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• George Suciu, Victor Suciu, Bogdan Florin Albu, Sergiu Ionut Stefan and
Simona Halunga
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and IT
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
• Omar Abdulwahabe Mohamad, Rasha Talal Hameed and Cristina Butca
Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers
BEIA Consult International
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
2015 14th RoEduNet International Conference - Networking in Education
and Research (NER'2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
Short Biography
Trust and privacy in social networking sites
Comparison of social networking sites
Monitoring social networking
Conclusions and Discussions
G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)
@GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
Short Biography (1)
Graduated from the Faculty of Electronics,
Telecommunications and Information Technology at
the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest (UPB),
Romania (www.upb.ro)
MBA in Informatics Project Management from the
Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic
Informatics of the Academy of Economic Studies
Bucharest (www.ase.ro)
Currently, Ph.D. Eng. Post-doc Researcher focused
on the field of big data, cloud communications, open
source, IPR and IoT/M2M
Since 2008 IT&C Solutions Manager - R&D
Department, being employed starting 1998 at BEIA
Consult International, a research performing SME
G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
Short Biography (2)
Projects – www.beiaro.eu / www.mobcomm.pub.ro
FP7 (2 on-going)
REDICT : Regional Economic Development by ICT
eWALL : Electronic Wall for Active Long Living
NMSDMON : Network Management System Development and Monitoring
FAIR : Friendly Application for Interactive Receiver
Cloud Consulting : Cloud-based Automation of ERP and CRM software for Small Businesses
ACCELERATE: A Platform for the Acceleration of go-to market in the ICT industry
H2020 (1 on-going)
SWITCH: Software Workbench for Interactive, Time Critical and Highly self-adaptive Cloud applications (ICT-9)
National (more than 10 past projects, 5 on-going)
MobiWay: Mobility Beyond Individualism: an IntegratedPlatform for Intelligent Transportation Systems of Tomorrow
EV-BAT: Redox battery with fast charging capacity as a main source of energy for electric autovehicles
CarbaDetect: Imuno-biosensors for fast detection of carbamic pesticide residues (carbaryl, carbendazim) in horticultural products
SARAT-IWSN : Scalable Radio Transceiver for Instrumental Wireless Sensor Networks
COMM-CENTER : Developing of a “cloud communication center" by integrating a call/contact center platform with unified communication
technology, CRM system, “text-to-speech” and “automatic speech recognition” solutions in different languages (including Romanian)
G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
The Internet growth has made the information more accessible than ever, so even a
simple search with the search engines is able to locate web documents related to what
we are looking for.
Social network sites allow users to create profile pages that contain personal information
about the user. These sites allow other users to search a product, a service or even
another user.
Social network sites allow users to create profile pages that contain personal information
about the user. These sites allow other users to search a product, a service or even
another user.
The purpose of these sites is to connect people who share similar interests, activities
and backgrounds. Once the users have an account, they will have a list of users with
whom they can share information in the form of pictures, videos, applications and
personal information.
G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
Trust is defined in as “willingness of a party to be vulnerable to the actions of another
party based on the expectation that the other will perform a particular action important
to the trustor, irrespective of the ability to monitor or control that other party”.
Westin defines privacy as ‘‘the claim of individuals, groups, or institutions to determine
for themselves when, how and to what extent information about them is communicated to
Popular press coverage of social networking s has emphasized potential privacy concerns,
primarily concerning the safety of younger users.
Women are less likely to publish information that reveals methods of contacting them.
Personality measures openness, extraversion, conscientiousness were found to positively
affect the willingness to disclose data, while neuroticism decreases the willingness to
disclose personal information.
G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
By following the newsfeed of different social media applications, the users can be updated on top
stories and the latest news. However, choosing a social media platform for receiving news fast is an
overwhelming task.
A. Facebook
Facebook allows to set up a profile, and post updates, links, conversations, events, photos, videos,
petitions, or even collect donations online.
One common misconception about Facebook is that users cannot customize it but this is not true.
B. Twitter
Twitter is considered the best site for receiving fast news.
Users can send out a stream of short messages called tweets, for instance, updates about what users
are doing, or links to resources of interest. People can choose to follow tweets, and if they
particularly like one they can retweet it, potentially exponentially increasing the audience.
Twitter is particularly good for connecting with like-minded organizations and the media, asking
questions, and providing very frequent updates.
G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
C. LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a site that falls somewhere between social networking for the general public
and the niche social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.
LinkedIn is targeted at professionals interested in professional networking, it’s of
particular interest to groups who are looking for jobs or whose mission is to support
people in their jobs.
D. MySpace
MySpace was conceived to be a social networking site similar to Facebook. Facebook
and MySpace were close in terms of number of users.
In the last several years, Facebook has seen a huge growth in popularity, leaving
MySpace behind. MySpace members are more likely to extend online relationships
beyond the bounds of the site.
G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
E. Instagram
Instagram offers a highly visual way to keep in touch with whatever is happening around
the world. It allows to experience moments in friend’s lives through pictures as they
F. Comparison of Social Networking Sites
Facebook is a multi-purpose social networking platform which allows users to chat, post
photos and notes, and play games.
LinkedIn is more business-oriented, and mainly for professional networking.
Twitter is built around the position of short 140 character messages, or “tweets”.
MySpace is similar to Facebook, but the profiles are closer to the real identities of the
Instagram is an online photo-sharing and social networking service that enables its
users to take pictures, and share them on a variety of social networking services .
G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
Netvibes allows the monitoring and management of all internal systems and data
sources, and the social Web, aggregating all data in on one dashboard solution, using
Exalead search based applications as presented in Fig. 1.
Monitoring social networking (1)
G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
Fig. 1. Netvibes Dashboard
An innovative feature of Netvibes is the Potion app, which allows to program automatic
actions between anything on a personalized dashboard, as presented in Fig. 2. With this,
users can program different actions between several social network accounts or even
between a social network account and something like their phone or e-mail account.
Monitoring social networking (2)
G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
Fig. 2. Potion App
Another app that can be added to the dashboard is the Reading app (Fig. 3) on which
the user can add all favourite websites and bring them to the dashboard by using RSS
feeds. Consequently, a user can see the latest feeds from different social networks.
Monitoring social networking (3)
G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
Fig. 3. Readind App
The paper presented trust and privacy for social networking sites, as well as the
advantages and drawbacks of major social networks.
The main disadvantage of social networks is that there are many different sites and their
feeds are difficult to manage and monitor.
Netvibes can be used as a personalized dashboard for collecting and aggregating data from
different social networking, thus allowing and easy monitoring and management of
relevant information.
Future work will include expansion of the solution to allow the monitoring of platforms
such as Internet of Things, thus becoming a more important tool for managing daily tasks.
G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
University “POLITEHNICA“ of Bucharest
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications & Information Technology
Any questions ?
The work has been funded by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 of the Ministry of
European Funds through the Financial Agreement POSDRU/159/1.5/S/134398.
G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
References (1)
E. Turban, D. King, J. K. Lee, T. P. Liang, and D. C. Turban, ”Electronic commerce: A managerial and
social networks perspective,” Springer, 2015.
D. Liben-Nowell and J. Kleinberg, "The link prediction problem for social networks," in Proceedings of
the 2th intern. Conference on information and Knowledge Management. ACM, 2003.
U. Brandes, J. Pfeffer and I. Mergel, “Studying Social Networks: A Guide to Empirical Research,” 2012.
R. Mayer, J. Davis and F. Schoorman, “An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust”, The Academy of
Management Review, Vol. 20, No. 3 (Jul., 1995), pp. 709-734.
A. Westin, “Privacy and Freedom”, June 1967.
F. Schoeman, “Privacy: Philosophical Dimensions”, American Philosophical Quarterly 21 (3):199 – 213.
A. Bhattacharya, “Social network addiction part 1”, 2014.
L A. Adamic and E. Adar, "Friends and neighbors on the web," Social networks, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 211-
230, 2003.
G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
References (2)
G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)
J. Scott, Social Network Analysis, 2012: SAGE Publications Limited.
J.H. Fowler and N.A. Christakis "Cooperative Behaviors Cascades in Human Social Networks", Proc. Nat. Acad.
Sci. USA, vol. 107, no. 12.
M. Marsili and P. Pin "Collaboration in Social Networks", Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 109, no. 12.
D. Centola, "The Spread of Behavior in an Online Social Network Experiment", Science, vol. 329, no. 5996.
D.G. Rand, S. Arbesman and N.A. Christakis "Dynamic Social Networks Promote Cooperation in Experiments with
Humans", Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 108, no. 48.
L. Youjing, and L. Wujing, "Developing a learning ecosystem of higher education enabled by Netvibes," Electrical
and Control Engineering (ICECE), 2011 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.6518,6522, 16-18 Sept. 2011.
G. Suciu, E. G. Ularu, and R. Craciunescu. "Public versus private cloud adoption—A case study based on open
source cloud platforms." In Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 2012 20th, pp. 494-497. IEEE, 2012.
N. Laga, E. Bertin and N. Crespi, "Business Process Personalization Through Web Widgets," Web Services
(ICWS), 2010 IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.551,558, 5-10 July 2.
G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050

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Suciu et al_ ro_edunet_2015

  • 1. MONITORING OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES • George Suciu, Victor Suciu, Bogdan Florin Albu, Sergiu Ionut Stefan and Simona Halunga Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and IT University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest • Omar Abdulwahabe Mohamad, Rasha Talal Hameed and Cristina Butca Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers BEIA Consult International University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest 2015 14th RoEduNet International Conference - Networking in Education and Research (NER'2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
  • 2. Content Short Biography Introduction Trust and privacy in social networking sites Comparison of social networking sites Monitoring social networking Conclusions and Discussions G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
  • 3. Short Biography (1) Graduated from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology at the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest (UPB), Romania (www.upb.ro) MBA in Informatics Project Management from the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics of the Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest (www.ase.ro) Currently, Ph.D. Eng. Post-doc Researcher focused on the field of big data, cloud communications, open source, IPR and IoT/M2M Since 2008 IT&C Solutions Manager - R&D Department, being employed starting 1998 at BEIA Consult International, a research performing SME (www.beiaro.eu) G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
  • 4. Short Biography (2) Projects – www.beiaro.eu / www.mobcomm.pub.ro FP7 (2 on-going) REDICT : Regional Economic Development by ICT eWALL : Electronic Wall for Active Long Living NMSDMON : Network Management System Development and Monitoring FAIR : Friendly Application for Interactive Receiver Cloud Consulting : Cloud-based Automation of ERP and CRM software for Small Businesses ACCELERATE: A Platform for the Acceleration of go-to market in the ICT industry H2020 (1 on-going) SWITCH: Software Workbench for Interactive, Time Critical and Highly self-adaptive Cloud applications (ICT-9) Power2SME Speech2Platform National (more than 10 past projects, 5 on-going) MobiWay: Mobility Beyond Individualism: an IntegratedPlatform for Intelligent Transportation Systems of Tomorrow EV-BAT: Redox battery with fast charging capacity as a main source of energy for electric autovehicles CarbaDetect: Imuno-biosensors for fast detection of carbamic pesticide residues (carbaryl, carbendazim) in horticultural products SARAT-IWSN : Scalable Radio Transceiver for Instrumental Wireless Sensor Networks COMM-CENTER : Developing of a “cloud communication center" by integrating a call/contact center platform with unified communication technology, CRM system, “text-to-speech” and “automatic speech recognition” solutions in different languages (including Romanian) G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
  • 5. Introduction The Internet growth has made the information more accessible than ever, so even a simple search with the search engines is able to locate web documents related to what we are looking for. Social network sites allow users to create profile pages that contain personal information about the user. These sites allow other users to search a product, a service or even another user. Social network sites allow users to create profile pages that contain personal information about the user. These sites allow other users to search a product, a service or even another user. The purpose of these sites is to connect people who share similar interests, activities and backgrounds. Once the users have an account, they will have a list of users with whom they can share information in the form of pictures, videos, applications and personal information. G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
  • 6. TRUST AND PRIVACY IN SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES Trust is defined in as “willingness of a party to be vulnerable to the actions of another party based on the expectation that the other will perform a particular action important to the trustor, irrespective of the ability to monitor or control that other party”. Westin defines privacy as ‘‘the claim of individuals, groups, or institutions to determine for themselves when, how and to what extent information about them is communicated to others’’. Popular press coverage of social networking s has emphasized potential privacy concerns, primarily concerning the safety of younger users. Women are less likely to publish information that reveals methods of contacting them. Personality measures openness, extraversion, conscientiousness were found to positively affect the willingness to disclose data, while neuroticism decreases the willingness to disclose personal information. G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
  • 7. COMPARISON OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES (1) By following the newsfeed of different social media applications, the users can be updated on top stories and the latest news. However, choosing a social media platform for receiving news fast is an overwhelming task. A. Facebook Facebook allows to set up a profile, and post updates, links, conversations, events, photos, videos, petitions, or even collect donations online. One common misconception about Facebook is that users cannot customize it but this is not true. B. Twitter Twitter is considered the best site for receiving fast news. Users can send out a stream of short messages called tweets, for instance, updates about what users are doing, or links to resources of interest. People can choose to follow tweets, and if they particularly like one they can retweet it, potentially exponentially increasing the audience. Twitter is particularly good for connecting with like-minded organizations and the media, asking questions, and providing very frequent updates. G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
  • 8. C. LinkedIn LinkedIn is a site that falls somewhere between social networking for the general public and the niche social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. LinkedIn is targeted at professionals interested in professional networking, it’s of particular interest to groups who are looking for jobs or whose mission is to support people in their jobs. D. MySpace MySpace was conceived to be a social networking site similar to Facebook. Facebook and MySpace were close in terms of number of users. In the last several years, Facebook has seen a huge growth in popularity, leaving MySpace behind. MySpace members are more likely to extend online relationships beyond the bounds of the site. COMPARISON OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES (2) G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
  • 9. E. Instagram Instagram offers a highly visual way to keep in touch with whatever is happening around the world. It allows to experience moments in friend’s lives through pictures as they happen. F. Comparison of Social Networking Sites Facebook is a multi-purpose social networking platform which allows users to chat, post photos and notes, and play games. LinkedIn is more business-oriented, and mainly for professional networking. Twitter is built around the position of short 140 character messages, or “tweets”. MySpace is similar to Facebook, but the profiles are closer to the real identities of the users. Instagram is an online photo-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures, and share them on a variety of social networking services . COMPARISON OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES (3) G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
  • 10. Netvibes allows the monitoring and management of all internal systems and data sources, and the social Web, aggregating all data in on one dashboard solution, using Exalead search based applications as presented in Fig. 1. Monitoring social networking (1) G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050 Fig. 1. Netvibes Dashboard
  • 11. An innovative feature of Netvibes is the Potion app, which allows to program automatic actions between anything on a personalized dashboard, as presented in Fig. 2. With this, users can program different actions between several social network accounts or even between a social network account and something like their phone or e-mail account. Monitoring social networking (2) G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050 Fig. 2. Potion App
  • 12. Another app that can be added to the dashboard is the Reading app (Fig. 3) on which the user can add all favourite websites and bring them to the dashboard by using RSS feeds. Consequently, a user can see the latest feeds from different social networks. Monitoring social networking (3) G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050 Fig. 3. Readind App
  • 13. Conclusions The paper presented trust and privacy for social networking sites, as well as the advantages and drawbacks of major social networks. The main disadvantage of social networks is that there are many different sites and their feeds are difficult to manage and monitor. Netvibes can be used as a personalized dashboard for collecting and aggregating data from different social networking, thus allowing and easy monitoring and management of relevant information. Future work will include expansion of the solution to allow the monitoring of platforms such as Internet of Things, thus becoming a more important tool for managing daily tasks. G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
  • 14. University “POLITEHNICA“ of Bucharest Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications & Information Technology Any questions ? george@beia.ro The work has been funded by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 of the Ministry of European Funds through the Financial Agreement POSDRU/159/1.5/S/134398. G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
  • 15. References (1) E. Turban, D. King, J. K. Lee, T. P. Liang, and D. C. Turban, ”Electronic commerce: A managerial and social networks perspective,” Springer, 2015. D. Liben-Nowell and J. Kleinberg, "The link prediction problem for social networks," in Proceedings of the 2th intern. Conference on information and Knowledge Management. ACM, 2003. U. Brandes, J. Pfeffer and I. Mergel, “Studying Social Networks: A Guide to Empirical Research,” 2012. R. Mayer, J. Davis and F. Schoorman, “An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust”, The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 20, No. 3 (Jul., 1995), pp. 709-734. A. Westin, “Privacy and Freedom”, June 1967. F. Schoeman, “Privacy: Philosophical Dimensions”, American Philosophical Quarterly 21 (3):199 – 213. A. Bhattacharya, “Social network addiction part 1”, 2014. L A. Adamic and E. Adar, "Friends and neighbors on the web," Social networks, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 211- 230, 2003. G. Suciu, et.al. (2015)G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050
  • 16. References (2) G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) J. Scott, Social Network Analysis, 2012: SAGE Publications Limited. J.H. Fowler and N.A. Christakis "Cooperative Behaviors Cascades in Human Social Networks", Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 107, no. 12. M. Marsili and P. Pin "Collaboration in Social Networks", Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 109, no. 12. D. Centola, "The Spread of Behavior in an Online Social Network Experiment", Science, vol. 329, no. 5996. D.G. Rand, S. Arbesman and N.A. Christakis "Dynamic Social Networks Promote Cooperation in Experiments with Humans", Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 108, no. 48. L. Youjing, and L. Wujing, "Developing a learning ecosystem of higher education enabled by Netvibes," Electrical and Control Engineering (ICECE), 2011 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.6518,6522, 16-18 Sept. 2011. G. Suciu, E. G. Ularu, and R. Craciunescu. "Public versus private cloud adoption—A case study based on open source cloud platforms." In Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 2012 20th, pp. 494-497. IEEE, 2012. N. Laga, E. Bertin and N. Crespi, "Business Process Personalization Through Web Widgets," Web Services (ICWS), 2010 IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.551,558, 5-10 July 2. G. Suciu, et.al. (2015) @GeorgeSuciuG #beyond2050