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*   Few jewels from ocean
                            Dr. Kusum Gaur
                            Professor, PSM
                            WHO Fellow IEC
Definition of Research

“Research is a
       systematized effort
                to gain new knowledge”.

12/08/2012      Dr. Kusum Gaur        2
Steps in Research (Holy 11)
 1. Collect review of literature/Situation Analysis
 2. Identify and prioritize health problems
 3. Decide aims & objectives
 4. Planning Methodology including study design
 5. Execution
 6. Compilation, Classification & Presentation of data
 7. Analysis
 8. Test of Significance/Test of Hypothesis
 9. Inferences
 10. Report Writing
 11. Dissemination of Report

12/08/2012               Dr. Kusum Gaur                  3
Study Design

  A study design is a specific plan or protocol
  for conducting the study,
  which allows the investigator
  to translate the conceptual hypothesis
  into an operational one.

12/08/2012            Dr. Kusum Gaur              4
Direction of Study

Backward                                      Forward

                Cross -sectional

Retrospective                                 Prospective

                4. Ambidirectional
 12/08/2012              Dr. Kusum Gaur                     5
Decision Tree
                                Intervention Done
                     No                                            Yes
               Observational Study                           Experimental Study

               Comparison Group                                Randomization

       No                      Yes
                                                           No                Yes
Descriptive Study        Analytic Study
                                                         NRCT Study        RCT Study

                        Direction of Study

E   O                                                           E    O
Cohort Study              E = O                       Case-Control Study
                     Cross-Sectional Study

  12/08/2012                         Dr. Kusum Gaur                               6
Epidemiological Study Design
 Observational Studies
   Descriptive Studies

 Experimental / Interventional studies
  As per Control: RCT/NRCT
  As per Blinding: Single /Double Blind
  As per Design: Simple/Cross-over
  As per Area: Field/Clinical/Lab
12/08/2012              Dr. Kusum Gaur     7
Descriptive Studies

             • Case reports
             • Case series
             • Population studies

12/08/2012                    Dr. Kusum Gaur   8
Descriptive Studies: Uses

      • Hypothesis generating

      • Suggesting associations

12/08/2012          Dr. Kusum Gaur   9
Descriptive Type of Observational Study

•   Other Name           Case-Series/Population
•   Unit of Study        Case/Individuals
•   Study Question       What is happening 
•   Direction Of Inquiry
•   Study Design
        ☻☻☻☻☻☻                desired information
        ☻☻☻☻☻☻ about cases/individuals is collected

12/08/2012              Dr. Kusum Gaur                10
Case-Series …….
• Easy to do
• Excellent at identifying unusual situation
• Good for generating hypotheses

• Generally short-term
• Investigators self-select (bias!)
• no controls

09/03/2010              Dr. Kusum Gaur         11
Analytical Observational Studies

             • Cross-sectional

             • Case-control

             • Cohort

12/08/2012         Dr. Kusum Gaur   12
Cross-sectional Study
   • Data collected at a single point in time

   • Describes associations

   • Prevalence
                         A “Snapshot”

12/08/2012               Dr. Kusum Gaur         13
Cross-Sectional Study
•   Other Name                  Prevalence Study
•   Unit of Study               Individual
•   Study Question              What is happening 
•   Direction of Inquiry
• Study Design                                    Exposed
                                                  to Factor

                                             Exposed
                     Diseased                     to Factor

        Population                               Exposed to
                                            Factor
                       Disease                   Not
                                                 Exposed to
12/08/2012                      Dr. Kusum Gaur   Factor       14
Objectives of a Cross-Sectional Study

             To find out association

12/08/2012            Dr. Kusum Gaur   15
Cross-sectional Study

                      Sample of Population
                      Defined Population

              Regular                  Not doing meditation

              Prevalence of                    Prevalence of
                   DM                               DM

                       Time Frame = Present
12/08/2012                    Dr. Kusum Gaur                   16
Cross-sectional Study
E.G. Out of 1000 population if 100 were doing meditation regularly &
out of that only 2 were having DM. Remaining 900 were not doing
meditation at all, out of that 220 were having DM.

                         +     DM                -

                       2                         98


                   -   220                       680

12/08/2012                      Dr. Kusum Gaur                         17
Cross-Sectional Study

   • Strengths
         – Quick
         – Cheap

   • Weaknesses
         – Cannot establish cause-effect

09/03/2010               Dr. Kusum Gaur    18
Case-Control Studies
  Start with people who have disease(Cases)

  Match them with controls that do not have
     disease (Match Confounding)

  Look back and assess exposures

12/08/2012           Dr. Kusum Gaur            19

  A control is a standard of comparison
   (confounded with variability but without

                • Effects

                      • Variability
12/08/2012           Dr. Kusum Gaur           20
Case-Control Study
•   Other Name             Retrospective Study
•   Unit of Study          Cases/Control
•   Study Question What has happened 
•   Direction of Inquiry= F                  O
• Study Design

                                             Cases


12/08/2012                 Dr. Kusum Gaur             21
Objective of a Case-Control Study

             To find out association

             To assess Risk Ratio

12/08/2012             Dr. Kusum Gaur   22
Case-Control Study

   Regular Meditation
                                         Patients with DM
        No Meditation

 Regular Meditation
                                         Persons w/o DM
        No Meditation

             Past                          Present
12/08/2012              Dr. Kusum Gaur                      23
The logic of Case-Control Studies

Cases differ from controls only in having the

If exposure does not predispose to having the
 disease, then exposure should be equally
 distributed between the cases and controls.

 The extent of greater previous exposure among
 the cases reflects the increased risk that
 exposure confers

12/08/2012            Dr. Kusum Gaur             24
Case-Control Studies: Strengths

•    Good for rare outcomes: cancer
•    Can examine relation of exposures to disease
•    Useful to generate hypothesis
•    Fast
•    Cheap
•    Provides Odds Ratio

    09/03/2010          Dr. Kusum Gaur              25
Case-Control Studies: Weaknesses

     • Cannot measure
             – Incidence
             – Prevalence
             – Relative Risk
     • Can only study one outcome
     • High susceptibility to bias

09/03/2010                     Dr. Kusum Gaur   26
Cohort Study

   • Begin with disease-free individuals

   • Classify patients as exposed/unexposed

   • Record outcomes in both groups

   • Compare outcomes using relative risk

12/08/2012            Dr. Kusum Gaur          27
Cohort Study
•   Other Name Prospective Study / Follow-up Study/Incidence Study
•   Unit of Study         Individual
•   Study Question        What is happening 
•   Direction of InquiryF                  O
•   Study Design
•                         Exposed to
                                                      Not Non

          Cohort                                   Diseased
                           Exposed to

12/08/2012                        Dr. Kusum Gaur                     28
Logic of Cohort Study
Cohort is a group of persons sharing a
 common characteristics

Differences in the rate at which exposed and
 control subjects contract a disease is due to
 the differences in exposure, since others are
 known and similar.

12/08/2012          Dr. Kusum Gaur               29
Cohort Study
 Prospective (usually)

 Controlled

 Can determine causes and incidence of
 diseases as well as identify risk factors

 Generally expensive, time consuming and difficult
 to carry out
12/08/2012                Dr. Kusum Gaur              30
Steps for Cohort Study
Identify geographically defined group
Identify exposed subjects and not exposed
Follow over a specific time
Record the fraction in each group who
 develop the condition of interest
Compare these fractions using RR, AR or OR

12/08/2012         Dr. Kusum Gaur             31
Objectives of a Cohort Study

          To find out association

         To assess Risk Ratio

         To find out Relative Risk

         To find out Attributed Risk

12/08/2012               Dr. Kusum Gaur   32
Prospective Cohort Study
No Meditation
                                 No DM

Meditation                       No DM

    Present                      Future
12/08/2012      Dr. Kusum Gaur            33
Cohort Study: Strengths

   • Can measure multiple outcomes

   • Can adjust for confounding variables

   • Can calculate Attributed Risk

09/03/2010            Dr. Kusum Gaur        34
Cohort Study: Weaknesses

    • Expensive

    • Time consuming

    • Cannot study rare outcomes

    • Confounding variables

09/03/2010             Dr. Kusum Gaur   35
Measurements of Association

    Cohort Study                    Case Control Study

  •Significance Test                    •Significance Test
  •Relative Risk                        •OR
  •Attributable Risk

12/08/2012             Dr. Kusum Gaur                        36
Measures of Association
 Significance Test – to test significance of difference
  in exposure between control and Cases
 Odds ratio - ratio of the odds of contracting
  disease in given exposure
 Relative Risk – Ratio between incidence among
  exposed and incidence among non-exposed
 Attributed Risk – percentage of difference between
  incidence among exposed and non-exposed with
  incidence among exposed

    RR or OR of 1 indicate no effect of exposure (equal odds)

12/08/2012                        Dr. Kusum Gaur                37
‘Z’ Score of Exposure Rates

                                                               Cases            control

                                                 Exposed       a                b
                   a x 1oo
Exposure Rates =             in Cases            Non-          c                d
(P2)                 a+c

                     b x 1oo
Exposure Rates =               in Controls                               P2 – P1
(P1)                 b+d                               Z Score       =

                                                           P1 Q 1 P 2 Q 2
                                             SEDP =    ------------- + --------
   09/03/2010                   Dr. Kusum Gaur                                       38
                                                            N1                  N2
 ODD’s Ratio =              Times

             Incidence among Exposed
    RR =                                              Times
             Incidence among Non-Exposed

                       a/a+b                    a (c+d)
                      =                     =
                       c/c+d                    c (a+b)

09/03/2010                 Dr. Kusum Gaur                     39
Attributed Risk

    (Incidence among Exposed - Incidence among Non-Exposed)

 AR =                                                             x 100
                 Incidence among Exposed
    Incidence among Exposed=                              x 100
    Incidence among Non-Exposed=                                     x 100

09/03/2010                     Dr. Kusum Gaur                                40
Experimental Studies

    Clinical trials provide the “gold standard” of

    determining    the       relationship   between

    factor and the event

12/08/2012               Dr. Kusum Gaur               41
Types of Experimental Study

As per Randomization:
      • Randomized Control Trials (RCT)
             • Concurrent Parallel Design (RCT)

             • Sequential RCT Design

             • RCT with External Control

      • Non – Randomized Trials

12/08/2012                    Dr. Kusum Gaur      42
Types of Experimental Study….

As per Construction:
                • Simple

                • Cross-Over Study Design

As per Study Area:
              • Field Trials

              • Clinical Trials

              • Lab. Trials
 12/08/2012                    Dr. Kusum Gaur   43
Quality of Experimental Study

       • Randomization

       • Blinding

       • Control

       • Cross-Over

12/08/2012               Dr. Kusum Gaur   44
Controls in Clinical Trials
    A clinical trial is a comparative, prospective
    experiment conducted in human subjects

• Historical controls are better than no controls

• Patients can serve as own controls - This is
  usually beneficial as the comparison removes
  patient differences
12/08/2012              Dr. Kusum Gaur               45
  Good practice: factors that can affect the
   evaluation of outcome should not be permitted
   to influence the evaluation process

  Patient or evaluator (either of one) is blinded as
  to intervention

 Double-blind design
  Neither patient nor outcome evaluator knows
  Rx to which patient was assigned

12/08/2012             Dr. Kusum Gaur              46
Randomized Control Trials
• Before and After Comparison

• Comparison with Placebo

• Comparison Of two medicine/procedure/tests

• Comparison Of > two medicine/procedure/tests

12/08/2012         Dr. Kusum Gaur          47
Experimental Study
•   Other Name           Intervention Study
•   Objective            To know the effect of intervention
•   Unit of Study        Individual meeting entry criteria
•   Study Question       What is happening after intervention in both
                         groups 
• Direction of Inquiry   I                E

• Study Design 1(Intervention with Placebo)            Positive

       Group 1/cases        Intervention


12/08/2012                        Dr. Kusum Gaur                        48
Clinical Trial

               R          Treatment
               a                       Outcomes
    Study      o
  Population   m

               z                       Outcomes
               e       Control Group

12/08/2012          Dr. Kusum Gaur                49
Intervention Study - Design 2
    (Comparison of Effect of Two Interventions)

                                       Entry criteria

                Group - 1                                             Group -2

              Intervention -1               Intervention               Intervention - 2

   Positive                 Negative                       Positive
                            Outcome                                                  Negative
   Outcome                                                 Outcome                   Outcome

12/08/2012                                   Dr. Kusum Gaur                                     50
Cross Over Design
               Group -1                        Cases                   Group-2
                                            criteria                  Intervention - 2
               Intervention - 1

                                                                Positive                 Negative
  Positive                       Negative                                                Outcome
                                 Outcome                        Outcome

                                                                               Group -1
               Group -2                        Crossover

                                                                            Intervention -2
               Intervention -1

                                                                Positive                  Negative
Positive                    Negative
                            Outcome                                                       Outcome

  12/08/2012                                   Dr. Kusum Gaur                                        51
Other Types of Experimental Study

       • Quincy Experimental Study

       • Block Experimental Study

12/08/2012             Dr. Kusum Gaur   52
Quincy Experimental Study

                                     Entry criteria

              Group - 1                                             Group -2

              Intervention                Intervention               No Intervention

   Positive               Negative                       Positive
                          Outcome                                                Negative
   Outcome                                               Outcome                 Outcome

12/08/2012                                 Dr. Kusum Gaur                                   53
Block Experimental Study

                                    Entry criteria

                                                                                Group -3
           Group - 1

                                          Group -2

                                                          Intervention           Intervention-3
         Intervention -1        Intervention


Positive                                                             Positive                Negative
Outcome             Outcome                                          Outcome                 Outcome
                               Positive                   Negative
                               Outcome                    Outcome

  12/08/2012                                   Dr. Kusum Gaur                                           54
Steps of Experimental Study
                       Drawing up a Protocol

                       Reference Population

                         Sample Population


             Experimental Group      Control Group


                              Follow - up

12/08/2012              Assessment of Outcome
                         Dr. Kusum Gaur              55
Ideal Study Design for established causality

 Ethical Issues

   Type of Question                       Appropriate Study Design
   Burden of illness                              Field Surveys
               - Prevalence               Cross Sectional Survey
             - Incidence                  Longitudinal survey

   Causation, Risk & Prognosis           Case Control Study,
                                         Cohort study, RCT

   Treatment Efficacy                      Randomized Controlled study

   Diagnostic Test Evaluation              Randomized Controlled study

   Cost Effectiveness                     Randomized Controlled study

12/08/2012                       Dr. Kusum Gaur                          57
Hierarchy of Epidemiological Study Design

  Establish Causality                         RCT


                                              Case Control


                                              Case Series

Generate Hypothesis                           Case Report

12/08/2012                   Dr. Kusum Gaur                     58
12/08/2012   Dr. Kusum Gaur   59

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Study design in research

  • 1. STUDY DESIGN IN RESEARCH * Few jewels from ocean Dr. Kusum Gaur Professor, PSM WHO Fellow IEC
  • 2. Definition of Research “Research is a systematized effort to gain new knowledge”. 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 2
  • 3. Steps in Research (Holy 11) 1. Collect review of literature/Situation Analysis 2. Identify and prioritize health problems 3. Decide aims & objectives 4. Planning Methodology including study design 5. Execution 6. Compilation, Classification & Presentation of data 7. Analysis 8. Test of Significance/Test of Hypothesis 9. Inferences 10. Report Writing 11. Dissemination of Report 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 3
  • 4. Study Design A study design is a specific plan or protocol for conducting the study, which allows the investigator to translate the conceptual hypothesis into an operational one. 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 4
  • 5. Direction of Study Backward Forward Cross -sectional Retrospective Prospective 3 4. Ambidirectional 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 5
  • 6. Decision Tree Intervention Done No Yes Observational Study Experimental Study Comparison Group Randomization No Yes No Yes Descriptive Study Analytic Study NRCT Study RCT Study Direction of Study E O E O Cohort Study E = O Case-Control Study Cross-Sectional Study 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 6
  • 7. Epidemiological Study Design Observational Studies  Descriptive Studies Analytic Cross-Sectional Case-Control Cohort Experimental / Interventional studies As per Control: RCT/NRCT As per Blinding: Single /Double Blind As per Design: Simple/Cross-over As per Area: Field/Clinical/Lab 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 7
  • 8. Descriptive Studies • Case reports • Case series • Population studies 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 8
  • 9. Descriptive Studies: Uses • Hypothesis generating • Suggesting associations 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 9
  • 10. Descriptive Type of Observational Study • Other Name Case-Series/Population • Unit of Study Case/Individuals • Study Question What is happening  • Direction Of Inquiry • Study Design ☻☻☻☻☻☻ desired information ☻☻☻☻☻☻ about cases/individuals is collected 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 10
  • 11. Case-Series ……. Advantages • Easy to do • Excellent at identifying unusual situation • Good for generating hypotheses Disadvantages • Generally short-term • Investigators self-select (bias!) • no controls 09/03/2010 Dr. Kusum Gaur 11
  • 12. Analytical Observational Studies • Cross-sectional • Case-control • Cohort 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 12
  • 13. Cross-sectional Study • Data collected at a single point in time • Describes associations • Prevalence A “Snapshot” 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 13
  • 14. Cross-Sectional Study • Other Name Prevalence Study • Unit of Study Individual • Study Question What is happening  • Direction of Inquiry • Study Design Exposed to Factor Not  Exposed Diseased to Factor Population Exposed to  Factor Non- Disease Not Exposed to 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur Factor 14
  • 15. Objectives of a Cross-Sectional Study To find out association 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 15
  • 16. Cross-sectional Study Sample of Population Defined Population Regular Not doing meditation Meditation Prevalence of Prevalence of DM DM Time Frame = Present 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 16
  • 17. Cross-sectional Study E.G. Out of 1000 population if 100 were doing meditation regularly & out of that only 2 were having DM. Remaining 900 were not doing meditation at all, out of that 220 were having DM. + DM - 2 98 Meditation + - 220 680 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 17
  • 18. Cross-Sectional Study • Strengths – Quick – Cheap • Weaknesses – Cannot establish cause-effect 09/03/2010 Dr. Kusum Gaur 18
  • 19. Case-Control Studies  Start with people who have disease(Cases)  Match them with controls that do not have disease (Match Confounding)  Look back and assess exposures 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 19
  • 20. Controls A control is a standard of comparison (confounded with variability but without effect) for • Effects • Variability 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 20
  • 21. Case-Control Study • Other Name Retrospective Study • Unit of Study Cases/Control • Study Question What has happened  • Direction of Inquiry= F O • Study Design Exposed  Cases Not Exposed Exposed Control Not Exposed 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 21
  • 22. Objective of a Case-Control Study To find out association To assess Risk Ratio 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 22
  • 23. Case-Control Study Cases Regular Meditation Patients with DM No Meditation Controls Regular Meditation Persons w/o DM No Meditation Past Present 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 23
  • 24. The logic of Case-Control Studies Cases differ from controls only in having the disease If exposure does not predispose to having the disease, then exposure should be equally distributed between the cases and controls.  The extent of greater previous exposure among the cases reflects the increased risk that exposure confers 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 24
  • 25. Case-Control Studies: Strengths • Good for rare outcomes: cancer • Can examine relation of exposures to disease • Useful to generate hypothesis • Fast • Cheap • Provides Odds Ratio 09/03/2010 Dr. Kusum Gaur 25
  • 26. Case-Control Studies: Weaknesses • Cannot measure – Incidence – Prevalence – Relative Risk • Can only study one outcome • High susceptibility to bias 09/03/2010 Dr. Kusum Gaur 26
  • 27. Cohort Study • Begin with disease-free individuals • Classify patients as exposed/unexposed • Record outcomes in both groups • Compare outcomes using relative risk 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 27
  • 28. Cohort Study • Other Name Prospective Study / Follow-up Study/Incidence Study • Unit of Study Individual • Study Question What is happening  • Direction of InquiryF O Diseased • Study Design • Exposed to Factor Not Non Diseased Cohort Cohort Diseased Not Exposed to Factor Non-Diseased 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 28
  • 29. Logic of Cohort Study Cohort is a group of persons sharing a common characteristics Differences in the rate at which exposed and control subjects contract a disease is due to the differences in exposure, since others are known and similar. 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 29
  • 30. Cohort Study  Prospective (usually)  Controlled  Can determine causes and incidence of diseases as well as identify risk factors  Generally expensive, time consuming and difficult to carry out 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 30
  • 31. Steps for Cohort Study Identify geographically defined group Identify exposed subjects and not exposed subjects Follow over a specific time Record the fraction in each group who develop the condition of interest Compare these fractions using RR, AR or OR 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 31
  • 32. Objectives of a Cohort Study  To find out association To assess Risk Ratio To find out Relative Risk To find out Attributed Risk 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 32
  • 33. Prospective Cohort Study DM No Meditation No DM Cohort DM Regular Meditation No DM Present Future 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 33
  • 34. Cohort Study: Strengths • Can measure multiple outcomes • Can adjust for confounding variables • Can calculate Attributed Risk 09/03/2010 Dr. Kusum Gaur 34
  • 35. Cohort Study: Weaknesses • Expensive • Time consuming • Cannot study rare outcomes • Confounding variables 09/03/2010 Dr. Kusum Gaur 35
  • 36. Measurements of Association Cohort Study Case Control Study •Significance Test •Significance Test •Relative Risk •OR •Attributable Risk •OR 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 36
  • 37. Measures of Association Significance Test – to test significance of difference in exposure between control and Cases Odds ratio - ratio of the odds of contracting disease in given exposure Relative Risk – Ratio between incidence among exposed and incidence among non-exposed Attributed Risk – percentage of difference between incidence among exposed and non-exposed with incidence among exposed RR or OR of 1 indicate no effect of exposure (equal odds) 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 37
  • 38. ‘Z’ Score of Exposure Rates Cases control Exposed a b a x 1oo Exposure Rates = in Cases Non- c d exposed (P2) a+c b x 1oo Exposure Rates = in Controls P2 – P1 (P1) b+d Z Score = SEDP P1 Q 1 P 2 Q 2 SEDP = ------------- + -------- 09/03/2010 Dr. Kusum Gaur 38 N1 N2
  • 39. ad ODD’s Ratio = Times bc Incidence among Exposed RR = Times Incidence among Non-Exposed a/a+b a (c+d) = = c/c+d c (a+b) 09/03/2010 Dr. Kusum Gaur 39
  • 40. Attributed Risk (Incidence among Exposed - Incidence among Non-Exposed) AR = x 100 Incidence among Exposed a Incidence among Exposed= x 100 a+b c Incidence among Non-Exposed= x 100 c+d 09/03/2010 Dr. Kusum Gaur 40
  • 41. Experimental Studies Clinical trials provide the “gold standard” of determining the relationship between factor and the event 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 41
  • 42. Types of Experimental Study As per Randomization: • Randomized Control Trials (RCT) • Concurrent Parallel Design (RCT) • Sequential RCT Design • RCT with External Control • Non – Randomized Trials 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 42
  • 43. Types of Experimental Study…. As per Construction: • Simple • Cross-Over Study Design As per Study Area: • Field Trials • Clinical Trials • Lab. Trials 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 43
  • 44. Quality of Experimental Study • Randomization • Blinding • Control • Cross-Over 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 44
  • 45. Controls in Clinical Trials A clinical trial is a comparative, prospective experiment conducted in human subjects • Historical controls are better than no controls • Patients can serve as own controls - This is usually beneficial as the comparison removes patient differences 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 45
  • 46. Blinding Good practice: factors that can affect the evaluation of outcome should not be permitted to influence the evaluation process Single-blind Patient or evaluator (either of one) is blinded as to intervention Double-blind design Neither patient nor outcome evaluator knows Rx to which patient was assigned 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 46
  • 47. Randomized Control Trials (RCT) • Before and After Comparison • Comparison with Placebo • Comparison Of two medicine/procedure/tests • Comparison Of > two medicine/procedure/tests 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 47
  • 48. Experimental Study • Other Name Intervention Study • Objective To know the effect of intervention • Unit of Study Individual meeting entry criteria • Study Question What is happening after intervention in both groups  • Direction of Inquiry I E • Study Design 1(Intervention with Placebo) Positive Outcome Group 1/cases Intervention Negative Outcome Positive Outcome Group Placebo 2/control Negative Outcome 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 48
  • 49. Clinical Trial R Treatment a Outcomes Group n d Study o Population m i z Outcomes e Control Group 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 49
  • 50. Intervention Study - Design 2 (Comparison of Effect of Two Interventions) Cases Meeting Entry criteria Group - 1 Group -2 Intervention -1 Intervention Intervention - 2 Positive Negative Positive Outcome Negative Outcome Outcome Outcome 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 50
  • 51. Cross Over Design Group -1 Cases Group-2 Meeting Entry criteria Intervention - 2 Intervention - 1 Positive Negative Positive Negative Outcome Outcome Outcome Outcome Group -1 Group -2 Crossover Intervention -2 Intervention -1 Positive Negative Positive Negative Outcome Outcome Outcome Outcome 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 51
  • 52. Other Types of Experimental Study • Quincy Experimental Study • Block Experimental Study 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 52
  • 53. Quincy Experimental Study Cases Meeting Entry criteria Group - 1 Group -2 Intervention Intervention No Intervention Positive Negative Positive Outcome Negative Outcome Outcome Outcome 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 53
  • 54. Block Experimental Study Cases Meeting Entry criteria Group -3 Group - 1 Group -2 Intervention Intervention-3 Intervention -1 Intervention Intervention-2 Positive Positive Negative Negative Outcome Outcome Outcome Outcome Positive Negative Outcome Outcome 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 54
  • 55. Steps of Experimental Study Drawing up a Protocol Reference Population Sample Population Exclusions Randomization Experimental Group Control Group Manipulation/Intervention Follow - up 12/08/2012 Assessment of Outcome Dr. Kusum Gaur 55
  • 56. Ideal Study Design for established causality Ethical Issues
  • 57. STUDY QUESTIONS AND APPROPRIATE DESIGNS Type of Question Appropriate Study Design Burden of illness Field Surveys - Prevalence Cross Sectional Survey - Incidence Longitudinal survey Causation, Risk & Prognosis Case Control Study, Cohort study, RCT Treatment Efficacy Randomized Controlled study Diagnostic Test Evaluation Randomized Controlled study Cost Effectiveness Randomized Controlled study 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 57
  • 58. Hierarchy of Epidemiological Study Design Establish Causality RCT Cohort Case Control Cross-Sectional Case Series Generate Hypothesis Case Report 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 58
  • 59. 12/08/2012 Dr. Kusum Gaur 59