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VMworld Europe 2014: Storage DRS - Deep Dive and Best Practices
• This presentation may contain product features that are currently under development.
• This overview of new technology represents no commitment from VMware to deliver these
features in any generally available product.
• Features are subject to change, and must not be included in contracts, purchase orders, or
sales agreements of any kind.
• Technical feasibility and market demand will affect final delivery.
• Pricing and packaging for any new technologies or features discussed or presented have not
been determined.
Storage DRS Deployment:
Thin Provisioning
Storage IO Control Capabilities
New Control: IO Reservations
Storage DRS
Storage IO Control
New ESX IO Scheduler
New Control: IO Reservations
Storage DRS Integration
Array-Based ReplicationStorage DRS Integration
vSphere Replication
vSphere 6.0 Beta
• Features we are presenting here are available in beta
• Perfect time to get your voice heard
The Problem
What you see
Online store:
Product Catalog
(low priority)
Online Store:
Order Processing
What you want to see
Online store:
Product Catalog
(low priority)
Online Store:
Order Processing
Storage Performance Controls
 Shares: Relative importance of VMs
– IOPS will be allocated in this proportion
 Limit: Maximum IOPS allowed per VM
 Reservations: Minimum IOPS per VM
IOPS: 1200
IOPS: 1200
Online store:
Product Catalog
(low priority)
Online Store:
Order Processing
R: 100
L: 500
S: 20S: 100S: 100
New ESX IO Scheduler
New Control: IO Reservations
ESX 5.5 I/O Scheduler (mClock)
• Allocation of A and B will be in 1000:3000 ratio subject to
reservation and limit constraint.
L: ∞
S: 3000
R: 100
L: 500
S: 1000
R: 200 Capacity (IOPS) VM A (IOPS) VM B (IOPS)
1000 250 750
500 200 300
200 133.33 66.66
ESX 5.5 I/O Scheduler (mClock)
 Compared to previous scheduler:
– Supports Reservation, Shares, and Limits
– Break large I/Os in 32KB
Limit: 100 IOPS
IO Size: 64KB
100 IOPS
Limit: 100 IOPS
IO Size: 64KB
ESX 4.1 ESX 5.5
ESX 5.5 I/O Scheduler (mClock)
Storage IO Control Capabilities
New Control: IO Reservations
Storage IO Control
New ESX IO Scheduler
New Control: IO Reservations
Shared Storage
S: 100
Local I/O Scheduler
Local I/O Scheduler
Storage I/O Control
S: 100 S: 100 S: 100 S: 100 S: 100
1200 IOPS600 IOPS 600 IOPS 1200 IOPS
600300300 400 400 400300 300
Storage IO Control
 Control Congestion in shared datastore
 Detect Congestion
– SIOC monitors average IO latency for a datastore
– Latency above a threshold indicates congestion
 SIOC throttles IOs once congestion is detected
– Control IOs issued per host
– Based on VMs shares, reservations, and limits on each host
– Throttling adjusted dynamically based on workload
• Idleness
• Bursty behavior
Congestion Threshold
 Datastore overload
 Congestion threshold value (ms):
– Higher is better for overall throughput
– Lower is better for latency
 Changing default threshold:
 Percentage or absolute value
 Default: 90% of peak IOPs capacity
Datastore Load
No benefit
beyond certain
Datastore Load
SIOC and Reservations
 SIOC needs to be aware of VMs reservations
– The queue depth allocation of each host depends on the
VM reservation
 Backward compatible (ESX 5.5 or below)
 Are reservations always satisfied?
– IOPS too low due to low latency threshold
– Background operations or errors in the array
 In case reservations are not satisfied:
– SIOC will notify Storage DRS for further action
R: 500
R: 500 R: 500
Storage IO Control Capabilities
New Control: IO Reservations
Storage DRS
Storage IO Control
Storage DRS:
IO Reservations
Functionality Overview
Storage DRS and IO Reservations
• Monitor SIOC reservation enforcement
– Migrate workload if reservations are not met
• Balance reserved IOPS usage in cluster
– Match datastore IOPS capacity to reservations
• Reservations as VM placement constraints
– Hard or soft constraints
• Per-datastore reservable IOPS
– Manual override allowed
Datastore Cluster
 Ease of Storage Management
 Initial Placement
 Out of Space Avoidance
 IO Load Balancing
 Virtual Disk Affinity (Anti-Affinity)
 Datastore Maintenance Mode
 Add Datastore
Storage DRS Functionality: Brief Overview
Storage vMotion
Storage DRS Deployment:
Thin Provisioning
Storage DRS
Datastore Capacity Management
Used Space : 700 GB
Thin VMDK: 100 GBThick VMDK: 500 GB
Datastore Free: 1000 GBDatastore Free: 500 GBDatastore Free: 400 GB
Thin VMDK: 100 GB
Datastore Free: 300 GB
Storage DRS Configuration Option: PercentIdleMBInSpaceDemand, default = 25%
Provisioned Space : 1500 GB
Space Demand : 900 GB
Datastore: 2 TB
Thin Provisioned Datastores
Storage Array
Datastore: 1 TB
Datastore: 1 TB
Capacity : 4 TB
Used Capacity : 4 TB
Provisioned Capacity : 12 TB
Allocated Capacity : 6 TB
Virtual Disks
Backing Storage Pool
How does Storage DRS handle space over-commit?
• Hypervisor Level: Storage DRS manages space over-commit
– Fine grain control for overcommit magnitude
– Out of space avoidance using storage vmotion
• Datastore Level: Storage arrays manage space over-commit
– Storage DRS manages logical space usage in datastores
– VASA integration (v1): Storage DRS handles space outage signal from backing pool
– VASA integration (v2): Storage DRS controls space usage in backing pools
• Best practice: can use either method, but not both
Deployment with Deduplication
• Provides space efficiency
• Dedupe pool can span across multiple
Storage DRS uses free space in datastore
VASA Integration (v2) : Storage DRS manages
logical space while keeping virtual disks in the
same dedupe pool
⤬Problem: Datastore appears to store
more data than capacity!
Total Virtual Disk
Size: 4TB
LUN Capacity: 1TB
Deployment with Auto-Tiered Arrays
• Multiple storage tiers
• VM data across tiers
• Tier use changes with workload
Capacity Tier
Performance Tier
Logical LUN of Auto-tier Array
Storage IO Control
 IO priority
IO over-load remediation
Automatic initial placement
Space load balancing
Rule enforcement
Maintenance mode
IO Load
Auto-tiered array
SIOC Threshold
SDRS Threshold
Fine Grain Controls
All aspects of Storage DRS can be
controlled to suit your environments
Storage DRS Deployment:
Thin Provisioning
Storage DRS
Storage DRS Integration
Array-Based Replication
vSphere SRM: Array-based Replication
• Storage DRS identifies replicated datastores
• All recommendations are in sync with replication policies:
– Automated moves within the same consistency group
– Manual moves for all VMs residing on replicated datastores
• Accounting of replication overhead due to Storage vMotion
Storage DRS
Storage DRS Integration
Array-Based ReplicationStorage DRS Integration
vSphere Replication
vSphere Replication (VR)
• Storage DRS discovers VR-replicas in datastores
• Storage DRS understands space usage of replica disks
• Storage coordinates moves with VR
– Space balancing
– Maintenance mode
Storage IO Control Best Practices
 Avoid mixing vSphere LUNs and non-vSphere LUNs on the same physical storage
– SIOC will detect this and raise an alarm
 Configure host IO queue size with highest allowed value
– Maximum flexibility for SIOC throttling
 Keep congestion threshold conservatively high
– Will improve overall utilization
– Set lower if latency is more important than throughput
Datastore Cluster Best Practices
 Similar datastore performance
 May not be identical
 Similar capabilities
 Data management
 Backup
✔Cluster1: Wide Perf
Cluster2: Similar
Datastore and Host Connectivity
• Maximum possible host and datastore connectivity
• Improves DRS and Storage DRS performance
Partially Connected Datastore Cluster Fully Connected Datastore Cluster
 More datastores in cluster  better space and I/O balance
 Larger datastore size  better space balance
DRS Cluster DRS Cluster
vSphere Storage Policy based Management
Silver Disk Pool Gold Disk Pool
Cluster-1 (Tier2 VMs) Cluster-2 (Tier1 VMs)
Datastores with any storage
Silver Disk Pool Gold Disk Pool
Cluster-1 (Tier1 + Tier2 VMs)
Datastores with identical
storage profile
• Easier Storage Management
• Effective storage capacity and performance management
– Support for IO reservations
– Integration with storage environments
– Integration with vSphere solutions
• Many exciting features available in vSphere 6.0 Beta!
VMworld Europe 2014: Storage DRS - Deep Dive and Best Practices
VMworld Europe 2014: Storage DRS - Deep Dive and Best Practices

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VMworld Europe 2014: Storage DRS - Deep Dive and Best Practices

  • 2. Disclaimer • This presentation may contain product features that are currently under development. • This overview of new technology represents no commitment from VMware to deliver these features in any generally available product. • Features are subject to change, and must not be included in contracts, purchase orders, or sales agreements of any kind. • Technical feasibility and market demand will affect final delivery. • Pricing and packaging for any new technologies or features discussed or presented have not been determined. CONFIDENTIAL 2
  • 3. Storage DRS Deployment: Thin Provisioning Deduplication Auto-Tiering Outline Storage IO Control Capabilities New Control: IO Reservations Storage DRS Storage IO Control New ESX IO Scheduler New Control: IO Reservations Storage DRS Integration Array-Based ReplicationStorage DRS Integration vSphere Replication
  • 4. vSphere 6.0 Beta • Features we are presenting here are available in beta • Perfect time to get your voice heard https://communities.vmware.com/community/vmtn/vsphere-beta 4
  • 5. The Problem What you see Online store: Product Catalog Back-up (low priority) Shared Datastore Online Store: Order Processing What you want to see Shared Datastore Online store: Product Catalog Back-up (low priority) Online Store: Order Processing 5
  • 6. Storage Performance Controls  Shares: Relative importance of VMs – IOPS will be allocated in this proportion  Limit: Maximum IOPS allowed per VM  Reservations: Minimum IOPS per VM IOPS: 1200 600 600 IOPS: 1200 400 400 400 Online store: Product Catalog Back-up (low priority) Online Store: Order Processing R: 100 L: 500 S: 20S: 100S: 100
  • 7. Outline New ESX IO Scheduler New Control: IO Reservations
  • 8. ESX 5.5 I/O Scheduler (mClock) • Allocation of A and B will be in 1000:3000 ratio subject to reservation and limit constraint. L: ∞ S: 3000 R: 100 L: 500 S: 1000 R: 200 Capacity (IOPS) VM A (IOPS) VM B (IOPS) 1000 250 750 500 200 300 200 133.33 66.66 A B 8
  • 9. ESX 5.5 I/O Scheduler (mClock)  Compared to previous scheduler: – Supports Reservation, Shares, and Limits – Break large I/Os in 32KB Limit: 100 IOPS IO Size: 64KB 100 IOPS Limit: 100 IOPS IO Size: 64KB 50 IOPS ESX 4.1 ESX 5.5
  • 10. ESX 5.5 I/O Scheduler (mClock)
  • 11. Outline Storage IO Control Capabilities New Control: IO Reservations Storage IO Control New ESX IO Scheduler New Control: IO Reservations
  • 12. Shared Storage S: 100 SIOC Local I/O Scheduler Local I/O Scheduler + Storage I/O Control S: 100 S: 100 S: 100 S: 100 S: 100 1200 IOPS600 IOPS 600 IOPS 1200 IOPS 600300300 400 400 400300 300 600
  • 13. Storage IO Control  Control Congestion in shared datastore  Detect Congestion – SIOC monitors average IO latency for a datastore – Latency above a threshold indicates congestion  SIOC throttles IOs once congestion is detected – Control IOs issued per host – Based on VMs shares, reservations, and limits on each host – Throttling adjusted dynamically based on workload • Idleness • Bursty behavior
  • 14. Congestion Threshold  Datastore overload  Congestion threshold value (ms): – Higher is better for overall throughput – Lower is better for latency  Changing default threshold:  Percentage or absolute value  Default: 90% of peak IOPs capacity Throughput(IOPS) Datastore Load No benefit beyond certain load Latency Datastore Load
  • 15. SIOC and Reservations  SIOC needs to be aware of VMs reservations – The queue depth allocation of each host depends on the VM reservation  Backward compatible (ESX 5.5 or below)  Are reservations always satisfied? – IOPS too low due to low latency threshold – Background operations or errors in the array  In case reservations are not satisfied: – SIOC will notify Storage DRS for further action R: 500 SIOC R: 500 R: 500
  • 16. Outline Storage IO Control Capabilities New Control: IO Reservations Storage DRS Storage IO Control Storage DRS: IO Reservations Functionality Overview
  • 17. Storage DRS and IO Reservations • Monitor SIOC reservation enforcement – Migrate workload if reservations are not met • Balance reserved IOPS usage in cluster – Match datastore IOPS capacity to reservations • Reservations as VM placement constraints – Hard or soft constraints • Per-datastore reservable IOPS – Manual override allowed Datastore Cluster 17
  • 18.  Ease of Storage Management  Initial Placement  Out of Space Avoidance  IO Load Balancing  Virtual Disk Affinity (Anti-Affinity)  Datastore Maintenance Mode  Add Datastore Storage DRS Functionality: Brief Overview Datastore Cluster Storage vMotion •••
  • 19. Storage DRS Deployment: Thin Provisioning Deduplication Auto-Tiering Outline Storage DRS
  • 20. Datastore Capacity Management Used Space : 700 GB Thin VMDK: 100 GBThick VMDK: 500 GB Datastore Free: 1000 GBDatastore Free: 500 GBDatastore Free: 400 GB Thin VMDK: 100 GB Datastore Free: 300 GB Storage DRS Configuration Option: PercentIdleMBInSpaceDemand, default = 25% Provisioned Space : 1500 GB Space Demand : 900 GB 20
  • 21. Datastore: 2 TB Thin Provisioned Datastores Storage Array Datastore: 1 TB Bac Datastore: 1 TB Capacity : 4 TB Used Capacity : 4 TB Provisioned Capacity : 12 TB Allocated Capacity : 6 TB Virtual Disks Backing Storage Pool 21
  • 22. How does Storage DRS handle space over-commit? • Hypervisor Level: Storage DRS manages space over-commit – Fine grain control for overcommit magnitude – Out of space avoidance using storage vmotion • Datastore Level: Storage arrays manage space over-commit – Storage DRS manages logical space usage in datastores – VASA integration (v1): Storage DRS handles space outage signal from backing pool – VASA integration (v2): Storage DRS controls space usage in backing pools • Best practice: can use either method, but not both 22
  • 23. Deployment with Deduplication • Provides space efficiency • Dedupe pool can span across multiple datastores Dedupe Storage DRS uses free space in datastore VASA Integration (v2) : Storage DRS manages logical space while keeping virtual disks in the same dedupe pool ⤬Problem: Datastore appears to store more data than capacity! Total Virtual Disk Size: 4TB LUN Capacity: 1TB 23
  • 24. Deployment with Auto-Tiered Arrays • Multiple storage tiers • VM data across tiers • Tier use changes with workload Capacity Tier Performance Tier Logical LUN of Auto-tier Array Storage IO Control  IO priority IO over-load remediation Automatic initial placement Space load balancing Rule enforcement Maintenance mode Latency IO Load Auto-tiered array SIOC Threshold SDRS Threshold 24
  • 25. Fine Grain Controls All aspects of Storage DRS can be controlled to suit your environments
  • 26. Storage DRS Deployment: Thin Provisioning Deduplication Auto-Tiering Outline Storage DRS Storage DRS Integration Array-Based Replication
  • 27. vSphere SRM: Array-based Replication • Storage DRS identifies replicated datastores • All recommendations are in sync with replication policies: – Automated moves within the same consistency group – Manual moves for all VMs residing on replicated datastores • Accounting of replication overhead due to Storage vMotion 27
  • 28. Outline Storage DRS Storage DRS Integration Array-Based ReplicationStorage DRS Integration vSphere Replication
  • 29. vSphere Replication (VR) • Storage DRS discovers VR-replicas in datastores • Storage DRS understands space usage of replica disks • Storage coordinates moves with VR – Space balancing – Maintenance mode 29
  • 30. Storage IO Control Best Practices  Avoid mixing vSphere LUNs and non-vSphere LUNs on the same physical storage – SIOC will detect this and raise an alarm  Configure host IO queue size with highest allowed value – Maximum flexibility for SIOC throttling  Keep congestion threshold conservatively high – Will improve overall utilization – Set lower if latency is more important than throughput
  • 31. Datastore Cluster Best Practices  Similar datastore performance  May not be identical  Similar capabilities  Data management  Backup ✔Cluster1: Wide Perf Variation Cluster2: Similar Datastores 31
  • 32. Datastore and Host Connectivity • Maximum possible host and datastore connectivity • Improves DRS and Storage DRS performance Partially Connected Datastore Cluster Fully Connected Datastore Cluster  More datastores in cluster  better space and I/O balance  Larger datastore size  better space balance DRS Cluster DRS Cluster 32
  • 33. vSphere Storage Policy based Management Silver Disk Pool Gold Disk Pool Data store1 Data store2 Data store3 Data store4 Cluster-1 (Tier2 VMs) Cluster-2 (Tier1 VMs) Datastores with any storage profile Silver Disk Pool Gold Disk Pool Data store1 Data store2 Data store3 Data store4 Cluster-1 (Tier1 + Tier2 VMs) Datastores with identical storage profile 33
  • 34. Summary • Easier Storage Management • Effective storage capacity and performance management – Support for IO reservations – Integration with storage environments – Integration with vSphere solutions • Many exciting features available in vSphere 6.0 Beta! 34 https://communities.vmware.com/community/vmtn/vsphere-beta