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Profesora        Estudiante
Aparicio Nahír   Pérez Yicel
Consist in
                                learning from
                                 the process.
                                                    Assure greater
 Involves different skills
                                                  motivation of young
     and knowledge.

   Tasks: posters,                                Children’s autonomy,
 murals, drawings,                                 their likes are taken
crafts, paintings, etc.                               into account.

               The teacher
                                                Work in
               guide. Not a
              strict teacher.
Skehan (1996):
“Tasks […] are activities which have meaning as
their primary focus. Success in tasks is evaluated
in terms of achievement of an outcome, and
tasks generally bear some resemblance to real-
life language use. So task-based instruction
takes a fairly strong view of communicative
language teaching.”
Nunan (1989) describes the communicative tasks “
as a piece of classroom work which involves learners
in comprehending, manipulating, producing or
interacting in the target language while their
attention is primarily focused on meaning rather
than form. The task should also have sense of
completeness, being able to stand alone as a
communicative act in its own right”
The focus is on the process rather than the product.

Basic elements are porposeful activities and tasks that emphasizes
communication and meaning.

Learners learn language by interascting communicatively and
purposefully while engaged in activities and tasks.

Activities and tasks can be either:

•   Those that learnes might need to achieve in real life;

•   Those that have a pedagogical porpuse specific to the classroom.

Activities and task of a task-based syllabus are sequenced according
to difficulty.
Language is primarily a means of making meaning:
  TBLT emphasizes the central role of meaning in
                 language use.

 Multiples models of language inform task based instruction:
  Advocates of task based instruction draw on structural,
      functional and interactional models of language.

        Lexical units are central in language use and language
      learning: vocabulary is used to include the consideration of
        lexical phrases, sentences, stems, prefabricated routines,
                  and collocations, and not only words.

              “Conversation” is the central focus of language and the
            keystone of language acquisition: the majority of task that
                  are proposed within TBLT involve conversation.
Tasks provides both the
   input and output
processing necesary for
 language acquisition.

  Tasks activity and
  achievement are

 Learning difficulty can
   be negociated and
finetuned for particular
 pedagogical porpuses.
The teacher helps students to
  understand the theme and
   objectives of the task, for
 example, brainstorming ideas           Students can be given
  with the class, using pictures,   preparation time to think about
mime, or personal experience to           how to do the task.
      introduce the topic.
                                    Students can hear a recording of
 Students may do a pretask, for       a parallel task being done (so
example, topic-based, odd-word-      long as this does not give away
           out games.                  the solution to the problem).
The teachers may highlight useful
words and phrases, but would not         If the task is based on a
    pre-teach new structures.        text, students read a part of it.
The task is done by students (in pairs or groups) and gives students a
chance to use whatever language they already have to express themselves
 and say whatever they want to say. This may be in response to reading a
                        text or hearing a recording.

 The teacher walks around and
                                               The emphasis is on
   monitors, encouraging in a
                                       spontaneous, exploratory talk and
    supportive way everyone’s
                                         confidence building, within the
attempt at communication in the
                                           privacy of the small group.
        target language.

  The teacher helps students to
                                         Success in achieving the goals of
formulate what they want to say,
                                             the tasks helps students’
 but will not intervene to correct
           errors of form.
Planning prepares for the next       If the reports are in writing, the
stage, when students are asked to        teacher can encourage peer-
  report briefly to the whole class     editing and use of dictionaries.
 how they did the task and what
         the outcome was.                The emphasis is on clarity,
                                       organization, and accuracy, as
Students draft and rehearse what          appropriate for a public
    they want to say or write.                 presentation.

The teacher goes around to advise
                                      Individual students often take this
 students on language, suggesting
                                        chance to ask questions about
  phrases and helping students to
                                            specific language items.
polish and correct their language.
The teacher asks some pairs to
report briefly to the whole class so
everyone can compare findings, or
 begin a survey. Sometimes only
 one or two groups report in full;
 others comment and add extra
 points. The class may take notes.

The teacher seats, comments on the
 content of their reports, rephrases
 perhaps, but gives no overt public
Students listen to a
recording of fluent speakers
 doing the same task, and
compared the way in which
     they did the task
Task based language teaching
Task based language teaching

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Task based language teaching

  • 1. Profesora Estudiante Aparicio Nahír Pérez Yicel
  • 2. Consist in learning from the process. Assure greater Involves different skills motivation of young and knowledge. learners. Tasks: posters, Children’s autonomy, murals, drawings, their likes are taken crafts, paintings, etc. into account. The teacher Work in guide. Not a groups. strict teacher.
  • 3. Skehan (1996): “Tasks […] are activities which have meaning as their primary focus. Success in tasks is evaluated in terms of achievement of an outcome, and tasks generally bear some resemblance to real- life language use. So task-based instruction takes a fairly strong view of communicative language teaching.”
  • 4. Nunan (1989) describes the communicative tasks “ as a piece of classroom work which involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing or interacting in the target language while their attention is primarily focused on meaning rather than form. The task should also have sense of completeness, being able to stand alone as a communicative act in its own right”
  • 5. The focus is on the process rather than the product. Basic elements are porposeful activities and tasks that emphasizes communication and meaning. Learners learn language by interascting communicatively and purposefully while engaged in activities and tasks. Activities and tasks can be either: • Those that learnes might need to achieve in real life; • Those that have a pedagogical porpuse specific to the classroom. Activities and task of a task-based syllabus are sequenced according to difficulty.
  • 6. Language is primarily a means of making meaning: TBLT emphasizes the central role of meaning in language use. Multiples models of language inform task based instruction: Advocates of task based instruction draw on structural, functional and interactional models of language. Lexical units are central in language use and language learning: vocabulary is used to include the consideration of lexical phrases, sentences, stems, prefabricated routines, and collocations, and not only words. “Conversation” is the central focus of language and the keystone of language acquisition: the majority of task that are proposed within TBLT involve conversation.
  • 7. Tasks provides both the input and output processing necesary for language acquisition. Tasks activity and achievement are motivational. Learning difficulty can be negociated and finetuned for particular pedagogical porpuses.
  • 8. The teacher helps students to understand the theme and objectives of the task, for example, brainstorming ideas Students can be given with the class, using pictures, preparation time to think about mime, or personal experience to how to do the task. introduce the topic. Students can hear a recording of Students may do a pretask, for a parallel task being done (so example, topic-based, odd-word- long as this does not give away out games. the solution to the problem). The teachers may highlight useful words and phrases, but would not If the task is based on a pre-teach new structures. text, students read a part of it.
  • 9. The task is done by students (in pairs or groups) and gives students a chance to use whatever language they already have to express themselves and say whatever they want to say. This may be in response to reading a text or hearing a recording. The teacher walks around and The emphasis is on monitors, encouraging in a spontaneous, exploratory talk and supportive way everyone’s confidence building, within the attempt at communication in the privacy of the small group. target language. The teacher helps students to Success in achieving the goals of formulate what they want to say, the tasks helps students’ but will not intervene to correct motivation. errors of form.
  • 10. Planning prepares for the next If the reports are in writing, the stage, when students are asked to teacher can encourage peer- report briefly to the whole class editing and use of dictionaries. how they did the task and what the outcome was. The emphasis is on clarity, organization, and accuracy, as Students draft and rehearse what appropriate for a public they want to say or write. presentation. The teacher goes around to advise Individual students often take this students on language, suggesting chance to ask questions about phrases and helping students to specific language items. polish and correct their language.
  • 11. The teacher asks some pairs to report briefly to the whole class so everyone can compare findings, or begin a survey. Sometimes only one or two groups report in full; others comment and add extra points. The class may take notes. The teacher seats, comments on the content of their reports, rephrases perhaps, but gives no overt public correction.
  • 12. Students listen to a recording of fluent speakers doing the same task, and compared the way in which they did the task themselves.