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The Definitive Guide to
Intelligent Gifting
How to shorten the sales cycle
and close more deals.
— 3 —
The Definitive Guide to
Intelligent Gifting
Why Consider Intelligent Gifting .............................................................................. 4
What Makes Intelligent Gifting Effective ................................................................ 6
Five Instances Where Gifting Makes the Difference .......................................... 8
Considerations for a Killer Gifting Strategy ......................................................... 10
SwagIQ for Intelligent Gifting .................................................................................. 14
The Definitive Guide to
— 4 — — 5 —
It’s no secret: prospects are so inundated with calls and emails that it’s
hard for even the best sales teams to get through.
If you’re looking for better results, there’s a third method to consider—
one that helps salespeople shorten the sales cycle and grow revenue
with high-impact touches. It’s called Intelligent Gifting, and it works with
your existing sales and marketing playbook to cut through the clutter
and make more live connects. With Intelligent Gifting, your salespeople
can make real connections that turn prospects into customers and
customers into advocates.
If you’re driven to grow revenue and empower your sales team (and we
have a feeling you are), read on to learn more about what Intelligent
Gifting can do for you.
Why Consider
Why Sales Teams Use Intelligent Gifting
• Increase live connects
• Shorten sales cycles
• Reignite stalled deals
• Improve overall effectiveness
— 6 —
The Law of Reciprocity
People who receive gifts are 10x more likely to act.1
refer to this impulse as the law of reciprocity.2
Sending someone a gift
could result in them returning your call, completing a demo or signing
a contract.
While most prospecting voicemails and emails are overlooked,
packages typically make it to your prospect’s desk. And unlike email,
few people will toss a gift without opening it. The impact of a package
on a desk is hard to ignore—it sparks conversation with nearby peers,
amplifies your sales message and increases your brand visibility. Gifts
also have the staying power that emails and voicemails lack.
Oversized packages with gifts
for multiple team members
create even more buzz. Once
received, your prospect is
compelled to pass out the
gifts, which creates the natural
opportunity to talk about who
sent the package and why.
Making Connections
Intelligent Gifting allows you to surprise and delight your prospects
with an unexpected package. When paired with a personalized
notecard, this experience creates a 1:1 relationship with the recipient
and makes a stronger connection. Customers who are connected to
your company become brand advocates and can play a pivotal role
in your success. After all, brand advocates can boost your marketing
effectiveness by 54% through Word of Mouth Marketing. 3
What Makes Intelligent Gifting
1. Cialdini, R. (2007). Influence: The psychology of persuasion (Rev. ed.; 1st Collins business essentials ed.). New York: Collins.
2. https://www.salesforce.com/blog/2013/10/sales-psychology-of-selling.html
3. http://www.forbes.com/sites/pauljankowski/2013/02/27/quick-what-are-they-saying-about-your-brand/
Sending someone a
personalized gift INCREASES
that they’ll be likely to
act and reciprocate.
— 9 —— 8 —
Door Busting
Objective: Get your message through the door and
into the hands of hard-to-reach decision makers.
Strategy: Stand out with a high-impact touch
and personalized message that makes it past the
gatekeeper and lands that initial meeting.
Stalled Deals
Objective: Reignite stalled or slowed deals.
Strategy: Send a thoughtful package to decision
makers. Be sure to include a personal note that
speaks to your company’s value proposition and
asks for their business.
Strategic Appreciation
Objective: Keep your company top of mind
and nurture relationships.
Strategy: Surprise and delight customers with
a meaningful gift and a note that vocalizes your
commitment to their long-term success.
Objective: Thank loyal customers who refer your
business to others.
Strategy: Recognize customers who promote your
company by sending a thoughtful gift and a
thank you note.
Objective: Get your contract renewed by prompting
clients with a token of appreciation.
Strategy: Precede a customer’s contract renewal with a
high-value gift and personal note summarizing the year’s
successes. Let the law of reciprocity do the rest.
Five Instances Where Gifting
Which would you rather receive: a gift, or a cold call?
We thought so.
— 10 — — 11 —
Strategic gifts create the impact teams need to REACH
BUSINESS OBJECTIVES. Gifts should align with the goals
you are trying to reach. Ask, ‘What do I want this gift to
achieve?’ You’ll likely want to invest more on reviving a
major deal than you would on an early, soft touch.
Likewise, you have to KNOW YOUR BRAND AND
PERSONALITY. If you’re a B2B business with a more formal
personality, it may not be fitting to send those “Bottoms
Up” shot glasses to your newest prospect. Like all contact
with your prospects and customers, your gifts should
accurately reflect your corporate identity.
SEND IT. At what stage of the buying cycle will a gift be
most powerful? Timing will vary from prospect to prospect,
so identify the moments at which sending high-impact
pieces will benefit you the most.
Intelligent Gifting works best as part of a well-organized sales strategy.
When incorporating tactile components into your sales cycle, consider
the basics:
Considerations for a
To use Intelligent Gifting to its full potential, you must
KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. A two minute peek at a
prospect’s LinkedIn account makes it possible to send
a gift that ensures the highest possible impact.
CLEAN DATA IS ESSENTIAL. Your gifts are only as good
as the addresses you send them to. Take proactive steps to
ensure your team is set up for success by appending your
lists, validating addresses and checking contact history.
— 12 — — 13 —
Make the most out of your PERSONALIZED NOTES.
Don’t underestimate the role a personal card plays in
creating a successful connection. Keeping your CRM up
to date with detailed prospect information allows your
salespeople to craft a message that puts the gift into
context and makes recipients feel valued.
Don’t underestimate the POWER OF PRESENTATION.
While brown boxes are classic, your packaging should
reflect your company. There are many creative ways to
brand your parcels such as specialty ribbon, custom
stickers, inserts, branded boxes or specialty fill.
Who will be in charge of sourcing gifts, packaging, and
delivery? The effectiveness of your gifting strategy is closely
tied to your logistics management. Seek out professionals
for a hitch-free deployment.
driven by gifting. Measure everything—including what your
team sends and how each item affects your conversion
rate. Use these insights to continually enhance your sales
strategy and inform future gifting campaigns.
Send. Connect. Win. Celebrate.
— 15 —
Inbox (243)
Dimensional mail is
45X more effective
than email.4
Give Your Sales a Boost with SwagIQ™
SwagIQ allows you to execute your Intelligent Gifting strategy directly
through Salesforce®. Our solution notifies you of opportune times
throughout the sales cycle to send gifts and enables you to send items
with the click of a button.
With SwagIQ, we do the heavy lifting so your sales teams can focus
on what they do best: selling. Implementation is quick and painless,
allowing you to focus on the fun part, like choosing the gifts you know
your prospects and clients will love.
I n t e l l i g e n t G i f t i n g
Sales teams deploy SwagIQ to:
• Increase live connects
• Shorten sales cycles
• Reignite stalled deals
• Improve overall effectiveness
4. http://www.dmnews.com/direct-mail/dma-direct-mail-response-rates-beat-digital/article/245780/
Thank You
Gift Cards
and Office
Travel &
Tech Gadgets
Use SwagIQ to send gifts that
reflect your brand, such as:
And the list goes on.
The possibilities are endless, and our team
works with you to stock your custom store.
— 18 —
Seamless Notifications
Salesforce tasks notify you of the best times to send a gift
or incorporate a high-impact touch
Receive alerts when your gift is delivered for a perfectly
timed follow-up
Branded Gifts and Personalized Cards
Stock your custom store with items that reflect your sales
goals, brand personality and target audience
Include a card with your personal message, signature
and headshot
Reporting and Budget Management
Monitor which gifts sales reps send and how they correlate
to revenue and win rates
Allocate and track individual gifting budgets
Analyze the impact your gifts have on your pipeline and live
connect rates
Streamline Your Company Gifting
We take care of gift sourcing, packaging and fulfillment
Setup is simple and our team offers world class support
to ensure your success
SwagIQ Handles It All
Sales Qualified Leads
Current Close Rate
Deals Won / Closed
Average Deal Size
Year 1 Revenue
Close Rate Increase of
Additional Deals Closed
Additional Year 1
Baseline SwagIQ Impact
Sales Qualified Leads
Current Close Rate
Deals Won / Closed
Average Deal Size
Year 1 Revenue
Close Rate Increase of
Additional Deals Closed
Additional Year 1
Baseline SwagIQ Impact
A B Cx =
D EC x =
A x F G=
G HDx =
B( + (- C
SwagIQ helps salespeople close more deals through the send of
high-impact gifts and personalized notes directly from Salesforce.
Its personalization and automation features ensure the right gifts
are sent at the right time. SwagIQ prompts customer engagement,
providing a highly effective prospecting method, increasing client
retention and closing more deals.
About PFL.com
PFL provides marketing and sales enablement solutions, including
Salesforce apps and in-house printing, gifting and fulfillment services.
We directly connect B2B and B2C organizations to cutting-edge
solutions that accelerate productivity and drive business forward.
Ready to give your sales a boost with Intelligent Gifting?
Call us at 866.930.7029 or send an email to info@SwagIQ.com.

More Related Content

SwagIQ Guidebook

  • 1. The Definitive Guide to Intelligent Gifting How to shorten the sales cycle and close more deals. DELIVERED
  • 2. — 3 — The Definitive Guide to Intelligent Gifting TABLE OF CONTENTS Why Consider Intelligent Gifting .............................................................................. 4 What Makes Intelligent Gifting Effective ................................................................ 6 Five Instances Where Gifting Makes the Difference .......................................... 8 Considerations for a Killer Gifting Strategy ......................................................... 10 SwagIQ for Intelligent Gifting .................................................................................. 14 The Definitive Guide to INTELLIGENT GIFTING
  • 3. — 4 — — 5 — It’s no secret: prospects are so inundated with calls and emails that it’s hard for even the best sales teams to get through. If you’re looking for better results, there’s a third method to consider— one that helps salespeople shorten the sales cycle and grow revenue with high-impact touches. It’s called Intelligent Gifting, and it works with your existing sales and marketing playbook to cut through the clutter and make more live connects. With Intelligent Gifting, your salespeople can make real connections that turn prospects into customers and customers into advocates. If you’re driven to grow revenue and empower your sales team (and we have a feeling you are), read on to learn more about what Intelligent Gifting can do for you. Why Consider INTELLIGENT GIFTING LONG SALES CYCLES HARD TO REACH PROSPECTS STALLED DEALS FLAT OR DECLINING REVENUES MISSED SALES QUOTAS WE FEEL YOUR PAIN. Why Sales Teams Use Intelligent Gifting • Increase live connects • Shorten sales cycles • Reignite stalled deals • Improve overall effectiveness
  • 4. — 6 — RECIPROCITY GET NOTICED ! PERSONALIZE The Law of Reciprocity People who receive gifts are 10x more likely to act.1 Psychologists refer to this impulse as the law of reciprocity.2 Sending someone a gift could result in them returning your call, completing a demo or signing a contract. Visibility While most prospecting voicemails and emails are overlooked, packages typically make it to your prospect’s desk. And unlike email, few people will toss a gift without opening it. The impact of a package on a desk is hard to ignore—it sparks conversation with nearby peers, amplifies your sales message and increases your brand visibility. Gifts also have the staying power that emails and voicemails lack. Oversized packages with gifts for multiple team members create even more buzz. Once received, your prospect is compelled to pass out the gifts, which creates the natural opportunity to talk about who sent the package and why. Making Connections Intelligent Gifting allows you to surprise and delight your prospects with an unexpected package. When paired with a personalized notecard, this experience creates a 1:1 relationship with the recipient and makes a stronger connection. Customers who are connected to your company become brand advocates and can play a pivotal role in your success. After all, brand advocates can boost your marketing effectiveness by 54% through Word of Mouth Marketing. 3 What Makes Intelligent Gifting EFFECTIVE 1. Cialdini, R. (2007). Influence: The psychology of persuasion (Rev. ed.; 1st Collins business essentials ed.). New York: Collins. 2. https://www.salesforce.com/blog/2013/10/sales-psychology-of-selling.html 3. http://www.forbes.com/sites/pauljankowski/2013/02/27/quick-what-are-they-saying-about-your-brand/ Sending someone a personalized gift INCREASES THE ODDS BY 10X that they’ll be likely to act and reciprocate. — ROBERT CIALDINI, INFLUENCE “ “
  • 5. — 9 —— 8 — Door Busting Objective: Get your message through the door and into the hands of hard-to-reach decision makers. Strategy: Stand out with a high-impact touch and personalized message that makes it past the gatekeeper and lands that initial meeting. Stalled Deals Objective: Reignite stalled or slowed deals. Strategy: Send a thoughtful package to decision makers. Be sure to include a personal note that speaks to your company’s value proposition and asks for their business. Strategic Appreciation Objective: Keep your company top of mind and nurture relationships. Strategy: Surprise and delight customers with a meaningful gift and a note that vocalizes your commitment to their long-term success. Referrals Objective: Thank loyal customers who refer your business to others. Strategy: Recognize customers who promote your company by sending a thoughtful gift and a thank you note. Renewals Objective: Get your contract renewed by prompting clients with a token of appreciation. Strategy: Precede a customer’s contract renewal with a high-value gift and personal note summarizing the year’s successes. Let the law of reciprocity do the rest. Five Instances Where Gifting MAKES THE DIFFERENCE Which would you rather receive: a gift, or a cold call? We thought so.
  • 6. — 10 — — 11 — Strategic gifts create the impact teams need to REACH BUSINESS OBJECTIVES. Gifts should align with the goals you are trying to reach. Ask, ‘What do I want this gift to achieve?’ You’ll likely want to invest more on reviving a major deal than you would on an early, soft touch. Likewise, you have to KNOW YOUR BRAND AND PERSONALITY. If you’re a B2B business with a more formal personality, it may not be fitting to send those “Bottoms Up” shot glasses to your newest prospect. Like all contact with your prospects and customers, your gifts should accurately reflect your corporate identity. JUST AS IMPORTANT AS WHAT YOU SEND IS WHEN YOU SEND IT. At what stage of the buying cycle will a gift be most powerful? Timing will vary from prospect to prospect, so identify the moments at which sending high-impact pieces will benefit you the most. Intelligent Gifting works best as part of a well-organized sales strategy. When incorporating tactile components into your sales cycle, consider the basics: Considerations for a KILLER GIFTING STRATEGY To use Intelligent Gifting to its full potential, you must KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. A two minute peek at a prospect’s LinkedIn account makes it possible to send a gift that ensures the highest possible impact. CLEAN DATA IS ESSENTIAL. Your gifts are only as good as the addresses you send them to. Take proactive steps to ensure your team is set up for success by appending your lists, validating addresses and checking contact history.
  • 7. — 12 — — 13 — Make the most out of your PERSONALIZED NOTES. Don’t underestimate the role a personal card plays in creating a successful connection. Keeping your CRM up to date with detailed prospect information allows your salespeople to craft a message that puts the gift into context and makes recipients feel valued. Don’t underestimate the POWER OF PRESENTATION. While brown boxes are classic, your packaging should reflect your company. There are many creative ways to brand your parcels such as specialty ribbon, custom stickers, inserts, branded boxes or specialty fill. Have a TOP-NOTCH DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY. Who will be in charge of sourcing gifts, packaging, and delivery? The effectiveness of your gifting strategy is closely tied to your logistics management. Seek out professionals for a hitch-free deployment. TRACK RESPONSE RATES, REVENUE AND CONVERSION driven by gifting. Measure everything—including what your team sends and how each item affects your conversion rate. Use these insights to continually enhance your sales strategy and inform future gifting campaigns. Send. Connect. Win. Celebrate.
  • 8. — 15 — Inbox (243) Dimensional mail is 45X more effective than email.4 Give Your Sales a Boost with SwagIQ™ SwagIQ allows you to execute your Intelligent Gifting strategy directly through Salesforce®. Our solution notifies you of opportune times throughout the sales cycle to send gifts and enables you to send items with the click of a button. With SwagIQ, we do the heavy lifting so your sales teams can focus on what they do best: selling. Implementation is quick and painless, allowing you to focus on the fun part, like choosing the gifts you know your prospects and clients will love. I n t e l l i g e n t G i f t i n g Sales teams deploy SwagIQ to: • Increase live connects • Shorten sales cycles • Reignite stalled deals • Improve overall effectiveness 4. http://www.dmnews.com/direct-mail/dma-direct-mail-response-rates-beat-digital/article/245780/
  • 9. Sweets Thank You ACME ACME ACME ACME ACME Gift Cards Desktop and Office Travel & Recreation Drinkware Printed Materials Tech Gadgets Gourmet Use SwagIQ to send gifts that reflect your brand, such as: And the list goes on. The possibilities are endless, and our team works with you to stock your custom store.
  • 10. — 18 — Seamless Notifications Salesforce tasks notify you of the best times to send a gift or incorporate a high-impact touch Receive alerts when your gift is delivered for a perfectly timed follow-up Branded Gifts and Personalized Cards Stock your custom store with items that reflect your sales goals, brand personality and target audience Include a card with your personal message, signature and headshot Reporting and Budget Management Monitor which gifts sales reps send and how they correlate to revenue and win rates Allocate and track individual gifting budgets Analyze the impact your gifts have on your pipeline and live connect rates Streamline Your Company Gifting We take care of gift sourcing, packaging and fulfillment Setup is simple and our team offers world class support to ensure your success SwagIQ Handles It All Sales Qualified Leads Current Close Rate Deals Won / Closed Average Deal Size Year 1 Revenue Close Rate Increase of Additional Deals Closed Additional Year 1 Revenue 1,500 25% 375 $25,000 $9,375,000 3% 45 $1,125,000 Baseline SwagIQ Impact EXAMPLE BENEFIT OF INTELLIGENT GIFTING Sales Qualified Leads Current Close Rate Deals Won / Closed Average Deal Size Year 1 Revenue Close Rate Increase of Additional Deals Closed Additional Year 1 Revenue _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Baseline SwagIQ Impact A B C D E F G H A B Cx = D EC x = A x F G= G HDx = B( + (- C CALCULATE YOUR RESULTS
  • 11. SwagIQ helps salespeople close more deals through the send of high-impact gifts and personalized notes directly from Salesforce. Its personalization and automation features ensure the right gifts are sent at the right time. SwagIQ prompts customer engagement, providing a highly effective prospecting method, increasing client retention and closing more deals. About PFL.com PFL provides marketing and sales enablement solutions, including Salesforce apps and in-house printing, gifting and fulfillment services. We directly connect B2B and B2C organizations to cutting-edge solutions that accelerate productivity and drive business forward. Ready to give your sales a boost with Intelligent Gifting? Call us at 866.930.7029 or send an email to info@SwagIQ.com. www.SwagIQ.com