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SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE AND CARBON REDUCTION:   10 th  September 2009 The impact on Higher Education Estates
The journey so far:   The historical context and the future of funding  Rod Mallinder University of Brighton
What do we mean by Sustainability ? Historical   context Life cycle costing  Financial sustainability  (Capital  and  Revenue) Impact on the environment ( BREEAM for HE, CRC, DEC’s, Carbon Plans)
Future of funding ? What are the Government’s plans for HE ? Will there be any capital for 2011-14 ? What will be the effect if there’s a change of Government ?
Future of funding ? Current thinking…………… Some capital but at a reduced level Capital Investment Framework (CIF 2) Greater emphasis on sustainability Linkages between CO2 emissions and management of space
Future   of   funding ?   Implications for institutions in terms of CIF 2 Carbon reduction Carbon plans (beware the base point) Draft guidance – consultation document Space Management How will performance be measured? What guidance – review of SMG tools (AUDE project funded by LGM)
Taking an  architectural perspective:  The importance of sustainability in  master-planning Perry Hooper Grimshaw
No connection to electrical grid Optimal orientation for useful passive solar gain Minimal Foundations Timber structure, recycled joinery, cedar cladding Wood-burning masonry stove Lighting provided by candles and storm lanterns Natural ventilation by vents/high level windows Eco Barn, Normandy Jean-Baptiste Barache
British   Pavilion ,  Expo   92   Seville
Eden   Foundation ,  2002
EVA  ASSESSMENT Eden   Foundation,   2002
Carbon   Dioxide   Emissions   –  Annual Tonnes Per Person New Scientist 2000 Over 15 7 – 15 3 – 7 1 – 3 Under 1 Unknown
Thermal mass with exposed concrete structure Heavy solar shading Good daylight penetration with generous floor to ceiling heights Low velocity air supply with night time purging Geothermal energy piles for heating and cooling Solar thermal water heating Full monitoring of all services systems Test installations for photovoltaics, ground source heat pumps and wind power.  Roof top Centre for Efficient and Renewable Energy in  Buildings (C EREB ) Keyworth   II   London   South   Bank   University
Ijoijoijoijiojij[j 9.80 kg/m  14.50 kg/m 17.50 kg/m 20.98 kg/m 2 2 2 2 14.95 kg/m 15.90 kg/m 16.70 kg/m ?? kg/m 2 2 2 2 Bristol Metropolitan Academy Wilkinson Eyre Architects + Buro Happold Muse House, London Bere Architects + Max Fordham Jessop West, Sheffeld Uni Sauerbruch Hutton/RMJM + ARUP  Vassall Road Housing, London Tony Fretton Architects + Bailey Associates Culloden Battlefield Visitor Centre, Inverness Gareth Hoskins Architects + Max Fordham Creative Exchange, St Neots Cambridgeshire 5 th  Studio Architects + ZEF Keyworth II, LSBU GRIMSHAW + AECOM Eden Foundation GRIMSHAW + BDSP AJ 30.07.09 Predicted   Annual   CO2 Emissions
Lloyd’s   Register   MCE ,  Southampton
University of East Anglia
Maritime Centre of Excellence, Southampton Boldrewood Campus, University of Southampton
Maritime   Centre   of   Excellence ,  Southampton
Maritime   Centre   of   Excellence ,  Southampton CHP
All buildings connected to site wide CHP system Sustainable urban drainage system Re-use of grey water Separation of waste for recycling Cycling facilities/Links to local buses Improved  biodiversity Maritime Centre of Excellence  Southampton
Strategic planning  and adding value:   The planner’s point of view   Emma Andrews BNP Paribas Real Estate
Defining   Sustainability ‘ Sustainable development is the core  principle underpinning planning.  At the heart of sustainable  development is the simple idea  of ensuring a better quality of life  for everyone now and for the  future generations’  (Para 3, PPS1 ‘Planning and Climate Change   2007 )
Government   Targets
Planning   Context   Legislation Local Development Framework  (LDF) Regional Spatial Strategy  (RSS) Development Plan (Statutory regional & local planning policies) Planning Policy Guidance and Statements
Planning   Policy   Renewable energy targets  Sustainable design  Water management Waste management  Reuse of materials / sustainable construction  Location of development  Accessibility – reducing car dependency  Planning by checklist
Development   Control   Information requirements BREEAM Planning conditions S106 obligations Understanding your Local Authority  London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street
Practical   Steps   Understand your planning policy context …. have your say? Nurturing a relationship with Local Planning Authority (LPA) and elected Members Property / Estate Strategy -  Masterplanning / Planning Brief  4. Early engagement with LPA and local community in developing application proposals to secure consent 5. Protecting planning permissions
Creating   the   Framework University of Hertfordshire  Policy EMP12 - University of Hertfordshire Any development by the university must accord with the approved supplementary planning guidance for the aerodrome site.   Any further proposals for development on the university's sites in College Lane and Angerland Common shall accord with a Masterplan to be approved by the Council for those sites.
Winner RTPI Planning for Business Award 2005   Creating   the   Framework Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Campus at heart of Human Genome Project 124 ha (50 acre) site Grade II* listed building Ecology/floodplain constraints Award-winning Travel Plan
Key   Themes Planning system continuing to change - Killian Pretty recommendations - Community Infrastructure Levy (April 2010) - Conservative Government? Sustainability remaining high on agenda  Importance of planning ahead
Carbon reduction strategies:  The need for a  holistic whole-life approach Mike Sheehan WSP
Carbon Reduction Strategies: The need for a holistic whole-life approach The Challenge: To respond to the carbon reduction agenda and the risks it places on future funding streams in the most effective way possible The Proposition: Only by taking a long term view – a holistic whole life approach – can maximum advantage be taken of the opportunities that exist for carbon reduction
Carbon Reduction Strategies:  The Breadth of Opportunity Potential for   Carbon Reduction (TCO2) Concept and Master Planning Design and Implementation Operations and Maintenance Behavioural Change A wide range of opportunities exist at all stages of the lifecycle There can be strong interaction between the lifecycle stages Covers Scope 1, 2 and 3
Carbon Reduction Strategies:  Understand the Opportunities Potential for   Carbon Reduction (T CO2) Space management  Occupant behaviour Energy Strategy  Site wide/area wide Renewables Energy Efficiency By design By supply Microclimate study BREEAM higher education Funding link Beyond BREEAM Environmental profiling Etc etc… New build vs refurbish Low energy demand Lean by design Passive design Part L Building Regs BREEAM for higher ed. Funding link Design for occupant behaviour Keep it simple Information for occupants Etc etc… Procurement Appliances /office equipment/ IT Vehicle fleet / fuels Energy from renewable sources Induction / training of staff, students and FM’s New ways of working / learning  Travel planning Etc etc… Concept and Master Planning Design and Implementation Operations and Maintenance Behavioural Change Use the facilities as designed Controls / meters for lighting, heating, ventilation Space management Building fabric upgrade Energy management CRC Monitor / manage / feedback Energy bureau Etc etc
Potential financial support (eg ISP / Transformation Funds) Carbon Reduction Strategies: Understand the implications For any given set of circumstances there will be a ‘menu’ of opportunities and options, each with their own implications in terms of effectiveness through: Need to get to this simplified picture for decision making  Carbon reduction potential Cost (capex, opex, NPV) Timescales (lead and implementation) Delivery complications (eg disruption)
Carbon Reduction ‘Projects’ ‘ Cost’ Lead time Delivery complications Menu of Carbon Reduction Opportunities and Options Potential for   Carbon Reduction (T CO2) Implementation time Energy Management / Controls Lights / appliances replacement Staff training  Space management Building fabric upgrade Vehicle fleet replacement District heating scheme
Carbon   Reduction   Strategies:   decision   making Menu of carbon reduction options drawn from all stages of the life cycle allows you to: Assess the most effective means of protecting funding streams by achieving reductions targets as they move over time Pick off the low hanging fruit Make informed decisions regarding investment Make informed decisions regarding risk
Carbon   Reduction   Management   Plan Reduction Carbon Reduction ‘Projects’ ‘ Cost’ Action plans CARBON FOOTPRINT (T CO2) 2005 BASELINE 2015 INTERIM TARGET Energy Management / Controls Lights / appliances replacement Staff training  Space management
Carbon Reduction Management Plan Reduction  Carbon reduction ‘Projects’ ‘ Cost’ Behavioural Change CARBON FOOTPRINT (TCO2) 2005 BASELINE Action Plans 2020 TARGET Building fabric upgrade Vehicle fleet replacement District heating scheme
Harvard Infrastructure master plan to deliver carbon neutral Harvard while doubling campus size Part of their 50 year sustainability plan Included carbon budgets for buildings On site energy systems Ground source chiller heat pump Building integrated PVs Sewer heat mining Biomass CHP Wind turbine
London South Bank University Structural design for new build Energy efficient Concrete thermal mass reduces peak temperatures by 3 to 4 degrees Slabs cooled overnight, large heat exchange area Founded on geothermal piles containing water and environmentally friendly anti-freeze
University of Gloucester – Oxtalls Campus Phase 1 building – sealed and structurally cooled Post occupation monitoring – occupation variations Phase 2 building – mixed mode approach – natural ventilation at low loads, mechanical ventilation at high loads Lower energy consumption and capital costs Easier maintenance
Energy Bureau Remote data collection and communication via connections to existing meters Web enabled Energy monitoring, analysis and alerts Targets for management intervention Reduces consumption, validates bills Example of 30% reduction achieved at  an HQ facility
University of Surrey Travel plan in support of 77ha new campus 25% staff / student population growth since 1998 Bus services, car share, cycle to work, bike lease, showers etc Reduction in peak hour traffic achieved Overcame Highways Agency objection Benefits to University and local community

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Sustainable Infrastructure

  • 1. SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE AND CARBON REDUCTION: 10 th September 2009 The impact on Higher Education Estates
  • 2. The journey so far: The historical context and the future of funding Rod Mallinder University of Brighton
  • 3. What do we mean by Sustainability ? Historical context Life cycle costing Financial sustainability (Capital and Revenue) Impact on the environment ( BREEAM for HE, CRC, DEC’s, Carbon Plans)
  • 4. Future of funding ? What are the Government’s plans for HE ? Will there be any capital for 2011-14 ? What will be the effect if there’s a change of Government ?
  • 5. Future of funding ? Current thinking…………… Some capital but at a reduced level Capital Investment Framework (CIF 2) Greater emphasis on sustainability Linkages between CO2 emissions and management of space
  • 6. Future of funding ? Implications for institutions in terms of CIF 2 Carbon reduction Carbon plans (beware the base point) Draft guidance – consultation document Space Management How will performance be measured? What guidance – review of SMG tools (AUDE project funded by LGM)
  • 7. Taking an architectural perspective: The importance of sustainability in master-planning Perry Hooper Grimshaw
  • 8. No connection to electrical grid Optimal orientation for useful passive solar gain Minimal Foundations Timber structure, recycled joinery, cedar cladding Wood-burning masonry stove Lighting provided by candles and storm lanterns Natural ventilation by vents/high level windows Eco Barn, Normandy Jean-Baptiste Barache
  • 9. British Pavilion , Expo 92 Seville
  • 10. Eden Foundation , 2002
  • 11. EVA ASSESSMENT Eden Foundation, 2002
  • 12. Carbon Dioxide Emissions – Annual Tonnes Per Person New Scientist 2000 Over 15 7 – 15 3 – 7 1 – 3 Under 1 Unknown
  • 13. Thermal mass with exposed concrete structure Heavy solar shading Good daylight penetration with generous floor to ceiling heights Low velocity air supply with night time purging Geothermal energy piles for heating and cooling Solar thermal water heating Full monitoring of all services systems Test installations for photovoltaics, ground source heat pumps and wind power. Roof top Centre for Efficient and Renewable Energy in Buildings (C EREB ) Keyworth II London South Bank University
  • 15. Ijoijoijoijiojij[j 9.80 kg/m 14.50 kg/m 17.50 kg/m 20.98 kg/m 2 2 2 2 14.95 kg/m 15.90 kg/m 16.70 kg/m ?? kg/m 2 2 2 2 Bristol Metropolitan Academy Wilkinson Eyre Architects + Buro Happold Muse House, London Bere Architects + Max Fordham Jessop West, Sheffeld Uni Sauerbruch Hutton/RMJM + ARUP Vassall Road Housing, London Tony Fretton Architects + Bailey Associates Culloden Battlefield Visitor Centre, Inverness Gareth Hoskins Architects + Max Fordham Creative Exchange, St Neots Cambridgeshire 5 th Studio Architects + ZEF Keyworth II, LSBU GRIMSHAW + AECOM Eden Foundation GRIMSHAW + BDSP AJ 30.07.09 Predicted Annual CO2 Emissions
  • 16. Lloyd’s Register MCE , Southampton
  • 18. Maritime Centre of Excellence, Southampton Boldrewood Campus, University of Southampton
  • 19. Maritime Centre of Excellence , Southampton
  • 20. Maritime Centre of Excellence , Southampton CHP
  • 21. All buildings connected to site wide CHP system Sustainable urban drainage system Re-use of grey water Separation of waste for recycling Cycling facilities/Links to local buses Improved biodiversity Maritime Centre of Excellence Southampton
  • 22.  
  • 23. Strategic planning and adding value: The planner’s point of view Emma Andrews BNP Paribas Real Estate
  • 24. Defining Sustainability ‘ Sustainable development is the core principle underpinning planning. At the heart of sustainable development is the simple idea of ensuring a better quality of life for everyone now and for the future generations’ (Para 3, PPS1 ‘Planning and Climate Change 2007 )
  • 25. Government Targets
  • 26. Planning Context Legislation Local Development Framework (LDF) Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) Development Plan (Statutory regional & local planning policies) Planning Policy Guidance and Statements
  • 27. Planning Policy Renewable energy targets Sustainable design Water management Waste management Reuse of materials / sustainable construction Location of development Accessibility – reducing car dependency Planning by checklist
  • 28. Development Control Information requirements BREEAM Planning conditions S106 obligations Understanding your Local Authority London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street
  • 29. Practical Steps Understand your planning policy context …. have your say? Nurturing a relationship with Local Planning Authority (LPA) and elected Members Property / Estate Strategy - Masterplanning / Planning Brief 4. Early engagement with LPA and local community in developing application proposals to secure consent 5. Protecting planning permissions
  • 30. Creating the Framework University of Hertfordshire Policy EMP12 - University of Hertfordshire Any development by the university must accord with the approved supplementary planning guidance for the aerodrome site. Any further proposals for development on the university's sites in College Lane and Angerland Common shall accord with a Masterplan to be approved by the Council for those sites.
  • 31. Winner RTPI Planning for Business Award 2005 Creating the Framework Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Campus at heart of Human Genome Project 124 ha (50 acre) site Grade II* listed building Ecology/floodplain constraints Award-winning Travel Plan
  • 32. Key Themes Planning system continuing to change - Killian Pretty recommendations - Community Infrastructure Levy (April 2010) - Conservative Government? Sustainability remaining high on agenda Importance of planning ahead
  • 33. Carbon reduction strategies: The need for a holistic whole-life approach Mike Sheehan WSP
  • 34. Carbon Reduction Strategies: The need for a holistic whole-life approach The Challenge: To respond to the carbon reduction agenda and the risks it places on future funding streams in the most effective way possible The Proposition: Only by taking a long term view – a holistic whole life approach – can maximum advantage be taken of the opportunities that exist for carbon reduction
  • 35. Carbon Reduction Strategies: The Breadth of Opportunity Potential for Carbon Reduction (TCO2) Concept and Master Planning Design and Implementation Operations and Maintenance Behavioural Change A wide range of opportunities exist at all stages of the lifecycle There can be strong interaction between the lifecycle stages Covers Scope 1, 2 and 3
  • 36. Carbon Reduction Strategies: Understand the Opportunities Potential for Carbon Reduction (T CO2) Space management Occupant behaviour Energy Strategy Site wide/area wide Renewables Energy Efficiency By design By supply Microclimate study BREEAM higher education Funding link Beyond BREEAM Environmental profiling Etc etc… New build vs refurbish Low energy demand Lean by design Passive design Part L Building Regs BREEAM for higher ed. Funding link Design for occupant behaviour Keep it simple Information for occupants Etc etc… Procurement Appliances /office equipment/ IT Vehicle fleet / fuels Energy from renewable sources Induction / training of staff, students and FM’s New ways of working / learning Travel planning Etc etc… Concept and Master Planning Design and Implementation Operations and Maintenance Behavioural Change Use the facilities as designed Controls / meters for lighting, heating, ventilation Space management Building fabric upgrade Energy management CRC Monitor / manage / feedback Energy bureau Etc etc
  • 37. Potential financial support (eg ISP / Transformation Funds) Carbon Reduction Strategies: Understand the implications For any given set of circumstances there will be a ‘menu’ of opportunities and options, each with their own implications in terms of effectiveness through: Need to get to this simplified picture for decision making Carbon reduction potential Cost (capex, opex, NPV) Timescales (lead and implementation) Delivery complications (eg disruption)
  • 38. Carbon Reduction ‘Projects’ ‘ Cost’ Lead time Delivery complications Menu of Carbon Reduction Opportunities and Options Potential for Carbon Reduction (T CO2) Implementation time Energy Management / Controls Lights / appliances replacement Staff training Space management Building fabric upgrade Vehicle fleet replacement District heating scheme
  • 39. Carbon Reduction Strategies: decision making Menu of carbon reduction options drawn from all stages of the life cycle allows you to: Assess the most effective means of protecting funding streams by achieving reductions targets as they move over time Pick off the low hanging fruit Make informed decisions regarding investment Make informed decisions regarding risk
  • 40. Carbon Reduction Management Plan Reduction Carbon Reduction ‘Projects’ ‘ Cost’ Action plans CARBON FOOTPRINT (T CO2) 2005 BASELINE 2015 INTERIM TARGET Energy Management / Controls Lights / appliances replacement Staff training Space management
  • 41. Carbon Reduction Management Plan Reduction Carbon reduction ‘Projects’ ‘ Cost’ Behavioural Change CARBON FOOTPRINT (TCO2) 2005 BASELINE Action Plans 2020 TARGET Building fabric upgrade Vehicle fleet replacement District heating scheme
  • 42. Harvard Infrastructure master plan to deliver carbon neutral Harvard while doubling campus size Part of their 50 year sustainability plan Included carbon budgets for buildings On site energy systems Ground source chiller heat pump Building integrated PVs Sewer heat mining Biomass CHP Wind turbine
  • 43. London South Bank University Structural design for new build Energy efficient Concrete thermal mass reduces peak temperatures by 3 to 4 degrees Slabs cooled overnight, large heat exchange area Founded on geothermal piles containing water and environmentally friendly anti-freeze
  • 44. University of Gloucester – Oxtalls Campus Phase 1 building – sealed and structurally cooled Post occupation monitoring – occupation variations Phase 2 building – mixed mode approach – natural ventilation at low loads, mechanical ventilation at high loads Lower energy consumption and capital costs Easier maintenance
  • 45. Energy Bureau Remote data collection and communication via connections to existing meters Web enabled Energy monitoring, analysis and alerts Targets for management intervention Reduces consumption, validates bills Example of 30% reduction achieved at an HQ facility
  • 46. University of Surrey Travel plan in support of 77ha new campus 25% staff / student population growth since 1998 Bus services, car share, cycle to work, bike lease, showers etc Reduction in peak hour traffic achieved Overcame Highways Agency objection Benefits to University and local community