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 Attitudes to architecture:
 A historical perspective on sustainable and green design.
 General premises,strategies, objectives and basis for sustainable and green design.
 Eco-mimicry as a design tool based on ecosystem analogy.
 theoretical basis for a sustainable and ecofriendly design.
 The form of the house: the building as an analogy
 design from first principles:
 conserving energy;
 working with climate:
 passive solar design;
 minimizing new resources;
 respect for users;
 respect for site and holism-
 photovoltaics;
 solar hot water systems;
 water usage;
 small scale wind systems;
 small scale hydropower;
 Case studies- design of eco houses: context specific
 Measuring the impact of building materials-
 calculating, recycling, processing, time and embodied energy-
 cost and quantity of materials used.
 embodied energy of different building materials-
 low energy building and masonry materials-
 life cycle analysis-
 Case studies and analysis
 Sustainable architecture and Green Building: definition-
 Green building Evaluation Systems; LEED Certification and GRIHA
 Green Globe Certification;
 Case studies which look at the environmental approach-
 renewable energy-
 controlling the water cycle-
 impact of materials on the environment –
 optimizing construction-
 site management-
 environmental management of buildings.
 Instrument and natural case studies to investigate and apply various studio exercises on
Green Building Design.
Attitudes to architecture:
1) Concepts and definitions of “architecture”
2) the actual field work, related to the location
3) the analysis part;
4) the hierarchy of other identities;
5) interaction of the surroundings,
6) its impact on the contemporary processes,the sustainable development and more.
7)the main concepts in Architectural research may well focus on the physical outcomes of design
8)the scale of building components to neighbourhood and urban design-research on the processes of
A historical perspective on sustainable and green design.
Today, we are still at the beginning of
the Eco construction movement, as solar panels, renewable materials,
and efficient design are still being introduced into the mainstream.
Tomorrow, green building could be the norm.
The Origins of Green Building
The history of green building dates back much further than the 1970's.
It was in the midst of the industrial revolution that Henri Becquerel first witnessed
the transformation of solar energy into electrical energy, known as photovoltaic power.
Around this time, the late 1800's to early 1900's,
a number of solar power plants were built to utilize the sun's energy for steam power.
Then, in the 1950's, solar energy was used on an extremely small-scale.
During the energy crisis of the 1970's,
1.green building moved from research and development to reality.
2.Builders and designers were looking for a way to reduce the reliance of buildings and homes on
fossil fuels.
3.Solar panels were used to make more environmentally friendly homes, although only in small
numbers due to high initial costs.
4.Since then, developers have been able to construct more efficient and less expensive solar panels,
making solar energy more of a reality.
Also, during this transition period, designers and consumers started wondering,
if solar panels can make buildings more efficient, lower energy bills, and reduce the negative impact
on the environment,
what other steps can be taken to build even greener homes? Now, Eco construction involves so much
more than simply using solar panels.
green builders and designers examine a number of issues to make a building Eco-friendly.
1.Building materials are a huge concern.
Any reduction through the use of sustainable, recycled materials will have a huge impact on resource
2.Durability is another issue;
if environmentally-friendly materials need to be replaced frequently, then they become less and less
3.Good location is a centralcomponent of Eco construction.
Homes should be close to the community or public transportation to reduce the need for driving and
they should be in a place that will not harm the environment around them.
Green buildings should also be designed to encourage recycling, manage water use,and minimize
energy use.
General premises, strategies, objectives and basis for sustainable and green design.
Green building is defined by the
1) increasing the efficiency with which buildings and their sites
use energy, water,and materials, and
2) reducing building impacts of human health and the environment, through better siting,
design, construction, operation, maintenance, and removal throughout the complete life
It may have many of these characteristics:
x Ventilation systems designed for efficient heating and cooling
x Energy-efficient lighting and appliances
x Water-saving plumbing fixtures
x Landscapes planned to maximize passive solar energy
x Minimal harm to the natural habitat
x Alternate power sources such as solar power or wind power
x Non-synthetic, non-toxic materials
x Locally-obtained woods and stone
x Responsibly-harvested woods
x Adaptive reuse of older buildings
x Use of recycled architectural salvage
x Efficient use of space
Principles of Green Architecture are:
 Water features and their management;
 natural building design;
 passive solar design;
 green building materials;
 living Architecture.
These principles are applied in a sustainable fashion to achieve an eco- friendly building.
Green buildings must have a number of common components:
these include a focus on energy efficiency and, in some cases,
 renewable energy;
 the efficient use of water;
 the use of environmentally desirable building materials and specifications;
 a minimization of the waste and toxic chemicals generated in the building's construction and
 good indoor air quality;
 Green architecture produces environmental, social and economic benefits.
green architecture helps reduce pollution,
conserve natural resources and prevent environmental degradation.
Economically, it reduces the amount of money
that the building's operators have to spend on water and energy and improves the productivity of those
using the facility.
green buildings are meant to be beautiful and cause only minimal strain on the local infrastructure.
Eco-mimicry as a design tool based on ecosystem analogy.
Biomimicry, where flora, fauna or entire ecosystems are emulated as a basis for design, is a growing
area of
research in the fields of architecture and engineering
Sustainable development has become a central part of the ageda in the building design professions;
however, in recent years,
the concept of ecologically sustainable development has gained ground which aims to balance both
economic and environmental facets of sustainability.
This has necessitated new approaches to ecological sustainable design that includes ecological facets
to design.
Such a design approach that draws from ecology as a model in terms of architecture remains elusive.
This research explores Biomimicry as a potential approach that help integrate ecological sustainability
to design
by understanding the natural processes to comprehend its form and the environment within an
This study examines Biomimicry theory, and introduces an ecological model,
which is most applicable to architecture.
This model leads to a theoretical framework that proposes two ways of emulating nature:
direct and indirect that identify naturally occurring adaptation and integration processes.
The aim and outcome of the framework will ultimately be a design process that enhances ecological
by increasing the applicability of Biomimicry theory into architectural practice.
Theoretical basis for a sustainable and ecofriendly design.
The form of the house: the building as an analogy
why eco house?
The alternative is not acceptable and ‘modern buildings’ are literally destroying the planet.
Three principles on which all building should be based are:
1 design for a climate;
2 design for the environment;
3 design for time, be it day or night, a season or the lifetime of a building and design a building that
will adapt over time.
Humans have been building on these premises for millennia and have evolved house types around the
world that are well suited to
particular climates, environments and societies
An analogy is used where two forms may not look alike but they function in the same way.
analogies are used to demonstrate how different forms can relate to some of the many different
climatic functions of a building.
Buildings are our third skin. To survive we need shelter from the elements using three skins.
The first is provided by our own skin, the second by a layer of clothes and the third is the building.
In some climates it is only with all three skins that we can provide sufficient shelter to survive, in
others the first skin is enough.
The more extreme the climate, the more we have to rely on the building to protect us from the
Just as we take off and put on clothes as the weather and the climate changes so we can shed skins.
Design from first principles:
First-principles design thinking is what allows us to innovate.
The first question we ask ourselves when embarking on a project is “What are we trying to do?” And
then, together with the client, we set about doing it.
Sure, we look at historical references and comparable properties, as well as available technologies and
building materials; but our intent is always to create something unique.
Design is always to create a place that feels appropriate, timeless and in harmony with the
The first principles of design at the scale of a residence are brought into focus quite succinctly:
 The client’s expectations, wishes and goals
 The circumstances (including the site)
 The tradition that will inform the architecture
 The materials and craftsmanship
Designing with first principles in mind means focusing on the big-picture goals rather than what the
finished product should look like.
Other limitations, constraints or circumstances then get factored in. These can include such
considerations as building and fire codes, community design guidelines, climatic conditions, and
budgetary realities.
Conserving energy;
Energy conservation are efforts made to reduce the consumption of energy by using less of an
energy service. This can be achieved either by using energy more efficiently (using less energy for a
constant service) or by reducing the amount of services used (for example, by driving less).
Energy conservation is a part of the concept of eco-sufficiency. Energy conservation reduces the need
for energy services, and can result in increased environmental quality, national security, personal
financial security and higher savings.
It is at the top of the sustainable energy hierarchy.
It also lowers energy costs by preventing future resource depletion.
Building design
One of the primary ways to improve energy conservation in buildings is to use an energy audit.
An energy audit is an inspection and analysis of energy use and flows for energy conservation in a
building, process or system to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without negatively
affecting the output(s).
This is normally accomplished by trained professionals and can be part of some of the national
programs discussed above. In addition, recent development of smartphone apps enable homeowners
to complete relatively sophisticated energy audits themselves.
Building technologies and smart meters can allow energy users,business and residential, to see
graphically the impact their energy use can have in their workplace or homes. Advanced real-time
energy metering is able to help people save energy by their actions.
Elements of passive solar design, shown in a direct gain application
In passive solar building design, windows, walls, and floors are made to collect, store, and
distribute solar energy in the form of heat in the winter and reject solar heat in the summer. This is
called passive solar design or climatic design because,unlike active solar heating systems, it doesn't
involve the use of mechanical and electrical devices.
The key to designing a passive solar building is to best take advantage of the local climate. Elements
to be considered include window placement and glazing type, thermal insulation, thermal mass, and
shading. Passive solar design techniques can be applied most easily to new buildings, but existing
buildings can be retrofitted.
Working with climate:
Climate and design
 Climatic data
Chancellery climate responsive design strategies
 Passive solar heating,
 Cross ventilation,
 Evaporative cooling and
 Thermal mass.
 Ventilation and mixed mode climate control
 Lighting-Natural daylighting, Artificial lighting
 Building planning, building envelope and building materials
Passive solar design;
The first step in creating comfort and thermal delight in buildings is
to understand the relationship between the climate and our need for shelter
The five things a designer needs to know for a good passive solar design are:
1 how strong the sun at the site is at different times of the year;
2 where the sun will be at different times of the year in relation to the site;
3 how much of the sun’s heat a building will need, or not need, at different times of the year to enable
the building occupants to be comfortable;
4 how much storage capacity the building should have in relation to the available solar gain at the site
to meet those needs;
5 what the additional requirements are for controlling the heat gain from direct solar radiation,
convection or conduction in a design and how they can be met by envelope performance,building
form and ventilation.
There are a number of factors that influence the incidence, or strength, of solar radiation at the site
• the latitude of the site;
• the altitude and azimuth of the site;
• how much shade will be given by any obstacles that exist between the building and the site;
• the weather above the site.
All passive solar features
involve the transmission of solar radiation through a protective glazing layer(s) on the sun side of a
building, into a building space where it is absorbed and stored by thermal mass
(for example thick masonry walls and floors or waterfilled containers).
The typical processes involved are:
• collection – to collect solar energy, double-glazed windows are used on the south-facing side of the
• storage – after the sun’s energy has been collected, some heat is immediately used in the living
spaces and some is stored for later use.
The storage, called thermal mass, is usually built into the floors and/or interior walls.
Mass is characterized by its ability to absorb heat, store it and release it slowly as the temperature
inside the house falls.
Concrete,stone, brick and water can be used as mass;
• distribution – heat stored in floors and walls is slowly released by radiation, convection and
In a hybrid system, fans, vents and blowers may be used to distribute the heat.
There are severaltypes of passive solar system that can be used in homes. The most common are
direct gain, indirect gain and isolated gain
Minimizing new resources;
 We use a lot of water.
 We use a lot of energy.
 We grow - and eat - a lot of food.
 We use a lot of water to produce energy.
 We use a lot of energy to move and treat water.
 We use a lot of water and energy to produce our food.
 In some cases,we unwisely use food crops to make energy.
 Conserve energy
 Conserve water
 Reuse and recycle
 Start a campaign
 Choose energy options that are water-friendly (and energy-friendly).
 Choose water options that are energy-friendly (and food-friendly).
 Choose food options that are water-friendly (and energy-friendly).
Respect for users;
Respect for site and holism-
• It is a clean green energy source. It produces minimal CO2, NOx or SO2 emissions.
• The silicon PV panels are non-toxic in production.
• The energy payback is 2–5 years,while the working life of a PV panelcan be well over 20 years.
• Energy is generated on site so there are very few losses in transport, unlike remotely generated
supplies relying on long supply lines.
• It is reliable. Panelwarranties are now typically for 20 years.
• They are silent.
• They are low maintenance. Once installed they will simply require their surfaces cleaning, especially
in dusty environments.
• They can provide power in locations remote from the grid.
• PVs are a transportable technology and can be moved between buildings.
• They can provide power during blackouts.
Solar hot water systems;
Solar hot water systems gather energy from solar radiation and turn it into heat that is then
distributed in the form of hot air or water to where it is to be used or stored until needed.
An active solar water heater consists of a solar collector (s),a hot water storage tank (s), and a pump .
The domestic sector is responsible for around 30 per cent of the carbon emissions of developed
mainly owing to the CO2 emitted as a by-product of power generation and fossil fuel burning.
Of this 30 per cent, 25 per cent goes to heating water for use from the taps and to provide pre-heating
for space heating systems.
Water usage;
Four things are conspiring to make fresh water one of the most valuable commodities in the twenty-
first century:
1 increasing world populations;
2 climate change;
3 men’s ever-increasing interference with the natural flow of water;
4 pollutions.
Water conservation becomes increasingly important as demand for water increases and shortfalls in
supply occur.
A number of water conservation measures can be used in the home with little impact on the every day
lives of householders.
These can involve the following
Flow restrictors
Flow restrictors are readily available and can be fitted to many appliances, but their use has to be
Where taps can be left open by careless users and where items are washed under running water they
are a cheap way of reducing water wastage.
However,a more effective but more expensive solution would be to install taps operated by proximity
The average amount of water used by a conventional shower is approximately 30 l, whilst a bath
requires about 80 l.
Initially, it appears that showering is more energy and water efficient,
WC cistern water displacement devices are available in all countries, albeit only a stone or brick in
some cases
Composting toilets
Composting toilets use no water for flushing.
In its domestic form this toilet is usually electrically powered, heating the waste materialto enable
composting action to occur
Waterless toilets
Waterless toilets that do not compost the waste usually require electricity to operate.
Packaging toilets seal the waste into continuous plastic sacks that require subsequent disposal.
Incinerating toilets burn the waste to produce a sterile ash that can be disposed of in a garden.
Waterless urinals
Waterless urinals are being increasingly useing.
Most modern designs feature some form of odour suppressant that requires regular renewal.
Small scale wind systems;
Small wind turbines have less generating capacity than the huge commercial turbines,
These small turbines are used primarily for distributed generation –
generating electricity for use on-site, rather than transmitting energy over the electric grid
Small turbines are a small-scale alternative to solar panels,
providing clean renewable energy to rural homes, farms and businesses.
This reduces reliance on large fossil-fuel power plants and lowers the burden on the electrical
transmission grid.
Small wind turbines can have a generating capacity of anywhere from 0.3 to 100 kW,
though the amount of power they actually generate depends on wind speed.
A small turbine will typically need wind speeds of four meters per second (or nine miles per hour) at
the height of the turbine.
Because steady wind speed is important, small turbines must be placed away from buildings, trees,
and other obstructions that may block the flow of wind.
Small scale hydropower;
Small-scale hydropower is a clean energy source,producing no water or air pollution
As a non-consumptive water use,renewable,and relatively inexpensive energy.
They can be constructed in any location where there is enough water flow and head to make energy
generation viable,
even in rural or undeveloped locations.
This can include natural water sources such as streams and rivers,
or existing manmade infrastructure such as water distribution networks,
wastewater collection and treatment systems, and dams.
In this way, small-scale hydropower can take advantage of current infrastructure to produce power
and reduce the environmental impact.
Case studies- design of eco houses: context specific
Measuring the impact of building materials-
different parameters:
a) The damage to the environment during mining or harvesting of the basic material.
b) How much damage in relation to the quantity of materials (what else is disturbed or damaged?).
c) The source,size, or renewability of the basic material.
d) The recycle content.
e) Waste residue, solid or liquid, in production.
f) The air pollution due to manufacture and production.
g) The embodied energy
h) The energy consumed during transportation to site of usage.
i) The energy consumed on-site for erection or assembling.
j) The on-site waste and packaging.
k) The maintenance required during the life-cycle.
l) The environmental impact during the life-cycle (ie, toxic emissions).
m) The energy and effects associated with demolition/disposal at the end of the life-cycle.
n) The recyclability of the demolished/dissembled material
Calculating, recycling,processing, time and embodied energy-
Typically, embodied energy is measured as a quantity of non-renewable energy per unit of building
material, component or system.
For example, it may be expressed as megaJoules (MJ) or gigaJoules (GJ) per unit of weight (kg or
tonne) or area (square metre).
The process of calculating embodied energy is complex and involves numerous sources of data.
Implicit in the measure of embodied energy are the associated environmental implications of
resource depletion, greenhouse gases,environmental degradation and reduction of biodiversity.
As a rule of thumb, embodied energy is a reasonable indicator of the overall environmental impact of
building materials, assemblies or systems.
However,it must be carefully weighed against performance and durability since these may have a
mitigating or compensatory effect
on the initial environmental impacts associated with embodied energy.
The calculation of embodied energy and emissions has been calculated as follows:
Embodied energy= Quantity of the material* Embodied energy coefficient -
CO2 Emissions (MT) = Energy Consumption (kWh) x Emission Factor/1000 -
Emission Factor = 0.76 (kg/kWh) -
Using equations (1) and (2),
embodied energy and CO2 emissions for fire clay brick and ash block brick structure were calculated
and are tabulated in Tables 1 and 2 along with the
cost and quantity of materials used.
Embodied energy of different building materials-
Embodied energy for common building materials
Material PER embodied energy MJ/kg
Kiln dried sawn softwood 3.4
Kiln dried sawn hardwood 2.0
Air dried sawn hardwood 0.5
Hardboard 24.2
Particleboard 8.0
MDF (medium density fibreboard) 11.3
Plywood 10.4
Glue-laminated timber 11.0
Laminated veneer lumber 11.0
Plastics — general 90.0
PVC (polyvinyl chloride) 80.0
Synthetic rubber 110.0
Acrylic paint 61.5
Stabilised earth 0.7
Imported dimensioned granite 13.9
Local dimensioned granite 5.9
Gypsum plaster 2.9
Plasterboard 4.4
Fibre cement 4.8*
Cement 5.6
In situ concrete 1.9
Precast steam-cured concrete 2.0
Precast tilt-up concrete 1.9
Clay bricks 2.5
Concrete blocks 1.5
Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) 3.6
Glass 12.7
Aluminium 170.0
Copper 100.0
Galvanised steel38.0
low energy building and masonry materials-
1. Efficiency Use of Energy
· Climate responsiveness of buildings.
· Good urban planning and architectural design.
· Good house keeping and design practices.
· Passive design and natural ventilation.
· Use landscape as a means of thermal control.
· Energy efficiency lighting.
· Energy efficiency air conditioning.
· Energy efficiency household and office appliances.
· Heat pumps and energy recovery equipment.
· Combined cooling systems.
· Fuel cells development.
2. Utilise Renewable Energy
· Photovoltaics.
· Wind energy.
· Small hydros.
· Waste-to-energy.
· Landfill gas.
· Biomass energy.
· Biofuels.
3. Reduce Transport Energy
· Reduce the need to travel.
· Reduce the level of car reliance.
· Promote walking and cycling.
· Use efficient public mass transit.
· Alternative sources of energy and fuels.
4. Increase Awareness
· Promote awareness and education.
· Encourage good practices and environmentally sound technologies.
· Overcome institutional and economic barriers.
· Stimulate energy efficiency and renewable energy markets.
There are severallow embodied energy building materials that you can use and these include:
Mud brick
Stabilised earth
Compacted fly ash blocks
Air dried timber
Blended cements
Concrete blocks
Precast concrete
Recycled materials (these require no raw materials as they are already made)
Life cycle analysis-
(LCA, also known as life-cycle analysis, ecobalance, and cradle-to-grave analysis)
is a technique to assess environmental impacts associated with all the stages of
a product's life from raw material extraction through materials processing, manufacture, distribution,
use, repair and maintenance, and disposal or recycling.
Designers use this process to help critique their products.
LCAs can help avoid a narrow outlook on environmental concerns by:
Compiling an inventory of relevant energy and material inputs and environmental releases;
Evaluating the potential impacts associated with identified inputs and releases;
Interpreting the results to help make a more informed decision.
Cradle-to-grave is the full Life Cycle Assessment from resource extraction ('cradle') to use phase and
disposal phase ('grave').
For example, trees produce paper, which can be recycled into low-energy production cellulose
(fiberized paper) insulation,
Cradle-to-gate is an assessment of a partial product life cycle from resource extraction (cradle) to the
factory gate (i.e., before it is transported to the consumer).
Cradle-to-cradle or closed loop production
Cradle-to-cradle is a specific kind of cradle-to-grave assessment,
where the end-of-life disposal step for the product is a recycling process.
(e.g.,asphalt pavement from discarded asphalt pavement, glass bottles from collected glass bottles),
or different products (e.g.,glass wool insulation from collected glass bottles).
Gate-to-gate is a partial LCA looking at only one value-added process in the entire production chain.
Well-to-wheel is the specific LCA used for transport fuels and vehicles.
Ecologically based LCA
While a conventional LCA uses many of the same approaches and strategies as an Eco-LCA,
Types of Energy
Three types of energy are considered through life cycle assessment:
• Initial embodied energy – The energy required to extract and process raw
materials, fabricate or manufacture them into building components, transport them to
site, and install them into the building.
• Recurring embodied energy – The energy required to maintain, upgrade or replace, and
eventually dismantle and dispose of, materials and components throughout the service life of
the building.
• Operating energy – The energy required to heat, cool, and ventilate the building, and
provide hot water,lighting and power for services and equipment on an ongoing basis.
Case studies and analysis
Sustainable architecture and Green Building: definition-
Green building is the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally
responsible and
resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle from siting to design, construction, operation,
maintenance, renovation and deconstruction.
This practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility,
durability, and comfort.
Green building is also known as a sustainable or high performance building.
Aspects of Built Environment:
 Siting
 Design
 Construction
 Operation
 Maintenance
 Renovation
 Deconstruction
 Energy
 Water
 Materials
 Natural Resources
Environmental Effects:
 Waste
 Air pollution
 Water pollution
 Indoor pollution
 Heat islands
 Storm water runoff
 Noise
Ultimate Effects:
 Harm to Human Health
 Environment Degradation
 Loss of Resources
Green buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health
and the natural environment by:
 Efficiently using energy, water,and other resources
 Protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity
 Reducing waste,pollution and environmental degradation
Green building Evaluation Systems;
LEED Certification
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED-INDIA) Green Building Rating System is a
recognized point
of reference both in our country as well as worldwide for the design, construction and further,
operation of high performance green buildings.
The principal features of a green building include valuable use of soil and landscapes, resourceful
utilization of water,
usage of energy efficient and Eco-friendly apparatus,operational control & building management
use of renewable energy, use of recycled or recyclable materials and most significantly,
better indoor air quality and air circulation for health and comfort.
IGBC Green New Buildings rating system addresses green features under the following categories:
1.Sustainable Architecture and Design = 5
2.Site Selection and Planning = 14
3.Water Conservation = 18
4.Energy Efficiency= 28
5.Building Materials and Resources = 16
6.Indoor Environmental Quality = 12
7.Innovation and Development = 7
The guidelines detailed under each mandatory requirement & credit enables the design and
construction of new buildings of all sizes and types (as defined in scope).
Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on the total credits earned.
However,every green new building should meet certain mandatory requirements, which are non-
The various levels of rating awarded are as below:
Certification Level Recognition
50 – 59 = Certified = Good Practices
60 – 69 = Silver = Best Practices
70 – 79 = Gold = Outstanding Performance
80 – 89 = Platinum = National Excellence
90 - 100 = Super Platinum = Global Leadership
GRIHA is India’s National Rating System for Green buildings.
It has been developed by TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute)
and is endorsed by the MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy).
GRIHA attempts to minimize a building’s resource consumption, waste generation,
and overall ecological/environmental impact by comparing them to certain
nationally acceptable limits / benchmarks.
GRIHA attempts to quantify aspects,such as:
1.Energy / power consumption (in terms of electricity consumed in kWh per square meter per year)
2.Water consumption (in terms of liters per person per day)
3.Waste generation (in terms of kilograms per day, or liters per day)
4.Renewable energy integration (in terms of kW of connected load)
GRIHA assesses a building out of 34 criteria and awards points on a scale of 100.
In order to qualify for GRIHA certification, a project must achieve at least 50 points.
Certain criteria / sub-criteria are mandatory and have to be complied for the project to be at all eligible
for rating.
Project scoring
1. 50-60 points is certified as a 1 star GRIHA rated building,
2. 61-70 is a 2 star GRIHA rated building,
3. 71-80 is a 3 star GRIHA rating building,
4. 81-90 is a 4 star GRIHA rated building and
5. 91-100 is a 5 star GRIHA rated building
Evaluation procedure of criterion of GRIHA
List of criteria and points for GRIHA=Criteria Points
Criteria 1 Site Selection = 1 Partly mandatory
Criteria 2 Preserve and protect landscape during construction/compensatory depository forestation. =
5 Partly mandatory
Criteria 3 Soil conservation (post construction) = 4
Criteria 4 Design to include existing site features = 2 Mandatory
Criteria 5 Reduce hard paving on site = 2 Partly mandatory
Criteria 6 Enhance outdoor lighting system efficiency and use RE system for meeting outdoor lighting
Criteria 7 Plan utilities efficiently and optimize on site circulation efficiency = 3
Criteria 8 Provide ,at least, minimum level of sanitation/safety facilities for construction workers = 2
Criteria 9 Reduce air pollution during construction = 2 Mandatory
Criteria 10 Reduce landscape water requirement = 3
Criteria 11 Reduce building water use = 2
Criteria 12 Efficient water use during construction = 1
Criteria 13 Optimize building design to reduce conventional energy demand = 6 Mandatory
Criteria 14 Optimize energy performance of building within specified comfort = 12
Criteria 15 Utilization of fly ash in building structure = 6
Criteria 16 Reduce volume, weight and time of construction by adopting efficient technology (e.g.
pre-cast systems,ready-mix concrete,etc.) =4
Criteria 17 Use low-energy material in interiors = 4
Criteria 18 Renewable energy utilization = 5 Partly Mandatory
Criteria 19 Renewable energy based hot water system = 3
Criteria 20 Waste water treatment = 2
Criteria 21 Water re-cycle and re-use (including rainwater) = 5
Criteria 22 Reduction in waste during construction = 2
Criteria 23 Efficient waste segregation = 2
Criteria 24 Storage and disposal of waste = 2
Criteria 25 Resource recovery from waste = 2
Criteria 26 Use of low VOC paints/ adhesives/ sealants = 4
Criteria 27 Minimize Ozone depleting substances = 3 Mandatory
Criteria 28 Ensure water quality = 2 Mandatory
Criteria 29 Acceptable outdoor and indoor noise levels = 2
Criteria 30 Tobacco and smoke control = 1
Criteria 31 Universal Accessibility = 1
Criteria 32 Energy audit and validation Mandatory
Criteria 33 Operations and Maintenance protocol for electrical and mechanical equipment=2
Criteria 34 Innovation (beyond 100) 4
Green globe certification;
Case studies which look at the environmental approach-
Renewable energy-
Controlling the water cycle-
Impact of materials on the environment –
Optimizing construction-
Site management-
Environmental management of buildings.
 Instrument and natural case studies to investigate and apply various studio exercises on
Green Building Design.

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Sustainable and green buildings

  • 2. CONTENTS UNIT I INTRODUCTION  Attitudes to architecture:  A historical perspective on sustainable and green design.  General premises,strategies, objectives and basis for sustainable and green design.  Eco-mimicry as a design tool based on ecosystem analogy.  theoretical basis for a sustainable and ecofriendly design. UNIT II ECO HOUSE  The form of the house: the building as an analogy  design from first principles:  conserving energy;  working with climate:  passive solar design;  minimizing new resources;  respect for users;  respect for site and holism-  photovoltaics;  solar hot water systems;  water usage;  small scale wind systems;  small scale hydropower;  Case studies- design of eco houses: context specific UNIT III ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF BUILDING MATERIALS  Measuring the impact of building materials-  calculating, recycling, processing, time and embodied energy-  cost and quantity of materials used.  embodied energy of different building materials-  low energy building and masonry materials-  life cycle analysis-  Case studies and analysis UNIT IV GREENCONSTRUCTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY  Sustainable architecture and Green Building: definition-  Green building Evaluation Systems; LEED Certification and GRIHA  Green Globe Certification;  Case studies which look at the environmental approach-  renewable energy-  controlling the water cycle-  impact of materials on the environment –  optimizing construction-  site management-  environmental management of buildings. UNITV SUSTAINABLE AND GREENBUILDING DESIGNCASE STUDIES  Instrument and natural case studies to investigate and apply various studio exercises on Green Building Design.
  • 3. SUSTAINABLE AND GREEN BUILDINGS UNIT I INTRODUCTION Attitudes to architecture: 1) Concepts and definitions of “architecture” 2) the actual field work, related to the location 3) the analysis part; 4) the hierarchy of other identities; 5) interaction of the surroundings, 6) its impact on the contemporary processes,the sustainable development and more. 7)the main concepts in Architectural research may well focus on the physical outcomes of design from 8)the scale of building components to neighbourhood and urban design-research on the processes of design A historical perspective on sustainable and green design. Today, we are still at the beginning of the Eco construction movement, as solar panels, renewable materials, and efficient design are still being introduced into the mainstream. Tomorrow, green building could be the norm. The Origins of Green Building The history of green building dates back much further than the 1970's. It was in the midst of the industrial revolution that Henri Becquerel first witnessed the transformation of solar energy into electrical energy, known as photovoltaic power. Around this time, the late 1800's to early 1900's, a number of solar power plants were built to utilize the sun's energy for steam power. Then, in the 1950's, solar energy was used on an extremely small-scale. During the energy crisis of the 1970's, 1.green building moved from research and development to reality. 2.Builders and designers were looking for a way to reduce the reliance of buildings and homes on fossil fuels. 3.Solar panels were used to make more environmentally friendly homes, although only in small numbers due to high initial costs. 4.Since then, developers have been able to construct more efficient and less expensive solar panels, making solar energy more of a reality. Also, during this transition period, designers and consumers started wondering, if solar panels can make buildings more efficient, lower energy bills, and reduce the negative impact on the environment, what other steps can be taken to build even greener homes? Now, Eco construction involves so much more than simply using solar panels.
  • 4. Considerations green builders and designers examine a number of issues to make a building Eco-friendly. 1.Building materials are a huge concern. Any reduction through the use of sustainable, recycled materials will have a huge impact on resource preservation. 2.Durability is another issue; if environmentally-friendly materials need to be replaced frequently, then they become less and less efficient. 3.Good location is a centralcomponent of Eco construction. Homes should be close to the community or public transportation to reduce the need for driving and they should be in a place that will not harm the environment around them. conclusion Green buildings should also be designed to encourage recycling, manage water use,and minimize energy use. General premises, strategies, objectives and basis for sustainable and green design. Green building is defined by the 1) increasing the efficiency with which buildings and their sites use energy, water,and materials, and 2) reducing building impacts of human health and the environment, through better siting, design, construction, operation, maintenance, and removal throughout the complete life cycle. It may have many of these characteristics: x Ventilation systems designed for efficient heating and cooling x Energy-efficient lighting and appliances x Water-saving plumbing fixtures x Landscapes planned to maximize passive solar energy x Minimal harm to the natural habitat x Alternate power sources such as solar power or wind power x Non-synthetic, non-toxic materials x Locally-obtained woods and stone x Responsibly-harvested woods x Adaptive reuse of older buildings x Use of recycled architectural salvage x Efficient use of space Principles of Green Architecture are:  Water features and their management;  natural building design;  passive solar design;  green building materials;  living Architecture. These principles are applied in a sustainable fashion to achieve an eco- friendly building.
  • 5. Green buildings must have a number of common components: these include a focus on energy efficiency and, in some cases,  renewable energy;  the efficient use of water;  the use of environmentally desirable building materials and specifications;  a minimization of the waste and toxic chemicals generated in the building's construction and operations;  good indoor air quality;  Green architecture produces environmental, social and economic benefits. Environmentally, green architecture helps reduce pollution, conserve natural resources and prevent environmental degradation. Economically, it reduces the amount of money that the building's operators have to spend on water and energy and improves the productivity of those using the facility. And, socially, green buildings are meant to be beautiful and cause only minimal strain on the local infrastructure. Eco-mimicry as a design tool based on ecosystem analogy. Biomimicry, where flora, fauna or entire ecosystems are emulated as a basis for design, is a growing area of research in the fields of architecture and engineering Sustainable development has become a central part of the ageda in the building design professions; however, in recent years, the concept of ecologically sustainable development has gained ground which aims to balance both economic and environmental facets of sustainability. This has necessitated new approaches to ecological sustainable design that includes ecological facets to design. Such a design approach that draws from ecology as a model in terms of architecture remains elusive. This research explores Biomimicry as a potential approach that help integrate ecological sustainability to design by understanding the natural processes to comprehend its form and the environment within an ecosystem. This study examines Biomimicry theory, and introduces an ecological model, which is most applicable to architecture. This model leads to a theoretical framework that proposes two ways of emulating nature: direct and indirect that identify naturally occurring adaptation and integration processes. The aim and outcome of the framework will ultimately be a design process that enhances ecological sustainability by increasing the applicability of Biomimicry theory into architectural practice. Theoretical basis for a sustainable and ecofriendly design.
  • 6. UNIT II ECO HOUSE The form of the house: the building as an analogy why eco house? The alternative is not acceptable and ‘modern buildings’ are literally destroying the planet. Three principles on which all building should be based are: 1 design for a climate; 2 design for the environment; 3 design for time, be it day or night, a season or the lifetime of a building and design a building that will adapt over time. Humans have been building on these premises for millennia and have evolved house types around the world that are well suited to particular climates, environments and societies An analogy is used where two forms may not look alike but they function in the same way. analogies are used to demonstrate how different forms can relate to some of the many different climatic functions of a building. THE THIRD SKIN Buildings are our third skin. To survive we need shelter from the elements using three skins. The first is provided by our own skin, the second by a layer of clothes and the third is the building. In some climates it is only with all three skins that we can provide sufficient shelter to survive, in others the first skin is enough. The more extreme the climate, the more we have to rely on the building to protect us from the elements. Just as we take off and put on clothes as the weather and the climate changes so we can shed skins. THE HEAT EXCHANGER THE TEA COSY THE GREENHOUSE THE SWALLOW THE IGLOO THE BUILDINGAS A BUCKET A BRICK IN A STORAGE RADIATOR THE BUILDINGAS A ROMAN BATH HOUSE THE BUILDINGAS A PERISCOPE A TREE IN THE BREEZE A COOL-CORE BUILDING AN AIR LOCK IN A SPACE SHIP TO KEEP THE COLD OUT
  • 7. Design from first principles: First-principles design thinking is what allows us to innovate. The first question we ask ourselves when embarking on a project is “What are we trying to do?” And then, together with the client, we set about doing it. Sure, we look at historical references and comparable properties, as well as available technologies and building materials; but our intent is always to create something unique. Design is always to create a place that feels appropriate, timeless and in harmony with the surroundings. The first principles of design at the scale of a residence are brought into focus quite succinctly:  The client’s expectations, wishes and goals  The circumstances (including the site)  The tradition that will inform the architecture  The materials and craftsmanship Designing with first principles in mind means focusing on the big-picture goals rather than what the finished product should look like. Other limitations, constraints or circumstances then get factored in. These can include such considerations as building and fire codes, community design guidelines, climatic conditions, and budgetary realities. Conserving energy; Energy conservation are efforts made to reduce the consumption of energy by using less of an energy service. This can be achieved either by using energy more efficiently (using less energy for a constant service) or by reducing the amount of services used (for example, by driving less). Energy conservation is a part of the concept of eco-sufficiency. Energy conservation reduces the need for energy services, and can result in increased environmental quality, national security, personal financial security and higher savings. It is at the top of the sustainable energy hierarchy. It also lowers energy costs by preventing future resource depletion. Building design One of the primary ways to improve energy conservation in buildings is to use an energy audit. An energy audit is an inspection and analysis of energy use and flows for energy conservation in a building, process or system to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting the output(s).
  • 8. This is normally accomplished by trained professionals and can be part of some of the national programs discussed above. In addition, recent development of smartphone apps enable homeowners to complete relatively sophisticated energy audits themselves. Building technologies and smart meters can allow energy users,business and residential, to see graphically the impact their energy use can have in their workplace or homes. Advanced real-time energy metering is able to help people save energy by their actions. Elements of passive solar design, shown in a direct gain application In passive solar building design, windows, walls, and floors are made to collect, store, and distribute solar energy in the form of heat in the winter and reject solar heat in the summer. This is called passive solar design or climatic design because,unlike active solar heating systems, it doesn't involve the use of mechanical and electrical devices. The key to designing a passive solar building is to best take advantage of the local climate. Elements to be considered include window placement and glazing type, thermal insulation, thermal mass, and shading. Passive solar design techniques can be applied most easily to new buildings, but existing buildings can be retrofitted. Working with climate: Climate and design  Climatic data Chancellery climate responsive design strategies  Passive solar heating,  Cross ventilation,  Evaporative cooling and  Thermal mass.  Ventilation and mixed mode climate control  Lighting-Natural daylighting, Artificial lighting  Building planning, building envelope and building materials
  • 9. Passive solar design; DESIGNING WITH THE SUN The first step in creating comfort and thermal delight in buildings is to understand the relationship between the climate and our need for shelter The five things a designer needs to know for a good passive solar design are: 1 how strong the sun at the site is at different times of the year; 2 where the sun will be at different times of the year in relation to the site; 3 how much of the sun’s heat a building will need, or not need, at different times of the year to enable the building occupants to be comfortable; 4 how much storage capacity the building should have in relation to the available solar gain at the site to meet those needs; 5 what the additional requirements are for controlling the heat gain from direct solar radiation, convection or conduction in a design and how they can be met by envelope performance,building form and ventilation. There are a number of factors that influence the incidence, or strength, of solar radiation at the site including: • the latitude of the site; • the altitude and azimuth of the site; • how much shade will be given by any obstacles that exist between the building and the site; • the weather above the site. All passive solar features involve the transmission of solar radiation through a protective glazing layer(s) on the sun side of a building, into a building space where it is absorbed and stored by thermal mass (for example thick masonry walls and floors or waterfilled containers). The typical processes involved are: • collection – to collect solar energy, double-glazed windows are used on the south-facing side of the house; • storage – after the sun’s energy has been collected, some heat is immediately used in the living spaces and some is stored for later use. The storage, called thermal mass, is usually built into the floors and/or interior walls. Mass is characterized by its ability to absorb heat, store it and release it slowly as the temperature inside the house falls. Concrete,stone, brick and water can be used as mass; • distribution – heat stored in floors and walls is slowly released by radiation, convection and conduction. In a hybrid system, fans, vents and blowers may be used to distribute the heat. There are severaltypes of passive solar system that can be used in homes. The most common are direct gain, indirect gain and isolated gain
  • 10. Minimizing new resources;  We use a lot of water.  We use a lot of energy.  We grow - and eat - a lot of food.  We use a lot of water to produce energy.  We use a lot of energy to move and treat water.  We use a lot of water and energy to produce our food.  In some cases,we unwisely use food crops to make energy.  Conserve energy  Conserve water  Reuse and recycle  Start a campaign  Choose energy options that are water-friendly (and energy-friendly).  Choose water options that are energy-friendly (and food-friendly).  Choose food options that are water-friendly (and energy-friendly). Respect for users; Respect for site and holism- Photovoltaics; ADVANTAGES OF PHOTOVOLTAICS AS A DOMESTIC SOURCE OF ENERGY • It is a clean green energy source. It produces minimal CO2, NOx or SO2 emissions. • The silicon PV panels are non-toxic in production. • The energy payback is 2–5 years,while the working life of a PV panelcan be well over 20 years. • Energy is generated on site so there are very few losses in transport, unlike remotely generated supplies relying on long supply lines. • It is reliable. Panelwarranties are now typically for 20 years. • They are silent. • They are low maintenance. Once installed they will simply require their surfaces cleaning, especially in dusty environments. • They can provide power in locations remote from the grid. • PVs are a transportable technology and can be moved between buildings. • They can provide power during blackouts. Solar hot water systems; Solar hot water systems gather energy from solar radiation and turn it into heat that is then distributed in the form of hot air or water to where it is to be used or stored until needed. An active solar water heater consists of a solar collector (s),a hot water storage tank (s), and a pump . HOW GREEN IS A SHWS? The domestic sector is responsible for around 30 per cent of the carbon emissions of developed countries, mainly owing to the CO2 emitted as a by-product of power generation and fossil fuel burning. Of this 30 per cent, 25 per cent goes to heating water for use from the taps and to provide pre-heating for space heating systems.
  • 11. Water usage; Four things are conspiring to make fresh water one of the most valuable commodities in the twenty- first century: 1 increasing world populations; 2 climate change; 3 men’s ever-increasing interference with the natural flow of water; 4 pollutions. WATER CONSERVATION Water conservation becomes increasingly important as demand for water increases and shortfalls in supply occur. A number of water conservation measures can be used in the home with little impact on the every day lives of householders. These can involve the following Flow restrictors Flow restrictors are readily available and can be fitted to many appliances, but their use has to be appropriate. Where taps can be left open by careless users and where items are washed under running water they are a cheap way of reducing water wastage. However,a more effective but more expensive solution would be to install taps operated by proximity sensors. Showers The average amount of water used by a conventional shower is approximately 30 l, whilst a bath requires about 80 l. Initially, it appears that showering is more energy and water efficient, WCs WC cistern water displacement devices are available in all countries, albeit only a stone or brick in some cases Composting toilets Composting toilets use no water for flushing. In its domestic form this toilet is usually electrically powered, heating the waste materialto enable composting action to occur Waterless toilets Waterless toilets that do not compost the waste usually require electricity to operate. Packaging toilets seal the waste into continuous plastic sacks that require subsequent disposal. Incinerating toilets burn the waste to produce a sterile ash that can be disposed of in a garden. Waterless urinals Waterless urinals are being increasingly useing. Most modern designs feature some form of odour suppressant that requires regular renewal.
  • 12. Small scale wind systems; Small wind turbines have less generating capacity than the huge commercial turbines, These small turbines are used primarily for distributed generation – generating electricity for use on-site, rather than transmitting energy over the electric grid Small turbines are a small-scale alternative to solar panels, providing clean renewable energy to rural homes, farms and businesses. This reduces reliance on large fossil-fuel power plants and lowers the burden on the electrical transmission grid. Small wind turbines can have a generating capacity of anywhere from 0.3 to 100 kW, though the amount of power they actually generate depends on wind speed. A small turbine will typically need wind speeds of four meters per second (or nine miles per hour) at the height of the turbine. Because steady wind speed is important, small turbines must be placed away from buildings, trees, and other obstructions that may block the flow of wind. Small scale hydropower; Small-scale hydropower is a clean energy source,producing no water or air pollution As a non-consumptive water use,renewable,and relatively inexpensive energy. They can be constructed in any location where there is enough water flow and head to make energy generation viable, even in rural or undeveloped locations. This can include natural water sources such as streams and rivers, or existing manmade infrastructure such as water distribution networks, wastewater collection and treatment systems, and dams. In this way, small-scale hydropower can take advantage of current infrastructure to produce power and reduce the environmental impact. Case studies- design of eco houses: context specific
  • 13. UNIT III ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF BUILDING MATERIALS Measuring the impact of building materials- different parameters: a) The damage to the environment during mining or harvesting of the basic material. b) How much damage in relation to the quantity of materials (what else is disturbed or damaged?). c) The source,size, or renewability of the basic material. d) The recycle content. e) Waste residue, solid or liquid, in production. f) The air pollution due to manufacture and production. g) The embodied energy h) The energy consumed during transportation to site of usage. i) The energy consumed on-site for erection or assembling. j) The on-site waste and packaging. k) The maintenance required during the life-cycle. l) The environmental impact during the life-cycle (ie, toxic emissions). m) The energy and effects associated with demolition/disposal at the end of the life-cycle. n) The recyclability of the demolished/dissembled material Calculating, recycling,processing, time and embodied energy- http://nlss.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Paper-2-Jan-12.pdf Typically, embodied energy is measured as a quantity of non-renewable energy per unit of building material, component or system. For example, it may be expressed as megaJoules (MJ) or gigaJoules (GJ) per unit of weight (kg or tonne) or area (square metre). The process of calculating embodied energy is complex and involves numerous sources of data. Implicit in the measure of embodied energy are the associated environmental implications of resource depletion, greenhouse gases,environmental degradation and reduction of biodiversity. As a rule of thumb, embodied energy is a reasonable indicator of the overall environmental impact of building materials, assemblies or systems. However,it must be carefully weighed against performance and durability since these may have a mitigating or compensatory effect
  • 14. on the initial environmental impacts associated with embodied energy. The calculation of embodied energy and emissions has been calculated as follows: Embodied energy= Quantity of the material* Embodied energy coefficient - CO2 Emissions (MT) = Energy Consumption (kWh) x Emission Factor/1000 - Emission Factor = 0.76 (kg/kWh) - Using equations (1) and (2), embodied energy and CO2 emissions for fire clay brick and ash block brick structure were calculated and are tabulated in Tables 1 and 2 along with the cost and quantity of materials used. Embodied energy of different building materials- http://nlss.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Paper-2-Jan-12.pdf Embodied energy for common building materials Material PER embodied energy MJ/kg Kiln dried sawn softwood 3.4 Kiln dried sawn hardwood 2.0 Air dried sawn hardwood 0.5 Hardboard 24.2 Particleboard 8.0 MDF (medium density fibreboard) 11.3 Plywood 10.4 Glue-laminated timber 11.0 Laminated veneer lumber 11.0 Plastics — general 90.0 PVC (polyvinyl chloride) 80.0 Synthetic rubber 110.0 Acrylic paint 61.5 Stabilised earth 0.7 Imported dimensioned granite 13.9 Local dimensioned granite 5.9 Gypsum plaster 2.9 Plasterboard 4.4 Fibre cement 4.8* Cement 5.6 In situ concrete 1.9 Precast steam-cured concrete 2.0 Precast tilt-up concrete 1.9 Clay bricks 2.5 Concrete blocks 1.5 Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) 3.6 Glass 12.7 Aluminium 170.0 Copper 100.0 Galvanised steel38.0
  • 15. low energy building and masonry materials- MAJOR CONSIDERATIONS FOR LOW ENERGY BUILDINGS 1. Efficiency Use of Energy · Climate responsiveness of buildings. · Good urban planning and architectural design. · Good house keeping and design practices. · Passive design and natural ventilation. · Use landscape as a means of thermal control. · Energy efficiency lighting. · Energy efficiency air conditioning. · Energy efficiency household and office appliances. · Heat pumps and energy recovery equipment. · Combined cooling systems. · Fuel cells development. 2. Utilise Renewable Energy · Photovoltaics. · Wind energy. · Small hydros. · Waste-to-energy. · Landfill gas. · Biomass energy. · Biofuels. 3. Reduce Transport Energy · Reduce the need to travel. · Reduce the level of car reliance. · Promote walking and cycling. · Use efficient public mass transit. · Alternative sources of energy and fuels. 4. Increase Awareness · Promote awareness and education. · Encourage good practices and environmentally sound technologies. · Overcome institutional and economic barriers. · Stimulate energy efficiency and renewable energy markets. There are severallow embodied energy building materials that you can use and these include: Stones Mud brick Stabilised earth Compacted fly ash blocks Air dried timber Blended cements Concrete blocks Precast concrete AAC Recycled materials (these require no raw materials as they are already made)
  • 16. Life cycle analysis- (LCA, also known as life-cycle analysis, ecobalance, and cradle-to-grave analysis) is a technique to assess environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product's life from raw material extraction through materials processing, manufacture, distribution, use, repair and maintenance, and disposal or recycling. Designers use this process to help critique their products. LCAs can help avoid a narrow outlook on environmental concerns by: Compiling an inventory of relevant energy and material inputs and environmental releases; Evaluating the potential impacts associated with identified inputs and releases; Interpreting the results to help make a more informed decision. Variants Cradle-to-grave Cradle-to-grave is the full Life Cycle Assessment from resource extraction ('cradle') to use phase and disposal phase ('grave'). For example, trees produce paper, which can be recycled into low-energy production cellulose (fiberized paper) insulation, Cradle-to-gate Cradle-to-gate is an assessment of a partial product life cycle from resource extraction (cradle) to the factory gate (i.e., before it is transported to the consumer). Cradle-to-cradle or closed loop production Cradle-to-cradle is a specific kind of cradle-to-grave assessment, where the end-of-life disposal step for the product is a recycling process. (e.g.,asphalt pavement from discarded asphalt pavement, glass bottles from collected glass bottles), or different products (e.g.,glass wool insulation from collected glass bottles). Gate-to-gate Gate-to-gate is a partial LCA looking at only one value-added process in the entire production chain. Well-to-wheel Well-to-wheel is the specific LCA used for transport fuels and vehicles. Ecologically based LCA While a conventional LCA uses many of the same approaches and strategies as an Eco-LCA, Types of Energy Three types of energy are considered through life cycle assessment: • Initial embodied energy – The energy required to extract and process raw materials, fabricate or manufacture them into building components, transport them to site, and install them into the building. • Recurring embodied energy – The energy required to maintain, upgrade or replace, and eventually dismantle and dispose of, materials and components throughout the service life of the building. • Operating energy – The energy required to heat, cool, and ventilate the building, and provide hot water,lighting and power for services and equipment on an ongoing basis. Case studies and analysis
  • 17. UNIT IV GREEN CONSTRUCTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Sustainable architecture and Green Building: definition- Green building is the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and deconstruction. This practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort. Green building is also known as a sustainable or high performance building. Aspects of Built Environment:  Siting  Design  Construction  Operation  Maintenance  Renovation Consumption:  Deconstruction  Energy  Water  Materials  Natural Resources Environmental Effects:  Waste  Air pollution  Water pollution  Indoor pollution  Heat islands  Storm water runoff  Noise Ultimate Effects:  Harm to Human Health  Environment Degradation  Loss of Resources Green buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment by:  Efficiently using energy, water,and other resources  Protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity  Reducing waste,pollution and environmental degradation
  • 18. Green building Evaluation Systems; LEED Certification Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED-INDIA) Green Building Rating System is a recognized point of reference both in our country as well as worldwide for the design, construction and further, operation of high performance green buildings. The principal features of a green building include valuable use of soil and landscapes, resourceful utilization of water, usage of energy efficient and Eco-friendly apparatus,operational control & building management systems, use of renewable energy, use of recycled or recyclable materials and most significantly, better indoor air quality and air circulation for health and comfort. IGBC Green New Buildings rating system addresses green features under the following categories: 1.Sustainable Architecture and Design = 5 2.Site Selection and Planning = 14 3.Water Conservation = 18 4.Energy Efficiency= 28 5.Building Materials and Resources = 16 6.Indoor Environmental Quality = 12 7.Innovation and Development = 7 The guidelines detailed under each mandatory requirement & credit enables the design and construction of new buildings of all sizes and types (as defined in scope). Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. However,every green new building should meet certain mandatory requirements, which are non- negotiable. The various levels of rating awarded are as below: Certification Level Recognition 50 – 59 = Certified = Good Practices 60 – 69 = Silver = Best Practices 70 – 79 = Gold = Outstanding Performance 80 – 89 = Platinum = National Excellence 90 - 100 = Super Platinum = Global Leadership GRIHA GRIHA is India’s National Rating System for Green buildings. It has been developed by TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) and is endorsed by the MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy). GRIHA attempts to minimize a building’s resource consumption, waste generation, and overall ecological/environmental impact by comparing them to certain nationally acceptable limits / benchmarks.
  • 19. GRIHA attempts to quantify aspects,such as: 1.Energy / power consumption (in terms of electricity consumed in kWh per square meter per year) 2.Water consumption (in terms of liters per person per day) 3.Waste generation (in terms of kilograms per day, or liters per day) 4.Renewable energy integration (in terms of kW of connected load) GRIHA assesses a building out of 34 criteria and awards points on a scale of 100. In order to qualify for GRIHA certification, a project must achieve at least 50 points. Certain criteria / sub-criteria are mandatory and have to be complied for the project to be at all eligible for rating. Project scoring 1. 50-60 points is certified as a 1 star GRIHA rated building, 2. 61-70 is a 2 star GRIHA rated building, 3. 71-80 is a 3 star GRIHA rating building, 4. 81-90 is a 4 star GRIHA rated building and 5. 91-100 is a 5 star GRIHA rated building Evaluation procedure of criterion of GRIHA List of criteria and points for GRIHA=Criteria Points Criteria 1 Site Selection = 1 Partly mandatory Criteria 2 Preserve and protect landscape during construction/compensatory depository forestation. = 5 Partly mandatory Criteria 3 Soil conservation (post construction) = 4 Criteria 4 Design to include existing site features = 2 Mandatory Criteria 5 Reduce hard paving on site = 2 Partly mandatory Criteria 6 Enhance outdoor lighting system efficiency and use RE system for meeting outdoor lighting requirement=3 Criteria 7 Plan utilities efficiently and optimize on site circulation efficiency = 3 Criteria 8 Provide ,at least, minimum level of sanitation/safety facilities for construction workers = 2 Mandatory Criteria 9 Reduce air pollution during construction = 2 Mandatory Criteria 10 Reduce landscape water requirement = 3 Criteria 11 Reduce building water use = 2 Criteria 12 Efficient water use during construction = 1 Criteria 13 Optimize building design to reduce conventional energy demand = 6 Mandatory Criteria 14 Optimize energy performance of building within specified comfort = 12 Criteria 15 Utilization of fly ash in building structure = 6 Criteria 16 Reduce volume, weight and time of construction by adopting efficient technology (e.g. pre-cast systems,ready-mix concrete,etc.) =4 Criteria 17 Use low-energy material in interiors = 4 Criteria 18 Renewable energy utilization = 5 Partly Mandatory Criteria 19 Renewable energy based hot water system = 3 Criteria 20 Waste water treatment = 2 Criteria 21 Water re-cycle and re-use (including rainwater) = 5 Criteria 22 Reduction in waste during construction = 2 Criteria 23 Efficient waste segregation = 2 Criteria 24 Storage and disposal of waste = 2 Criteria 25 Resource recovery from waste = 2 Criteria 26 Use of low VOC paints/ adhesives/ sealants = 4 Criteria 27 Minimize Ozone depleting substances = 3 Mandatory Criteria 28 Ensure water quality = 2 Mandatory
  • 20. Criteria 29 Acceptable outdoor and indoor noise levels = 2 Criteria 30 Tobacco and smoke control = 1 Criteria 31 Universal Accessibility = 1 Criteria 32 Energy audit and validation Mandatory Criteria 33 Operations and Maintenance protocol for electrical and mechanical equipment=2 Mandatory Criteria 34 Innovation (beyond 100) 4 Green globe certification; Case studies which look at the environmental approach- Renewable energy- Controlling the water cycle- Impact of materials on the environment – Optimizing construction- Site management- Environmental management of buildings. UNIT V SUSTAINABLE AND GREENBUILDING DESIGNCASE STUDIES  Instrument and natural case studies to investigate and apply various studio exercises on Green Building Design.