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Templates in C++
 Template function in C++ makes it
easier to reuse classes and functions.
 A template may be viewed as a variable
that can be instantiated to any data
type, irrespective of whether this data
type is a fundamental C++ type or a
user-defined type.
Two min() Functions
int min(int a, int b) {
return a < b ? a : b;
double min(double a, double b) {
return a < b ? a : b;
The following program shows the weakness of
strongly-typed languages:
The Template Solution
template <class Type>
Type min(Type a, Type b) {
return a < b ? a : b;
main() {
// ok: int min(int, int);
min(10, 20);
// ok: double min(double, double);
min(10.0, 20.0);
What is a stack?
 It is an ordered group of homogeneous items of elements.
 Elements are added to and removed from the top of the stack
(the most recently added items are at the top of the stack).
 The last element to be added is the first to be removed (LIFO:
Last In, First Out).
The Stack ADT
 A stack is a list with the restriction
 that insertions and deletions can only be performed at the
top of the list
 The other end is called bottom
 Fundamental/Primitive operations:
 Push: Equivalent to an insert
 Pop: Deletes the most recently inserted element
 Empty: Examines whether the stack is empty
Stack ADT
 Stacks are less flexible
 but are more efficient and easy to
 Stacks are known as LIFO (Last In, First
Out) lists.
 The last element inserted will be the first to
be retrieved
Push 5, 3, 1, Pop, Pop, Push 7
Push 5
Push 3 Push 1
Pop Pop Push 7
5 5
3 3
Get 1
5 5
Get 3
System Stack
 process of subroutine calls
q r s t q r s t
O.S proc. MAIN proc. A1 proc. A2 proc. A3
run MAIN call A1 call A2 call A3
q: r: s: t:
Function Calls
When a subroutine calls another subroutine
(including itself) it must first store its register
So, it pushes the register contents into a stack.
The new function uses the registers.
When the program returns to the old function, pop
the stack.
Nested Function and Stack Overflow
ADT 3.1 Abstract Data Type
template <class KeyType>
class Stack
{ // objects: A finite ordered list with zero or more elements
Stack (int MaxStackSize = DefaultSize);
// Create an empty stack whose maximum size is MaxStackSize
bool IsFull();
// if number of elements in the stack is equal to the maximum size
// of the stack, return TRUE(1) else return FALSE(0)
bool IsEmpty();
// if number of elements in the stack is 0, return TRUE(1) else return FALSE(0)
ADT 3.1 Abstract Data Type
Stack (cont.)
KeyType Top();
// Return top element of stack
void Push(const KeyType& item);
// if IsFull(), then StackFull(); else insert item into the top of the stack.
KeyType Pop( );
// if IsEmpty(), then StackEmpty() and return 0;
// else remove the top element of the stack.
Implementation of Stack by
 Implementation of stack ADT
 use an one-dim array stack[MaxSize]
 bottom element is stored in stack[0]
 top points to the top element
 initially, top=-1 for an empty stack
 data member declarations in class
template < class KeyType >
class Stack
int top;
KeyType *stack;
int MaxSize;
Array index
0 1 2 3 n-1
a0 a1 a2
Implementation of Stack by
Array (cont.)
 constructor definition
 member function IsFull()
template <class KeyType>
Stack<KeyType>::Stack (int MaxStackSize) : MaxSize (MaxStackSize)
stack = new KeyType[MaxSize];
top = -1;
template <class KeyType>
inline bool Stack<KeyType>::IsFull()
if (top == MaxSize-1) return TRUE;
else return FALSE;
Implementation of Stack by
Array (cont.)
 member function IsEmpty()
 member function Top()
template <class KeyType>
inline bool Stack<KeyType>::IsEmpty() { return top == -1;}
template <class KeyType>
inline KeyType& Stack<KeyType>::Top()
if (IsEmpty()) throw “Stack is empty”;
return stack[top];
Implementation of Stack by
Array (cont.)
 Push operation
 Pop operation
template <class KeyType>
KeyType Stack<KeyType>::Pop()
{ // Remove top element from stack.
if (IsEmpty())
{cout << “Stack Overflow”; exit(-1);}
return stack[top--];
template <class KeyType>
void Stack<KeyType>::Push(const KeyType& x)
{ // add x to stack
if (IsFull()) {cout << “Stack Overflow”; exit(-1);}
else stack[++top] = x;
Consider a mathematical expression that includes several sets of nested
7 – ((x * (( x + y) / (j - 3)) + Y) / (4 – 2))
In expression we want to check
1.There are an equal number of right and left parenthesis.
2. Every right parenthesis is preceded by a matching left parenthesis.
Expressions like ((A+B) or A+B( violates condition 1 and expressions like )A
+ B(-C violate condition 2.
Nested Depth: is the number of scopes that have been opened and not
yet closed.
Parenthesis count: no of left parenthesis – no of right parenthesis.
Example (Cont’d)
Expression id valid if following conditions are met.
1. Parenthesis count at end should be zero.
2. Parenthesis count at each point in expression should be non negative.
7 – ( ( x * ( ( x + y ) / ( j - 3 ) ) + Y ) / ( 4 – 2.5 ) )
0 0 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 0
( ( A + B ) and (A + B] is illegal
1 2 2 2 2 1
Algorithm for Example
valid = true
s = empty stack;
while (we have not read the entire string) {
read the next symbol (symb) in the string;
if (symb == ‘(’ || symb == ‘{’ || symb == ‘[’ )
if (symb == ‘)’ || symb == ‘}’ || symb == ‘]’ )
if (empty(s))
valid = false;
i = s.pop();
if (i is not the matching opener of symb)
valid = false }
}// end of while
if (!s.empty()) valid = false;
if (valid)
cout << “String is valid”;
else cout << “String is not valid”;
Parenthesis Stack
Consider expression
[x + {y – (a + b)}]
[ [
[ [ x+{ [ x+{y-( [ x+{y-(a+b)
[ x+{y-(a+b)} [ x+{y-(a+b)}]
Polish Notations
Expression can be written in prefix, postfix or infix
 + A B prefix operator precedes operands
 A B + postfix operator precedes operands
 A + B infix
 Unlike Infix notation no parenthesis are
required to enforce precedence.
 Expressions are evaluated from left to
Converting to Prefix, Postfix Notation
Precedence rules are used to convert expression
1) Exponentiation, 2. Multiplication/ Division 3. Addition/Subtraction
Converting to Prefix Notation
 (A+B)*C = [+AB]*C = *+ABC
 A+(B*C) = A+[*BC) = +A*BC
 (A+B)/(C-D)= [+AB]/[-CD] = /+AB-CD
Converting to Postfix Notation
 Ex. A+B= AB+
 (A+B)*C= [AB+]*C= AB+C*
 A+(B*C) = A+[BC*]=ABC*+
 A$B*C-D+E/F/(G+H)
 ((A+B)*C-(D-E))$(F+G)
 A-B/(C*D$E)
 (A+B$D)/(E-F)+G
 A*(B+D)/E-f*(G+H/K)
Example: postfix expressions
Postfix expressions: using
stacks (cont.)
Postfix expressions: Algorithm
using stacks (cont.)
opndstk = the empty stack;
while (not end of input){
symb = next input character;
if (symb is an operand)
opnd2 = opndstk.pop();
opnd1 = opndstk.pop();
value = result of applying symb to opnd1 and opnd2;
opndstk.push(value) }
6 2 3 + - 3 8 2 / + * 2 $ 3 +
symb op1 op2 value opndstk
6 2
6 2 3
6 5
1 3
1 3 8
1 3 8 2
1 3 4
1 7
7 2
49 3
Algorithm to Convert Infix Exp
to Postfix Expression
1. opstk = the empty stack;
2. while (not end of input){
3. symb = next input character;
4. if (symb is an operand)
add symb to the postfix string
5. else{
6. while (!opstk.empty () && prcd(opstk.Top(), symb)){
7. topsymb = opstk.pop();
8. add topsymb to the postfix string;
} /* end while*/
9. opstk.push(symb);
} /* end else*/
} /* end while*/
10. while (!opstk.empty()){
11. Topsymb = opstk.pop();
12. add topsymb to the postfix string;
} /* end while*/
A + B * C
symb Postfix string opstk
+ *
A * B + C
symb Postfix string opstk
Algorithm to Convert Infix Exp
to Postfix Expression
9. if (opstk.empty () || symb != ‘)’)
opstk .push(symb);
topsymb = opstk.pop();
Precedence rules for parenthesis:
prcd(‘(’,op) = FALSE
Prcd(op,’(’) = FALSE
prcd(op,’)’) = TRUE
prcd(‘)’,op) = undefined
Evaluation of Expressions
 Consider the following infix expression
 A+(B*C-(D/E$F)*G)*H
 Convert into Postfix using Stack
sumb postfix string opstk
+ (
+ (
+ ( *
+ ( *
+ ( -
+ (- (
+ ( - (
+ ( - ( /
+ ( - ( /
+ (- ( /$
+ ( - ( / $
+ ( -
+ ( - *
+ ( - *
+ *
+ *
A B C *
A B C *
A B C * D
A B C * D
A B C * D E
A B C * D E
A B C * D E F
A B C * D E F $ /
A B C * D E F $ / G
A B C * D E F $ / G * -
A B C * D E F $ / G * -
A B C * D E F $ / G * - H
A B C * D E F $ / G * - H * +
Converting Infix Expressions to Equivalent
Postfix Expressions
Figure 6.9
A trace of the algorithm that converts the infix expression a - (b + c * d)/e to postfix form

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  • 2. Templates in C++  Template function in C++ makes it easier to reuse classes and functions.  A template may be viewed as a variable that can be instantiated to any data type, irrespective of whether this data type is a fundamental C++ type or a user-defined type.
  • 3. Two min() Functions int min(int a, int b) { return a < b ? a : b; } double min(double a, double b) { return a < b ? a : b; } The following program shows the weakness of strongly-typed languages:
  • 4. The Template Solution template <class Type> Type min(Type a, Type b) { return a < b ? a : b; } main() { // ok: int min(int, int); min(10, 20); // ok: double min(double, double); min(10.0, 20.0); }
  • 5. What is a stack?  It is an ordered group of homogeneous items of elements.  Elements are added to and removed from the top of the stack (the most recently added items are at the top of the stack).  The last element to be added is the first to be removed (LIFO: Last In, First Out).
  • 6. The Stack ADT  A stack is a list with the restriction  that insertions and deletions can only be performed at the top of the list  The other end is called bottom  Fundamental/Primitive operations:  Push: Equivalent to an insert  Pop: Deletes the most recently inserted element  Empty: Examines whether the stack is empty
  • 7. Stack ADT  Stacks are less flexible  but are more efficient and easy to implement  Stacks are known as LIFO (Last In, First Out) lists.  The last element inserted will be the first to be retrieved
  • 8. EXAMPLE Push 5, 3, 1, Pop, Pop, Push 7 Push 5 Push 3 Push 1 Pop Pop Push 7 5 5 3 3 5 1 5 3 Get 1 5 5 7 Get 3
  • 9. System Stack  process of subroutine calls q r s t q r s t Top/ CURRENT-ADDR O.S proc. MAIN proc. A1 proc. A2 proc. A3 run MAIN call A1 call A2 call A3 q: r: s: t: end
  • 10. Function Calls When a subroutine calls another subroutine (including itself) it must first store its register contents. So, it pushes the register contents into a stack. The new function uses the registers. When the program returns to the old function, pop the stack. Nested Function and Stack Overflow
  • 11. ADT 3.1 Abstract Data Type Stack template <class KeyType> class Stack { // objects: A finite ordered list with zero or more elements public: Stack (int MaxStackSize = DefaultSize); ~Stack(); // Create an empty stack whose maximum size is MaxStackSize bool IsFull(); // if number of elements in the stack is equal to the maximum size // of the stack, return TRUE(1) else return FALSE(0) bool IsEmpty(); // if number of elements in the stack is 0, return TRUE(1) else return FALSE(0)
  • 12. ADT 3.1 Abstract Data Type Stack (cont.) KeyType Top(); // Return top element of stack void Push(const KeyType& item); // if IsFull(), then StackFull(); else insert item into the top of the stack. KeyType Pop( ); // if IsEmpty(), then StackEmpty() and return 0; // else remove the top element of the stack. };
  • 13. Implementation of Stack by Array  Implementation of stack ADT  use an one-dim array stack[MaxSize]  bottom element is stored in stack[0]  top points to the top element  initially, top=-1 for an empty stack  data member declarations in class template < class KeyType > class Stack private: int top; KeyType *stack; int MaxSize; public: ...... a0 a1 a2 Array index 0 1 2 3 n-1 a0 a1 a2 an-1 an-1
  • 14. Implementation of Stack by Array (cont.)  constructor definition  member function IsFull() template <class KeyType> Stack<KeyType>::Stack (int MaxStackSize) : MaxSize (MaxStackSize) { stack = new KeyType[MaxSize]; top = -1; } template <class KeyType> inline bool Stack<KeyType>::IsFull() { if (top == MaxSize-1) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
  • 15. Implementation of Stack by Array (cont.)  member function IsEmpty()  member function Top() template <class KeyType> inline bool Stack<KeyType>::IsEmpty() { return top == -1;} template <class KeyType> inline KeyType& Stack<KeyType>::Top() { if (IsEmpty()) throw “Stack is empty”; return stack[top]; }
  • 16. Implementation of Stack by Array (cont.)  Push operation  Pop operation template <class KeyType> KeyType Stack<KeyType>::Pop() { // Remove top element from stack. if (IsEmpty()) {cout << “Stack Overflow”; exit(-1);} return stack[top--]; } template <class KeyType> void Stack<KeyType>::Push(const KeyType& x) { // add x to stack if (IsFull()) {cout << “Stack Overflow”; exit(-1);} else stack[++top] = x; }
  • 17. Example Consider a mathematical expression that includes several sets of nested parenthesis. 7 – ((x * (( x + y) / (j - 3)) + Y) / (4 – 2)) In expression we want to check 1.There are an equal number of right and left parenthesis. 2. Every right parenthesis is preceded by a matching left parenthesis. Expressions like ((A+B) or A+B( violates condition 1 and expressions like )A + B(-C violate condition 2. Nested Depth: is the number of scopes that have been opened and not yet closed. Parenthesis count: no of left parenthesis – no of right parenthesis.
  • 18. Example (Cont’d) Expression id valid if following conditions are met. 1. Parenthesis count at end should be zero. 2. Parenthesis count at each point in expression should be non negative. 7 – ( ( x * ( ( x + y ) / ( j - 3 ) ) + Y ) / ( 4 – 2.5 ) ) 0 0 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 0 ( ( A + B ) and (A + B] is illegal 1 2 2 2 2 1
  • 19. Algorithm for Example valid = true s = empty stack; while (we have not read the entire string) { read the next symbol (symb) in the string; if (symb == ‘(’ || symb == ‘{’ || symb == ‘[’ ) s.push(symb); if (symb == ‘)’ || symb == ‘}’ || symb == ‘]’ ) if (empty(s)) valid = false; else{ i = s.pop(); if (i is not the matching opener of symb) valid = false } }// end of while if (!s.empty()) valid = false; if (valid) cout << “String is valid”; else cout << “String is not valid”;
  • 20. Parenthesis Stack Consider expression [x + {y – (a + b)}] [ [ { [ { [ { ( [ [ x+{ [ x+{y-( [ x+{y-(a+b) [ [ x+{y-(a+b)} [ x+{y-(a+b)}]
  • 21. Polish Notations Expression can be written in prefix, postfix or infix notations  + A B prefix operator precedes operands  A B + postfix operator precedes operands  A + B infix  Unlike Infix notation no parenthesis are required to enforce precedence.  Expressions are evaluated from left to right.
  • 22. Converting to Prefix, Postfix Notation Precedence rules are used to convert expression 1) Exponentiation, 2. Multiplication/ Division 3. Addition/Subtraction Converting to Prefix Notation  (A+B)*C = [+AB]*C = *+ABC  A+(B*C) = A+[*BC) = +A*BC  (A+B)/(C-D)= [+AB]/[-CD] = /+AB-CD Converting to Postfix Notation  Ex. A+B= AB+  (A+B)*C= [AB+]*C= AB+C*  A+(B*C) = A+[BC*]=ABC*+
  • 23. Exercises  A$B*C-D+E/F/(G+H)  ((A+B)*C-(D-E))$(F+G)  A-B/(C*D$E)  (A+B$D)/(E-F)+G  A*(B+D)/E-f*(G+H/K)
  • 26. Postfix expressions: Algorithm using stacks (cont.) opndstk = the empty stack; while (not end of input){ symb = next input character; if (symb is an operand) opndstk.push(symb); else{ opnd2 = opndstk.pop(); opnd1 = opndstk.pop(); value = result of applying symb to opnd1 and opnd2; opndstk.push(value) }
  • 27. EXERCISE 6 2 3 + - 3 8 2 / + * 2 $ 3 + symb op1 op2 value opndstk 6 2 3 + - 3 8 2 / + * 2 $ 3 + 2 6 6 6 6 8 3 1 1 7 7 49 3 5 5 5 5 2 4 7 7 2 2 3 5 1 1 1 1 4 7 7 7 49 49 52 6 6 2 6 2 3 6 5 1 1 3 1 3 8 1 3 8 2 1 3 4 1 7 7 7 2 49 49 3 52
  • 28. Algorithm to Convert Infix Exp to Postfix Expression 1. opstk = the empty stack; 2. while (not end of input){ 3. symb = next input character; 4. if (symb is an operand) add symb to the postfix string 5. else{ 6. while (!opstk.empty () && prcd(opstk.Top(), symb)){ 7. topsymb = opstk.pop(); 8. add topsymb to the postfix string; } /* end while*/ 9. opstk.push(symb); } /* end else*/ } /* end while*/ 10. while (!opstk.empty()){ 11. Topsymb = opstk.pop(); 12. add topsymb to the postfix string; } /* end while*/
  • 29. EXERCISE A + B * C symb Postfix string opstk A + B * C A A AB AB ABC ABC*+ + + + * +*
  • 30. EXERCISE A * B + C symb Postfix string opstk A * B + C A A AB AB* AB*C AB*C+ * * + +
  • 31. Algorithm to Convert Infix Exp to Postfix Expression 9. if (opstk.empty () || symb != ‘)’) opstk .push(symb); else topsymb = opstk.pop(); Precedence rules for parenthesis: prcd(‘(’,op) = FALSE Prcd(op,’(’) = FALSE prcd(op,’)’) = TRUE prcd(‘)’,op) = undefined
  • 32. Evaluation of Expressions  Consider the following infix expression  A+(B*C-(D/E$F)*G)*H  Convert into Postfix using Stack sumb postfix string opstk A + ( B * C - ( D / E $ F ) * G ) * H + + ( + ( + ( * + ( * + ( - + (- ( + ( - ( + ( - ( / + ( - ( / + (- ( /$ + ( - ( / $ + ( - + ( - * + ( - * + + * + * A A A A B A B A B C A B C * A B C * A B C * D A B C * D A B C * D E A B C * D E A B C * D E F A B C * D E F $ / A B C * D E F $ / G A B C * D E F $ / G * - A B C * D E F $ / G * - A B C * D E F $ / G * - H A B C * D E F $ / G * - H * +
  • 33. Converting Infix Expressions to Equivalent Postfix Expressions Figure 6.9 A trace of the algorithm that converts the infix expression a - (b + c * d)/e to postfix form