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1. Read the description of each Professional Behavior.
2. Become familiar with the behavioral criteria described in
each of the levels.
3. Self-assess your performance continually, relative to the
Professional Behaviors, using the behavioral criteria.
4. At Midterm point each semester, complete the Self-
Assessment Form.
5. Using a Highlighter Pen, highlight all criteria that describes
behaviors you demonstrate in Beginning (column 1),
Intermediate (column 2), Entry Level (column 3) or Post-Entry
Level Professional Behaviors.
6. Identify the level within which you predominately function.
7. Document specific examples of when you demonstrated
behaviors from the highest level highlighted.
8. For each Professional Behavior, list the areas in which you
wish to improve.
9. Share your self-assessment with PTA Faculty member during
Midsemester Advising session.
10. PTA Faculty will assess each student on the 10 Professional
Behaviors and compare results. Feedback will be provided.
**Professional Behaviors were developed by Warren May,
Laurie Kontney and Annette Iglarsh (2010) as an update to the
Generic Abilities.
1. - The ability to question logically; identify, generate and
evaluate elements of logical argument; recognize and
differentiate facts, appropriate
or faulty inferences, and assumptions; and distinguish relevant
from irrelevant information. The ability to appropriately utilize,
analyze, and critically evaluate scientific evidence to develop a
logical argument, and to identify and determine the impact of
bias on the decision making process.
Beginning Level:
relevant questions
the consistent ability to critically appraise findings (i.e.
methodology and conclusion)
experience in knowledge base
Intermediate Level:
patient management
experience to formulate new ideas
knowledge base
resence of contradictions
Entry Level:
hypotheses and ideas
of applied solutions efficiently
Post-Entry Level:
writing and/or professional presentations
ghly critiques hypotheses and ideas often crossing
disciplines in thought process
cognizes own biases and suspends judgmental thinking
Student functions predominantly in the
beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level
Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment:
· to pay 100% attention to all the classes and thus achieve
internalize the knowledge for future exams.
· When there is some content in the class that I do not
understand, I try to clarify it with the teacher and in some cases
with classmates
· I feel ready to use all the knowledge I receive from teachers
and grow professionally.
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to
improve in the following ways:
· improve my knowledge by making the interaction with
teachers more consistent and obtain from them all the necessary
knowledge to continue to affect them
Student should increase participation in class, by asking
appropriate questions, during lecture especially when student
does not understand material presented. Student will improve
ability to critically analyze information (AS)
2. - The ability to communicate effectively (i.e. verbal, non-
verbal, reading, writing, and listening) for varied audiences and
Beginning Level:
- verbal characteristics that
portray confidence
Intermediate Level:
- verbal,
written and electronic) to meet the needs of different audiences
in the patient/client management process
-verbal, written and
Entry Level:
the communication exchange with individuals and groups
electronic messages with logical organization and sequencing
ains open and constructive communication
Post Entry Level:
knowledge of the audience to maximize learning
sages capable of influencing patients,
the community and society
Student functions predominantly in the
beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level
Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment:
· try to have good communication with teachers and classmates
in English language
· write and listen in different settings to improve the grammar
and the audition.
· feel good using the different types of electronic
communication to achieve good communication between the
teachers and me
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to
improve in the following ways: I am focused on improving my
communication with classmates and teachers, improving my
English language, my grammar and my reading so that it is
easier for me to reach the end of the course. Keep improving
written and verbal communication skills. Do not be afraid of the
English barrier. Recognizes the verbal and nonverbal
characteristics that portray confidence (AS)
3. – The ability to recognize and define problems, analyze data,
develop and implement solutions, and evaluate outcomes.
Beginning Level:
ifies resources needed to develop solutions
Intermediate Level:
Entry Level:
mplements }
Post Entry Level:
ution to a
quality assessment in work environment
-related problems
Student functions predominantly in the
beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level
Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment:
· I try to see the problems I have in classes and exams and how
to solve them.
· I use technology in order to find information to improve my
knowledge in this branch
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to
improve in the following ways: try to obtain more knowledge
in the branch of computing in order to improve the class work
that we must do in different formats Strong decision-making is
essential at this stage. After carefully considering all your
options, you must select the best strategy for your problem and
stick with your choice. Continue to seek guidance from
instructors during lecture and lab. Begin to analyze problems to
achieve solutions. Identifies possible solutions and probable
outcomes (AS)
4. – The ability to interact effectively with patients, families,
colleagues, other health care professionals, and the community
in a
culturally aware manner.
Beginning Level:
styles during interactions with all persons
Intermediate Level:
-verbal communication and emotions that
others bring to professional interactions
Entry Level:
original concern to determine course of action
management strategies when dealing with challenging
-verbal communication and
emotional responses during interactions and modifies own
behaviors based on them
Post Entry Level:
-verbal communication and
the emotions of self
and others have during interactions and demonstrates the ability
modify the behaviors of self
and others during the interaction
Student functions predominantly in the
beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level
Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment:
· I try to improve my behavior day after day when it comes to
interacting with teachers and classmates.
· I think that patients need to receive the best treatment and I
am preparing to give them what they expect to receive from us
· There are many styles of life and I respect each one.
· Revealing any information from passers-by to personages
concerned with the case is the action of unprofessional people
that is why we must be sure to which people we give
information about our patient.
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to
improve in the following ways:
· maintain respect for classmates and teachers Express yourself
in the best way to achieve a better interaction between all.
Recognizes the emotions and bias that one brings to all
professional interactions (AS)
5. – The ability to be accountable for the outcomes of personal
and professional actions and to follow through on commitments
encompass the profession within the scope of work, community
and social responsibilities.
Beginning Level:
readiness to learn
mic program and clinical
Intermediate Level:
nce-based patient care
Entry Level:
-based practice in health care settings
academic and clinical settings
Post Entry Level:
Student functions predominantly in the
beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level
Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment
· I always try to be on time both in online classes and in pre-
school classes.
· I do my best to keep everything clean and comfortable in the
environment that surrounds me.
· I am fully responsible for any decision I make in daily life.
· I respect all the policies and rules of the program.
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to
improve in the following ways: continue with the best
punctuality to classes, be on time at all the events that are
programmed by the teachers and require punctuality. Increase
collaboration with peers and faculty (AS) Stay on top of the
syllabus to know what is coming next. Articulates limitations
and readiness to learn (AS)
6. – The ability to exhibit appropriate professional conduct and
to represent the profession effectively while promoting the
growth/development of the Physical Therapy profession.
Beginning Level:
mic program honor code
and the APTA Code of Ethics
respect, and continuous
regard for all classmates, academic and clinical faculty/staff,
patients, families, and other healthcare providers
Intermediate Level:
academic and clinical settings
ng all academic and clinical
-workers and other
healthcare professionals will result in optimal outcome and acts
accordingly to attain such input and share decision making
tions of the profession
Entry Level:
by treatment of patients within scope of practice, referring to
other healthcare professionals as necessary
imes as
evidenced by provision of patient/family education, seeking
patient input and informed consent for all aspects of care and
maintenance of patient dignity
professional organizations and attendance at sessions or
participation in activities
that further education/professional development
provision of patient
care, following guidelines for best practices
ical therapy within the
healthcare system and in population health
collaboration with both individuals and groups
Post Entry Level:
Student functions predominantly in the
beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level
Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment:
· I am always present at the meetings that the school schedules
and I comply with all the orientations that I receive.
· I show respect for all teachers and classmates.
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to
improve in the following ways:
· achieve better communication between classmates on a daily
basis with the aim of sharing knowledge for future exams and
class assignments.
Seek out learning opportunities, increase motivation.
Incorporate feedback into professional behaviors (AS)
7. – The ability to seek out and identify quality sources of
feedback, reflect on and integrate the feedback, and provide
meaningful feedback to others.
Beginning Level:
from appropriate sources
ck into behaviors
-way communication without defensiveness
Intermediate Level:
establishing professional and patient related goals
Entry Level:
evaluation of skills, knowledge and abilities
s/clients and peers/mentors
sources to improve skills, knowledge and abilities
en to patients/clients according to their
learning styles
Post Entry Level:
- judgmental, constructive problem-solving
students/supervisees/ peers/supervisors/patients
Student functions predominantly in the
beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level
Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment:
· I accept constructive criticism from teachers and classmates to
improve both personally and professionally.
· know how to identify if your knowledge has increased by
measuring it from the beginning to the present.
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to
improve in the following ways: try to improve each time that
feedback is received and thus achieve better grades in future
activity work. Student should improve active listening skills
during lecture and lab. Students needs to improve assess own
performance in class and knowledge base (AS)
8. – The ability to manage time and resources effectively to
obtain the maximum possible benefit.
Beginning Level:
ntifies resource limitations (i.e. information, time,
in a timely manner
productivity standards
-identifies and initiates learning opportunities during
unscheduled time
Intermediate Level:
practice decisions
collaborates with staff to utilize best current evidence
and implements strategies for meeting productivity
Entry Level:
the impact of treatment available
s the ability to set
boundaries, negotiate, compromise, and set realistic
data to determine plan of care
le etc. as patient needs and
circumstances dictate
quality care and completing non-productive work activities
Post Entry Level:
knowledge (outcomes, case studies, etc)
and situations that arise on a given day
and/or effectiveness without decrement in quality of care
Student functions predominantly in the
beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level
Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment:
· the best way to prepare for the next day's class is to read the
character you are going to receive and so you don't arrive
without ideas of the content.
· Know how to identify how much help you need according to
your qualifications and your acquired knowledge.
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to
improve in the following ways: know how to determine when
help is needed and thus ask teachers for extra explanations and
clarify the content of the class. Student will continue to
effectively use time and resources in order continue improving
his skills. Determines when and how much help is needed.
continue to plan ahead / stay current with syllabus (AS)
9. – The ability to identify sources of stress and to develop and
implement effective coping behaviors; this applies for
for: self, patient/clients and their families, members of the
health care team and in work/life scenarios.
Beginning Level:
s professional demeanor in all situations
Intermediate Level:
professional and personal life
and clarifies expectations
Entry Level:
debriefing as needed
within professional, personal and work/life environments
and others
Post Entry Level:
izing and managing stressors
networks for self and others
in professional and personal life
Student functions predominantly in the
beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level
Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment:
· Improve my stress management.
· Due to the amount of content that we must memorize
throughout the course it is very difficult not to stress but when I
start to feel that way I stop and start doing something different
that way helps me to relax.
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to
improve in the following ways: know how to determine when
help is needed and thus ask teachers for extra explanations and
clarify the content of the class. Student should continue to
seek assistance when needed in efforts to decrease stressors
(AS) Continue to Improve a balance between personal life and
school life (AS)
10. – The ability to self direct learning to include the
identification of needs and sources of learning; and to
continually seek
and apply new knowledge, behaviors, and skills.
Beginning Level:
lyzes and subdivides large questions into components
new learning opportunities
- service, research or cases studies
Intermediate Level:
lacking in order to augment learning and practice
-evaluates performance
Recognizes the need to and is able to verify solutions to
to professional practice
Entry Level:
- evaluates position based on available
staff levels
treatments based on newly-learned skills and considerations
therapists for treatment ideas
Post Entry Level:
specialty certifications
environment today (i.e. wellness clinics, massage therapy,
holistic medicine)
Student functions predominantly in the
beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level
Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment:
· Always in charters we will find more important content than
others, the most important content is the one that is given the
highest priority when studying.
· know how to identify the content that you find most difficult
to internalize through past exams and try to improve for future
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to
improve in the following ways: know how to identify what
content in the class you should pay more attention to which are
the most important things using your experience from last
semester. Student should improve on prioritizing information
to study effectively (AS)
Based on faculty student assessment of Professional Behaviors
and the areas identified for improvement, the following goals
are set:
1. Student will demonstrate active listening skills, ask relevant
questions, and participate during class.
1. Student will apply knowledge to demonstrate deeper
understanding of content.
1. Student will educate peers on importance of physical therapy.
1. Student will actively and independently seek learning
opportunities to become an independent learning
To accomplish these goals, student should take the following
Plan ahead, pre-read chapters, read power points daily, work on
assignments with ample time to seek proper feedback from
Increase study time and use different learning techniques in an
environment conducive to learning. (use of flashcards, self-
quizzes, diagramming), participate in student directed study
groups, participate in open lab sessions.
By my signature below, I indicate that I have discussed my self-
assessment/faculty student assessment and sought feedback
from faculty regarding my professional behaviors.
Student Signature
Student Print Name: MICHEL GARCIA
Date: 10/19/2020
Faculty signature:
Faculty Print Name: Aura Sanchez, MSPT
ECO 110: How to Do the Excel Calculations for Assignment 2
in Week 7
Click video above or here to play video
Assignment 2Assignment 2 Financial Plan Budget Excel
TemplateBudgetDollarsPercentIncome$ 50,000-
sHealth CareFamily CareMiscellaneousSavings
TotalAssignment 2 Instructions for Excel Sheet:
1. Identify an annual income. This can be the $50,000 already in
the "Income" cell, or you can use an income of your choice. If
you use a different annual income, remember to change your
income number.
2. Choose one of these five financial goals (remember to set a
timeline for yourself that ranges from 1 year to 10 years). The
number you put in the "Savings" cell of the budget table shoul d
be the cost of the goal you are saving for divided by the number
of years you plan to be saving for it.
a. Create an emergency fund of $1,000.
b. Save for a vacation that will cost $2,000.
c. Save to buy a $15,000 vehicle.
d. Save for a down payment of $40,000 to buy a house.
e. Save $50,000 for education (personal, child, family, etc.).
3. Choose one of these three housing options. Put the dollar
number in the budget table above for "Housing."
a. Rent a house. Cost is $15,000 per year.
b. Rent an apartment. Cost is $12,000 per year.
c. Rent a room only. Cost is $9,000 per year.
4. Fill in dollar values for the rest of your expenditures. This
can be based on either a hypothetical ideal or what you might
typically spend on these categories.
5. Use formulas to calculate the sum for your "Total" cell in the
"Dollars" column and to fill in the "Percent" column.
6. Check to make sure your "Total" dollars is equal to the
annual income you chose and that your "Total" percent is 100%.
End of worksheet
ECO110Assignment 2 Financial Plan Explanation Word
While writing responses to the prompts below, you may need to
refer back to the budget you created in the Assignment 2
Financial Plan Budget Excel Template. Make sure you have
completed your budget before completing this portion of the
1. Identify the savings goal and the time frame you determined
for reaching your goal. Why is the time frame you identified
[Write your response to Question 1 here.]
2. Explain why you chose the housing option you did and how it
will help you achieve your selected financial goal.
a. What considerations, if any, did you give to the following
when selecting your housing option?
i. Time frame for savings goal.
ii. Familial situation.
iii. Quality of life.
iv. Trade-off decisions.
v. Other considerations.
[Write your response to Question 2 here.]
3. Explain your choices for non-rent expenditures and how they
will help achieve your savings goal within the time frame.
a. How did you make the choices you did regarding non-rent
b. How do your expenditures align with the financial goal you
[Write your response to Question 3 here.]
4. Reflect on the productivity strategies you used to break down
your financial plan into smaller steps to help you stay organized
and productive.
a. How closely did you follow the plan you thought through
earlier in the assignment instructions?
b. How did a step-by-step and organized approach help you to
adjust your financial priorities and financial plan?
c. How did the approach you use draw upon productivity
strategies that you had previously learned?
[Write your response to Question 4 here.]

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Student name michel garcia tapanes _____________________________

  • 1. Student Name __MICHEL GARCIA TAPANES ________________________________________ Date 10/19/2020__________________________ Directions: 1. Read the description of each Professional Behavior. 2. Become familiar with the behavioral criteria described in each of the levels. 3. Self-assess your performance continually, relative to the Professional Behaviors, using the behavioral criteria. 4. At Midterm point each semester, complete the Self- Assessment Form. 5. Using a Highlighter Pen, highlight all criteria that describes behaviors you demonstrate in Beginning (column 1), Intermediate (column 2), Entry Level (column 3) or Post-Entry Level Professional Behaviors. 6. Identify the level within which you predominately function. 7. Document specific examples of when you demonstrated behaviors from the highest level highlighted. 8. For each Professional Behavior, list the areas in which you wish to improve. 9. Share your self-assessment with PTA Faculty member during Midsemester Advising session. 10. PTA Faculty will assess each student on the 10 Professional Behaviors and compare results. Feedback will be provided. **Professional Behaviors were developed by Warren May, Laurie Kontney and Annette Iglarsh (2010) as an update to the Generic Abilities. Semester Second Third
  • 2. Fourth Fifth 1. - The ability to question logically; identify, generate and evaluate elements of logical argument; recognize and differentiate facts, appropriate or faulty inferences, and assumptions; and distinguish relevant from irrelevant information. The ability to appropriately utilize, analyze, and critically evaluate scientific evidence to develop a logical argument, and to identify and determine the impact of bias on the decision making process. Beginning Level: relevant questions the consistent ability to critically appraise findings (i.e. methodology and conclusion) experience in knowledge base Intermediate Level: patient management
  • 3. experience to formulate new ideas knowledge base resence of contradictions Entry Level: hypotheses and ideas deas of applied solutions efficiently Post-Entry Level: writing and/or professional presentations ghly critiques hypotheses and ideas often crossing disciplines in thought process evidence cognizes own biases and suspends judgmental thinking Student functions predominantly in the beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment: · to pay 100% attention to all the classes and thus achieve internalize the knowledge for future exams. · When there is some content in the class that I do not understand, I try to clarify it with the teacher and in some cases with classmates · I feel ready to use all the knowledge I receive from teachers
  • 4. and grow professionally. Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to improve in the following ways: · improve my knowledge by making the interaction with teachers more consistent and obtain from them all the necessary knowledge to continue to affect them Student should increase participation in class, by asking appropriate questions, during lecture especially when student does not understand material presented. Student will improve ability to critically analyze information (AS) 2. - The ability to communicate effectively (i.e. verbal, non- verbal, reading, writing, and listening) for varied audiences and purposes. Beginning Level: (AS) - verbal characteristics that portray confidence Intermediate Level: - verbal, written and electronic) to meet the needs of different audiences message(s) groups in the patient/client management process -verbal, written and
  • 5. electronic) Entry Level: the communication exchange with individuals and groups electronic messages with logical organization and sequencing ains open and constructive communication Post Entry Level: knowledge of the audience to maximize learning sages capable of influencing patients, the community and society Student functions predominantly in the beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment: · try to have good communication with teachers and classmates in English language · write and listen in different settings to improve the grammar and the audition. · feel good using the different types of electronic communication to achieve good communication between the teachers and me Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to improve in the following ways: I am focused on improving my communication with classmates and teachers, improving my English language, my grammar and my reading so that it is easier for me to reach the end of the course. Keep improving written and verbal communication skills. Do not be afraid of the English barrier. Recognizes the verbal and nonverbal characteristics that portray confidence (AS)
  • 6. 3. – The ability to recognize and define problems, analyze data, develop and implement solutions, and evaluate outcomes. Beginning Level: ifies resources needed to develop solutions Intermediate Level: guidance Entry Level: problems mplements } evidence problem Post Entry Level: ution to a problem
  • 7. quality assessment in work environment -related problems Student functions predominantly in the beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment: · I try to see the problems I have in classes and exams and how to solve them. · I use technology in order to find information to improve my knowledge in this branch Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to improve in the following ways: try to obtain more knowledge in the branch of computing in order to improve the class work that we must do in different formats Strong decision-making is essential at this stage. After carefully considering all your options, you must select the best strategy for your problem and stick with your choice. Continue to seek guidance from instructors during lecture and lab. Begin to analyze problems to achieve solutions. Identifies possible solutions and probable outcomes (AS) 4. – The ability to interact effectively with patients, families, colleagues, other health care professionals, and the community in a culturally aware manner. Beginning Level: manner
  • 8. styles during interactions with all persons professional interactions Intermediate Level: -verbal communication and emotions that others bring to professional interactions Entry Level: original concern to determine course of action management strategies when dealing with challenging interactions -verbal communication and emotional responses during interactions and modifies own behaviors based on them Post Entry Level: -verbal communication and the emotions of self and others have during interactions and demonstrates the ability to modify the behaviors of self and others during the interaction Student functions predominantly in the beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment:
  • 9. · I try to improve my behavior day after day when it comes to interacting with teachers and classmates. · I think that patients need to receive the best treatment and I am preparing to give them what they expect to receive from us · There are many styles of life and I respect each one. · Revealing any information from passers-by to personages concerned with the case is the action of unprofessional people that is why we must be sure to which people we give information about our patient. Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to improve in the following ways: · maintain respect for classmates and teachers Express yourself in the best way to achieve a better interaction between all. Recognizes the emotions and bias that one brings to all professional interactions (AS) 5. – The ability to be accountable for the outcomes of personal and professional actions and to follow through on commitments that encompass the profession within the scope of work, community and social responsibilities. Beginning Level: readiness to learn mic program and clinical facility Intermediate Level:
  • 10. nce-based patient care Entry Level: -based practice in health care settings in academic and clinical settings Post Entry Level: p modification Student functions predominantly in the beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment · I always try to be on time both in online classes and in pre- school classes. · I do my best to keep everything clean and comfortable in the environment that surrounds me. · I am fully responsible for any decision I make in daily life. · I respect all the policies and rules of the program. Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to improve in the following ways: continue with the best
  • 11. punctuality to classes, be on time at all the events that are programmed by the teachers and require punctuality. Increase collaboration with peers and faculty (AS) Stay on top of the syllabus to know what is coming next. Articulates limitations and readiness to learn (AS) 6. – The ability to exhibit appropriate professional conduct and to represent the profession effectively while promoting the growth/development of the Physical Therapy profession. Beginning Level: mic program honor code and the APTA Code of Ethics respect, and continuous regard for all classmates, academic and clinical faculty/staff, patients, families, and other healthcare providers Intermediate Level: academic and clinical settings ng all academic and clinical activities -workers and other healthcare professionals will result in optimal outcome and acts accordingly to attain such input and share decision making tions of the profession Entry Level: by treatment of patients within scope of practice, referring to other healthcare professionals as necessary
  • 12. imes as evidenced by provision of patient/family education, seeking patient input and informed consent for all aspects of care and maintenance of patient dignity professional organizations and attendance at sessions or participation in activities that further education/professional development provision of patient care, following guidelines for best practices ical therapy within the healthcare system and in population health collaboration with both individuals and groups Post Entry Level: arch settings Student functions predominantly in the beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level . Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment: · I am always present at the meetings that the school schedules
  • 13. and I comply with all the orientations that I receive. · I show respect for all teachers and classmates. Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to improve in the following ways: · achieve better communication between classmates on a daily basis with the aim of sharing knowledge for future exams and class assignments. Seek out learning opportunities, increase motivation. Incorporate feedback into professional behaviors (AS) 7. – The ability to seek out and identify quality sources of feedback, reflect on and integrate the feedback, and provide meaningful feedback to others. Beginning Level: (AS) from appropriate sources feedback ck into behaviors -way communication without defensiveness Intermediate Level: establishing professional and patient related goals
  • 14. feedback Entry Level: evaluation of skills, knowledge and abilities s/clients and peers/mentors sources to improve skills, knowledge and abilities en to patients/clients according to their learning styles Post Entry Level: - judgmental, constructive problem-solving discussions students/supervisees/ peers/supervisors/patients goals Student functions predominantly in the beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment: · I accept constructive criticism from teachers and classmates to improve both personally and professionally. · know how to identify if your knowledge has increased by measuring it from the beginning to the present. Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to improve in the following ways: try to improve each time that feedback is received and thus achieve better grades in future activity work. Student should improve active listening skills during lecture and lab. Students needs to improve assess own performance in class and knowledge base (AS)
  • 15. 8. – The ability to manage time and resources effectively to obtain the maximum possible benefit. Beginning Level: ntifies resource limitations (i.e. information, time, experience) (AS) in a timely manner productivity standards -identifies and initiates learning opportunities during unscheduled time Intermediate Level: practice decisions collaborates with staff to utilize best current evidence and implements strategies for meeting productivity standards Entry Level: the impact of treatment available s the ability to set boundaries, negotiate, compromise, and set realistic expectations data to determine plan of care
  • 16. planning le etc. as patient needs and circumstances dictate quality care and completing non-productive work activities Post Entry Level: knowledge (outcomes, case studies, etc) constraints and situations that arise on a given day oductivity and/or effectiveness without decrement in quality of care Student functions predominantly in the beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment: · the best way to prepare for the next day's class is to read the character you are going to receive and so you don't arrive without ideas of the content. · Know how to identify how much help you need according to your qualifications and your acquired knowledge. Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to improve in the following ways: know how to determine when help is needed and thus ask teachers for extra explanations and clarify the content of the class. Student will continue to effectively use time and resources in order continue improving his skills. Determines when and how much help is needed. continue to plan ahead / stay current with syllabus (AS)
  • 17. 9. – The ability to identify sources of stress and to develop and implement effective coping behaviors; this applies for interactions for: self, patient/clients and their families, members of the health care team and in work/life scenarios. Beginning Level: s professional demeanor in all situations Intermediate Level: professional and personal life and clarifies expectations Entry Level: debriefing as needed mmitments within professional, personal and work/life environments and others Post Entry Level: izing and managing stressors networks for self and others
  • 18. in professional and personal life Student functions predominantly in the beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment: · Improve my stress management. · Due to the amount of content that we must memorize throughout the course it is very difficult not to stress but when I start to feel that way I stop and start doing something different that way helps me to relax. Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to improve in the following ways: know how to determine when help is needed and thus ask teachers for extra explanations and clarify the content of the class. Student should continue to seek assistance when needed in efforts to decrease stressors (AS) Continue to Improve a balance between personal life and school life (AS) 10. – The ability to self direct learning to include the identification of needs and sources of learning; and to continually seek and apply new knowledge, behaviors, and skills. Beginning Level: (AS) lyzes and subdivides large questions into components new learning opportunities
  • 19. - service, research or cases studies Intermediate Level: lacking in order to augment learning and practice -evaluates performance Recognizes the need to and is able to verify solutions to problems to professional practice Entry Level: - evaluates position based on available evidence staff levels treatments based on newly-learned skills and considerations therapists for treatment ideas Post Entry Level: professionals specialty certifications environment today (i.e. wellness clinics, massage therapy, holistic medicine) opportunity Student functions predominantly in the beginning/intermediate/entry/post entry level Examples of behaviors to support faculty student assessment:
  • 20. · Always in charters we will find more important content than others, the most important content is the one that is given the highest priority when studying. · know how to identify the content that you find most difficult to internalize through past exams and try to improve for future exams. Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like student to improve in the following ways: know how to identify what content in the class you should pay more attention to which are the most important things using your experience from last semester. Student should improve on prioritizing information to study effectively (AS) Based on faculty student assessment of Professional Behaviors and the areas identified for improvement, the following goals are set: 1. Student will demonstrate active listening skills, ask relevant questions, and participate during class. 1. Student will apply knowledge to demonstrate deeper understanding of content. 1. Student will educate peers on importance of physical therapy. 1. Student will actively and independently seek learning opportunities to become an independent learning To accomplish these goals, student should take the following
  • 21. actions: Plan ahead, pre-read chapters, read power points daily, work on assignments with ample time to seek proper feedback from faculty Increase study time and use different learning techniques in an environment conducive to learning. (use of flashcards, self- quizzes, diagramming), participate in student directed study groups, participate in open lab sessions. By my signature below, I indicate that I have discussed my self- assessment/faculty student assessment and sought feedback from faculty regarding my professional behaviors. Student Signature Student Print Name: MICHEL GARCIA Date: 10/19/2020
  • 22. Faculty signature: Faculty Print Name: Aura Sanchez, MSPT Date: ECO 110: How to Do the Excel Calculations for Assignment 2 in Week 7 Click video above or here to play video Assignment 2Assignment 2 Financial Plan Budget Excel TemplateBudgetDollarsPercentIncome$ 50,000- ExpendituresHousingFoodTransportationEducationUtilitiesTaxe sHealth CareFamily CareMiscellaneousSavings TotalAssignment 2 Instructions for Excel Sheet: 1. Identify an annual income. This can be the $50,000 already in the "Income" cell, or you can use an income of your choice. If you use a different annual income, remember to change your income number. 2. Choose one of these five financial goals (remember to set a timeline for yourself that ranges from 1 year to 10 years). The number you put in the "Savings" cell of the budget table shoul d be the cost of the goal you are saving for divided by the number of years you plan to be saving for it. a. Create an emergency fund of $1,000. b. Save for a vacation that will cost $2,000. c. Save to buy a $15,000 vehicle. d. Save for a down payment of $40,000 to buy a house.
  • 23. e. Save $50,000 for education (personal, child, family, etc.). 3. Choose one of these three housing options. Put the dollar number in the budget table above for "Housing." a. Rent a house. Cost is $15,000 per year. b. Rent an apartment. Cost is $12,000 per year. c. Rent a room only. Cost is $9,000 per year. 4. Fill in dollar values for the rest of your expenditures. This can be based on either a hypothetical ideal or what you might typically spend on these categories. 5. Use formulas to calculate the sum for your "Total" cell in the "Dollars" column and to fill in the "Percent" column. 6. Check to make sure your "Total" dollars is equal to the annual income you chose and that your "Total" percent is 100%. End of worksheet ECO110Assignment 2 Financial Plan Explanation Word Template While writing responses to the prompts below, you may need to refer back to the budget you created in the Assignment 2 Financial Plan Budget Excel Template. Make sure you have completed your budget before completing this portion of the assignment. Questions 1. Identify the savings goal and the time frame you determined for reaching your goal. Why is the time frame you identified realistic? [Write your response to Question 1 here.] 2. Explain why you chose the housing option you did and how it will help you achieve your selected financial goal. a. What considerations, if any, did you give to the following when selecting your housing option? i. Time frame for savings goal.
  • 24. ii. Familial situation. iii. Quality of life. iv. Trade-off decisions. v. Other considerations. [Write your response to Question 2 here.] 3. Explain your choices for non-rent expenditures and how they will help achieve your savings goal within the time frame. a. How did you make the choices you did regarding non-rent expenditures? b. How do your expenditures align with the financial goal you selected? [Write your response to Question 3 here.] 4. Reflect on the productivity strategies you used to break down your financial plan into smaller steps to help you stay organized and productive. a. How closely did you follow the plan you thought through earlier in the assignment instructions? b. How did a step-by-step and organized approach help you to adjust your financial priorities and financial plan? c. How did the approach you use draw upon productivity strategies that you had previously learned? [Write your response to Question 4 here.] 2