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   NE          P S OR SP CIM N
                        E E
            Template SPECIMEN
          E E ROCE    SSING

                 Serena Lobo
                 DOS in Microbiology
                 Mysore University

  Laboratory investigations use scientific methods to help us
arrive rapidly at a diagnosis of an infectious disease.
  Once the causative agent for a particular infection has been
identified, appropriate and rational therapy can be instituted.
  Before requesting for laboratory investigations, the clinician
should have arrived at a provisional diagnosis of the probable
cause of an infection, based on accurate and detailed history
taking and careful physical examination.
  Anyone connected with medical care, whether a doctor,
nurse or a laboratory technician may collect a specimen.
  Hence all medical personnel should have a clear
understanding of the principles behind the collection of
appropriate specimen for microbiological examination.
  NE          R IONS R GAR
                       E   DING COL E ION
                                   L CT
               OF SP CIM N
                    E E

  ῼCollect culture specimens before antibiotic therapy.
  ῼThe specimen must be representative of the infection
  with as little contamination from normal flora as
  ῼUtilize appropriate collection devices, use sterile
  equipment and aseptic technique to collect specimens.
  ῼCollect an adequate amount of specimen.
  ῼCollect specimens in sturdy, sterile, leak proof
  ῼClear and specific instructions on proper collection
  techniques must be given to patients when they must
  collect their own specimens.
ῼThe specimen must be transported promptly and
maintained in a manner that allows survival of fastidious
organisms and prevents overgrowth by more hardy
ῼSpecimens that are collected in syringes are best
maintained by dead-capping the syringe, expelling
excess air, and transporting to the laboratory in the
ῼA fluid or tissue specimen is generally a more desirable
specimen than a swab.

 Each tube or container with obtained specimen must be
provided with a stick - on label with written name of the
patient, date of taking the specimen and exact description of
the source of the specimen.
Other details to be noted are:
♣ Name and address of the patient, his/her birth number,
his/her health insurance number.
♣Number of days from the onset of symptoms of disease.
♣ Clinical diagnosis.
♣Exact description of the obtained specimen, date (hour) of
taking it and sending to the lab.
♣Requested examination.
♣The name and stamp of the ordering doctor, his/her identity
number and address of the health facility .

•Specimen should be packed well and labeled
‘HAZARDOUS’ on the packing.
•The specimen must be delivered to the laboratory as
soon as possible
•To overcome any delay and drawbacks due to delay in
reaching the microbiology department, the following
methods may be used.
☺Transport media

oTransport media is a medium for transporting clinical
specimen to the laboratory for examination for examination.
oTransport media should fulfill the following criteria:
♠Temporary storage of specimen being transported to the
laboratory for cultivation.
♠Maintain the viability of the organisms in the specimen
without altering their concentration.
♠Contains only buffers and salts.
♠Lack of carbon, nitrogen, organic growth factors so as to
prevent microbial multiplication.
♠Transport media used in the isolation of anaerobes must
be free of molecular oxygen.
Examples :Thioglycolate broth for strict anaerobes.
           Venkat-Ramakrishnan medium for Vibrio cholarae.

FROM SKIN:            WINTER
☻The area of the skin from which specimen is collected is
first cleaned using soap and water.
☻Swabs are firmly rubbed over the affected part of the
skin and sent at once to the laboratory for processing.
☻Only swabs which have been moisturized in sterile
broth or saline should be used.
☻If a viral infection is suspected, crusts, scabs or vesicle
fluids are collected in capillary tubes.
☻If a fungal lesion is suspected, infected hairs and nails
as well as scrapings from the affected part of the skin may
be collected.
      R    H    P R SP AT     R

Oral cavity :
 Swabs are rubbed firmly over the
ulcerated or patch like lesions.
Anterior nares:
If pus is present is present, collect it
on the swabs.
If no pus is present, moisten the
swabs and then swab the anterior
 The mouth is held wide open and
the tongue is depressed. Swabs are
firmly rubbed over the tonsils and
pharyngeal mucosa.
Nasopharynx :
A pernasal swab is used. This is made from fairly flexible wire
which is bent at one end and is covered with sterile cotton at this
end. The swab is carefully passed through the cavity till it
impinges on the nasopharynx and then firmly rubbed over the
Epiglottis :
Swabs are firmly rubbed over the inflamed and ulcerated areas.
Before collecting the swabs precautions should be taken to
maintain the airways in case a laryngeal spasm suddenly
occurs. Ideally the swabs should be taken by an ENT surgeon.
Paranasal sinuses:
If pus is present in these sinuses , it is collected on swabs or
aspirated with a syringe and needle.

ᵜCommonly only sputum is collected. This should be
coughed up from far down the bronchial tree and
expectorated immediately. It should not be mixed with
saliva or other oropharyngeal secretions.
ᵜAn even better specimens material that is aspirated
directly from the bronchi or trachea. This is collected by
using a flexible fibreoptic bronchoscope.
ᵜAn alternative is to collect bronchial washings.
ᵜThese procedures should be conducted by an
experienced pulmonologist or cardio thoracic surgeon.

   Feces is collected on a sterile wide mouthed , leak
proof container preferably provided with a small spoon
to transfer material to any other container.
   If feces are semi solid , a small quantity is sufficient:
if liquid, it should fill a third of the specimen jar.
   Fresh feces may be collected by inserting a short
catheter into the rectum.
   A rectal swab can be collected as an alternative : this
is gently inserted into the rectum and turned clockwise
and anti clockwise ensuring the rectal mucosa is firmly

  Contamination of urine by bacteria colonizing the
distal parts of the urethra and the perenium is
prevented by clean catch technique.
  Here the periurethral area is cleaned twice with soap
and water.
  The urethra is flushed by voiding the first portion of
the urine , which is discarded.
  The subsequent mid stream urine is collected
directly in a sterile container and is used for culture
and colony counting.
  It is essential for cultural purposes that urine be
processed within one hour of collection or stored in a
refrigerator at 40 C till it can be cultured.

In women:
 The best specimen is a cervical swab. A sterile bivalve
speculum is moistened with warm water and inserted into the
vagina. The cervical mucus plug is removed with a cotton ball
and forceps: the external surface of the cervix is then cleaned
with a large cotton swab.
In men:
If the patient has purulent urethral exudates, culture is not
necessary. A Gram stained direct smear is enough for clinical
diagnosis of Gonorrhea if intracellular gram negative diplococcic
are seen. In men, uncentifuged first voided urine may be
cultured for N. gonorrhea .

ᴪThe Cerebro Spinal Fluid is usually collected from
lumbar puncture.
ᴪThe dural sheath is pierced by a needle and CSF is
allowed to drip from it into a sterile container.
ᴪIt is essential to avoid introducing contaminating
organisms into the subdural space or the specimen.
ᴪTherefore the procedure should be viewed as a minor
surgical operation.
ᴪThe technique should be vigourously aseptic.

Blood is collected by strict aseptic technique and care
should be taken to avoid introducing organisms into the
blood stream as well as prevent contamination of the
The vein from which the blood is to be taken should be
clearly seen and the skin overlying the vein is vigorously
wiped with 70% alcohol.
Once the area is dry, the specimen is collected using a
perfectly dry, sterile syringe and needle.
After this, the area is cleaned with 70% alcohol and
finally wiped with povidine-iodine in alcohol.

۞. A sample of pleural fluid is collected by a doctor with a
syringe and needle using a procedure called thoracentesis.
۞The health care provider will clean the skin around the
insertion site and drape the area.
۞A local anesthetic is injected into the skin.
۞The thoracentesis needle is inserted above the rib into the
pocket of fluid. As fluid drains into a collection bottle, many
people cough a bit as the lung reexpands to fill the space
where fluid had been.
۞This sensation normally lasts for a few hours after the test
is completed.

    Material from the lid margin is collected by firmly rubbing a pre
  moisturized swab from the Inferior lid margin to superior lid
  margin. The swab is inoculated into appropriate culture media.
    Any visible purulent conjunctival discharge is collected on a
  swab and inoculated at once.
    If pus discharge is not present, smears can be made and
  culture media is inoculated with material taken directly from the
  conjunctival surface by a sterile bacteriological loop (made of
  platinum and not nichrome).
  A swab can be used to collect material from the external ear.
  The swab on the wire is inserted into the external auditory canal
  with a twisting motion to collect a secretion from it.

Criteria should be developed by a laboratory on the
basis of which the processing of a specimen may not
be done by the laboratory. The following are some
§ Missing or inadequate identification.
§ Insufficient quantity.
§ Specimen collected in an inappropriate
§ Contamination suspected.
§ Inappropriate transport or storage.
§ Unknown time delay.
§ Haemolysed blood sample.

¶   Once the appropriate specimen has been
    collected, they are processed as speedily as
    possible to ensure that organisms that the
    organisms do not die before being transferred
    to the culture media, and that the reports are
    available at the earliest.
¶   Generally material is placed on slides and
    stained appropriately, and then examined under
    the microscope.
¶   If bacteria and fungi are detected, specific
    therapy can be started at once. Material is also
    inoculated onto appropriate culture media.

Specimen collection is an essential prerequisite that
the laboratory must be given sufficient clinical
information to guide the microbiologist in selection of
the suitable media and appropriate techniques.
Also, it is important for the clinician to appreciate the
limitations and potentials of the microbiological
laboratory and to realize that a negative report does
not necessarily invalidate the diagnosis.
 It is essential that a close cooperation and frequent
consultation among the clinician, nurse and
microbiologist are the rule rather than exception.
Specimen collection and preservation

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Specimen collection and preservation

  • 1. WINTER GE RAL CONCE T F NE P S OR SP CIM N E E Template SPECIMEN COL E ION , H L CT ANDLING OF AND SP CIM N P E E ROCE SSING By Serena Lobo DOS in Microbiology Mysore University
  • 2. INTRODUCTION Laboratory investigations use scientific methods to help us arrive rapidly at a diagnosis of an infectious disease. Once the causative agent for a particular infection has been identified, appropriate and rational therapy can be instituted. Before requesting for laboratory investigations, the clinician should have arrived at a provisional diagnosis of the probable cause of an infection, based on accurate and detailed history taking and careful physical examination. Anyone connected with medical care, whether a doctor, nurse or a laboratory technician may collect a specimen. Hence all medical personnel should have a clear understanding of the principles behind the collection of appropriate specimen for microbiological examination.
  • 3. GE RAL CONSIDE AT NE R IONS R GAR E DING COL E ION L CT OF SP CIM N E E ῼCollect culture specimens before antibiotic therapy. ῼThe specimen must be representative of the infection with as little contamination from normal flora as possible. ῼUtilize appropriate collection devices, use sterile equipment and aseptic technique to collect specimens. ῼCollect an adequate amount of specimen. ῼCollect specimens in sturdy, sterile, leak proof containers. ῼClear and specific instructions on proper collection techniques must be given to patients when they must collect their own specimens.
  • 4. ῼThe specimen must be transported promptly and maintained in a manner that allows survival of fastidious organisms and prevents overgrowth by more hardy organisms. ῼSpecimens that are collected in syringes are best maintained by dead-capping the syringe, expelling excess air, and transporting to the laboratory in the syringe. ῼA fluid or tissue specimen is generally a more desirable specimen than a swab.
  • 5. DOCUMENTATION WINTER Each tube or container with obtained specimen must be Template provided with a stick - on label with written name of the patient, date of taking the specimen and exact description of the source of the specimen. Other details to be noted are: ♣ Name and address of the patient, his/her birth number, his/her health insurance number. ♣Number of days from the onset of symptoms of disease. ♣ Clinical diagnosis. ♣Exact description of the obtained specimen, date (hour) of taking it and sending to the lab. ♣Requested examination. ♣The name and stamp of the ordering doctor, his/her identity number and address of the health facility .
  • 6. TRANSPORTATION OF SPECIMEN •Specimen should be packed well and labeled ‘HAZARDOUS’ on the packing. •The specimen must be delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible •To overcome any delay and drawbacks due to delay in reaching the microbiology department, the following methods may be used. ☺Transport media ☺Refrigeration ☺Freezing
  • 7. TRANSPORT MEDIA oTransport media is a medium for transporting clinical specimen to the laboratory for examination for examination. oTransport media should fulfill the following criteria: ♠Temporary storage of specimen being transported to the laboratory for cultivation. ♠Maintain the viability of the organisms in the specimen without altering their concentration. ♠Contains only buffers and salts. ♠Lack of carbon, nitrogen, organic growth factors so as to prevent microbial multiplication. ♠Transport media used in the isolation of anaerobes must be free of molecular oxygen. Examples :Thioglycolate broth for strict anaerobes. Venkat-Ramakrishnan medium for Vibrio cholarae.
  • 9. TECHNIQUESOF SPECIMEN COLLECTION FROM SKIN: WINTER Template ☻The area of the skin from which specimen is collected is first cleaned using soap and water. ☻Swabs are firmly rubbed over the affected part of the skin and sent at once to the laboratory for processing. ☻Only swabs which have been moisturized in sterile broth or saline should be used. ☻If a viral infection is suspected, crusts, scabs or vesicle fluids are collected in capillary tubes. ☻If a fungal lesion is suspected, infected hairs and nails as well as scrapings from the affected part of the skin may be collected.
  • 10. F OM T E UP E RE IR ORY T ACT R H P R SP AT R Oral cavity : Swabs are rubbed firmly over the ulcerated or patch like lesions. Anterior nares: If pus is present is present, collect it on the swabs. If no pus is present, moisten the swabs and then swab the anterior nares. Troat: The mouth is held wide open and the tongue is depressed. Swabs are firmly rubbed over the tonsils and pharyngeal mucosa.
  • 11. Nasopharynx : A pernasal swab is used. This is made from fairly flexible wire which is bent at one end and is covered with sterile cotton at this end. The swab is carefully passed through the cavity till it impinges on the nasopharynx and then firmly rubbed over the area. Epiglottis : Swabs are firmly rubbed over the inflamed and ulcerated areas. Before collecting the swabs precautions should be taken to maintain the airways in case a laryngeal spasm suddenly occurs. Ideally the swabs should be taken by an ENT surgeon. Paranasal sinuses: If pus is present in these sinuses , it is collected on swabs or aspirated with a syringe and needle.
  • 12. FROM LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT ᵜCommonly only sputum is collected. This should be coughed up from far down the bronchial tree and expectorated immediately. It should not be mixed with saliva or other oropharyngeal secretions. ᵜAn even better specimens material that is aspirated directly from the bronchi or trachea. This is collected by using a flexible fibreoptic bronchoscope. ᵜAn alternative is to collect bronchial washings. ᵜThese procedures should be conducted by an experienced pulmonologist or cardio thoracic surgeon.
  • 13. FROM THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT WINTER Feces is collected on a sterile wide mouthed , leak Template proof container preferably provided with a small spoon to transfer material to any other container. If feces are semi solid , a small quantity is sufficient: if liquid, it should fill a third of the specimen jar. Fresh feces may be collected by inserting a short catheter into the rectum. A rectal swab can be collected as an alternative : this is gently inserted into the rectum and turned clockwise and anti clockwise ensuring the rectal mucosa is firmly rubbed.
  • 14. FROM URINARY TRACT Contamination of urine by bacteria colonizing the distal parts of the urethra and the perenium is prevented by clean catch technique. Here the periurethral area is cleaned twice with soap and water. The urethra is flushed by voiding the first portion of the urine , which is discarded. The subsequent mid stream urine is collected directly in a sterile container and is used for culture and colony counting. It is essential for cultural purposes that urine be processed within one hour of collection or stored in a refrigerator at 40 C till it can be cultured.
  • 15. FROM THE GENITAL TRACT In women: The best specimen is a cervical swab. A sterile bivalve speculum is moistened with warm water and inserted into the vagina. The cervical mucus plug is removed with a cotton ball and forceps: the external surface of the cervix is then cleaned with a large cotton swab. In men: If the patient has purulent urethral exudates, culture is not necessary. A Gram stained direct smear is enough for clinical diagnosis of Gonorrhea if intracellular gram negative diplococcic are seen. In men, uncentifuged first voided urine may be cultured for N. gonorrhea .
  • 16. FROM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ᴪThe Cerebro Spinal Fluid is usually collected from lumbar puncture. ᴪThe dural sheath is pierced by a needle and CSF is allowed to drip from it into a sterile container. ᴪIt is essential to avoid introducing contaminating organisms into the subdural space or the specimen. ᴪTherefore the procedure should be viewed as a minor surgical operation. ᴪThe technique should be vigourously aseptic.
  • 17. WINTER FROM THE BLOODSTREAM Blood is collected by strict aseptic technique and care Template should be taken to avoid introducing organisms into the blood stream as well as prevent contamination of the specimen. The vein from which the blood is to be taken should be clearly seen and the skin overlying the vein is vigorously wiped with 70% alcohol. Once the area is dry, the specimen is collected using a perfectly dry, sterile syringe and needle. After this, the area is cleaned with 70% alcohol and finally wiped with povidine-iodine in alcohol.
  • 18. FROM PLEURAL AND PERITONEAL CAVITIES ۞. A sample of pleural fluid is collected by a doctor with a syringe and needle using a procedure called thoracentesis. ۞The health care provider will clean the skin around the insertion site and drape the area. ۞A local anesthetic is injected into the skin. ۞The thoracentesis needle is inserted above the rib into the pocket of fluid. As fluid drains into a collection bottle, many people cough a bit as the lung reexpands to fill the space where fluid had been. ۞This sensation normally lasts for a few hours after the test is completed.
  • 19. FROM THE CONJUNCTIVA, LID MARGINS, CORNEA AND INTRAOCULAR STRUCTURES Material from the lid margin is collected by firmly rubbing a pre moisturized swab from the Inferior lid margin to superior lid margin. The swab is inoculated into appropriate culture media. Any visible purulent conjunctival discharge is collected on a swab and inoculated at once. If pus discharge is not present, smears can be made and culture media is inoculated with material taken directly from the conjunctival surface by a sterile bacteriological loop (made of platinum and not nichrome). FROM THE EAR A swab can be used to collect material from the external ear. The swab on the wire is inserted into the external auditory canal with a twisting motion to collect a secretion from it.
  • 20. CRITERIA FOR REJECTION OF SPECIMEN WINTER Criteria should be developed by a laboratory on the Template basis of which the processing of a specimen may not be done by the laboratory. The following are some examples: § Missing or inadequate identification. § Insufficient quantity. § Specimen collected in an inappropriate container. § Contamination suspected. § Inappropriate transport or storage. § Unknown time delay. § Haemolysed blood sample.
  • 21. PROCESSING OF SPECIMEN ¶ Once the appropriate specimen has been collected, they are processed as speedily as possible to ensure that organisms that the organisms do not die before being transferred to the culture media, and that the reports are available at the earliest. ¶ Generally material is placed on slides and stained appropriately, and then examined under the microscope. ¶ If bacteria and fungi are detected, specific therapy can be started at once. Material is also inoculated onto appropriate culture media.
  • 22. CONCLUSION Specimen collection is an essential prerequisite that the laboratory must be given sufficient clinical information to guide the microbiologist in selection of the suitable media and appropriate techniques. Also, it is important for the clinician to appreciate the limitations and potentials of the microbiological laboratory and to realize that a negative report does not necessarily invalidate the diagnosis. It is essential that a close cooperation and frequent consultation among the clinician, nurse and microbiologist are the rule rather than exception.