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State of Conversational Marketing 2017
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report2
Welcome to the first-ever State of Conversational Marketing
report, presented by Drift and Clearbit.
We’ve teamed up to analyze the sales conversations that
have been taking place on thousands of B2B websites all
around the world.
Our goal: Understand the influence conversational marketing
is having on today’s buying experience, and identify the types
of leads conversational marketing can help you capture,
qualify, and connect with.
Here’s what you’ll find inside the report…







00 Introduction: The Rise of Conversational Marketing . . . . . . 

01 A Global Phenomenon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

02 Behind the Conversations: The People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

03 Behind the Conversations: The Companies . . . . . . . . . . . .

04 The Conversational Marketing Methodology . . . . . . . . . . .
05 Conversational Marketing Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
06 Key Takeaways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

07 Report Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Table of Contents
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report3
004 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report
“For thousands of years, we
knew exactly what markets
were: conversations
between people who sought
out others who shared the
same interests. Buyers had
as much to say as sellers.
They spoke directly to each
-The Cluetrain Manifesto
Introduction: The Rise of
Conversational Marketing
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report5
Conversations have always been
central to marketing and sales.
Before the internet, before the
telephone, before the printing press,
conversations were how people
marketed and sold their products.
And it’s still how a lot of corner stores,
mom and pop shops, and other small
businesses market and sell today.
But over the decades, businesses
have slowly been removing
themselves from the conversation.
Instead of engaging with potential
customers one-to-one, we’ve been
plastering their screens with
advertisements, and blasting them
with automated emails, and
bombarding them with cold calls.
Then, if someone does want to talk,
and they come to our website, what
do we do? We make them fill out a
lead capture form, and then we follow
up when it’s convenient for us.
The problem with this approach? It
was created for a world that no
longer exists.
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report6
Today, 81% of tech buyers who
encounter gated content don’t fill out
the form -- they’d rather go elsewhere
for information.
Buyers have come to expect a real-
time, on-demand experience. The
longer you make them wait, the less
likely it is that they’ll end up as
Research shows that responding to a
new lead within five minutes of when
they first reach out is crucial.
Respond any later than that, and
there’s a 10x decrease in your odds
of actually getting in touch with that
lead. After 10 minutes, there’s a 400%
decrease in your odds of qualifying
that lead.
To ensure that leads can always get a
response within that five-minute
window, more and more companies
have been turning to conversational
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report7
conversational marketing
the process of having real-time, one-to-one conversations in
order to capture, qualify, and connect with your best leads.
Unlike traditional marketing, conversational marketing uses targeted
messaging and intelligent chatbots instead of lead capture forms —
that way leads never have to wait for follow-ups, and can engage
with your business when it’s convenient for them (like when they’re
live on your website).
Keep reading to learn how the conversational marketing movement
has been spreading around the globe.
018 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report
“There are literally
millions of alive, flawed,
human, passionate,
influential and authentic
conversations going on
around you right now:
isn’t it time you joined in?”
-Joseph Jaffe
A Global Phenomenon
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report9
Billions of people around the world
now use real-time messaging as their
default channel for having
Whether it’s chatting with friends on
Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp,
or exchanging ideas with coworkers
on Slack or Microsoft Teams,
messaging has become an essential
part of people’s lives.
So why aren’t more businesses
offering messaging as a
communication channel on their
A 2016 survey of 6,000 consumers
(spread across North America,
Europe, and Asia) found that 9 out of
10 wanted to be able to use real-time
messaging to have conversations
with businesses.
That same survey found that 66% of
people preferred messaging over any
other communication channel for
talking to businesses.
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report10
When we dug into our conversation data, we weren’t
too surprised to find that the people who are going to
websites, starting conversations, and converting into
leads come from every single country -- all 195
countries were represented in the data.
The bottom line: People from all around the world are
seeking out a conversational buying experience.
Let’s learn more about them...
0211 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report
“Get closer than ever
to your customers. So
close that you tell
them what they need
well before they
realize it themselves.”
-Steve Jobs
Behind the Conversations:
The People
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report12
By opening up a real-time
communication channel on your
website, you’re giving potential
customers a direct line to your
(And for your product team, you’re
building an incredibly useful customer
feedback loop.)
But what types of people are going to
websites and having these
conversations? And, more importantly,
are they the types of people your
business is trying to attract?
A 2017 study found that 92% of
marketing leaders believe selling at
the executive level is more important
to their strategy than it was two years
That being said, we’ve got some
good news: Our data shows that
executives are one of the top groups
seeking out a conversational buying
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report13
Look Who’s Talking (By Seniority)
41% Executives
Breakdown of who’s using real-time messaging to start sales conversations
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report14
When we look at who’s having conversations by role,
people working in Sales, Marketing, Engineering, and
Operations claim the top spots.
But right behind them are CEOs (representing just over
7.4% of all conversations) and founders (6.5% of all
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report15
Information Technology
Human Resources
Real Estate
Health Professional
Customer Service
Public Relations
0 0.045 0.09 0.135 0.18
Breakdown of who’s using real-time messaging to start sales conversations
Look Who’s Talking (By Role)
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report16
Overall, people in every role are having conversations
on B2B websites -- including decision-makers (a.k.a.
the gatekeepers of the budget).
But engaging with the right types of people is only part
of the conversational marketing equation: You also
need to make sure the companies those people work
at are a good fit for your product.
0317 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report
“Our work, our relationships,
and our lives succeed or fail
one conversation at a time.
While no single conversation
is guaranteed to transform a
company, a relationship, or a
life, any single conversation
-Susan Scott
Behind the Conversations:
The Companies
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report18
So now that we have a better understanding of the
types of people having real-time conversations on
websites, let’s look at the companies those people
Specifically, we’re going to break these companies
down by sector, industry, and number of employees.
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report19
Information Technology
Consumer Discretionary
Telecommunication Services
Health Care
Consumer Staples
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Conversations by Sector
Breakdown of who’s using real-time messaging to start sales conversations
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report20
As you can see, people from every sector are having
real-time conversations.
The sectors with the most people seeking out a
conversational buying experience are Information
Technology (34% of all conversations), Consumer
Discretionary (26%), and Industrials (20%).
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report21
9% 6%
Conversations by Industry
Breakdown of who’s using real-time messaging to start sales conversations
Internet Software
& Services
Education Integrated Telecom Services
Hotels, Restaurants,
& Leisure
Specialized Consumer
Consumer Staples
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report22
Nearly every industry is represented in our conversation
data. Of the 92 industry groups we looked at, people
from 96% of them are having real-time conversations.
The most “talkative” industries include Internet Software
& Services (28% of all conversations), Consulting (15%),
and Education (9%).
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report23
1 - 10
11 - 50
51 - 250
251 - 1K
1K - 5K
5K - 10K
10K - 50K
50K - 100K
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Conversations by Company Size
Breakdown of who’s using real-time messaging to start sales conversations#ofemployees
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report24
As you can see, employees from companies of all sizes
are having real-time conversations.
People from companies with one to ten employees are
the most likely to engage in real-time (they represent
20% of all the conversations we looked at ), while people
from companies with 51 to 250 employees come in a
close second (representing 19% of conversations).
0425 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report
“Through the power of
community, dialogue and
partnership, marketing can be
a conversation; a welcome
guest in the homes,
experiences and lives of our
consumers, if — and only if —
certain principles, pathways
and philosophies are put into
-Joseph Jaffe
The Conversational Marketing
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report26
In order to turn conversational marketing theory into practice,
you can follow the Capture, Qualify, Connect methodology
— It’s a step-by-step guide for using conversations to turn
visitors into leads, lead into opportunities, and opportunities
into customers.
Here’s a quick overview of how the methodology works…
Visitor Lead Opportunity Customer
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report27
• Replace lead capture forms with messaging
• Bots capture leads even when you’re offline
• Targeting let’s you filter out the noise
• Replace traditional marketing automation with
conversational AI
• Bots ask leads qualifying questions and can
book demos for reps 24/7, 365
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report28
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report29
• Intelligent routing connects leads to the right
reps based on sales territory
• Bots replace manual meeting scheduling
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report30
Conversational ABM
As we learned in Section 2, executives
represent 41% of the leads having
conversations on business websites
(and another 20% are directors).
So if your account-based marketing
(ABM) strategy doesn’t include real-
time messaging, your marketing and
sales team isn’t providing the type of
buying experience the decision-
makers in your target accounts have
come to expect.
By applying the principles of
conversational marketing to ABM, you
can finally deliver a personalized,
one-to-one website experience at
After all, these are your ABM
prospects we’re talking about here,
the best of the best. They deserve the
VIP treatment.
Here’s how you roll out the red
carpet for them:
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report31
Set up personalized
welcome messages
for target accounts.
Connect outbound email
to real-time messaging.
Get alerts whenever
prospects visit your
site or open email.
0532 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report
Conversational Marketing
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report33
Now that you have a general
understanding of how conversational
marketing works, let’s take a look at
how you measure conversational
marketing performance.
Ultimately, marketing and sales teams
that have adopted a conversational
approach look at a lot of the same
metrics they’ve always looked at, with
a few notable exceptions -- like the
introduction of the conversation-
qualified lead, or CQL.
But let’s start with the most
fundamental metric of all when it
comes to conversational marketing:
How many conversations are you
having on your website each day,
week, month? Are you having more
conversations week-over-week?
Conversations are the fuel your
conversational marketing engine runs
on. And we’re not just talking about
human-to-human conversations.
At Drift, chatbots now participate in
nearly 90% of all website
conversations, and chatbot-only
conversations are approaching 50%.
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report34
Rep only
Bot and rep
Bot only
Drift Conversation Breakdown: Who’s Doing the Talking?
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report35
Leads (CQLs)
A CQL is someone who has
expressed intent to buy during a one-
to-one conversation with either A) an
employee, or B) a chatbot.
Unlike marketing-qualified leads
(MQLs), sales-qualified leads (SQLs),
and product-qualified leads (PQLs),
CQLs come to your website with
specific questions about your product
that they want answered in real-time.
For years, marketing and sales teams
have been letting these leads slip
through the cracks. But with the rise
of messaging and intelligent chatbots,
teams can now open up a fast lane
for CQLs and give them a direct line
to their sales reps.
At ThriveHive, leads that come in
through conversations close at 2x the
rate of leads from other sources.
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report36
Meetings Booked
How many conversations result in
leads scheduling demos with sales
Now that chatbots allow teams to
schedule meetings at scale, this is a
key metric to track.
At TrainedUp, 15% of all chatbot-only
conversations convert into demos.
And 40% of those demos convert into
customers (and they convert within a
month of their demo).
How many potential future sales are
being sourced from conversations?
(We’re not just talking about people
who are a good fit for the product, but
real revenue opportunities.)
MongoDB saw a 170% increase in
opportunities less than three months
after adopting a conversational
approach to generating and
qualifying leads.
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report37
Pipeline Created
What’s the total dollar amount
associated with the opportunities that
are being sourced from
Conversational marketing influences
25% of RapidMiner’s open sales
pipeline (worth more than $1 million)
and is the source of 10% of all new
sales pipeline created.
0638 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report
Key Takeaways
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report39
1) Conversational marketing has gone global.
The people who are visiting websites, starting conversations, and
converting into leads come from every single country on the planet.
2) Executives and CEOs have joined the conversation.
In terms of seniority, 41% of the people having conversations on
company websites are executives. In terms of role, 7.4% are CEOs.
3) Buyers from every type of company want a real-time
Employees from companies of every size, sector, and nearly every
industry are having real-time conversations.
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report40
If you’re not using conversations to drive engagement, you’re missing
out -- regardless of who your target buyer is.
0741 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report
Report Methodology
2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report42
Drift and Clearbit partnered to analyze the leads generated by the
thousands of organizations using Drift to power their conversational
Clearbit’s data enrichment technology allowed us to identify the
following data points for each lead:
• Country
• Seniority level
• Role
• Sector
• Industry
• Employee count
Learn more about Drift Learn more about Clearbit

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State of Conversational Marketing 2017

  • 2. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report2 Welcome to the first-ever State of Conversational Marketing report, presented by Drift and Clearbit. We’ve teamed up to analyze the sales conversations that have been taking place on thousands of B2B websites all around the world. Our goal: Understand the influence conversational marketing is having on today’s buying experience, and identify the types of leads conversational marketing can help you capture, qualify, and connect with. Here’s what you’ll find inside the report…
  • 3. 4 8 11 17 25 32 38 41 00 Introduction: The Rise of Conversational Marketing . . . . . . 
 01 A Global Phenomenon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 02 Behind the Conversations: The People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
 03 Behind the Conversations: The Companies . . . . . . . . . . . .
 04 The Conversational Marketing Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . 05 Conversational Marketing Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 Key Takeaways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
 07 Report Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Table of Contents 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report3
  • 4. 004 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report “For thousands of years, we knew exactly what markets were: conversations between people who sought out others who shared the same interests. Buyers had as much to say as sellers. They spoke directly to each other…” -The Cluetrain Manifesto Introduction: The Rise of Conversational Marketing
  • 5. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report5 Conversations have always been central to marketing and sales. Before the internet, before the telephone, before the printing press, conversations were how people marketed and sold their products. And it’s still how a lot of corner stores, mom and pop shops, and other small businesses market and sell today. But over the decades, businesses have slowly been removing themselves from the conversation. Instead of engaging with potential customers one-to-one, we’ve been plastering their screens with advertisements, and blasting them with automated emails, and bombarding them with cold calls. Then, if someone does want to talk, and they come to our website, what do we do? We make them fill out a lead capture form, and then we follow up when it’s convenient for us. The problem with this approach? It was created for a world that no longer exists.
  • 6. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report6 Today, 81% of tech buyers who encounter gated content don’t fill out the form -- they’d rather go elsewhere for information. Buyers have come to expect a real- time, on-demand experience. The longer you make them wait, the less likely it is that they’ll end up as customers. Research shows that responding to a new lead within five minutes of when they first reach out is crucial. Respond any later than that, and there’s a 10x decrease in your odds of actually getting in touch with that lead. After 10 minutes, there’s a 400% decrease in your odds of qualifying that lead. To ensure that leads can always get a response within that five-minute window, more and more companies have been turning to conversational marketing. 19% 81%
  • 7. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report7 conversational marketing noun the process of having real-time, one-to-one conversations in order to capture, qualify, and connect with your best leads. Unlike traditional marketing, conversational marketing uses targeted messaging and intelligent chatbots instead of lead capture forms — that way leads never have to wait for follow-ups, and can engage with your business when it’s convenient for them (like when they’re live on your website). Keep reading to learn how the conversational marketing movement has been spreading around the globe.
  • 8. 018 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report “There are literally millions of alive, flawed, human, passionate, influential and authentic conversations going on around you right now: isn’t it time you joined in?” -Joseph Jaffe A Global Phenomenon
  • 9. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report9 Billions of people around the world now use real-time messaging as their default channel for having conversations. Whether it’s chatting with friends on Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp, or exchanging ideas with coworkers on Slack or Microsoft Teams, messaging has become an essential part of people’s lives. So why aren’t more businesses offering messaging as a communication channel on their websites? A 2016 survey of 6,000 consumers (spread across North America, Europe, and Asia) found that 9 out of 10 wanted to be able to use real-time messaging to have conversations with businesses. That same survey found that 66% of people preferred messaging over any other communication channel for talking to businesses. 34% 66%
  • 10. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report10 When we dug into our conversation data, we weren’t too surprised to find that the people who are going to websites, starting conversations, and converting into leads come from every single country -- all 195 countries were represented in the data. The bottom line: People from all around the world are seeking out a conversational buying experience. Let’s learn more about them...
  • 11. 0211 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report “Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.” -Steve Jobs Behind the Conversations: The People
  • 12. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report12 By opening up a real-time communication channel on your website, you’re giving potential customers a direct line to your business. (And for your product team, you’re building an incredibly useful customer feedback loop.) But what types of people are going to websites and having these conversations? And, more importantly, are they the types of people your business is trying to attract? A 2017 study found that 92% of marketing leaders believe selling at the executive level is more important to their strategy than it was two years ago. That being said, we’ve got some good news: Our data shows that executives are one of the top groups seeking out a conversational buying experience. 8% 92%
  • 13. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report13 Look Who’s Talking (By Seniority) 20% 39% 41% Executives Managers Directors Breakdown of who’s using real-time messaging to start sales conversations
  • 14. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report14 When we look at who’s having conversations by role, people working in Sales, Marketing, Engineering, and Operations claim the top spots. But right behind them are CEOs (representing just over 7.4% of all conversations) and founders (6.5% of all conversations).
  • 15. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report15 Sales Marketing Engineering Operations CEO Founder Product Owner Education Finance President Information Technology Communications Human Resources Recruiting Real Estate Health Professional Legal Customer Service Research Public Relations 0 0.045 0.09 0.135 0.18 0.2% 0.7% 0.8% 1.0% 1.0% 1.2% 1.4% 1.6% 2.0% 2.0% 2.3% 3.1% 3.4% 4.6% 6.0% 6.5% 7.4% 8.3% 14.4% 16.1% 16.3% Breakdown of who’s using real-time messaging to start sales conversations Look Who’s Talking (By Role)
  • 16. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report16 Overall, people in every role are having conversations on B2B websites -- including decision-makers (a.k.a. the gatekeepers of the budget). But engaging with the right types of people is only part of the conversational marketing equation: You also need to make sure the companies those people work at are a good fit for your product.
  • 17. 0317 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report “Our work, our relationships, and our lives succeed or fail one conversation at a time. While no single conversation is guaranteed to transform a company, a relationship, or a life, any single conversation can.” -Susan Scott Behind the Conversations: The Companies
  • 18. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report18 So now that we have a better understanding of the types of people having real-time conversations on websites, let’s look at the companies those people represent. Specifically, we’re going to break these companies down by sector, industry, and number of employees.
  • 19. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report19 Information Technology Consumer Discretionary Industrials Telecommunication Services Financials Health Care Consumer Staples Utilities Materials Energy 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5% 1.0% 1.3% 2.8% 3.9% 4.2% 5.8% 20.3% 26.4% 33.9% Conversations by Sector Breakdown of who’s using real-time messaging to start sales conversations
  • 20. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report20 As you can see, people from every sector are having real-time conversations. The sectors with the most people seeking out a conversational buying experience are Information Technology (34% of all conversations), Consumer Discretionary (26%), and Industrials (20%).
  • 21. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report21 28% 15% 9% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 2% 2% 1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1% Conversations by Industry Breakdown of who’s using real-time messaging to start sales conversations Internet Software & Services Consulting Education Integrated Telecom Services Internet (unknown) 4% 3% Hotels, Restaurants, & Leisure 2% 2% Specialized Consumer Services Consumer Staples
  • 22. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report22 Nearly every industry is represented in our conversation data. Of the 92 industry groups we looked at, people from 96% of them are having real-time conversations. The most “talkative” industries include Internet Software & Services (28% of all conversations), Consulting (15%), and Education (9%).
  • 23. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report23 1 - 10 11 - 50 51 - 250 251 - 1K 1K - 5K 5K - 10K 10K - 50K 50K - 100K 100K+ 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 3% 2% 9% 5% 13% 12% 19% 18% 20% Conversations by Company Size Breakdown of who’s using real-time messaging to start sales conversations#ofemployees
  • 24. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report24 As you can see, employees from companies of all sizes are having real-time conversations. People from companies with one to ten employees are the most likely to engage in real-time (they represent 20% of all the conversations we looked at ), while people from companies with 51 to 250 employees come in a close second (representing 19% of conversations).
  • 25. 0425 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report “Through the power of community, dialogue and partnership, marketing can be a conversation; a welcome guest in the homes, experiences and lives of our consumers, if — and only if — certain principles, pathways and philosophies are put into practice.” -Joseph Jaffe The Conversational Marketing Methodology
  • 26. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report26 In order to turn conversational marketing theory into practice, you can follow the Capture, Qualify, Connect methodology — It’s a step-by-step guide for using conversations to turn visitors into leads, lead into opportunities, and opportunities into customers. Here’s a quick overview of how the methodology works… QUALIFYCAPTURE CONNECT ? Visitor Lead Opportunity Customer
  • 27. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report27 ? 1. CAPTURE 2. QUALIFY 3. CONNECT • Replace lead capture forms with messaging • Bots capture leads even when you’re offline • Targeting let’s you filter out the noise
  • 28. ? 1. CAPTURE 2. QUALIFY 3. CONNECT • Replace traditional marketing automation with conversational AI • Bots ask leads qualifying questions and can book demos for reps 24/7, 365 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report28
  • 29. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report29 ? 1. CAPTURE 2. QUALIFY 3. CONNECT • Intelligent routing connects leads to the right reps based on sales territory • Bots replace manual meeting scheduling
  • 30. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report30 Conversational ABM As we learned in Section 2, executives represent 41% of the leads having conversations on business websites (and another 20% are directors). So if your account-based marketing (ABM) strategy doesn’t include real- time messaging, your marketing and sales team isn’t providing the type of buying experience the decision- makers in your target accounts have come to expect. By applying the principles of conversational marketing to ABM, you can finally deliver a personalized, one-to-one website experience at scale. After all, these are your ABM prospects we’re talking about here, the best of the best. They deserve the VIP treatment. Here’s how you roll out the red carpet for them:
  • 31. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report31 STEP 1 Set up personalized welcome messages for target accounts. STEP 2 STEP 3 Connect outbound email to real-time messaging. Get alerts whenever prospects visit your site or open email.
  • 32. 0532 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report Conversational Marketing Metrics
  • 33. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report33 Now that you have a general understanding of how conversational marketing works, let’s take a look at how you measure conversational marketing performance. Ultimately, marketing and sales teams that have adopted a conversational approach look at a lot of the same metrics they’ve always looked at, with a few notable exceptions -- like the introduction of the conversation- qualified lead, or CQL. But let’s start with the most fundamental metric of all when it comes to conversational marketing: Conversations How many conversations are you having on your website each day, week, month? Are you having more conversations week-over-week? Conversations are the fuel your conversational marketing engine runs on. And we’re not just talking about human-to-human conversations. At Drift, chatbots now participate in nearly 90% of all website conversations, and chatbot-only conversations are approaching 50%.
  • 34. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report34 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% November-15 December-15 January-16 February-16 March-16 April-16 May-16 June-16 July-16 August-16 September-16 October-16 November-16 December-16 January-17 February-17 March-17 April-17 May-17 June-17 July-17 August-17 Rep only Bot and rep Bot only Drift Conversation Breakdown: Who’s Doing the Talking?
  • 35. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report35 Conversation-Qualified Leads (CQLs) A CQL is someone who has expressed intent to buy during a one- to-one conversation with either A) an employee, or B) a chatbot. Unlike marketing-qualified leads (MQLs), sales-qualified leads (SQLs), and product-qualified leads (PQLs), CQLs come to your website with specific questions about your product that they want answered in real-time. For years, marketing and sales teams have been letting these leads slip through the cracks. But with the rise of messaging and intelligent chatbots, teams can now open up a fast lane for CQLs and give them a direct line to their sales reps. At ThriveHive, leads that come in through conversations close at 2x the rate of leads from other sources.
  • 36. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report36 Meetings Booked How many conversations result in leads scheduling demos with sales reps? Now that chatbots allow teams to schedule meetings at scale, this is a key metric to track. At TrainedUp, 15% of all chatbot-only conversations convert into demos. And 40% of those demos convert into customers (and they convert within a month of their demo). Opportunities How many potential future sales are being sourced from conversations? (We’re not just talking about people who are a good fit for the product, but real revenue opportunities.) MongoDB saw a 170% increase in opportunities less than three months after adopting a conversational approach to generating and qualifying leads.
  • 37. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report37 Pipeline Created What’s the total dollar amount associated with the opportunities that are being sourced from conversations? Conversational marketing influences 25% of RapidMiner’s open sales pipeline (worth more than $1 million) and is the source of 10% of all new sales pipeline created.
  • 38. 0638 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report Key Takeaways
  • 39. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report39 1) Conversational marketing has gone global. The people who are visiting websites, starting conversations, and converting into leads come from every single country on the planet. 2) Executives and CEOs have joined the conversation. In terms of seniority, 41% of the people having conversations on company websites are executives. In terms of role, 7.4% are CEOs. 3) Buyers from every type of company want a real-time experience. Employees from companies of every size, sector, and nearly every industry are having real-time conversations.
  • 40. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report40 Conclusion: If you’re not using conversations to drive engagement, you’re missing out -- regardless of who your target buyer is.
  • 41. 0741 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report Report Methodology
  • 42. 2017 State of Conversational Marketing Report42 Drift and Clearbit partnered to analyze the leads generated by the thousands of organizations using Drift to power their conversational marketing. Clearbit’s data enrichment technology allowed us to identify the following data points for each lead: • Country • Seniority level • Role • Sector • Industry • Employee count
  • 43. Learn more about Drift Learn more about Clearbit