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An introduction
Jonathan Holloway,
Chief Architect, Brightpearl
Twitter: @jph98
Spring Boot
What the heck is Spring Boot
Fundamentally it’s scaffolding for building Spring based services
Awesome! Helps you get going quicker.
Similar to Dropwizard (but that came first) - http://www.dropwizard.io/
Comes with a number of out the box components
Mix and match to what you need
Why we chose it?
Wanted to build services quickly for a project
Lots of Spring experience within the development team
Looked like it integrated with other frameworks nicely (just Maven after all):
Spring Framework
Spring Data
Spring Boot Components
You can use starter Maven POM’s to get going quicker:
REST frameworks, Spring REST by default, but we used Jersey
N.b. Spring Boot Actuator (Metrics etc…) doesn’t play with this. Use Codahale instead.
Embedded Tomcat, we swapped this for Undertow
Standard Spring annotations
Works well with Spring Data (but isn’t part of Spring Boot)
Spring Boot Components
Various logging frameworks (we chose slf4j and logback)
Spring Boot Actuator
Our Spring Boot Stack
Spring Boot Architecture - Package Structure
We opted for the following package structure:
Repositories - our persistent (MongoDB repos)
Services - service layer for interacting with our legacy API
Validation - our JSR 303 validators for business logic
Mainly our classes for binding configuration from application.properties
Spring Boot Architecture - Package Structure
Isolation package for our third party dependencies
Our main REST classes with Jersey annotations
Utility classes
Where’s the domain package?
Used a separate project for this (an API project specifically)
Used Swagger to specify the domain objects
Generated a Java build using a Gradle build script, why Gradle?
Munged a parent POM into the generated project
Installed into Artifactory for use in our Spring boot service
You get an Application entry point, two key annotations
Configuration by default uses an application.properties file from the resources folder.
In the following we bind these to a Java class for use in the application…
public class Application {
private ServerProps serverProps;
Application (Entry Point)
Resource - An Example
public class ProductResource {
private ProductTaxResource productTaxResource;
public ProductResource(ProductTaxResource productTaxResource) {
this.productTaxResource = productTaxResource;
public ProductTaxResource productTaxCodeResource() {
return productTaxResource;
Repository - An Example
public interface TaxRepository extends MongoRepository<StoreProductTaxData, Integer> {
List<StoreProductTaxData> findByProductId(int productId);
StoreProductTaxData findByStoreIdAndProductId(int storeId, int productId);
MongoDB Persistent Object Example
@Document(collection = ProductTaxData.COLLECTION)
public class TaxData {
public static final String COLLECTION = "producttaxes";
private int productId;
private Integer taxCodeId;
private boolean taxable;
Some Helper Classes
Found the following very helpful:
Lombok - to reduce boilerplate Java code and generate getters, setters, constructors,
tostring, equals, hashcode and all the things we hate doing
Model Mapper - for converting between legacy objects (from our old API) and our
new API objects
Spring Boot Testing
Used two approaches for testing:
REST Assured - for hitting the API and doing end to end tests
Spring Integration - for doing integration testing with JUnit
Embedded MongoDB (Flapdoodle)
The Banner
Where would we be with an ASCII banner to display at startup?
Add a file into resources called banner.txt and use Maven resources/filtering to copy it
over to your binary
We used this to generate some ascii art:
Spring boot - an introduction

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Spring boot - an introduction

  • 1. An introduction Jonathan Holloway, Chief Architect, Brightpearl Twitter: @jph98 Spring Boot
  • 2. What the heck is Spring Boot Fundamentally it’s scaffolding for building Spring based services Awesome! Helps you get going quicker. Similar to Dropwizard (but that came first) - http://www.dropwizard.io/ Comes with a number of out the box components Mix and match to what you need
  • 3. Why we chose it? Wanted to build services quickly for a project Lots of Spring experience within the development team Looked like it integrated with other frameworks nicely (just Maven after all): Jersey Jackson Spring Framework Spring Data
  • 4. Spring Boot Components You can use starter Maven POM’s to get going quicker: REST frameworks, Spring REST by default, but we used Jersey N.b. Spring Boot Actuator (Metrics etc…) doesn’t play with this. Use Codahale instead. Embedded Tomcat, we swapped this for Undertow Standard Spring annotations Works well with Spring Data (but isn’t part of Spring Boot)
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  • 7. Spring Boot Architecture - Package Structure We opted for the following package structure: Application Repositories - our persistent (MongoDB repos) Services - service layer for interacting with our legacy API Validation - our JSR 303 validators for business logic Config Mainly our classes for binding configuration from application.properties
  • 8. Spring Boot Architecture - Package Structure Infrastructure Isolation package for our third party dependencies Resources Our main REST classes with Jersey annotations Utils Utility classes
  • 9. Where’s the domain package? Used a separate project for this (an API project specifically) Used Swagger to specify the domain objects Generated a Java build using a Gradle build script, why Gradle? Munged a parent POM into the generated project Installed into Artifactory for use in our Spring boot service
  • 10. You get an Application entry point, two key annotations Configuration by default uses an application.properties file from the resources folder. In the following we bind these to a Java class for use in the application… @SpringBootApplication @EnableConfigurationProperties public class Application { @Autowired @NotNull private ServerProps serverProps; Application (Entry Point)
  • 11. Resource - An Example @Component @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public class ProductResource { private ProductTaxResource productTaxResource; @Autowired public ProductResource(ProductTaxResource productTaxResource) { this.productTaxResource = productTaxResource; } @Path("{productId}/tax-code") public ProductTaxResource productTaxCodeResource() { return productTaxResource; } }
  • 12. Repository - An Example public interface TaxRepository extends MongoRepository<StoreProductTaxData, Integer> { List<StoreProductTaxData> findByProductId(int productId); StoreProductTaxData findByStoreIdAndProductId(int storeId, int productId); }
  • 13. MongoDB Persistent Object Example @Document(collection = ProductTaxData.COLLECTION) @Data @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor public class TaxData { public static final String COLLECTION = "producttaxes"; @Id private int productId; private Integer taxCodeId; private boolean taxable; }
  • 14. Some Helper Classes Found the following very helpful: Lombok - to reduce boilerplate Java code and generate getters, setters, constructors, tostring, equals, hashcode and all the things we hate doing https://projectlombok.org/ Model Mapper - for converting between legacy objects (from our old API) and our new API objects http://modelmapper.org/
  • 15. Spring Boot Testing Used two approaches for testing: REST Assured - for hitting the API and doing end to end tests https://github.com/jayway/rest-assured Spring Integration - for doing integration testing with JUnit Embedded MongoDB (Flapdoodle) https://github.com/flapdoodle-oss/de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo
  • 16. The Banner Where would we be with an ASCII banner to display at startup? Add a file into resources called banner.txt and use Maven resources/filtering to copy it over to your binary We used this to generate some ascii art: http://www.patorjk.com/software/taag/