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Strange College Application EssaysStrange College Application Essays
Apple Brand Essay
Apple s introduction of the iPad in 2010 was met with excitement. Sales for iPad tablets rocketed
to over 250 million units sold by 2015. Apple is known as an innovator of new ideas and products;
from being the earliest producer of widely used personal computers, mp3 players, cell phones, and
smartwatches. Apple, with the iPad, was the first company to successfully mass produce and sell
consumer friendly tablets. Every generation of the Apple tablet has brought new technology and
innovation. The original iPad when introduced could take photos, play movies and music and
wirelessly connect to the internet. Using the high visibility of its brand name the company plans to
sell its 9th generation tablet, Ipad Pro, next month to a hungry consumer audience.
The apple brand in recent history has been held synonymously by its supporters as quality,
innovation, sleekness, and, reliability. It is currently ranked by Interbrand, as the number one most
valuable brand globally. It is important to look at the history of the brand to see how it has
evolved and how it s stayed the same. In 1977 Apple produced the apple II; the first user friendly
personal computer that integrated color graphics and a keyboard. Apple has tried to maintain this
user friendly ambiance around their products since with varied success. In recent history, from 1997
to the present Apple has been the innovation brand. They have maintained the user friendly
company image while trying to integrate cutting
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Essay on Mckinley Anatomy and Physiology Answers
1. The word anatomy comes from:
A. Latin and means to be born .
B. Hebrew and means shape .
C. Greek and means to cut apart .
D. German and means body .
E. Italian and means form . 2. Anatomy is the study of:
A. stars.
B. function.
C. sharp tools.
D. structure and form.
E. word histories. 3. Since the body has been the same for thousands of years, anatomy is
considered a static classification system instead of a dynamic science.
True False 4. A scientist who describes the layers of the heart wall and their relationship to the
surrounding pericardium would be a(n):
A. anatomist. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
D. maladaptive in that it harbors bacteria. 20. Some researchers think pheromones are important
tools in human communication. Pheromones are chemical signals that one individual sends to
another. What research questions might be asked by anatomists and what questions might be asked
by physiologists to determine if pheromones are important to humans?
21. Both anatomists and physiologists are aware that form and function are interrelated.
True False 22. The mechanism by which the body propels food through the digestive tract is
primarily a topic of study for:
A. anatomists.
B. physiologists. 23. The term that refers to the ability of organisms to react to changes in the
environment is:
A. responsiveness.
B. reproduction.
C. metabolism.
D. development.
E. organization. 24. The various chemical reactions that organisms carry out are collectively called:
A. reproduction.
B. homeostasis.
C. metabolism.
D. responsiveness.
E. development. 25. Homeostasis refers to an organism s ability to regulate its internal environment
despite changes in the external environment.
True False 26. The category of reactions in which larger molecules are broken down into smaller
ones is known as:
A. anabolism.
B. catabolism.
C. synthesis.
D. homeostasis.
E. enzymatic. 27. The group of metabolic reactions in which smaller molecules are combined to
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Importance Of Getting Legal Help With Child Support
Getting Legal Help with Child Support
When one parent or caregiver has custody of a child or children and the other parent is paying
monetary compensation to assist in the expenses for the child. This financial assistance is essential
for the well being of the child, and if it does not come, it can cause great hardship for the child and
caregiver. It is a complicated and lengthy process to recover child support payments that have not
been made with several critical steps including legal filings and record keeping. The individual
caregiver can recover support on his or her own, but a Family Law attorney will be faster and have
a better success rate with their professional child support services.
An experienced family law attorney will ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The summons contains the rules of procedure and must be submitted along with the petition to the
court which will put an official stamp and serve it on the respondent. Interim financial support may
be requested at the same time the petition is filed. This is to help with the support of the child
during the time the petition and hearing is pending.
The petitioner will also need to submit a request for a hearing and a notice of hearing form for
interim child support. The request for hearing form is a request that the hearing date for interim
support be expedited. Many states also require an information sheet that is used in the event that the
payments are not made. The information given is about the child or children.
Enforcing Child Support Payments
It is difficult to collect payments if the person who is supposed to pay does not. Filling out and
then submitting these forms to the court is complicated and it is considered better in the long run
to have a family law attorney. The amount of money in a child support judgment can be several
thousands of dollars a year and justifies the cost of a child support attorney because there is a much
better chance of getting a favorable result.
There are several ways to recover child support payments.
1. Garnishing the wages for a lump sum payment
2. Wage withholding for
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Hypothesis On Conformity
Conformity is the tendency for an individual to change their attitude, opinion or behaviour to
adhere to existing social norms. A well known study of this concept is the Asch conformity
experiment, a series of studies directed by psychologist Solomon Asch studying if and how
individuals yield to or defy a majority group, and the effect of these influences (McLeod, 2008). In
this investigation, the aim is to determine the effect that family size has on conformity, through a
common sense questionnaire to be completed by the participants. It is expected that participants
with larger families, will be more affected by conformity.
Hypothesis: A participant with a larger family size is more likely to conform compared to a
participant with a smaller family size.
Participants: The participants of this study are 37 Year 11 students in two psychology classes at
Saint Aloysius College. All participants are female, and 16 17 years of age.
The hypothesis was not supported when considering the results obtained through the investigation.
The table and graph showed that participants with a larger family size showed lower conformity
levels than those with a smaller family size. Participants with no siblings had an average
conformity score of 11, participants with one sibling decreased very slightly to 10.95 and those
with more than one sibling had a significantly lower score of 8.9. The trend of the graph
particularly is contradictory to the
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The Modern Culture Of Chippewa Today
Though Native Americans are today seen as regular members of society and treated as such, and
even are given certain special treatments (such as federally recognized tribes being seen as
domestic dependant nations and allowing for them to have their own set of laws), there can be
no argument when it is said that, in the past, they were treated terribly. In fact, when European
settlers came, their clash with the natives resulted in mass genocide. The Chippewa lived mainly
in the American midwest (including Michigan) and in Ontario, a Canadian province. I use the
term lived here because, despite the Chippewa being alive and well, they are more spread out
now due to the advantages of modern technology. The modern culture of Chippewa today is
vastly different from original Chippewa, as well (Friedl, pgs 814 815). Food for them could
range from rabbit or deer or even bears (Copway, George, Hulan, Shelley, pgs 26 and 28) to corn
and wild rice (Friedl, pg 816). According to Friedl s data, Chippewas generally expect their
circumstances to be constantly changing. For example, indigenous Chippewas left a lot of
things to chance. As stated previously, they planted corn, but they did not tend to it (Friedl, pg
816). They collected wild rice when it was available, as well as nuts and berries when they were
in season. They also heavily relied on dreams to lead them in the right direction (Friedl, 816). If
they dreamed they would prosper elsewhere, they would leave. If they dreamed of
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An Evaluation Of Lms Based Adaptive Filtering
ABSTRACT Current Method of speech enhancement has been developed with adaptive filtering
approach. The removal of unwanted signal i.e. noise from speech signals have applications ranging
from cellular communications to front ends for speech recognition system. This paper describes
proficient algorithm for removal of noise from speech. An optimal evaluation of LMS based
adaptive filtering has been implemented for the observed noisy speech. This Algorithm is basic
adaptive algorithm. This Adaptive algorithm has been used in many practical applications as a
result of its robustness and simplicity. In Future Enhancement Unbiased and Normalized Adaptive
noise reduction will use for speech improvement. Keywords Adaptive filtering, LMS algorithm,
MSE, Speech Enhancement, UNANR. I. INTRODUCTION In Practical situations speech signals
are corrupted by several different forms of noise such as speaker sound, background noise like door
slam fan running in background, car noise, TV noise and also they are concern to distortion caused
by communication channels; examples are low quality microphone, room reverberation, etc. In all
such situations extraction of high resolution signals is an important task. Filtering techniques are
mainly classified as adaptive and non adaptive filtering techniques. Speech enhancement improves
quality of signal by suppression of noise and reduction of distortion. The speech enhancement tells
about the growth of communication system. Enhancement means
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Green Ox
Green Ox
Group 2
Gaamil, Ria Girl
Oliguer, Katherin
Yosores, Czarissa Gayle
Ampong, Febe Gift
Table of Contents
Problem Statement
Alternative evaluation
Situation audit / Background
The new products division of Palmer Jackson, Inc., a Cincinnati based food and beverages
manufacturer, successfully perfect a technique for dissolving common antioxidants such as Vitamin
E and Selenium into high glucose beverages. As a result a new line of sports beverages with added
benefit of antioxidants occur. Palmer Jackson hired AccuityBrand, a brand consultancy specializing
in developing product names and logos, to name and develop creative ... Show more content on
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The promotion will be designed, firstly to drive awareness of Green Ox and its key point of
differentiation: antioxidants. We will use advertising for education. A website will e created which
will five all the information about the products ad their benefits for heath and physical conditioning.
Because of antioxidants content, Green Ox is a functional drink that is truly different from its
Palmer Jackson realizes that product, price distribution, and promotion decisions for Green Ox all
rely on the decisions they make, that all four of the P decisions are tangled and depend on each
other. They feel that the place to start is with some notion of how many flavors of Green Ox they
should introduce and at what price.
Problem Strengths: * Sports drinks one of the fastest growing categories of the beverage market.
* Healthy and active lifestyle. * Higher levels of income and education. * Easy to carry to the gym
and playing field/court. * Isn t carbonated. * Easy to ingest and digest. * Excellent source of
antioxidant vitamins and minerals.| Weaknesses: * Pays extra payment for new flavor. * More
expensive to produce than other sports drinks. * Deciding the segment to target. * How to position
the product in the mind of its potential consumers| Opportunities: * Human body burns
carbohydrates and loses electrolytes. * Having many flavors.| Threats: * Customers were more
loyal to flavor than
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Gender Based Violence
COMPUTER #: 12016861
Gender inequality is both a cause and effect of gender based violence, yet gender based violence is
in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The international organization for migration estimates that 700 Thousand women are mostly
transported involuntary across borders each year for the sex trade. Two million girls between the
ages of 5 and 15 are introduced into the commercial sex market each year.
In situations of armed conflicts, girls are systematically the target for abuse, rape and sexual
assault which are used as a deliberate weapon of war in conflicts.
Having looked at gender based violence at a global level; the next thing is to look at it at a national
level. In Zambia, several surveys were carried out by the central statistical office (CSO) and the
results were as follows. Rape cases increased from 178 in 2007 to 254 in 2010, defilement cases
recorded a significant increase from 696 cases in 2007 to 2,419 cases in 2010, Physical violence
on women stood at 28% in 2007. 20% of males indicated having physically hurt their partners and
only 12% of females indicated having done it. In the same year, the study showed that 47% of
women had experienced domestic violence, 11% experienced violence during pregnancy, 30% of
married women experienced sexual violence and 47% experienced spousal violence. Political
positions like that of the deputy minister recorded a decrease from 2006 at 18.2% to 17.2%, in
addition, in 2006, there was no female representation in the position of a deputy permanent
secretary which indicates a drop from the 6.7 female representation
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Timeline and World War I Study Guide Essay
Birth of a Nation D.W. Griffin is a movie based on a play with the setting during the civil war. It is
about to opposite families living in the Northern states and the Southern states.
Black Jack Pershing, also name John J. Pershing was a general of the army during the WWI. He
holds the record of the highest rank in the army.
Anthracite Coal Strike was a kind of violent protest against mine owners. It was basically over the
pay wages and hours worked.
Article X was basically a document created to link nations together. It was unsuccessful in ratifying
because of politicians opinions.
Ballinger Pinchot Affair was a feud that separated republican politicians because of revenue being
made separate from legal transactions. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Great White Fleet was the U.S. Navy s exploration of the world. This was a voyage that was told
to be taken by Roosevelt for interaction with the world.
Hay Bunau Varilla Treaty was an agreement between the U.S. and the founders of the Panama
Canal. It basically gave the United States permission to help create and construct the Panama Canal.
Henry Cabot Lodge was against immigration. He was a republican senator.
Insular Cases were decisions made on territory from the Spanish American war. This basically
established islands off the south coast of Florida. insurgent s revolt was the revolution for the
Philippines. It was violent protest for Philippine independence.
International Workers of the World was basically a workers union. It was to help everyone in need
of job help.
Irreconcilables were the people that opposed the Treaty of Versailles. These were the people that try
their best not to get the treaty passed.
Keating Owen Child Labor Act was an act that mainstreamed child labor. It was to help child labor
League of Nations was a agreement to end the first world war. It was mainly to make calm was at
the time chaotic.
Moral Diplomacy was an organized way to invest into a country that was just like them. Only to
benefit themselves though.
New Freedom was created by the President Wilson. It was a campaign strategy. It was said to
create a weak involvement of the government.
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An Adventure On The Mystical Island Of Great Barrier
The Modern Experience held at Great Barrier ........
Dear reader, have you ever considered an adventure on the mystical island of Great Barrier?
Would you ever want to challenge yourself in many ways than one? Could you ever see yourself
jumping from rock faces into big pools of water?
Well, OPC Great Barrier is one camp that is a once and a life time opportunity, that opens your
eyes up to the activities that are had at our finger tips. The experience held at OPC on Great
Barrier is next to none, and the pristine waters of the Hauraki Gulf make it the perfect breeding
ground for students to endure and venture out on it, to experience the dynamics of valuable life
skills. This island has been providing HPC students with an adventure of a life time for a number
of years.
Since the year of 2006 Hauraki Plains College has been attending the wonderful facilities held at
Great Barrier Island. Ashlee a student who attended OPC Great Barrier this year stated that: I was
nervous, and wasn t too sure of what to expect of the camp. Kaija another student who enjoyed
their time at OPC said that: I couldn t get much sleep as there was loud snoring roommate.
Richard who was one of a few boys who attended OPC made the comment that: After the first day,
I was exhausted and missing home a bit. I just wanted food and to go to bed but we had a final
night activity that was also so draining .
Joel another boy who went on OPC told other students that: the activities made me push my
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The Basic Functions Of Management
Management Management is defined as the process of coordinating people, and other resources to
achieve the goals of an organization. Management consists of a variety of things and very active job
and duty. Management includes knowing basic management function, what types of managers
there are, skill sets required to be a manager, leadershipquality, and decision making. Altogether
these different sections are taken in a much broader perspective diving into the four main resources
of managementwhich consists of material resource, human resource, financial resource, and
informational resources. Through these different parts of the management system, each different
part will be looked at in depth and detail. Starting with what the basic... Show more content on
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This is just the start of what managers can use to implement change and randomly place into their
firms work order. Planning and organizing are not on a schedule.
Thirdly of the basic management of functions is leading and motivating. Working in a
management system, these things are kept to keeping a happy and respectable work
environment. Leading is defined as the process of influencing people to work toward a common
goal, as motivating is providing reasons for people to work. Kristine Tucker from small business
stated Lead by example if you are the manager who is lazy and accomplishes nothing, employees
will follow. This is of great importance to understand when in a manager position because as a
manager it is of that person to be the example
Lastly, of the basic management functions is controlling. What this means is as a manager there is
always evaluating and regulating going on in the work environment, to ensure that all goals
achieved. Carter McNamara wrote, Delegation is an approach to get things done, in conjunction
with other employees. And continued to say Performance reviews provide an opportunity for
supervisors and their employees to regularly communicate about goals, how well those goals
should be met, how well the goals are being met and what must be done to continue to meet (or
change) those
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Different Stages Of Career And Life
Different Stages in Career and Life According to Capuzzi Stauffer (2012), the tenuous, but
nonetheless important, relationship between the different stages in career and life are understood
to be explored in clients in two different stages of change. The first stage is known as the
transtheoretical model of behavioral change. This model consists of six stages that clients
experience during the onset of their change (Capuzzi Stauffer, 2012). The stages of change are
(DiClemente, 2003): precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and
termination (p. 527). Depending on the issue the client is dealing with will determine what stage he
or she is at. For example, in the precontemplation stage, clients lack... Show more content on
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Despite these external stresses, he is looking for another career change after retirement. He is at a
transition stage for career development, and precontemplation stage of change for alcohol substance
abuse. Dialogue
James: I retire in 18 months! I m so sick of this job! I need to find something else to do after
retirement. This job is so political, and stressful, no one gives a ! but the money I make is good.
Currently James is the frustration with his job, however it has both good and bad points, in which
he has stressed to his counselor as he displays a stage of contemplation.
Counselor: What I am hearing James is you want a job that makes good money like your current
job, however your job is stressful, no one cares about the dangers in your job, and your uncertain
about your upcoming retirement, as to what kind of income can you generate on a new job that is
not so stressful but equivalent to your current pay. Is that correct James? The Motivational
Interviewing principle demonstrated by the counselor in her response is an example of empathy.
James: I don t like drinking the way I do! However, it helps eliminate stress, and makes all my
problems about the job, kids, finances, and everybody go away for a while. It s an outlet to handle
and manage my stress. Although James does not mention the risk factors such as him drinking and
driving, high blood pressure, history of past stroke, and other underlying medical issues, James
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Being Everywhere at Once-The Future of Nike, Inc.
The world is not enough:
As the world change and develop, new opportunities are opened for the innovators, and big
companies must take advantage of those opportunities in order to maintain the leverage, otherwise
they will topple. As company Nike, Inc. place innovation in it center of engagement, with a view to
become the leading athletic brand in the world, today and into the future. There is a growing
awareness and popularity for sport around the world, people are running more, doing more
sports activities and eating healthier, Nike is riding this wave by a few actions. Nike as begin
focusing on technology improve products and teaming up with other companies to create
products that are combining together sports and technology in a perfect way. Apple is one of
Nike s closest partners, and they even started launching a new revolutionary product called the
IWatch. Nike all so planning on expanding into new sports, create more sister firms and reach
smaller and bigger market, Nike as already begin sponsoring tow champion fighters in the UFC
challenge. Nike also started entering the American football in order to get more supporters in
North America, this act will expand Nike s target audience significantly. Another action Nike is
going to take in to broaden the Nike Foundation by creating larger scale projects worldwide and
support C.S.R, for example the building of soccer clubs for young kids in Brazil in order to pull
them out of the crime cycle and give them a chance for
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Factors Affecting Rate of a Reaction, Chemistry Design Lab
Chemistry Lab Report
Factors affecting Rates of a Reaction (Kinetics)
Research Question:
Does the concentration of Potassium Iodide (KI) affect the rate of its reaction with hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2) (of a fixed concentration)?
There are several factors that affect the rate of a reaction. Some of them being Pressure (if the
reactants are Gases), Temperature, Presence of a Catalyst, Surface Area of the reactant, and
Concentration. According to the Collision Theory, during a reaction, particles collide with each
other and react if the geometry of the collision is correct. In this Experiment, we will investigate the
effect of varying concentrations of Potassium Iodide on its reaction with ... Show more content on
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The Potassium Iodide particles will increase and the frequency of their collisions with Hydrogen
Peroxide particles will also increase, causing them to react quicker.
I hypothesize that as I increase the concentration of the Potassium Iodide Solution, the rate at
which the blue black starch complex covers the X marking on the tile, will also increase until a
point where the rate will remain the same due to all the particles having already finished reacting.
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Examples Of Media Bias
Why So Biased? The media overtime, ever since the beginning of news reporting on campaigns
and elections, has become biased. With journalists having an unshakeable opinion of a specific
person leads to them writing biased articles or papers. Many readers believe certain news outlets
are too biased and refuse to even read articles that come from that station or watch a certain news
channel, this leads to many believing that the readers are biased and not the journalists. However,
this is not the case. Looking at many journalists it is incredibly clear that they try and persuade
their readers against one candidate and towards another. Through the development of new ways to
spread news, such as television, weblogs and news stations, the media has become biased and tries
to persuade readers against certain candidates and towards another. Many argue that the media does
its job when it comes to representing both sides when reporting on elections and campaigns. They...
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Spayd is concerned with the Times` future on whether it will become a liberal paper or continue
to tell readers it is. According to her article the Times has received many complaints about
obvious bias in their reporting and how they are losing readers because of this and it happens so
often the Times is no longer affected by the frequent complaints and continues writing in their
own way. Spayd asked Dean Baquet, the executive editor, about the perception of liberal bias
that hangs over his newsroom but he does want The Times s reach to be wide. We have to be
really careful that people feel like they can see themselves in The New York Times, he said. I want
us to be perceived as fair and honest to the world, not just a segment of it. It s a really difficult goal.
Do we pull it off all the time? No. Spayd makes a good point in her article when she says to
imagine a country where the most powerful newsroom in the free world was voice that has taken a
side, or has that already
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Review Of Claude Debussy s The Piano
Achille Claude Debussy, commonly known as Claude Debussy, is one of the world s most
famous Classical composers. His extreme talent at the piano is undeniable, and his life story is
fascinating. Debussy was able to grow as an artist throughout his lifetime and continue this
recognition long past his death. By creating a new and beautiful sound with the piano, Debussy
was able to become one of the greatest composers of all time within the classical period that has
lead to all different types of people from all different eras to appreciate his work.
Debussy was born on August 22, 1862, in the town of Saint Germain en Laye, France. Debussy
was the oldest of five children, where growing up in the suburbs of Paris, his family was quite
poor. Although his family was poverty stricken, along with neither of his parents being
musicians, Debussy was able to begin playing the piano at age seven and started to gain success
at the age of nine. One of his teachers, Madame Maute de Flerville, who also taught the Polish
composer Frederic Chopin (Lockspeiser), was able to provide Debussy with great knowledge and
skill of the piano. Then at the age of only eleven, Debussy enrolled in the Paris Conservatory where
he was able to express his musical talent and knowledge. At the conservatory, in addition to the
artists studying their instrument, performers received training in music theory and harmony, and
participated in ensembles (Jensen 9). Debussy s musical talent benefited greatly from
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1950s Fashion Essay
Fashion for women has become a major part of all decades and has changed constantly from day
one. From one decade to another the trends and styles of clothes alternated drastically. The 1950
s started with long, flowy dresses. 1960 s moved to more playful, knee length dresses. 1970 s was
tight fitting clothes and platform shoes. 1980 s was all about bright colors. 1990 s included thrift
shop clothes and more of a hip hop style. Lastly, the 2000 s is all about short skirts and movie
orientated clothes. There have been many throwback outfits but mostly from the 1980 s till this day.
The main influence of Australian fashionin all decades was overseas trends and influences.
1950 s
The 1950 s were all about tight waisted dresses. Some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This fashion trend was known as the unexpected . Mary Quant s fashion moved away from the
tacky look and became more playful and a youth style. This included short and patterned dresses
that made a statement. This new fashion trend was also accompanied by a famous woman named
Twiggy. Both Mary Quant and Twiggy worked together, they were also seen together in dresses
and skirts that hit at around six or seven inches above the knees. Very scandalous for the time, the
mini quickly made its way onto magazine covers and in almost every advertising campaign of the
decade. The Chelsea Look was made popular by Mary Quant, the designer, but it was modeled by
Twiggy, the icon.
1970 s
When the 1970 s first hit polyester was a popular material and so was bright colored clothes.
Women were wearing tightly fitted pants with platformed shoes as this decade was all about
having fun. In the early 1970 s fashion was a mixture of some of the best clothes from the 60 s
and was exaggerated and perfected. The style of the 70 s in some ways complimented the hippies
of the time. Towards the end of the 1970 s almost every woman had a cowl neck sweater along
with tunics, culottes, and robes. The color of clothing in this decade had almost disappeared by
1979 as more earth colors and greys became more of the casual clothing worn. Fashion was greatly
influenced at this time by music. The followers of music rock bands dressed in
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A Market Analysis Will Be On Nike, Inc.
This market analysis will be on Nike, Inc. using the Porter s Five Forces designed by Porter,
(2008): 1) Competitive Rivalry within the Industry, 2) Bargaining Power of Suppliers, 3)
Bargaining Power of Customers, 4) Threat of New Entrants, and 5) Threat of Substitute Products.
Nike was founded in 1964 by Bill Bowerman a track coach at the University of Oregon who
developed lightweight, durable running shoes along with Phil Knight one of his runners and a
student of business at the University. Almost from the onset of this company factories overseas
were utilized to produce the products starting in Japan and later spreading to many other countries
with inexpensive labor forces. Nikeafter years of growth went from a $1 million in sales... Show
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1) Competitive Rivalry within the Industry Extremely High
The level of competition in the sector of athletic shoes, apparel and equipment is extremely high
between two primary businesses in this category and that is Adidas and Nike. Other shoe
businesses also are fighting to take a pieces of the market with new products and promotions these
companies include for athletic shoes brands such as Reebok, Puma, Under Armour, Converse,
Vans, New Balance, Fila, Asics, Keds, Geox, Rockport, Ecko and for clothing brands new
competitors such as Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, Nautica and the Gap. All of these emerging
brands with some of them having their own customer bases or brand loyalty do threaten Nike s
control of the largest segment of the market. It is not so much the price of the shoes but the
branding that drives the market. So if the brand is popular than that is what the customer is looking
for more than price. Much of this threat to Nikes branding is from changing customer preferences
for what brand of sports shoes that they want.
To compete within this market a constant string of creative new invention using newer technology
to appeal to the consumer has to take place. Nike fortunately has such brand recognition and
customer loyalty along with numerous patents on materials and designs that they can continue to
hold onto the lead and seem to continue to grow into other market segments using brand line
extensions as well. They
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The Socially Charged Life Of Language
In the chapter, The Socially Charged life of Language in Living Language: An Introduction to
Linguistic Anthropology, Laura Ahearn (2012) discusses language in relation to social interactions.
According to Ahearn, language is not a neutral medium for communication but rather a set of
socially embedded practices. Ahearn references Ferdinand de Saussureand his understanding of
language as a system of rules as well as Chomsky and his interest in discovering Universal
Grammar. De Saussure used langue and parole as an explanation of how language works. Langue
refers to language, as a specific set of rules while parole is the performance aspect of language in
which language functions as speech arts. Similarly to de Saussure, Chomsky believes that there is a
competence or an abstract knowledge that one has about language, and a performance , which
involves putting those rules into practice (Ahearn 2012).
Chomsky and de Saussure are interested in the abstract area of language, or the langue and the
competence . They were more interested in the system through which meaning is created rather
than how the system is used in individual instances. Ahearn criticized this way viewing language
and saw it as a narrow way of viewing language. There are various components to language and
understanding how people communicate. Context is an important component that influences how
something that is expressed is understood. Ahearn believes that the various components of language
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Treadmill Benefits
Jun 10, 2011 | By Lakshmy Nair
Photo Credit inifinity health and condition concept with running woman image by .shock from
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a weekly minimum of 150 minutes of
moderate intensity aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, for adults. An alternative is 75 minutes
of vigorous aerobic activity such as jogging or running. A treadmill enables you to perform either of
these activities, within the comfort of your own home or the gym.
You can walk or run on a treadmill. The American Heart Association notes that your health will
benefit by indulging regularly in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Walking is a low intensity exercise that almost anybody can do. Running is a more intense type of
activity that burns more calories than most other exercises. Both are beneficial to people at
different fitness levels. If you use your treadmill regularly, you can begin to see reductions in body
weight. By keeping your weight in a normal range, you can feel more confident about yourself.
If you are just starting out, consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program. With a
treadmill, you can alter the intensity of your workout by adjusting incline levels and speed. You can
also benefit from interval training, wherein you can alternate between high and low speeds
throughout the duration of your workout. Interval training is a great way to maximize your
workout without overexerting yourself.
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Controversia Conversion Therapy Research Paper
Conversion therapy goes by many names, such as reparative therapy, Sexual Orientation Change
Efforts (SOCE), and ex gay therapy, but all are geared towards the same end result: to eradicate
homosexuality as a whole, even if it may be completely natural to the individual. Despite the
common belief, homosexuality is not an illness. In fact, it was declassified as a mental illness
from the ICD 10 in 1973. However, there are several organizations dedicated to the very purpose
of treating it as one. While it may seem like an antiquated topic, the issue is still being debated and
even encouraged to this day, despite its lacking ethical standing.
Conversion therapy s core beliefs are deeply rooted in outdated, obsolete, and unfounded ideals. In
the past, the institutionalization of the LGBT+ people has been underrepresented, despite how ...
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The stigma that those in the community are viewed as child molesters and inherently predatory
only manages to perpetuate negative stereotypes. Instead of attempting to classify and treat
homosexuality as a mental disorder, what should be focused on is the effect such a stigmatization
could have on the patient. In fact, LGBT+ youth are at a much higher risk of suicide, depression,
and anxiety. According to a study entitled: Sex of Sexual Contacts, and Health Risk Behaviors
Among Students in Grades 9 12: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance, 80% more of those who
experience same sex attraction and 100% more of bisexual people have attempted suicide when
compared to heterosexuals. This ostracization is often looked over and instead placed on the
individual s sexuality as means for causation, when in it is in fact the source. Because of this, those
who are subjected to this fundamental view that homosexuality and bisexuality indicate or are
automatically associated with mental disturbance or dysfunction, they are lead to internalize as
much (Association,
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Aubrey Drake Graham s Houstatlantavegas Quotes
The song I ve chosen to write my paper on is called Houstatlantavegas . Aubrey Drake Graham is a
Canadian born singer and songwriter, who records under his middle name Drake. Born October 24,
1986, met an agent of his father s friend. The agent had helped him pick up a role on a Canadian
television show called Degrassi , playing the role of Jimmy Brooks. Brooks in the show, is a
basketball player who was shot by a classmate and became disabled. With his mother being sick, he
had grown up very poor. His father was a drummer who worked with Jerry Lee Lewis. Drake
growing up lived two different lives, while heavily affected by his parents divorce. In Toronto, he
lived in an upper class life. When in Memphis, Tennessee where his father lives,... Show more
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He quotes, We all got dreams and we all start reaching (L. 24), expressing dreams becoming
reality. Lights are spotlighted fame, while the money being thrown is income. Drake quotes
Housekeeping knocking to see if all ya ll decent (L. 25), suggesting party lifestyles. Being
intoxicated, while not remembering who the partner was the night prior. It s hard to leave a
surreal occupation with difficulties, which is expressed in Houstatlantavegas . The song quickly
grew popularity on the mixtape So Far Gone , which was Drakes third mixtape released February
13th, 2009. Being the top mixtape of all modern music, hit the charts with significant success on
billboards top 100. Following the release of the mixtape, a notorious bid war started between two
record labels for the artist to contract with. Young money record label, had won the upcoming artist.
In addition to signing with the biggest record label, the artist has since released three albums.
Unique in their own ways, they all have different stories they tell. Comparatively, each elaborate on
life, love, happiness and struggles. Together with other well known artists, helps grow album
popularity. Equally important, collaborating together with Drake creates big names for artists
themselves. Not only has every album progressed for the singer and songwriter, fans
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The Native American Medicine Man
The Native American Medicine Man| From the Past to the Present| | | | The Native American
medicine man, also known as a shaman (modern term), priest, healer, and even a Star Being
were known to be the spiritual leaders of Native American cultures. Each medicine man was
unique in his own way simply because each Native American tribe had their own origin of
spirituality and religious beliefs. Each medicine man had their own theory on how to rid people
of their troubles and ease their pain when they were ill or in some sort of distress. In this research
paper I will be examining different medicine man practices and beliefs from the Native American
tribes of the Cheyenne, Iroquois, and the Sioux Indians. I will be discussing... Show more content
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Both men and women were healers. Treatment of sickness was designed to restore the patient
not only biologically but spiritually as well. 8 Iroquois Indians The Iroquois Indians consisted
of six tribes which were under one confederation: The Mohawk Indians, the Seneca, the Oneida,
the Cayuga, the Onondaga, and the Tuscarora. The Iroquois tribes were spread throughout much
of what we now call New York. The Iroquois Indians also believed in spirit beings. They believed
that plagues and diseases were caused by evil spirits; they attempted to cure the sick by holding
a religious festival to ask for the aid of their great spirit to rid their people of the bad spirits. They
also believe that disease can infect a person simply from not fulfilling their dreams or their
desires. They believe that sometimes a person s dreams can reveal what caused the disease,
information which they used to cure the patient. To touch more on the basis of the Iroquois
people s belief in dreams (as this was a large part of their healing practices), they viewed dreams
as experiences of the soul in which we may travel outside the body, across time and space, and
into other dimensions or receive visitations from ancestors or spiritual guides . They also believed
that dreams revealed the wishes of one s soul, which would dig deeper, beyond our own personal
goals and those of others
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Essay On Canadian Red Cross
What is their goal? The goal of the Red cross is to help people in need whether it is providing
shelter, food or clothing. All these things do make a difference. What is their purpose? Their
purpose of the Red cross is to help people from all around the world who are in need. It does not
matter what country they are from or what the situation is. What is their mission statement? The
Canadian Red Cross mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power
of humanity in Canada and around the world. What is the history of the organization? Dr. George
S. Ryerson started the the Canadian Red Cross in 1896. It was during the Battle of Batoche that
Dr. Ryerson made this flag to identify where his medical tent was and... Show more content on
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The Canadian Red cross works all over the world, not just in one particular country. For example
when there was an earthquake in Italy on August 24 2016, the Red cross assisted those most in
need. How do Canadians support? Canadians will often donate money or volunteer to help support
the Canadian Red cross foundation. What other countries are involved in the organization? Other
countries that are apart of this organization include the Americas, Africa, Asia, Middle east and
North Africa. Do representatives for these countries meet to conference? If so, when and where
have they in the past. They meet to conference in Geneva, Switzerland.They hosted the fourth
global women deliver conference in Copenhagen Denmark From the sixteenth of may to the
nineteenth. Have they been in the news recently (within the last year)? Print out articles and
include. Yes, the Red Cross has been in the news within this past year. One example is the
earthquake in Italy on August 24 2016. http://www.redcross.org.uk/About us/News/2016/August
/Italy earthquake response
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Government Regulating Food Choices
One may not agree with the government regulating our own food. The government wants healthier
food choices, people to be more athletic, and they really want everyone to make better decisions.
The government is only trying to get the population to be healthier. People may not agree with the
government regulating our own foodchoices.
The government wants healthier food choices. Over 50 percent of our population are overweight.
The government wants that percentage to go down. Once that happens less people will be
overweight. The fast food places would not be in business anymore. People will start eating more
fruits and vegetables instead of junk food. The population will be 10 times healthier than it is now.
The United States needs to change
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Mary Ship Informative Speech
How would you like a ticket to a luxury hotel cruising on water. One that was bigger, faster and
more powerful than the Titanic. With high living standards, including wireless, high speed internet
connection, and room service. You think that would sound like the most perfect run away from
reality. Although, beneath all this luxury are the many haunted spirits that roam the place. Beware
of the screams you hear at night, and enjoy the ride! All aboard the Queen Mary ship! Good
morning/afternoon judges, teachers and fellow students. Today I ll be talking about the Queen
Mary ship. It s features, history and paranormal activity. Welcome to the Queen Mary, listen
closely as I will give you a quick tour of the ship. First of all, let s get that... Show more content on
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With at least 49 deaths, the ship definitely has some strange things going on, that cannot be
explained. The deaths that happened during the ship s history, is linked with the many spirits
that roam the area. The spirits of Captain Treasure Jones, John Pedder, Jackie continue to haunt
the passengers from time to time. There were some reports that Captain Jones loved to smoke a
good cigar and at times the smell of cigar smoke can still be detected. John Pedder s scream can
be heard from the door he was killed by. Jackie likes to play in the pool areas of the ship. Jackie
can be heard singing and laughing. Sarah can also be heard singing with Jackie. Shadow people
have been reported by people in all locations of the ship and at all hours of the day and night.
Many people have photographed shadow people. There are many theories as to what shadow
people are. Some believe they are possibly inter dimensional beings slipping between our
dimension and theirs. Others believe it is just another form of ghost. Whatever they are or
wherever they come from, one thing is for certain. When you see one you won t forget it.
Shadow people come in many shapes and sizes. People who have seen shadow people say that
they seem to have a strange smokey look to them. Balls of light have also been witnessed in
many areas of the ship. They are very solid in appearance, and can be seen in pitch black just
cruising along in the darkness. These can not be explained well, as there is no firm evidence
about it. Cabin B340 is the location of another vicious murder aboard the Queen Mary. There has
been a lot of paranormal activity related to this room, and so many requests by guests for new
rooms. Because of this, they have sealed off the room and removed the cabin number. They do not
under any circumstances rent this room out to guests. Guests who stayed in the room were
awakened in the middle of the night by the lights and
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The Legalization Of Marijuana
This proposal would eliminate marijuana from the Control Substance Act and it would no longer
be categorized as a Schedule 1 substance. The proposal would also require a federal permit for
growing and distributing marijuana within state and national borders. The last aspect of the
proposal would require for marijuana to be regulated exactly like alcohol by the Food and Drug
Administration as well as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tabaco, Firearms, and Explosives. Both of these
proposals are probable options for the United States, but the key question they must answer is:
Should marijuana be a national issue or a states issue? When discussing current marijuana policy
they are certain rules put in place, which criminalize marijuana. Stone states... Show more content
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All of these factors cause a negative reaction by the public because they begin to feel
untrustworthy of their national government and it makes even more difficult to enforce these
rules. The United States must change their marijuana policy (rules) to something that utilizes
proper scientific research; so the public can feel that the rules put in place have some legitimacy.
Even if they don t completely agree with the policy, they will have to at least perceive the law in
a more positive light. One example is the restriction of texting while you drive; there is a portion
of the public that doesn t agree with this policy, but at the very least they are able to view the
legitimacy of it because of the proper research that is utilized. So the national government should
ask itself, if their current marijuana policy has a level of legitimacy? At the very least another
question that could be asked is whether or not we have the natural right to have access to medical
marijuana. Stone discusses normative rights or rights that cannot be given to you by the
government, instead they come from religion, ideology, or natural law. In the United States we
have the unalienable rights, which consists of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If this holds
to be true, then the United States should not be allowed to
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The Strange Case Of Miller And Lux, Inc.
The book was written by Edward Francis Treadwell, who graduated from Hastings College of
the Law then became the General Counsel of Miller Lux, Inc. According to the San Francisco
County Biographies, Treadwell was also President of the Board of Trustees of Burlington and
was author of Annotated Constitution of California and Annotated San Francisco Charter . He
was a member of different committees in the city of San Francisco such as the American Bar
Association and Bar association of San Francisco. Henry Miller, whose birth name was Alfred
Kreiser, was a butcher man and a great cattleman of the Pacific coast. The book begins with Miller
in his childhood where he was trained by his father to be a butcher to later used that skill to his
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Essay about Attacks and Al-Qaeda in Northern Afghanistan
According to the New York Times, the Taliban and Al Qaeda have opened a new front in the
previously peaceful northern Afghanistan. They have also stepped up attacks in their heartland,
southern provinces. To defeat the insurgents, General McChrystal, the US commander in Kabul,
has requested 40,000 additional troops and resources to persuade the moderate Talibanto abandon
violence. But this strategy is likely to succeed only with the help from key regional states.
Increased fatalities and dwindled public support have put pressure on President Obama to end the
war quickly. According to icasualties.org, 1,530 coalition soldiers, including 928 Americans, have
died in Afghanistan since 2001. The death toll has spiked by 64 percent ... Show more content on
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America and Pakistan have different goals in Afghanistan. While Washington wants to defeat the
Taliban and Al Qaeda, Pakistan wants them to stop violence in its territories and to capture power
in Kabul. Islamabad sees the Afghan war as an opportunity to strengthen its military, with Western
support, to fend off India and lean on New Delhi to resolve the Kashmir dispute. From Pakistan s
perspective, the Taliban jihadists trained in Pakistani madarsas and supported by the Inter Service
Intelligence, the military spy agency will make the best allies in Kabul and help augment the anti
Indian jihad in Kashmir.
All other neighbors, except China, had assisted the Northern Alliance to topple the Taliban in 2001
and still oppose their victory. India, the regional hegemon with broad influence in South Asia,
believes a Taliban ruled Afghanistan will support the jihadists in Kashmir and fan the fire of
Islamic extremism elsewhere. Iran fears that the Taliban will foment troubles in its Sunni areas, and
Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are afraid that a Taliban state will motivate their extremists to pursue a
similar goal. All these nations had helped the Northern Alliance to topple the Taliban in 2001.
China too is now worried that Taliban victory could further fuel Islamist militancy in Xinjiang and
other western provinces.
None of these states wants another to gain upper hand in Kabul. Marvin G. Weinbaum, a US
Institute of Peace fellow, wrote in 2006,
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Root Canal Research Paper
If you are planning on getting a root canal done, make sure that you also make plans to get a
crown following your root canal. A crown will be used to replace the section of your tooth that
was removed when the dentist drilled into your tooth to perform your root canal. You ll need a
crown in order to protect the work that was done on your tooth. Here are three things you need
to know about the process of getting a crown following a root canal You Will Not Get A Crown
When You Get Your Root Canal Most dentist will not start the process for a crown on the same
day that they perform your root canal. If you go to an endodontist, who specializes in root canals,
the vast majority will only perform the root canal procedure and will send you back to your
general dentist for the crown process. Your general dentist or your endodontist will put a temporary
filling into the hole they drilled in your... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It will take at least two appointments in order for you to get fitted for your crown and in order to
have the crown installed. The First Appointment During your first appointment following your root
canal, your dentist will inspect your tooth and make sure that it has healed properly. Then, your
dentist will numb the area around your tooth. They are going to have to file down any rough spots
on your tooth to prepare it for the crown. After that, your dentist is going to put a putty like
substance over your tooth. You will have to keep your mouth open while this substance dries. This
process can take a while, and you may be a little sore from having your mouth worked on. The
Second Appointment In between your first and second appointment, your dentist will send off your
impression and a permanent crown will be made for your tooth. Your second appointment should
not take as long as the first. During your second appointment, your dentist will set and install the
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Decision Making That Permits Influence An Investment Abroad
The world is changing more rapidly; consequently organizations are promptly the way they operate
as well to ensure survival and growth in high velocity turbulent markets. To succeed an
organization has to anticipate, react and even lead in terms of strategic decisions to enhance
profits. It is pertinent to understand that a series of systematic decisions is undertaken before an
investment abroad is carried on with. According to Sundaram Stewart 1992 there is a system of
decision making that permits influence which refers to the firm s ability to coordinate and control
endogenous organizational variables and quasi endogenous market variables (coupled with
exogenous factors (e.g exchange rates, regulations, tariffs and political set up). Investment
decisions are critical for the performance of an organization. From a micro perspective, they are
fundamental for the growth of individual companies, increasing their efficiency by reducing per
unit costs, enhancing profits by tapping new market segments and exploiting more resources. At a
company s level, an investment decision abroad is much more complicated and requires more
research; it is more of a multi criteria process taking into account numerous factors. These are
primarily economic and risk factors, political and social environment and government regulations.
Naturally, the effects of these factors on decisions of individual companies may vary significantly.
Each of the risk has been separately defined
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The Mountain Man Brewery Company
Mountain Man Brewery Company was founded by the now retired President and owners Oscar
Prangel, in 1925. Oscar formulated an old family recipe with flavorful hops and barley that
developed to become what is now known as West Virginia s beer. Time had progressed and
Mountain Man Brewery had become a thriving business and a common beerof choice amongst the
working class men beer drinkers. In the 1960 s Mountain Man Brewery had established a well
respected brand throughout the Central Regions, beginning with West Virginia, and expanding
to Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan. By 2005, Mountain Man Brewery Company had made
profitable footprints with financial revenue of $50 million dollars and sells of over 520,000
barrels of its unique family beer. As time had progressed on, new trends of beer drinkers
transitioned a decline in sells performance for the first time ever in Mountain Man Brewery
Company. The decline revealed a weakness within the company that only bought forth fear of the
unknown future of the company s product and brand. Oscar had recently hired the next
generation on MMBC his son Chris to manage the marketing operations. Chris had presented to
his father the possible expansion of introducing a new beverage of choice for the upcoming beer
drinkers. Recent research amongst beer drinker s uncovered potential growth for MMBC and the
fear of eroding the historical brand of loyalty. Chris had researched a strategy to position MMBC
back into the forefront of
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Carnegie Writes A Great Deal About How Individual Children
Carnegie writes a great deal about how individual children are often spoiled and therefore harmed
by wealth. He states that one reason estates and wealth are left to children is so that the vanity of
the parent may be gratified by the thought that his name and title are to descend to succeeding
generations unimpaired (489). Doing so is injudicious because it is simply the egotism of that
parent which then leaves unearned and undeserved wealthand estate to their children children who
often have no other qualifications and no commitment to use it wisely or respect the value of that
money. Carnegie goes on to explain how often, when a child without proper morals and education is
granted inheritance, they will lose it. For example, he... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Also, giving money to children spoils them because they must learn the value of the dollar and
earn their own way up to the top. Few children of the wealthy will already have that knowledge.
Those few may actually be more qualified to inherit the money as Carnegie puts it, if any man
has seen fit to rear his sons with a view to their living idle lives, or [...] has instilled in them the
sentiment that they are in a position to labor for public ends; but if they have not been taught
these things and they are not qualified, it is dangerous to leave them the business or wealth
(490). One of the biggest examples of children who inherited money from their parents and
became spoiled and used it irresponsibly is the Walton family, owners of the Walmart Company.
According to the Business Insider the largest business news cite on the web with deep financial,
media, tech, and other industry verticals, the descendants of Wal Mart s founder Sam Walton
inherited and control more than 50% of the Wal Mart Corporation, are currently in the top 10 on
Forbes list of the richest Americans, and have more wealth than 42% of American families
combined (Willett, Nudelman). Not only does this family exemplify much of the 1% of America
who has wealth, they had it directly handed to them by their parents, and they became spoiled and
corrupt because of it. The Walton s have had no shame or recognition of their idle lives and lack of
labor for
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The Call Of The Wild Character Analysis
The Missions of Buck, Ghulam Ali, and Theodore
There are many different people that have taken on missions and have found a way to
accomplish them. From The Call of The Wild, Buck wanted to adapt and survive in the Klondike.
In The Other Side of The Sky , Ghulam needed to find a new way into Pakistan to better the life
of two families. Out of Kid Lawyer, Theodore wanted to find his kidnapped friend and not lose
their friendship. However, all three were determined to work hard for their goal because they all
needed it to live happily.
Buck was a sweet house dog whose goal was to adapt and survive in the Klondike. He was stolen
and taken to a new place that he had never been before. Once he saw a dog was killed due to her
injury, he knew he was going to have to adapt and survive on his own in the Klondike. Along the
way Buck endured many hardships, he was in a fight to the death for the leadership position, he
could tell he was going to need fight and he did, he used his imagination and successfully
defeated Spitz. The passage states, Buck stood and looked on, the successful champion, the
dominant primordial beast (London 35). This displays that Buck has evolved and can kill his
own kind. While on his journey, Buck could feel himself change, his fur got thicker, his feet
solidified and he became faster. For instance, The dominant primordial beast was strong in Buck,
and under the fierce condition of trail life it grew and grew (London 23). This proves that Buck is
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Takagi Research Paper
This is one of the best Takagi tankless water heaters with its direct vent capability and powerful heat
The Takagi Jr tankless water heater is perfect for light residential use as it can comfortably serve a
small family with endless supply of hot water.
This takagi tankless water heater model may be small but don t let that fool you into thinking that it
is fragile.
On the contrary this small Takagi miracle is a robust and powerful whole house tankless water
heater that can serve you well for many years to come.
Takagi Jr Tankless Water heater Model Features
Takagi Jr is a very compact and powerful instant water heater that can be used both for heating
water and radiant heating in your home.
Very compact unit
Energy and Money saving
It provides instant and unlimited supply of hot water
Less weight and can be installed easily
Can be used both for hot water as well as radiant heat usages
Can be used comfortably for houses with 1 or 2 bathrooms
Has a flow rate of .75 to 5. 8 gallons per minute
Can operated at a TemperatureRange of : 99+F to 182+F
Takagi TK ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is one of the best options for a small family that would like to enjoy the luxury of having
instant and unlimited supply of hot
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Sal On The Road
In Part Four of On the Road, as Sal says good bye to Dean in preparation for his trip to Mexico,
they reminisce about old friends, with Dean showing Sal a photograph of Camille and his new
baby. Sal questions what their children will think in the future, looking at pictures of their parents
that paint an image of a normal, ordinary life. In contrast, he considers that their lives are actually
rife with chaos and ultimately empty, suggesting that Sal is growing as a person and drifting away
from his aimless lifestyle. While it is possible that Sal is growing up, the sentiments he expresses
are similar to those he had expressed before. Early in Part Two, he seems focused on school, his
writing, and possibly settling down with his girlfriend, Lucille, but all of that is forgotten when
Dean shows up for another adventure. Additionally, Sal mentions sadness and emptiness several
times throughout the novel, particularly at the start or conclusion of a new journey. In another
instance, not long before the pair are looking at photographs, Sal snaps at Dean for needling him
about his age, making him cry. It is the most bitter we see them toward one another, and indicative
that Sal does... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While he would burn out and return home for breaks, he ultimately could not escape the road
when it called to him. At points, he may have longed for the stability of following social norms
but never enough to push him completely from the madness that initially drew him to Dean and
others within their circle. When looking at the picture, he uses the words our children , insinuating
he eventually plans to have his own kids, and that by the time he does, his life will be so settled
that his kids will not question the normalcy shown in the photographs. He has already shown a
desire to move away from vagrancy multiple times, leaving only the question of whether or not he
will actually do
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How Warfare Techniques Have Changed The Construction Of A...
There are many Warfare methods created for a castle. For instance, there is the Trebuchet, there are
the battlements (Merlins and Embrasures), the catapults, and much more! I ll be telling you how
these warfare techniques have changed the construction of the castles!!
The first thing I will be telling you about is the Trebuchet, A trebuchet is a catapult like engine
which uses a swinging arm to throw a projectile at the enemy. It is used to throw rocks (Boulders),
dead animals and humans, fireballs, and much more things. Trebuchets were apart of the attacking
defending team of the castles. This means that this would cost money because the people in the
castle would need to get supplies. The reason the Trebuchets influenced castle construction is that
when the people of the castle new that the enemies would have the trebuchets they would need to
build higher walls so when things start to fly at the castle they would want to have something that
would block the flying obstacles. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They look like mini/small walls that go up and down around all of the castle walls. The reasons
the Merlins and Embrasures are influenced construction is because when there was a war these
would act as little barriers for when archers would shoot, the defenders would duck because they
would not be hit by arrows, boulders, and more. This is why Merlin and Embrasures were
influenced for castle
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Swot Analysis Essay
Robbins and Coulter define the SWOT analysis as, an analysis of the organization s strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (239). In this paper, I will use a personal approach to the
SWOT analysis to help understand the strengths and opportunities that I possess, along with the
weaknesses and threats that I face. By identifying these four factors in my life, I hope to use them
to my advantage as my career progresses. Realizing my own strengths and improving upon my
own weaknesses can help me move forward in my career with confidence. Overcoming threats that
come my way, and taking advantages of opportunities will help me to achieve my goals and
become more successful. My personal strengths include my ability to deal with... Show more
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Living with an open mind also helps me be more creative. It lets me look at the world around me
with fresh eyes, and it helps me gain confidence in myself and my own ideas. It is important to
recognize my own weaknesses in order to improve upon them and know where I stand with any
competitors. My main weaknesses are my communication skills and falling into the habit of
procrastination. Communication, particularly with a large group of people, is sometimes difficult
for me. I find it hard to speak up and be confident, and to network and find my place within the
academic community. Going forward, I am trying to improve my interview and public speaking
skills in order to combat this weakness. Another weakness that I have is that I become distracted
easily, while at the same time I am a perfectionist. This leads to a great deal of procrastination and
issues with time management. Although I am dedicated to my education, factors such as
commitments to friends and family and occasional lack of motivation keep me off track and lead to
procrastination. Having weaknesses is something that can be harmful when competing with others.
However, having weaknesses is inevitable, so it is important for me to identify and deal with them
instead of avoiding them.
According to Robbins and Coulter, opportunities are positive trends in the external environment,
threats are negative trends (239). Throughout the past few years, I have faced threats that
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The Summary Of Air France Flight 447
Air France Flight 447 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to Paris, France Incident Summary The following
information is based on the findings of the BEA (Bureau d EnquГЄtes et d Analyses) (2012); On
May 31, 2009, Air France flight 447, an Airbus A330, took off from Rio de Janeiro enroute to
Paris, France. After a normal departure the crew climbed to their cruising altitude of FL350. The
captain was designated as the pilot monitoring (not flying) and the first officer was the pilot flying.
About 3 hours into the flight the crew noticed some weather ahead and began to encounter slight
turbulence. Due to performance limitation on the aircraft the crew was unable to climb above the
weather. The turbulence increased slightly as the flight continued, but less than 10 minutes later
the turbulence stopped. Once clear of the turbulence the captain woke the second first officer to
take his place. The captain stayed while the first officer briefed the second officer, then exited the
cockpit. The first officer (pilot flying) occupied the left seat, while the second officer (pilot
monitoring) occupied the right seat. Shortly there after, the turbulence increased slightly. The first
officer and second officer made the decision to slow from Mach 0.82 to Mach 0.80 and to turn
about 12 degrees left of course. About two minutes later the autopilot and auto thrust disconnected.
As the first officer took the controls the aircraft began to roll right, so he rolled the aircraft to the
left and pitched up.
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The Introspection And Behaviorism Movements
The introspection and behaviorism movements in psychology both had certain flaws and
limitations that did not allow them to examine underlying cognitive processes. However, their flaws
in studying psychology were on opposite sides of the same coin. The reconciliation of these two
flawed fields, along with some other methods, led to the cognitive revolution and the eventual
emergence of cognitive psychology(Cognition, p. 13)
First, the introspection movement, led by Wundt and Titchener, sought to study the mind by having
each individual introspect and record their own thoughts and experiences (Cognition, p. 9). This
movement had participants train in the proper way to perform and document this introspection, but
since so much of a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
12). However, they will likely not respond with the correct behavior to a nonsense sentence that
rhymes with the correct stimulus. This provides evidence of the fact that people are not reacting
solely to the stimulus itself, but rather the interpretation and meaning given to the stimulus by the
person s thoughts, memories, and previous experiences. Therefore, the field of behaviorism, which
produced credible, reproducible data, but completely ignored the subject s underlying motivations
for behavior, was flawed in an opposite way from introspection.
The cognitive revolution provided a way to create a field that would combine the best parts of
introspection and behaviorism, without either of their fatal flaws. The transcendental method,
developed by Immanuel Kant in the 1700s, proposed beginning with observable phenomena and
working backward to investigate why those processes may be occurring (Cognition, p. 13). By
adopting this method of taking objective, observable behaviors, and working backward to provide
possible explanations for these behaviors, cognitive psychology was able to come into its own as a
The working memory system is what allows people to carry out basic everyday tasks, such as
reading. Working memory holds small bits of information in a form that can be stored for brief
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  • 8. An Evaluation Of Lms Based Adaptive Filtering ABSTRACT Current Method of speech enhancement has been developed with adaptive filtering approach. The removal of unwanted signal i.e. noise from speech signals have applications ranging from cellular communications to front ends for speech recognition system. This paper describes proficient algorithm for removal of noise from speech. An optimal evaluation of LMS based adaptive filtering has been implemented for the observed noisy speech. This Algorithm is basic adaptive algorithm. This Adaptive algorithm has been used in many practical applications as a result of its robustness and simplicity. In Future Enhancement Unbiased and Normalized Adaptive noise reduction will use for speech improvement. Keywords Adaptive filtering, LMS algorithm, MSE, Speech Enhancement, UNANR. I. INTRODUCTION In Practical situations speech signals are corrupted by several different forms of noise such as speaker sound, background noise like door slam fan running in background, car noise, TV noise and also they are concern to distortion caused by communication channels; examples are low quality microphone, room reverberation, etc. In all such situations extraction of high resolution signals is an important task. Filtering techniques are mainly classified as adaptive and non adaptive filtering techniques. Speech enhancement improves quality of signal by suppression of noise and reduction of distortion. The speech enhancement tells about the growth of communication system. Enhancement means ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
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  • 10. and playing field/court. * Isn t carbonated. * Easy to ingest and digest. * Excellent source of antioxidant vitamins and minerals.| Weaknesses: * Pays extra payment for new flavor. * More expensive to produce than other sports drinks. * Deciding the segment to target. * How to position the product in the mind of its potential consumers| Opportunities: * Human body burns carbohydrates and loses electrolytes. * Having many flavors.| Threats: * Customers were more loyal to flavor than ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Gender Based Violence UNIVERSITY OF ZAMBIA SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES NAME: ABIGAIL NAMFUKWE COMPUTER #: 12016861 COURSE CODE: DS 102 COORDINATOR: DR FRANCIS CHIGUNTA TUTOR: MR CHAMA KABUMBU TUTORIAL: TUESDAY, 10 11HRS ASSIGNMENT: ONE DUE DATE: 7TH JUNE 2013 QUESTION AS THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER IN THE MINISTRY OF WOMEN, YOU RECEIVE A REPORT THAT THE LEVEL OF GENDERBASED VIOLENCE IN CHIEF MUNYUMWBE S AREA HAS GONE UP. DESCRIBE THE SEQUENTIAL PLATFORM OF ACTIONS THAT YOU CAN MAKE TO ADRESS THIS ISSUE. Gender inequality is both a cause and effect of gender based violence, yet gender based violence is in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The international organization for migration estimates that 700 Thousand women are mostly transported involuntary across borders each year for the sex trade. Two million girls between the ages of 5 and 15 are introduced into the commercial sex market each year. In situations of armed conflicts, girls are systematically the target for abuse, rape and sexual assault which are used as a deliberate weapon of war in conflicts. Having looked at gender based violence at a global level; the next thing is to look at it at a national level. In Zambia, several surveys were carried out by the central statistical office (CSO) and the results were as follows. Rape cases increased from 178 in 2007 to 254 in 2010, defilement cases recorded a significant increase from 696 cases in 2007 to 2,419 cases in 2010, Physical violence on women stood at 28% in 2007. 20% of males indicated having physically hurt their partners and only 12% of females indicated having done it. In the same year, the study showed that 47% of women had experienced domestic violence, 11% experienced violence during pregnancy, 30% of married women experienced sexual violence and 47% experienced spousal violence. Political positions like that of the deputy minister recorded a decrease from 2006 at 18.2% to 17.2%, in addition, in 2006, there was no female representation in the position of a deputy permanent secretary which indicates a drop from the 6.7 female representation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
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  • 13. An Adventure On The Mystical Island Of Great Barrier The Modern Experience held at Great Barrier ........ Dear reader, have you ever considered an adventure on the mystical island of Great Barrier? Would you ever want to challenge yourself in many ways than one? Could you ever see yourself jumping from rock faces into big pools of water? Well, OPC Great Barrier is one camp that is a once and a life time opportunity, that opens your eyes up to the activities that are had at our finger tips. The experience held at OPC on Great Barrier is next to none, and the pristine waters of the Hauraki Gulf make it the perfect breeding ground for students to endure and venture out on it, to experience the dynamics of valuable life skills. This island has been providing HPC students with an adventure of a life time for a number of years. Since the year of 2006 Hauraki Plains College has been attending the wonderful facilities held at Great Barrier Island. Ashlee a student who attended OPC Great Barrier this year stated that: I was nervous, and wasn t too sure of what to expect of the camp. Kaija another student who enjoyed their time at OPC said that: I couldn t get much sleep as there was loud snoring roommate. Richard who was one of a few boys who attended OPC made the comment that: After the first day, I was exhausted and missing home a bit. I just wanted food and to go to bed but we had a final night activity that was also so draining . Joel another boy who went on OPC told other students that: the activities made me push my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Basic Functions Of Management Management Management is defined as the process of coordinating people, and other resources to achieve the goals of an organization. Management consists of a variety of things and very active job and duty. Management includes knowing basic management function, what types of managers there are, skill sets required to be a manager, leadershipquality, and decision making. Altogether these different sections are taken in a much broader perspective diving into the four main resources of managementwhich consists of material resource, human resource, financial resource, and informational resources. Through these different parts of the management system, each different part will be looked at in depth and detail. Starting with what the basic... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is just the start of what managers can use to implement change and randomly place into their firms work order. Planning and organizing are not on a schedule. Thirdly of the basic management of functions is leading and motivating. Working in a management system, these things are kept to keeping a happy and respectable work environment. Leading is defined as the process of influencing people to work toward a common goal, as motivating is providing reasons for people to work. Kristine Tucker from small business stated Lead by example if you are the manager who is lazy and accomplishes nothing, employees will follow. This is of great importance to understand when in a manager position because as a manager it is of that person to be the example Lastly, of the basic management functions is controlling. What this means is as a manager there is always evaluating and regulating going on in the work environment, to ensure that all goals achieved. Carter McNamara wrote, Delegation is an approach to get things done, in conjunction with other employees. And continued to say Performance reviews provide an opportunity for supervisors and their employees to regularly communicate about goals, how well those goals should be met, how well the goals are being met and what must be done to continue to meet (or change) those ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Different Stages Of Career And Life Different Stages in Career and Life According to Capuzzi Stauffer (2012), the tenuous, but nonetheless important, relationship between the different stages in career and life are understood to be explored in clients in two different stages of change. The first stage is known as the transtheoretical model of behavioral change. This model consists of six stages that clients experience during the onset of their change (Capuzzi Stauffer, 2012). The stages of change are (DiClemente, 2003): precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination (p. 527). Depending on the issue the client is dealing with will determine what stage he or she is at. For example, in the precontemplation stage, clients lack... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Despite these external stresses, he is looking for another career change after retirement. He is at a transition stage for career development, and precontemplation stage of change for alcohol substance abuse. Dialogue James: I retire in 18 months! I m so sick of this job! I need to find something else to do after retirement. This job is so political, and stressful, no one gives a ! but the money I make is good. Currently James is the frustration with his job, however it has both good and bad points, in which he has stressed to his counselor as he displays a stage of contemplation. Counselor: What I am hearing James is you want a job that makes good money like your current job, however your job is stressful, no one cares about the dangers in your job, and your uncertain about your upcoming retirement, as to what kind of income can you generate on a new job that is not so stressful but equivalent to your current pay. Is that correct James? The Motivational Interviewing principle demonstrated by the counselor in her response is an example of empathy. James: I don t like drinking the way I do! However, it helps eliminate stress, and makes all my problems about the job, kids, finances, and everybody go away for a while. It s an outlet to handle and manage my stress. Although James does not mention the risk factors such as him drinking and driving, high blood pressure, history of past stroke, and other underlying medical issues, James addictive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Being Everywhere at Once-The Future of Nike, Inc. The world is not enough: As the world change and develop, new opportunities are opened for the innovators, and big companies must take advantage of those opportunities in order to maintain the leverage, otherwise they will topple. As company Nike, Inc. place innovation in it center of engagement, with a view to become the leading athletic brand in the world, today and into the future. There is a growing awareness and popularity for sport around the world, people are running more, doing more sports activities and eating healthier, Nike is riding this wave by a few actions. Nike as begin focusing on technology improve products and teaming up with other companies to create products that are combining together sports and technology in a perfect way. Apple is one of Nike s closest partners, and they even started launching a new revolutionary product called the IWatch. Nike all so planning on expanding into new sports, create more sister firms and reach smaller and bigger market, Nike as already begin sponsoring tow champion fighters in the UFC challenge. Nike also started entering the American football in order to get more supporters in North America, this act will expand Nike s target audience significantly. Another action Nike is going to take in to broaden the Nike Foundation by creating larger scale projects worldwide and support C.S.R, for example the building of soccer clubs for young kids in Brazil in order to pull them out of the crime cycle and give them a chance for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Factors Affecting Rate of a Reaction, Chemistry Design Lab Chemistry Lab Report (Design) Factors affecting Rates of a Reaction (Kinetics) KINETICS DESIGN LAB Research Question: Does the concentration of Potassium Iodide (KI) affect the rate of its reaction with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (of a fixed concentration)? Introduction: There are several factors that affect the rate of a reaction. Some of them being Pressure (if the reactants are Gases), Temperature, Presence of a Catalyst, Surface Area of the reactant, and Concentration. According to the Collision Theory, during a reaction, particles collide with each other and react if the geometry of the collision is correct. In this Experiment, we will investigate the effect of varying concentrations of Potassium Iodide on its reaction with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Potassium Iodide particles will increase and the frequency of their collisions with Hydrogen Peroxide particles will also increase, causing them to react quicker. I hypothesize that as I increase the concentration of the Potassium Iodide Solution, the rate at which the blue black starch complex covers the X marking on the tile, will also increase until a point where the rate will remain the same due to all the particles having already finished reacting. 1 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Examples Of Media Bias Why So Biased? The media overtime, ever since the beginning of news reporting on campaigns and elections, has become biased. With journalists having an unshakeable opinion of a specific person leads to them writing biased articles or papers. Many readers believe certain news outlets are too biased and refuse to even read articles that come from that station or watch a certain news channel, this leads to many believing that the readers are biased and not the journalists. However, this is not the case. Looking at many journalists it is incredibly clear that they try and persuade their readers against one candidate and towards another. Through the development of new ways to spread news, such as television, weblogs and news stations, the media has become biased and tries to persuade readers against certain candidates and towards another. Many argue that the media does its job when it comes to representing both sides when reporting on elections and campaigns. They... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Spayd is concerned with the Times` future on whether it will become a liberal paper or continue to tell readers it is. According to her article the Times has received many complaints about obvious bias in their reporting and how they are losing readers because of this and it happens so often the Times is no longer affected by the frequent complaints and continues writing in their own way. Spayd asked Dean Baquet, the executive editor, about the perception of liberal bias that hangs over his newsroom but he does want The Times s reach to be wide. We have to be really careful that people feel like they can see themselves in The New York Times, he said. I want us to be perceived as fair and honest to the world, not just a segment of it. It s a really difficult goal. Do we pull it off all the time? No. Spayd makes a good point in her article when she says to imagine a country where the most powerful newsroom in the free world was voice that has taken a side, or has that already ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Review Of Claude Debussy s The Piano Achille Claude Debussy, commonly known as Claude Debussy, is one of the world s most famous Classical composers. His extreme talent at the piano is undeniable, and his life story is fascinating. Debussy was able to grow as an artist throughout his lifetime and continue this recognition long past his death. By creating a new and beautiful sound with the piano, Debussy was able to become one of the greatest composers of all time within the classical period that has lead to all different types of people from all different eras to appreciate his work. Debussy was born on August 22, 1862, in the town of Saint Germain en Laye, France. Debussy was the oldest of five children, where growing up in the suburbs of Paris, his family was quite poor. Although his family was poverty stricken, along with neither of his parents being musicians, Debussy was able to begin playing the piano at age seven and started to gain success at the age of nine. One of his teachers, Madame Maute de Flerville, who also taught the Polish composer Frederic Chopin (Lockspeiser), was able to provide Debussy with great knowledge and skill of the piano. Then at the age of only eleven, Debussy enrolled in the Paris Conservatory where he was able to express his musical talent and knowledge. At the conservatory, in addition to the artists studying their instrument, performers received training in music theory and harmony, and participated in ensembles (Jensen 9). Debussy s musical talent benefited greatly from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. 1950s Fashion Essay Fashion for women has become a major part of all decades and has changed constantly from day one. From one decade to another the trends and styles of clothes alternated drastically. The 1950 s started with long, flowy dresses. 1960 s moved to more playful, knee length dresses. 1970 s was tight fitting clothes and platform shoes. 1980 s was all about bright colors. 1990 s included thrift shop clothes and more of a hip hop style. Lastly, the 2000 s is all about short skirts and movie orientated clothes. There have been many throwback outfits but mostly from the 1980 s till this day. The main influence of Australian fashionin all decades was overseas trends and influences. 1950 s The 1950 s were all about tight waisted dresses. Some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This fashion trend was known as the unexpected . Mary Quant s fashion moved away from the tacky look and became more playful and a youth style. This included short and patterned dresses that made a statement. This new fashion trend was also accompanied by a famous woman named Twiggy. Both Mary Quant and Twiggy worked together, they were also seen together in dresses and skirts that hit at around six or seven inches above the knees. Very scandalous for the time, the mini quickly made its way onto magazine covers and in almost every advertising campaign of the decade. The Chelsea Look was made popular by Mary Quant, the designer, but it was modeled by Twiggy, the icon. 1970 s When the 1970 s first hit polyester was a popular material and so was bright colored clothes. Women were wearing tightly fitted pants with platformed shoes as this decade was all about having fun. In the early 1970 s fashion was a mixture of some of the best clothes from the 60 s and was exaggerated and perfected. The style of the 70 s in some ways complimented the hippies of the time. Towards the end of the 1970 s almost every woman had a cowl neck sweater along with tunics, culottes, and robes. The color of clothing in this decade had almost disappeared by 1979 as more earth colors and greys became more of the casual clothing worn. Fashion was greatly influenced at this time by music. The followers of music rock bands dressed in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. A Market Analysis Will Be On Nike, Inc. This market analysis will be on Nike, Inc. using the Porter s Five Forces designed by Porter, (2008): 1) Competitive Rivalry within the Industry, 2) Bargaining Power of Suppliers, 3) Bargaining Power of Customers, 4) Threat of New Entrants, and 5) Threat of Substitute Products. Nike was founded in 1964 by Bill Bowerman a track coach at the University of Oregon who developed lightweight, durable running shoes along with Phil Knight one of his runners and a student of business at the University. Almost from the onset of this company factories overseas were utilized to produce the products starting in Japan and later spreading to many other countries with inexpensive labor forces. Nikeafter years of growth went from a $1 million in sales... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 1) Competitive Rivalry within the Industry Extremely High The level of competition in the sector of athletic shoes, apparel and equipment is extremely high between two primary businesses in this category and that is Adidas and Nike. Other shoe businesses also are fighting to take a pieces of the market with new products and promotions these companies include for athletic shoes brands such as Reebok, Puma, Under Armour, Converse, Vans, New Balance, Fila, Asics, Keds, Geox, Rockport, Ecko and for clothing brands new competitors such as Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, Nautica and the Gap. All of these emerging brands with some of them having their own customer bases or brand loyalty do threaten Nike s control of the largest segment of the market. It is not so much the price of the shoes but the branding that drives the market. So if the brand is popular than that is what the customer is looking for more than price. Much of this threat to Nikes branding is from changing customer preferences for what brand of sports shoes that they want. To compete within this market a constant string of creative new invention using newer technology to appeal to the consumer has to take place. Nike fortunately has such brand recognition and customer loyalty along with numerous patents on materials and designs that they can continue to hold onto the lead and seem to continue to grow into other market segments using brand line extensions as well. They ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Socially Charged Life Of Language In the chapter, The Socially Charged life of Language in Living Language: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology, Laura Ahearn (2012) discusses language in relation to social interactions. According to Ahearn, language is not a neutral medium for communication but rather a set of socially embedded practices. Ahearn references Ferdinand de Saussureand his understanding of language as a system of rules as well as Chomsky and his interest in discovering Universal Grammar. De Saussure used langue and parole as an explanation of how language works. Langue refers to language, as a specific set of rules while parole is the performance aspect of language in which language functions as speech arts. Similarly to de Saussure, Chomsky believes that there is a competence or an abstract knowledge that one has about language, and a performance , which involves putting those rules into practice (Ahearn 2012). Chomsky and de Saussure are interested in the abstract area of language, or the langue and the competence . They were more interested in the system through which meaning is created rather than how the system is used in individual instances. Ahearn criticized this way viewing language and saw it as a narrow way of viewing language. There are various components to language and understanding how people communicate. Context is an important component that influences how something that is expressed is understood. Ahearn believes that the various components of language are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Treadmill Benefits BENEFITS FROM TREADMILL EXERCISE 0 COMMENTS Jun 10, 2011 | By Lakshmy Nair Photo Credit inifinity health and condition concept with running woman image by .shock from Fotolia.com The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a weekly minimum of 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, for adults. An alternative is 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity such as jogging or running. A treadmill enables you to perform either of these activities, within the comfort of your own home or the gym. HEALTH BENEFITS You can walk or run on a treadmill. The American Heart Association notes that your health will benefit by indulging regularly in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... LOSE WEIGHT Walking is a low intensity exercise that almost anybody can do. Running is a more intense type of activity that burns more calories than most other exercises. Both are beneficial to people at different fitness levels. If you use your treadmill regularly, you can begin to see reductions in body weight. By keeping your weight in a normal range, you can feel more confident about yourself. CHOOSE APPROPRIATE LEVEL OF INTENSITY If you are just starting out, consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program. With a treadmill, you can alter the intensity of your workout by adjusting incline levels and speed. You can also benefit from interval training, wherein you can alternate between high and low speeds throughout the duration of your workout. Interval training is a great way to maximize your workout without overexerting yourself. Sponsored Links Polar Heart Rate MonitorNow in India Call us 9821070875, Get most out of your excercise.www.sportingtools.in Tips for Beautiful SkinGet the right beauty tips for your skin from the Experts. Apply Now!Kayaclinic.com Fitness EquipmentEntertainment and Sports Equipment at Factory Price. Get a Live Quote!www.Alibaba.com Gym Management CourseLearn how to successfully manage a Gym, Fitness Club or a Health Club !www.keleven.com REFERENCES * Centers for Disease Control ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Controversia Conversion Therapy Research Paper Conversion therapy goes by many names, such as reparative therapy, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE), and ex gay therapy, but all are geared towards the same end result: to eradicate homosexuality as a whole, even if it may be completely natural to the individual. Despite the common belief, homosexuality is not an illness. In fact, it was declassified as a mental illness from the ICD 10 in 1973. However, there are several organizations dedicated to the very purpose of treating it as one. While it may seem like an antiquated topic, the issue is still being debated and even encouraged to this day, despite its lacking ethical standing. Conversion therapy s core beliefs are deeply rooted in outdated, obsolete, and unfounded ideals. In the past, the institutionalization of the LGBT+ people has been underrepresented, despite how ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The stigma that those in the community are viewed as child molesters and inherently predatory only manages to perpetuate negative stereotypes. Instead of attempting to classify and treat homosexuality as a mental disorder, what should be focused on is the effect such a stigmatization could have on the patient. In fact, LGBT+ youth are at a much higher risk of suicide, depression, and anxiety. According to a study entitled: Sex of Sexual Contacts, and Health Risk Behaviors Among Students in Grades 9 12: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance, 80% more of those who experience same sex attraction and 100% more of bisexual people have attempted suicide when compared to heterosexuals. This ostracization is often looked over and instead placed on the individual s sexuality as means for causation, when in it is in fact the source. Because of this, those who are subjected to this fundamental view that homosexuality and bisexuality indicate or are automatically associated with mental disturbance or dysfunction, they are lead to internalize as much (Association, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Aubrey Drake Graham s Houstatlantavegas Quotes The song I ve chosen to write my paper on is called Houstatlantavegas . Aubrey Drake Graham is a Canadian born singer and songwriter, who records under his middle name Drake. Born October 24, 1986, met an agent of his father s friend. The agent had helped him pick up a role on a Canadian television show called Degrassi , playing the role of Jimmy Brooks. Brooks in the show, is a basketball player who was shot by a classmate and became disabled. With his mother being sick, he had grown up very poor. His father was a drummer who worked with Jerry Lee Lewis. Drake growing up lived two different lives, while heavily affected by his parents divorce. In Toronto, he lived in an upper class life. When in Memphis, Tennessee where his father lives,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He quotes, We all got dreams and we all start reaching (L. 24), expressing dreams becoming reality. Lights are spotlighted fame, while the money being thrown is income. Drake quotes Housekeeping knocking to see if all ya ll decent (L. 25), suggesting party lifestyles. Being intoxicated, while not remembering who the partner was the night prior. It s hard to leave a surreal occupation with difficulties, which is expressed in Houstatlantavegas . The song quickly grew popularity on the mixtape So Far Gone , which was Drakes third mixtape released February 13th, 2009. Being the top mixtape of all modern music, hit the charts with significant success on billboards top 100. Following the release of the mixtape, a notorious bid war started between two record labels for the artist to contract with. Young money record label, had won the upcoming artist. In addition to signing with the biggest record label, the artist has since released three albums. Unique in their own ways, they all have different stories they tell. Comparatively, each elaborate on life, love, happiness and struggles. Together with other well known artists, helps grow album popularity. Equally important, collaborating together with Drake creates big names for artists themselves. Not only has every album progressed for the singer and songwriter, fans ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Native American Medicine Man The Native American Medicine Man| From the Past to the Present| | | | The Native American medicine man, also known as a shaman (modern term), priest, healer, and even a Star Being were known to be the spiritual leaders of Native American cultures. Each medicine man was unique in his own way simply because each Native American tribe had their own origin of spirituality and religious beliefs. Each medicine man had their own theory on how to rid people of their troubles and ease their pain when they were ill or in some sort of distress. In this research paper I will be examining different medicine man practices and beliefs from the Native American tribes of the Cheyenne, Iroquois, and the Sioux Indians. I will be discussing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both men and women were healers. Treatment of sickness was designed to restore the patient not only biologically but spiritually as well. 8 Iroquois Indians The Iroquois Indians consisted of six tribes which were under one confederation: The Mohawk Indians, the Seneca, the Oneida, the Cayuga, the Onondaga, and the Tuscarora. The Iroquois tribes were spread throughout much of what we now call New York. The Iroquois Indians also believed in spirit beings. They believed that plagues and diseases were caused by evil spirits; they attempted to cure the sick by holding a religious festival to ask for the aid of their great spirit to rid their people of the bad spirits. They also believe that disease can infect a person simply from not fulfilling their dreams or their desires. They believe that sometimes a person s dreams can reveal what caused the disease, information which they used to cure the patient. To touch more on the basis of the Iroquois people s belief in dreams (as this was a large part of their healing practices), they viewed dreams as experiences of the soul in which we may travel outside the body, across time and space, and into other dimensions or receive visitations from ancestors or spiritual guides . They also believed that dreams revealed the wishes of one s soul, which would dig deeper, beyond our own personal goals and those of others ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Essay On Canadian Red Cross What is their goal? The goal of the Red cross is to help people in need whether it is providing shelter, food or clothing. All these things do make a difference. What is their purpose? Their purpose of the Red cross is to help people from all around the world who are in need. It does not matter what country they are from or what the situation is. What is their mission statement? The Canadian Red Cross mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world. What is the history of the organization? Dr. George S. Ryerson started the the Canadian Red Cross in 1896. It was during the Battle of Batoche that Dr. Ryerson made this flag to identify where his medical tent was and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Canadian Red cross works all over the world, not just in one particular country. For example when there was an earthquake in Italy on August 24 2016, the Red cross assisted those most in need. How do Canadians support? Canadians will often donate money or volunteer to help support the Canadian Red cross foundation. What other countries are involved in the organization? Other countries that are apart of this organization include the Americas, Africa, Asia, Middle east and North Africa. Do representatives for these countries meet to conference? If so, when and where have they in the past. They meet to conference in Geneva, Switzerland.They hosted the fourth global women deliver conference in Copenhagen Denmark From the sixteenth of may to the nineteenth. Have they been in the news recently (within the last year)? Print out articles and include. Yes, the Red Cross has been in the news within this past year. One example is the earthquake in Italy on August 24 2016. http://www.redcross.org.uk/About us/News/2016/August /Italy earthquake response ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Government Regulating Food Choices One may not agree with the government regulating our own food. The government wants healthier food choices, people to be more athletic, and they really want everyone to make better decisions. The government is only trying to get the population to be healthier. People may not agree with the government regulating our own foodchoices. The government wants healthier food choices. Over 50 percent of our population are overweight. The government wants that percentage to go down. Once that happens less people will be overweight. The fast food places would not be in business anymore. People will start eating more fruits and vegetables instead of junk food. The population will be 10 times healthier than it is now. The United States needs to change ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Mary Ship Informative Speech How would you like a ticket to a luxury hotel cruising on water. One that was bigger, faster and more powerful than the Titanic. With high living standards, including wireless, high speed internet connection, and room service. You think that would sound like the most perfect run away from reality. Although, beneath all this luxury are the many haunted spirits that roam the place. Beware of the screams you hear at night, and enjoy the ride! All aboard the Queen Mary ship! Good morning/afternoon judges, teachers and fellow students. Today I ll be talking about the Queen Mary ship. It s features, history and paranormal activity. Welcome to the Queen Mary, listen closely as I will give you a quick tour of the ship. First of all, let s get that... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With at least 49 deaths, the ship definitely has some strange things going on, that cannot be explained. The deaths that happened during the ship s history, is linked with the many spirits that roam the area. The spirits of Captain Treasure Jones, John Pedder, Jackie continue to haunt the passengers from time to time. There were some reports that Captain Jones loved to smoke a good cigar and at times the smell of cigar smoke can still be detected. John Pedder s scream can be heard from the door he was killed by. Jackie likes to play in the pool areas of the ship. Jackie can be heard singing and laughing. Sarah can also be heard singing with Jackie. Shadow people have been reported by people in all locations of the ship and at all hours of the day and night. Many people have photographed shadow people. There are many theories as to what shadow people are. Some believe they are possibly inter dimensional beings slipping between our dimension and theirs. Others believe it is just another form of ghost. Whatever they are or wherever they come from, one thing is for certain. When you see one you won t forget it. Shadow people come in many shapes and sizes. People who have seen shadow people say that they seem to have a strange smokey look to them. Balls of light have also been witnessed in many areas of the ship. They are very solid in appearance, and can be seen in pitch black just cruising along in the darkness. These can not be explained well, as there is no firm evidence about it. Cabin B340 is the location of another vicious murder aboard the Queen Mary. There has been a lot of paranormal activity related to this room, and so many requests by guests for new rooms. Because of this, they have sealed off the room and removed the cabin number. They do not under any circumstances rent this room out to guests. Guests who stayed in the room were awakened in the middle of the night by the lights and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Legalization Of Marijuana This proposal would eliminate marijuana from the Control Substance Act and it would no longer be categorized as a Schedule 1 substance. The proposal would also require a federal permit for growing and distributing marijuana within state and national borders. The last aspect of the proposal would require for marijuana to be regulated exactly like alcohol by the Food and Drug Administration as well as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tabaco, Firearms, and Explosives. Both of these proposals are probable options for the United States, but the key question they must answer is: Should marijuana be a national issue or a states issue? When discussing current marijuana policy they are certain rules put in place, which criminalize marijuana. Stone states... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All of these factors cause a negative reaction by the public because they begin to feel untrustworthy of their national government and it makes even more difficult to enforce these rules. The United States must change their marijuana policy (rules) to something that utilizes proper scientific research; so the public can feel that the rules put in place have some legitimacy. Even if they don t completely agree with the policy, they will have to at least perceive the law in a more positive light. One example is the restriction of texting while you drive; there is a portion of the public that doesn t agree with this policy, but at the very least they are able to view the legitimacy of it because of the proper research that is utilized. So the national government should ask itself, if their current marijuana policy has a level of legitimacy? At the very least another question that could be asked is whether or not we have the natural right to have access to medical marijuana. Stone discusses normative rights or rights that cannot be given to you by the government, instead they come from religion, ideology, or natural law. In the United States we have the unalienable rights, which consists of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If this holds to be true, then the United States should not be allowed to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Strange Case Of Miller And Lux, Inc. The book was written by Edward Francis Treadwell, who graduated from Hastings College of the Law then became the General Counsel of Miller Lux, Inc. According to the San Francisco County Biographies, Treadwell was also President of the Board of Trustees of Burlington and was author of Annotated Constitution of California and Annotated San Francisco Charter . He was a member of different committees in the city of San Francisco such as the American Bar Association and Bar association of San Francisco. Henry Miller, whose birth name was Alfred Kreiser, was a butcher man and a great cattleman of the Pacific coast. The book begins with Miller in his childhood where he was trained by his father to be a butcher to later used that skill to his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Essay about Attacks and Al-Qaeda in Northern Afghanistan According to the New York Times, the Taliban and Al Qaeda have opened a new front in the previously peaceful northern Afghanistan. They have also stepped up attacks in their heartland, southern provinces. To defeat the insurgents, General McChrystal, the US commander in Kabul, has requested 40,000 additional troops and resources to persuade the moderate Talibanto abandon violence. But this strategy is likely to succeed only with the help from key regional states. Increased fatalities and dwindled public support have put pressure on President Obama to end the war quickly. According to icasualties.org, 1,530 coalition soldiers, including 928 Americans, have died in Afghanistan since 2001. The death toll has spiked by 64 percent ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... America and Pakistan have different goals in Afghanistan. While Washington wants to defeat the Taliban and Al Qaeda, Pakistan wants them to stop violence in its territories and to capture power in Kabul. Islamabad sees the Afghan war as an opportunity to strengthen its military, with Western support, to fend off India and lean on New Delhi to resolve the Kashmir dispute. From Pakistan s perspective, the Taliban jihadists trained in Pakistani madarsas and supported by the Inter Service Intelligence, the military spy agency will make the best allies in Kabul and help augment the anti Indian jihad in Kashmir. All other neighbors, except China, had assisted the Northern Alliance to topple the Taliban in 2001 and still oppose their victory. India, the regional hegemon with broad influence in South Asia, believes a Taliban ruled Afghanistan will support the jihadists in Kashmir and fan the fire of Islamic extremism elsewhere. Iran fears that the Taliban will foment troubles in its Sunni areas, and Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are afraid that a Taliban state will motivate their extremists to pursue a similar goal. All these nations had helped the Northern Alliance to topple the Taliban in 2001. China too is now worried that Taliban victory could further fuel Islamist militancy in Xinjiang and other western provinces. None of these states wants another to gain upper hand in Kabul. Marvin G. Weinbaum, a US Institute of Peace fellow, wrote in 2006, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Root Canal Research Paper If you are planning on getting a root canal done, make sure that you also make plans to get a crown following your root canal. A crown will be used to replace the section of your tooth that was removed when the dentist drilled into your tooth to perform your root canal. You ll need a crown in order to protect the work that was done on your tooth. Here are three things you need to know about the process of getting a crown following a root canal You Will Not Get A Crown When You Get Your Root Canal Most dentist will not start the process for a crown on the same day that they perform your root canal. If you go to an endodontist, who specializes in root canals, the vast majority will only perform the root canal procedure and will send you back to your general dentist for the crown process. Your general dentist or your endodontist will put a temporary filling into the hole they drilled in your... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It will take at least two appointments in order for you to get fitted for your crown and in order to have the crown installed. The First Appointment During your first appointment following your root canal, your dentist will inspect your tooth and make sure that it has healed properly. Then, your dentist will numb the area around your tooth. They are going to have to file down any rough spots on your tooth to prepare it for the crown. After that, your dentist is going to put a putty like substance over your tooth. You will have to keep your mouth open while this substance dries. This process can take a while, and you may be a little sore from having your mouth worked on. The Second Appointment In between your first and second appointment, your dentist will send off your impression and a permanent crown will be made for your tooth. Your second appointment should not take as long as the first. During your second appointment, your dentist will set and install the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Decision Making That Permits Influence An Investment Abroad INTRODUCTION: The world is changing more rapidly; consequently organizations are promptly the way they operate as well to ensure survival and growth in high velocity turbulent markets. To succeed an organization has to anticipate, react and even lead in terms of strategic decisions to enhance profits. It is pertinent to understand that a series of systematic decisions is undertaken before an investment abroad is carried on with. According to Sundaram Stewart 1992 there is a system of decision making that permits influence which refers to the firm s ability to coordinate and control endogenous organizational variables and quasi endogenous market variables (coupled with exogenous factors (e.g exchange rates, regulations, tariffs and political set up). Investment decisions are critical for the performance of an organization. From a micro perspective, they are fundamental for the growth of individual companies, increasing their efficiency by reducing per unit costs, enhancing profits by tapping new market segments and exploiting more resources. At a company s level, an investment decision abroad is much more complicated and requires more research; it is more of a multi criteria process taking into account numerous factors. These are primarily economic and risk factors, political and social environment and government regulations. Naturally, the effects of these factors on decisions of individual companies may vary significantly. Each of the risk has been separately defined ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Mountain Man Brewery Company Mountain Man Brewery Company was founded by the now retired President and owners Oscar Prangel, in 1925. Oscar formulated an old family recipe with flavorful hops and barley that developed to become what is now known as West Virginia s beer. Time had progressed and Mountain Man Brewery had become a thriving business and a common beerof choice amongst the working class men beer drinkers. In the 1960 s Mountain Man Brewery had established a well respected brand throughout the Central Regions, beginning with West Virginia, and expanding to Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan. By 2005, Mountain Man Brewery Company had made profitable footprints with financial revenue of $50 million dollars and sells of over 520,000 barrels of its unique family beer. As time had progressed on, new trends of beer drinkers transitioned a decline in sells performance for the first time ever in Mountain Man Brewery Company. The decline revealed a weakness within the company that only bought forth fear of the unknown future of the company s product and brand. Oscar had recently hired the next generation on MMBC his son Chris to manage the marketing operations. Chris had presented to his father the possible expansion of introducing a new beverage of choice for the upcoming beer drinkers. Recent research amongst beer drinker s uncovered potential growth for MMBC and the fear of eroding the historical brand of loyalty. Chris had researched a strategy to position MMBC back into the forefront of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Carnegie Writes A Great Deal About How Individual Children Carnegie writes a great deal about how individual children are often spoiled and therefore harmed by wealth. He states that one reason estates and wealth are left to children is so that the vanity of the parent may be gratified by the thought that his name and title are to descend to succeeding generations unimpaired (489). Doing so is injudicious because it is simply the egotism of that parent which then leaves unearned and undeserved wealthand estate to their children children who often have no other qualifications and no commitment to use it wisely or respect the value of that money. Carnegie goes on to explain how often, when a child without proper morals and education is granted inheritance, they will lose it. For example, he... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also, giving money to children spoils them because they must learn the value of the dollar and earn their own way up to the top. Few children of the wealthy will already have that knowledge. Those few may actually be more qualified to inherit the money as Carnegie puts it, if any man has seen fit to rear his sons with a view to their living idle lives, or [...] has instilled in them the sentiment that they are in a position to labor for public ends; but if they have not been taught these things and they are not qualified, it is dangerous to leave them the business or wealth (490). One of the biggest examples of children who inherited money from their parents and became spoiled and used it irresponsibly is the Walton family, owners of the Walmart Company. According to the Business Insider the largest business news cite on the web with deep financial, media, tech, and other industry verticals, the descendants of Wal Mart s founder Sam Walton inherited and control more than 50% of the Wal Mart Corporation, are currently in the top 10 on Forbes list of the richest Americans, and have more wealth than 42% of American families combined (Willett, Nudelman). Not only does this family exemplify much of the 1% of America who has wealth, they had it directly handed to them by their parents, and they became spoiled and corrupt because of it. The Walton s have had no shame or recognition of their idle lives and lack of labor for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Call Of The Wild Character Analysis The Missions of Buck, Ghulam Ali, and Theodore There are many different people that have taken on missions and have found a way to accomplish them. From The Call of The Wild, Buck wanted to adapt and survive in the Klondike. In The Other Side of The Sky , Ghulam needed to find a new way into Pakistan to better the life of two families. Out of Kid Lawyer, Theodore wanted to find his kidnapped friend and not lose their friendship. However, all three were determined to work hard for their goal because they all needed it to live happily. Buck was a sweet house dog whose goal was to adapt and survive in the Klondike. He was stolen and taken to a new place that he had never been before. Once he saw a dog was killed due to her injury, he knew he was going to have to adapt and survive on his own in the Klondike. Along the way Buck endured many hardships, he was in a fight to the death for the leadership position, he could tell he was going to need fight and he did, he used his imagination and successfully defeated Spitz. The passage states, Buck stood and looked on, the successful champion, the dominant primordial beast (London 35). This displays that Buck has evolved and can kill his own kind. While on his journey, Buck could feel himself change, his fur got thicker, his feet solidified and he became faster. For instance, The dominant primordial beast was strong in Buck, and under the fierce condition of trail life it grew and grew (London 23). This proves that Buck is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Takagi Research Paper This is one of the best Takagi tankless water heaters with its direct vent capability and powerful heat exchanger. The Takagi Jr tankless water heater is perfect for light residential use as it can comfortably serve a small family with endless supply of hot water. This takagi tankless water heater model may be small but don t let that fool you into thinking that it is fragile. On the contrary this small Takagi miracle is a robust and powerful whole house tankless water heater that can serve you well for many years to come. Takagi Jr Tankless Water heater Model Features Takagi Jr is a very compact and powerful instant water heater that can be used both for heating water and radiant heating in your home. Very compact unit Energy and Money saving It provides instant and unlimited supply of hot water Less weight and can be installed easily Can be used both for hot water as well as radiant heat usages Can be used comfortably for houses with 1 or 2 bathrooms Has a flow rate of .75 to 5. 8 gallons per minute Can operated at a TemperatureRange of : 99+F to 182+F Takagi TK ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is one of the best options for a small family that would like to enjoy the luxury of having instant and unlimited supply of hot ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Sal On The Road In Part Four of On the Road, as Sal says good bye to Dean in preparation for his trip to Mexico, they reminisce about old friends, with Dean showing Sal a photograph of Camille and his new baby. Sal questions what their children will think in the future, looking at pictures of their parents that paint an image of a normal, ordinary life. In contrast, he considers that their lives are actually rife with chaos and ultimately empty, suggesting that Sal is growing as a person and drifting away from his aimless lifestyle. While it is possible that Sal is growing up, the sentiments he expresses are similar to those he had expressed before. Early in Part Two, he seems focused on school, his writing, and possibly settling down with his girlfriend, Lucille, but all of that is forgotten when Dean shows up for another adventure. Additionally, Sal mentions sadness and emptiness several times throughout the novel, particularly at the start or conclusion of a new journey. In another instance, not long before the pair are looking at photographs, Sal snaps at Dean for needling him about his age, making him cry. It is the most bitter we see them toward one another, and indicative that Sal does... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While he would burn out and return home for breaks, he ultimately could not escape the road when it called to him. At points, he may have longed for the stability of following social norms but never enough to push him completely from the madness that initially drew him to Dean and others within their circle. When looking at the picture, he uses the words our children , insinuating he eventually plans to have his own kids, and that by the time he does, his life will be so settled that his kids will not question the normalcy shown in the photographs. He has already shown a desire to move away from vagrancy multiple times, leaving only the question of whether or not he will actually do ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. How Warfare Techniques Have Changed The Construction Of A... There are many Warfare methods created for a castle. For instance, there is the Trebuchet, there are the battlements (Merlins and Embrasures), the catapults, and much more! I ll be telling you how these warfare techniques have changed the construction of the castles!! The first thing I will be telling you about is the Trebuchet, A trebuchet is a catapult like engine which uses a swinging arm to throw a projectile at the enemy. It is used to throw rocks (Boulders), dead animals and humans, fireballs, and much more things. Trebuchets were apart of the attacking defending team of the castles. This means that this would cost money because the people in the castle would need to get supplies. The reason the Trebuchets influenced castle construction is that when the people of the castle new that the enemies would have the trebuchets they would need to build higher walls so when things start to fly at the castle they would want to have something that would block the flying obstacles. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They look like mini/small walls that go up and down around all of the castle walls. The reasons the Merlins and Embrasures are influenced construction is because when there was a war these would act as little barriers for when archers would shoot, the defenders would duck because they would not be hit by arrows, boulders, and more. This is why Merlin and Embrasures were influenced for castle ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Swot Analysis Essay Robbins and Coulter define the SWOT analysis as, an analysis of the organization s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (239). In this paper, I will use a personal approach to the SWOT analysis to help understand the strengths and opportunities that I possess, along with the weaknesses and threats that I face. By identifying these four factors in my life, I hope to use them to my advantage as my career progresses. Realizing my own strengths and improving upon my own weaknesses can help me move forward in my career with confidence. Overcoming threats that come my way, and taking advantages of opportunities will help me to achieve my goals and become more successful. My personal strengths include my ability to deal with... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Living with an open mind also helps me be more creative. It lets me look at the world around me with fresh eyes, and it helps me gain confidence in myself and my own ideas. It is important to recognize my own weaknesses in order to improve upon them and know where I stand with any competitors. My main weaknesses are my communication skills and falling into the habit of procrastination. Communication, particularly with a large group of people, is sometimes difficult for me. I find it hard to speak up and be confident, and to network and find my place within the academic community. Going forward, I am trying to improve my interview and public speaking skills in order to combat this weakness. Another weakness that I have is that I become distracted easily, while at the same time I am a perfectionist. This leads to a great deal of procrastination and issues with time management. Although I am dedicated to my education, factors such as commitments to friends and family and occasional lack of motivation keep me off track and lead to procrastination. Having weaknesses is something that can be harmful when competing with others. However, having weaknesses is inevitable, so it is important for me to identify and deal with them instead of avoiding them. According to Robbins and Coulter, opportunities are positive trends in the external environment, threats are negative trends (239). Throughout the past few years, I have faced threats that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Summary Of Air France Flight 447 Air France Flight 447 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to Paris, France Incident Summary The following information is based on the findings of the BEA (Bureau d EnquГЄtes et d Analyses) (2012); On May 31, 2009, Air France flight 447, an Airbus A330, took off from Rio de Janeiro enroute to Paris, France. After a normal departure the crew climbed to their cruising altitude of FL350. The captain was designated as the pilot monitoring (not flying) and the first officer was the pilot flying. About 3 hours into the flight the crew noticed some weather ahead and began to encounter slight turbulence. Due to performance limitation on the aircraft the crew was unable to climb above the weather. The turbulence increased slightly as the flight continued, but less than 10 minutes later the turbulence stopped. Once clear of the turbulence the captain woke the second first officer to take his place. The captain stayed while the first officer briefed the second officer, then exited the cockpit. The first officer (pilot flying) occupied the left seat, while the second officer (pilot monitoring) occupied the right seat. Shortly there after, the turbulence increased slightly. The first officer and second officer made the decision to slow from Mach 0.82 to Mach 0.80 and to turn about 12 degrees left of course. About two minutes later the autopilot and auto thrust disconnected. As the first officer took the controls the aircraft began to roll right, so he rolled the aircraft to the left and pitched up. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Introspection And Behaviorism Movements The introspection and behaviorism movements in psychology both had certain flaws and limitations that did not allow them to examine underlying cognitive processes. However, their flaws in studying psychology were on opposite sides of the same coin. The reconciliation of these two flawed fields, along with some other methods, led to the cognitive revolution and the eventual emergence of cognitive psychology(Cognition, p. 13) First, the introspection movement, led by Wundt and Titchener, sought to study the mind by having each individual introspect and record their own thoughts and experiences (Cognition, p. 9). This movement had participants train in the proper way to perform and document this introspection, but since so much of a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 12). However, they will likely not respond with the correct behavior to a nonsense sentence that rhymes with the correct stimulus. This provides evidence of the fact that people are not reacting solely to the stimulus itself, but rather the interpretation and meaning given to the stimulus by the person s thoughts, memories, and previous experiences. Therefore, the field of behaviorism, which produced credible, reproducible data, but completely ignored the subject s underlying motivations for behavior, was flawed in an opposite way from introspection. The cognitive revolution provided a way to create a field that would combine the best parts of introspection and behaviorism, without either of their fatal flaws. The transcendental method, developed by Immanuel Kant in the 1700s, proposed beginning with observable phenomena and working backward to investigate why those processes may be occurring (Cognition, p. 13). By adopting this method of taking objective, observable behaviors, and working backward to provide possible explanations for these behaviors, cognitive psychology was able to come into its own as a science. The working memory system is what allows people to carry out basic everyday tasks, such as reading. Working memory holds small bits of information in a form that can be stored for brief periods ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...