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Sports Technology…Sports Technology…


That old saying that says a poor workman blames his tools holds true
in sports as much as anywhere, but there's no question that having the
absolute best equipment can make a big difference for the world's top
athletes. Once you get to the Olympic level, the spread between first
and last place can be truly tiny, so even the smallest technical
advantage could mean the difference between standing on the top of
the winner's podium, or being an also-ran.
When an Olympic champion uses a certain brand of equipment while
achieving victory, the exposure can translate into big bucks for that
brand at the sports-equipment store. After all, doesn't it make you look
like a more serious competitor if you have the same gear as the person
who crossed the finish line first? Knowing this, the big sports
equipment companies pour major bucks into research, so they can
develop the gear that top athletes will want to use.


The top 10 new sports technologiesThe top 10 new sports technologies
that changed the 2008 & 2012that changed the 2008 & 2012


 1. Speedo LZR Racer Swimsuit
WHAT'S NEW? In the Olympic swimming pool, just a couple thousandths of a
second can be the difference between winning and losing, so even the tiniest
competitive edge is critical. Back in Athens we saw plenty of swimmers using the
Speedo Fastskin to good advantage, but now Speedo has upped the ante with
the LZR Racer. Developed in association with NASA and the Australian Institute
of Sport, the LZR Racer uses a woven elastane-nylon and polyurethane material
that's said to hold the body in a more hydrodynamic position, while expelling
water and allowing for improved oxygen flow to the muscles. It also has
ultrasonically welded seams to avoid drag.
 DOES IT WORK? Since the suit was launched in February of this year, dozens
of world records have already been broken by swimmers using the LZR Racer. I
think that makes the answer an unequivocal yes.


 2. Adidas AdiStar Rowing Shoes2. Adidas AdiStar Rowing Shoes
 WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? Silly me, I always figured rowing was mostly aboutSilly me, I always figured rowing was mostly about
upper body and arm strength. Clearly I am mistaken, and it turns outupper body and arm strength. Clearly I am mistaken, and it turns out
that leg power is equally, if not more important. To transfer all of thatthat leg power is equally, if not more important. To transfer all of that
power into moving the scull, your feet need to have a solid and stablepower into moving the scull, your feet need to have a solid and stable
foundation, and Adidas provides one with their latest "made for Beijing"foundation, and Adidas provides one with their latest "made for Beijing"
AdiStar rowing shoe. Featuring a lightweight rowing plate withAdiStar rowing shoe. Featuring a lightweight rowing plate with
stabilizing outriggers, the AdiStar is designed to provide a more directstabilizing outriggers, the AdiStar is designed to provide a more direct
transfer of power. It also has a so-called "speed heel" with built-intransfer of power. It also has a so-called "speed heel" with built-in
ventilation that's designed to keep the feet at the optimum temperature.ventilation that's designed to keep the feet at the optimum temperature.
 DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? Having a firm foundation for your feet allows all ofHaving a firm foundation for your feet allows all of
your stroke power to be transferred into moving the scull. That can onlyyour stroke power to be transferred into moving the scull. That can only
result in a better times.result in a better times.


 3. Doppler Lidar3. Doppler Lidar
 WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? Sailing is all about getting wind into your sails that can push your yachtSailing is all about getting wind into your sails that can push your yacht
along, but other than licking your finger and pointing it up towards the sky, where doalong, but other than licking your finger and pointing it up towards the sky, where do
sailors get wind speed and direction info? For years they've been using Doppler radarsailors get wind speed and direction info? For years they've been using Doppler radar
systems similar to what weather forecasters use on TV, but the problem is these systemssystems similar to what weather forecasters use on TV, but the problem is these systems
are pretty useless when there's little or no wind, which is precisely when sailors need theare pretty useless when there's little or no wind, which is precisely when sailors need the
 This year in Bejing they're using a Doppler Lidar system, which scans the surface of theThis year in Bejing they're using a Doppler Lidar system, which scans the surface of the
course with laser beams and measures beam scatter to provide a real-time readout ofcourse with laser beams and measures beam scatter to provide a real-time readout of
wind speed and direction over a large area.wind speed and direction over a large area.
 DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? While all teams will have access to any data provided by the DopplerWhile all teams will have access to any data provided by the Doppler
Lidar system, how well each team is able to interpret that data could mean the differenceLidar system, how well each team is able to interpret that data could mean the difference
between winning and losing.between winning and losing.


 4. Morini CM 162 EI Air Pistol4. Morini CM 162 EI Air Pistol
 EVENTS UPGRADEDEVENTS UPGRADED Air Pistol and PentathlonAir Pistol and Pentathlon
 WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? If you figured air pistols and cutting-edge technology didn't goIf you figured air pistols and cutting-edge technology didn't go
hand in hand, think again. Modern air pistols use a compressed-gas capsule tohand in hand, think again. Modern air pistols use a compressed-gas capsule to
propel the pellet. The catch is that even the tiniest uneven force in the firingpropel the pellet. The catch is that even the tiniest uneven force in the firing
action can be the difference between a bull's-eye and a lower score. The rulesaction can be the difference between a bull's-eye and a lower score. The rules
dictate that the trigger must require a minimum force of 500 grams to fire, butdictate that the trigger must require a minimum force of 500 grams to fire, but
smoothness is still critical.smoothness is still critical.
 The new CM 162 El from Swiss manufacturer Morini takes this thinking a stepThe new CM 162 El from Swiss manufacturer Morini takes this thinking a step
further by replacing the traditional mechanical trigger with a switch thatfurther by replacing the traditional mechanical trigger with a switch that
operates a battery-powered microchip-controlled firing mechanism. Two AAAoperates a battery-powered microchip-controlled firing mechanism. Two AAA
batteries provide enough juice for 15,000 shots, with a pulsating red LED tobatteries provide enough juice for 15,000 shots, with a pulsating red LED to
indicate battery condition.indicate battery condition.
 DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? A smooth trigger action is critical in pistol shooting, and whatA smooth trigger action is critical in pistol shooting, and what
could be smoother than a simple switch? Look for many of the top shooters incould be smoother than a simple switch? Look for many of the top shooters in
Beijing to be using the CM 162 El.Beijing to be using the CM 162 El.


 5. Nike Precool vest5. Nike Precool vest
 WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? With daily high temperatures expected to average around 85With daily high temperatures expected to average around 85
degrees Fahrenheit, keeping cool is going to be a major consideration for manydegrees Fahrenheit, keeping cool is going to be a major consideration for many
athletes. Just in time for Beijing, Nike has come up with a clever solution. Theathletes. Just in time for Beijing, Nike has come up with a clever solution. The
Precool is a vest that holds a bunch of prefrozen ice packs, similar to thosePrecool is a vest that holds a bunch of prefrozen ice packs, similar to those
blue ice packs you put in a cooler to keep your drinks cold. The athlete wearsblue ice packs you put in a cooler to keep your drinks cold. The athlete wears
the frozen vest for about an hour prior to the start of competition, reducing histhe frozen vest for about an hour prior to the start of competition, reducing his
core temperature enough so the body won't be wasting energy trying to keepcore temperature enough so the body won't be wasting energy trying to keep
 DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? Keeping cool is likely to be an issue for middle-distance andKeeping cool is likely to be an issue for middle-distance and
endurance events, so being able to start the event with you muscles warmedendurance events, so being able to start the event with you muscles warmed
up but your core feeling as cool as a cucumber has to be a plus.up but your core feeling as cool as a cucumber has to be a plus.


 6. Gill Athletics OTE Composite FX Carbon/Aluminum Javelin6. Gill Athletics OTE Composite FX Carbon/Aluminum Javelin
 WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? Following 102 years as an Olympic event, you might figureFollowing 102 years as an Olympic event, you might figure
that it would be hard to come up with new technology for a sport asthat it would be hard to come up with new technology for a sport as
straightforward as the javelin throw. But high-tech has its place in even thisstraightforward as the javelin throw. But high-tech has its place in even this
ancient sport. Rule changes introduced following the Athens games now allowancient sport. Rule changes introduced following the Athens games now allow
for javelins made using carbon-fiber composites. And while there are strictfor javelins made using carbon-fiber composites. And while there are strict
minimum weights for Olympic javelins, adding carbon fiber can greatly reduceminimum weights for Olympic javelins, adding carbon fiber can greatly reduce
vibration and wobble, allowing for a straighter flight with less wind resistance.vibration and wobble, allowing for a straighter flight with less wind resistance.
 DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? Javelin is another sport where inches count, and anythingJavelin is another sport where inches count, and anything
that gives you a straighter, truer flight has got to be beneficial.that gives you a straighter, truer flight has got to be beneficial.


 7. Nike Ippeas Riding Boots7. Nike Ippeas Riding Boots
 WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? Equestrian events are about as steeped in tradition as the OlympicsEquestrian events are about as steeped in tradition as the Olympics
gets, and riding technology has practically stood still since the 19th century. Trust Nike togets, and riding technology has practically stood still since the 19th century. Trust Nike to
come along and shake things up, introducing a riding boot that addresses several issuescome along and shake things up, introducing a riding boot that addresses several issues
at once. First, for comfort, Nike added a long zipper that eases the chore of taking themat once. First, for comfort, Nike added a long zipper that eases the chore of taking them
off. Then they added a special high-abrasion rubber on the medial (horse) side of theoff. Then they added a special high-abrasion rubber on the medial (horse) side of the
boot, to give the rider added control and stability in jumps. Finally in one of those slapboot, to give the rider added control and stability in jumps. Finally in one of those slap
yourself on the forehead V8 moments, they replaced those clunky strap-on spurs with ayourself on the forehead V8 moments, they replaced those clunky strap-on spurs with a
height-adjustable screw in titanium stud. Brilliant!height-adjustable screw in titanium stud. Brilliant!
 DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? While the zipper and screw-in spur are mainly convenience items thatWhile the zipper and screw-in spur are mainly convenience items that
make the rider's life a little more comfortable, the extra-grippy inside surface shouldmake the rider's life a little more comfortable, the extra-grippy inside surface should
make it easier to control the horse, with less chance of falling off or being thrown.make it easier to control the horse, with less chance of falling off or being thrown.


 8. Mizuno Frenzy 120 RB500 Carbon-Fiber Bat8. Mizuno Frenzy 120 RB500 Carbon-Fiber Bat
 WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? Softball has been an Olympic sport for only 12 years, startingSoftball has been an Olympic sport for only 12 years, starting
with the 1996 Atlanta games. And while Team USA has won all three priorwith the 1996 Atlanta games. And while Team USA has won all three prior
competitions, in Beijing they face stiff competition from Australia and China.competitions, in Beijing they face stiff competition from Australia and China.
Traditionally, softball bats have been made from metal composites, but thisTraditionally, softball bats have been made from metal composites, but this
year expect to see plenty of Mizuno's latest carbon-fiber offerings. The Frenzyyear expect to see plenty of Mizuno's latest carbon-fiber offerings. The Frenzy
120 RB500 was introduced earlier this year, and uses a new four-way materials120 RB500 was introduced earlier this year, and uses a new four-way materials
axis technology called AX4 to provide a much larger sweet spot.axis technology called AX4 to provide a much larger sweet spot.
 DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? Having a larger sweet spot with greater driving power couldHaving a larger sweet spot with greater driving power could
mean the difference between a home run and an out. While we may have lostmean the difference between a home run and an out. While we may have lost
the ping of those old aluminum bats, that sweet music at the medal ceremonythe ping of those old aluminum bats, that sweet music at the medal ceremony
would more than make up for it.would more than make up for it.


 9. Nike Aerographics Jersey9. Nike Aerographics Jersey
 WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? Even since the rules were changed to allow a "dream team" of NBAEven since the rules were changed to allow a "dream team" of NBA
stars, it was assumed they might as well just hand out the gold medals to Team USA. Sostars, it was assumed they might as well just hand out the gold medals to Team USA. So
it was a bit of an embarrassment when they only managed to come home with bronzeit was a bit of an embarrassment when they only managed to come home with bronze
from Athens. Clearly, Team USA understands that they need to take things a little morefrom Athens. Clearly, Team USA understands that they need to take things a little more
seriously, and they are not taking anything for granted in Beijing.seriously, and they are not taking anything for granted in Beijing.
 A basketball jersey hardly seems like an area for technical innovation, but Nike haveA basketball jersey hardly seems like an area for technical innovation, but Nike have
delivered something called Aerographics for Team USA. By etching graphic designs intodelivered something called Aerographics for Team USA. By etching graphic designs into
key areas of the garment, they can increase airflow over the skin, while reducing thekey areas of the garment, they can increase airflow over the skin, while reducing the
overall weight by 31 percent. Oh, and the graphics look pretty cool, too.overall weight by 31 percent. Oh, and the graphics look pretty cool, too.
 DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? By increasing airflow and reducing sweating, the Aerographics stopBy increasing airflow and reducing sweating, the Aerographics stop
the athlete from wasting energy trying to keep cool. Reducing the weight should alsothe athlete from wasting energy trying to keep cool. Reducing the weight should also
allow them to jump just that teeny bit higher.allow them to jump just that teeny bit higher.


 10. Adidas Lone Star Shoes10. Adidas Lone Star Shoes
 WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? NASCAR racing cars are set up to make left turns more easily, becauseNASCAR racing cars are set up to make left turns more easily, because
on most circuits that's all they do. So why not do the same for track runners? Working foron most circuits that's all they do. So why not do the same for track runners? Working for
two years with 400 Meter specialist Jeremy Wariner, Adidas has developed the Lonetwo years with 400 Meter specialist Jeremy Wariner, Adidas has developed the Lone
Star running spike. Track races are generally won or lost in the bends, so by analyzingStar running spike. Track races are generally won or lost in the bends, so by analyzing
Jeremy's technique using video and pressure mapping in its lab, Adidas was able toJeremy's technique using video and pressure mapping in its lab, Adidas was able to
determine that the left foot is used primarily for stabilization, while the right foot deliversdetermine that the left foot is used primarily for stabilization, while the right foot delivers
more of the power. From that information they were able to develop an asymmetric pairmore of the power. From that information they were able to develop an asymmetric pair
of spikes tailored to the strengths of each foot.of spikes tailored to the strengths of each foot.
 DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? By making his feet more stable through the bends, Jeremy should beBy making his feet more stable through the bends, Jeremy should be
able to apply more energy towards moving faster, rather than trying to stay in his lane.able to apply more energy towards moving faster, rather than trying to stay in his lane.




The ethical implications ofThe ethical implications of
sports technology…sports technology…


Sports technology


Fundamental Principles of OlympismFundamental Principles of Olympism
- respect the spirit of fair play and non violence,and behave accordinglyrespect the spirit of fair play and non violence,and behave accordingly
- respect and comply in all aspects with the World Anti-Doping Code.respect and comply in all aspects with the World Anti-Doping Code.
- the entry or participation of a competitor in the Olympic Games shall notthe entry or participation of a competitor in the Olympic Games shall not
be conditional on any financial consideration.be conditional on any financial consideration.


Olympism is a philosophy of life,exalting and combining in a balanced whole the
qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism
seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good
example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.
The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development
of man, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation
of human dignity.
The Olympic Movement covers the five continents. It reaches its peak with the
bringing together of the world ユ s athletes at the
great sports festival,the Olympic Games.
Its symbol is five interlaced rings.
The practice of sport is a human right. Every
individual must have the possibility of practicing
sport, without discrimination of any kind and in
the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual
understanding with a spirit of friendship,
solidarity and fair play.The organization,
administration and management
of sport must be controlled by independent
sports organizations.
Any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of
race,religion, politics,gender or otherwise is incompatible with belonging to the
Olympic Movement.


Sports technology


Sports technology


Why do we play Sport?
(Knowing the history of sport may help to guide the ethical / moral
considerations of where sport should or could be heading)
History –History –
Medieval days:Medieval days: Jousting, Gladiators (entertainment value, test ofJousting, Gladiators (entertainment value, test of
human skill, power, agility).human skill, power, agility).
Romans:Romans: the Olympic movement (Begining- fighting naked, no hiddenthe Olympic movement (Begining- fighting naked, no hidden
weapons. Today-weapons. Today- The practice of sport is a human right. Every individualThe practice of sport is a human right. Every individual
must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of anymust have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any
kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with akind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a
spirit of friendship, solidarity andspirit of friendship, solidarity and fair playfair play).).
Colonial Australia:Colonial Australia: birth of AFL (a way of keeping cricketers fit duringbirth of AFL (a way of keeping cricketers fit during
winter, 1858).winter, 1858).
Century:Century: big business, careers. Star golfer Tiger Woods wasbig business, careers. Star golfer Tiger Woods was
the world's best-paid athlete last year, earning $87 million in winnings andthe world's best-paid athlete last year, earning $87 million in winnings and


Is technology improving Sport?
As spectator?As spectator?
As competitor?As competitor?
(Read handout – ethical article)(Read handout – ethical article)


Sports code of ethics
 Director Max Perrow of the Rusty
Gromfest, surf contest, has asked
all students to submit a code of
ethics for next years event.
 He is asking as many grommets from local schools to help out,
as he believes grommets developing ethics for a grommet
competition will have more relevance and respect than an old
dog giving their two bob’s worth.
 A brand new Rusty surfboard is up for grabs for the winning
 Just some issues that could be addressed-
1. Sport Enhancement Drugs: should it b a personal choice or
policed & tested.
2. Event Equipment: jetski’s (tow-in, line-up assist), big screen
replays, electronic score boards.
3. Personal Equipment: individual freedom or equipment standards.
4. Judging: video/ computer technology scored vs. human scored.
5. Divisions: Sponsored vs. non-sponsored, girls & boys mixed.
6. Whats better for spectators?


The end…The end…


Is the use of technology cheating?


Drug technology to enhancing performance –
is it cheating?
There are a number of cons to do with performance enhancing drugs in sports. Performance enhancing drugs
are simply not going away - in fact they seem to be getting more popular as they get more advanced. For
anyone with an interest in sport, drugs will continue to be a source of discussion and distress. Are they really
worth it? Can they help us achieve our dreams? What would happen if I took them? As far as I can see, five
of the most important cons of performance enhancing drugs are:
1) Who ever takes these drugs in order to become more competitive have just missed the point of the sport. The
simple idea of any sport is to use whatever your body and your mind can manage to outperform yourself or
others. Introducing drugs into your body to cheat this, has just changed the equation. It is no longer you that
is actually achieving anything, the drugs are doing the cream of the work. You will be cheated out of the
satisfaction that you deserve because you will never know how much of the victory is yours and how much
has been injected.
2) Whoever takes these performance cheats has just admitted defeat. The idea of sport is overcoming obstacles
from within and without an athlete. The athlete spends days, and months and years trying to overcome these
obstacles. Then in one simple decision he gives up and decides that he can't meet his dreams without drugs.
Instead of a continual struggle to achieve his potential, he has now set out on a dangerous journey to try and
cheat his way beyond his potential.


3) It has yet to be proven to me that these drugs are able to sustainably and
consistently produce performances above those that the best training and
preparation can. They are a quick fix that a successful athletic career can
not be based on for any length of time. Sure you may excel for a race or a
season, but how long can you go on for. If you abuse yourself in this way,
you cannot expect to keep on progressing into the future. If you break the
rules of your own physiology, then you will reap the consequences some
4) Performance enhancing drugs are not only unethical, they are often illegal
in the sporting community and can turn the whole of a sport into a joke.
They undermine the sport that the athlete is trying to master and can only
be seen as a selfish and arrogant attempt at cutting corners. Take for
example the damage that drug use and alleged drug use in the Tour De
France has made to the entire cycle racing community. We may come out
of it with time, but still to a lot of the world, all cyclists are seen as cheats.
Sponsors pull out support, the police and officials get involved, careers
are wrecked and dreams are shattered.
5) These drugs can wreck an athlete psychologically as well. Knowing that
he or she gave up and gave in to cheating can shatter their sense of
integrity. Once they realise how far they have fallen from their sporting
beginnings, they will have a hard time seeing themselves as honest ever
again. Their victories will be cheapened and meaningless. Their victories
will be simply about dollars and cents and will have none of the intimate
meaning that a sporting victory can have.
Please excuse the language but the cons of performance enhancing drugs
are a perfect example of the old saying "Shitting in one's own nest".


Sports Science -Sports Science -
is it cheating?is it cheating?
Gene testing, gene pooling.Gene testing, gene pooling.
Biomechanics, Professors, Sports Scientist.Biomechanics, Professors, Sports Scientist.
Coaches, Trainers, Specialists.Coaches, Trainers, Specialists.
Therapists- e.g. physio, acupuncture.Therapists- e.g. physio, acupuncture.


Advanced technology -Advanced technology -
is it cheating?is it cheating?
So it might be easy to draw the line when it comes to performanceSo it might be easy to draw the line when it comes to performance
enhancing drugs, but where does the line get drawn on other performanceenhancing drugs, but where does the line get drawn on other performance
enhancing technology?enhancing technology?
Swimsuits, Video analysis/ programs (Siliconcoach), Low oxygenSwimsuits, Video analysis/ programs (Siliconcoach), Low oxygen
chambers/ tents…etcchambers/ tents…etc


Technology Replacing RefereesTechnology Replacing Referees


Rich vs. PoorRich vs. Poor

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Sports technology

  • 2. That old saying that says a poor workman blames his tools holds true in sports as much as anywhere, but there's no question that having the absolute best equipment can make a big difference for the world's top athletes. Once you get to the Olympic level, the spread between first and last place can be truly tiny, so even the smallest technical advantage could mean the difference between standing on the top of the winner's podium, or being an also-ran. When an Olympic champion uses a certain brand of equipment while achieving victory, the exposure can translate into big bucks for that brand at the sports-equipment store. After all, doesn't it make you look like a more serious competitor if you have the same gear as the person who crossed the finish line first? Knowing this, the big sports equipment companies pour major bucks into research, so they can develop the gear that top athletes will want to use.
  • 3. The top 10 new sports technologiesThe top 10 new sports technologies that changed the 2008 & 2012that changed the 2008 & 2012 OlympicsOlympics
  • 4.  1. Speedo LZR Racer Swimsuit  EVENT UPGRADED Swimming WHAT'S NEW? In the Olympic swimming pool, just a couple thousandths of a second can be the difference between winning and losing, so even the tiniest competitive edge is critical. Back in Athens we saw plenty of swimmers using the Speedo Fastskin to good advantage, but now Speedo has upped the ante with the LZR Racer. Developed in association with NASA and the Australian Institute of Sport, the LZR Racer uses a woven elastane-nylon and polyurethane material that's said to hold the body in a more hydrodynamic position, while expelling water and allowing for improved oxygen flow to the muscles. It also has ultrasonically welded seams to avoid drag.  DOES IT WORK? Since the suit was launched in February of this year, dozens of world records have already been broken by swimmers using the LZR Racer. I think that makes the answer an unequivocal yes.
  • 5.  2. Adidas AdiStar Rowing Shoes2. Adidas AdiStar Rowing Shoes  EVENT UPGRADEDEVENT UPGRADED RowingRowing  WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? Silly me, I always figured rowing was mostly aboutSilly me, I always figured rowing was mostly about upper body and arm strength. Clearly I am mistaken, and it turns outupper body and arm strength. Clearly I am mistaken, and it turns out that leg power is equally, if not more important. To transfer all of thatthat leg power is equally, if not more important. To transfer all of that power into moving the scull, your feet need to have a solid and stablepower into moving the scull, your feet need to have a solid and stable foundation, and Adidas provides one with their latest "made for Beijing"foundation, and Adidas provides one with their latest "made for Beijing" AdiStar rowing shoe. Featuring a lightweight rowing plate withAdiStar rowing shoe. Featuring a lightweight rowing plate with stabilizing outriggers, the AdiStar is designed to provide a more directstabilizing outriggers, the AdiStar is designed to provide a more direct transfer of power. It also has a so-called "speed heel" with built-intransfer of power. It also has a so-called "speed heel" with built-in ventilation that's designed to keep the feet at the optimum temperature.ventilation that's designed to keep the feet at the optimum temperature.  DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? Having a firm foundation for your feet allows all ofHaving a firm foundation for your feet allows all of your stroke power to be transferred into moving the scull. That can onlyyour stroke power to be transferred into moving the scull. That can only result in a better times.result in a better times.
  • 6.  3. Doppler Lidar3. Doppler Lidar  EVENT UPGRADEDEVENT UPGRADED SailingSailing  WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? Sailing is all about getting wind into your sails that can push your yachtSailing is all about getting wind into your sails that can push your yacht along, but other than licking your finger and pointing it up towards the sky, where doalong, but other than licking your finger and pointing it up towards the sky, where do sailors get wind speed and direction info? For years they've been using Doppler radarsailors get wind speed and direction info? For years they've been using Doppler radar systems similar to what weather forecasters use on TV, but the problem is these systemssystems similar to what weather forecasters use on TV, but the problem is these systems are pretty useless when there's little or no wind, which is precisely when sailors need theare pretty useless when there's little or no wind, which is precisely when sailors need the information.information.  This year in Bejing they're using a Doppler Lidar system, which scans the surface of theThis year in Bejing they're using a Doppler Lidar system, which scans the surface of the course with laser beams and measures beam scatter to provide a real-time readout ofcourse with laser beams and measures beam scatter to provide a real-time readout of wind speed and direction over a large area.wind speed and direction over a large area.  DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? While all teams will have access to any data provided by the DopplerWhile all teams will have access to any data provided by the Doppler Lidar system, how well each team is able to interpret that data could mean the differenceLidar system, how well each team is able to interpret that data could mean the difference between winning and losing.between winning and losing.
  • 7.  4. Morini CM 162 EI Air Pistol4. Morini CM 162 EI Air Pistol  EVENTS UPGRADEDEVENTS UPGRADED Air Pistol and PentathlonAir Pistol and Pentathlon  WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? If you figured air pistols and cutting-edge technology didn't goIf you figured air pistols and cutting-edge technology didn't go hand in hand, think again. Modern air pistols use a compressed-gas capsule tohand in hand, think again. Modern air pistols use a compressed-gas capsule to propel the pellet. The catch is that even the tiniest uneven force in the firingpropel the pellet. The catch is that even the tiniest uneven force in the firing action can be the difference between a bull's-eye and a lower score. The rulesaction can be the difference between a bull's-eye and a lower score. The rules dictate that the trigger must require a minimum force of 500 grams to fire, butdictate that the trigger must require a minimum force of 500 grams to fire, but smoothness is still critical.smoothness is still critical.  The new CM 162 El from Swiss manufacturer Morini takes this thinking a stepThe new CM 162 El from Swiss manufacturer Morini takes this thinking a step further by replacing the traditional mechanical trigger with a switch thatfurther by replacing the traditional mechanical trigger with a switch that operates a battery-powered microchip-controlled firing mechanism. Two AAAoperates a battery-powered microchip-controlled firing mechanism. Two AAA batteries provide enough juice for 15,000 shots, with a pulsating red LED tobatteries provide enough juice for 15,000 shots, with a pulsating red LED to indicate battery condition.indicate battery condition.  DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? A smooth trigger action is critical in pistol shooting, and whatA smooth trigger action is critical in pistol shooting, and what could be smoother than a simple switch? Look for many of the top shooters incould be smoother than a simple switch? Look for many of the top shooters in Beijing to be using the CM 162 El.Beijing to be using the CM 162 El.
  • 8.  5. Nike Precool vest5. Nike Precool vest  EVENTS UPGRADEDEVENTS UPGRADED AllAll  WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? With daily high temperatures expected to average around 85With daily high temperatures expected to average around 85 degrees Fahrenheit, keeping cool is going to be a major consideration for manydegrees Fahrenheit, keeping cool is going to be a major consideration for many athletes. Just in time for Beijing, Nike has come up with a clever solution. Theathletes. Just in time for Beijing, Nike has come up with a clever solution. The Precool is a vest that holds a bunch of prefrozen ice packs, similar to thosePrecool is a vest that holds a bunch of prefrozen ice packs, similar to those blue ice packs you put in a cooler to keep your drinks cold. The athlete wearsblue ice packs you put in a cooler to keep your drinks cold. The athlete wears the frozen vest for about an hour prior to the start of competition, reducing histhe frozen vest for about an hour prior to the start of competition, reducing his core temperature enough so the body won't be wasting energy trying to keepcore temperature enough so the body won't be wasting energy trying to keep cool.cool.  DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? Keeping cool is likely to be an issue for middle-distance andKeeping cool is likely to be an issue for middle-distance and endurance events, so being able to start the event with you muscles warmedendurance events, so being able to start the event with you muscles warmed up but your core feeling as cool as a cucumber has to be a plus.up but your core feeling as cool as a cucumber has to be a plus.
  • 9.  6. Gill Athletics OTE Composite FX Carbon/Aluminum Javelin6. Gill Athletics OTE Composite FX Carbon/Aluminum Javelin  EVENT UPGRADEDEVENT UPGRADED JavelinJavelin  WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? Following 102 years as an Olympic event, you might figureFollowing 102 years as an Olympic event, you might figure that it would be hard to come up with new technology for a sport asthat it would be hard to come up with new technology for a sport as straightforward as the javelin throw. But high-tech has its place in even thisstraightforward as the javelin throw. But high-tech has its place in even this ancient sport. Rule changes introduced following the Athens games now allowancient sport. Rule changes introduced following the Athens games now allow for javelins made using carbon-fiber composites. And while there are strictfor javelins made using carbon-fiber composites. And while there are strict minimum weights for Olympic javelins, adding carbon fiber can greatly reduceminimum weights for Olympic javelins, adding carbon fiber can greatly reduce vibration and wobble, allowing for a straighter flight with less wind resistance.vibration and wobble, allowing for a straighter flight with less wind resistance.  DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? Javelin is another sport where inches count, and anythingJavelin is another sport where inches count, and anything that gives you a straighter, truer flight has got to be beneficial.that gives you a straighter, truer flight has got to be beneficial.
  • 10.  7. Nike Ippeas Riding Boots7. Nike Ippeas Riding Boots  EVENT UPGRADEDEVENT UPGRADED EquestrianEquestrian  WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? Equestrian events are about as steeped in tradition as the OlympicsEquestrian events are about as steeped in tradition as the Olympics gets, and riding technology has practically stood still since the 19th century. Trust Nike togets, and riding technology has practically stood still since the 19th century. Trust Nike to come along and shake things up, introducing a riding boot that addresses several issuescome along and shake things up, introducing a riding boot that addresses several issues at once. First, for comfort, Nike added a long zipper that eases the chore of taking themat once. First, for comfort, Nike added a long zipper that eases the chore of taking them off. Then they added a special high-abrasion rubber on the medial (horse) side of theoff. Then they added a special high-abrasion rubber on the medial (horse) side of the boot, to give the rider added control and stability in jumps. Finally in one of those slapboot, to give the rider added control and stability in jumps. Finally in one of those slap yourself on the forehead V8 moments, they replaced those clunky strap-on spurs with ayourself on the forehead V8 moments, they replaced those clunky strap-on spurs with a height-adjustable screw in titanium stud. Brilliant!height-adjustable screw in titanium stud. Brilliant!  DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? While the zipper and screw-in spur are mainly convenience items thatWhile the zipper and screw-in spur are mainly convenience items that make the rider's life a little more comfortable, the extra-grippy inside surface shouldmake the rider's life a little more comfortable, the extra-grippy inside surface should make it easier to control the horse, with less chance of falling off or being thrown.make it easier to control the horse, with less chance of falling off or being thrown.
  • 11.  8. Mizuno Frenzy 120 RB500 Carbon-Fiber Bat8. Mizuno Frenzy 120 RB500 Carbon-Fiber Bat  EVENT UPGRADEDEVENT UPGRADED SoftballSoftball  WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? Softball has been an Olympic sport for only 12 years, startingSoftball has been an Olympic sport for only 12 years, starting with the 1996 Atlanta games. And while Team USA has won all three priorwith the 1996 Atlanta games. And while Team USA has won all three prior competitions, in Beijing they face stiff competition from Australia and China.competitions, in Beijing they face stiff competition from Australia and China. Traditionally, softball bats have been made from metal composites, but thisTraditionally, softball bats have been made from metal composites, but this year expect to see plenty of Mizuno's latest carbon-fiber offerings. The Frenzyyear expect to see plenty of Mizuno's latest carbon-fiber offerings. The Frenzy 120 RB500 was introduced earlier this year, and uses a new four-way materials120 RB500 was introduced earlier this year, and uses a new four-way materials axis technology called AX4 to provide a much larger sweet spot.axis technology called AX4 to provide a much larger sweet spot.  DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? Having a larger sweet spot with greater driving power couldHaving a larger sweet spot with greater driving power could mean the difference between a home run and an out. While we may have lostmean the difference between a home run and an out. While we may have lost the ping of those old aluminum bats, that sweet music at the medal ceremonythe ping of those old aluminum bats, that sweet music at the medal ceremony would more than make up for it.would more than make up for it.
  • 12.  9. Nike Aerographics Jersey9. Nike Aerographics Jersey  EVENT UPGRADEDEVENT UPGRADED BasketballBasketball  WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? Even since the rules were changed to allow a "dream team" of NBAEven since the rules were changed to allow a "dream team" of NBA stars, it was assumed they might as well just hand out the gold medals to Team USA. Sostars, it was assumed they might as well just hand out the gold medals to Team USA. So it was a bit of an embarrassment when they only managed to come home with bronzeit was a bit of an embarrassment when they only managed to come home with bronze from Athens. Clearly, Team USA understands that they need to take things a little morefrom Athens. Clearly, Team USA understands that they need to take things a little more seriously, and they are not taking anything for granted in Beijing.seriously, and they are not taking anything for granted in Beijing.  A basketball jersey hardly seems like an area for technical innovation, but Nike haveA basketball jersey hardly seems like an area for technical innovation, but Nike have delivered something called Aerographics for Team USA. By etching graphic designs intodelivered something called Aerographics for Team USA. By etching graphic designs into key areas of the garment, they can increase airflow over the skin, while reducing thekey areas of the garment, they can increase airflow over the skin, while reducing the overall weight by 31 percent. Oh, and the graphics look pretty cool, too.overall weight by 31 percent. Oh, and the graphics look pretty cool, too.  DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? By increasing airflow and reducing sweating, the Aerographics stopBy increasing airflow and reducing sweating, the Aerographics stop the athlete from wasting energy trying to keep cool. Reducing the weight should alsothe athlete from wasting energy trying to keep cool. Reducing the weight should also allow them to jump just that teeny bit higher.allow them to jump just that teeny bit higher.
  • 13.  10. Adidas Lone Star Shoes10. Adidas Lone Star Shoes  EVENT UPGRADEDEVENT UPGRADED RunningRunning  WHAT'S NEW?WHAT'S NEW? NASCAR racing cars are set up to make left turns more easily, becauseNASCAR racing cars are set up to make left turns more easily, because on most circuits that's all they do. So why not do the same for track runners? Working foron most circuits that's all they do. So why not do the same for track runners? Working for two years with 400 Meter specialist Jeremy Wariner, Adidas has developed the Lonetwo years with 400 Meter specialist Jeremy Wariner, Adidas has developed the Lone Star running spike. Track races are generally won or lost in the bends, so by analyzingStar running spike. Track races are generally won or lost in the bends, so by analyzing Jeremy's technique using video and pressure mapping in its lab, Adidas was able toJeremy's technique using video and pressure mapping in its lab, Adidas was able to determine that the left foot is used primarily for stabilization, while the right foot deliversdetermine that the left foot is used primarily for stabilization, while the right foot delivers more of the power. From that information they were able to develop an asymmetric pairmore of the power. From that information they were able to develop an asymmetric pair of spikes tailored to the strengths of each foot.of spikes tailored to the strengths of each foot.  DOES IT WORK?DOES IT WORK? By making his feet more stable through the bends, Jeremy should beBy making his feet more stable through the bends, Jeremy should be able to apply more energy towards moving faster, rather than trying to stay in his lane.able to apply more energy towards moving faster, rather than trying to stay in his lane.
  • 15. The ethical implications ofThe ethical implications of sports technology…sports technology…
  • 17. Fundamental Principles of OlympismFundamental Principles of Olympism - respect the spirit of fair play and non violence,and behave accordinglyrespect the spirit of fair play and non violence,and behave accordingly - respect and comply in all aspects with the World Anti-Doping Code.respect and comply in all aspects with the World Anti-Doping Code. - the entry or participation of a competitor in the Olympic Games shall notthe entry or participation of a competitor in the Olympic Games shall not be conditional on any financial consideration.be conditional on any financial consideration.
  • 18. Olympism is a philosophy of life,exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles. The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of man, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity. The Olympic Movement covers the five continents. It reaches its peak with the bringing together of the world ユ s athletes at the great sports festival,the Olympic Games. Its symbol is five interlaced rings. The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.The organization, administration and management of sport must be controlled by independent sports organizations. Any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of race,religion, politics,gender or otherwise is incompatible with belonging to the Olympic Movement.
  • 21. Why do we play Sport? (Knowing the history of sport may help to guide the ethical / moral considerations of where sport should or could be heading) History –History – Medieval days:Medieval days: Jousting, Gladiators (entertainment value, test ofJousting, Gladiators (entertainment value, test of human skill, power, agility).human skill, power, agility). Romans:Romans: the Olympic movement (Begining- fighting naked, no hiddenthe Olympic movement (Begining- fighting naked, no hidden weapons. Today-weapons. Today- The practice of sport is a human right. Every individualThe practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of anymust have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with akind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity andspirit of friendship, solidarity and fair playfair play).). Colonial Australia:Colonial Australia: birth of AFL (a way of keeping cricketers fit duringbirth of AFL (a way of keeping cricketers fit during winter, 1858).winter, 1858). 2121stst Century:Century: big business, careers. Star golfer Tiger Woods wasbig business, careers. Star golfer Tiger Woods was the world's best-paid athlete last year, earning $87 million in winnings andthe world's best-paid athlete last year, earning $87 million in winnings and endorsements.endorsements.
  • 22. Is technology improving Sport? As spectator?As spectator? As competitor?As competitor? (Read handout – ethical article)(Read handout – ethical article)
  • 23. Sports code of ethics  Director Max Perrow of the Rusty Gromfest, surf contest, has asked all students to submit a code of ethics for next years event.  He is asking as many grommets from local schools to help out, as he believes grommets developing ethics for a grommet competition will have more relevance and respect than an old dog giving their two bob’s worth.  A brand new Rusty surfboard is up for grabs for the winning entry!  Just some issues that could be addressed- 1. Sport Enhancement Drugs: should it b a personal choice or policed & tested. 2. Event Equipment: jetski’s (tow-in, line-up assist), big screen replays, electronic score boards. 3. Personal Equipment: individual freedom or equipment standards. 4. Judging: video/ computer technology scored vs. human scored. 5. Divisions: Sponsored vs. non-sponsored, girls & boys mixed. 6. Whats better for spectators?
  • 25. Is the use of technology cheating?
  • 26. Drug technology to enhancing performance – is it cheating? There are a number of cons to do with performance enhancing drugs in sports. Performance enhancing drugs are simply not going away - in fact they seem to be getting more popular as they get more advanced. For anyone with an interest in sport, drugs will continue to be a source of discussion and distress. Are they really worth it? Can they help us achieve our dreams? What would happen if I took them? As far as I can see, five of the most important cons of performance enhancing drugs are: 1) Who ever takes these drugs in order to become more competitive have just missed the point of the sport. The simple idea of any sport is to use whatever your body and your mind can manage to outperform yourself or others. Introducing drugs into your body to cheat this, has just changed the equation. It is no longer you that is actually achieving anything, the drugs are doing the cream of the work. You will be cheated out of the satisfaction that you deserve because you will never know how much of the victory is yours and how much has been injected. 2) Whoever takes these performance cheats has just admitted defeat. The idea of sport is overcoming obstacles from within and without an athlete. The athlete spends days, and months and years trying to overcome these obstacles. Then in one simple decision he gives up and decides that he can't meet his dreams without drugs. Instead of a continual struggle to achieve his potential, he has now set out on a dangerous journey to try and cheat his way beyond his potential.
  • 27. 3) It has yet to be proven to me that these drugs are able to sustainably and consistently produce performances above those that the best training and preparation can. They are a quick fix that a successful athletic career can not be based on for any length of time. Sure you may excel for a race or a season, but how long can you go on for. If you abuse yourself in this way, you cannot expect to keep on progressing into the future. If you break the rules of your own physiology, then you will reap the consequences some day. 4) Performance enhancing drugs are not only unethical, they are often illegal in the sporting community and can turn the whole of a sport into a joke. They undermine the sport that the athlete is trying to master and can only be seen as a selfish and arrogant attempt at cutting corners. Take for example the damage that drug use and alleged drug use in the Tour De France has made to the entire cycle racing community. We may come out of it with time, but still to a lot of the world, all cyclists are seen as cheats. Sponsors pull out support, the police and officials get involved, careers are wrecked and dreams are shattered. 5) These drugs can wreck an athlete psychologically as well. Knowing that he or she gave up and gave in to cheating can shatter their sense of integrity. Once they realise how far they have fallen from their sporting beginnings, they will have a hard time seeing themselves as honest ever again. Their victories will be cheapened and meaningless. Their victories will be simply about dollars and cents and will have none of the intimate meaning that a sporting victory can have. Please excuse the language but the cons of performance enhancing drugs are a perfect example of the old saying "Shitting in one's own nest".
  • 28. Sports Science -Sports Science - is it cheating?is it cheating? Gene testing, gene pooling.Gene testing, gene pooling. Biomechanics, Professors, Sports Scientist.Biomechanics, Professors, Sports Scientist. Nutritionalists.Nutritionalists. Coaches, Trainers, Specialists.Coaches, Trainers, Specialists. Therapists- e.g. physio, acupuncture.Therapists- e.g. physio, acupuncture.
  • 29. Advanced technology -Advanced technology - is it cheating?is it cheating? So it might be easy to draw the line when it comes to performanceSo it might be easy to draw the line when it comes to performance enhancing drugs, but where does the line get drawn on other performanceenhancing drugs, but where does the line get drawn on other performance enhancing technology?enhancing technology? Swimsuits, Video analysis/ programs (Siliconcoach), Low oxygenSwimsuits, Video analysis/ programs (Siliconcoach), Low oxygen chambers/ tents…etcchambers/ tents…etc
  • 31. Rich vs. PoorRich vs. Poor