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Special Educational
Needs and Disability

Update 25
October 2008
2          Special Educational Needs and Disability Update 25

The work of John Bercow,                                        We recognise that for parents of children with dyslexia
Brian Lamb and Sir Jim Rose:                                    - and associated specific learning difficulties such as
                                                                dyspraxia and dyscalculia - concern can quickly turn
How does it all fit together?
                                                                to anxiety as, for example, difficulties with learning to
Feedback received in response to the July SEND                  read become an entrenched and increasingly serious
Update asked how the work on various aspects of                 obstacle to learning across the whole curriculum. So,
SEN provision, led by John Bercow, Brain Lamb and               to improve parental confidence and outcomes, it is
Sir Jim Rose actually fit together.                             crucial to ensure that if a child has a difficulty, the right
 The Children’s Plan identified two key important               help is provided to support him or her in overcoming
priorities for children with SEN: narrowing gaps in             barriers to achieving his or her full potential.
outcomes between children with SEN and disabilities             The Children’s Plan also recognised the importance
and their peers; and, through this, increasing parental         of improving parental confidence in the system for
confidence in services being provided. The three                assessing and providing statements of SEN, and so
reviews together seek to respond to these priorities.           Brian Lamb, the Chair of the Special Educational
The work of John Bercow and Sir Jim Rose are looking            Consortium, was invited to chair an Inquiry which
at the critical life skill of communication - whether it’s      is investigating a range of ways in which parental
through speech and language, or reading and writing             confidence in the SEN assessment process might be
– and the difficulties some children face.                      improved.
John Bercow’s report into services for children           The Lamb Inquiry has been asked to:
with speech, language and communication needs,            l consider a range of ways in which parental
published in July, identified five key themes:               confidence in the SEN assessment process might be
communication is crucial; early identification and           increased;
intervention are essential in order to avoid poor
                                                          l commission and evaluate innovative projects in
outcomes; a continuum of services, designed around
                                                             these areas;
the family, is needed; joint working is critical; and the
current system is characterised by high variability and l draw on the evidence of other work currently
a lack of equity. He made forty recommendations              commissioned by the Department; and
which Ministers have broadly welcomed. The                l take into account the evidence of the submissions

Department is currently preparing an action plan             to the two Select Committee Reports in 2006 and
responding in full to each recommendation which              2007.
will be published later in the year.                      In looking at SEN assessment issues, the Lamb Inquiry
As the Children’s Plan recognises, we need to find ways is taking account of different special educational
of improving provision and outcomes for children          needs and disabilities and is making specific links with
and young people with dyslexia. This is why, in May       both the Bercow Review and the work on dyslexia
the Secretary of State asked Sir Jim Rose to make         being taken forward by Jim Rose.
recommendations on the identification and teaching              Further information can be found at:
of children with dyslexia. Jim will also consider how
best to take forward the commitment in the Children’s
Plan to establish a pilot scheme in which children with
dyslexia will receive Reading Recovery support or               www.dcsf.gov.uk/jimroseanddyslexia/
one-to-one tuition from specialist dyslexia teachers.           www.dcsf.gov.uk/lambinquiry/
Special Educational Needs and Disability Update 25         3

SEN Regional Hubs of                                       improve outcomes for children and young people
                                                           with SEN and disabilities.
Effective Practice                                         The hubs will support three major national priorities
                                                           over 2008-10:
As part of a two year programme running to March
                                                           l   Disseminating and embedding of approaches
2010, DCSF has announced an allocation of Standards
                                                               in the Inclusion Development Programme (IDP)
Funds support for 10 SEN regional hubs in England,
                                                               – hubs will have a major role in supporting local
each with a lead local authority (two in the case of
                                                               implementation and evaluating impact.
London). Each hub lead local authority will receive
                                                           l   Applying DCSF ‘Planning and Developing SEN
£145,000 in 2008-09. The lead authorities for the
                                                               Provision’ guidance (published May 2007),
hubs are:
                                                               alongside new guidance on the ‘Education
 East: Cambridgeshire            North West: Liverpool         of Children and Young People Experiencing
 East Midlands: Leicestershire   South East: Hampshire         Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties’ – so
 London North: Newham            South West: Somerset          that local authorities have robust plans in place
 London South:                   West Midlands: Solihull       to support the development of a flexible range of
 Tower Hamlets                                                 provision.
 North East: North Tyneside      Yorkshire & Humberside:   l   Developing the role of combined School
                                                               Improvement and SEN Consultants, to support the
The hubs will disseminate best practice and support            development, dissemination and embedding of
the interface between local authorities, the DCSF              guidance and practice with a particular focus on
and the National Strategies. They will help support            narrowing attainment gaps.
the delivery of the Government’s strategic aims to

Narrowing the Gap                                          On 11 September, the Department published
                                                           statistics on the current gap – please see SFR38/2007
                                                           on the following website: http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/
The Children’s Plan, published last December,
contained a commitment that the Department
would work with schools and local authorities to           The figures show a continuing large attainment
ensure that every child with SEN and disabilities gets     gap, in the context that results are improving year
an education that allows them to achieve their full        on year both for those children who are identified
potential. As more children with SEN achieve their         with SEN, and those who are not so identified. Local
full potential, we should see a narrowing of the gap       authorities and schools will want to consider their
between the attainment of children with SEN and            own attainment gap and consider how best to
their peers. Whilst some children with SEN have            use the significant additional investment in SEN to
a potential that is different to that of many other        improve outcomes. Some new training materials and
children, this is not the case for most children with      resources packs for LAs and schools are set out in the
SEN. The purpose of providing support to children          ‘Resources section’ of this update.
with SEN is to remove barriers to their achievement.
4            Special Educational Needs and Disability Update 25

    Quality Standards                                              which service providers might assess and
                                                                   evaluate provision either delivered directly, or
    for SEN Support and                                            commissioned, to help improve consistency.

    Outreach Services                                              The standards are designed to help lead to
                                                                   improved outcomes for children and young
    DCSF has issued guidance aimed at all those                    people with SEN and disabilities, against
    offering SEN support and outreach services,                    the backdrop of the five Every Child Matters
    including local authorities, school clusters and               outcomes, and the core offer standards set out
    special schools, early years settings and other                as part of the Government’s Aiming High for
    provision.                                                     Disabled Children’s programme.

    The generic standards, produced jointly by the                 The standards can be accessed and downloaded
    South East and South West Regional Partnerships,               free of charge at: www.teachernet.gov.uk/
    are not intended to be mandatory. Rather they                  senqualitystandards. Copies can also be ordered
    offer some common markers against                              from DCSF Publications (telephone 0845 6022260)
                                                                   quoting reference 00582-2008DOM-EN.

Tackling Bullying of Children                                     Our guidance explains that tackling this unacceptable
                                                                  behaviour forms part of schools’ statutory
with SEN and Disabilities                                         responsibilities to promote disability equality and
and Implementing Schools’                                         to eliminate disability discrimination. Part of each
Disability Equality Duty                                          school’s Disability Equality Duty is to eliminate
                                                                  disability-based harassment.
Reports from the Children’s Commissioner, the
National Autistic Society and Mencap show that                    We have also placed a summary of schools’ statutory
children with SEN and disabilities are more likely to             disability discrimination duties on the following
be bullied than their peers. A 2007 Mencap survey                 website:
found that 8 out of 10 respondents had been bullied,              http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/docbank/index.
and 6 out of 10 had been physically hurt. In May, we              cfm?id=12900
published guidance on Bullying Involving Children                 More detailed advice and guidance can be found
with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Copies           on: http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/wholeschool/
can be downloaded from www.teachernet.gov.                        disability/disabilityandthedda/
uk/publications Hard copies can be ordered from
the same website, or by phoning 0845 602 2260 –
quoting reference 00372-2008BKT-EN.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Update 25        5

                        Progression Guidance
                        Project 2008-9
The National Strategies in partnership with the DCSF          includes links and references to existing resources
are developing guidance on progression for pupils             to support the use and moderation of P scales for
with SEN/LDD. The project is designed to:                     whole school planning and assessment, in both
                                                              special and mainstream schools.
l   provide guidance on what is good progress for
    pupils with SEN/LDD;
l   develop the capacity of the current online pupil
                                                          l   The Inclusion Development Programme:
    progress tracking system (RAISEonline); and
                                                              (Dyslexia and Speech, Language and
l   develop training materials.                               Communication Needs) is available to LAs and
 For any further information or to share any                  schools. This resource aims to increase the
examples of effective and innovative practice                 confidence and skills of teachers in meeting the
please contact Pauline Pitman pauline.pitman@                 needs of high incidence SEN. It is intended as a key
                                                              resource to support Quality First Wave 1 teaching
nationalstrategies.co.uk or Jenny Digges
                                                              and should be accessible for all teachers and not
                                                              the sole responsibility of the SENCO. It can be
                                                              accessed via the website;
Resources                                                     http://www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/primary/
l   The SEN/AEN Value for Money Self Evaluation               features/inclusion/sen/
    Resource Pack: The Resource Pack for schools
                                                          l   New Areas of the National Strategies SEN/
    has been developed over the past year by the
                                                              LDD Website: The National Strategies have added
    National Strategies and the Audit Commission.
                                                              3 new areas to the SEN/LDD focussed area of the
    To help schools determine if their spending on
                                                              website. Schools and LAs may find the knowledge
    SEN is offering value for money and making
                                                              and information banks contained there a useful
    real improvements to outcomes, the Audit
                                                              supplement to other materials to support capacity-
    Commission and the National Strategies published
                                                              building in relation to SEN/LDD. The three new
    an interactive website earlier this year. It can
                                                              areas are:
    be accessed on http://www.sen-aen.audit-
                                                              SEN/LDD Teaching and Learning
                                                              SEN/LDD Statutory Framework
l   The P scales focused area of the National
    Strategies website gives guidance on the use of P         SEN/LDD Attainment and Progress
    scales to improve outcomes for SEN pupils. Schools        http://www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/primary/
    must now use P scales to report the attainment of         features/inclusion/sen/
    all pupils identified as having SEN who are working
    below National Curriculum Level 1. The area
6             Special Educational Needs and Disability Update 25

the Disability
Act (DDA)
If your school has not already ordered your school’s               also provides support and advice to schools in the
copy of our guidance pack ‘Implementing the                        development and implementation of these duties.
Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) in Schools and                 Copies of this guidance can be ordered from Prolog
Early Years Settings – a training resource for schools             by e-mailing dcsf@prolog.uk.com or by phoning
and local authorities’ we still have some available.               0845 60 222 60. It should be pointed out however
This guidance outlines schools’ and local authorities’             that only one pack can be allocated to each school.
responsibilities in relation to the DDA and

    Aiming High for                                                l   System change – AHDC has also introduced
                                                                       measures designed to make the system work
    Disabled Children                                                  better. It introduces a core offer setting out
                                                                       expected standards of service and a disability
    Programme - Update                                                 indicator to measure the experience of parents
                                                                       with disabled children.
    Aiming High for Disabled Children (AHDC), launched                 For those who need a quick catch-up on the
    in May 2007, is the government’s transformation                    AHDC agenda, you can download and order
    programme for disabled children’s services, jointly                programme summaries from here
    delivered by DCSF and the Department of Health (DH).               www.everychildmatters.gov.uk/ahdc/ .
    The AHDC programme aims to deliver:                                These summaries are particularly good for
                                                                       professionals who want to get up to speed.
    l   Service improvement – The programme is
        supported by substantial new funding over the                  For more information about the AHDC
        years 2008/9 to 2010/11. This includes DCSF                    programme visit www.everychildmatters.gov.
        funding of £370m for short breaks, £19m for                    uk/ahdc/ or email
        transition support, £35m for accessible childcare              ahdc.implementation@dcsf.gsi.gov.uk
        pilots and £5m for parent participation.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Update 25        7

 Recent AHDC                                                    makes recommendations on the form and
                                                                methodology for measuring the indicator.
 Programme                                                      This report was published by the DCSF on
                                                                25 September. For more information visit
 Developments                                                   www.everychildmatters.gov.uk/socialcare/
 Include:                                                   l   Childcare Pilot Launch
                                                                On 5 September the Department hosted
 l   Parent Participation Grants Programme
                                                                the first meeting of the National Learning
                                                                Set for the Disabled Children’s Access to
     As part of the AHDC programme the
                                                                Childcare (DCATCH) programme. Nine of
     Government committed £5 million to support
                                                                the local authorities from the first wave of
     parent involvement over the next three years.
                                                                pilots attended. For more information on the
     For further information visit the Together for
                                                                childcare pilots visit the
     Disabled Children website at
 l   National Indicator – Proposed Survey
                                                            l   Short Breaks Implementation Guidance
     Methodology Published
                                                                DCSF and Department of Health have issued
     The Disabled Children’s Services Indicator
                                                                joint AHDC short breaks implementation
     (National Indicator Set 54) will assess parents’
                                                                guidance for Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) and
     general experience of services for disabled
                                                                local authorities. The guidance is to support
     children aged 0 – 19 and the extent to which
                                                                LA and PCT professionals to improve local
     services for disabled children are delivered
                                                                short breaks provision. For further information
     according to the core offer standards. The
                                                                visit http://www.everychildmatters.gov.uk/
     National Centre for Social Research has now
     completed their report, which

Forthcoming AHDC                                        Future announcements will include:
                                                            Launch of the Child Health Strategy

                                                        l   Publication and launch of a consultation on the
                                                            National Framework for Assessing Children’s
There will be a host of programme announcements             Continuing Care
in the coming weeks and the Every Child Matters         l   Launch of the Individual Budgets scoping report
website now has an email alert function that will       l   Launch of the Transition Support Programme and
keep you up-to-date with key announcements from             the announcement of the coordinating body.
the AHDC programme. You can sign up to the email
alerts here www.everychildmatters.gov.uk/ahdc/
8   Special Educational Needs and Disability Update 25

         Want to keep up to date with what is happening in special educational needs and disability?
         It’s FREE and it’s EASY
         For your electronic copy subscribe at www.teachernet.gov.uk/wholeschool/sen/updates
         For your audio copy, email sen.update@dcsf.gsi.gov.uk
         For your paper copies, write to DCSF SEN Subscriptions, PO Box 99, Sudbury,
         Suffolk, CO10 2SN or email senupdate@prolog.uk.com
         This copy and previous copies are available from our Publications Centre.

     Your Comments
         We welcome your comments. Please send them to SEN and Disability Division, Department
         for Children Families and Schools, 1E, Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street London
         SW1P 3BT. email sen.update@dcsf.gsi.gov.uk

         Copies of the Department for Children, Families and Schools publications mentioned are
         available from the Publications Centre, tel 0845 602 2260, fax 0845 603 3360,
         email dcsf@prolog.uk.com

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  • 1. Special Educational Needs and Disability Update 25 October 2008
  • 2. 2 Special Educational Needs and Disability Update 25 The work of John Bercow, We recognise that for parents of children with dyslexia Brian Lamb and Sir Jim Rose: - and associated specific learning difficulties such as dyspraxia and dyscalculia - concern can quickly turn How does it all fit together? to anxiety as, for example, difficulties with learning to Feedback received in response to the July SEND read become an entrenched and increasingly serious Update asked how the work on various aspects of obstacle to learning across the whole curriculum. So, SEN provision, led by John Bercow, Brain Lamb and to improve parental confidence and outcomes, it is Sir Jim Rose actually fit together. crucial to ensure that if a child has a difficulty, the right The Children’s Plan identified two key important help is provided to support him or her in overcoming priorities for children with SEN: narrowing gaps in barriers to achieving his or her full potential. outcomes between children with SEN and disabilities The Children’s Plan also recognised the importance and their peers; and, through this, increasing parental of improving parental confidence in the system for confidence in services being provided. The three assessing and providing statements of SEN, and so reviews together seek to respond to these priorities. Brian Lamb, the Chair of the Special Educational The work of John Bercow and Sir Jim Rose are looking Consortium, was invited to chair an Inquiry which at the critical life skill of communication - whether it’s is investigating a range of ways in which parental through speech and language, or reading and writing confidence in the SEN assessment process might be – and the difficulties some children face. improved. John Bercow’s report into services for children The Lamb Inquiry has been asked to: with speech, language and communication needs, l consider a range of ways in which parental published in July, identified five key themes: confidence in the SEN assessment process might be communication is crucial; early identification and increased; intervention are essential in order to avoid poor l commission and evaluate innovative projects in outcomes; a continuum of services, designed around these areas; the family, is needed; joint working is critical; and the current system is characterised by high variability and l draw on the evidence of other work currently a lack of equity. He made forty recommendations commissioned by the Department; and which Ministers have broadly welcomed. The l take into account the evidence of the submissions Department is currently preparing an action plan to the two Select Committee Reports in 2006 and responding in full to each recommendation which 2007. will be published later in the year. In looking at SEN assessment issues, the Lamb Inquiry As the Children’s Plan recognises, we need to find ways is taking account of different special educational of improving provision and outcomes for children needs and disabilities and is making specific links with and young people with dyslexia. This is why, in May both the Bercow Review and the work on dyslexia the Secretary of State asked Sir Jim Rose to make being taken forward by Jim Rose. recommendations on the identification and teaching Further information can be found at: of children with dyslexia. Jim will also consider how www.dcsf.gov.uk/publications/childrensplan/ best to take forward the commitment in the Children’s www.dcsf.gov.uk/bercowreview Plan to establish a pilot scheme in which children with dyslexia will receive Reading Recovery support or www.dcsf.gov.uk/jimroseanddyslexia/ one-to-one tuition from specialist dyslexia teachers. www.dcsf.gov.uk/lambinquiry/
  • 3. Special Educational Needs and Disability Update 25 3 SEN Regional Hubs of improve outcomes for children and young people with SEN and disabilities. Effective Practice The hubs will support three major national priorities over 2008-10: As part of a two year programme running to March l Disseminating and embedding of approaches 2010, DCSF has announced an allocation of Standards in the Inclusion Development Programme (IDP) Funds support for 10 SEN regional hubs in England, – hubs will have a major role in supporting local each with a lead local authority (two in the case of implementation and evaluating impact. London). Each hub lead local authority will receive l Applying DCSF ‘Planning and Developing SEN £145,000 in 2008-09. The lead authorities for the Provision’ guidance (published May 2007), hubs are: alongside new guidance on the ‘Education East: Cambridgeshire North West: Liverpool of Children and Young People Experiencing East Midlands: Leicestershire South East: Hampshire Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties’ – so London North: Newham South West: Somerset that local authorities have robust plans in place London South: West Midlands: Solihull to support the development of a flexible range of Tower Hamlets provision. North East: North Tyneside Yorkshire & Humberside: l Developing the role of combined School Leeds Improvement and SEN Consultants, to support the The hubs will disseminate best practice and support development, dissemination and embedding of the interface between local authorities, the DCSF guidance and practice with a particular focus on and the National Strategies. They will help support narrowing attainment gaps. the delivery of the Government’s strategic aims to Narrowing the Gap On 11 September, the Department published statistics on the current gap – please see SFR38/2007 on the following website: http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/ The Children’s Plan, published last December, rsgateway/DB/SFR/s000759/index.shtml contained a commitment that the Department would work with schools and local authorities to The figures show a continuing large attainment ensure that every child with SEN and disabilities gets gap, in the context that results are improving year an education that allows them to achieve their full on year both for those children who are identified potential. As more children with SEN achieve their with SEN, and those who are not so identified. Local full potential, we should see a narrowing of the gap authorities and schools will want to consider their between the attainment of children with SEN and own attainment gap and consider how best to their peers. Whilst some children with SEN have use the significant additional investment in SEN to a potential that is different to that of many other improve outcomes. Some new training materials and children, this is not the case for most children with resources packs for LAs and schools are set out in the SEN. The purpose of providing support to children ‘Resources section’ of this update. with SEN is to remove barriers to their achievement.
  • 4. 4 Special Educational Needs and Disability Update 25 Quality Standards which service providers might assess and evaluate provision either delivered directly, or for SEN Support and commissioned, to help improve consistency. Outreach Services The standards are designed to help lead to improved outcomes for children and young DCSF has issued guidance aimed at all those people with SEN and disabilities, against offering SEN support and outreach services, the backdrop of the five Every Child Matters including local authorities, school clusters and outcomes, and the core offer standards set out special schools, early years settings and other as part of the Government’s Aiming High for provision. Disabled Children’s programme. The generic standards, produced jointly by the The standards can be accessed and downloaded South East and South West Regional Partnerships, free of charge at: www.teachernet.gov.uk/ are not intended to be mandatory. Rather they senqualitystandards. Copies can also be ordered offer some common markers against from DCSF Publications (telephone 0845 6022260) quoting reference 00582-2008DOM-EN. Tackling Bullying of Children Our guidance explains that tackling this unacceptable behaviour forms part of schools’ statutory with SEN and Disabilities responsibilities to promote disability equality and and Implementing Schools’ to eliminate disability discrimination. Part of each Disability Equality Duty school’s Disability Equality Duty is to eliminate disability-based harassment. Reports from the Children’s Commissioner, the National Autistic Society and Mencap show that We have also placed a summary of schools’ statutory children with SEN and disabilities are more likely to disability discrimination duties on the following be bullied than their peers. A 2007 Mencap survey website: found that 8 out of 10 respondents had been bullied, http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/docbank/index. and 6 out of 10 had been physically hurt. In May, we cfm?id=12900 published guidance on Bullying Involving Children More detailed advice and guidance can be found with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Copies on: http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/wholeschool/ can be downloaded from www.teachernet.gov. disability/disabilityandthedda/ uk/publications Hard copies can be ordered from the same website, or by phoning 0845 602 2260 – quoting reference 00372-2008BKT-EN.
  • 5. Special Educational Needs and Disability Update 25 5 Progression Guidance Project 2008-9 The National Strategies in partnership with the DCSF includes links and references to existing resources are developing guidance on progression for pupils to support the use and moderation of P scales for with SEN/LDD. The project is designed to: whole school planning and assessment, in both special and mainstream schools. l provide guidance on what is good progress for www.standards.dcsf.gov.uk/secondary/ pupils with SEN/LDD; keystage3/issues/focus/pscales l develop the capacity of the current online pupil l The Inclusion Development Programme: progress tracking system (RAISEonline); and (Dyslexia and Speech, Language and l develop training materials. Communication Needs) is available to LAs and For any further information or to share any schools. This resource aims to increase the examples of effective and innovative practice confidence and skills of teachers in meeting the please contact Pauline Pitman pauline.pitman@ needs of high incidence SEN. It is intended as a key resource to support Quality First Wave 1 teaching nationalstrategies.co.uk or Jenny Digges and should be accessible for all teachers and not jenny.digges@nationalstrategies.co.uk the sole responsibility of the SENCO. It can be accessed via the website; Resources http://www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/primary/ l The SEN/AEN Value for Money Self Evaluation features/inclusion/sen/ Resource Pack: The Resource Pack for schools l New Areas of the National Strategies SEN/ has been developed over the past year by the LDD Website: The National Strategies have added National Strategies and the Audit Commission. 3 new areas to the SEN/LDD focussed area of the To help schools determine if their spending on website. Schools and LAs may find the knowledge SEN is offering value for money and making and information banks contained there a useful real improvements to outcomes, the Audit supplement to other materials to support capacity- Commission and the National Strategies published building in relation to SEN/LDD. The three new an interactive website earlier this year. It can areas are: be accessed on http://www.sen-aen.audit- SEN/LDD Teaching and Learning commission.gov.uk/ SEN/LDD Statutory Framework l The P scales focused area of the National Strategies website gives guidance on the use of P SEN/LDD Attainment and Progress scales to improve outcomes for SEN pupils. Schools http://www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/primary/ must now use P scales to report the attainment of features/inclusion/sen/ all pupils identified as having SEN who are working below National Curriculum Level 1. The area
  • 6. 6 Special Educational Needs and Disability Update 25 Implementing the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) If your school has not already ordered your school’s also provides support and advice to schools in the copy of our guidance pack ‘Implementing the development and implementation of these duties. Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) in Schools and Copies of this guidance can be ordered from Prolog Early Years Settings – a training resource for schools by e-mailing dcsf@prolog.uk.com or by phoning and local authorities’ we still have some available. 0845 60 222 60. It should be pointed out however This guidance outlines schools’ and local authorities’ that only one pack can be allocated to each school. responsibilities in relation to the DDA and Aiming High for l System change – AHDC has also introduced measures designed to make the system work Disabled Children better. It introduces a core offer setting out expected standards of service and a disability Programme - Update indicator to measure the experience of parents with disabled children. Aiming High for Disabled Children (AHDC), launched For those who need a quick catch-up on the in May 2007, is the government’s transformation AHDC agenda, you can download and order programme for disabled children’s services, jointly programme summaries from here delivered by DCSF and the Department of Health (DH). www.everychildmatters.gov.uk/ahdc/ . The AHDC programme aims to deliver: These summaries are particularly good for professionals who want to get up to speed. l Service improvement – The programme is supported by substantial new funding over the For more information about the AHDC years 2008/9 to 2010/11. This includes DCSF programme visit www.everychildmatters.gov. funding of £370m for short breaks, £19m for uk/ahdc/ or email transition support, £35m for accessible childcare ahdc.implementation@dcsf.gsi.gov.uk pilots and £5m for parent participation.
  • 7. Special Educational Needs and Disability Update 25 7 Recent AHDC makes recommendations on the form and methodology for measuring the indicator. Programme This report was published by the DCSF on 25 September. For more information visit Developments www.everychildmatters.gov.uk/socialcare/ ahdc/coreoffer/ Include: l Childcare Pilot Launch On 5 September the Department hosted l Parent Participation Grants Programme the first meeting of the National Learning Launched Set for the Disabled Children’s Access to As part of the AHDC programme the Childcare (DCATCH) programme. Nine of Government committed £5 million to support the local authorities from the first wave of parent involvement over the next three years. pilots attended. For more information on the For further information visit the Together for childcare pilots visit the Disabled Children website at www.everychildmatters.gov.uk/socialcare/ www.togetherfdc.org ahdc/childcare/ l National Indicator – Proposed Survey l Short Breaks Implementation Guidance Methodology Published DCSF and Department of Health have issued The Disabled Children’s Services Indicator joint AHDC short breaks implementation (National Indicator Set 54) will assess parents’ guidance for Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) and general experience of services for disabled local authorities. The guidance is to support children aged 0 – 19 and the extent to which LA and PCT professionals to improve local services for disabled children are delivered short breaks provision. For further information according to the core offer standards. The visit http://www.everychildmatters.gov.uk/ National Centre for Social Research has now resources-and-practice/IG00319 completed their report, which Forthcoming AHDC Future announcements will include: Launch of the Child Health Strategy Announcements l l Publication and launch of a consultation on the National Framework for Assessing Children’s There will be a host of programme announcements Continuing Care in the coming weeks and the Every Child Matters l Launch of the Individual Budgets scoping report website now has an email alert function that will l Launch of the Transition Support Programme and keep you up-to-date with key announcements from the announcement of the coordinating body. the AHDC programme. You can sign up to the email alerts here www.everychildmatters.gov.uk/ahdc/
  • 8. 8 Special Educational Needs and Disability Update 25 Subscribe Want to keep up to date with what is happening in special educational needs and disability? It’s FREE and it’s EASY For your electronic copy subscribe at www.teachernet.gov.uk/wholeschool/sen/updates For your audio copy, email sen.update@dcsf.gsi.gov.uk For your paper copies, write to DCSF SEN Subscriptions, PO Box 99, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 2SN or email senupdate@prolog.uk.com This copy and previous copies are available from our Publications Centre. Your Comments We welcome your comments. Please send them to SEN and Disability Division, Department for Children Families and Schools, 1E, Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street London SW1P 3BT. email sen.update@dcsf.gsi.gov.uk Publications Copies of the Department for Children, Families and Schools publications mentioned are available from the Publications Centre, tel 0845 602 2260, fax 0845 603 3360, email dcsf@prolog.uk.com