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Welcome to
Summer of Code 09
John Clegg - ProjectX + Summer of Code
    Victoria University 15th July 2009

Summer of Code 09 Kick-Ass Careers in ICT
What is Summer of Code ?
Summer of Code
    non-profit internship
programme connecting smart
students with Wellington ICT
70 students
  in over
2 out of 3
students get
What’s in it for you ?
Get training - Bootcamps, Seminars and Workshops
Get experience - 400+ hours of ICT experience
Get paid - $18 p/h
Create networks with Industry - UP, NZCS
Have Fun!

• Resumes workshop
• Communication skills

• Languages - .net / php / rails
• Web / HTML / SQL
• Unit Testing / Code Management
It starts now!
Sign up on Summer of Code ‘09
 Bootcamps start next week
How to have kick-ass ICT career
What do companies
look for in a graduate ?
Tips to help you along your way
Where to go for
Who am I ?

John Clegg
(J Money - Pimp of SoC)
CEO - ProjectX
Summer of Code
Where I’ve been ?
VUW Undergraduate
C+ Average
Career didn’t follow a plan
Spent time working in
USA, OZ, UK, India, South
Africa and NZ
Getting a good job is HARD!
Talked to a lot of
people about hiring
I asked
What they
look for in
a graduate?
The answers surprised me
We hire on personality
We hire on team fit
Tech skills are a given
Summer of Code 09 and How to have a kick ass ICT career
Summer of Code 09 and How to have a kick ass ICT career
We need a new plan
We need think differently
“Anybody with even routine skills
could get a job as a programmer.

That isn't true anymore.”
“The future no longer belongs to
people who can reason with
computer-like logic, speed, and
“... engineers will have to master
different aptitudes,

relying more on creativity than
What skills are
important going
Not just function - DESIGN
Not just argument - STORY
Not just argument - STORY
Not just argument - STORY
Not just argument - STORY
Not just focus - SYMPHONY
Not just focus - EMPATHY
Not just seriousness - PLAY
Not just accumulation - MEANING
Your work fits into
       a big picture

How do you make this
   fit together ?
5 things to think about in your career
#1 #1 Who are you?
We see a lot of resumes
What are you all about ?
What does the world say
     about you ?
What makes you
  different ?
Its not about grades

We hire people not grades !
We don’t want robots
Self awareness
What are your
 strengths ?
What are you
 good at?
Look at Tiger Woods
What is the best part of
    Tiger Woods
His Drive
What does Tiger Woods
 practice the most ?
His Drive
Lesson #1
Work on your strengths
     Work around your
#2 “What are your
Tell us more about yourself
There are plenty of things that
   suck about computers
What do you like about
What do you like about
Lesson #2
Tell us why you want to
      work in ICT
#3 Curiosity
We have lots of
We need people to hunt
     them down
Figure out what’s wrong
Build Solutions
Lesson #3
Be curious
#4 Learning
“By nature men are pretty much
 alike; it is learning and practice
       that set them apart.”
"Learning is like rowing upstream:
 not to advance is to drop back."
           -- Chinese proverb
How do you
  learn ?
By Osmosis?
Visual ?
Aural ?
Kinetic ?
Or by Osmosis?

Mindmaps ?
Lesson #4
Figure out how you learn

            Check out NLP
#4 Getting things done
When do you
 work best?
You learn differently at
different times of the day
In the end its about outputs
Its about hitting targets
Formula for success:
  Under promise
   Over deliver
             - Tom Peters
Lesson #5
Focus on getting things
1. Show us your strengths
2. Tell us why you want to work in ICT
3. Be more curious
4. Figure out how you learn
5. Focus on getting things done
Here are five tips for
your career journey
#1 Its not about “you”
Its about what you can
 do for your company
Tip #1 Kick ass for your
company and its clients

 Build your own ‘brand’
#2 Its not about
We don’t want robots
Learning is a one step
    in a journey...
What you do with it,
is more important!
“The difference between the
novice and the master is simply that
 the novice has not learnt, yet, how
 to do things in such a way that he
 can afford to make small mistakes”

             Signal vs Noise Blog
You learn by doing lots of
      small projects
Tip #2 Show us what you can

            Build a portfolio
#3 Learn about the
Read blogs that interest you

             • Silicon Welly
             • NZ Herald
             • Stuff Tech Pages
Find out what’s happening in the
Technology changes fast
       Keep up
Tip #3 Keep with the news

        Look at delicious.com
#4 Its about People
Connect with other geeks
Google doesn’t know
  all the answers
Tip #4 Connect with
    User groups

           • Unlimited Potential
           • Super Happy Dev
           • Geek Girls
           • Specialist User groups
#5 Communication
You have to talk to
Best tech doesn’t all
      ways win
People with better
communication skills
Ask Questions
Tip #5 Talk to people

1. Kick ass for your boss
2. Build your portfolio of interesting
3. Keep up with industry news
4. Join and participate in user groups
5. Just talk to people
Where to go for
Visit them at 14 Kelburn Parade
Talk to a Student Liaison
Go to industry network events
More books
Resume seminar next week
News / Bookmarking - Delicious.com

Networking organisations
- Unlimited Potential - http://www.up.org.nz
- Super Happy Dev House
      - http://superhappydevhouse.org.nz/

Summer of Code
 - http://www.summerofcode.co.nz

More Related Content

Summer of Code 09 and How to have a kick ass ICT career