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SWTBot UI test automation framework Cristian Tepus – Software Engineer


Introduction SWTBot is an open-source Java based UI/functional testing tool for testing SWT and Eclipse based applications. SWTBot project is in Incubation Phase in Eclipse Latest version is Similar to a click-robot, it solves SWT handling complexity by providing easy UI API SWTBot’s API can integrate in JUnit framework in order to develop and run test cases


Starting with example SWTWorkbenchBot bot = new SWTWorkbenchBot();  // click on a button with the given text SWTBotButton button = bot. button ( "Hello, World!" );  button. click ();  // click on the File>New menu item  SWTBotMenu file = bot. menu ( "File" ); SWTBotMenu new = file. menu ( "New" ); new. click ();


Finding widgets // find the textbox that has a label 'Username:‘ SWTBotText username = bot.textWithLabel("Username:");  // Easily identify buttons using the tooltip  SWTBotToolbarButton save = bot.toolbarButtonWithTooltip("Save");  // find windows using the window title  SWTBotShell shell = bot.shell("New Project Wizard"); You can find controls using: text  label  group  tooltip  ids  combination of all or any of the above


Custom matchers import static  org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.matchers.WidgetMatcherFactory .*;  // match :  // widgets of type 'Label'  // with regular expression 'Welcome, <USERNAME>'  Matcher matcher = allOf(  widgetOfType(Label. class ),  withRegex( &quot;Welcome, .*&quot; ) );  // get the label that matches the matcher  SWTBotLabel label = new SWTBotLabel((Label) bot. widget (matcher));


Perform actions on widgets button. click ();  radioButton. select ();  comboBox. select ( “Option 12&quot; );  text. typeText ( “This is a demo string&quot; );  tree. expandNode ( &quot;MyProject&quot; ,  &quot;src&quot; ,  &quot;com&quot; ,  &quot;example&quot; ,  &quot;MyClass.java&quot; );


Querying widgets for state SWTBot provides a few operations to query the state of widgets. Some generic queries like: getText(), isEnabled(), isVisible() are available on all widgets Ex. boolean  checked = checkbox. isChecked (); boolean  selected = radio. isSelected ();


Screenshots SWTBot generates a screenshot when an error occurs. The screenshot will be saved and available within the test plugin’s directory


Test Execution SWTBot framework allows for tests to be executed in 2 ways: Manually, by launching them from launch configuration (similar with junit tests); From command line, using shell script or ant. For this mode, headless execution framework is necessary (see  http://wiki.eclipse.org/SWTBot/Ant  for more details)


What’s new in Eclipse Helios Updated to support Junit 4.8 instead 4.7 (included Categories). Bug Fixes:  300103 - SWTBotGefEditor.directEditType does not work 301260 - SWTBotGefEditor.mouseDrag(String,int,int) doesn't drag node, it reduces them  305430 - Create the parent screenshot dir when capturing the screenshot.


Useful links http://www.eclipse.org/swtbot/ http://download.eclipse.org/technology/swtbot/helios/dev-build/apidocs/ http://swtbot.org/user-guide/basics-of-swtbot.html http://wiki.eclipse.org/SWTBot/Ant http://github.com/ketan/swtbot https://publications.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/7470/Mazurkiewicz_Milosz.pdf?sequence=2

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  • 1. SWTBot UI test automation framework Cristian Tepus – Software Engineer
  • 2. Introduction SWTBot is an open-source Java based UI/functional testing tool for testing SWT and Eclipse based applications. SWTBot project is in Incubation Phase in Eclipse Latest version is Similar to a click-robot, it solves SWT handling complexity by providing easy UI API SWTBot’s API can integrate in JUnit framework in order to develop and run test cases
  • 3. Starting with example SWTWorkbenchBot bot = new SWTWorkbenchBot(); // click on a button with the given text SWTBotButton button = bot. button ( &quot;Hello, World!&quot; ); button. click (); // click on the File>New menu item SWTBotMenu file = bot. menu ( &quot;File&quot; ); SWTBotMenu new = file. menu ( &quot;New&quot; ); new. click ();
  • 4. Finding widgets // find the textbox that has a label 'Username:‘ SWTBotText username = bot.textWithLabel(&quot;Username:&quot;); // Easily identify buttons using the tooltip SWTBotToolbarButton save = bot.toolbarButtonWithTooltip(&quot;Save&quot;); // find windows using the window title SWTBotShell shell = bot.shell(&quot;New Project Wizard&quot;); You can find controls using: text label group tooltip ids combination of all or any of the above
  • 5. Custom matchers import static org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.matchers.WidgetMatcherFactory .*; // match : // widgets of type 'Label' // with regular expression 'Welcome, <USERNAME>' Matcher matcher = allOf( widgetOfType(Label. class ), withRegex( &quot;Welcome, .*&quot; ) ); // get the label that matches the matcher SWTBotLabel label = new SWTBotLabel((Label) bot. widget (matcher));
  • 6. Perform actions on widgets button. click (); radioButton. select (); comboBox. select ( “Option 12&quot; ); text. typeText ( “This is a demo string&quot; ); tree. expandNode ( &quot;MyProject&quot; , &quot;src&quot; , &quot;com&quot; , &quot;example&quot; , &quot;MyClass.java&quot; );
  • 7. Querying widgets for state SWTBot provides a few operations to query the state of widgets. Some generic queries like: getText(), isEnabled(), isVisible() are available on all widgets Ex. boolean checked = checkbox. isChecked (); boolean selected = radio. isSelected ();
  • 8. Screenshots SWTBot generates a screenshot when an error occurs. The screenshot will be saved and available within the test plugin’s directory
  • 9. Test Execution SWTBot framework allows for tests to be executed in 2 ways: Manually, by launching them from launch configuration (similar with junit tests); From command line, using shell script or ant. For this mode, headless execution framework is necessary (see http://wiki.eclipse.org/SWTBot/Ant for more details)
  • 10. What’s new in Eclipse Helios Updated to support Junit 4.8 instead 4.7 (included Categories). Bug Fixes: 300103 - SWTBotGefEditor.directEditType does not work 301260 - SWTBotGefEditor.mouseDrag(String,int,int) doesn't drag node, it reduces them 305430 - Create the parent screenshot dir when capturing the screenshot.
  • 11. Useful links http://www.eclipse.org/swtbot/ http://download.eclipse.org/technology/swtbot/helios/dev-build/apidocs/ http://swtbot.org/user-guide/basics-of-swtbot.html http://wiki.eclipse.org/SWTBot/Ant http://github.com/ketan/swtbot https://publications.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/7470/Mazurkiewicz_Milosz.pdf?sequence=2