
    the deformation involved. WallDamp          mass (thickness & density) of the walls.
    is made for structural damping.
                                                2. Minimize the transmission paths for
    Some viscoelastic materials soften and      vibrations and sound to travel through.
                                                                                                                       Standard Construction
    lose their energy absorbing power if        3. Absorb & Dampen vibrational energy.                                 with WallDamp Added
    they get too hot. Similarly, if they get
    too cold, they harden up and lose           Only Acoustic Sciences proprietary
                                                                                                                 0      1                  2
    their energy absorbing power. Wall-         WallDamp incorporates all three of                                   SECONDS
    Damp is specifically made for the           these methods.
Everyday Use                                                                                                              for keeping sound from getting out,
                                                                                                                          but it’s bad for the person left in the
Standard wall construction methods have
                                                                                                                          room, the listener. If sound can’t get
been providing some measure of sound
                                                                                                       Non-Damped         out of a room it has to stay in the room
isolation for nearly 50 years. However,
                                                                                                                          and reverberate. Carpet, draperies and
powerful low frequency sound genera-
                                                                                                                          furnishings may provide some acoustic

                                                    Noise Level
tors, the subwoofers found in today’s
                                                                                                                          friction inside the room to attenuate
Hi-Fi and home theater systems, are
                                                                                                                          sounds in the treble range but they sup-
becoming much more popular. The rise
                                                                                                                          ply little to no absorption for sounds in
in at-home businesses has also increased                                    Damped                                        the bass range. That is why concrete
the need for a quieter work environ-
                                                                                                                          rooms are very ‘’boomy’’ sounding.
ment, one which is hard to achieve with
modern building density as it is. Musi-                                                                                   When sounds or vibrations try to pass
cians, artists and the like, have, more                            125 Hz   250 Hz    500 Hz   1 KHz      2 KHz   4 KHz   through the walls, floor or ceiling of a
frequently, begun to practice and record                                                Frequency                         room, it causes those surfaces and the
at smaller project studios located in                                                                                     structure behind each of them to move.
their homes or other urban areas. Sound                           it works just as well in reverse. Loud                  When a wall, floor or ceiling vibrates,
control issues generated in these circum-                         sounds from home theater and stereo                     it changes shape. The IsoDamp system
stances need to be addressed thoroughly                           systems, music practice rooms, or                       uses WallDamp to separate each of
to achieve their desired results and not                          workshops stays inside the house and                    the parts that make up the wall, floor
                                                                       out of your neighbor’s ears. Sound                 or ceiling. Any movement at all by the
                                                                       and vibrational energy within the                  wall, floor or ceiling causes a distortion
                                                                       house are also reduced. Wind can                   of the WallDamp. This distortion in the
                                                                       blow the front door closed without                 WallDamp absorbs the sound energy
                                                                       shaking the entire house. The sound                and any vibration is quieted.
                                                                       power from the stereo or home the-
                                                                       ater stays in the room and doesn’t                 Broadband Soundproofing
                                                                       shudder the whole house. Kids can                  The addition of fiberglass to the wall
                                                                       play downstairs and the adults up-                 cavity only improves it’s soundproofing
                                                                       stairs hear almost nothing. Probably,              performance in the upper frequency
                                                                       the best thing that IsoDamp con-                   range (tweeter range). Fiberglass has no
                                                                       tributes to today’s living experience              effect on midrange or low frequency
                                                                       is the increased sense of peace and                soundproofing. Despite it’s reputation
                                                                       quiet at a time when, day-by-day,                  in the construction trades for sound-
interfere with their neighbors. IsoDamp                           more noise seems to be the only option.                 proofing, fiberglass in the wall cavity
is not limited to only home-based noise                                                                                   provides but a fraction of the improve-
control applications. It has become a
                                                                  Vibration Control                                       ment available from the IsoDamp Sys-
necessary addition to the construction of                         What is remarkable about IsoDamp                        tem. However, fiberglass in the wall
professional and commercial spaces as                             construction is that it not only keeps                  cavity with WallDamp on the framing
well.                                                             sound and vibration from passing                        faces (IsoDamp Economy) is a one-two
                                                                  through the surfaces of the room but                    combination punch that is almost too
IsoDamp system construction is more
                                                                  that it actually absorbs it. By compari-                simple to do, almost too easy to work
resistant to the intrusion of external noise
                                                                  son, a concrete room is well known                      with and so very hard to beat.
than standard building techniques, and

                        IsoDamp Ultra                                                IsoDamp Standard                                   IsoDamp Economy
                                  Resilient Channel


                                                                   Standard                                                 Standard
    Greenboard                                                     Sheetrock                                                Sheetrock
       Standard Sheetrock                                                                                                                Strips

Basic components of the three levels of IsoDamp Standard
Vibration Control                                                              framing faces. This product can be             In addition, STC is only a measure
                                                                                   used for walls and ceilings, and is            of how much vocal sound can be
    During testing, the inherent sound ab-
                                                                                   great for improving the acoustic prop-         stopped by a wall. But that’s not the
    sorbing properties of WallDamp with-
                                                                                   erties of any room.                            end, it’s just the beginning of the
    in a standard framing system become
                                                                                                                                  story. The sound energy that gets
    evident. The graphic representations
                                              IsoDamp Economy is basically the                                                    stopped by a wall, doesn’t go through
    below show the paths and intensity of
                                              use of WallDamp strips to separate                                                  the wall, and that means it ends up
    sound transmission through framing
                                                                                                                                  staying inside the room. Now there is
    members in sur-
                                                                                                                                  too much sound lingering inside the
    face contact when          Example of Wood Frame Sound Transmission Levels                                                    room, the lingering energy from one
    a source sound                 Before and After Applying IsoDamp System                                                       sonic event ends up covering over the
    was applied to the
                                                                                                                                  perception of the next sonic event.
                              Sound Transmission Level (dB)

    test samples.             70
                                                                                                                                  Ever heard of sound masking?
                                                              65                                                       Before
    Three levels of                                                                                                               Sound masking is usually associated
                               60                                                                                      After
    IsoDamp system                                                                                                     IsoDamp    with a steady background noise be-
    are available, all         55
                                                                                                                                  ing introduced so that people can’t
    of which feature           50                                                                                                 hear conversations across the room.
    WallDamp and                                                                                                                  Here, the masking energy is due to the
    the isolation-







                                                                                   16                                             lingering storage of high density, rapid




    damping benefits                                                                  Frequency (Hz)
                                                                                                                                  fire audio tracks. The audio, much
    associated with                                                                                                               more than voice, tends to become
    it. The IsoDamp Ultra System is the                                            framing from sheathing. This product           self masking, and the higher the STC
    most comprehensive. To achieve                                                 is an acoustic enhansement that can            becomes, the stronger the self masking
    maximum STC values, walls and                                                  be applied to one room, or the whole           effect becomes.
    ceilings are suspended using damped                                            house. With it’s “peel and stick” ease
    resilient channel. These are flexible                                          of use, even a child can install it.           It works the same way in high STC
    metal strips with added WallDamp,                                              IsoDamp Economy can be used for                rooms, where less sound is let out of
    which are attached to framing faces.                                           walls, floors and ceilings, anywhere           the room than is being delivered to
    At the floor, the drywall is floating on                                       framing faces meet sheathing such as           the room. A human voice can deliver
    bearing felt, and around the perimeter                                         sheetrock or plywood.                          about 50 dB of continuous sound
                                                                                                                                  power. A movie sound track can de-
     Sound Transmission Without IsoDamp System                                         Sound Transmission With IsoDamp System     liver easily 80 to 90 dB of continuous
                                                                                                                                  sound power. That’s about 5000 times
                                                                                                                                  more energy than the human voice. If
                                                                                                       W allDamp
                   wood                                                                                                           this energy is held in the room by high
                   framing                                                                                                        STC walls, the sound quality inside
                                                                        nois e                                         nois e
                                                                                                                       s ourc e
                                                                                                                                  the room starts to become garbled.
                                                                        s ourc e

                                                                                                                                  In high performance audio systems,
                                                                                                                                  two things usually matter: Keeping
                                                                                                                                  sound from bothering the neighbors
                                                                                                                                  and getting clear sound inside the
                                                                                                                                  room. As you can see, the better the
    of the walls or ceilings, a gasket is                                          STC, NRC and IIC                               STC rating, the worse the quality of
    used to help restrict even more sound                                                                                         sound inside the room becomes. What
    transmission. The pressure fluctua-                                            Real world acoustics goes way beyond
                                                                                   standardized lab test data. In particu-        to do? NRC is the answer.
    tions from low frequency sound can
    still move the walls ever so slightly but                                      lar, STC (Sound Transmission Class)            What is NRC?
    now, when the walls move, they no                                              can be very misleading, particularly
                                                                                   in the area of high power audio ap-            NRC (Noise Reduction Coefficient) is
    longer directly push the studs or joists.
                                                                                   plications. To begin with, STC only            the measure of the sound absorption
    Since movement of the wall doesn’t
                                                                                   measures the the amount of vocal               in side the room. STC measures how
    push the studs, it cannot transfer sonic
                                                                                   range sound that is stopped by a wall.         much sound is kept inside the room
    pressure pulses into the structure of
                                                                                   Note that the VOCAL RANGE is a                 and NRC measures how much sound
    the house.
                                                                                   fraction of the full bandwidth AUDIO           is absorbed inside the room. A low
                                                                                   RANGE played by most modern sound              STC room leaks a lot of sound and to
    IsoDamp Standard is quicker and
                                                                                   systems. STC does not really apply to          maintain good sound quality inside
    easier to install, using WallDamp to
                                                                                   today’s audio system.                          the room, to keep things from get-
    separate two layers of sheetrock from
                                                                                                                                  ting garbled, not much, a low NRC is
needed inside the room. But, like STC,                 high power loudspeakers. Our interior        and the sheetrock and again between
  NRC is also measured in the voice                      wall does not store energy. A stan-          the first and second layer of sheetrock.
  ranges. STC and NRC are both voice                     dard wall thunders when thumped. A
  range measurements, used for general                   standard “soundproof “ wall thunders         IsoDamp FAQ
  architectural acoustics. They occupy                   even more when thumped. In high              Q: Can I use different types and thick-
  the middle 6 octaves in the bandwidth                  performance audio rooms, thundering          ness of wallboard than those listed in
  of human sensitivity to sound. Today’s                 walls are not acceptable.                    the instruction booklet?
  high power audio systems cover the
  full bandwidth range, 2 octaves lower                 Our interior wall is interlaced with          A: Yes, but be sure to use different
  and 2 octaves higher than the vocal                   constrained damping materials, which          types and/or thicknesses for each
  bandwidth.                                            absorb structural vibration energy.           of the two layers so that you don’t
                                                                      Our interior wall is light      double-up on any natural resonances
                  ASC IsoWall Gives Great Acoustics & STC enough to let some                          associated with a particular wallboard.
                                                                      deep bass pass right
             70                        Mass Loaded                    through it. But to do           Q: I’ve heard you’re not supposed to
             60     Bomb                  Vinyl                       so means the interior           put moisture resistant wallboard on
                            Laminated                                 wall is moved. And the          ceilings. Is this true?
             50              Sheetrock                                structural damping com-
STC Rating

             40                                                       pound takes over and
                                                         Stud                                         A: You can use MR board (green
             30                                          Wall         absorbs the energy right        board) on ceilings as long as the fram-
             20                                            Mobile     out of the wall move-           ing members are sufficiently close
                                                                      ment.                           to one another. In the case of the
                                                                                                      IsoDamp system, the framing mem-
                        1   2    3     4     5     6     7    8      9
                                                                         Final Thoughts               bers for the wallboard are the resil-
                  Bad                                             Good   One more thing about         ient channels. If you are using 1/2”
                            Interior Room Acoustic Quality               high STC walls, they are     moisture resistant board as currently
                                                                         very heavy. This means       recommended in our instruction book-
                                                         they don’t move. Rigid walls create          let, then placing the resilient channels
  However, if the room has a high STC,                   strong and very frequency selective          no more than 12” apart, as stated
  too much sound is kept inside the                      room modes. Our wall is “soft” and it        in the ceiling instructions, is suffi-
  room and the room has to be “treated”                  does move. It is technical a membrane        ciently close according to the 2000
  so it has a high NRC, to get rid of the                bass trap. Because it moves under bass       USG Construction Handbook. If you
  stored sound so that the sound inside                  pressure it does not create a rigid walled   are planning on using 5/8” moisture
  the room isn’t too garbled.                            room and the modes are not sharp and         resistant board on the ceiling, then
                                                         strong. When room mode testing is            you will need to adjust your system to
  An extremely high STC room, an                         done in our high performance walled          place the resilient channels no more
  underground concrete bomb shelter                      room, the “soft” walls act to diffuse        than 16” apart to be sufficiently close.
  has a very high STC, over 100 dB.                      the modes, the room no longer has an
  Since the sound has nowhere to go, it                  acoustically fixed dimension. The room       Q: The installation instructions require
  stays inside the room, lingering for 10                supports sound that has much longer          that I attach the ceiling Perimeter
  to 15 seconds. Generally, a room has                   wavelengths that the physical dimension      Gasket to the nailer plate above the
  to have an NRC of at least 15% to be                   of the room. This effect is very powerful    top plates on the wall, but what if my
  acceptable for conversation. For high                  and makes for excellent listening.           walls don’t have a nailer plate above
  power audio, the required NRC goes                                                                  the top plates?
  up to about 40%.                                       IIC (Impact Isolation Class)is the mea-
                                                         sure of the resistance of a wall or floor    A: In this case, you will need to place
  ASC’s Happy Medium Concept                             to conduct tapping or light hammering        blocking between the ceiling joists at
  At ASC, we have developed the com-                     noise through the wall. Our structur-        the perimeters of the ceiling. This will
  plete solution to high power audio                     ally damped wall are mechanically            give you a continuous framed perim-
  room acoustics. The interior surface                   semi-dead, and they absorb tapping           eter for attaching the ceiling Perimeter
  of the room is constructed with a me-                  energy. Next, our damped interior            Gasket.
  dium STC surface, the type that best                   wall is connected to adjoining studs
  supports high power audio playback.                    by metal clips set on damping pads           Q: Your instructions state that I should
  On the other side of this low STC wall                 which together act to greatly resist         use insulation blanket with no paper
  surface, we apply a high STC rated                     conducting tapping sound, they have          or foil backing. Why is that?
  wall surface to achieve the necessary                  a high STC to the conduction of tap-
  overall STC for the wall. Furthermore,                 ping sounds. And finally what little         A: Two reasons. First, it is best to
  our interior wall is very unique. It is                gets through and into the stud, if fur-      avoid the possibility of the paper or
  “non-tympanic” in that it does not                     ther blocked by the structural damping       foil surface ever coming in contact
  twang when excited, or hammered by                     sheets that interlace between the stud       with the resilient channel. This could
create a situation where there may          still use your IsoDamp system?              propriate adjustments to the resilient
    be a slapping sound heard from the                                                      channel spacing can be made to avoid
    vibration of the channel against the        A: Yes, and, in fact, we can even help      interfering with any junction boxes.
    thin membrane. Second, we want to           make your cable pass-through better         Built-in lighting on the ceiling can be
    keep the air-flow chamber as large as       suited for use in combination with the      addressed in a similar fashion.
    possible directly behind the wall. This     IsoDamp system.
    allows deeper breathing ability and,                                                    Q: How can I further enhance my
    hence, greater overall effectiveness.       Q: Can I use cement board or limp           IsoDamp system?
                                                mass barriers with the IsoDamp system?
    Q: What if I need to have foil or paper                                                 A: Optional additional steps you can
    backing on my insulation or use a           A: Yes, you can use more massive            take are to:
    separate type of membrane as a vapor        wallboard or additional layers of extra
    barrier?                                    mass with the IsoDamp system. Be            1. Apply an optional IsoDamp appli-
                                                sure to place the resilient channel         cation to the opposite side of the wall
    A: If you need to have a vapor barrier,     more closely together to provide the        (interior walls only)
    you have several options. First, if you     extra weight support needed, if you do      2. Add ASC Stud Stabilizers to the
    can use insulation blanket with foil        this. It is important to note, however,     framework or stabilize the framework
    or paper backing, place the backing         that the individual sound blocking          by attaching it to concrete walls or
    away from the interior of the room          abilities of different materials do not     foundation
    (see the FAQ immediately above) for         simply add to one another. For exam-        3. Use larger studs and joists and fill
    which the IsoDamp system is being           ple, a layer of mass-loaded vinyl may       the cavities with thicker insulation
    applied. If you must place the backing      have an independent STC rating of           (e.g. use 2x6 with 5” insulation fill vs
    toward the interior of the room, use        30dB and your existing wall may also        2x4 with 3” insulation fill)
    wire insulation supports to hold the        have an independent STC rating of           4. Place your layers of wallboard
    backing at least 1 inch away from the       30dB, but when put together you will        perpendicular to one another (i.e. put
    resilient channel. Second, if you need      NOT achieve an STC of 60dB. Dou-            one layer on vertically and the other
    to use a sheet of visquine or other ma-     bling the mass of a wall will typically     horizontally)
    terial to cover the entire wall, place it   increase the soundblocking power by         5. Use a staggered stud or double stud
    on the opposite side of the frame from      2 to 4dB. So, for the previous example      frame design.
    the side for which you are applying         the resulting STC would most likely         6. Use ASC Wall Wool Batts in place
    the Iso-Wall system. If you must place      fall between 32 and 34dB.                   of standard fiberglass insulation.
    the material on the interior side of the
    frame, place it separately over each        Q: How do I build light switches and        Q: Can I put the IsoDamp system on
    stud cavity, tucking the edges into the     electrical outlets into the IsoDamp         the floor?
    interior of the cavity and attaching it     system?
    to the sides of the studs . This leaves                                                 A: Yes, IsoDamp Economy can be
    the stud faces exposed for placement        A: Every room has its own unique            used on floor joists. To further im-
    of the Iso-Wall system. Be sure to tuck     configuration and we defer the exact        prove sound blocking power through
    the material far enough into the cav-       solution to the expertise of the on-site    the floor, you should apply the Iso-
    ity so that it is no closer than 1 inch     builder/contractor. Electrical outlets      Damp Ultra system to the ceiling in
    away from the resilient channel at any      usually occur around 10” off the floor.     the space below. If you wish to add
    point (see FAQ immediately above).          This places them between the bottom         a floating floor or riser to the room,
    If you are applying a vapor barrier to      and the second resilient channel up         contact us for more information.
    conform to building code, you may           from the floor. You should offset junc-
    be able to get the IsoDamp system           tion boxes to take into account the ad-     Q: Can I use a layer of Plywood in the
    itself to be considered an acceptable       ditional thickness of the resilient chan-   walls with the IsoDamp system?
    vapor barrier by your building inspec-      nel and 2 layers of drywall, as well
    tor. If you are using the 2 layers of       as the small thickness added by the         A: It is OK to use plywood as the first
    wallboard, including moisture resis-        layers of WallDamp material, making         IsoDamp layer. Apply WallDamp
    tant board, 1/2” gasket, and acoustic       the total wall thickness in the range       as usual. We normally prefer using
    sealant as directed in the installation     of 1-3/4 inches. It is recommended          sheetrock because it is heavier than
    instructions, you have built an air/        that you leave a 1/4” gap between the       plywood of the same thickness which
    moisture-tight seal on that surface.        edge of the box and the wallboard that      allows the possibility for greater mass
    This is what is required for an accept-     should be sealed with acoustic caulk,       in a smaller space.
    able vapor barrier.                         identical to the edges of the wall. Face
                                                plates can be screwed tightly to the
    Q: I have a recording studio and I          boxes once the caulking has had suf-
    want to have a cable pass-through           ficient time to dry. For light switches,
    built into the wall. Can I do this and      you should plan ahead so that ap-

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IsoDamp Soundproofing System

  • 1. IsoDamp Soundproofing System ARCHITECTURAL GUIDE ASC ACOUSTIC S CIENCES CORPORATION 4275 West 5th Avenue • Eugene, Oregon 97402 Phone: 541-343-9727 • Fax: 541-343-9245 www.acousticsciences.com © 2005 Acoustic Sciences Corp
  • 2. What is ASC’s IsoDamp System? Unlike other soundproofing systems, The key is separation of each layer of IsoDamp is based on the principle of wall sheathing from the wall framing IsoDamp Features Summary stopping sound transmission by ab- by WallDamp, an acoustic dampen- ☞ Absorbs sound and vibration sorption of sonic energy. Just like the ing material. Installation is easy and ☞ Very easy to install shock absorber in a car, IsoDamp is requires no special tools or skills. We ☞ Uses standard building materials designed to quiet by absorbing excess ship you a kit with everything you ☞ Versatile applications and uses sound. Many soundproofing systems need including complete instructions. available today seek to contain sound ☞ Superior to barrier systems instead of absorbing. While they work Basic Soundproofing ☞ Lightweight, 1 lb. per sq. ft. quite well containing, the excess sound is simply bounced around in Sound spends most of it’s time “flying” the room. It’s like driving around town through the air but sound in a room Most builders know to add interior with no shock absorbers, a pretty keeps on running into the surfaces of wall fiberglass insulation in order to rough ride in our opinion. the room. Each time sound impacts a add soundproofing. The insulation wall, floor or ceiling of a room, most reduces the build up of sound within All of our IsoDamp products use a of the energy is re- the air cavity of the walls. The less product we call WallDamp. This flected. But, not all noise there is in the air cavity, the less extraordinary material was first of it reflects, some noise is transmitted through the wall developed for use as a vibration of the energy is into the next room. Adding fiberglass damping material for multipurpose trans- to the wall cavity is usually done dur- industrial and automotive applica- ing construction. Basic batt insulation tions. Acoustic Sciences Corpora- or blown insulation is a good way to tion has been designing and testing retrofit a wall for some sound absorb- the use of this damping material in ing properties. modern frame wall construction as a noise and vibration damping in- Once the air cavity inside the wall is terface between building materials quieted down, adding more insulation for sound control projects. Wall- does not help make things more quiet. Damp has proven to be extremely This is because the sound you now effective for controlling unwanted hear is being conducted mainly from noise in structures where sound trans- mitted directly into the wallboard. the wallboard of one room through the mission is critical to the function of The wallboard is teeming with sound stud and into the wallboard of the next the building space. which can easily be heard by using a room. Adding WallDamp to the face mechanic’s stethoscope. Part of this of the framing, between the wallboard Besides it’s remarkable characteristics, sound, trapped in the wallboard leaks and the framing creates a sound attenu- it is easy to install by any commercial out of the wallboard and excites the air ating gap in the conduction path. What contractor or “do-it-yourselfer”. The inside the wall cavity. The remainder of fiberglass does for the air in the wall product comes with adhesive coating the sound is conducted into the wood cavity, WallDamp does for the wood on both sides and a paper backing stud to which the wallboard is nailed or or metal in wall framing. material to prevent contamination. screwed. In either case, the wallboard Application is purely a matter of “peel on the far side of the wall becomes ener- IsoDamp Soundproofing and stick”. gized and fills with sound as well. This When WallDamp is placed between excited wallboard then stimulates the the stud face and the wallboard, the Three Levels of IsoDamp air near the wall on the other side of the sound conducting path between the wall, transmitting the original sound into IsoDamp Ultra for walls and ceilings is two sides of the wall is disconnected, the new space. Sound “leaks” through our most comprehensive soundproof- interrupted by the thin layer of sound the wall two ways, by air borne conduc- ing treatment. This system uses resilient damping material. Like adding fiberglass tion and by structure borne conduction. channel plus felt perimeter gasket and to the wall cavity, adding WallDamp multiple layers of sheetrock. IsoDamp Standard uses multiple layers of sheet- rock separated by WallDamp. IsoDamp Economy will work with any standard stud framing system made of wood or steel. Apply WallDamp to all framing prior to sheathing. In each case, the goal is to improve acoustic qualities while reducing sound transmission. WallDamp blocks the sounding board effect, the conduction of sound right through the studs and wall cavity 2
  • 3. to the framing faces dampens sound fundamental structural mode of vibra- A) Visco comes from the word viscos- transmission. This occurs in the higher tion. The entire wall shudders and the ity meaning how easily a liquid pours. frequency ranges of sound, the treble sound of the shudder is as loud in one For example, water is not viscous and range. But there is more to the convey- room as the other. Adding WallDamp pours easily, but honey is a viscous ing of sound through a wall than the air to the wallboard facing sides of the liquid and pours very slowly. A vis- and structure borne sound paths. Walls framing members causes damping of cous material absorbs energy when vibrate. Whenever a wall vibrates as a this major mode wall vibration and it is forced to change shape. It takes whole or in parts, sound energy rides improves it’s soundproof quality. work to deform a viscous material. the vibration right through the wall. Although it may be interesting that A lump of clay has much viscosity. WallDamp also controls the free vibra- the soundproof quality of a wall, it’s It takes work to change its shape and tion of the wall and puts a damper on resistance to being knocked on or then it holds that shape. these sounds vibrating through the wall. thumped is improved with the addi- B) Elastic means that something can be A wall is basically a sheet of thin wall- tion of WallDamp, such is not the deformed and it returns to its original board tacked to studs. The studs are usual reason for adding WallDamp. shape. A rubber ball is elastic because typically 16” apart. If the wallboard is It isn’t someone’s hand that is usually it returns to its original shape, even exciting the wall into a vibration, it is after bouncing off the floor. It takes work to deform an elastic material but the material is like a spring, and stores the energy. This is why a ball bounces back. A) + B) = C) Viscoelastic means it takes work to deform the object and BEFORE AFTER also that the object returns to its origi- nal shape. But, it just doesn’t spring WallDamp quiets wallboard twang--the plate vibration of wallboard stretched across studs back like a rubber ball. tapped with the finger or rapped with sound itself that does it. For example, Example: the knuckle somewhere between the sound generated by the powerful If we have three balls, one of each studs, it twangs. The free vibration of loudspeakers found in today’s home type; visco, elastic and viscoelastic, that one section transfers across the theater, media and audio rooms. The and then we throw them one at a time stud to the next section and soon it subwoofer provides ample thumping on the ground, each behaves differ- is vibrating. Then the next section of energy and the regular speakers setup ently. The visco ball of clay hits the wall between the studs picks up the right next to the walls in today’s home ground and flattens out like a pan- motion and soon, the entire wall is theater systems provide plenty of cake. The elastic ball hits the ground quivering with the vibration. And the knuckle tapping energy. and bounces right back up off the vibration is conducted through the WallDamp Defined ground, as round as ever. The visco- stud and the air cavity to the wall- elastic ball however takes the middle board on the other side which also WallDamp is a viscoelastic material. It road, it hits the ground and doesn’t vibrates freely at this same frequency. is not foam or vinyl, nor is it bitumi- bounce up but it also doesn’t flatten One good rap and the entire wall nous sheet material. The concept of out, just sits there on the ground, still becomes engulfed in a twanging a viscoelastic material can be broken a completely round ball. condition. Certain tones are easily down into two parts: conducted from one side of the wall to the other side by this mechanism. Adding WallDamp to the wallboard facing sides of the framing members calms down the wall twang, the plate vibration effect, and improves the soundproof quality of the wall. The wall as a whole is attached to the upper and lower plates which are rigidly affixed to the other and more heavy framing members. The mid section of the assembled wall how- ever is free to vibrate out and in. A BEFORE AFTER solid thump with the tight heel of the fist will send most any wall into it’s WallDamp eliminates wall shudder--the structural vibration of the whole wall pinned between plates 3
  • 4. How WallDamp Works temperatures found in the walls, floors The Result and ceilings of places where people A wall, floor or ceiling is constructed You can get walls & ceilings that live and work and play. using a complex set of objects, each reduce sound transmission by 20dB or touching the other in some fashion. WallDamp may look simple but what greater compared to standard interior When any one piece moves, it pushes it does is complex and well suited to walls. That is more than quadruple the on the adjoining pieces and so on. its application in damping out the free perceived sound volume reduction, The reason WallDamp works is that vibration of walls, floor and ceilings. which is what makes our wall system it is located between all the pieces WallDamp is setting the new standard the highest available using standard so that every time one piece pushes in frame construction. And, once you single-stud construction. against another, WallDamp is there hear the difference, you’ll know what absorbing energy out of the push. you’ve been missing. Vibration Damping Undamped Vibrations - Vibrational energy is stored for a long period WallDamp Facts of time and can be retransmitted release paper • WallDamp is 1/16” thick. through other mechanisms. Example: an undamped room wall can vibrate • WallDamp has high strength adhesive perceptibly for more than one sec- • Strips are 1.5” wide x 48” long. ond when excited by sudden sonic • Squares are 4” x 4” impacts. This vibration then becomes WallDamp • Sheets are 24” x 48” release paper a secondary source of sound emitted back into the room, creating a source Actually, Walldamp does not absorb The Root of the Problem much energy when one piece pushes or pulls squarely on another piece. When a noise produces powerful It does absorb a lot of energy when low-frequency acoustic energy, that VIBRATIONAL ENERGY one piece tries to slide past the other. wave front travels through the room Fortunately when an object pushes and then collides with the wall, floor on another object, there is a strong & ceiling surfaces. Upon collision, tendency for the two to slip or slide a much of the kinetic energy of the bit at their contact point. This is where wave front is converted into mechani- Standard Construction WallDamp extracts the energy - from cal (vibrational) energy, which sets the the shifting surfaces. thin, flexible wall surface into vibra- tion. This vibration is easily conducted 0 1 2 The second thing about WallDamp is through solid surfaces it is in contact SECONDS that it has been made to extract energy with—such as the studs, joists and of unwanted lingering noise. This is from microscopic movements. That’s flooring. The vibration travels up and highly contrary to the desired acous- good because very small movements through the framing of the house—vi- tics of a well-developed sound room. are involved in the making of sound, brating the walls, floors and ceilings especially when it comes to surfaces as it passes them. What you get is a Damped Vibrations - Vibrational as big as walls, floors and ceilings. quaking house full of noise. This is energy is removed quickly, usually There are many kinds of viscoelastic what is known as Structure-borne through frictional losses, and is no materials. The most familiar is the Sound Transmission. The fact of the longer available to be transmitted. soft type that is put into the heels of matter is, conventional wall & ceiling This means that there is no secondary runner’s shoes to absorb the shock of construction methods easily conduct radiation of unwanted noise and is the the footfall. The deformation of this low-frequency sound, and are poor at desirable situation for preferred sound soft material is measured in fractions blocking them out. room acoustics. of an inch. WallDamp is relatively hard, but that is because the deforma- The Solution tion it has to process is measured in We have identified three ways to keep thousandths of an inch or less. The sound from traveling through a structure: VIBRATIONAL ENERGY hardness corresponds to the force and 1. Block the sound by increasing the the deformation involved. WallDamp mass (thickness & density) of the walls. is made for structural damping. 2. Minimize the transmission paths for Some viscoelastic materials soften and vibrations and sound to travel through. Standard Construction lose their energy absorbing power if 3. Absorb & Dampen vibrational energy. with WallDamp Added they get too hot. Similarly, if they get too cold, they harden up and lose Only Acoustic Sciences proprietary 0 1 2 their energy absorbing power. Wall- WallDamp incorporates all three of SECONDS Damp is specifically made for the these methods. 4
  • 5. Everyday Use for keeping sound from getting out, but it’s bad for the person left in the Standard wall construction methods have room, the listener. If sound can’t get been providing some measure of sound Non-Damped out of a room it has to stay in the room isolation for nearly 50 years. However, and reverberate. Carpet, draperies and powerful low frequency sound genera- furnishings may provide some acoustic Noise Level tors, the subwoofers found in today’s friction inside the room to attenuate Hi-Fi and home theater systems, are sounds in the treble range but they sup- becoming much more popular. The rise ply little to no absorption for sounds in in at-home businesses has also increased Damped the bass range. That is why concrete the need for a quieter work environ- rooms are very ‘’boomy’’ sounding. ment, one which is hard to achieve with modern building density as it is. Musi- When sounds or vibrations try to pass cians, artists and the like, have, more 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 KHz 2 KHz 4 KHz through the walls, floor or ceiling of a frequently, begun to practice and record Frequency room, it causes those surfaces and the at smaller project studios located in structure behind each of them to move. their homes or other urban areas. Sound it works just as well in reverse. Loud When a wall, floor or ceiling vibrates, control issues generated in these circum- sounds from home theater and stereo it changes shape. The IsoDamp system stances need to be addressed thoroughly systems, music practice rooms, or uses WallDamp to separate each of to achieve their desired results and not workshops stays inside the house and the parts that make up the wall, floor out of your neighbor’s ears. Sound or ceiling. Any movement at all by the and vibrational energy within the wall, floor or ceiling causes a distortion house are also reduced. Wind can of the WallDamp. This distortion in the blow the front door closed without WallDamp absorbs the sound energy shaking the entire house. The sound and any vibration is quieted. power from the stereo or home the- ater stays in the room and doesn’t Broadband Soundproofing shudder the whole house. Kids can The addition of fiberglass to the wall play downstairs and the adults up- cavity only improves it’s soundproofing stairs hear almost nothing. Probably, performance in the upper frequency the best thing that IsoDamp con- range (tweeter range). Fiberglass has no tributes to today’s living experience effect on midrange or low frequency is the increased sense of peace and soundproofing. Despite it’s reputation quiet at a time when, day-by-day, in the construction trades for sound- interfere with their neighbors. IsoDamp more noise seems to be the only option. proofing, fiberglass in the wall cavity is not limited to only home-based noise provides but a fraction of the improve- control applications. It has become a Vibration Control ment available from the IsoDamp Sys- necessary addition to the construction of What is remarkable about IsoDamp tem. However, fiberglass in the wall professional and commercial spaces as construction is that it not only keeps cavity with WallDamp on the framing well. sound and vibration from passing faces (IsoDamp Economy) is a one-two through the surfaces of the room but combination punch that is almost too IsoDamp system construction is more that it actually absorbs it. By compari- simple to do, almost too easy to work resistant to the intrusion of external noise son, a concrete room is well known with and so very hard to beat. than standard building techniques, and IsoDamp Ultra IsoDamp Standard IsoDamp Economy Resilient Channel Felt Perimeter Gasket Standard Standard Greenboard Sheetrock Sheetrock WallDamp Greenboard Standard Sheetrock Strips Basic components of the three levels of IsoDamp Standard 5
  • 6. Vibration Control framing faces. This product can be In addition, STC is only a measure used for walls and ceilings, and is of how much vocal sound can be During testing, the inherent sound ab- great for improving the acoustic prop- stopped by a wall. But that’s not the sorbing properties of WallDamp with- erties of any room. end, it’s just the beginning of the in a standard framing system become story. The sound energy that gets evident. The graphic representations IsoDamp Economy is basically the stopped by a wall, doesn’t go through below show the paths and intensity of use of WallDamp strips to separate the wall, and that means it ends up sound transmission through framing staying inside the room. Now there is members in sur- too much sound lingering inside the face contact when Example of Wood Frame Sound Transmission Levels room, the lingering energy from one a source sound Before and After Applying IsoDamp System sonic event ends up covering over the was applied to the perception of the next sonic event. Sound Transmission Level (dB) test samples. 70 Ever heard of sound masking? 65 Before IsoDamp Three levels of Sound masking is usually associated 60 After IsoDamp system IsoDamp with a steady background noise be- are available, all 55 ing introduced so that people can’t of which feature 50 hear conversations across the room. WallDamp and Here, the masking energy is due to the the isolation- 0 0 50 90 0 0 0 0 0 80 25 16 lingering storage of high density, rapid 20 10 12 15 18 25 damping benefits Frequency (Hz) fire audio tracks. The audio, much associated with more than voice, tends to become it. The IsoDamp Ultra System is the framing from sheathing. This product self masking, and the higher the STC most comprehensive. To achieve is an acoustic enhansement that can becomes, the stronger the self masking maximum STC values, walls and be applied to one room, or the whole effect becomes. ceilings are suspended using damped house. With it’s “peel and stick” ease resilient channel. These are flexible of use, even a child can install it. It works the same way in high STC metal strips with added WallDamp, IsoDamp Economy can be used for rooms, where less sound is let out of which are attached to framing faces. walls, floors and ceilings, anywhere the room than is being delivered to At the floor, the drywall is floating on framing faces meet sheathing such as the room. A human voice can deliver bearing felt, and around the perimeter sheetrock or plywood. about 50 dB of continuous sound power. A movie sound track can de- Sound Transmission Without IsoDamp System Sound Transmission With IsoDamp System liver easily 80 to 90 dB of continuous sound power. That’s about 5000 times more energy than the human voice. If W allDamp wood this energy is held in the room by high framing STC walls, the sound quality inside nois e nois e s ourc e the room starts to become garbled. s ourc e In high performance audio systems, two things usually matter: Keeping sound from bothering the neighbors and getting clear sound inside the room. As you can see, the better the of the walls or ceilings, a gasket is STC, NRC and IIC STC rating, the worse the quality of used to help restrict even more sound sound inside the room becomes. What transmission. The pressure fluctua- Real world acoustics goes way beyond standardized lab test data. In particu- to do? NRC is the answer. tions from low frequency sound can still move the walls ever so slightly but lar, STC (Sound Transmission Class) What is NRC? now, when the walls move, they no can be very misleading, particularly in the area of high power audio ap- NRC (Noise Reduction Coefficient) is longer directly push the studs or joists. plications. To begin with, STC only the measure of the sound absorption Since movement of the wall doesn’t measures the the amount of vocal in side the room. STC measures how push the studs, it cannot transfer sonic range sound that is stopped by a wall. much sound is kept inside the room pressure pulses into the structure of Note that the VOCAL RANGE is a and NRC measures how much sound the house. fraction of the full bandwidth AUDIO is absorbed inside the room. A low RANGE played by most modern sound STC room leaks a lot of sound and to IsoDamp Standard is quicker and systems. STC does not really apply to maintain good sound quality inside easier to install, using WallDamp to today’s audio system. the room, to keep things from get- separate two layers of sheetrock from ting garbled, not much, a low NRC is 6
  • 7. needed inside the room. But, like STC, high power loudspeakers. Our interior and the sheetrock and again between NRC is also measured in the voice wall does not store energy. A stan- the first and second layer of sheetrock. ranges. STC and NRC are both voice dard wall thunders when thumped. A range measurements, used for general standard “soundproof “ wall thunders IsoDamp FAQ architectural acoustics. They occupy even more when thumped. In high Q: Can I use different types and thick- the middle 6 octaves in the bandwidth performance audio rooms, thundering ness of wallboard than those listed in of human sensitivity to sound. Today’s walls are not acceptable. the instruction booklet? high power audio systems cover the full bandwidth range, 2 octaves lower Our interior wall is interlaced with A: Yes, but be sure to use different and 2 octaves higher than the vocal constrained damping materials, which types and/or thicknesses for each bandwidth. absorb structural vibration energy. of the two layers so that you don’t Our interior wall is light double-up on any natural resonances ASC IsoWall Gives Great Acoustics & STC enough to let some associated with a particular wallboard. deep bass pass right 70 Mass Loaded through it. But to do Q: I’ve heard you’re not supposed to 60 Bomb Vinyl so means the interior put moisture resistant wallboard on Steel Shelter Laminated wall is moved. And the ceilings. Is this true? 50 Sheetrock structural damping com- STC Rating IsoWall 40 pound takes over and Stud A: You can use MR board (green 30 Wall absorbs the energy right board) on ceilings as long as the fram- 20 Mobile out of the wall move- ing members are sufficiently close Home 10 ment. to one another. In the case of the IsoDamp system, the framing mem- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Final Thoughts bers for the wallboard are the resil- Bad Good One more thing about ient channels. If you are using 1/2” Interior Room Acoustic Quality high STC walls, they are moisture resistant board as currently very heavy. This means recommended in our instruction book- they don’t move. Rigid walls create let, then placing the resilient channels However, if the room has a high STC, strong and very frequency selective no more than 12” apart, as stated too much sound is kept inside the room modes. Our wall is “soft” and it in the ceiling instructions, is suffi- room and the room has to be “treated” does move. It is technical a membrane ciently close according to the 2000 so it has a high NRC, to get rid of the bass trap. Because it moves under bass USG Construction Handbook. If you stored sound so that the sound inside pressure it does not create a rigid walled are planning on using 5/8” moisture the room isn’t too garbled. room and the modes are not sharp and resistant board on the ceiling, then strong. When room mode testing is you will need to adjust your system to An extremely high STC room, an done in our high performance walled place the resilient channels no more underground concrete bomb shelter room, the “soft” walls act to diffuse than 16” apart to be sufficiently close. has a very high STC, over 100 dB. the modes, the room no longer has an Since the sound has nowhere to go, it acoustically fixed dimension. The room Q: The installation instructions require stays inside the room, lingering for 10 supports sound that has much longer that I attach the ceiling Perimeter to 15 seconds. Generally, a room has wavelengths that the physical dimension Gasket to the nailer plate above the to have an NRC of at least 15% to be of the room. This effect is very powerful top plates on the wall, but what if my acceptable for conversation. For high and makes for excellent listening. walls don’t have a nailer plate above power audio, the required NRC goes the top plates? up to about 40%. IIC (Impact Isolation Class)is the mea- sure of the resistance of a wall or floor A: In this case, you will need to place ASC’s Happy Medium Concept to conduct tapping or light hammering blocking between the ceiling joists at At ASC, we have developed the com- noise through the wall. Our structur- the perimeters of the ceiling. This will plete solution to high power audio ally damped wall are mechanically give you a continuous framed perim- room acoustics. The interior surface semi-dead, and they absorb tapping eter for attaching the ceiling Perimeter of the room is constructed with a me- energy. Next, our damped interior Gasket. dium STC surface, the type that best wall is connected to adjoining studs supports high power audio playback. by metal clips set on damping pads Q: Your instructions state that I should On the other side of this low STC wall which together act to greatly resist use insulation blanket with no paper surface, we apply a high STC rated conducting tapping sound, they have or foil backing. Why is that? wall surface to achieve the necessary a high STC to the conduction of tap- overall STC for the wall. Furthermore, ping sounds. And finally what little A: Two reasons. First, it is best to our interior wall is very unique. It is gets through and into the stud, if fur- avoid the possibility of the paper or “non-tympanic” in that it does not ther blocked by the structural damping foil surface ever coming in contact twang when excited, or hammered by sheets that interlace between the stud with the resilient channel. This could 7
  • 8. create a situation where there may still use your IsoDamp system? propriate adjustments to the resilient be a slapping sound heard from the channel spacing can be made to avoid vibration of the channel against the A: Yes, and, in fact, we can even help interfering with any junction boxes. thin membrane. Second, we want to make your cable pass-through better Built-in lighting on the ceiling can be keep the air-flow chamber as large as suited for use in combination with the addressed in a similar fashion. possible directly behind the wall. This IsoDamp system. allows deeper breathing ability and, Q: How can I further enhance my hence, greater overall effectiveness. Q: Can I use cement board or limp IsoDamp system? mass barriers with the IsoDamp system? Q: What if I need to have foil or paper A: Optional additional steps you can backing on my insulation or use a A: Yes, you can use more massive take are to: separate type of membrane as a vapor wallboard or additional layers of extra barrier? mass with the IsoDamp system. Be 1. Apply an optional IsoDamp appli- sure to place the resilient channel cation to the opposite side of the wall A: If you need to have a vapor barrier, more closely together to provide the (interior walls only) you have several options. First, if you extra weight support needed, if you do 2. Add ASC Stud Stabilizers to the can use insulation blanket with foil this. It is important to note, however, framework or stabilize the framework or paper backing, place the backing that the individual sound blocking by attaching it to concrete walls or away from the interior of the room abilities of different materials do not foundation (see the FAQ immediately above) for simply add to one another. For exam- 3. Use larger studs and joists and fill which the IsoDamp system is being ple, a layer of mass-loaded vinyl may the cavities with thicker insulation applied. If you must place the backing have an independent STC rating of (e.g. use 2x6 with 5” insulation fill vs toward the interior of the room, use 30dB and your existing wall may also 2x4 with 3” insulation fill) wire insulation supports to hold the have an independent STC rating of 4. Place your layers of wallboard backing at least 1 inch away from the 30dB, but when put together you will perpendicular to one another (i.e. put resilient channel. Second, if you need NOT achieve an STC of 60dB. Dou- one layer on vertically and the other to use a sheet of visquine or other ma- bling the mass of a wall will typically horizontally) terial to cover the entire wall, place it increase the soundblocking power by 5. Use a staggered stud or double stud on the opposite side of the frame from 2 to 4dB. So, for the previous example frame design. the side for which you are applying the resulting STC would most likely 6. Use ASC Wall Wool Batts in place the Iso-Wall system. If you must place fall between 32 and 34dB. of standard fiberglass insulation. the material on the interior side of the frame, place it separately over each Q: How do I build light switches and Q: Can I put the IsoDamp system on stud cavity, tucking the edges into the electrical outlets into the IsoDamp the floor? interior of the cavity and attaching it system? to the sides of the studs . This leaves A: Yes, IsoDamp Economy can be the stud faces exposed for placement A: Every room has its own unique used on floor joists. To further im- of the Iso-Wall system. Be sure to tuck configuration and we defer the exact prove sound blocking power through the material far enough into the cav- solution to the expertise of the on-site the floor, you should apply the Iso- ity so that it is no closer than 1 inch builder/contractor. Electrical outlets Damp Ultra system to the ceiling in away from the resilient channel at any usually occur around 10” off the floor. the space below. If you wish to add point (see FAQ immediately above). This places them between the bottom a floating floor or riser to the room, If you are applying a vapor barrier to and the second resilient channel up contact us for more information. conform to building code, you may from the floor. You should offset junc- be able to get the IsoDamp system tion boxes to take into account the ad- Q: Can I use a layer of Plywood in the itself to be considered an acceptable ditional thickness of the resilient chan- walls with the IsoDamp system? vapor barrier by your building inspec- nel and 2 layers of drywall, as well tor. If you are using the 2 layers of as the small thickness added by the A: It is OK to use plywood as the first wallboard, including moisture resis- layers of WallDamp material, making IsoDamp layer. Apply WallDamp tant board, 1/2” gasket, and acoustic the total wall thickness in the range as usual. We normally prefer using sealant as directed in the installation of 1-3/4 inches. It is recommended sheetrock because it is heavier than instructions, you have built an air/ that you leave a 1/4” gap between the plywood of the same thickness which moisture-tight seal on that surface. edge of the box and the wallboard that allows the possibility for greater mass This is what is required for an accept- should be sealed with acoustic caulk, in a smaller space. able vapor barrier. identical to the edges of the wall. Face plates can be screwed tightly to the Q: I have a recording studio and I boxes once the caulking has had suf- want to have a cable pass-through ficient time to dry. For light switches, built into the wall. Can I do this and you should plan ahead so that ap- 8