This document provides 50 different activities for practicing spelling words. The activities range from writing words in different formats, like backwards or with colorful letters, to more creative activities like writing acrostic poems, songs, or riddles using the spelling words. Many activities incorporate movement or different learning modalities, like signing or acting out the words. The goal is to make practicing spelling words an engaging and multi-sensory experience.
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Spelling ideas
1. 1. *30 Second Words- Write a TV commercial using all your
spelling words. Read it to a parent or sibling!
2. *3-D Words- Use Play Dough or clay to sculpt your spelling
3. *ABC Order- First write your spelling words in a list. Then
write them again in alphabetical order. Finally, write them
in reverse alphabetical order.
4. *Across and Down Words- Write each of your spelling words
across and then down. See the example below.
Example: teach
5. *Acrostic Poem- Choose one of your spelling words. Write
an acrostic poem for that word. You must also illustrate
your poem.
Example: fly Fun in the sky
Laps around clouds
Yes! I’m free!
6. *Adding My Words- Each letter has a value. Consonants
are worth 10 and vowels are worth 5. Write your spelling
words. Then add up the value of each spelling word.
Examples: said 10+5+5+10 = 30
there 10+10+5+10+5 = 40
2. 7. *Air Write- Write your spelling words in the air using your
finger. Have a partner read your words as you write them
OR a parent can “air write” your words and your job is to
read the words.
8. *Back Writing- Use your finger to spell out each of your
spelling words, one letter at a time, on your mom or dad’s
back. Then it’s YOUR turn to FEEL and spell.
9. *Backwards Words- Write your spelling words forwards.
Then write them a second time backwards.
10. *Blue Vowels- Write each of your spelling words. Using a
blue colored pencil, trace over the vowels in each word.
Remember the vowels are: a e i o u
11. *Bubble Letters- Write each of your spelling words in bubble
letters. After you finish, color your words with crayon or
colored pencils.
12. *Buzzing Bees- Draw and color an outdoor picture. Count
your spelling words. Draw a bee for each of your spelling
words. Then write the words inside each of the “spelling”
bees. Write neatly!
13. *Choo-choo Words- Write the entire list end-to-end as one
long word, using different colored crayons for each word.
14. *Code Words- Come up with a code for each letter of the
alphabet. Write down your code. Then write your spelling
words in code. You must write the actual spelling word
next to the “code word.”
Example: a= b= c=
3. 15. *Colorful Words- Write each of your spelling words. Write
each letter using a different colored pencil.
16. *Connect the Dots- Write your spelling words in dots. Then
connect the dots by tracing over them with a colored
Example: happy happy
17. *Consonant Circle- Write each of your spelling words in a
list. Then go back and circle all of the consonants in your
words! Don’t forget to write neatly!
18. *Create an Activity- Can you think of a really fun way to
practice your spelling words? Then go for it! Be sure to
explain your activity so that I can share it with the class!
19. *Delicious Words- Spray a small amount of whipped cream
(or anything you can eat) on a plate and spread it out.
Write your spelling words in the whipped cream and be
sure to clean up afterwards… yummy!
20. *Dots Game- Make a square of 4 rows of dots with 4 dots in
each row. Before taking a turn, the player must spell a
spelling word correctly. If the word is correct, the player
can connect two dots. When a player forms a square by
connecting dots, he can write his initials in the box. The
player with the most squares at the end of the game wins!
Example: . . . .
. .____. .
. . .____.
. . . ME .
4. 21. *Draw and Label- Draw and label your spelling words. You
must color your drawings. Don’t forget to add lots of great
22. *Dusty Words- Go outside to your sandbox and write your
words in the sand.
23. *Etch a Word- Use an Etch-A-Sketch to write your spelling
words. Read the words to a parent or sibling.
24. *Fancy Letters- Write your spelling words. Then write them
again using fancy letters.
25. *Flash Writing- In a darkened room; use a flashlight to write
your spelling words in the air. Have a partner read your
words as you write them OR a parent can “flash write” your
words and your job is to read the words.
26. *Good, Clean Words- Find a countertop or flat surface that
can be cleaned easily. Spray a small amount of shaving
cream and spread it out. Write your spelling words in the
shaving cream and be sure to clean up afterwards!
27. *Goofy Spelling Story- Write a goofy spelling story using
each of your spelling words. Be sure to underline your
words as you use them. Illustrate and color your story!
28. *Hidden Words- Draw a picture and write your spelling
words in the picture. Try to hide the words!
29. *Hopscotch Words- Make a hopscotch board on the
sidewalk or driveway with chalk. Write letters instead of
numbers. You get to HOP your words!
5. 30. *Letter Writing- Write a friendly letter to a teacher or friend
using each of your spelling words. Underline the spelling
words that you use in your letter.
31. *Magazine Words- Use an old magazine and find your
words (or the letters that make up your word). Cut it out
and glue it on your paper.
32. *Match-Up- Write each of your words on two different
index cards. Turn all the cards face down and mix them
up. Lay out your cards in rows (like Concentration) and flip
over two cards at a time. Read each card aloud to see it
they match. Keep them if they do or flip over and try
33. *Morse Code- Use Morse Code to spell your words. It is a
series of dots (1 count) and dashes (3 counts). Check out
this site to
see the international (NATO) Morse Code so you can
34. *Make Some Music- Write a song or rap that includes your
words! Share with a friend or family member.
35. *Newsy Words- Use old magazines, catalogs, or
newspapers to cut out letters. Glue the letters down on a
piece of paper to spell your words. *Helpful Hint: Cut out
lots of extra letters. Store them in a Ziploc bag for future
use. This is a huge timesaver!
36. *Other Handed- If you are right handed, write your spelling
words using your left hand. If you are left handed, write
your spelling words using your right hand.
6. 37. *Pasta Words- Arrange alphabet pasta or Alphabits cereal
to form your spelling words. Glue onto a piece of paper.
38. *Practice Test- Take a practice test. Have your Mom or
Dad ask you to spell your spelling words. Write them on a
list. Check your practice test and correct any missed
words. This would be an especially good activity to
complete on Thursday night.
39. *Pyramid Words- Write your spelling words in a pyramid
shape. Start with the first letter. On the next line, write the
first two letters. On the third line, write the first three letters.
Continue until you have written the entire word.
Example: them t
40. *Rainbow Write- First write your words using a pencil. Then
trace over your words with a crayon. Then trace a second
time with a different colored crayon. Finally trace a third
time with another different colored crayon. Trace NEATLY
and you will see the rainbow!
41. *Rhyming Words- Write each of your spelling words. Next to
each word, write a rhyming word. If necessary, your
rhyming words can be nonsense words, but make them
follow the same spelling pattern.
42. *Riddle Me- Write a riddle for each of your spelling words.
Don’t forget to add the answer to your riddles. Then have
a parent, sibling, or friend try to figure out your riddles.
7. 43. *Scrabble- Use Scrabble tiles to spell out your spelling
words. For a little extra math practice, figure out the value
of each of your words!
44. *Scrambled Words- Fold a piece of paper three times
lengthwise (making three long rectangular columns). Write
your words in the first column. Then write them again with
the letters all mixed up in the second column. Put your
words aside. Come back later to unscramble your words.
Write the unscrambled words in the third column.
45. *Secret Agent Words- Number the alphabet from 1-26.
Example: a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5, etc. Then convert your
words to a number code.
46. *Sentence, Please- Write sentences using each of your
spelling words. You may use more than one word in a
sentence, but you must write at least 10 sentences.
Underline your spelling words.
47. *Sign Your Words- Use sign language finger spelling to sign
the spelling of your words. Check out Unity Kid’s site to see
animated hands making the letters so you can practice!
48. *Silly Sentences- Write silly sentences that include your
spelling words. Underline your words.
49. *Sound Words- Use a tape recorder to record your spelling
words and their spelling. Then rewind your tape and listen
to it, checking to see that you spelled all the words
8. 50. *Speller-cize- Pretend you are a cheerleader and call out
your words! Raise your hands to the sky for letters that
touch the top handwriting line, put hands on your waist for
letters in the middle, and touch your toes for letters that go
below the bottom line.
Examples: bag b(sky)-a(waist)-g(toes) spells bag!
fly f(sky)-l(sky)-y(toes) spells fly!
51. *Spelling Baseball- Draw four bases on a piece of paper or
lay out four pillows to be the bases. The pitcher selects a
word. If the batter can spell the word correctly, he moves
forward one base. If the batter cannot spell the word, he
remains where he is. A point is earned every time you pass
home plate. This is a great game play with a friend, sibling,
or parent.
52. *Spelling Bee- Practice your spelling words in Spelling Bee
style. Spell your words out loud to a parent or sibling.
53. *Spelling Flashcards- Make a set of flashcards to practice
your spelling words. When you look at your flashcard, read
the word and then spell it out loud.
*Example- there t-h-e-r-e.
54. *Spelling Flowers- Draw a picture of a great big flower.
Write each of your spelling words on one of the flower
petals or on a leaf. Draw extra flowers if you run out of
55. *Spelling Poem- Write a poem using several of your spelling
words. Underline the words that you use. Illustrate your
poem. You can write any kind of poem that you like.
9. 56. *Spelling Shapes- Count your spelling words. Draw one
shape for each word. Then write your spelling words inside
each of the shapes.
babies cried
57. *Squiggly Spelling Words- You are going to write your
spelling words two times. First write in regular letters. Then
write the words again in squiggly letters!
58. *Story, Story- Write a story using ALL of your spelling words.
You may type your story and email it to me
( if you would like. ☺
59. *Superman Letter- Your job is to write a creative letter to
Superman (or another superhero). In your letter, you must
use each of your spelling words. Be sure to underline your
words as you use them.
60. *Surround Words- Write your words on graph paper. Write
“middle” letters, one letter in each box. Use two boxes for
“tall” letters like t and l and “low” letters like j and g. Then
outline the words using different colors of crayon or colored
61. *Telephone Words- Look at your telephone keypad.
Translate each letter into the numbers on the keypad. Now
write your spelling words using this code!
62. *Three Times- Write your spelling words three times. First
write your words in pencil. Second, write each word in
crayon. Third, write each word in marker.
10. 63. *Toss a Word- Toss (or roll) a ball back and forth with a
partner. You say the 1st letter, and then toss and your
partner says 2nd letter, and so forth.
64. *Trace a Shape- Draw a shape for each of your spelling
words. Then trace each shape by writing your spelling
words around them.
Example: fourth fourth
65. *Trace Around- Write each of your spelling words using a
pencil. Then trace around each word with a crayon,
colored pencil, or a marker.
66. *Type ‘Em- Type your spelling words on the computer.
Make each word have a different font. You can even
email your words to me at
67. *UPPER and lower- Write your spelling words two times
each. The first time, write each word in UPPERCASE letters.
Write your words a second time in lowercase letters.
68. *Vowel Circle- Write each of your spelling words in a list.
Then go back and circle all of the vowels in your words!
Don’t forget to write neatly!
69. *Word Search- Make a word search puzzle using your
spelling words. Use the Discovery School’s online Puzzle
Maker Then find your
11. 70. *Words Within Words- Write each spelling word and then
write at least two words made from the same letters.
Example: slide side lie lid led etc
71. *Words Without Consonants- Write your spelling words on a
list, but replace all the consonants with a line. Then go
back to the beginning of your list and see if you can fill in
the correct missing consonants.
72. *Words Without Vowels- Write your spelling words on a list,
but replace all the vowels with a line. Then go back to the
beginning of your list and see if you can fill in the correct
missing vowels.