Looking for query or dashboard examples? Don't start from scratch. Take advantage of the out-of-the-box content in the Sumo Logic Apps. Apps exist for the common sources, but expect to see more of these added on a regular basis.
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Sumo Logic "How To" Webinar: Apps
1. Sumo Logic Confidential
Sumo Logic Apps
April 2016
How-To Webinar
To give everyone a
chance to successfully
connect, we’ll start at
10:05 AM Pacific.
2. Sumo Logic Confidential
At the end of this webinar, you will be able to…
Identify available Apps
Examples: Apache, AWS VPC Flow Logs, AWS Cloud Trail
Install and Customize Apps
Manual Install vs. Collector Wizard
Install Admin Apps
Data Volume App, Audit App
Install Preview Apps
4. Sumo Logic Confidential
Continuous Intelligence
Streamline continuous
Monitor KPI’s and
Monitor all workloads
Troubleshoot and
increase uptime
Simplify, Modernize,
and save costs
Automate and
demonstrate compliance
Audit all systems
Think beyond rules
Sumo Logic Cloud Analytics Service
6. Sumo Logic Confidential
Taking Advantage of Apps
• Deliver out-of-the box dashboards, saved searches, and field extraction rules for
popular data sources
• When an app is installed, pre-set searches and dashboards are customized with
your source configurations and populated in a folder
7. Sumo Logic Confidential
Apps – Install Configurations
Specify what source
data should be used
with OOTB searches
and dashboards
8. Sumo Logic Confidential
• Data Volume App
– View your account's data usage
volume by Category, Collector,
Source name, and Host
– Requires enabling the Data Volume
Recommended Admin Apps
• Audit App
– Analyze audit events to provide insight
into overall Sumo Logic usage
– Requires enabling the Audit Index
9. Sumo Logic Confidential
PCI Compliance App & Security Analytics App
• Enterprise Apps
– Sumo Logic Enterprise accounts only
– Require paid Professional Services contract to implement (Request via App Page)
11. Sumo Logic Confidential
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Sumo Logic Services
Customer Success, Professional Services,
#4: Collect and Centralize - Sumo Logic can collect terabytes of data from any app, cloud, device, custom hardware, sensor, server and network sources. Collectors collect, compress, cache and encrypt the data for secure transfer.
Search and Analyze – Administrators and Analysts can run searches and correlate events in real-time across the entire application stack.
Monitor and Visualize - Custom dashboards and visualization help you easily monitor your data in real-time. Custom alerts notify you when specific events are identified across your stack.
#5: Most of you are using the Sumo Logic service for at least one of the 3 following use cases:
For DevOps –allows DevOps teams to monitor KPI’s to deliver quality software; less time troubleshooting and more time developing code.
For IT Ops – Extract valuable information such as latencies, performance metrics, trends and any critical events tied with core systems.
For Compliance and Security – Sumo Logic helps organizations simplify and automate compliance & security monitoring across their entire stack, using predictive analytics
#7: What data can we ingest?
We can ingest data from just about any source you can imagine - structured or unstructured. Here are just a few of the devices, applications and frameworks you may be using - all of which produce log data that SL can analyze.
The left hands side can present you technology stack – from custom application code all the way down to your network devices.
Sumo Logic has hired a few people from these organizations to expand our domain expertise in these areas.