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A Guide to
                                                                                                                Gardening                                                        Fall 2005

          Special Insert to University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension in Lancaster County                                                               The

  Conserve Water with Proper Irrigation
     A careful homeowner avoids                                                                    support zone watering. Zone wa-                ing between 4 and 10 a.m. Less water is
under- or overwatering their                                                                       tering means grouping plans with               lost by evaporation, and disease inci-
landscape. However, many people                                                                    similar water requirements in the              dence is reduced. Water emitters which
unintentionally overwater — which                                                                  same area of the landscape. Re-                distribute water uniformly at the soil
needlessly wastes water and can                                                                    member all shrubs, trees, flowers               surface can minimize evaporation, even
lead to foliage diseases. An estimat-                                                              and turf in a given irrigation area            on windy days.
ed 75–85 percent of plant problems                                                                 or zone will receive the same                       AVOID OVERWATERING
result from overwatering. An irriga-                                                               amount of water. The water con-                — Closely observing landscape plants
tion system applying 1 inch of wa-                                                                 serving value of buffalograss will             and the soil is often the best way to de-
ter to an average size lawn* which                                                                 be defeated if it is in the same               termine whether watering is needed.
has already received sufficient rain                                                                irrigation area as trees needing
                                                                                                                                                  *Approximately 5,000 square feet
wastes more than 3,000 gallons of                                                                  more water.
water — a year’s supply of drinking                                                                     AVOID RUN-OFF — You
water for 17 people.                                                                               want water on the plants, not                      FOR MORE INFORMATION
     CHOOSE APPROPRIATE                   Trees, shrubs and flowers are best served by drip and     down the gutter. Careful location                 These University of Nebraska–Lincoln
IRRIGATION SYSTEM —                                   soaker hose irrigation systems.              of emitters may not be enough                     Extension NebGuide publications are
Choose the appropriate irrigation                                                                  to minimize run-off. You may                      available at the extension office or online
system and then install and maintain          turf. If you install a sprinkler system,             need to reshape land to reduce                    at http://ianrpubs.unl.edu
it properly.                                  the rate and uniformity of the applica-      slopes that encourage water to move too                   • “Watering Nebraska Landscapes,
                                                                                                                                                       When and How Much” (G1400)
     Drip and soaker hose irrigation sys- tion must be carefully designed. Plan            quickly for soil to absorb it. The slope                  • “Conserving Water in the Landscape”
tems best serve trees, shrubs and flow-        emitter patterns to fit water output to       should direct water toward the plants                       (G1061)
ers. These systems place water on the         the shape, soil infiltration rate and wind    that are high water users and away from                   • “Perennial Flowers for Water-wise
soil surface in the immediate vicinity of characteristics of your site. If you are         hard surface areas such as driveways,                       Gardeners” (G1214)
a plants root system, reducing evapora-       using a conventional hose and sprinkler, walks and patios. Another way to reduce                       • “Evaluating Your Landscape Irrigation
tion loss and irrigating only the desired     remember the location and quality of the run-off is to incorporate compost into                          System” (G1181)
plants. An added bonus of these systems sprinkler head determines how efficient- the soil to improve the infiltration rate                             • “Checking the Performance of
                                                                                                                                                       Your Landscape Irrigation System”
is the reduction in foliar diseases which     ly water is delivered.                       and water-holding capacity of the soil.                     (G1221)
can accompany sprinklers.                          ZONE WATERING — Automatic                    MINIMIZE EVAPORATION
     Sprinklers are generally used for        irrigation systems can be designed to        — The best time to water is early morn-

  Estimated water requirement for                                 Estimated water requirement for WOODY PLANT and ANNUAL/
  maintained LAWNS                                                PERENNIAL FLOWER BEDS in eastern Nebraska landscapes*
  in eastern Nebraska landscapes*                                  Landscape zone                  Types of plants associated with zone                                 Estimated inches
   Season                 Estimated inches per week
                                                                   (based on expected water use)                                                                        per week
   April/May              .75-1.0                                  Very low                        Native and/or adapted plants with high drought-tolerance             0-0.25
                                                                                                   and minimal water use that require little or no supplemental
   June                   1.0-1.5                                                                  water once established
   July                   1.5-2.0                                  Low                             Native and/or adapted plants with moderate drought-tol-              0.25-0.5
   August                 1.0-1.5                                                                  erance and moderate water use that require occasional
                                                                                                   supplemental water during periods of drought
   Sept./Oct.             .75-1.0
                                                                   Average                         Native/adapted or exotic plants with low drought-toler-              0.75-1.5
  The low end of the range should be used for low maintenance                                      ance and moderate to high water use that require frequent
  turf, while the upper end of the range reflects the amount of                                     supplemental water during and beyond drought periods
  irrigation needed for high maintenance turf. High maintenance
  turf is defined as a lawn that is mowed at 2.5 inches or less     High                            Mostly exotic plants with little or no drought tolerance that        1.25-2.5
  and receives four or more fertilizer applications each year.                                     require consistently high soil moisture

*Site factors such as amount of sun/shade, wind protection, type of soil and amount of slope may require adjustments to estimated irrigation amounts.

  Good Lawn Care Practices Reduce Need for Chemicals
     A healthy, dense stand of          soils high in clay, compacted         ture down into the root zone.
turf reduces weeds and recovers         and poorly drained. Aerating               FERTILIZNG — Proper
quickly from insect or disease          and topdressing with organic          fertilizing includes supplying
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Photo by Ward Upham, K-State Research and Extension

injury. Cultural practices play         matter or screened compost            adequate nutrients and proper
a big role in the health of the         may improve these conditions.         soil pH. In particular, avoid
lawn and need for pesticides.           Another option is starting over       excess or lack of nitrogen,
     Lawns requiring frequent           and amending clay soils with          fertilize during cooler weather
pesticide use — in particular           compost. Thoroughly preparing         (especially early and late fall)
herbicides — may have an                soils before seeding or sodding       and use controlled-release
underlying problem causing              is critical.                          nitrogen fertilizers. Don’t apply
the repeated invasions of pests,             GRASS SELECTION                  high rates of nitrogen in spring.
such as weeds. Correcting the           — Make sure the proper grass               MOWING — Proper
problem leads to a healthier            species is used on the site. Full     mowing has a major impact
lawn that can resist weed inva-         sun and sun/shade environ-            on lawn health. Many lawns
sions and reduce the need for           ments call for different grasses.     are mowed too short, al-
chemical use.                           Kentucky bluegrass is the pri-        lowing weeds to invade and
     Good lawn care practices           mary species for lawns in full        other problems to appear. Mow            Core aerators can be rented at some garden centers and rental agencies.
can also save water and prepare         sun; in some cases mixed with         between 2- and 3- inches and
turf for dry summer months.             perennial ryegrass and/or fine         mow often enough so no more             practice to consider, in particu-      will still come up requiring spe-
Taller mowing and proper                fescues. For shade areas, shade-      than one-third of the leaf blade        lar for sodded lawns over clay         cial management. Start by iden-
fertilization result in a deep          tolerant Kentucky bluegrass           is removed in any one cutting.          soils. Spring and fall are good        tifying the problem, then look
and efficient root system which          cultivars are commonly mixed               CORE AERATING                      times to aerate. Topdressing           at control options; both cultural
reduces the need for additional         with fine fescues.                     — Manage lawn stress factors,           the turf with screened compost         and chemical. When using
water.                                       WATERING — Proper                such as thatch, shade and soil          after aerating will further help       pesticides read, understand and
     SOIL CONDITION                     watering includes irrigating as       compaction. Core aerating on            relieve these stress factors.          follow all label directions.
— Many lawns are growing on             lawns need it and getting mois-       a regular basis is an excellent              Occasionally, problems


Fall 2005                                                           BE YARD SMART                                                                                        page ii

 Yard Smart
  Resources                              Tips to Reduce Yard Waste
    City of Lincoln                      Yard waste can account for 20 percent of the total waste stream. Nebraska regulations prohibit sending grass
                                         and leaves to landfills during the growing season, from April 1 to November 30. By reducing or removing this
   Recycling Office                       waste source, the Lancaster County landfill life will be extended by 3 to 5 years. Homeowners and grounds
      Phone: 441-8215                    managers can reduce yard waste with these good landscape practices.
 Web site: www.lincoln.ne.gov
   — keyword “compost”
 Recycling Hotline; Information on
 Managing Yard Waste, backyard
   composting, and much more;
  LinGro compost and wood chip
                                                 Appropriate Landscape Design
           availability.                      With appropriate landscape design       turf and result in a reduction in waste.       available space in order to minimize
                                         and plant selection, the landscape waste          TURF SELECTION — If turf is               pruning needs.
  UNL Extension in                       stream can be significantly reduced, in
                                         turn reducing the overall waste stream.
                                                                                      selected, choose dwarf or other slow
                                                                                      growing varieties requiring less water.           FOR MORE INFORMATION
  Lancaster County                            PLANT SELECTION — An ef-                     CHOOSE PERENNIALS — The                     These University of Nebraska–Lincoln
     Phone: 441-7180                     fective way to reduce waste by design        use of perennials can give year-round            Extension NebGuide publications are
                                         is by designing the landscape based on       color without the cost and waste of              available at the extension office or online
  Web site: lancaster.unl.edu                                                                                                          at http://ianrpubs.unl.edu
Educational resources on backyard        anticipated use (turf vs. shrubbery), and    replacing annual plants.                         • “Growing Annual Flowers” (G721)
 composting, grasscycling, lawn          then purchasing plants requiring less             MINIMIZE PRUNING NEEDS                      • “Turf in the Landscape” (G1418)
  chemical use, and much more.           maintenance and water.                       — Certain trees and shrubs, most often           • “Perennial Flowers for Water-Wise
                                              CHOOSE GROUND COVERS                    those slow growing or drought tolerant,             Gardeners” (G1214)
                                         — The installation of perennial ground       need little or no pruning and produce
  Lincoln-Lancaster                      covers can be an attractive alternative to   less waste. Choose plants fitting the
                                                                                                                                       • “Woody Landscape Plants: Selection
                                                                                                                                          and Planting” (G1349)
    County Health
        Phone: 441-8040
   Disposal Lawn Chemicals,
Complaints on Backyard Composting
                                               Grasscycling Has Multiple Benefits
                                              Grasscycling, or grass mulching, is
  Lincoln Solid                          the natural practice of leaving clippings
                                         on the lawn when mowing. It is obvi-
Waste Management                         ous how this practice can save resources
   Association                           such as landfill space, but there are ad-
                                         ditional benefits as well. The clippings
        Phone: 475-8376                  quickly decompose, returning nutrients
      Yard Waste Collection
                                         to the soil. Grasscycling, in conjunc-
                                         tion with the practice of reducing water
Nebraska Department                      and fertilizer inputs, can reduce mowing
   of Agriculture                        time in addition to disposal costs.
                                              Grasscycling can be practiced on
        Phone: 471-2394                  any healthy lawn as long as respon-
  Information on certification for        sible turf management guidelines are
 private and commercial pesticide        followed. Proper mowing, watering,
            applicators                  and fertilizing practices result in more
                                         moderate turf growth yet still produce a
  The Water Center                       healthy, green lawn.
             472-3305                         The nitrogen contained in grass
        Water Conservation               clippings removed from a lawn almost         growth in spring and early summer.
                                         equals the recommended application           Grass clippings should be less than
                                         rate for healthy turf (about five pounds      one inch, or no more than one-third of            Grasscycling Saves
                                         of nitrogen per year per 1,000 square
                                         feet). While some of this nitrogen is lost
                                                                                      the total plant height, to ensure rapid
                                                                                      decomposition. Mowing more fre-
                                                                                                                                         Lawn Care Costs
  Yard Waste                             through the decomposition of the clip-
                                         pings, leaving the clippings on the lawn
                                                                                      quently is not as much extra work as
                                                                                      you might think, because lawns mowed
                                                                                                                                      • Fertilizer — Grass clippings can
                                                                                                                                        supply up to one-third of a lawn’s
Disposal Options                         by grasscycling can have the overall
                                         impact of reducing fertilization require-
                                                                                      at the proper height cut more easily and
                                                                                      quickly. Mowing infrequently damages
                                                                                                                                        nitrogen fertilizer needs.
                                                                                                                                      • Time — Recent trials confirmed
     Garden waste, weeds, brush          ments by 15–25% or more. Similar sav-        the lawn by removing too much of the              leaving grass clippings on the lawn
and tree trimmings over 1-inch in        ings on water use are possible.              plant at one time. When mowed regu-               saves one-third of the mowing time.
diameter can be deposited of in the           Returning clippings to the lawn         larly, clippings filter down through the         • Water use — Clippings shade grass
regular trash throughout the year.       usually means mowing more than once          grass, decompose rapidly and recycle              roots, cool the soil, return mois-
The following options are available      a week during the few weeks of rapid         nutrients back into the soil.                     ture, add moisture holding organic
to Lincoln residents for grass and                                                                                                      matter, and thereby reduce lawn
leaf materials.                                                                                                                         watering needs.
     48TH STREET TRANSFER                                                                                                             • Soil health — Clippings decom-
STATION — For a fee, residents                                                                                                          pose rapidly, feeding soil organ-
may dispose of grass and leaves at                                                                                                      isms that keep soil healthy and help
the 48th Street Transfer Station lo-                                                                                                    prevent turf diseases.
cated approximately 1/2 mile north                                                                                                    • Thatch – Studies proves grass clip-
of 48th & Superior Streets. Grass                                                                                                       pings do not cause thatch build-up.
and leaves must be free of garbage,                    Remove no more than 30% of the leaf with each mowing.
litter and tree trimmings over 1-inch
in diameter. Grass and leaves must

                                                 Mulching Tree Leaves into Lawns
be removed from plastic bags at the
transfer station. Call 441-7738 for
more information.
SERVICE — Include yard waste                  The changing colors of Fall in-         to lie on the turf more than three or          particles, the more easily they fall into
management in your lawn care             evitably land in people’s yards. When        four days. When oak leaves are predom-         the turf, leaving grass blades exposed to
package.                                 there are many trees on the grounds,         inant, it will be necessary to mulch them      the sunlight.
     HIRING A PRIVATE HAUL-              leaf clean-up can be a time-consum-          into the turf later in the fall because they        The pulverized leaves will settle
ER — Lincoln refuse haulers offer        ing chore. Composting leaves requires        are held on the trees longer than most         into the turf within a day or two, par-
a separate weekly pick up of yard        a home compost pile or the expense           other trees.                                   ticularly if followed by rain. Take care
waste to be taken to a city-operated     of collection, bagging and a means of             It is important to use a rotary           that the pulverized leaves do not cover
compost site for a fee. Contact your     transport to a compost center.               mower that pulverizes the leaves well          the grass blades entirely. Fall is a very
hauler for more information. Use              Another means of disposal is simply     and that the leaves are dry when               important time for the turf to photosyn-
approved paper lawn bags available       mowing the turf/tree leaves with a rota-     mowed. Leave the mower set at the              thesize and store carbohydrates, particu-
from retailers, a cart provided by the   ry mower often enough to pulverize the       same height as you have been mowing            larly under trees where the turf receives
hauler, or a clean, 32-gallon trash      leaves so they fall into the turf. Return-   the turf. Sharpening the mower blades          limited sunlight during the summer.
can with a lid. Grass and leaves in      ing the leaves to the turf is not harmful    and a slow movement with the mower                  It is suggested to add 1/2 pound ni-
plastic bags are NOT allowed at the      to the grass if the mulching/mowing is       will help to grind the leaves finer. It may     trogen per 1,000 square feet in addition
city’s compost site (plastic will not    done at appropriate times.                   be necessary to make as many as three          to the normal fall nitrogen fertilization
decompose in the compost mixture).            It is best if the tree leaves are       or four passes over the area to grind the      to enhance decomposition of the tree
                                         “mowed” regularly, not allowing them         leaves fine enough. The finer the leaf           leaves.


Fall 2005                                                               BE YARD SMART                                                                                       page iii

          Composting Turns Yard
        “Waste” Into Useful Material
Compost is a mixture of partially decomposed plant material and other
organic wastes. It is used in the garden to amend soil and fertilize plants.
Making and using compost recycles yard wastes and reduces the burden
of organic trash on our landfills.

 Make Your Own Compost
    Almost all organic materials will          of the pile is five feet tall by five feet
decompose. Composting hastens this             wide and as long as you wish.
natural process by creating conditions              The compost pile can initially be
condusive to decomposition.                    prepared in layers. This will facilitate
                                               decomposition by insuring proper mix-
    Composting Materials                       ing. To build a compost pile, start with a
      Yard wastes, such as leaves, grass       four to six inch layer of chopped brush
clippings, straw and non-woody plant           or other coarse material set on top of the
trimmings can be composted. The                soil. This will let air circulate under the
predominant organic waste in most              base of the pile.
backyard compost piles is leaves. Grass             Next, add a three to four inch layer
clippings can be composted; however,           of low carbon organic material such as
with proper lawn management, clip-             grass clippings. This material should be
pings do not need to be removed from           damp when added to the pile. On top of              On the left, mixed organic material just beginning to decompose.
the lawn (see article on opposite page).       this, add a four to six inch layer of high
If clippings are used for compost, it is       carbon organic material (leaves or gar-                              On the right, finished compost.
advisable to mix them with other yard          den waste) which should also be damp.
wastes.                                             On top of this, add a one-inch layer      contain the compost pile in some sort        frequent maintenance and preparation
     Branches, logs and twigs greater          of garden soil or finished compost. This        of structure. Composting structures can      of the wastes to be composted. Com-
than 1/4 inch in diameter should be            layer will introduce the microorgan-           be made from a variety of materials.         posting in these units is most efficiently
put through a shredder/chipper or cut          isms needed to break down the organic          Yard wastes can be composted either in       done in batches. Materials should be
up prior to placement in the compost           matter.                                        simple holding units, where they will sit    stockpiled until there is enough to fill
pile. Kitchen wastes such as vegetable              Mix the layers of high carbon or-         undisturbed for slow decomposition, or       the bin. These bins should be monitored
scraps, coffee grounds and eggshells           ganic matter, low carbon organic matter,       in turning bins which speeds up decom-       and turned after temperatures have
may also be added.                             and soil before adding another layer to        position.                                    peaked (90°–140° F) and begun to fall.
     Certain organic materials should          the pile. This will ensure a speedy and             HOLDING UNITS — Holding                 This occurs four to seven days after pile
not be used to make compost because            even composting of the organic matter.         units are simple containers used to store    construction. Turn a second time when
they may pose a health hazard or create        Repeat the “layering” process until the        garden waste in an organized way until       the temperature peaks again, four to sev-
a nuisance. Do not add pet feces since         composting bin is filled.                       these materials break down. It only          en days later. Compost processed this
they may transmit disease. Meat, bones,             Microorganisms can only use               requires placing wastes into a pile or bin   way will be ready in six to eight weeks.
grease, whole eggs and dairy products          organic molecules dissolved in water.          as they are generated. Decomposition
should not be added because they can           A moisture content of 40–60 percent            can take from six months to two years.                      Location
attract rodents. Large amounts of weeds        provides adequate water without limit-         Since yard and garden wastes will be             The compost pile should be located
with seeds or diseased plants may create       ing aeration. The “squeeze” test is an         added continuously, the stage of decom-      close to where it will be used and yet
problems.                                      easy way to gauge the moisture content         position will vary from the top to the       not offend neighbors. The pile will do
                                               of composting materials. The material          bottom of each compost pile. Generally,      best where it is protected from drying
           Building the                        should feel damp to the touch, with just       the more finished compost will be found       winds.
           Compost Pile                        a drop or two of liquid being released         near the bottom of a pile and partially
     A compost pile should be large            when the material is tightly squeezed in       decomposed materials near the top.
                                                                                                                                              FOR MORE INFORMATION
enough to hold heat and small enough           the hand.                                           TURNING UNITS — Turning                   University of Nebraska–Lincoln Exten-
to admit air to its center. As a rule of                                                      units are typically a series of bins used
thumb, the minimum dimensions of a                          Making a                          for building and turning active compost
                                                                                                                                             sion NebGuide “Garden Compost”
                                                                                                                                             (G810) publication is available at the ex-
pile should be three feet by three feet by                 Compost Bin                        piles. A turning unit allows wastes to         tension office or online at http://ianrpubs.
three feet (one cubic yard) to hold heat.           To save space, hasten decomposi-          be conveniently mixed for aeration on a        unl.edu/horticulture/g810.htm
The maximum to allow air to the center         tion and keep the yard looking neat,           regular basis. Turning systems require

          The City’s Composting Operation                                                                                       Avoid Clopyralid
     The City of
Lincoln maintains a
                                                                                                   and brush by the
                                                                                                   city for 12 years, has
                                                                                                                               Products in Compost
16-acre yard waste                                                                                 added almost 3½                 City officials urge residents to check to see if
compost facility                                                                                   years to the life of       the herbicides used on their lawn contain clopy-
next to the Bluff                                                                                  the sanitary landfill.      ralid. If it does, the City would like residents to
Road Sanitary                                                                                      If the program was         mulch their grass clippings rather than compost
landfill (at Highway                                                                                discontinued and           them. Alternative products are available that will
77 and Bluff Road).                                                                                the yard waste was         kill undesirable weeds and not affect compost.
This site receives                                                                                 buried in the landfill,          Clopyralid has been discovered in compost
about 20,000 tons                                                                                  it would close in          operations in several states, including at The City
of grass, leaves and                                                                               2022 instead of the        of Lincoln’s composting facility. Testing of the
brush each year.                                                                                   current projection         City of Lincoln’s LinGro samples has found levels
This is equivalent                                                                                 date of 2026.              of clopyralid as high as 87 (ppb). Levels of clopy-
to about 2,000                                                                                           Partial fund-        ralid of 10 (ppb) or less can damage some plants.
garbage trucks dur-                                                                                ing for the city’s              It is unlikely that damage will occur to sensi-
ing an eight month                                                                                 composting program         tive plants if the compost is properly applied and
period.                   Lincoln’s 16-acre yard waste compost facility receives about             was provided by the        mixed thoroughly with the soil (1” of compost
     Grass is mixed             20,000 tons of grass, leases and brush each year.                  Nebraska Depart-           into 6” of soil). “The clopyralid levels found in
with leaves and                                                                                    ment of Environ-           Lincoln’s compost are not known to present health
wood chips to form                                                                                 mental Quality,            risks to people or animals,” said Scott Holmes,
windrows roughly six feet high               Since the program began in         Waste Reduction and Recycling                 Environmental Health Division Manager for the
and 12 feet wide. It takes about        October 1992, the city has com-         Program.                                      Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department.
12 months to complete the com-          posted an estimated 171,300 tons                                                           Additional information regarding clopyralid in
posting process. The material is        of grass and leaves and wood                      TO GET LINGRO                       compost can be obtained by contacting Gene Han-
screened to remove any debris and chipped 201,865 tons of tree de-                             COMPOST                        lon with the City of Lincoln 441-7043 or checking
wood chips and placed in a curing       bris. For an average year the com-         A list of locations to pick up or pur-     the City’s Web site at www.lincoln.ne.gov – key-
pile. This finished material is then     post facility grinds about 5,000           chase LinGro compost are listed            word “compost.”
available to the public as LinGro       tons of brush and tree debris.             on the next page.
Compost.                                     The diversion of grass, leaves


Fall 2005                                                              BE YARD SMART                                                                                    page iv

Using Compost and Wood Chips
In addition, to the multiple benefits to using compost and wood chips, doing so recycles yard wastes and reduces the burden of organic trash on our

  Adding Compost into Soil                                                                            Wood Chips as Mulch
      The chief advantage of compost         particles to break down further or sepa-              Wood chip
is its ability to improve soil structure.    rate them out before using compost               mulch is made from
Good garden soil is loose and has            around growing plants.                           the chipping of tree
a high water-holding capacity with                Compost can be blended into soil            and landscape prun-
adequate drainage. Adding compost            mixes and is suitable for most outdoor           ings. Mulch is mate-
to heavy clay soil improves drainage         planting projects. It is typically mixed         rial placed on the
by improving soil structure. Compost         with other ingredients such as peat              soil surface for the
also absorbs water and improves the          moss, shredded bark, sand, or loamy              purpose of protect-
water-holding capacity of sandy soils.       topsoil when used as an outdoor plant-           ing the soil and plant
To conserve moisture it is essential to      ing mix. Mixing ratios vary; but 10              roots. Not only do
have soil with good water-retention.         percent compost is considered to be a            organic mulches add
      In addition to improving soil struc-   minimum, 30 percent optimum and 50               a decorative natural
ture, decomposing compost will slowly        percent maximum in planting shrubs               appearance to the
release plant nutrients. Compost will        and trees.                                       landscape, they also
not provide all the nitrogen that highly          Compost has its greatest value              provide many land-
productive crops require. Organic            when rototilled directly into the soil.          scape benefits.
gardeners can supplement compost             One cubic yard of compost covers                 • Helps retain soil
applications with manure to produce          108 square feet at three inches, 216 at            moisture. Mulch helps soil retain           • Prevents direct contact with soil.
good yields without the addition of          two inches, and 324 at one inch. The               moisture and reduces water evapora-           Mulch prevents vegetables from
other fertilizers.                           rule of thumb is to spread compost no              tion caused by wind and hot sun.              making soil contact, thus helps to
      Finished compost is dark brown,        more than one-third the depth of the             • Reduces soil temperature extremes.            reduce rot.
crumbly, and is earthy-smelling. Small       rototiller. A one-inch layer of compost            An application of mulch acts as an          • Prevents heavy rain damage.
pieces of leaves or other ingredients        should be tilled in six inches. Making             insulating blanket to help avoid ex-          Mulching prevents soil erosion. It
may be visible. If the compost contains      two or more passes with the tiller helps           treme temperature fluctuations.                permits water to seep slowly beneath
many materials which are not broken          blend the compost with the topsoil and           • Reduces weed growth. When the site            the protective covering.
down, it is only partly decomposed.          break up any clumps of material.                   has been properly prepared, mulching        • Increases survival of new trees. Not
Allow partly decomposed compost                                                                 reduces weed growth.                          only do mulches keep the soil cool
                                                                                              • Saves time in landscape mainte-               and moist, they also keep the lawn
                                                                                                nance. Place mulch under and be-              mower and weed trimmer from dam-
                                                                                                tween plants in tree and shrub beds,          aging young bark and killing trees.
        Locations to Pick up or                                                                 border plantings, hedges, rose beds         • Gives a natural look. A few fallen
     Purchase LinGro Compost                                                                    and fruit orchards. By replacing grass
                                                                                                with mulch, mowing and watering
                                                                                                                                              leaves in a planting bed with a wood
                                                                                                                                              chip mulch gives your landscape the
  • The City of Lincoln has limited quantities of                                               time is cut dramatically.                     natural beauty of a forest floor.
    organic compost, called LinGro, available to the
    public each spring at the N. 48 Street Transfer
    Station located at 5101 N. 48 Street. This mate-
    rial must be self-loaded and is available at no cost, on a first-come, first-                      Free Woods Chips from City of Lincoln
    serve basis. Information on loading pick-ups can be obtained by contacting
    the Lincoln Recycling Office, 441-8215.                                                           The City of Lincoln has limited quantities of wood chip mulch on a
  • Delivery of compost within a 50-mile radius of the Bluff Road Landfill is                    first-come, first-served basis. Contact the Lincoln Recycling Office at
    available for a fee. Call the Lincoln Recycling Office at 441-8215 for more                  441-8215 for more information.
    information.                                                                                • Wood chip mulch is available at the N. 48th St. Transfer Station, located
  • The following area firms have LinGro compost available for a fee:                              at 5101 N. 48th Street, (any vehicle) and the Bluff Road Landfill, located
    Campbell’s Nurseries and Garden Centers, General Excavation, Nebraska                         at Highway 77 and Bluff Road, (pickups and trailers only). There is a
    Nursery and Color Gardens, Pine Valley Nursery and Landscaping, PreCast                       charge of $5 per cubic yard. City personnel will load woodchips into open
    Productions, Inc., Seeds of Life. Landscapers can obtain compost upon                         pickups or trailers.
    request.                                                                                    • Individuals may also self-load wood chips at no charge at the Recycling
  • Information on LinGro Compost is also available through the City’s Web                        Drop-off Site (1/2 mile north of Superior Street on North 48th Street)
    site: www.lincoln.ne.gov – keyword “compost.”                                               • Delivery of wood chips within a 50-mile radius of the Bluff Road Landfill
                                                                                                  is available for a fee.

                       Compost Excellent Tool to Correct Soil Erosion
    A recent study demonstrated the           vigor of the established turf was greater     words, only one percent of the rainfall        receive moisture, increases water infil-
most effective approach to reduce storm       in the compost amended plots than those       ran off the compost blanket as opposed         tration into the soil and prevents the run-
water runoff and sediment erosion on          with straw mats. The organic material in      to 24% for the straw mat.                      off velocities that carry sediment away.
slopes is to use a compost blanket ap-        compost amended turf was almost five                Compost can also be incorporated          After vegetation growth, the compost
proximately two-inches thick.                 times more than it was for straw mat          into the soil. However, it is recom-           provides both nutrients and additional
    From April, 2004 through June             plots. This healthier turf is able to filter   mended a filter berm be established at          organic matter to hold moisture in the
2005, the City of Lincoln and the             storm water and pollutants and hold soil      the base of any slope to minimize soil         soil.
University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL)          better preventing sediment erosion.           erosion prior to grass seed germination.             An economic analysis conducted by
conducted an erosion study comparing                                                        A silt fence can be used if incorporating      UNL suggests a compost blanket would
compost to traditional approaches of                      The Results                       the compost into the soil. To produce          cost about five percent more than the
straw blankets and silt fences.                    This study demonstrated the use          the healthiest soil possible, soil tests can   traditional approach of using straw mats
                                              of compost as an effective approach to        be conducted to determine the optimum          and silt fences. The cost analysis does
         About the Study                      minimize soil erosion and stormwater          application of compost.                        not include additional seeding likely to
     Six test plots were constructed on       run-off. In fact, the study showed ap-                                                       be required in subsequent years for non-
a slope of 3 to 1. This is a fairly steep     plying a two-inch blanket of compost             How Compost Blankets                        compost amended soils.
slope that rises about 33 feet in a hori-     would reduce soil loss by 99.8% com-                   Work
zontal distance of one hundred feet. The      pared to bare soil. When compared to               When raindrops hit soil with the              For More Information
amount of rainfall during the study was       the traditional erosion control practice      vegetation removed, they dislodge                  To obtain more information on
tracked as well as the amount of run-off      of using a straw mat and silt fence, the      and detach soil particles. This is called      the use of compost for erosion control
from each test plot during the period of      compost blanket decreased the amount          “splash erosion.” If there is more             projects, contact the Lower Platte South
the study.                                    of sediment running off on the test plot      rainfall than the ground can absorb; the       Natural Resources District, 476-2729;
     Each test plot was seeded with a         by 81%. Use of the compost blanket            resulting run-off carries the detached         the City of Lincoln Watershed Manage-
fescue-blend grass seed typically used        increased water infiltration by up to          soil particles away. The compost blanket       ment Division, 441-4959 or Solid Waste
by seeding contractors. The health and        99.3% compared to a straw mat. In other       buffers the un-vegetated soil to help it       Operations, 441-7043.

                                                     BE YARD SMART – SPECIAL INSERT
                                    Published by UNL Extension in Lancaster County • 441-7180 • http://lancaster.unl.edu
                                     Funded by City of Lincoln Recycling Office • 441-8215 • http://www.lincoln.ne.gov

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Be Yard Smart: A Guide to Environmental Gardening - University of Nebraska

  • 1. A Guide to Environmental Gardening Fall 2005 Special Insert to University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension in Lancaster County The NEBLINE Conserve Water with Proper Irrigation A careful homeowner avoids support zone watering. Zone wa- ing between 4 and 10 a.m. Less water is under- or overwatering their tering means grouping plans with lost by evaporation, and disease inci- landscape. However, many people similar water requirements in the dence is reduced. Water emitters which unintentionally overwater — which same area of the landscape. Re- distribute water uniformly at the soil needlessly wastes water and can member all shrubs, trees, flowers surface can minimize evaporation, even lead to foliage diseases. An estimat- and turf in a given irrigation area on windy days. ed 75–85 percent of plant problems or zone will receive the same AVOID OVERWATERING result from overwatering. An irriga- amount of water. The water con- — Closely observing landscape plants tion system applying 1 inch of wa- serving value of buffalograss will and the soil is often the best way to de- ter to an average size lawn* which be defeated if it is in the same termine whether watering is needed. has already received sufficient rain irrigation area as trees needing *Approximately 5,000 square feet wastes more than 3,000 gallons of more water. water — a year’s supply of drinking AVOID RUN-OFF — You water for 17 people. want water on the plants, not FOR MORE INFORMATION CHOOSE APPROPRIATE Trees, shrubs and flowers are best served by drip and down the gutter. Careful location These University of Nebraska–Lincoln IRRIGATION SYSTEM — soaker hose irrigation systems. of emitters may not be enough Extension NebGuide publications are Choose the appropriate irrigation to minimize run-off. You may available at the extension office or online system and then install and maintain turf. If you install a sprinkler system, need to reshape land to reduce at http://ianrpubs.unl.edu it properly. the rate and uniformity of the applica- slopes that encourage water to move too • “Watering Nebraska Landscapes, When and How Much” (G1400) Drip and soaker hose irrigation sys- tion must be carefully designed. Plan quickly for soil to absorb it. The slope • “Conserving Water in the Landscape” tems best serve trees, shrubs and flow- emitter patterns to fit water output to should direct water toward the plants (G1061) ers. These systems place water on the the shape, soil infiltration rate and wind that are high water users and away from • “Perennial Flowers for Water-wise soil surface in the immediate vicinity of characteristics of your site. If you are hard surface areas such as driveways, Gardeners” (G1214) a plants root system, reducing evapora- using a conventional hose and sprinkler, walks and patios. Another way to reduce • “Evaluating Your Landscape Irrigation tion loss and irrigating only the desired remember the location and quality of the run-off is to incorporate compost into System” (G1181) plants. An added bonus of these systems sprinkler head determines how efficient- the soil to improve the infiltration rate • “Checking the Performance of Your Landscape Irrigation System” is the reduction in foliar diseases which ly water is delivered. and water-holding capacity of the soil. (G1221) can accompany sprinklers. ZONE WATERING — Automatic MINIMIZE EVAPORATION Sprinklers are generally used for irrigation systems can be designed to — The best time to water is early morn- Estimated water requirement for Estimated water requirement for WOODY PLANT and ANNUAL/ maintained LAWNS PERENNIAL FLOWER BEDS in eastern Nebraska landscapes* in eastern Nebraska landscapes* Landscape zone Types of plants associated with zone Estimated inches Season Estimated inches per week (based on expected water use) per week April/May .75-1.0 Very low Native and/or adapted plants with high drought-tolerance 0-0.25 and minimal water use that require little or no supplemental June 1.0-1.5 water once established July 1.5-2.0 Low Native and/or adapted plants with moderate drought-tol- 0.25-0.5 August 1.0-1.5 erance and moderate water use that require occasional supplemental water during periods of drought Sept./Oct. .75-1.0 Average Native/adapted or exotic plants with low drought-toler- 0.75-1.5 The low end of the range should be used for low maintenance ance and moderate to high water use that require frequent turf, while the upper end of the range reflects the amount of supplemental water during and beyond drought periods irrigation needed for high maintenance turf. High maintenance turf is defined as a lawn that is mowed at 2.5 inches or less High Mostly exotic plants with little or no drought tolerance that 1.25-2.5 and receives four or more fertilizer applications each year. require consistently high soil moisture *Site factors such as amount of sun/shade, wind protection, type of soil and amount of slope may require adjustments to estimated irrigation amounts. Good Lawn Care Practices Reduce Need for Chemicals A healthy, dense stand of soils high in clay, compacted ture down into the root zone. turf reduces weeds and recovers and poorly drained. Aerating FERTILIZNG — Proper quickly from insect or disease and topdressing with organic fertilizing includes supplying Photo by Ward Upham, K-State Research and Extension injury. Cultural practices play matter or screened compost adequate nutrients and proper a big role in the health of the may improve these conditions. soil pH. In particular, avoid lawn and need for pesticides. Another option is starting over excess or lack of nitrogen, Lawns requiring frequent and amending clay soils with fertilize during cooler weather pesticide use — in particular compost. Thoroughly preparing (especially early and late fall) herbicides — may have an soils before seeding or sodding and use controlled-release underlying problem causing is critical. nitrogen fertilizers. Don’t apply the repeated invasions of pests, GRASS SELECTION high rates of nitrogen in spring. such as weeds. Correcting the — Make sure the proper grass MOWING — Proper problem leads to a healthier species is used on the site. Full mowing has a major impact lawn that can resist weed inva- sun and sun/shade environ- on lawn health. Many lawns sions and reduce the need for ments call for different grasses. are mowed too short, al- chemical use. Kentucky bluegrass is the pri- lowing weeds to invade and Good lawn care practices mary species for lawns in full other problems to appear. Mow Core aerators can be rented at some garden centers and rental agencies. can also save water and prepare sun; in some cases mixed with between 2- and 3- inches and turf for dry summer months. perennial ryegrass and/or fine mow often enough so no more practice to consider, in particu- will still come up requiring spe- Taller mowing and proper fescues. For shade areas, shade- than one-third of the leaf blade lar for sodded lawns over clay cial management. Start by iden- fertilization result in a deep tolerant Kentucky bluegrass is removed in any one cutting. soils. Spring and fall are good tifying the problem, then look and efficient root system which cultivars are commonly mixed CORE AERATING times to aerate. Topdressing at control options; both cultural reduces the need for additional with fine fescues. — Manage lawn stress factors, the turf with screened compost and chemical. When using water. WATERING — Proper such as thatch, shade and soil after aerating will further help pesticides read, understand and SOIL CONDITION watering includes irrigating as compaction. Core aerating on relieve these stress factors. follow all label directions. — Many lawns are growing on lawns need it and getting mois- a regular basis is an excellent Occasionally, problems
  • 2. Fall 2005 BE YARD SMART page ii Yard Smart Resources Tips to Reduce Yard Waste City of Lincoln Yard waste can account for 20 percent of the total waste stream. Nebraska regulations prohibit sending grass and leaves to landfills during the growing season, from April 1 to November 30. By reducing or removing this Recycling Office waste source, the Lancaster County landfill life will be extended by 3 to 5 years. Homeowners and grounds Phone: 441-8215 managers can reduce yard waste with these good landscape practices. Web site: www.lincoln.ne.gov — keyword “compost” Recycling Hotline; Information on Managing Yard Waste, backyard composting, and much more; LinGro compost and wood chip Appropriate Landscape Design availability. With appropriate landscape design turf and result in a reduction in waste. available space in order to minimize and plant selection, the landscape waste TURF SELECTION — If turf is pruning needs. UNL Extension in stream can be significantly reduced, in turn reducing the overall waste stream. selected, choose dwarf or other slow growing varieties requiring less water. FOR MORE INFORMATION Lancaster County PLANT SELECTION — An ef- CHOOSE PERENNIALS — The These University of Nebraska–Lincoln Phone: 441-7180 fective way to reduce waste by design use of perennials can give year-round Extension NebGuide publications are is by designing the landscape based on color without the cost and waste of available at the extension office or online Web site: lancaster.unl.edu at http://ianrpubs.unl.edu Educational resources on backyard anticipated use (turf vs. shrubbery), and replacing annual plants. • “Growing Annual Flowers” (G721) composting, grasscycling, lawn then purchasing plants requiring less MINIMIZE PRUNING NEEDS • “Turf in the Landscape” (G1418) chemical use, and much more. maintenance and water. — Certain trees and shrubs, most often • “Perennial Flowers for Water-Wise CHOOSE GROUND COVERS those slow growing or drought tolerant, Gardeners” (G1214) — The installation of perennial ground need little or no pruning and produce Lincoln-Lancaster covers can be an attractive alternative to less waste. Choose plants fitting the • “Woody Landscape Plants: Selection and Planting” (G1349) County Health Department Phone: 441-8040 Disposal Lawn Chemicals, Complaints on Backyard Composting Grasscycling Has Multiple Benefits Grasscycling, or grass mulching, is Lincoln Solid the natural practice of leaving clippings on the lawn when mowing. It is obvi- Waste Management ous how this practice can save resources Association such as landfill space, but there are ad- ditional benefits as well. The clippings Phone: 475-8376 quickly decompose, returning nutrients Yard Waste Collection to the soil. Grasscycling, in conjunc- tion with the practice of reducing water Nebraska Department and fertilizer inputs, can reduce mowing of Agriculture time in addition to disposal costs. Grasscycling can be practiced on Phone: 471-2394 any healthy lawn as long as respon- Information on certification for sible turf management guidelines are private and commercial pesticide followed. Proper mowing, watering, applicators and fertilizing practices result in more moderate turf growth yet still produce a The Water Center healthy, green lawn. 472-3305 The nitrogen contained in grass Water Conservation clippings removed from a lawn almost growth in spring and early summer. equals the recommended application Grass clippings should be less than rate for healthy turf (about five pounds one inch, or no more than one-third of Grasscycling Saves of nitrogen per year per 1,000 square feet). While some of this nitrogen is lost the total plant height, to ensure rapid decomposition. Mowing more fre- Lawn Care Costs Yard Waste through the decomposition of the clip- pings, leaving the clippings on the lawn quently is not as much extra work as you might think, because lawns mowed • Fertilizer — Grass clippings can supply up to one-third of a lawn’s Disposal Options by grasscycling can have the overall impact of reducing fertilization require- at the proper height cut more easily and quickly. Mowing infrequently damages nitrogen fertilizer needs. • Time — Recent trials confirmed Garden waste, weeds, brush ments by 15–25% or more. Similar sav- the lawn by removing too much of the leaving grass clippings on the lawn and tree trimmings over 1-inch in ings on water use are possible. plant at one time. When mowed regu- saves one-third of the mowing time. diameter can be deposited of in the Returning clippings to the lawn larly, clippings filter down through the • Water use — Clippings shade grass regular trash throughout the year. usually means mowing more than once grass, decompose rapidly and recycle roots, cool the soil, return mois- The following options are available a week during the few weeks of rapid nutrients back into the soil. ture, add moisture holding organic to Lincoln residents for grass and matter, and thereby reduce lawn leaf materials. watering needs. 48TH STREET TRANSFER • Soil health — Clippings decom- STATION — For a fee, residents pose rapidly, feeding soil organ- may dispose of grass and leaves at isms that keep soil healthy and help the 48th Street Transfer Station lo- prevent turf diseases. cated approximately 1/2 mile north • Thatch – Studies proves grass clip- of 48th & Superior Streets. Grass pings do not cause thatch build-up. and leaves must be free of garbage, Remove no more than 30% of the leaf with each mowing. litter and tree trimmings over 1-inch in diameter. Grass and leaves must Mulching Tree Leaves into Lawns be removed from plastic bags at the transfer station. Call 441-7738 for more information. HIRING A LAWN CARE SERVICE — Include yard waste The changing colors of Fall in- to lie on the turf more than three or particles, the more easily they fall into management in your lawn care evitably land in people’s yards. When four days. When oak leaves are predom- the turf, leaving grass blades exposed to package. there are many trees on the grounds, inant, it will be necessary to mulch them the sunlight. HIRING A PRIVATE HAUL- leaf clean-up can be a time-consum- into the turf later in the fall because they The pulverized leaves will settle ER — Lincoln refuse haulers offer ing chore. Composting leaves requires are held on the trees longer than most into the turf within a day or two, par- a separate weekly pick up of yard a home compost pile or the expense other trees. ticularly if followed by rain. Take care waste to be taken to a city-operated of collection, bagging and a means of It is important to use a rotary that the pulverized leaves do not cover compost site for a fee. Contact your transport to a compost center. mower that pulverizes the leaves well the grass blades entirely. Fall is a very hauler for more information. Use Another means of disposal is simply and that the leaves are dry when important time for the turf to photosyn- approved paper lawn bags available mowing the turf/tree leaves with a rota- mowed. Leave the mower set at the thesize and store carbohydrates, particu- from retailers, a cart provided by the ry mower often enough to pulverize the same height as you have been mowing larly under trees where the turf receives hauler, or a clean, 32-gallon trash leaves so they fall into the turf. Return- the turf. Sharpening the mower blades limited sunlight during the summer. can with a lid. Grass and leaves in ing the leaves to the turf is not harmful and a slow movement with the mower It is suggested to add 1/2 pound ni- plastic bags are NOT allowed at the to the grass if the mulching/mowing is will help to grind the leaves finer. It may trogen per 1,000 square feet in addition city’s compost site (plastic will not done at appropriate times. be necessary to make as many as three to the normal fall nitrogen fertilization decompose in the compost mixture). It is best if the tree leaves are or four passes over the area to grind the to enhance decomposition of the tree “mowed” regularly, not allowing them leaves fine enough. The finer the leaf leaves.
  • 3. Fall 2005 BE YARD SMART page iii Composting Turns Yard “Waste” Into Useful Material Compost is a mixture of partially decomposed plant material and other organic wastes. It is used in the garden to amend soil and fertilize plants. Making and using compost recycles yard wastes and reduces the burden of organic trash on our landfills. Make Your Own Compost Almost all organic materials will of the pile is five feet tall by five feet decompose. Composting hastens this wide and as long as you wish. natural process by creating conditions The compost pile can initially be condusive to decomposition. prepared in layers. This will facilitate decomposition by insuring proper mix- Composting Materials ing. To build a compost pile, start with a Yard wastes, such as leaves, grass four to six inch layer of chopped brush clippings, straw and non-woody plant or other coarse material set on top of the trimmings can be composted. The soil. This will let air circulate under the predominant organic waste in most base of the pile. backyard compost piles is leaves. Grass Next, add a three to four inch layer clippings can be composted; however, of low carbon organic material such as with proper lawn management, clip- grass clippings. This material should be pings do not need to be removed from damp when added to the pile. On top of On the left, mixed organic material just beginning to decompose. the lawn (see article on opposite page). this, add a four to six inch layer of high If clippings are used for compost, it is carbon organic material (leaves or gar- On the right, finished compost. advisable to mix them with other yard den waste) which should also be damp. wastes. On top of this, add a one-inch layer contain the compost pile in some sort frequent maintenance and preparation Branches, logs and twigs greater of garden soil or finished compost. This of structure. Composting structures can of the wastes to be composted. Com- than 1/4 inch in diameter should be layer will introduce the microorgan- be made from a variety of materials. posting in these units is most efficiently put through a shredder/chipper or cut isms needed to break down the organic Yard wastes can be composted either in done in batches. Materials should be up prior to placement in the compost matter. simple holding units, where they will sit stockpiled until there is enough to fill pile. Kitchen wastes such as vegetable Mix the layers of high carbon or- undisturbed for slow decomposition, or the bin. These bins should be monitored scraps, coffee grounds and eggshells ganic matter, low carbon organic matter, in turning bins which speeds up decom- and turned after temperatures have may also be added. and soil before adding another layer to position. peaked (90°–140° F) and begun to fall. Certain organic materials should the pile. This will ensure a speedy and HOLDING UNITS — Holding This occurs four to seven days after pile not be used to make compost because even composting of the organic matter. units are simple containers used to store construction. Turn a second time when they may pose a health hazard or create Repeat the “layering” process until the garden waste in an organized way until the temperature peaks again, four to sev- a nuisance. Do not add pet feces since composting bin is filled. these materials break down. It only en days later. Compost processed this they may transmit disease. Meat, bones, Microorganisms can only use requires placing wastes into a pile or bin way will be ready in six to eight weeks. grease, whole eggs and dairy products organic molecules dissolved in water. as they are generated. Decomposition should not be added because they can A moisture content of 40–60 percent can take from six months to two years. Location attract rodents. Large amounts of weeds provides adequate water without limit- Since yard and garden wastes will be The compost pile should be located with seeds or diseased plants may create ing aeration. The “squeeze” test is an added continuously, the stage of decom- close to where it will be used and yet problems. easy way to gauge the moisture content position will vary from the top to the not offend neighbors. The pile will do of composting materials. The material bottom of each compost pile. Generally, best where it is protected from drying Building the should feel damp to the touch, with just the more finished compost will be found winds. Compost Pile a drop or two of liquid being released near the bottom of a pile and partially A compost pile should be large when the material is tightly squeezed in decomposed materials near the top. FOR MORE INFORMATION enough to hold heat and small enough the hand. TURNING UNITS — Turning University of Nebraska–Lincoln Exten- to admit air to its center. As a rule of units are typically a series of bins used thumb, the minimum dimensions of a Making a for building and turning active compost sion NebGuide “Garden Compost” (G810) publication is available at the ex- pile should be three feet by three feet by Compost Bin piles. A turning unit allows wastes to tension office or online at http://ianrpubs. three feet (one cubic yard) to hold heat. To save space, hasten decomposi- be conveniently mixed for aeration on a unl.edu/horticulture/g810.htm The maximum to allow air to the center tion and keep the yard looking neat, regular basis. Turning systems require The City’s Composting Operation Avoid Clopyralid The City of Lincoln maintains a and brush by the city for 12 years, has Products in Compost 16-acre yard waste added almost 3½ City officials urge residents to check to see if compost facility years to the life of the herbicides used on their lawn contain clopy- next to the Bluff the sanitary landfill. ralid. If it does, the City would like residents to Road Sanitary If the program was mulch their grass clippings rather than compost landfill (at Highway discontinued and them. Alternative products are available that will 77 and Bluff Road). the yard waste was kill undesirable weeds and not affect compost. This site receives buried in the landfill, Clopyralid has been discovered in compost about 20,000 tons it would close in operations in several states, including at The City of grass, leaves and 2022 instead of the of Lincoln’s composting facility. Testing of the brush each year. current projection City of Lincoln’s LinGro samples has found levels This is equivalent date of 2026. of clopyralid as high as 87 (ppb). Levels of clopy- to about 2,000 Partial fund- ralid of 10 (ppb) or less can damage some plants. garbage trucks dur- ing for the city’s It is unlikely that damage will occur to sensi- ing an eight month composting program tive plants if the compost is properly applied and period. Lincoln’s 16-acre yard waste compost facility receives about was provided by the mixed thoroughly with the soil (1” of compost Grass is mixed 20,000 tons of grass, leases and brush each year. Nebraska Depart- into 6” of soil). “The clopyralid levels found in with leaves and ment of Environ- Lincoln’s compost are not known to present health wood chips to form mental Quality, risks to people or animals,” said Scott Holmes, windrows roughly six feet high Since the program began in Waste Reduction and Recycling Environmental Health Division Manager for the and 12 feet wide. It takes about October 1992, the city has com- Program. Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department. 12 months to complete the com- posted an estimated 171,300 tons Additional information regarding clopyralid in posting process. The material is of grass and leaves and wood TO GET LINGRO compost can be obtained by contacting Gene Han- screened to remove any debris and chipped 201,865 tons of tree de- COMPOST lon with the City of Lincoln 441-7043 or checking wood chips and placed in a curing bris. For an average year the com- A list of locations to pick up or pur- the City’s Web site at www.lincoln.ne.gov – key- pile. This finished material is then post facility grinds about 5,000 chase LinGro compost are listed word “compost.” available to the public as LinGro tons of brush and tree debris. on the next page. Compost. The diversion of grass, leaves
  • 4. Fall 2005 BE YARD SMART page iv Using Compost and Wood Chips In addition, to the multiple benefits to using compost and wood chips, doing so recycles yard wastes and reduces the burden of organic trash on our landfills. Adding Compost into Soil Wood Chips as Mulch The chief advantage of compost particles to break down further or sepa- Wood chip is its ability to improve soil structure. rate them out before using compost mulch is made from Good garden soil is loose and has around growing plants. the chipping of tree a high water-holding capacity with Compost can be blended into soil and landscape prun- adequate drainage. Adding compost mixes and is suitable for most outdoor ings. Mulch is mate- to heavy clay soil improves drainage planting projects. It is typically mixed rial placed on the by improving soil structure. Compost with other ingredients such as peat soil surface for the also absorbs water and improves the moss, shredded bark, sand, or loamy purpose of protect- water-holding capacity of sandy soils. topsoil when used as an outdoor plant- ing the soil and plant To conserve moisture it is essential to ing mix. Mixing ratios vary; but 10 roots. Not only do have soil with good water-retention. percent compost is considered to be a organic mulches add In addition to improving soil struc- minimum, 30 percent optimum and 50 a decorative natural ture, decomposing compost will slowly percent maximum in planting shrubs appearance to the release plant nutrients. Compost will and trees. landscape, they also not provide all the nitrogen that highly Compost has its greatest value provide many land- productive crops require. Organic when rototilled directly into the soil. scape benefits. gardeners can supplement compost One cubic yard of compost covers • Helps retain soil applications with manure to produce 108 square feet at three inches, 216 at moisture. Mulch helps soil retain • Prevents direct contact with soil. good yields without the addition of two inches, and 324 at one inch. The moisture and reduces water evapora- Mulch prevents vegetables from other fertilizers. rule of thumb is to spread compost no tion caused by wind and hot sun. making soil contact, thus helps to Finished compost is dark brown, more than one-third the depth of the • Reduces soil temperature extremes. reduce rot. crumbly, and is earthy-smelling. Small rototiller. A one-inch layer of compost An application of mulch acts as an • Prevents heavy rain damage. pieces of leaves or other ingredients should be tilled in six inches. Making insulating blanket to help avoid ex- Mulching prevents soil erosion. It may be visible. If the compost contains two or more passes with the tiller helps treme temperature fluctuations. permits water to seep slowly beneath many materials which are not broken blend the compost with the topsoil and • Reduces weed growth. When the site the protective covering. down, it is only partly decomposed. break up any clumps of material. has been properly prepared, mulching • Increases survival of new trees. Not Allow partly decomposed compost reduces weed growth. only do mulches keep the soil cool • Saves time in landscape mainte- and moist, they also keep the lawn nance. Place mulch under and be- mower and weed trimmer from dam- tween plants in tree and shrub beds, aging young bark and killing trees. Locations to Pick up or border plantings, hedges, rose beds • Gives a natural look. A few fallen Purchase LinGro Compost and fruit orchards. By replacing grass with mulch, mowing and watering leaves in a planting bed with a wood chip mulch gives your landscape the • The City of Lincoln has limited quantities of time is cut dramatically. natural beauty of a forest floor. organic compost, called LinGro, available to the public each spring at the N. 48 Street Transfer Station located at 5101 N. 48 Street. This mate- rial must be self-loaded and is available at no cost, on a first-come, first- Free Woods Chips from City of Lincoln serve basis. Information on loading pick-ups can be obtained by contacting the Lincoln Recycling Office, 441-8215. The City of Lincoln has limited quantities of wood chip mulch on a • Delivery of compost within a 50-mile radius of the Bluff Road Landfill is first-come, first-served basis. Contact the Lincoln Recycling Office at available for a fee. Call the Lincoln Recycling Office at 441-8215 for more 441-8215 for more information. information. • Wood chip mulch is available at the N. 48th St. Transfer Station, located • The following area firms have LinGro compost available for a fee: at 5101 N. 48th Street, (any vehicle) and the Bluff Road Landfill, located Campbell’s Nurseries and Garden Centers, General Excavation, Nebraska at Highway 77 and Bluff Road, (pickups and trailers only). There is a Nursery and Color Gardens, Pine Valley Nursery and Landscaping, PreCast charge of $5 per cubic yard. City personnel will load woodchips into open Productions, Inc., Seeds of Life. Landscapers can obtain compost upon pickups or trailers. request. • Individuals may also self-load wood chips at no charge at the Recycling • Information on LinGro Compost is also available through the City’s Web Drop-off Site (1/2 mile north of Superior Street on North 48th Street) site: www.lincoln.ne.gov – keyword “compost.” • Delivery of wood chips within a 50-mile radius of the Bluff Road Landfill is available for a fee. Compost Excellent Tool to Correct Soil Erosion A recent study demonstrated the vigor of the established turf was greater words, only one percent of the rainfall receive moisture, increases water infil- most effective approach to reduce storm in the compost amended plots than those ran off the compost blanket as opposed tration into the soil and prevents the run- water runoff and sediment erosion on with straw mats. The organic material in to 24% for the straw mat. off velocities that carry sediment away. slopes is to use a compost blanket ap- compost amended turf was almost five Compost can also be incorporated After vegetation growth, the compost proximately two-inches thick. times more than it was for straw mat into the soil. However, it is recom- provides both nutrients and additional From April, 2004 through June plots. This healthier turf is able to filter mended a filter berm be established at organic matter to hold moisture in the 2005, the City of Lincoln and the storm water and pollutants and hold soil the base of any slope to minimize soil soil. University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) better preventing sediment erosion. erosion prior to grass seed germination. An economic analysis conducted by conducted an erosion study comparing A silt fence can be used if incorporating UNL suggests a compost blanket would compost to traditional approaches of The Results the compost into the soil. To produce cost about five percent more than the straw blankets and silt fences. This study demonstrated the use the healthiest soil possible, soil tests can traditional approach of using straw mats of compost as an effective approach to be conducted to determine the optimum and silt fences. The cost analysis does About the Study minimize soil erosion and stormwater application of compost. not include additional seeding likely to Six test plots were constructed on run-off. In fact, the study showed ap- be required in subsequent years for non- a slope of 3 to 1. This is a fairly steep plying a two-inch blanket of compost How Compost Blankets compost amended soils. slope that rises about 33 feet in a hori- would reduce soil loss by 99.8% com- Work zontal distance of one hundred feet. The pared to bare soil. When compared to When raindrops hit soil with the For More Information amount of rainfall during the study was the traditional erosion control practice vegetation removed, they dislodge To obtain more information on tracked as well as the amount of run-off of using a straw mat and silt fence, the and detach soil particles. This is called the use of compost for erosion control from each test plot during the period of compost blanket decreased the amount “splash erosion.” If there is more projects, contact the Lower Platte South the study. of sediment running off on the test plot rainfall than the ground can absorb; the Natural Resources District, 476-2729; Each test plot was seeded with a by 81%. Use of the compost blanket resulting run-off carries the detached the City of Lincoln Watershed Manage- fescue-blend grass seed typically used increased water infiltration by up to soil particles away. The compost blanket ment Division, 441-4959 or Solid Waste by seeding contractors. The health and 99.3% compared to a straw mat. In other buffers the un-vegetated soil to help it Operations, 441-7043. BE YARD SMART – SPECIAL INSERT Published by UNL Extension in Lancaster County • 441-7180 • http://lancaster.unl.edu Funded by City of Lincoln Recycling Office • 441-8215 • http://www.lincoln.ne.gov