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Creating a Lean business from the inside outTechnical innovation at uSwitch to reduce waste and become lean


IntroductionUswitch.com is a price comparison website


Over 10 years old


Focused on the energy switching market


Also offer insurance, finance and other products


Saving customers time and money uSwitch.com


Who are we?Damon Morgan: development manager			Mark Durrand: IT director


What are we talking about?Changes to technology and process which changed the way our business functioned


The practical effect of those changes on productivity


Delivering the right stuffOur journey3 years ago…WaterfallLarge teams with multiple rolesProject ManagersBusiness AnalystsDevelopersTestersProduct ManagersLong projects (typically 6-12 months)BDUF


Our journey2 years ago…Decided to ‘go Agile’Came from new CTO and some developersDesire to deliver value more quicklyStrict Scrum 3 week iterations (3 weeks testing)Daily stand-upsPlanning meetings, retrospectives, etc


Our journeyEvolved Scrum with XP practicesTDDPair programmingContinuous integrationOverall, this worked quite well


Big improvement on waterfallVelocity with Scrum – Aug to Oct 2008


How efficient was planning?


How efficient was planning?60% of planned stories completed


40% unplanned work in each sprint


That’s inefficientScrum issuesOverhead of planning - half day per iteration


Overhead of testing at the end - 3-4 days per iteration


Overhead of release - 2 days per iteration


Time to market - at least 3 weeks


Point releases - around 2 per iteration


Only 60% of planned work completedLeanKeep it simplePurposefully avoided terminology


Introduced change by stealth


Senior management unawareEvolution of our boardsBacklog | In Progress | QA | DoneBacklog | In Progress | DoneBacklog | Ready | In Progress | Inventory | Done (With WIP Limits)Ideas | Backlog | Ready | In Progress | Inventory | Done


Going Lean - processNo planning meeting - plan on demand


Limit WIP


No iterations


Pull stories on customer demandGoing Lean: technologyRelease on demandTeam City and Subversion for CIBuilt a tool to move code to the live environment safelyExtra monitoring to reduce risk of frequent releases (conversion rate, error rate)Removed QA at the end - baked quality inBDDIntegration testsSmoke tests run on release and for monitoring


Going Lean: peopleWe reduced the number of rolesNo QA - Tester DevelopersNo Analyst - customer part of the teamNo PM or Scrummaster - self-organising teamsTeams understand context and objectives of initiatives and own solution. Use measures to define success.


Flow - CFD


Flow - CFD


Benefits of LeanQuicker to market (value earned earlier)


Reduced waste in planning


Releases smaller, quicker and safer


Quality built in, no inspection

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Editor's Notes

  1. Chart shows four iterations from August and September 2008 (car insurance team). Number of points delivered is increasing for each iteration as the team becomes more effective. Number of stories delivered is increasing for each iteration (less marked than points though). All good. Give ourselves a pat on our Agile backs.
  2. For the same team at the same time we see something interesting with points planned and delivered against stories planned and delivered.Over 90% of points planned are delivered.Shows the team is effective at estimation and working at the expected velocity.For stories, it’s a different story.Only around 60% of the planned stories are delivered.40% of the time we’re doing other stuff (new stuff, rework, bugs, etc)Therefore a lot of waste in planning. Planning is lying?
  3. Ideas – High level ideasBacklog – The next few high priority ideas broken down into MMF’sReady – The next high priority MMF’s that are ready to be worked onIn Progress – DevelopmentInventory - Features that are completed but not yet earning value (often but not always Features that are not yet deployed to live)Done – Live and earning value
  4. This is a CFD from a team shortly after adopting some of the Lean principles.Flow is relatively limited (incline of chart is quite flat)Inventory is allowed to build up emptied on an irregular basis (releases)
  5. This is a CFD from a team who have been following the Lean principles longer.Our technology and process had evolved to support Lean by this point.Much steeper incline (better flow).Smaller inventory (more regular releases).
  6. Just over 1 month around April 2009Shows time from ‘ready’ to ‘live’ decreasing over the period.Around 17/04 we introduced more, faster releasesCycle time reduced to <10 days (remaining longer times are items already in the queue)Previous short cycle times (07/04) were the result of emergency releases.
  7. Chart shows the time for the sales team to convert a leadStep change in 17/09 was the result of a release of some significant functionality.The team is delivering demonstrable value.
  8. Dev & Ops pairedLead to continuous deployment