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Physics and Chemistry 3rd ESO                                                  Albarregas High School

                                    States of matter
        1.- Indicate the physical state (solid, liquid or gas) of these substances
TEMPERATURE                         -50 º C               60 º C                     500 º C
SUBSTANCE                   PHYSICAL              PHYSICAL                PHYSICAL
                            STATE?                STATE?                  STATE?
WATER                       SOLID
OXYGEN                                                                    GAS

      2.- Could you use a mercury thermometer to measure temperature at the South Pole
on a winter day with a temperature of - 50 º C?. Why? How would you do it?

      3.- Could you use a mercury thermometer to measure temperature in a volcano with a
temperature of 2000 ° C?. Why? How would you do it?

       4.- It would seem that evaporation and boiling might be the same process. However,
there are important differences. What are the differences between boiling and evaporation?

        5.- The temperature of a substance has been measured, while it was heated up, with
the following results:

Teacher: José Vicente Pacheco                                                             Page 1 of 4
Physics and Chemistry 3rd ESO                                                     Albarregas High School

                                   T ºC
t ( min)   T ( º C)               2000
0          100
5          150
10         250                    1500
15         328
20         328
25         328
30         800
35         1300                   500
40         1500
45         1728
50         1728
55         1728                               10         30      40          50      60       70
60         1750
65         1800

        a) Make a graph using the table.
        b) Indicate, in the graph, the physical states (solid, liquid and gas) of this substance.
        c) Indicate, in this graph, where have changes of states being produced?
        d) What is the substance?

        7.- We have measured the temperature of a substance, after introducing it in a fridge.
                           T ºC
 t ( min) T ( º C)
        0       80        100
        5       60
      10        40
      15        20
      20         0
      25         0        50
      30         0
      35         0
      40         0
      45        -5
      50       -10                       10   20   30    40     50      60        70 t(min)
      55       -15
      60       -20         - 25

        a) Make a graph using the table.
        b) Indicate, in the graph, the physical states (solid, liquid and gas) of this substance.
        c) Indicate, in this graph, where have changes of states been produced

Teacher: José Vicente Pacheco                                                                 Page 2 of 4
Physics and Chemistry 3rd ESO                                                 Albarregas High School

        d) What is the substance?

        8.- Explain the following processes using the kinetic theory:
        a) A bottle of perfume is unscrewed and it smells across the room.
        b) A balloon is left under the sun and it will swell.
        c) When a gas is compressed, pressure and temperature increases.
        d) A blue liquid was poured into a glass, and after a while all the glass becomes blue.
        f) When a balloon goes up to the stratosphere, its volume increases.
        g) The size of a balloon rises when we inflate it.

     9.- A gas occupies a volume of 5 L when the pressure is 1 atm. Calculate the finish
volume if pressure increases to 2 atm and temperature doesn't change .
                     Initial state                                  Final state
                        1 atm                                         2 atm

      10.- A gaseous substance is cooled to 250 K and its volume becomes to 2 L.
Calculate the initial volume when temperature was 300 K. Pressure does not change in this
                     Initial state                                  Final state
                        300 K                                         250 K

        11.- Calculate and fill the gap.
             INITIAL CONDITIONS                                 FINAL CONDITIONS
        P1                V1               T1           P2              V2               T2
     2 atm                4L          300 K            4 atm                           300 K

        12.- Calculate and fill the gap.
             INITIAL CONDITIONS                                 FINAL CONDITIONS

Teacher: José Vicente Pacheco                                                            Page 3 of 4
Physics and Chemistry 3rd ESO                                      Albarregas High School

        P1                V1               T1    P2         V2                T2
  760 mm Hg               2L          260 K     4 atm     200 mL

        13.- Calculate and fill the gap.
                INITIAL STATE                           FINAL STATE
        P1                V1               T1    P2         V2                T2
                       300 mL         45 º C    5 atm       2L                30

     Besides this activities you must do the following ones from the unit
two of your book:

             • On page 34: Activities 21, 25, 28, 29 and 31.
             • On page 35: Activities: 32 and 36

Teacher: José Vicente Pacheco                                                 Page 4 of 4

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States of matter activities

  • 1. Physics and Chemistry 3rd ESO Albarregas High School States of matter Activities 1.- Indicate the physical state (solid, liquid or gas) of these substances TEMPERATURE -50 º C 60 º C 500 º C SUBSTANCE PHYSICAL PHYSICAL PHYSICAL STATE? STATE? STATE? WATER SOLID LEAD OXYGEN GAS MERCURY ALCOHOL ACETONE 2.- Could you use a mercury thermometer to measure temperature at the South Pole on a winter day with a temperature of - 50 º C?. Why? How would you do it? 3.- Could you use a mercury thermometer to measure temperature in a volcano with a temperature of 2000 ° C?. Why? How would you do it? 4.- It would seem that evaporation and boiling might be the same process. However, there are important differences. What are the differences between boiling and evaporation? 5.- The temperature of a substance has been measured, while it was heated up, with the following results: Teacher: José Vicente Pacheco Page 1 of 4
  • 2. Physics and Chemistry 3rd ESO Albarregas High School T ºC t ( min) T ( º C) 2000 0 100 5 150 10 250 1500 15 328 20 328 1000 25 328 30 800 35 1300 500 40 1500 45 1728 50 1728 t(min) 55 1728 10 30 40 50 60 70 20 60 1750 65 1800 a) Make a graph using the table. b) Indicate, in the graph, the physical states (solid, liquid and gas) of this substance. c) Indicate, in this graph, where have changes of states being produced? d) What is the substance? 7.- We have measured the temperature of a substance, after introducing it in a fridge. T ºC t ( min) T ( º C) 0 80 100 5 60 10 40 75 15 20 20 0 25 0 50 30 0 35 0 25 40 0 45 -5 50 -10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 t(min) 55 -15 60 -20 - 25 a) Make a graph using the table. b) Indicate, in the graph, the physical states (solid, liquid and gas) of this substance. c) Indicate, in this graph, where have changes of states been produced Teacher: José Vicente Pacheco Page 2 of 4
  • 3. Physics and Chemistry 3rd ESO Albarregas High School d) What is the substance? 8.- Explain the following processes using the kinetic theory: a) A bottle of perfume is unscrewed and it smells across the room. b) A balloon is left under the sun and it will swell. c) When a gas is compressed, pressure and temperature increases. d) A blue liquid was poured into a glass, and after a while all the glass becomes blue. f) When a balloon goes up to the stratosphere, its volume increases. g) The size of a balloon rises when we inflate it. 9.- A gas occupies a volume of 5 L when the pressure is 1 atm. Calculate the finish volume if pressure increases to 2 atm and temperature doesn't change . Initial state Final state 5l 1 atm 2 atm 10.- A gaseous substance is cooled to 250 K and its volume becomes to 2 L. Calculate the initial volume when temperature was 300 K. Pressure does not change in this process Initial state Final state 300 K 250 K 2L 11.- Calculate and fill the gap. INITIAL CONDITIONS FINAL CONDITIONS P1 V1 T1 P2 V2 T2 2 atm 4L 300 K 4 atm 300 K 12.- Calculate and fill the gap. INITIAL CONDITIONS FINAL CONDITIONS Teacher: José Vicente Pacheco Page 3 of 4
  • 4. Physics and Chemistry 3rd ESO Albarregas High School P1 V1 T1 P2 V2 T2 760 mm Hg 2L 260 K 4 atm 200 mL 13.- Calculate and fill the gap. INITIAL STATE FINAL STATE P1 V1 T1 P2 V2 T2 300 mL 45 º C 5 atm 2L 30 Besides this activities you must do the following ones from the unit two of your book: • On page 34: Activities 21, 25, 28, 29 and 31. • On page 35: Activities: 32 and 36 Teacher: José Vicente Pacheco Page 4 of 4