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State of
GeoServer 2016
Andrea Aime
Technical Lead
Innovative, robust and cost-effective solutions
leveraging best-of-breed Open Source products.
Open Source Projects
JAI Tools
OSGeo Foundation
Charter Member
Jody Garnett
Community Lead
Provides geospatial tools and services for
managing data and building applications.
Open Source Projects
OSGeo Foundation
Board Member
OSGeo Incubation Chair
GeoTools Project Officer
Eclipse Foundation
LocationTech Steering Committee
LocationTech Technology Project
GeoServer 2016
GeoServer at a Glance
Java Web Application to share and
edit geospatial data.
Publish data from any major spatial
data source using open standards.
Core Protocols
WMS – maps
WFS – vector
WFS-T – editing
WCS – coverage
WPS – process
Tile Protocols
WMTS – tiles
TileService – tiles
WMS-C – tiles
28 → 37 members of team geoserver
624 → 619 members on geoserver-devel
500+ → 525 pull requests
New contributors being added
(others stepping back)
Smaller base of active contributors this year.
Pull requests still going strong, very active
Simone replaces Andrea as OSGeo Officer.
13 releases this year
Health Checkup
How about team user-list?
1983 → 2005 geoserver-users
Also geoserver-italia, espanol and opengeo.cn
mailing lists
August 2.8.5 2.9.1
June 2.8.4
May 2.9.0
April 2.9-beta2
March 2.7.6 2.8.3
January 2.8.2
December 2.7.5
November 2.7.4 2.8.1
October 2.7.3
September 2.8.0
Releases stable maintenance
} delay
Q: “Update the headers” was the most common
feedback on incoming pull requests. Was it
A: Checked with OSGeo legal (thanks board):
- headers are an historical artifact from
before the Berne Convention
- no longer needed, now just informative.
Header Maintenance
/* (c) 2016 Open Source Geospatial Foundation - all rights reserved
* This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, available at the
* root application directory.
package org.geoserver.main;
New Headers Policy
The new copyright header management policy is
as simple as:
● Add a copyright header, with the current
year, to each new file
● Add a copyright header to each modified
file without one (using the current year)
● Otherwise do not change the copyright
header when an existing file is modified
Configuration and management
● Allows GeoServer to store resources
(icons, fonts, config files) in either file
system or database “blobs”.
● Run without a “Data Directory”
(Helpful in clustered/cloud environment)
● All instances of file access were converted
to resource api
● Backwards compatible - file will be
unpacked on disk if required
● Manage via REST API
● GUI available as community module
Resource API
2.8 2.9 2.10
Web Services
Web Services
● Management of icons, fonts, configuration
via REST API only?
● Community module provides a wicket user
Resource browser community module
Module “status” REST API (and GUI)
● Automated testing of GeoServer is a
● REST API access to the “status page”
● Easy to add additional entries
● Used to check environment for difficult to
configure modules that use native code
2.9 2.10BoundlessBoundless QA
Module name: Rendering Engine
● Module : jvm
● Component : java2d
● Version : 1.8.0_66
● Enabled : true
● Available : true
● Message : Java 2D configured with
● Provider: OracleJDK
In development!
Parametric configuration
● Switching data directories between
integration/beta/production environments can
be a pain
● GeoServer 2.10 allows to stick parameters in
the configuration, and read them from the
● Look ma, switching environments without
grep/sed on the data dir :-)
● Store params in property file, system or
environment variables
2.9 2.10GeoSolutions
World Bank
Backup/restore community module
● Save the configuration to a zip file (not the
● Restore later, in the same or different
● UI to run backup and restore
● Asynch operations
○ During backup the configuration is forced read only
○ During restore it’s fully locked
2.9 2.10GeoSolutions
World Bank
Backup/restore community module (cont'd)
● Can do a “dry run”
to check if there is
any error prior to
2.9 2.10GeoSolutions
World Bank
community module
● REST API to run, control,
eventually cancel backups and
2.9 2.10GeoSolutions
World Bank
Raster data sources
Improved masking support
● Raster masking available for both image mosaic and GDAL data sources
● Both in vector (polygon footprint) and raster (binary mask) for
2.8 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsLiguria digitale
Heterogeneous mosaics - color models
● Support for mosaics with sources in multiple color models
(RGB, gray, indexed), since 2.8.x
2.8 2.9 2.10GeoSolutions
Heterogeneous mosaics - resolution / projections
● Support for mosaics in multiple coordinate reference systems
(Coming in 2.10.x)
Excess granule removal
● Optimization for deep z-order mosaic stacks
● E.g., time series of scattered data
● Do not load imagery that is not contributing to the output
2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsBEV
In development!
Multiple coverages for mosaic and pyramid (2.10)
● Already available for multidimensional data (NetCDF, Grib)
● Now available also for “flat” data sources
● Meaningful if the sources are normally managed and used together (e.g.,
multispectral satellite data and its derived products)
2.9 2.10ImplementorBEV
Coverage view optimizations (2.10)
● A coverage view allows to bind together bands from different coverages
coming from the same source (e.g., NetCDF)
● Optimization to avoid reading all sources if the style is only using a subset of
the bands
SLD Style
selecting only
Hint about which bands
are actually going to be
GeoSolutionsBEV 2.9 2.10
In development!
GeoServer support for RAP native grid GRIB2 files
GRIB2/NetCDF rotated pole projections
Publish the native GRIB2 file format of
NOAA's latest RAPv3 North American
weather forecast model.
Maintenance &
Technical Debt
● Relying on volunteer time to keep an eye
on the codebase was not working out
○ team busy on customer work?
○ backlog of bugs piling up
● Trying an experiment
○ Once a month meeting
○ Distributed, on-line code sprint
● When:
○ First edition in July
○ Second at the end of FOSS4G
Monthly bug fixing code sprints
Monthly bug fixing code sprints
● Actions
○ Vet existing tickets
○ close invalid/non reproducible ones
○ close feature requests that failed to gather
resourcing in a long time...
○ Fix bugs
● Nice side effects:
○ Gets more developers familiar with the
contents of the issue tracker
○ Opportunity to get proficient with new parts
of the code base
○ Predictable, scheduled activity
Wicket 7
Held sprint in victoria to clear up
this long standing technical debt!
Thanks to OSGeo, Boundless,
Vivid Solutions, How 2 Map, San
Jose Water Company, Transient,
GeoBeyond, Scitus,
GeoSolutions, CCRi, Astun
Technology, and Voyager
Search for sponsoring this work.
2.9 2.10
Victoria Code
Java 8
GeoServer now requires Java 8.
Why? What changed ...
- Traditionally GeoServer takes forever to support the latest Java
- Oracle now charges for Java 7 security updates
2.9 2.10Joint EffortCommunity
Required to upgrade the “Spring Framework”
used to wire GeoServer together:
- We needed a newer version of “Spring” for
Java 8 compatibility
- Upgraded to Spring 4 → 2 month delay to
GeoServer 2.9 release
Check that your application server supports:
- Servlet 3.0 was released in 2009
- Supported by Tomcat 7 and Tomcat 8
Spring 4
2.9 2.10Joint-EffortCommunity
Perpendicular Offset for Lines and Polygons
<CssParameter name="stroke">#AAAAAA</CssParameter>
<CssParameter name="stroke-width">3</CssParameter>
<CssParameter name="stroke">#FF0000</CssParameter>
<CssParameter name="stroke-width">3</CssParameter>
<CssParameter name="stroke-dasharray">5 2</CssParameter>
2.8 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsDLR
ncWMS like extensions to GetMap (community)
● A new styling language designed for dynamic colormaps
● Applies to all rasters based on their statistics
● Use can control min/max, log scale, animation
Style Page
Refactored CSS Style
Page into the main
Works with
Improved experience for
In development!
New features for CSS (2.10)
● Rendering transformations supported (feature parity with SLD!)
● Rule nesting, helps with selector duplication and makes styles more readable
/* @title Levels */
* {
transform: ras:Contour(levels: 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700);
stroke: black;
z-index: 0;
/* @title Values */
[@scale < 3000] {
transform: ras:RasterAsPointCollection();
mark: symbol('square');
:mark {
size: 2;
fill: black;
label: [GRAY_INDEX];
label-anchor: 0 0.5;
label-offset: 5 0;
font-family: Arial;
font-fill: black;
z-index: 1;
Extract contours at the desired levels
When zoomed-in enough, extract point
values, display center with a mark, and
value on top of it
2.10Andrea Aime
In development!
YSLD community module
● Style Layer Descriptor represented in
○ Uses indentation rather than XML
○ Easier to read
○ More compact
○ More flexible syntax
○ Contains variables for reusable code
○ Compatible with SLD
● REST API can convert formats
○ Preview your existing styles as YSLD
using REST API
○ View the SLD representation of YSLD
2.9 2.10ImplementorCustomer
- polygon:
stroke-color: 'blue'
stroke-width: 1
fill-color: '#7EB5D3'
- text:
label: ${name}
fill-color: 'black'
anchor: [0.5, 0.5]
x-maxDisplacement: 40
x-autoWrap: 70
Custom Legend Graphic
Take control of the legend graphic
(Advertised in WMS GetCapapabilities).
Legend shown in compatible clients
when listing your layer.
2.9 2.10BoundlessBoundless
● Smart format, chooses
between JPEG and PNG
depending on image
● JPEG for max
compression on fully
opaque images
● PNG when transparency is
● Supported both in WMS
and WMTS
2.9 2.10GeoSolutions
UTFGrid (format=application/json;type=utfgrid)
● MapBox style UTFGrid
output for WMS and
● More flexibility
○ Non square tiles
○ Available in all projections
● Of course you can limit
yourself to simple tiles
2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsCianad
Vector tiles
Community module for
publishing vector tiles
- Great solution for
modern High Definition
- Use for GeoWebCache
for “MapBox without
- (see talk tomorrow)
2.8 2.9 2.10ImplementorCustomer
GetLegendGraphic layout control
● Vendor parameters to control layout of generated legend:
layout, rows, cols, rowwidth, columnheight
● Horizontal or vertical, possibility to control number of columns
● Handy for printing maps
horizontal, 2 rows
horizontal, max row len
vertical, 2 cols
vertical, max col height
2.8 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsUNEP
Breaking the limits of shapefile size (paging)
● A WFS shapefile extraction could go beyond the limits of shapefile max size
● If this happens, shapefiles are now paged out
● The dumping engine, including the ability to fan out different geometry types
to separate shapefiles, is now available as a utility class in GeoTools
2.8 2.9 2.10GeoSolutions
Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences
Easier setup for complex features with Hale
● Desktop tool to map a
flat data source to a
complex schema
● Visual
● Support for exporting
the mapping as an
app-schema mapping
● Still needs some work to
improve workflow
2.8 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsLAMMA
Speed up that complex feature
● Filters on primary table fields already sent
down to the DBMS as SQL
● Filters on joined fields were evaluated in
● Optimizations to send those down,
leverage indexes and reduce network i/o
2.8 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsCSI Piemonte
In memory
In development!
MBTiles like storage
● Store tiles in MBTiles database
● Possibility to use many databases, following a pattern, e.g.,
○ /path/to/{grid}/{dim}/{tileset}/{z}/{x}-{y}.sqlite (x and y are actually groups of values)
○ Helps with scalability, especially if not fully seeded
● Allows to store non Google Mercator projections (extension)
● Allows to store formats other than png or jpeg (extension)
● Stores in lookup table creation date for expiration support
● REST API to replace single files (automate migration from seeding
machine to serving ones)
● Not compatible with disk quota!
2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsCapgemini
WMTS config page
● Allows WMTS to have
its own service
metadata configured
from the UI
● Adds a point where the
INSPIRE module can
plug into for extra
2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsBEV
WMTS workspace specific and INSPIRE
● WMTS now works also as a
workspace specific service (finally
multitenancy and tile caching)
● Allows to setup INSPIRE
harmonized layer names
● INSPIRE module extended to inject
INSPIRE minimum metadata in
WMTS GetCapabilities output
2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsBEV
WMS/WMTS ND discovery extensions
● Data with N dimensions (time, elevation, custom ones)
● Dimensions can be related (forecasts, time and run time), the data can be
scattered (remote sensing)
● Add extra calls to query the domains. Like, if I fix a given time and bbox, what
residual ranges of elevations and run-times are available?
● Add extra calls to list specific items in a small domain (full enumeration of
possible combinations
2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsBEV
Aggregation with group-by (2.9)
● The aggregation
process has been
extended with group-by
● Quick way to power
custom charts on your
client side
"GroupByAttributes": [ "groupingAttribute" ],
"AggregationResults": [
[ "Class1", 18 ],
[ "Class2", 1 ],
[ "Class3", 3 ],
[ "Class4", 3 ]
"AggregationFunctions": [ "Count" ],
"AggregationAttribute": "countingAttribute"
2.8 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsLiguria Digitale
Improved WPS resource control (2.10)
● Processes are run in thread pools, they
can wait for their execution slot in queue
● Separate control for total time, and pure
execution time
Download process improvements (community
● Community module for clip and
ship support
● Asynch requests allow for large
● Can have maximum extraction
limits configured
● Added ability to also select
bands, and improved output size
2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsBEV
Large raster extraction optimizations
● Optimizing many concurrent large masked raster
extractions via Download process (e.g. 128
concurrent requests at the bigtiff threshold)
● Improved both scalability and reliability under
sustained load on a “big iron” (40 cores, 128GB
2.9 2.10GeoSolutions 2.8
LDAP User Group Service
● We previously only had an “authentication
provider”, meaning, it used the
username/pw provided and tried to open
a LDAP connection with them
● We now also have a “user group
service”,it opens a LDAP connection
using fixed credentials, and searches the
user in the LDAP database, matching the
● E.g., similar to storing users in a DBMS
2.10Niels Charlier?
Integrated GeoFence community module
● Allows to define complex rules without running
a separate GeoFence server
● UI to edit rules
● REST API to automate rule editing
2.8 2.9 2.10Niels Charlier?
Integrated GeoFence community module (cnt’d)
● Separate page for “admin” rules, that is, rules
controlling administration level access
● Used to setup workspace specific admins and
the like
2.8 2.9 2.10GeosolutionsCamp2Camp
Research, Development
and other news
GeoPackage module moving to supported land
● Currently a “community module”, not officially supported
● Increasing test coverage
● More compatibility testing with OGR and friends
● OGC compliance tests
● Moving towards supported status
Ian Turton
Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences
GeoGig GUI
Manage repositories and publish via
WFS and WFS-T for web client
2.9 2.10BoundlessGeoGig
GeoGig Web API
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"parentDirectory": "/opt/geogig/repos",
"authorName": "geogig",
"authorEmail": "geogig@geogig.org"
REST API for managing repositories,
when combined with GeoServer REST
API a wide range of scripts are
2.9 2.10BoundlessGeoGig
Looking Ahead
Java 9 Compatibility
Java 9 has been delayed until 2017, but we
would like to ensure GeoServer will function.
Oracle will stop shipping free security updates to
Java 8 on
We have a couple incompatibilities with the
GeoTools “service provider interface” plugin
system that we will look at resolving during the
code sprint!
The Java Advanced Imaging library enables
GeoServer to do all kinds of great image
processing! The JAI-EXT project extends this
library with replacement no-data / footprint
aware operations.
Sadly Oracle has not maintained the project,
and has not released it as open source.
(see Replace-JAI on GeoTools wiki)
Raster Processing Engine
Joint OSGeo / LocationTech game plan:
● Raster Processing Engine API
definition of raster-processing-api
● Raster Processing Engine
reference pure-java implementation
● Raster Processing Wrapper
benchmark jai-wrapper implementation
● GeoTools Replace JAI
migrate to raster processing engine api
and coordinate transition affected projects
(GeoServer, GeoNode, uDig, GeoScript,

More Related Content

State of GeoServer

  • 2. Andrea Aime Technical Lead andrea.aime@geo-solutions.it @geowolf GeoSolutions Innovative, robust and cost-effective solutions leveraging best-of-breed Open Source products. Welcome Open Source Projects GeoTools GeoServer ImageIO-Ext JAI-Ext JAI Tools OSGeo Foundation Charter Member
  • 3. Jody Garnett Community Lead jgarnett@boundlessgeo.com @jodygarnett Boundless Provides geospatial tools and services for managing data and building applications. Welcome Open Source Projects GeoTools GeoServer uDig OSGeo Foundation Board Member OSGeo Incubation Chair GeoTools Project Officer Eclipse Foundation LocationTech Steering Committee LocationTech Technology Project
  • 5. GeoServer at a Glance Java Web Application to share and edit geospatial data. Publish data from any major spatial data source using open standards. Core Protocols WMS – maps WFS – vector WFS-T – editing WCS – coverage WPS – process Tile Protocols WMTS – tiles TileService – tiles WMS-C – tiles
  • 6. 28 → 37 members of team geoserver 624 → 619 members on geoserver-devel 500+ → 525 pull requests New contributors being added (others stepping back) Smaller base of active contributors this year. Pull requests still going strong, very active codebase. Simone replaces Andrea as OSGeo Officer. 13 releases this year Health Checkup How about team user-list? 1983 → 2005 geoserver-users Also geoserver-italia, espanol and opengeo.cn mailing lists
  • 7. August 2.8.5 2.9.1 July June 2.8.4 May 2.9.0 April 2.9-beta2 March 2.7.6 2.8.3 February January 2.8.2 December 2.7.5 November 2.7.4 2.8.1 October 2.7.3 September 2.8.0 Releases stable maintenance } delay
  • 8. Q: “Update the headers” was the most common feedback on incoming pull requests. Was it needed? A: Checked with OSGeo legal (thanks board): - headers are an historical artifact from before the Berne Convention - no longer needed, now just informative. Header Maintenance
  • 9. /* (c) 2016 Open Source Geospatial Foundation - all rights reserved * This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, available at the * root application directory. */ package org.geoserver.main; New Headers Policy The new copyright header management policy is as simple as: ● Add a copyright header, with the current year, to each new file ● Add a copyright header to each modified file without one (using the current year) ● Otherwise do not change the copyright header when an existing file is modified
  • 11. ● Allows GeoServer to store resources (icons, fonts, config files) in either file system or database “blobs”. ● Run without a “Data Directory” (Helpful in clustered/cloud environment) ● All instances of file access were converted to resource api ● Backwards compatible - file will be unpacked on disk if required ● Manage via REST API ● GUI available as community module Resource API 2.8 2.9 2.10 Scitus Development Boundless Web Services Configuration Data Directory ResourceCatalog Web Services Configuration JDBCConfig ResourceCatalog
  • 12. ● Management of icons, fonts, configuration via REST API only? ● Community module provides a wicket user interface Resource browser community module 2.10 Scitus Development Boundless
  • 13. Module “status” REST API (and GUI) ● Automated testing of GeoServer is a challenge ● REST API access to the “status page” ● Easy to add additional entries ● Used to check environment for difficult to configure modules that use native code 2.9 2.10BoundlessBoundless QA Module name: Rendering Engine ● Module : jvm ● Component : java2d ● Version : 1.8.0_66 ● Enabled : true ● Available : true ● Message : Java 2D configured with DuctusRenderingEngine. ● Provider: OracleJDK geoserver/rest/about/status In development!
  • 14. Parametric configuration ● Switching data directories between integration/beta/production environments can be a pain ● GeoServer 2.10 allows to stick parameters in the configuration, and read them from the environment ● Look ma, switching environments without grep/sed on the data dir :-) ● Store params in property file, system or environment variables 2.9 2.10GeoSolutions Eumetsat World Bank
  • 15. Backup/restore community module ● Save the configuration to a zip file (not the data!) ● Restore later, in the same or different environment ● UI to run backup and restore ● Asynch operations ○ During backup the configuration is forced read only ○ During restore it’s fully locked 2.9 2.10GeoSolutions Eumetsat World Bank
  • 16. Backup/restore community module (cont'd) ● Can do a “dry run” to check if there is any error prior to restore 2.9 2.10GeoSolutions Eumetsat World Bank
  • 17. Backup/restore community module (cont'd) ● REST API to run, control, eventually cancel backups and restores 2.9 2.10GeoSolutions Eumetsat World Bank
  • 19. Improved masking support ● Raster masking available for both image mosaic and GDAL data sources ● Both in vector (polygon footprint) and raster (binary mask) for 2.8 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsLiguria digitale
  • 20. Heterogeneous mosaics - color models ● Support for mosaics with sources in multiple color models (RGB, gray, indexed), since 2.8.x 2.8 2.9 2.10GeoSolutions
  • 21. Heterogeneous mosaics - resolution / projections 2.10BoundlessSOCOM ● Support for mosaics in multiple coordinate reference systems (Coming in 2.10.x)
  • 22. Excess granule removal ● Optimization for deep z-order mosaic stacks ● E.g., time series of scattered data ● Do not load imagery that is not contributing to the output 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsBEV In development!
  • 23. Multiple coverages for mosaic and pyramid (2.10) ● Already available for multidimensional data (NetCDF, Grib) ● Now available also for “flat” data sources ● Meaningful if the sources are normally managed and used together (e.g., multispectral satellite data and its derived products) 2.9 2.10ImplementorBEV
  • 24. Coverage view optimizations (2.10) ● A coverage view allows to bind together bands from different coverages coming from the same source (e.g., NetCDF) ● Optimization to avoid reading all sources if the style is only using a subset of the bands A B C Combiner SLD Style selecting only A Map Hint about which bands are actually going to be used GeoSolutionsBEV 2.9 2.10 In development!
  • 25. GeoServer support for RAP native grid GRIB2 files 2.9 GRIB2/NetCDF rotated pole projections Publish the native GRIB2 file format of NOAA's latest RAPv3 North American weather forecast model. 2.10TransientBoundless
  • 27. ● Relying on volunteer time to keep an eye on the codebase was not working out ○ team busy on customer work? ○ backlog of bugs piling up ● Trying an experiment ○ Once a month meeting ○ Distributed, on-line code sprint ● When: ○ First edition in July ○ Second at the end of FOSS4G Monthly bug fixing code sprints
  • 28. Monthly bug fixing code sprints ● Actions ○ Vet existing tickets ○ close invalid/non reproducible ones ○ close feature requests that failed to gather resourcing in a long time... ○ Fix bugs ● Nice side effects: ○ Gets more developers familiar with the contents of the issue tracker ○ Opportunity to get proficient with new parts of the code base ○ Predictable, scheduled activity
  • 29. Wicket 7 Held sprint in victoria to clear up this long standing technical debt! Thanks to OSGeo, Boundless, Vivid Solutions, How 2 Map, San Jose Water Company, Transient, GeoBeyond, Scitus, GeoSolutions, CCRi, Astun Technology, and Voyager Search for sponsoring this work. 2.9 2.10 Victoria Code Sprint
  • 30. Java 8 GeoServer now requires Java 8. Why? What changed ... - Traditionally GeoServer takes forever to support the latest Java - Oracle now charges for Java 7 security updates 2.9 2.10Joint EffortCommunity
  • 31. Required to upgrade the “Spring Framework” used to wire GeoServer together: - We needed a newer version of “Spring” for Java 8 compatibility - Upgraded to Spring 4 → 2 month delay to GeoServer 2.9 release Check that your application server supports: - Servlet 3.0 was released in 2009 - Supported by Tomcat 7 and Tomcat 8 Spring 4 2.9 2.10Joint-EffortCommunity
  • 33. Perpendicular Offset for Lines and Polygons <LineSymbolizer> <Stroke> <CssParameter name="stroke">#AAAAAA</CssParameter> <CssParameter name="stroke-width">3</CssParameter> </Stroke> <PerpendicularOffset>-2</PerpendicularOffset> </LineSymbolizer> <LineSymbolizer> <Stroke> <CssParameter name="stroke">#FF0000</CssParameter> <CssParameter name="stroke-width">3</CssParameter> <CssParameter name="stroke-dasharray">5 2</CssParameter> </Stroke> <PerpendicularOffset>3</PerpendicularOffset> </LineSymbolizer> 2.8 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsDLR
  • 34. ncWMS like extensions to GetMap (community) ● A new styling language designed for dynamic colormaps ● Applies to all rasters based on their statistics ● Use can control min/max, log scale, animation 2.10GeoSolutions
  • 35. Style Page 2.10BoundlessCommunity Refactored CSS Style Page into the main application. Works with SLD, CSS, YSLD. Improved experience for everybody! In development!
  • 36. New features for CSS (2.10) ● Rendering transformations supported (feature parity with SLD!) ● Rule nesting, helps with selector duplication and makes styles more readable /* @title Levels */ * { transform: ras:Contour(levels: 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700); stroke: black; z-index: 0; } /* @title Values */ [@scale < 3000] { transform: ras:RasterAsPointCollection(); mark: symbol('square'); :mark { size: 2; fill: black; } label: [GRAY_INDEX]; label-anchor: 0 0.5; label-offset: 5 0; font-family: Arial; font-fill: black; z-index: 1; } Extract contours at the desired levels When zoomed-in enough, extract point values, display center with a mark, and value on top of it 2.10Andrea Aime In development!
  • 37. YSLD community module ● Style Layer Descriptor represented in YAML ○ Uses indentation rather than XML ○ Easier to read ○ More compact ○ More flexible syntax ○ Contains variables for reusable code ○ Compatible with SLD ● REST API can convert formats ○ Preview your existing styles as YSLD using REST API ○ View the SLD representation of YSLD 2.9 2.10ImplementorCustomer symbolizers: - polygon: stroke-color: 'blue' stroke-width: 1 fill-color: '#7EB5D3' - text: label: ${name} fill-color: 'black' anchor: [0.5, 0.5] x-maxDisplacement: 40 x-autoWrap: 70
  • 38. Custom Legend Graphic Take control of the legend graphic (Advertised in WMS GetCapapabilities). Legend shown in compatible clients when listing your layer. 2.9 2.10BoundlessBoundless
  • 39. WMS
  • 40. image/vnd.jpeg-png ● Smart format, chooses between JPEG and PNG depending on image contents ● JPEG for max compression on fully opaque images ● PNG when transparency is needed ● Supported both in WMS and WMTS PNG PNG PNG PNG JPEG JPEG 2.9 2.10GeoSolutions
  • 41. UTFGrid (format=application/json;type=utfgrid) ● MapBox style UTFGrid output for WMS and WMTS ● More flexibility ○ Non square tiles ○ Available in all projections ● Of course you can limit yourself to simple tiles 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsCianad
  • 42. Vector tiles Community module for publishing vector tiles - Great solution for modern High Definition Screens - Use for GeoWebCache for “MapBox without MapBox” - (see talk tomorrow) 2.8 2.9 2.10ImplementorCustomer
  • 43. GetLegendGraphic layout control ● Vendor parameters to control layout of generated legend: layout, rows, cols, rowwidth, columnheight ● Horizontal or vertical, possibility to control number of columns ● Handy for printing maps horizontal horizontal, 2 rows horizontal, max row len vertical, 2 cols vertical, max col height 2.8 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsUNEP
  • 44. WFS
  • 45. Breaking the limits of shapefile size (paging) ● A WFS shapefile extraction could go beyond the limits of shapefile max size ● If this happens, shapefiles are now paged out ● The dumping engine, including the ability to fan out different geometry types to separate shapefiles, is now available as a utility class in GeoTools 2.8 2.9 2.10GeoSolutions Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  • 46. Easier setup for complex features with Hale ● Desktop tool to map a flat data source to a complex schema ● Visual ● Support for exporting the mapping as an app-schema mapping ● Still needs some work to improve workflow efficiency 2.8 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsLAMMA
  • 47. Speed up that complex feature query ● Filters on primary table fields already sent down to the DBMS as SQL ● Filters on joined fields were evaluated in memory ● Optimizations to send those down, leverage indexes and reduce network i/o 2.8 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsCSI Piemonte In memory filtering DBMS filtering In development!
  • 49. MBTiles like storage ● Store tiles in MBTiles database ● Possibility to use many databases, following a pattern, e.g., ○ /path/to/{grid}/{dim}/{tileset}/{z}/{x}-{y}.sqlite (x and y are actually groups of values) ○ Helps with scalability, especially if not fully seeded ● Allows to store non Google Mercator projections (extension) ● Allows to store formats other than png or jpeg (extension) ● Stores in lookup table creation date for expiration support ● REST API to replace single files (automate migration from seeding machine to serving ones) ● Not compatible with disk quota! https://github.com/GeoWebCache/geowebcache/wiki/MBTiles-BlobStore 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsCapgemini
  • 50. WMTS config page ● Allows WMTS to have its own service metadata configured from the UI ● Adds a point where the INSPIRE module can plug into for extra configuration 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsBEV
  • 51. WMTS workspace specific and INSPIRE compatibility ● WMTS now works also as a workspace specific service (finally multitenancy and tile caching) ● Allows to setup INSPIRE harmonized layer names ● INSPIRE module extended to inject INSPIRE minimum metadata in WMTS GetCapabilities output Workspace 1 Workspace 2 INSPIRE compliant Generic tiles 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsBEV
  • 52. WMS/WMTS ND discovery extensions ● Data with N dimensions (time, elevation, custom ones) ● Dimensions can be related (forecasts, time and run time), the data can be scattered (remote sensing) ● Add extra calls to query the domains. Like, if I fix a given time and bbox, what residual ranges of elevations and run-times are available? ● Add extra calls to list specific items in a small domain (full enumeration of possible combinations 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsBEV
  • 53. WPS
  • 54. Aggregation with group-by (2.9) ● The aggregation process has been extended with group-by capabilities ● Quick way to power custom charts on your client side { "GroupByAttributes": [ "groupingAttribute" ], "AggregationResults": [ [ "Class1", 18 ], [ "Class2", 1 ], [ "Class3", 3 ], [ "Class4", 3 ] ], "AggregationFunctions": [ "Count" ], "AggregationAttribute": "countingAttribute" } 2.8 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsLiguria Digitale
  • 55. Improved WPS resource control (2.10) ● Processes are run in thread pools, they can wait for their execution slot in queue ● Separate control for total time, and pure execution time 2.10utas.edu.au
  • 56. Download process improvements (community module) ● Community module for clip and ship support ● Asynch requests allow for large extractions ● Can have maximum extraction limits configured ● Added ability to also select bands, and improved output size estimation WPS 2.9 2.10GeoSolutionsBEV
  • 57. Large raster extraction optimizations ● Optimizing many concurrent large masked raster extractions via Download process (e.g. 128 concurrent requests at the bigtiff threshold) ● Improved both scalability and reliability under sustained load on a “big iron” (40 cores, 128GB memory) 2.9 2.10GeoSolutions 2.8
  • 59. LDAP User Group Service ● We previously only had an “authentication provider”, meaning, it used the username/pw provided and tried to open a LDAP connection with them ● We now also have a “user group service”,it opens a LDAP connection using fixed credentials, and searches the user in the LDAP database, matching the password ● E.g., similar to storing users in a DBMS 2.10Niels Charlier?
  • 60. Integrated GeoFence community module ● Allows to define complex rules without running a separate GeoFence server ● UI to edit rules ● REST API to automate rule editing 2.8 2.9 2.10Niels Charlier?
  • 61. Integrated GeoFence community module (cnt’d) ● Separate page for “admin” rules, that is, rules controlling administration level access ● Used to setup workspace specific admins and the like 2.8 2.9 2.10GeosolutionsCamp2Camp
  • 63. GeoPackage module moving to supported land ● Currently a “community module”, not officially supported ● Increasing test coverage ● More compatibility testing with OGR and friends ● OGC compliance tests ● Moving towards supported status 2.10 Ian Turton GeoSolutions Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  • 64. GeoGig GUI Manage repositories and publish via WFS and WFS-T for web client access. 2.9 2.10BoundlessGeoGig
  • 65. GeoGig Web API curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "parentDirectory": "/opt/geogig/repos", "authorName": "geogig", "authorEmail": "geogig@geogig.org" }' "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/geogig/repos/myrepo/init" REST API for managing repositories, when combined with GeoServer REST API a wide range of scripts are possible. 2.9 2.10BoundlessGeoGig
  • 67. Java 9 Compatibility Java 9 has been delayed until 2017, but we would like to ensure GeoServer will function. Oracle will stop shipping free security updates to Java 8 on We have a couple incompatibilities with the GeoTools “service provider interface” plugin system that we will look at resolving during the code sprint!
  • 68. The Java Advanced Imaging library enables GeoServer to do all kinds of great image processing! The JAI-EXT project extends this library with replacement no-data / footprint aware operations. Sadly Oracle has not maintained the project, and has not released it as open source. (see Replace-JAI on GeoTools wiki) Raster Processing Engine Joint OSGeo / LocationTech game plan: ● Raster Processing Engine API definition of raster-processing-api ● Raster Processing Engine reference pure-java implementation ● Raster Processing Wrapper benchmark jai-wrapper implementation ● GeoTools Replace JAI migrate to raster processing engine api and coordinate transition affected projects (GeoServer, GeoNode, uDig, GeoScript, etc...)