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Physical Science
First Quarter
How the elements
found in the universe
were formed
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1. the formation of the elements during the Big
Bang and during stellar evolution
2. the distribution of the chemical elements and
the isotopes in the universe
Content Standard
The learners shall be able to:
make a creative representation of the
historical development of the atom or the
chemical element in a timeline .
Performance Standard
The learners:
1. give evidence for and describe the formation of
heavier elements during star formation and
2. explain how the concept of atomic number led to
the synthesis of new elements in the laboratory
Learning Competencies
Galaxies and the Expanding Universe
Star Formation.pdf
Nebulae and
the Origin of
the Stars
What is Nebulae?
Everything you
wanted to
know about
Sirius: The brightest star in Earth's night sky
These luminous
balls of gas helped
ancient explorers
navigate the seas
and now help
scientists navigate
the universe.
Gently singing Twinkle, twinkle, little star may
lull a baby to sleep, but beyond the confines of
Earth’s atmosphere, the words aren’t exactly
accurate. A correct, albeit less soothing,
rendition might be: Emit, emit, gigantic ball of
Stars are huge celestial bodies made mostly of hydrogen
and helium that produce light and heat from the churning
nuclear forges inside their cores. Aside from our sun, the
dots of light we see in the sky are all light-years from
Earth. They are the building blocks of galaxies, of which
there are billions in the universe. It’s impossible to know
how many stars exist, but astronomers estimate that in our
Milky Way galaxy alone, there are about 300 billion.
Star Formation.pdf
A star is born
The life cycle of a star spans billions of years. As a general
rule, the more massive the star, the shorter its life span.
Birth takes place inside hydrogen-based dust clouds called
nebulae. Over the course of thousands of years, gravity
causes pockets of dense matter inside the nebula to collapse
under their own weight. One of these contracting masses of
gas, known as a protostar, represents a star’s nascent phase.
Because the dust in the nebulae obscures them, protostars
can be difficult for astronomers to detect.
Star Formation.pdf
As a protostar gets
smaller, it spins faster
because of the
conservation of angular
momentum—the same
principle that causes a
spinning ice skater to
accelerate when she pulls
in her arms. Increasing
pressure creates rising
temperatures, and during
this time, a star enters
what is known as the
relatively brief T Tauri
Millions of years later, when the core
temperature climbs to about 27 million degrees
Fahrenheit (15 million degrees Celsius), nuclear
fusion begins, igniting the core and setting off
the next—and longest—stage of a star’s life,
known as its main sequence.
Star Formation.pdf
Star Formation.pdf
Most of the stars in our galaxy, including
the sun, are categorized as main sequence
stars. They exist in a stable state of nuclear
fusion, converting hydrogen to helium and
radiating x-rays. This process emits an
enormous amount of energy, keeping the
star hot and shining brightly.
All that glitters
Some stars shine more brightly than others. Their brightness
is a factor of how much energy they put out–known
as luminosity–and how far away from Earth they are. Color
can also vary from star to star because their temperatures
are not all the same. Hot stars appear white or blue, whereas
cooler stars appear to have orange or red hues.
Star Formation.pdf
Star Formation.pdf
By plotting these and other variables on a graph
called the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram,
astronomers can classify stars into groups.
Along with main sequence and white dwarf
stars, other groups include dwarfs, giants, and
supergiants. Supergiants may have radii a
thousand times larger than that of our own sun.
Star Sizes
Our Sun is more than 1.4 million km across. But stars are not all
the same size. They range from the size of a city, to large enough
to swallow half our Solar System!
Neutron stars pack a lot of mass into a small volume. They may
contain the mass of one or two Suns but are often just 20 to 40
km in diameter. White dwarf stars are a bit bigger - often similar
in size to our planet Earth.
The largest supergiant stars can be more than 1500 times
larger than our Sun. This makes them over 2,000 million
km across. However, supergiants don't contain thousands
times more mass than the Sun. This is because supergiants
have expanded as they age, so all the stuff inside them is
much more spread out. The red giant, in the constellation
of Orion, Betelgeuse, is about 1000 wider larger than the
Sun but only contains about 15 times as much mass.
Star Size Comparison
Stars spend 90 percent of their lives in their main
sequence phase. Now around 4.6 billion years old,
Earth’s sun is considered an average-size yellow
dwarf star, and astronomers predict it will remain in
its main sequence stage for several billion more years.
As stars move toward the ends of their lives,
much of their hydrogen has been converted
to helium. Helium sinks to the star's core
and raises the star's temperature—causing
its outer shell of hot gases to expand. These
large, swelling stars are known as red giants.
But there are different ways a star’s life can
end, and its fate depends on how massive
the star is.
Star Formation.pdf
The red giant phase is a prelude to a star shedding its
outer layers and becoming a small, dense body called
a white dwarf. White dwarfs cool for billions of years.
Some, if they exist as part of a binary star system, may
gather excess matter from their companion stars until
their surfaces explode, triggering a bright nova.
Eventually all white dwarfs go dark and cease producing
energy. At this point, which scientists have yet to
observe, they become known as black dwarfs.
Star Formation.pdf
Massive stars eschew this evolutionary path and instead go
out with a bang—detonating as supernovae. While they
may appear to be swelling red giants on the outside, their
cores are contracting, eventually becoming so dense that
they collapse, causing the star to explode. These
catastrophic bursts leave behind a small core that may
become a neutron star or even, if the remnant is massive
enough, a black hole.
Star Formation.pdf
The life cycle of a neutron star
- David Lunney
Because certain supernovae have a
predictable pattern of destruction and
resulting luminosity, astronomers are able to
use them as “standard candles,” or
astronomical measuring tools, to help them
measure distances in the universe and
calculate its rate of expansion.
“We are in the position of
a little child entering a
huge library filled with
books in many different
languages. The child
knows someone must have
written those books. He
does not know how. He
does not understand the
languages in which they
are written.
Albert Einstein, German-born American Physicist
The child dimly suspects a
mysterious order in the
arrangement of the book but
doesn’t know what it is. That, it
seems to me, is the attitude of
even the most intelligent human
being toward God. We see a
universe marvelously arranged
and obeying certain laws, but
only dimly understand these
laws. Our limited minds cannot
grasp the mysterious force that
moves the constellation.”
Albert Einstein, German-born American Physicist
Star Formation.pdf
Star Formation.pdf
What is a Pulsar?
What is a Supernova?
Black Holes Explained
The Birth of a Planet
The End

More Related Content

Star Formation.pdf

  • 2. How the elements found in the universe were formed
  • 3. The learners demonstrate an understanding of: 1. the formation of the elements during the Big Bang and during stellar evolution 2. the distribution of the chemical elements and the isotopes in the universe Content Standard
  • 4. The learners shall be able to: make a creative representation of the historical development of the atom or the chemical element in a timeline . Performance Standard
  • 5. The learners: 1. give evidence for and describe the formation of heavier elements during star formation and evolution 2. explain how the concept of atomic number led to the synthesis of new elements in the laboratory Learning Competencies
  • 6. Galaxies and the Expanding Universe
  • 8. Nebulae and the Origin of the Stars
  • 10. Everything you wanted to know about stars Sirius: The brightest star in Earth's night sky
  • 11. These luminous balls of gas helped ancient explorers navigate the seas and now help modern-day scientists navigate the universe.
  • 12. Gently singing Twinkle, twinkle, little star may lull a baby to sleep, but beyond the confines of Earth’s atmosphere, the words aren’t exactly accurate. A correct, albeit less soothing, rendition might be: Emit, emit, gigantic ball of gas.
  • 13. Stars are huge celestial bodies made mostly of hydrogen and helium that produce light and heat from the churning nuclear forges inside their cores. Aside from our sun, the dots of light we see in the sky are all light-years from Earth. They are the building blocks of galaxies, of which there are billions in the universe. It’s impossible to know how many stars exist, but astronomers estimate that in our Milky Way galaxy alone, there are about 300 billion.
  • 15. A star is born
  • 16. The life cycle of a star spans billions of years. As a general rule, the more massive the star, the shorter its life span. Birth takes place inside hydrogen-based dust clouds called nebulae. Over the course of thousands of years, gravity causes pockets of dense matter inside the nebula to collapse under their own weight. One of these contracting masses of gas, known as a protostar, represents a star’s nascent phase. Because the dust in the nebulae obscures them, protostars can be difficult for astronomers to detect.
  • 18. As a protostar gets smaller, it spins faster because of the conservation of angular momentum—the same principle that causes a spinning ice skater to accelerate when she pulls in her arms. Increasing pressure creates rising temperatures, and during this time, a star enters what is known as the relatively brief T Tauri phase.
  • 19. Millions of years later, when the core temperature climbs to about 27 million degrees Fahrenheit (15 million degrees Celsius), nuclear fusion begins, igniting the core and setting off the next—and longest—stage of a star’s life, known as its main sequence.
  • 22. Most of the stars in our galaxy, including the sun, are categorized as main sequence stars. They exist in a stable state of nuclear fusion, converting hydrogen to helium and radiating x-rays. This process emits an enormous amount of energy, keeping the star hot and shining brightly.
  • 23. All that glitters Some stars shine more brightly than others. Their brightness is a factor of how much energy they put out–known as luminosity–and how far away from Earth they are. Color can also vary from star to star because their temperatures are not all the same. Hot stars appear white or blue, whereas cooler stars appear to have orange or red hues.
  • 26. By plotting these and other variables on a graph called the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, astronomers can classify stars into groups. Along with main sequence and white dwarf stars, other groups include dwarfs, giants, and supergiants. Supergiants may have radii a thousand times larger than that of our own sun.
  • 27. Star Sizes Our Sun is more than 1.4 million km across. But stars are not all the same size. They range from the size of a city, to large enough to swallow half our Solar System! Neutron stars pack a lot of mass into a small volume. They may contain the mass of one or two Suns but are often just 20 to 40 km in diameter. White dwarf stars are a bit bigger - often similar in size to our planet Earth.
  • 28. The largest supergiant stars can be more than 1500 times larger than our Sun. This makes them over 2,000 million km across. However, supergiants don't contain thousands times more mass than the Sun. This is because supergiants have expanded as they age, so all the stuff inside them is much more spread out. The red giant, in the constellation of Orion, Betelgeuse, is about 1000 wider larger than the Sun but only contains about 15 times as much mass.
  • 30. Stars spend 90 percent of their lives in their main sequence phase. Now around 4.6 billion years old, Earth’s sun is considered an average-size yellow dwarf star, and astronomers predict it will remain in its main sequence stage for several billion more years.
  • 31. As stars move toward the ends of their lives, much of their hydrogen has been converted to helium. Helium sinks to the star's core and raises the star's temperature—causing its outer shell of hot gases to expand. These large, swelling stars are known as red giants. But there are different ways a star’s life can end, and its fate depends on how massive the star is.
  • 33. The red giant phase is a prelude to a star shedding its outer layers and becoming a small, dense body called a white dwarf. White dwarfs cool for billions of years. Some, if they exist as part of a binary star system, may gather excess matter from their companion stars until their surfaces explode, triggering a bright nova. Eventually all white dwarfs go dark and cease producing energy. At this point, which scientists have yet to observe, they become known as black dwarfs.
  • 35. Massive stars eschew this evolutionary path and instead go out with a bang—detonating as supernovae. While they may appear to be swelling red giants on the outside, their cores are contracting, eventually becoming so dense that they collapse, causing the star to explode. These catastrophic bursts leave behind a small core that may become a neutron star or even, if the remnant is massive enough, a black hole.
  • 37. The life cycle of a neutron star - David Lunney
  • 38. Because certain supernovae have a predictable pattern of destruction and resulting luminosity, astronomers are able to use them as “standard candles,” or astronomical measuring tools, to help them measure distances in the universe and calculate its rate of expansion.
  • 39. “We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many different languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. He does not know how. He does not understand the languages in which they are written. Albert Einstein, German-born American Physicist
  • 40. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the book but doesn’t know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God. We see a universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws, but only dimly understand these laws. Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that moves the constellation.” Albert Einstein, German-born American Physicist
  • 43. What is a Pulsar?
  • 44. What is a Supernova?
  • 46. The Birth of a Planet