Template to use with hiring managers on the intake (kick off call) to discuss key success criteria and optimal structured interview approach. Defined exceptional evidenced by behaviors and core competencies
1. Note: This document is designed to go beyond the must have requirements on the Job Description and basic
requirements (Salary, Location, etc.)
Name of Job Description Job Title [Example: Senior Product Manager]
Hiring Manager Name [Enter Here] Target Hire Date [Enter Here]
Top 3 Selling Features of the Role
What are the key things that will help sell the candidate on
the role?
1. [Enter Here]
2. [Enter Here]
3. [Enter Here]
Recruiter Assessment Criteria Section
Key Success Criteria
What are the top 2-3 things that the candidate will have
accomplished to achieved success in their first 12 months
of employment?
Where appropriate: Use some pre-screening questions in
the candidate application.
1.[Enter Here]
2. [Enter Here]
3.[Enter Here]
Behavioral and Competency Criteria
What are the core exceptional behaviors to assess?
Example: Resulting Orientation and Cross Group
Collaboration and Dealing with Ambiguity
[Enter Here Important Note: Get the hiring manager to define what
does great vs average performance look like for each competency]
Culture Assessment (How things get done)
What are the core cultural elements of the group and
company to assess.How do things get done? Example:
Experienced working in a remote and matrixed
[Enter Here]
Additional Questions that can assist the
Can the hiring manager show you any profiles or resumes
of what their perfect candidates look like and explain
Can the hiring manager recommendation any sites related
to the role where the candidate might interact online?
[Enter Here]
Business and Interviewer Assessment Criteria Section
Business Interviews
Assign individual
competencies/behaviors by
interviewer to avoid duplicity
and redundancy
Name of
Competencies/Behaviors to focus on
[Enter Here] [Enter Here]
[Enter Here] [Enter Here]
[Enter Here] [Enter Here]
[Enter Here] [Enter Here]
Talent Advisor Master Intake Template