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Energy Psychology & Psychotherapy Techniques Tapas Fleming’s TAT Gloria Aronson’s Daily Workout George Goodheart’s Temporal Tap
Bahnhofstrasse 2, 7304 Maienfeld, Switzerland Telephone ++41 81 302 77 03  Fax 302 77 04 www.iasag.ch  [email_address] i a s I n s t i t u te f o r the application of the social sciences
Energy Psychology & Psychotherapy Techniques Tapas Fleming’s TAT Gloria Aronson’s Daily Workout George Goodheart’s Temporal Tap
"I don't trust men“ Treating fantasies: Think of the fantasy becoming true „ It hasn’t happened“
TAT:  Tapas Acupressure Technique Tapas Fleming www.tat-intl.com [email_address]
TAT TAT is a meridian-based method to facilitate and accelerate information processing TAT was developed by Tapas Fleming The method is used for the treatment of a large spectrum of problems: allergies bodily trauma emotional trauma addictions and habits eating disorders depression
TAT TAT is secure, prevents retraumatisation is easy to teach, easy to learn resolves distress from emotional and bodily trauma works at the level of cell memory
TAT Pose Thumb and ring fingers of one hand positioned under the ridge of the eyebrows next to the nose,  middle finger touching the forehead between and above eyebrows,  other hand positioned on back of head at occipital ridge
TAT Pose
TAT Steps With every step, focus on the issue mentioned and do the TAT pose: 1. Problem: this can be a memory, an image, a sentence or a belief 2. Opposite condition of the problem issue: I went through it and I survived It’s over now 3. Origins of the problem: All the origins of the problem are healing now
TAT Steps 4. Storage of the problem:  All the places in my body, mind and life where this has been a problem / where this has been held / stuck, are healing now 5. Profit from the problem: All parts of me that got something out of this problem are healing now 6. Boundaries Me / Not Me My boundaries become clear now, for myself and others
TAT Steps 7. Forgiving: I forgive everyone I blamed for this problem, including myself and higher powers / God 8. Asking forgiveness: I ask forgiveness from everyone I hurt because of this problem 9. Becoming whole: I‘m healing now, I’m becoming whole Imagine yourself in a white light with this sentence
Start Every new client starts TAT with treatment for the sentence: I don’t deserve to live, and I can’t accept love, help and healing
Daily Workout Gloria Aronson
Daily Workout 1.General stress reduction Take a deep breath Rate it from 1-10 with  10 being deepest and fullest Tap, saying:  releasing constriction When breath is 9-10 continue 2. Test, treat and retest 7 chakras If any chakra is out of balance tap to put it right 3. Test number of issues/problems right now
Daily Workout 4. Starting from # 1 Test number of blocks within each problem  T&T each block When all blocks are clear, treat problem until finished 5. Go to next problem/issue (Gloria Aronson)
The Temporal Tap George Goodheart Donna Eden
The Temporal Tap The temporal tap was created by George Goodheart, the founder of applied kinesiology  Indications: stopping smoking, drinking, overeating changing compulsive habits building confidence, optimism, and self-esteem stimulating the immune system when fighting a serious illness improving metabolic activity when trying to lose weight enhancing co-ordination when trying to learn a new skill
The Temporal Tap Your mind is receptive to specific affirmations when you’re tapping around the temporal bone  The temporal tap affects the brain and each meridian It sedates the triple warmer, because you tap in the opposite direction of its natural flow The triple warmer governs your body’s habits By calming the part of the nervous system that fights to maintain your habits, it becomes easier to accept a new habit
Right / Left For right handed people, tapping on the right side strengthens positive statements Under pressure I stay calm and centred Tapping on the left side affirms negative statements with a positive intent I no longer get stressed under pressure
Location Tap on the temporal sphenoidal diagnostic line beginning just in front of the ear, at the temples The tapping begins in front of the ear and proceeds around the TS line and finishes at the posterior of the ear, near the base of the skull
How to Tap How to tap: Tap with the three middle fingers of your hand Tap hard enough to feel a firm contact and a bit of a bounce As you tap, say the affirmation in the same rhythm  Tap from front to back about five times, making the statement with each pass You can tap with right hand on right side of head and left hand on left side (Donna Eden) or the other way around (George Goodheart)
The Positive Statement Creating the positive statement: Focus on a goal that you want to achieve: changing a habit, overcoming an addiction, etc. Affirm the goal  in a single sentence Create the affirmation the way you naturally talk and think Ask inside if there is any part that objects to the goal and the corresponding statement Make sure that you release any objections before attempting the temporal tap
The Negative Statement Creating the negative statement: Create your positive statement first Change the positive statement to a negative form by including words that still emphasise the positive intention no, never, don't, won't, etc. The meaning  stays positive: I eat for health and fitness and enjoy my food   becomes: I don’t eat from anxiety or compulsion
Frequency Repeat the procedure several times a day The more you tap in the affirmation, the quicker and stronger the effect on your nervous system The temporal tap can also be repeated at the moment of an addictive or compulsive urge It may take many days of repeating before the benefits become observable
Caveats Wrong wording can trigger an opposite result  If one part of you says a + affirmation another part objects to, the negative can be reinforced  Test for counter-statements opposing the affirmation: Check while tapping and saying the statement with one hand, use the other arm to have someone do a muscle test If the statements are compatible and in harmony with your energies, the test will be strong
Temporal Massage For self-soothing and nurturing: Breathe slowly without any words smoothing the temporal points Place your fingers at the temples on both sides of your head and smooth both sets of fingers along your temporal points as you breathe deeply Use this when you want to nourish yourself, calm yourself or satisfy a craving Since you are sedating the triple warmer, the direction of movement is from the temples to behind the ears  (Errol Schubot)

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Tapas Acupressure Technique

  • 1. Energy Psychology & Psychotherapy Techniques Tapas Fleming’s TAT Gloria Aronson’s Daily Workout George Goodheart’s Temporal Tap
  • 2. Bahnhofstrasse 2, 7304 Maienfeld, Switzerland Telephone ++41 81 302 77 03 Fax 302 77 04 www.iasag.ch [email_address] i a s I n s t i t u te f o r the application of the social sciences
  • 3. Energy Psychology & Psychotherapy Techniques Tapas Fleming’s TAT Gloria Aronson’s Daily Workout George Goodheart’s Temporal Tap
  • 4. "I don't trust men“ Treating fantasies: Think of the fantasy becoming true „ It hasn’t happened“
  • 5. TAT: Tapas Acupressure Technique Tapas Fleming www.tat-intl.com [email_address]
  • 6. TAT TAT is a meridian-based method to facilitate and accelerate information processing TAT was developed by Tapas Fleming The method is used for the treatment of a large spectrum of problems: allergies bodily trauma emotional trauma addictions and habits eating disorders depression
  • 7. TAT TAT is secure, prevents retraumatisation is easy to teach, easy to learn resolves distress from emotional and bodily trauma works at the level of cell memory
  • 8. TAT Pose Thumb and ring fingers of one hand positioned under the ridge of the eyebrows next to the nose, middle finger touching the forehead between and above eyebrows, other hand positioned on back of head at occipital ridge
  • 10. TAT Steps With every step, focus on the issue mentioned and do the TAT pose: 1. Problem: this can be a memory, an image, a sentence or a belief 2. Opposite condition of the problem issue: I went through it and I survived It’s over now 3. Origins of the problem: All the origins of the problem are healing now
  • 11. TAT Steps 4. Storage of the problem: All the places in my body, mind and life where this has been a problem / where this has been held / stuck, are healing now 5. Profit from the problem: All parts of me that got something out of this problem are healing now 6. Boundaries Me / Not Me My boundaries become clear now, for myself and others
  • 12. TAT Steps 7. Forgiving: I forgive everyone I blamed for this problem, including myself and higher powers / God 8. Asking forgiveness: I ask forgiveness from everyone I hurt because of this problem 9. Becoming whole: I‘m healing now, I’m becoming whole Imagine yourself in a white light with this sentence
  • 13. Start Every new client starts TAT with treatment for the sentence: I don’t deserve to live, and I can’t accept love, help and healing
  • 15. Daily Workout 1.General stress reduction Take a deep breath Rate it from 1-10 with 10 being deepest and fullest Tap, saying: releasing constriction When breath is 9-10 continue 2. Test, treat and retest 7 chakras If any chakra is out of balance tap to put it right 3. Test number of issues/problems right now
  • 16. Daily Workout 4. Starting from # 1 Test number of blocks within each problem T&T each block When all blocks are clear, treat problem until finished 5. Go to next problem/issue (Gloria Aronson)
  • 17. The Temporal Tap George Goodheart Donna Eden
  • 18. The Temporal Tap The temporal tap was created by George Goodheart, the founder of applied kinesiology Indications: stopping smoking, drinking, overeating changing compulsive habits building confidence, optimism, and self-esteem stimulating the immune system when fighting a serious illness improving metabolic activity when trying to lose weight enhancing co-ordination when trying to learn a new skill
  • 19. The Temporal Tap Your mind is receptive to specific affirmations when you’re tapping around the temporal bone The temporal tap affects the brain and each meridian It sedates the triple warmer, because you tap in the opposite direction of its natural flow The triple warmer governs your body’s habits By calming the part of the nervous system that fights to maintain your habits, it becomes easier to accept a new habit
  • 20. Right / Left For right handed people, tapping on the right side strengthens positive statements Under pressure I stay calm and centred Tapping on the left side affirms negative statements with a positive intent I no longer get stressed under pressure
  • 21. Location Tap on the temporal sphenoidal diagnostic line beginning just in front of the ear, at the temples The tapping begins in front of the ear and proceeds around the TS line and finishes at the posterior of the ear, near the base of the skull
  • 22. How to Tap How to tap: Tap with the three middle fingers of your hand Tap hard enough to feel a firm contact and a bit of a bounce As you tap, say the affirmation in the same rhythm Tap from front to back about five times, making the statement with each pass You can tap with right hand on right side of head and left hand on left side (Donna Eden) or the other way around (George Goodheart)
  • 23. The Positive Statement Creating the positive statement: Focus on a goal that you want to achieve: changing a habit, overcoming an addiction, etc. Affirm the goal in a single sentence Create the affirmation the way you naturally talk and think Ask inside if there is any part that objects to the goal and the corresponding statement Make sure that you release any objections before attempting the temporal tap
  • 24. The Negative Statement Creating the negative statement: Create your positive statement first Change the positive statement to a negative form by including words that still emphasise the positive intention no, never, don't, won't, etc. The meaning stays positive: I eat for health and fitness and enjoy my food becomes: I don’t eat from anxiety or compulsion
  • 25. Frequency Repeat the procedure several times a day The more you tap in the affirmation, the quicker and stronger the effect on your nervous system The temporal tap can also be repeated at the moment of an addictive or compulsive urge It may take many days of repeating before the benefits become observable
  • 26. Caveats Wrong wording can trigger an opposite result If one part of you says a + affirmation another part objects to, the negative can be reinforced Test for counter-statements opposing the affirmation: Check while tapping and saying the statement with one hand, use the other arm to have someone do a muscle test If the statements are compatible and in harmony with your energies, the test will be strong
  • 27. Temporal Massage For self-soothing and nurturing: Breathe slowly without any words smoothing the temporal points Place your fingers at the temples on both sides of your head and smooth both sets of fingers along your temporal points as you breathe deeply Use this when you want to nourish yourself, calm yourself or satisfy a craving Since you are sedating the triple warmer, the direction of movement is from the temples to behind the ears (Errol Schubot)