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Knowledge Profile About the Care of Spinal Cord Injury
      Patients Among Their Caretakers at BPKIHS

                        Mehta RS*1, Shrestha B*2 , Khanal GP*3, Rijal D*4
                            B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal

Abstract: According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Association, as many
as 450,000 people in the United States are living with a spinal cord injury (SCI).
Other organizations conservatively estimate this figure to be about 250,000.
Every year, an estimated 11,000 SCIs occur in the United States. Most of these
are caused by trauma to the vertebral column, thereby affecting the spinal
cord's ability to send and receive messages from the brain to the body's systems
that control sensory, motor and autonomic function below the level of injury.

It is chronic disease condition which requires a lot of care during
hospitalization as well as in the home. Special training to care the activities of
daily living is vital. Keeping these issues in mind the investigator has planned
to assess the training need of the SCI caretakers so that educational package
can be planned and implemented in ward for better patient care.

It was a hospital based descriptive analytical study conducted among the SCI
patients and their caretakers admitted in orthopedic ward. Using purposive
sampling technique 30 subjects were selected from 1st July 2006 to 31st
December 2006. Using prepared semi-structured questionnaire data was

It was found that the most of the subjects were between age 20-60 years, male,
married, middle economic group and from villages. Majority of cases admitted
in first time (83%) having cervical and thoracic spine injury. The main reasons
are fall injury. Most of the subjects have the ability to care manage the
problems of bed sore, Paralysis, Nutrition where as very less no of care takers
have knowledge about management of UTI, constipation, Pneumonia, and

This study concluded that the continuous in-service education programme on
care of SCI patient to their caretakers is very essential for quality patient care.

Key Words: Knowledge Profile, Spinal Cord Injury, Caretakers

         *1 Ram Sharan Mehta, Asst. Professor, Medical-Surgical Nursing Department,
        *2 Dr. Bikram Shrestha, Associate Professor, Department of Orthopedics,
        *2 Dr. Guru Prasad Knanal, Asst. Professor, Department of Orthopedics,
         *3 Mrs. Dewa Rijal, Nursing Officer, orthopedic Ward

Corresponding Author: RS Mehta, Email: ramsharanmehta@yahoo.com
Introduction: Mobility is the most prized human capability. It denotes
independence. Impaired mobility due to trauma not only leaves the
person dependent on others for the activities of daily living but also
hinders body’s normal physiological functions apart from draining the
person psychologically.

The human spine is more frequently exposed to the traumatic influences
than one would expect. Traumatic injuries are becoming major public
health problems, with ever increasing prevalence, imposing a great
burden on society than other disease.1

Spinal Injuries are known to occur since time immemorial. Population
growth and rapid industrialization leading to increased vehicular traffic,
growing social tension leading to increase violence and modern day
stress of daily living have greatly increased the number and rate of spinal
injuries and the associated mortality and morbidity.2

Spinal injuries occur when excessive forces are exerted on the spinal
column. These forces are the result of acceleration deceleration events
which result in hyperflexon, hyperextension, deformation, axial loading
and excessive rotation of spine.3,4,5

Injuries remain the leading cause of death each year, under 45 years of
age, claiming more than 1,42,000 lives and causing 62 million people to
seek medical help in America. Of course, spinal cord injuries are one of
the leading causes of young deaths.6

The Incidence of spinal injuries in industrialized countries is
approximately 3 per 1 lac population. Approximately 10,000-12,000
cases of SCI occur every year in U.S.A.6,7

The treatment of such injury begins at the outset and ideally these
patients should be transferred to specialized centers geared up to
manage spinal trauma. Morbidity (further injury to the spinal cord,
pressure sores, pneumonia and urinary tract infections) will be reduced
and so will the mortality and thus in the long term there will be money
saved which would normally be used to treat complications related to
inadequate initial care. 8

The incidence of SCI is highest among persons age 16-30, in whom 53.1
percent of injuries occur; more injuries occur in this age group than in
all other age groups combined. Males represent 81.2 percent of all
reported SCIs and 89.8 percent of all sports-related SCIs. Among both
genders, auto accidents, falls and gunshots are the three leading causes
of SCI, in that order. Among males, diving accidents ranked fourth,
followed by motorcycle accidents. Among females, medical/surgical
complications ranked fourth, followed by diving accidents.           Auto
accidents are the leading cause of SCI in the United States for people age
65 and younger, while falls are the leading cause of SCI for people 65
and older. Sports and recreation-related SCI injuries primarily affect
people under age 29.

Persons with neurologically complete tetraplegia are at high risk for
secondary medical complications. The percentages of complications for
individuals with neurologically complete tetraplegia have been reported
as follows: 60.3 percent developed pneumonia , 52.8 percent developed
pressure ulcers , 16.4 percent developed deep vein thrombosis , 5.2
percent developed a pulmonary embolism and 2.2 percent developed a
postoperative wound infection

Young males of age group 15-34 years form the majority of spinal injury
patients. Therefore these injuries place a great burden on society by
claiming the young lives and increasing permanent disabilities among
the youth. 8

Most common areas of spinal injury are mid to low cervical and thoracic-
lumbar junction, as they are the areas of maximum mobility. Thoracic,
lumbar and sacral points are other commonly involved areas of spine.
Cervical injuries are the most devastating kind of spinal injuries
constituting maximum morbidity and mortality among these injuries. 3

B.P. Koirala Institute of health sciences is a center of excellence in the
eastern region of Nepal for orthopedic services. Under the orthopedic
department spinal cord injury patients are admitted and treated. The
incidence of admitted SCI patients in orthopedic ward is very high. About
10-15 patients every day out of 34 patents of orthopedic are SCI patients.
SCI patients need special attention, treatment and care. As problem is
very life threatening and chronic in nature patient admitted in orthopedic
wards for more than 4-6 weeks. The prognosis of SCI patients depends
upon the services and nursing care provided to them. Usually SCI
patients treated with bed rest traction, surgery, and conservative
management, which require a lot of knowledge and skill to take proper,
care, especially caretakers, as the number of nurses are limited.

Title of the study: Knowledge Profile about the Care of Spinal Cord
Injury Patients among their Caretakers at BPKIHS

Objectives: The Objectives of this study is to find out the socio-
demographic profile of the SCI patients, examine the various facts about
SCI patients and explore the knowledge regarding care of SCI patients
among their care takers.
Methodology:      It is hospital based descriptive analytical study,
conducted among the SCI patients admitted in Orthopedic unit of
BPKIHS and their main caretaker during the period of 1st July 2006
to31st December 2006 i.e. 6 Months. Using purposive sampling technique
all the diagnosed SCI clients admitted in orthopedic ward during the
study period was included in the study. Using self-prepared pre-tested
interview scheduled the data was collected from the SCI patients and
their caretaker, who most of the time involved in the care after three days
of admission in ward by a trained nurses working in orthopedic unit after
obtaining informed verbal consent. The collected data was entered in
SPSS-10 software package and analyzed.


Socio-demographic Profile of the SCI patients: Majority of the SCI
patients (76.7%) were of age group 20-60 years. The mean age was 41.5
yrs, SD 14.926 and range 16-68 years. Majority of the subjects were
Male (73.3%), Hindu (90%), Villagers (76.7%), married (83.3%), Non-
vegetarian (73.3%), middle class family (60%), and heavy physical
The details about demographic profiles are depicted in table – I.

Details about injury and admission: Majority of the patients are
admitted in first time (83.3%), most of the injury occur between 6am to
12MD, i.e. 54.4%, most of the Patients (69.7%) were admitted within 12
hours after injury. Fall Injury (73.3%) is the main cause of SCI among
the admitted clients.
The details about the injury are mentioned in table – II.

Opinion Regarding Knowledge profile about the care of SCI among
the caretakers:
Most of the caretakers reported that they have knowledge about the basic
structure so spinal cord ( 62.1%), functions of spinal cored (57.1%),
reasons for paralysis (53.6%), common complications of SCI
(59.31%),and None of the caretakers mentioned proper method of turning
the spinal cord injury patients.
The details are described in table- III.

Opinion Regarding the Ability of caretakers to care/manage the
problems of SCI patients: It was found that the care takers are capable
to manage the problems like: Bed sore (83.3%), care of paralysis parts
(79.3%), Nutrition/diet (86.7%), but not at all able to manage the
problems like: urinary tract infection(43.3%), constipation(43.3%),
incontinence bowel (43.3%), pneumonia(40%) and care of traction (40%).
The details are mentioned in table IV.
Discussion: It was found that most of the patients are of age group 20-60 years
i.e. of productive age group and most of the time they are involved in work. Male
(73.3%) subjects have more chance of SCI as they are involved in heavy and
risky physical works. Most of the subjects are villagers (76.7%), illiterate (40%),
or literate/primary education (36.7%) , from middle class (60%) family and
heavy physical workers(56.7%). This picture clearly explains that the spinal
cord injury is common among the heavy physical workers of middle class family
may be due to nature of work.

Most of the subjects are admitted for first time (83.3%). The most of the injury
(54.4%), occurs between 6am-12MD, because this is peak working hours for
villagers. Most of the subjects (67.9%), admitted in hospital within 12 hours as
BPKIHS is a only center of orthopedic patients of SCI in eastern Nepal and high
awareness among the public.

About half of the caretakers have basic knowledge abut structure, functions,
causes of paralysis and complications of SCI, which may be due to learning in
hospital as the interview is collected only after 3 day. The mean duration of stay
was 23.366 days, SD14.4114, and range 3 to 48 Days.

Regarding the care of their patients most of the caretakers reported that they
are capable to care of bed sore, paralyzed parts, and Nutrition as relatives are
involved in these care inward by the sisters, where inadequate knowledge on
management of urinary tract infection, constipation, incontinence, pneumonia
and traction, as these complications require advanced knowledge and nurses
themselves mostly provide the care during hospitalization.

Conclusions: Skin Breakdown, pneumonia , Osteoporosis and Fractures,
Heterotopic Ossification, Spasticity, Urinary Tract Infections, Autonomic
Dysreflexia, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism, Orthostatic
Hypotension, Cardiovascular Disease, Syringomyelia, Neuropathic / Spinal
Cord Pain, Medication Problems, Hyperthermia and Hypothermia are the areas
of care for SCI patients. Continuous in-service education programme for
nurses involved in the care of SCI patients and all caretakers of SCI is very

   1. Junghanns HS. The human spine in health and disease. New York: Grune and Stratton,
   2. Glass CA, Krishman KR, Bingley JD. Spinal Injury Rehabilitation: Do staff and patients
      agree on what they are talking about. Paraplegia.1999; 29(5): 343-9.
   3. Black JM, Jacobs EM. Medical surgical Nursing – Clinical Management for continuity of
      care. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1997.
   4. Errico TJ, Bauer RD, Waugh T. spinal Trauma. Philadelphia. JB Lipppincott comp. 1991.
   5. Post MW, Bloemn J, Wittee LP. Burden for Partners of Person’s with spinal cord injuries.
      Spinal cord. 2005; 43(5): 311-9.
   6. Eyester EF, Kelker DB, Porter Rw, The national had and SCI prevention program
      Neurosurgry. New York: Mc. Graw Hill Pub, 1996.
   7. Devivo MJ. Causes and costs of spinal cord injury in US. In Gibbbs SR. Bradly WG ed.
      Yearbook of Neurology and Neurosurgery. St. Louis: Mosby Inc, 1999.
   8. Yashon D. spinal Injury. Norwalk: Appleton Century Crofts, 1986.
Table – I
         Socio-demographic Profile of the Spinal Cord Injury Patients
                                                                   N= 30
    SN                          Item/Particular                    Percentage
1         Age ( In years)
          < 20                                                         10.0
          20-40                                                        33.3
          40-60                                                        43.4
          >60                                                          13.3
                                    Mean                          41.5
                                     SD                           14.9268
                                    Range                         16-68
2         Sex
          Male                                                         73.3
          Female                                                       26.7
3         Religion
          Hindu                                                        90
          Buddhist                                                     6.7
          Kirat                                                        3.3
4         Ethnic Group
          Brahmin/Chhetri                                              33.3
          Mangolian                                                     40
          Newar                                                        3.3
          Tetai Origin                                                  20
          Others                                                       3.4
5         Occupation
          Agriculture                                                  46.7
          Business                                                      10
          Service/Job                                                   10
          Others                                                       33.3
6         Education Level
          Illiterate                                                    40
          Literate/Primary                                             36.7
          Secondary                                                     20
          Higher secondary and above                                   3.3
7         District ( Permanent address):
          Basantpu                                                     6.7
          Bhojpur                                                      6.7
          Dhankuta                                                     16.7
          Janakpur                                                     3.3
          Jhapa                                                        3.3
          Kathmand                                                     3.3
          Mahendra                                                     3.3
          Morang                                                       6.7
          Sankhuwa                                                     3.3
          Sirha                                                        10.0
          Sunsari                                                      20.0
          Tanhu                                                        3.3
          Terathum                                                     6.7
          Udayapur                                                     6.7
Table – I ( Continue)
          Socio-demographic Profile of the Spinal Cord Injury Patients
                                                                    N= 30
     SN                            Item/Particular                  Percentage
8          Residence
           Village(VDC)                                                 76.7
           Municipality ( NP)                                           23.3
9          Marital Status
           Married                                                      83.3
           Unmarried                                                    16.7
10         Dietary Habit
           Vegetarian                                                    20
           Non-Vegetarian                                               73.3
           Egg-Vegetarian                                               6.7
11         Yearly Saving
           Deficit Budget/Loan                                          10
           No Saving/balanced                                           60
           < 5000                                                       10
           5000-25000                                                   20
           > 25000                                                      00
12         Economic Status
           Poor                                                         40
           Medium                                                       60
           High                                                         00
13         Life style
           Heavy physical worker( farmer/labor)                         56.7
           Office worker                                                 10
           Sedentary life style                                          20
           Others                                                       13.3
14         Obesity
           Present                                                       00
           Not Present                                                  100

                                   Table – II
                    Details about Nature Spinal Cord Injury
     SN                           Item/Particular                   Percentage
1          Frequency of Admission
           1 time                                                       83.3
           2 time                                                       13.3
           > 2 times                                                     3.3
2          Duration of Diseases: till the day of admission
           3 days                                                       21.7
           3-7 days                                                     47.9
           7-14 days                                                     13
           > 14 days                                                    17.4
3          Time of Injury
           6 AM-12 MD                                                   54.4
           12 MD-6 PM                                                   35.6
           6 PM-12 MN                                                   6.7
           12 MN-6 AM                                                   3.3
Table – II (continue)
                        Details about Nature Spinal Cord Injury
    SN                               Item/Particular                           Percentage
4          Interval between injury and admission
           < 6 hrs                                                                 39.3
           6-12 hrs                                                                28.6
           12-24 hrs                                                                7.1
           24-48 hrs                                                                2.6
           >48 hrs                                                                 21.4
5          Level of Injury
           Cranio-Vertebral Junction                                                 0
           Cervical                                                                 44
           Cervico-thoracic                                                          4
           Thoracic                                                                 36
           Thoraco-Lumber                                                            4
           Lumber                                                                   12
           Lumbo-Sacral                                                              0
           Sacral                                                                    0
6          Causes of Injury
           Road Traffic Accident                                                   13.3
           Fall Injury                                                             73.3
           Gun Shot/Stab Injury                                                      0
           Work related Injuries                                                   13.3
           Sport Injuries                                                            0
7          Mode of Immobilization applied
           Skeleton / Skull traction                                               42.9
           Cervical color                                                          9.5
           Others: Skin traction, Conservative management etc.                     47.6
                                         Table – III
      Knowledge Profile about Care of Spinal Cord Injury among the Caretakers
`                                                                                 N=30
    SN                               Item/Particular                           Percentage
     1     Have Knowledge about Structure of Spinal Cord                           62.1
     2     Have Knowledge about functions of Spinal Cord                           57.1
     3     Have Knowledge about Occurrence of Paralysis                            53.6
     4     Have Knowledge about Complications of SCI                               59.3
     5     Have Knowledge about Turning of the SCI Patients                          0
                                        Table – IV
         Ability to Care/Manage the Problems of Spinal Cord Injury Patients
                                                Capability/ Ability to manage Problems
    SN               Problems
                                               Fully         Some Extent         Not at all
     1    Bedsore                               40                 43.3             16.7
     2    UTI                                  13.3                43.3             43.3
     3    Paralysis                            17.2                62.1             20.7
     4    Nutrition                            53.3                33.3             13.3
     5    Pain                                  30                 46.7             23.3
     6    Constipation                         26.7                 30              43.3
     7    Incontinent of bowel                  20                 36.7             43.3
     8    Pneumonia                            13.3                46.7              40
     9    Care of traction                      30                  30               40

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Spinal cord injury article

  • 1. Knowledge Profile About the Care of Spinal Cord Injury Patients Among Their Caretakers at BPKIHS Mehta RS*1, Shrestha B*2 , Khanal GP*3, Rijal D*4 B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal Abstract: According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Association, as many as 450,000 people in the United States are living with a spinal cord injury (SCI). Other organizations conservatively estimate this figure to be about 250,000. Every year, an estimated 11,000 SCIs occur in the United States. Most of these are caused by trauma to the vertebral column, thereby affecting the spinal cord's ability to send and receive messages from the brain to the body's systems that control sensory, motor and autonomic function below the level of injury. It is chronic disease condition which requires a lot of care during hospitalization as well as in the home. Special training to care the activities of daily living is vital. Keeping these issues in mind the investigator has planned to assess the training need of the SCI caretakers so that educational package can be planned and implemented in ward for better patient care. It was a hospital based descriptive analytical study conducted among the SCI patients and their caretakers admitted in orthopedic ward. Using purposive sampling technique 30 subjects were selected from 1st July 2006 to 31st December 2006. Using prepared semi-structured questionnaire data was collected. It was found that the most of the subjects were between age 20-60 years, male, married, middle economic group and from villages. Majority of cases admitted in first time (83%) having cervical and thoracic spine injury. The main reasons are fall injury. Most of the subjects have the ability to care manage the problems of bed sore, Paralysis, Nutrition where as very less no of care takers have knowledge about management of UTI, constipation, Pneumonia, and traction. This study concluded that the continuous in-service education programme on care of SCI patient to their caretakers is very essential for quality patient care. Key Words: Knowledge Profile, Spinal Cord Injury, Caretakers Note: *1 Ram Sharan Mehta, Asst. Professor, Medical-Surgical Nursing Department, *2 Dr. Bikram Shrestha, Associate Professor, Department of Orthopedics, *2 Dr. Guru Prasad Knanal, Asst. Professor, Department of Orthopedics, *3 Mrs. Dewa Rijal, Nursing Officer, orthopedic Ward Corresponding Author: RS Mehta, Email: ramsharanmehta@yahoo.com
  • 2. Introduction: Mobility is the most prized human capability. It denotes independence. Impaired mobility due to trauma not only leaves the person dependent on others for the activities of daily living but also hinders body’s normal physiological functions apart from draining the person psychologically. The human spine is more frequently exposed to the traumatic influences than one would expect. Traumatic injuries are becoming major public health problems, with ever increasing prevalence, imposing a great burden on society than other disease.1 Spinal Injuries are known to occur since time immemorial. Population growth and rapid industrialization leading to increased vehicular traffic, growing social tension leading to increase violence and modern day stress of daily living have greatly increased the number and rate of spinal injuries and the associated mortality and morbidity.2 Spinal injuries occur when excessive forces are exerted on the spinal column. These forces are the result of acceleration deceleration events which result in hyperflexon, hyperextension, deformation, axial loading and excessive rotation of spine.3,4,5 Injuries remain the leading cause of death each year, under 45 years of age, claiming more than 1,42,000 lives and causing 62 million people to seek medical help in America. Of course, spinal cord injuries are one of the leading causes of young deaths.6 The Incidence of spinal injuries in industrialized countries is approximately 3 per 1 lac population. Approximately 10,000-12,000 cases of SCI occur every year in U.S.A.6,7 The treatment of such injury begins at the outset and ideally these patients should be transferred to specialized centers geared up to manage spinal trauma. Morbidity (further injury to the spinal cord, pressure sores, pneumonia and urinary tract infections) will be reduced and so will the mortality and thus in the long term there will be money saved which would normally be used to treat complications related to inadequate initial care. 8 The incidence of SCI is highest among persons age 16-30, in whom 53.1 percent of injuries occur; more injuries occur in this age group than in all other age groups combined. Males represent 81.2 percent of all reported SCIs and 89.8 percent of all sports-related SCIs. Among both genders, auto accidents, falls and gunshots are the three leading causes of SCI, in that order. Among males, diving accidents ranked fourth, followed by motorcycle accidents. Among females, medical/surgical
  • 3. complications ranked fourth, followed by diving accidents. Auto accidents are the leading cause of SCI in the United States for people age 65 and younger, while falls are the leading cause of SCI for people 65 and older. Sports and recreation-related SCI injuries primarily affect people under age 29. Persons with neurologically complete tetraplegia are at high risk for secondary medical complications. The percentages of complications for individuals with neurologically complete tetraplegia have been reported as follows: 60.3 percent developed pneumonia , 52.8 percent developed pressure ulcers , 16.4 percent developed deep vein thrombosis , 5.2 percent developed a pulmonary embolism and 2.2 percent developed a postoperative wound infection Young males of age group 15-34 years form the majority of spinal injury patients. Therefore these injuries place a great burden on society by claiming the young lives and increasing permanent disabilities among the youth. 8 Most common areas of spinal injury are mid to low cervical and thoracic- lumbar junction, as they are the areas of maximum mobility. Thoracic, lumbar and sacral points are other commonly involved areas of spine. Cervical injuries are the most devastating kind of spinal injuries constituting maximum morbidity and mortality among these injuries. 3 B.P. Koirala Institute of health sciences is a center of excellence in the eastern region of Nepal for orthopedic services. Under the orthopedic department spinal cord injury patients are admitted and treated. The incidence of admitted SCI patients in orthopedic ward is very high. About 10-15 patients every day out of 34 patents of orthopedic are SCI patients. SCI patients need special attention, treatment and care. As problem is very life threatening and chronic in nature patient admitted in orthopedic wards for more than 4-6 weeks. The prognosis of SCI patients depends upon the services and nursing care provided to them. Usually SCI patients treated with bed rest traction, surgery, and conservative management, which require a lot of knowledge and skill to take proper, care, especially caretakers, as the number of nurses are limited. Title of the study: Knowledge Profile about the Care of Spinal Cord Injury Patients among their Caretakers at BPKIHS Objectives: The Objectives of this study is to find out the socio- demographic profile of the SCI patients, examine the various facts about SCI patients and explore the knowledge regarding care of SCI patients among their care takers.
  • 4. Methodology: It is hospital based descriptive analytical study, conducted among the SCI patients admitted in Orthopedic unit of BPKIHS and their main caretaker during the period of 1st July 2006 to31st December 2006 i.e. 6 Months. Using purposive sampling technique all the diagnosed SCI clients admitted in orthopedic ward during the study period was included in the study. Using self-prepared pre-tested interview scheduled the data was collected from the SCI patients and their caretaker, who most of the time involved in the care after three days of admission in ward by a trained nurses working in orthopedic unit after obtaining informed verbal consent. The collected data was entered in SPSS-10 software package and analyzed. Results: Socio-demographic Profile of the SCI patients: Majority of the SCI patients (76.7%) were of age group 20-60 years. The mean age was 41.5 yrs, SD 14.926 and range 16-68 years. Majority of the subjects were Male (73.3%), Hindu (90%), Villagers (76.7%), married (83.3%), Non- vegetarian (73.3%), middle class family (60%), and heavy physical workers. The details about demographic profiles are depicted in table – I. Details about injury and admission: Majority of the patients are admitted in first time (83.3%), most of the injury occur between 6am to 12MD, i.e. 54.4%, most of the Patients (69.7%) were admitted within 12 hours after injury. Fall Injury (73.3%) is the main cause of SCI among the admitted clients. The details about the injury are mentioned in table – II. Opinion Regarding Knowledge profile about the care of SCI among the caretakers: Most of the caretakers reported that they have knowledge about the basic structure so spinal cord ( 62.1%), functions of spinal cored (57.1%), reasons for paralysis (53.6%), common complications of SCI (59.31%),and None of the caretakers mentioned proper method of turning the spinal cord injury patients. The details are described in table- III. Opinion Regarding the Ability of caretakers to care/manage the problems of SCI patients: It was found that the care takers are capable to manage the problems like: Bed sore (83.3%), care of paralysis parts (79.3%), Nutrition/diet (86.7%), but not at all able to manage the problems like: urinary tract infection(43.3%), constipation(43.3%), incontinence bowel (43.3%), pneumonia(40%) and care of traction (40%). The details are mentioned in table IV.
  • 5. Discussion: It was found that most of the patients are of age group 20-60 years i.e. of productive age group and most of the time they are involved in work. Male (73.3%) subjects have more chance of SCI as they are involved in heavy and risky physical works. Most of the subjects are villagers (76.7%), illiterate (40%), or literate/primary education (36.7%) , from middle class (60%) family and heavy physical workers(56.7%). This picture clearly explains that the spinal cord injury is common among the heavy physical workers of middle class family may be due to nature of work. Most of the subjects are admitted for first time (83.3%). The most of the injury (54.4%), occurs between 6am-12MD, because this is peak working hours for villagers. Most of the subjects (67.9%), admitted in hospital within 12 hours as BPKIHS is a only center of orthopedic patients of SCI in eastern Nepal and high awareness among the public. About half of the caretakers have basic knowledge abut structure, functions, causes of paralysis and complications of SCI, which may be due to learning in hospital as the interview is collected only after 3 day. The mean duration of stay was 23.366 days, SD14.4114, and range 3 to 48 Days. Regarding the care of their patients most of the caretakers reported that they are capable to care of bed sore, paralyzed parts, and Nutrition as relatives are involved in these care inward by the sisters, where inadequate knowledge on management of urinary tract infection, constipation, incontinence, pneumonia and traction, as these complications require advanced knowledge and nurses themselves mostly provide the care during hospitalization. Conclusions: Skin Breakdown, pneumonia , Osteoporosis and Fractures, Heterotopic Ossification, Spasticity, Urinary Tract Infections, Autonomic Dysreflexia, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism, Orthostatic Hypotension, Cardiovascular Disease, Syringomyelia, Neuropathic / Spinal Cord Pain, Medication Problems, Hyperthermia and Hypothermia are the areas of care for SCI patients. Continuous in-service education programme for nurses involved in the care of SCI patients and all caretakers of SCI is very essential. References. 1. Junghanns HS. The human spine in health and disease. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1971. 2. Glass CA, Krishman KR, Bingley JD. Spinal Injury Rehabilitation: Do staff and patients agree on what they are talking about. Paraplegia.1999; 29(5): 343-9. 3. Black JM, Jacobs EM. Medical surgical Nursing – Clinical Management for continuity of care. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1997. 4. Errico TJ, Bauer RD, Waugh T. spinal Trauma. Philadelphia. JB Lipppincott comp. 1991. 5. Post MW, Bloemn J, Wittee LP. Burden for Partners of Person’s with spinal cord injuries. Spinal cord. 2005; 43(5): 311-9. 6. Eyester EF, Kelker DB, Porter Rw, The national had and SCI prevention program Neurosurgry. New York: Mc. Graw Hill Pub, 1996. 7. Devivo MJ. Causes and costs of spinal cord injury in US. In Gibbbs SR. Bradly WG ed. Yearbook of Neurology and Neurosurgery. St. Louis: Mosby Inc, 1999. 8. Yashon D. spinal Injury. Norwalk: Appleton Century Crofts, 1986.
  • 6. Table – I Socio-demographic Profile of the Spinal Cord Injury Patients N= 30 SN Item/Particular Percentage 1 Age ( In years) < 20 10.0 20-40 33.3 40-60 43.4 >60 13.3 Mean 41.5 SD 14.9268 Range 16-68 2 Sex Male 73.3 Female 26.7 3 Religion Hindu 90 Buddhist 6.7 Kirat 3.3 4 Ethnic Group Brahmin/Chhetri 33.3 Mangolian 40 Newar 3.3 Tetai Origin 20 Others 3.4 5 Occupation Agriculture 46.7 Business 10 Service/Job 10 Others 33.3 6 Education Level Illiterate 40 Literate/Primary 36.7 Secondary 20 Higher secondary and above 3.3 7 District ( Permanent address): Basantpu 6.7 Bhojpur 6.7 Dhankuta 16.7 Janakpur 3.3 Jhapa 3.3 Kathmand 3.3 Mahendra 3.3 Morang 6.7 Sankhuwa 3.3 Sirha 10.0 Sunsari 20.0 Tanhu 3.3 Terathum 6.7 Udayapur 6.7
  • 7. Table – I ( Continue) Socio-demographic Profile of the Spinal Cord Injury Patients N= 30 SN Item/Particular Percentage 8 Residence Village(VDC) 76.7 Municipality ( NP) 23.3 9 Marital Status Married 83.3 Unmarried 16.7 10 Dietary Habit Vegetarian 20 Non-Vegetarian 73.3 Egg-Vegetarian 6.7 11 Yearly Saving Deficit Budget/Loan 10 No Saving/balanced 60 < 5000 10 5000-25000 20 > 25000 00 12 Economic Status Poor 40 Medium 60 High 00 13 Life style Heavy physical worker( farmer/labor) 56.7 Office worker 10 Sedentary life style 20 Others 13.3 14 Obesity Present 00 Not Present 100 Table – II Details about Nature Spinal Cord Injury N=30 SN Item/Particular Percentage 1 Frequency of Admission st 1 time 83.3 nd 2 time 13.3 > 2 times 3.3 2 Duration of Diseases: till the day of admission 3 days 21.7 3-7 days 47.9 7-14 days 13 > 14 days 17.4 3 Time of Injury 6 AM-12 MD 54.4 12 MD-6 PM 35.6 6 PM-12 MN 6.7 12 MN-6 AM 3.3
  • 8. Table – II (continue) Details about Nature Spinal Cord Injury N=30 SN Item/Particular Percentage 4 Interval between injury and admission < 6 hrs 39.3 6-12 hrs 28.6 12-24 hrs 7.1 24-48 hrs 2.6 >48 hrs 21.4 5 Level of Injury Cranio-Vertebral Junction 0 Cervical 44 Cervico-thoracic 4 Thoracic 36 Thoraco-Lumber 4 Lumber 12 Lumbo-Sacral 0 Sacral 0 6 Causes of Injury Road Traffic Accident 13.3 Fall Injury 73.3 Gun Shot/Stab Injury 0 Work related Injuries 13.3 Sport Injuries 0 7 Mode of Immobilization applied Skeleton / Skull traction 42.9 Cervical color 9.5 Others: Skin traction, Conservative management etc. 47.6 Table – III Knowledge Profile about Care of Spinal Cord Injury among the Caretakers ` N=30 SN Item/Particular Percentage 1 Have Knowledge about Structure of Spinal Cord 62.1 2 Have Knowledge about functions of Spinal Cord 57.1 3 Have Knowledge about Occurrence of Paralysis 53.6 4 Have Knowledge about Complications of SCI 59.3 5 Have Knowledge about Turning of the SCI Patients 0 Table – IV Ability to Care/Manage the Problems of Spinal Cord Injury Patients N=30 Capability/ Ability to manage Problems SN Problems Fully Some Extent Not at all 1 Bedsore 40 43.3 16.7 2 UTI 13.3 43.3 43.3 3 Paralysis 17.2 62.1 20.7 4 Nutrition 53.3 33.3 13.3 5 Pain 30 46.7 23.3 6 Constipation 26.7 30 43.3 7 Incontinent of bowel 20 36.7 43.3 8 Pneumonia 13.3 46.7 40 9 Care of traction 30 30 40