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Tax Law Essay
Trump's New Tax Law Only Benefits the Rich
The new Republican tax bill Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, one of the biggest tax bill in decades, officially
took effect in 2018. The bill will supposedly cut corporate and individual taxes by cutting income
taxes, doubling the standard deduction, and eliminating personal exemptions. Trump promoted the
bill, claiming that it would benefit the middle class Americans. However, new analysis by the Tax
Policy Center shows that only the wealthy will benefit, as the major change is that corporate tax rate
dropped from 35% to 21%, while the poor will pay more taxes unlike Trump's proposal.
The Act will drop income tax rates, but not as significantly as the corporate taxes. There are still
seven brackets, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, there are hidden downsides to the benefits. First, income tax rates and standard deductions
are only affected until 2025. Also, analysis discovered that low–income families, especially large
families with multiple children or single–parent households, would not benefit from the Act. In fact,
they will be forced to pay more taxes due to the elimination of personal exemptions. For example, a
married or joint couple with two children would have benefited a total of about $26,000 in 2017
with both standard deduction and personal exemptions. With the new changes, the same family will
only benefit $24,000 from the standard deductions and lose out on $2,000. In general, families will
be hurt from the changes while individuals will benefit. The situation is even worse for single–
parent families due to the significantly lower standard deduction for single filers when compared to
married or joint filers.
Although the changes above will be impactful, there are still greater changes in the bill. The biggest
changes of the Act are on corporate taxes, with many of these changes being beneficial for the
corporates. First, corporate tax rates dropped from 35% to 21%, a major drop and possible profit for
large corporations and its rich owners. The new tax rate, the lowest since 1939, could even be
lowered to an average
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Tax Law Essay
Case Study Of An Australian Tax Law
It is necessary for Jenny to be an Australian resident according to ordinary concepts. Tax rulings
98/17 assist to determine the residency of a person. In this case, Jenny is physically present in
Australia. Additionally she leased an apartment for 9 months. She considers this apartment as her
home during her stay. Moreover, her parents visit her two times. These are enough reasons for Jenny
to be Australian resident for taxation purposes. So, Jenny is regarded as a resident of Australia.
Domicile test
It is apparent from Jenny's activities that she has intentions to make Australia as her permanent place
of abide. It is her original intention to live in Australia for more than one half of year as she leased
an apartment for nine ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to Moorhouse v Dooland, all the earnings from personal exertion may be considered as
ordinary income. If there is enough connection between the individual service and the receipt then it
will be regarded as ordinary income. If the payment is not assessable as ordinary income but it can
be assessable under section 15–2 of Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, as statutory income. The
important factor here is to identify whether the person has given up some valuable rights.
a) $100000 annual salary:
It is clear from the facts that $100000 is her salary, so it is assessable as ordinary income. It is a
service from personal exertion. This amount is annual so it is regular and periodic. There is a
sufficient nexus or flow between the receipt and her personal service. Hence, it is evident that
$100000 is ordinary income because it satisfies the characteristics of section 6–5 of Income Tax
Assessment Act 1997. It can be further explained in relation to Arthur Murray (NSW) Pty Ltd v FCT
(1965) , which shows that the income is only assessable when it is derived and earned.
b) $400000 lump sum payment:
In the case of $400,000 lump sum amount, if there is satisfactory connection between the receipt and
her personal service then this amount will be considered as ordinary income. However, under
section 15–2 of Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, it may be considered as statutory income if there
is any benefit, bonus and if
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Tax Law Essay
Chapter 1 Understanding and Working with the Federal Tax...
Question/ Problem 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Learning Objective LO 1 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO
2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 3
Topic Revenue neutrality Controlling the economy Encouraging industries Research and
development expenditures Social considerations Earned income credit Charitable contributions
Fines and penalties Home ownership Higher education incentives Tax credit versus deduction
Alleviating the effect of multiple taxation Double taxation and effect of a credit versus a deduction
Wherewithal to pay concept: transfer to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
© 2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or
posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
2012 Corporations Volume/Solutions Manual Est'd completion time 5 5 10 15 10 10 10 10 10 15
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Tax Law Essay
U.s. Federal Tax Law
A Federal Tax Law comprises of statutory provisions, administrative support and court decisions in
certain cases. The first and foremost task of any Federal Tax Law is raising revenue for Federal and
various state governments to absorb the cost of government operations. The role of social,
economic, equity and political factors couldn't be ignored while discussing various tax consequences
during particular budget period. Nevertheless, the amount of revenue raised through this method
decides the amount of services that the government can afford to provide. The forum topics for this
week are explained in following broad heads:
Revenue generated through tax receipts ideally should exceed annual costs on various government
operations. Moreover, the economic considerations involving amendment of Internal Revenue
Codes for various depreciation deductions for purchase of business property and
research/development deductions credits1. The second consideration, referred to, as social
consideration give tax benefits to the employers encouraging health insurance and deduction for
charitable contributions by employees as well as private companies. The equity considerations
enable individuals or corporations to avoid the effect of double taxation on their taxable income.
This could be necessarily ensured by deducting state and local taxes from Gross Income. The credit
or deduction for certain foreign taxes and deductions for dividend received by corporations to avoid
triple taxation. The
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Tax Law Essay
Essay On Fat-Tax Law
Introduction: The Minister of Health of Canada has created a new law which targets those who have
health concerns due to obesity. This law is meant to deal with the aging population and the increase
of cases of obesity. While, also being concerned on age and obesity, the increase of demand for
health care became a factor in the creation of this law. The Fat–Tax Law, the maximum waistline
size for anyone age 40 and over: 90 centimeters (35.5 inches) for men and 85 centimeters (33.4
inches ) for women. If one surpasses these limits they must be remeasured in 6 months and given a
warning. But, the person does not pass a second time, they must pay a higher premium on their
provincial health care. Once they pass the measurement test, the y will be able to pay a lower
premium. Mr. Big is 56 years old and 50lbs overweight, and he failed the waistline test. For six
months, Mr. Big dieted and workout to be able to fit within the accepted range. However, the
extreme pressure to lose weight caused Mr.Big to have anxiety and sleeplessness which affected his
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It is seen that having this law in placed that there is a decreased in the amount of obese cases due to
that citizens do not want to pay a higher premium for their healthcare because of their waistline is
too big. The law does do its job in decreasing the amount of obesity cases, it does not take in the
amount of suffering citizens have to go through to enable they are safe from the increase of
payment. The purpose is carried out but, there needs to be a change in how the law is presented. The
rational connection between the measure and its intended purpose is there yet, there is more that
comes with it. The amount of setback from the negativity from inputting this law in everyday life is
belittling the effort taken by the Ministry to establish a healthy
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Tax Law Essay
The Tax Laws And The United States Constitution
Ever since the ratification of the 16th amendment to the United States Constitution, Americans have
faced the burden of federal income taxes. Income taxes were first proposed as a better way of
gathering revenue, as well as an effective measure to manipulate economic spending. However, the
current tax code bears very little resemblance to the relatively simple codes that were originally
written into law. Today's tax laws have grown astonishingly complex and unequally distributes the
burden of tax liabilities. Our country should confront the issues derived from the increasing
complexity of the tax laws and equally distribute the obligations to each taxpayer.
Virtually all citizens and politicians alike, agree that the current tax code is entirely too complex, yet
nearly every year the system gets more complicated, not less. The reason is that simplicity almost
always clashes with the other goals within the tax policy. Most people believe income taxes should
be enforceable, fair, and beneficial to economic wealth, all while maintaining simplicity. But even
those who agree on the necessity of these goals often disagree about the hierarchical importance of
each. As a result, the tax policies usually represent a portion of each competing goal, leaving no
room for simplicity. For example, most countries tailor tax liabilities to the characteristics of the
individual taxpayer. That can make taxes more fair, but also more complex. Income must first be
traced from a business to the
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Tax Law Essay
Tax Law : Primary And Secondary Sources
There are a variety of sources that including tax law research such as primary and secondary sources
and several other methods used to resolve a tax issue. Tax professionals have to be familiar with the
IRC, which are organized paragraphs, sections, and parts. The administrative and judicial
interpretations of the IRC are essential and necessary. "The Treasury Regulation provides
administrative interpretations and Court opinions provide judicial interpretations" (Pope &
Anderson, 2010, p. 1–7). By researching primary and secondary tax sources, court rulings, and
substantial authority will provide a better understanding of how essential the tax research has
become for advisors and tax practitioners to communicate tax consequences to clients. As part of the
tax research process an individual must analyze and identify all primary sources pertinent to
answering specific tax questions. Without the aid of secondary sources, these tasks would be
extremely difficult to fulfill. A reference that gathers federal tax law primary sources in one
convenient location, lets you know whether a primary source is still a good law or not, explains and
comments on primary sources, as well as gives a list of other primary sources that have dealt with
the same tax question is known as a secondary source of federal tax law. There are many different
types of secondary sources, such as tax jargon, websites, and many others. However, with the many
advancements and the mass growth of technology,
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Tax Law Essay
Australian Tax Compliance And Laws For Individuals And...
Broadly skilled finance professional with over 3 years experience in both accounting and taxation.
Thorough understanding of Australian tax compliance and laws for individuals and companies.
Excellent financial reporting skills, building meaningful financial information and reports that can
be presented to financial and non–financial members. Benefits from Chartered and Commercial
environments, whilst quickly demonstrating the versatility to adapt to both. Pro–active
communicator, confidently developing relationships both internally and externally, and liaising with
all levels of staff.
Financial & Statutory Reporting Tax Advice & Compliance Corporate & Capital Gains Tax
Fixed Asset Registers Financial Forecasts/Projections Cash Flow Statements
Cost Management High NetWorth Client Tax Business Structuring
Investigative Analysis Fixed Asset Maintenance Superannuation Returns
FBT, GST, BAS, IAS & PAYG Client Relationship Management ATO Legislation Translation
Qualifications & Education:
Studying CPA Qualification | Six papers completed with two subject left.
2012 Certificate III in Business | Navitas Workplace Solutions, Melbourne, VIC
2011 Master of Practising Accounting | Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, VIC
Academic Awards:
Top Student Award | Swinburne University, Melbourne, VIC, for excellent performance, Semester 1,
Certificate of Excellence | Highest result in Strategic Cost Management, Swinburne,
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Tax Law Essay
Tax Law and Accounting Paper
Tax Law and Accounting Paper In today's financial world, preparation and reporting of income taxes
has become one among the other main reasons why individuals and businesses are keeping and
maintain their financial records. However, there has been some controversy between tax laws and
accounting under the General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Simply because IRS is not
always agrees with GAAP's principles and thus creates its own tax laws. This paper will discuss the
objectives of modern income tax statutes, compare and contrast the GAAS and tax accounting, and
differentiate between tax avoidance and tax evasion.
Objectives of Modern Income Tax Statutes The primary objective of the modern income tax statutes
was to amend the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is basically a legal process of avoiding paying too much taxes through finding tax loopholes, by
using the existing tax laws at own advantage (Murray, 2008). One example of tax avoidance was
shown by Browning in her article, IRS Aims to Curb Offshore Tax–Avoidance Tactic, where she
showing on how internationally trading companies try to avoid taxes by using the transfer pricing
tactics. The transfer pricing tactic stands for companies transferring their income back overseas by
undercharging or overpaying foreign subsidiaries for goods and services (2008, p. 6). While such
companies are supposed to calculate those prices as if they were between independent entities and
pay taxes, typically 35 percent, on profits brought back to the United States (Browning, 2008, p. 6).
Other examples of tax avoidance include but not limited to various tax allowances for education,
medical bills, to reduce some amount for each depended, etc. Tax evasion, on the other hand, is the
other side of the tax avoidance and is considered to be a crime. It is a willfully attempt to evade or
defeat the payment of federal income taxes (Lectric Law, 2008). The tax evasion involves failing to
report an income, or improperly failing deductions which are not authorized by the IRS. Stark
(2008), provides some examples of tax evasion. First example includes sales tax evasion, when a
retailer offers to let a customer pay cash and provide a false
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Tax Law Essay
Tax Payer Laws And Criminal Laws
There are a lot of disorders that arose in the country we live in today and it's all because of our
corrupt system. These laws are tax payer laws and criminal laws in general. In the United States of
America, some citizens can argue that our government is fair enough when it comes to the rate of
our taxes and how the government utilizes the money that we're basically required to pay to them.
On the other hand, however, some individuals can argue that the government spends their tax dollars
on things that our nation doesn't really needs. Being citizens of this country, we sometimes don't get
an input on what the government decides to spend the money on. One controversial topic that has
been in and out of the news for the past few years is the issue of whether or not our tax dollars
should be paying for lawbreakers we have behind bars. Some say that there are better methods for
paying or there could also be less expensive punishments to get the same job done for less. Today,
whether it is federal or state jails in the United States, all jails are paid for using American tax
dollars. Some citizens are in disbelief that our country allows this and some are furious to the fact
that we basically are required to pay for the free meals and housing for convicted felon that has
previously broken the law. Paying for taxes can sometimes be a tad bit stressful, the date April 15,
for example. A lot of normal Americans who complete their own taxes have that date steam pressed
into the
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Tax Law Essay
Tax Law
Summarize the sources and objectives of modern income tax statutes.
The primary source of US tax law is Congress. Power to initiate tax legislation is vested in the
House of Representatives but all tax bills must pass both houses and be signed into law by the
President. Many times the details of the legislation are not dictated by Congress, but left to the
Treasury Department which adopts regulations (that have the force of law) to spell out the details as
well as interpret the statutes and provide guidance on the law. In addition, the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) issues rulings that address the application of the law to specific fact situations.
The court system is also involved in making tax law through decisions about specific ... Show more
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If you are established in your business and do not need to issue financial statements, or your
personal budget is adequate and realistic to your living needs, the simpler tax accounting methods
may be better for you as your focus will remain on what is needed to successfully file taxes at the
end of each year, and you do not need the masses of data associated with tracking every financial
transaction that occurs during the year.
Expert Insight
Tax accounting, also known as OCBOA (Other Comprehensive Basis of Accounting), also includes
a method of accounting known as cash basis. It is rare that any business can succeed basing its
accounting on cash. The intricacies of financial transactions and the necessity of looking for non–
cash based deductions come tax time make cash based tax accounting impractical. Note that all
standards for accounting are set by the IASC (International Accounting Standards Commission).
Differentiate between tax avoidance and tax evasion.
Since the passage of the first income tax law, tax accountants, lawyers, and business persons have
concerned themselves with choosing among the various forms a transaction may take. Tax planning
is the process of arranging an individual's transactions in such a manner as to maximize the
individual's after–tax income. This process is called tax avoidance, and it is a legal and legitimate
Some persons
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Tax Law Essay
America 's New Tax Laws Essay
The American Revolution happened between 1763–1783 and it happened because the colonists were
appalled with Great Britain's new tax laws. The revolution had begun to raise questions on slavery
and equality. The main reason for the revolution seemed unjust and unfair to slaves since it mainly
applied to white males and not to them. Then the market revolution in 1800–1840 and the anti–
slavery movement in 1830s raised even more doubts for women as well as slaves regarding equality
between genders and race. As time went by these ideas became more clear since slavery was
vanishing from many other places except from the united states. The document "Letters in the
Liberator" by Angelina Grimke is a powerful piece. The end of the revolution didn't change the
status of women. According to Eric Foner, "men took pride in qualities like independence and
masculinity that distinguished them from women and still considered control over their families an
element of freedom." (Foner 242) Men thought of themselves as superior individuals and considered
women to being submissive and inferior to them. During the making of the new republic the issues
on inequality to genders had not yet been properly addressed because the founders had not
considered that ordinary citizens would continue to be involved. As stated by Foner, "...time had not
arrived for a broad assault on gender inequality, but discussion of women's status helped to
popularize the language of right in the new republic." (Foner
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Tax Law Essay
Tax Law Case Study
Client A is an unmarried U.S. taxpayer residing in New York City. Recently client A's investment
advisor paid her $150,000 for her investment losses. Per the client, the losses occurred due to the
advisor not changing her investment objectives for her account from "all equity" to "current income"
in a prompt manner. However, the advisor understood her request to mean restructure her portfolio
over time as opposed to immediately. Consequently, client A incurred large monetary losses due to
the delay of selling off the volatile securities to safer conservative securities. Nevertheless, both
parties agreed to the $150,00 settlement without admission of fault by either party.
The first concern is whether client A's entire ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This section of the code excludes specific awarded damages from gross income for occurrences such
as personal physical injuries subjected within the workplace, accidents, and sickness due to a third–
party involvement." For example, an employee falling down a work staircase due to a faulty banister
railing not properly maintained or a motor vehicle accident caused by another driver's carelessness
(texting while driving) and lastly an "asbestos–related disease from working in power plants without
protective gear" would all be excludable from gross income (Power Plants, n.d.). The "requirements
for exclusion of settlements for a recovery to be excludable under section 104(a)(2) is best defined
in James D. Ktsanes, TC Summary Opinion 2014–85, Code Sec(s) 61; 104, 09/2/2014 where the
taxpayer argued that a settlement of $65,000 received from an insurance company fell under the
guidelines of IRC § 104 due to his Bell's Palsy. Regrettably, the Tax Court's "decision did not allow
the $65,000 payment to be excluded from the taxpayer's gross income based on the payment being
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Tax Law Essay
Tax Law Personal Statement Essay
Personal Statement For those who want to live in a foreign country, there are many to expect. But
for those who are already living in a foreign country, there are more to learn and adapt. The year
after moving to the United States, my brother and I started our small trade company in the shared
bedroom of our packed apartment. Day after day, my job was to knock on doors of retail stores and
try to get a conversation with someone. I was a sales representative. I was there to sell jeans. On a
summer day, I was sitting across the table from a store manager in Downtown L.A. After careful
examinations of my jeans samples, he indicated that we might have an opportunity to work together.
I was relieved and happy. But when he started "suggesting" ... Show more content on
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My participation in the trade business ended when I transferred to Washington University for my
undergraduate study. The lessons I have learned nevertheless directed me to become an auditor in
one of the big four accounting firms after I graduated. This experience reinforced my belief in
integrity and business opportunities. More importantly, I have cultivated a strong passion in tax law.
Its dynamic nature demonstrates countless opportunities for business thrifts. In light of tax code
overhauls and disruptive technology developments globally, I see increasing demand for
professionals with integrated knowledge in client business, accounting, tax research, and
technology. My decision to pursue a career that fulfills my long–standing interest in tax law is a
simple one and has never been stronger. The lessons I have learned over my years in the States have
remained inspiring and relevant to my life. My business experience and auditor career taught me
right from wrong and equally importantly, how to do things right. I expect law school will help give
me the knowledge to better assist businesses in integrating tax strategies into their operations and
tools to further my ability to study and interpret the ever–changing tax
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Tax Law Essay
America 's First Income Tax Law
The nation had few taxes in its early history. From 1791 to 1802, the United States government was
supported by internal taxes on distilled spirits, carriages, refined sugar, tobacco and snuff, property
sold at auction, corporate bonds, and slaves. The high cost of the War of 1812 brought about the
nation 's first sales taxes on gold, silverware, jewelry, and watches. In 1817, however, Congress did
away with all internal taxes, relying on tariffs on imported goods to provide sufficient funds for
running the government.
In 1862, in order to support the Civil War effort, Congress enacted the nation 's first income tax law.
It was a forerunner of our modern income tax in that it was based on the principles of graduated, or
progressive, taxation and of withholding income at the source. During the Civil War, a person
earning from $600 to $10,000 per year paid tax at the rate of 3%. Those with incomes of more than
$10,000 paid taxes at a higher rate. Additional sales and excise taxes were added, and an
"inheritance" tax also made its debut. In 1866, internal revenue collections reached their highest
point in the nation 's 90–year history–more than $310 million, an amount not reached again until
The Act of 1862 established the office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue. The Commissioner
was given the power to assess, levy, and collect taxes, and the right to enforce the tax laws through
seizure of property and income and through prosecution. The powers and authority remain
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Tax Law Essay
The Environment, Public Health And Safety
Enterprises should protect the environment within the framework of environment laws in the
countries in which they operate. They should not pollute the environment, public health and safety.
In particular, enterprises should collect all the information about the environment where they
operate and analysis the environment, safety and health impart due to their activity of operate. They
need to make specific plan about how to improve the local environment performance and recycle the
nature resources. And timely verification of progress of the plan of environmental performance.
They need to make emergency plan to prepare and control the emergency situation that can damage
from the operations. The enterprises should consider environmental imparts when they develop their
product or services, such as reduce use of nature resource, reduce any greenhouse gas emissions and
use recycled resource. And the employees also need to be train to protect the environment, including
more general environmental knowledge, deal with toxic materials.
Protect environment is a very necessary action that for human beings since in some place on the
earth had serious pollution situation. Enterprises should take responsibility to controlling the
environment damage. The CEO of the enterprises should consider environment issue when they
make decision. The company need to develop a environment standard to influence the employees,
shareholders, community and society to protect the environment
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Tax Law Essay
Progressive Tax Laws Pros And Cons
Opposition As with any ballot issue, the opposition to Issue 3 was far reaching. The Commercial
Builders Union was one organization that came out against the amendment. The group feared
workplace safety issues created by workers under the influence. Politicians also let their feelings be
known, such as Ohio Attorney general Mike DeWine. In Colorado, lack of regulation has resulted in
increased emergency room visits for children having accidentally ingested marijuana infused
candies. DeWine, having visited Colorado recently, stressed that a lack of regulation, like what
exists in Colorado, is one of the many faults Ohioans should see in Issue 3. Similar to DeWine, the
Fraternal Order of Police of Ohio voiced concerns about accidental consumption ... Show more
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Tax estimates vary greatly, depending upon whom you ask. According to The Ohio Department of
Taxation, the marijuana business would bring in anywhere from $133 million to $300 million in tax
revenue annually. The department explained that such a large range exists in their estimate because
it is still uncertain how much legal pot sales will replace illegal pot sales. This is due to the fact that
illegal sales are part of the shadow economy, which is difficult to estimate. In response,
ResponsibleOhio claimed that the Department of Taxation made a gross underestimation, saying that
the pot industry would instead create $554 million in tax revenue annually. The PAC claims that this
disparity is due to the Department of Taxation not looking at federal usage data when making their
projections. The Vote Despite the size and scope of the pro–pot campaign, Issue 3 failed on
November 3, 2015. Some have said, with the increased momentum towards marijuana legalization
in the United States, it is just a matter of time until another marijuana related issue makes its way
back onto the ballot in Ohio. Currently, a number of other groups are already looking to the next
election and the possibility of passing their very own version of a marijuana amendment to the Ohio
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Tax Law Essay
Tax Law Changes of 2012
The bill officially titled "Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010
(HR 4853)," extended many of the Bush era tax cuts of "The Economic Growth and Tax Relief
Reconciliation Act of 2001" (EGTRRA) that then President Bush signed into law. As per the
announcement on Desire to Learn, I'll call this new bill "The Bush Tax Cut Extension." The bill was
signed into law December 17, 2010. I am happy with most of the provisions and cuts as they
positively affect most individuals' lives in this country, including mine. The Bush Tax Cut Extension
applies to small businesses as well but I will focus on the laws that affect mainly individuals.
Working people, both rich and poor, will be able to save more with the tax ... Show more content on
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According to the researchers at CCH, "Without this patch...an estimated 21 million additional
households would be subject to the AMT." The AMT was designed so that higher income earners
would have to pay some tax and not be allowed all the deductions and credits. However, the AMT
has increasingly affected more middle income taxpayers. This is a really good provision that helps
many families keep more of their hard earned income. Also, the National Health Service Corps
Scholarship Program and the Armed Forces Scholarship Program continue to be qualified
scholarships for exclusion from income purposes through 2012. Without the tax extensions, in 2010
this would have had to be included in income. I feel that people who are promoting our nation's
health and fighting for our country should not have to pay tax on their scholarships, making this
another great aspect of the tax cuts. Overall, there are dozens of other tax cut extensions in this Bush
Tax Cut Extension bill that were recently passed. I touched on some of the key ones that affect
individuals. I am happy and grateful that it did pass as well as millions of other Americans most
likely are. This helps students, parents, homeowners, working individuals, married couples,
investors, and really every individual. We are all in some way, shape, or form affected by these tax
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Tax Law Essay
Case Study: Lovin My Bags: Spa Designer Handbags.
"Lovin My Bags by Barbara" is a premier handbag spa offering a variety of products and services,
mainly for designer handbags which require extra care. This company was launched by the founder,
Barbara Crouthamel who spent time developing restoration products for Lovin My Bags. It is also
the only company in the world that creates specific leather care products and services exclusively
for designer handbags. The main aim of this company is to provide the best handbag spa products
and services in the world and find the best solutions to take care for fashion leathers and restore
damaged designer handbags. The products are Lovin My Bags have been created in such a way that
each of the products are designed for particular leather and they are created in such a way that they
can repair the basic problems one can face owning a handbag such as darkened handles, water
stains, oil stains or wine stains and all these products are pre–tested and are extremely reliable.
While this company is trying to expand globally, it is now available in Dubai, Manila, Kuala
Lumpur and Riyadh. Each of these locations are equipped with all the possible products required for
bag restoration and are trained and supports by Lovin My Bags USA. This company is a registered
trademark and all rights are reserved. As amazing this company ... Show more content on
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People may have different preferences and choices differ, so while creating products, Lovin My
Bags would have to create a survey to figure out what are the common brands and what kind of
leather or skin people wear in order to create special care products for their bags. Another difference
would be language barriers. It is extremely important to remove the hindrance of language which
may affect the company brand name which is why planning marketing and advertisement campaigns
across their original locations might be a challenge for
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Tax Law Essay
The Tax Laws And The Federal Budget
Every person, organization, company, or non–profit is subject to the tax. tax refers to those taxes
obligatory on any cash attained throughout a yr. the govt. taxes our financial gain thus it will have
enough cash to get hold of the items we have a tendency to all would like. so as to fits tax laws and
rules, an honest understanding of the Federal law, its sources and functions, and therefore the
relation with the accounting profession should be achieved.
Congress and therefore the President of the us square measure to blame for writing and approving
the tax laws. they 're additionally to blame for the federal budget. The budget is what proportion the
govt. plans to pay on varied programs and services. the interior Revenue Service (IRS) is to blame
for imposing the law, for assembling taxes, for process tax returns, for provision tax refunds, and for
turning over the cash collected to the United States Treasury. Then, the Treasury is to blame for
paying varied government expenses.
The tax was initial developed throughout the war once the primary tax was obligatory. the aim of the
tax was to amass cash to get hold of the war debt. when the war, the tax was declared
unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1895 as a result of it absolutely was not allotted among the
states in conformity with the Constitution. With the passage of the Sixteenth modification to the
Constitution in 1913, Congress was approved to impose AN tax while not apportioning. Therefore,
it resulted
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Tax Law Essay
Acc547 Week 1 Tax Law Research Worksheet Acc 547 Week 1...
ACC 547 ACC547 Complete Course Click below link for Answer visit www.workbank247.com
ACC547 Week 1 Tax Law Research Worksheet Complete the Tax Law Research Worksheet – Week
1. Format your responses consistent with APA guidelines. Write an APA–formatted response of no
more than 200 words for each the following questions: The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) is the
supreme source of income tax law. When trying to resolve an income tax question, a tax practitioner
will look to other sources in addition to the IRC. For example, the tax practitioner may consult IRC
regulations, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
4) Completion of applicable IRS forms is encouraged. ACC 547 Week 2 Tax Law Research
Worksheet Write an APA–formatted response of no more than 200 words for each the following
questions: * What are the differences between the following components of taxable income? Provide
at least one example of each. Deductions for AGI and deductions from AGI Gross income and AGI
AGI and taxable income Tax deduction and tax credit Personal exemption and dependency
exemption * Section 61 of the Internal Revenue Code defines income as "income from whatever
source derived unless otherwise excluded" (2014, IRC Code). In determining income, several key
concepts have evolved from this definition. Explain the following concepts, and provide at least one
example of each. Explain which concept you think is most beneficial from a taxpayer's point of view
and which concept is most beneficial from IRS's point of view. Realized income Recognized income
Return of capital doctrine Constructive receipt Tax benefit rule Wherewithal to pay doctrine How
does the alternative minimum tax system differ from the regular tax system? How is it similar? Why
did Congress implement the alternative minimum tax system? The starting point for computing
alternative minimum taxable income is regular taxable income. What are some adjustments and
preferences to regular taxable income to compute alternative minimum taxable income? * Sue owns
a home
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Tax Law Essay
US Tax Laws and Treaties
1. There are both positive and not quite so positive components of the fact that U.S. law grants equal
status to domestic legislation and to tax treaties. One of the primary purposes of the latter, in the
case of bilateral treaties, is to prevent double taxation (Tax Treaties and Tax Planning Revised, p.1),
which is good. However, there are differences between treaties, which mean that a different set of
'laws' applies to both individuals and corporations. As such, there is the propensity to be an
atmosphere of ambiguity created by these treaties which very rarely takes place where domestic law
is concerned. Such ambiguity is rarely a good thing, and has the possibility of creating loopholes
which is bad. The degree of interpretation which the multitude of treaties allows for enables both
individuals to and corporations to manipulate them, in a way that is decidedly more difficult to do
with domestic law. However, the principle benefit of the equal status between treaties and law is that
the latter one prevails in the event of a dispute (Tax Treaties and Tax Planning Revised, p. 4), so that
a swift reconciliation is certainly possible.
2. The primary means in which a corporation is able to do so is to qualify for benefits in the 1996
U.S. Model Treaty. There are actually a couple of different ways in which corporations can access
these benefits in international transactions. One of the ways is if that corporation is regarded as a
fiscally transparent partnership in another
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Tax Law Essay
David Cay Johnston's Use Of Ethos Pathos Logos
Rhetorical Analysis Paper The use of rhetoric is powerful, dangerous, and has the influence to
change people's opinion. So in the article "Art of the Steal: This Is How Trump Lost $916M and
Avoided Tax" David Cay Johnston effectively uses rhetoric to suede his viewers towards his
opinion. Johnston uses pathos, ethos, logos, tonal shifts, and inductive and deductive reasoning to
try to explain to his readers how the presidential candidate ,Donald Trump, lost and made
money..The author explains how the use of ethos, the appealing towards ethics, helps shift the
audience's view of Donald Trump. Johnston also uses the emotions of the reader to help his own
claim, through the use of pathos. Through the use of logos, the use of logic, the ... Show more
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It is a gateway to more knowledge and can help with understanding what people have to say. Just
like Johnston used rhetoric in his article to get his point across. He used rhetoric as a tool to convey
his message. Trying to sway people towards his opinion about Donald Trump evading taxes for over
18 years and made around 1 billion dollars in tax–free money. The strongest form of rhetoric used
was logos, gathering information, citing sources, and using inductive and deductive reasoning to
bring logic to his claim. He also uses ethos to try and push the audience to change their perspective
of Donald Trumps character and image. Lastly he uses pathos to strike at the reader's emotions to
convince the audience to believe Johnston's claim that Donald Trump avoided paying taxes and
made around 1 billion
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Tax Law Essay
A Brief Note On The Canadian Tax Law
Under Canadian Tax Law, there is an election for companies to defer recaptures and capital gains of
property that was involuntarily or voluntarily disposed of. In this research paper, we attempt to
prove that the election is a useful taxation strategy for businesses so that they are not subject to pay
taxes on capital gains or recaptures until such a time where they may acquire an eligible replacement
property that will help them earn business income. We will provide facts, definitions, and examples
to illustrate the use of this election throughout the paper by explaining the capital cost allowance
system, the offset available to business for capital gains and recaptures, the election process, the
rules regarding replacing former business ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A voluntary disposition is when the taxpayer has deliberately disposed of a capital asset by means of
sale or other form of disposition, in which the taxpayer receives consideration for the disposal. An
involuntary disposal, on the other hand, is where property is stolen, destroyed by fire or
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Tax Law Essay
Annotated Bibliography On Corporate Reorganization
Tax Research Memorandum
Date: November 16, 2014
To: Tax Files
From: Jonathan Ruhi
Subject: Availability of Corporate Reorganization
Summary of Facts
Chris and Sue are 50 percent shareholders in BackBone personal service corporation. Backbone
provides chiropractic services in four separate offices, in four small towns: Troy, Union, Vista and
Willow. Chris is the main chiropractor in the Troy office, and Sue heads up the Vista office. Charlie,
the main chiropractor in the Willow office, does not see eye–to–eye with Chris and Sue on
management styles. Charlie is highly competent and well–liked by patients and therefore
indispensable in the eyes of Chris and Sue. Chris and Sue may be willing to give Charlie control of
the Willow office, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In addition, Chris and Sue will not have to worry about any loss of profits since the profits of the
new subsidiary corporation will flow through to the BackBone personal service corporation.
Issue and Conclusion 2
How should the corporate reorganization be structured?
The corporate reorganization should be structured as a divisive "D" reorganization and the
restructuring process should conform to section 355 of the tax law in order to minimize the tax
consequences of the reorganization.
Law and Analysis 2
Section 368(a)(1) of the tax code provides several options for corporate reorganizations. Section
368(a)(1)(d), also known as a "divisive D reorganization", is the best choice for this particular
situation. In a divisive "D" reorganization, the controlling corporation (in this case, BackBone) will
distribute assets (the Willow office) to a newly formed subsidiary corporation, in exchange for the
stock of the new subsidiary corporation, in a transaction that qualifies under section 355 (Sec.
368(a)(1)(d)). After the transaction is complete, the Willow office will be its own corporation which
is wholly (or at least mostly) owned by BackBone. BackBone will also still own and control the
Troy, Union and Vista offices after the reorganization.
Issue and Conclusion 3
What will be the tax consequences of the reorganization?
Section 355 of the tax code will drastically reduce, or even completely eliminate, any tax liability
caused by
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Tax Law Essay
The Tax Laws And Performance Bonuses
According to section 86 of Australian income tax laws, Performance bonuses structures some part of
compensation and wages and along these lines are taxable in the employees' hands. The measure of
bonus so got is assessable in the representative 's hands regardless to the truth whether he is full time
or employed part timely. In light to the procurements, performance rewards structures some piece of
employment income.
Part 2
. A payment made by a satellite TV company to a soccer player for being named the World's Best
According to the procurements of the Australian tax laws any income that has been earned by the
person through any recreations i.e. lottery wining diversions won 't be assessable in the Individual 's
hands. Any ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These are non money advantages to the employee and will be taxable in the retailer 's hands as
opposed to in hands of the salesman.
Part 4
Proceeds from the sale of books, furniture and toys at a garage sale
According to the procurements of the Australian tax laws, if any transaction has been haphazardly
completed during the year without embracing it as a business then the pay so inferred won 't be
viewed as business in come.
In the given if the sale of books, furniture and toys at a garage deal is a onetime practice then the
same won 't be viewed as business wage generally the business continues will be considered now
and again of doing the business income for the carport.
Part 5
. Frequent flyer points received by a lawyer in a firm in relation to work related travel paid for by
his firm.
According to section86 of Australian income tax laws, Fringe advantage tax alludes to the
assessment that has been paid by the business for the non money advantage that has been given by
the business specifically or through some other intends to his representative. According to case law,
Payne v. FC of T (1996) 66 FCR 299; 96 ATC 4407; (1996) 32 ATR 516 any prize focuses that has
been earned by the worker because of business consumption will be at risk for Fringe advantage tax.
The representative is not subject to pay any tax on these non money benefits. In the given case flyer
points got are gotten by the attorney for doing business related
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Tax Law Essay
Investment Law, Tax Law and the Biotechnology Industry
Advancements in science have been in most cases an indirect result of addressing the economic and
military needs in the world. Similarly, advances in biotechnology are not exempt from this
statement, as biotechnology found its birth in part due to the fertile economic landscape and the
huge gaps left in the market by the big pharmaceutical companies. An interesting point that the
author mentioned in the book was how changes in investment law and tax law in the United States
of America propelled the venture capital industry and the correlation of these events in the rise of
the biotechnology industry.
The first event that changed the landscape in the venture capital business took place in 1970. During
this year the Department of Labor changed the rules and allowed pension funds to invest their
money in venture capital funds. The second event took place in 1978, when a new law was passed in
Congress that allowed for capital gains to be taxed at a lower rate than regular income. These two
events helped to take the venture capital business from the hands of a few wealthy families in the
United States to large institutional investors, thus releasing large amounts of risk capital ready to be
poured into startup companies. Additionally, a lower tax rate for capital gains motivated all kinds of
investors to try their hand at entrepreneurship, thus increasing the cash flow into small startup
companies. Moreover, a large percentage of the risk capital available during the 1970's
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Tax Law Essay
A Brief Note On Income Tax Law And Practice
BULAW3731 Income Tax Law & Practice
Individual Assignment
Submitted by: Name: Simant Sahi
Student ID: 30309353
Purpose of the Assignment To enable you to research an aspect of taxation law and its practice. It is
important for you to have time to think through how to structure and present your responses, and to
review and discuss what the law is or should be in a particular area. Whilst discussion with others is
encouraged, the final piece of work must be your own.
This year in Australia there will be a federal election, and tax reform is currently a topic of debate.
The Leader of the Opposition, the Honourable Bill Shorten MP, recently released an election policy
on negative gearing and the treatment of capital gains tax discounts as they relate to the housing
market (the Policy).
Identify and explain the key areas of the Policy, then evaluate whether it exhibits the features
(characteristics) of a good tax system. In your response you must include an explanation of negative
gearing and the existing treatment of capital gains as they relate to property investors – referring to
sections of legislation, tax rulings and cases where relevant. You must also identify and discuss
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Tax Law Essay
Case Study On Cross Border Merger And Acquisition
Cross border merger and acquisition become a fundamental characteristic of the global business
landscape. With the increasing significance of globalization in business sector, it is one of the
quickest ways to achieve the objective. This phenomenon is not only noticeable in the developed
country like American, Europe and Japan but also in the developing market like India. Since, 1991
the period of liberalization has influenced functioning of Indian corporate enterprise. This growing
trend towards cross–border merger & acquisition has raised new urgency to understand and manage
the tax consequences of international expansion.
The global market for these transactions has been expanded very firstly beyond the regulatory each
of any particular country. But except the purely domestic legislation, there is ... Show more content
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Research questions are:
What are the crucial aspects of tax matters that can make or break the cross–border merger &
acquisition in India?
Is our present tax law sufficient to deal a cross–border merger and acquisition?
Is the government can earn more taxes from cross–border merger &acquisition?
How can be solve the double taxation issues in case of cross–border merger & acquisition?
In order to fulfill the above stated aim, the methodology adopted is doctrinal. No empirical research
is employed in this study. However, with a view to compliment and substantiate the research paper
corroborated the study with other forms of legal research such as case studies. I used the analytical
and descriptive method which is completely based on primary and secondary data. I mainly relied
on primary sources i.c statutes. And secondary sources like books, journals and web sites like
www.taxguru.com, www.papers.ssrn.com, etc.
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Tax Law Essay
Update the Recurring Sin Tax Law that Was Newly...
Rationale of the Study This study was drawn to update the recurring sin tax law that was newly
implemented by the President of the Philippines, Benigno Aquino by assessing its effect to the
consumers of sin products and has given fruitful grounds and suggestions for future research in this
In belief, the purpose of the imposition of excise tax on sin products is to raise revenues and
discouraging the consumption of the tobacco products and alcoholic beverages. It is claimed that
higher excise taxes on tobacco will make some smokers to quit, and reduce consumption of
continuing smokers, and prevent others from starting (Sunley, 2009). Because the demand for
cigarettes is relatively price inelastic, the expectation is that higher taxes will yield higher revenues
in the near term while preventing smoking in the longer term. If a tax is imposed on a good, verbally
express excise taxes on alcohol or tobacco, it may possibly have influenced the decision of how
many to consume and make efficiency cost (Badenes–Plá & Jones, 2003). In contrast, according to
McGee (2000), liquor and cigarettes are had insensitive to changes of price that many of the
consumers of sin products continue to buy it regardless of the increase in its prices. Then, it becomes
usual that there will be a protest on excise tax for the reason that this sin tax law will not cause a
reduction to their demand in sin products. In worldwide tax rates, Philippines obtain the lowest rate
specifically on
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Tax Law Essay
Gaar Uk (General Anti-Avoidance Rule)
General Anti–avoidance rule
Tax avoidance has become a massive topic of discussion over the past few years, given the current
global economic conditions and the cuts to the public sector by the government as a result. This led
to increased anger from the public who perceive avoidance by many of the country's wealthiest
people in a time of austerity as greed. Perhaps the most notable demonstration of this anger can be
seen in the actions of the group UK Uncut, who for the past year have been organising protests at
shops owned by retail tycoon Philip Green who, as the poster boy for tax avoidance, paid a £1.2
billion dividend to his Monaco–resident wife.
It is estimated that avoidance schemes in the UK cost the treasury roughly £25 ... Show more
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I know "every little helps," but when you consider the UKs national debt stands at over £900billion,
I find myself wondering if the introduction of a GAAR is going to be far more hassle than it's worth
to the economy.
The Institute of Charted Accountants of Scotland are in favour of the introduction of a GAAR and
made the point that, "too many of the best brains in Britain are focussed on tax avoidance," to the
chancellor. I do have to agree that it does seem to be madness to have so many thousands of
intelligent people working on ways to reduce the amount of tax revenue the government receives but
I would have to disagree with the rest of their argument that the labour could be redeployed more
effectively, adding more value to the economy as I'm not sure where else several thousand tax
specialists could be redeployed at a time of widespread unemployment.
Those in favour of a GAAR also point to the apparent success of similar laws in countries that have
used the law for years such as Australia or Canada. Despite initial problems with its introduction in
Australia, a GAAR has been in law for over a decade and while it has been used relatively rarely, it
acts as a measure of control over avoidance activity reducing the amount of schemes that are created
therefore reducing the workload for the tax authority. More countries are now following the
Australians and Canadians lead with South Africa and India introducing
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Tax Law Essay
The New Tax Law Through President Obama 's Term, Congress
With possibly the last changes to the tax law through President Obama's term, Congress agrees on
making many of the "Tax Extenders" permanent. These so–called "Tax Extenders" are tax
provisions that Congress has passed over the past few years with short–term expiration dates, at
which point the provision would lapse. Typically, after the provision lapsed, Congress would
retroactively reinstate the provisions, thus extending its life through the current tax year. This has led
to some tax planners relying on the hopes that Congress will reinstate these provisions, without the
explicit knowledge that they would do so. Therefore, the now permanent provisions (those that have
been extended without a set expiration date) are able to give tax planning professionals more
certainty in their projections. The act made several changes to Section 529 Plans alongside with
these "extenders". The chart below briefly summarizes the new tax law changes from the PATH Act
of 2015 that most closely affect individuals and small businesses. It should be noted that this does
not encompass all aspects of the act, as there are several changes that apply to larger corporations,
IRS reform, and the prevention of fraud and abuse. *Adapted from "Congress Approves (Mostly
Permanent) 2015 Tax Extenders Legislation For QCDs And More!" by Michael Kitces Permanent
Provisions Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) – In 2006, Congress allowed qualified
distributions from IRAs to be directly given to
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Tax Law Essay
Personal Income Tax Law
AB–697 Personal income tax: credits: senior citizen renters
The Personal Income Tax Law is design to give income tax credit to senior citizen who rent in
certain counties of the state of California. The Personal Income tax applies mainly to those senior
citizen living in poverty levels and renting in the County of Alameda, the City and County of San
Francisco, County of Ventura, and the County of Santa Clara. Certain qualifications must be met by
the senior citizen requesting the income tax credit. Some of these qualifications includes being over
the age of 62 years, the qualified residence must be the primary residence, name on the lease,
income of less than $50,000, and live in the qualifying counties. Today, 20 percent of seniors, 65
years and older, already live below poverty level and Homelessness among senior citizen is on the
rise. For those senior citizens ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is also predicted that homelessness among seniors will rise by 33 percent from 2010 to 2020.
According to the SFgate.com article California seniors have highest poverty rate, senior poverty
levels stared to rise again in 2008 economic collapse, during which many seniors lost their jobs,
homes, savings and pensions. I believe the Personal Income Tax Law should be implemented not
just in California but in all the United States. Many of our senior citizens work very hard for so
many years to end up living in poverty. In some cultures the elderly are honor and respected because
of their age. Somehow I see that in our time and age that respect and honor to our seniors is being
lost. They deserve to get as much help as they need to survive and live a decent life in their most
vulnerable age. So I do agree with laws that give our seniors the opportunity to live a joyful life
without the worry of living in
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Tax Law Essay
The Income Tax Law : Australia
Candidate Number:
Date Due: 18 Sep 2014
1. Income tax is generally payable annually by residents or non residents who are receiving income
in Australia provided the income was derived, earned or accrued while living in Australia. The
returns earned from a business operated partly in or out of the country i.e. Australia are considered
to have accrued in totality from Australia. All the income earned from investments, sale of personal
property or any other income is subject to taxation. (Renton, 2005)
The residents of Australia are basically ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The income tax assessment ruling IT 2650 of permanent place determination which is also related to
case IT 2607under the ATO ID 200/179 puts more emphasis on the place of resident.
It defines a resident as a person who is domiciled in Australia unless the commissioner is convinced
and satisfied that the permanent place is not Australia as was illustrated in the case of Henderson v
Henderson (1965) 1 All E.R.179.
James Cookie works for a foreign company that has been registered in Bermuda that owns and
operates passenger cruises across the Pacific Ocean. He owns a house that he inherited from his
parents in Sydney, Australia. By virtue of his inheritance and parentage he is an Australian citizen.
But he has rented the family house to his relatives who live in the house but the furniture and one of
the rooms belongs to him. In the current year he spent only eighty days in the house while most of
the other days he was away. For tax purposes he will be considered as a resident as he has no other
permanent home even though the company he works for is foreign based. All his income will be
subjected to taxation in Australia
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Tax Law Essay
A Brief Note On Law Student Tax Challenge Problem
Tax Town, ABA State 10000
Tax Town, ABA State, 10000
Re: 2015–2016 Law Student Tax Challenge Problem
Mr. Paul,
Thank you for contacting our firm again this year to assist you in determining the tax consequences
of your business and investment activities. We have completely analyzed all of your investments and
will summarize the tax results for your review below. Your stock compensation package sounds
great, but since you are receiving this as compensation for services, you must report this as income
to the IRS. Unless you can show an inability to freely transfer the stock to someone other than your
employer, or that the stock is subject to an obligation of providing future services or ... Show more
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The remaining two–thirds of stock will not vest in 2015, because you can still forfeit the right to
receive them. These shares will only be included in your future tax returns if you continue your
employment with the company.
Congratulations on your new investment in the lemonade truck, though I'm sorry it's not going as
well as you would have liked. Lucky for you the IRS permits deductions for the expenses of starting
a new business. There are two requirements for a deduction on account of start–up costs.
First, the payment must be paid in connection with creating a business. Within the past year you
have incurred several expenses in connection with starting the business: (1) $1,000 of your own
money as a down payment on the truck; (2) a $49,000 loan for the truck; (3) $750 for the lemonade
maker; and (4) $1,500 on lemons, sugar, and boba tea.
Second, the expenses must be one that is allowed as a deduction. To be deducted the expense must
be ordinary, necessary, and incurred during the taxable year in order to carry–on the business. In
determining whether expenses are necessary, we look to the purpose in making the payments and
whether they have a connection to the business. In your case this would be to have a place to run
your business, and to have the equipment and inventory needed to make your product. A necessary
expense is one that is appropriate and helpful for the business. It is both appropriate and extremely
helpful to have a place
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Tax Law Essay
Tax Law
Ordinary income
Tennant v Smith, (money or convertible into money)
An employee was given accommodation rent free by his employer. Was this ordinary income? The
employee could not sublet the accommodation to anyone else, therefore could not turn this
accommodation into cash. The Court said it was not ordinary income under s. 25(1) (now s.6–5)
since the accommodation was not convertible into money. Not ordinary income under s.6–5.
FCT v Cooke & Sherden. (money or convertible into money)
Soft drink retailers were given holidays by wholesalers/manufacturers for selling a certain number
of soft drinks. Was this ordinary income? The holidays could not be cashed in or transferred to
anyone else. The holidays were not convertible into ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Contrast with Jones' case. Conducted a horse racing business and the betting systematic and
organised. Therefore the betting was seen as small part of that large business. The winnings were
held to be income under s. 6–5(1) and the losses deductible.
Martin v FCT. A case between the extremes of Jones and Trautwein. Taxpayer owned and raced
horses as a part–time activity. He employed trainers to train them and also bet on them using a
betting system. High Court decided the activities were not enough to constitute carrying on a
General deduction cases
Charles moore Employees were robbed whilst going to the bank to deposit the day's takings.
Banking daily takings is a necessary part of business operations (High Court). Therefore the loss
was necessarily incurred in carrying on a business for producing assessable income. The loss by
robbery was 'incidental and relevant' to the business.
This case involved a finance company which traded unprofitably. Trading ceased for one year and
then the company was taken over by AGC Ltd whereupon trading recommenced. Deductions were
sought for losses incurred in
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Tax Law Essay
How Do Tax Laws Affect Young Americans
It sounds morbid, but the truth is there are two things in life that are certain, Death and Tax. In fact,
many before us have died for the right to be heard on many subjects, especially taxation. The old
adage, "Taxation without Representation" is still prevalent in today's society, especially when
dealing with the young Americans who pay tax and have no voice. Many teens gain employment in
high school and pay tax, even if it is not a permanent job. Young Americans from zero to 18 years
olds contribute to the National Debt, yet have no say as to how much they are taxed
A number of laws affect Young Americans, yet they cannot stand up for their rights. Depending on
the state, children can be convicted and sentenced as adults and receive sentences of life or death as
young as 14 years old. Young Americans have no say in climate control, health care issues, and
educational concerns, all of which presently and forever will affect them. ... Show more content on
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The answer is no one. In fact, politicians contend that it is not worth putting the effort into changing
the voting age since the youth grow up and then gain the ability to vote. Additionally, some have
challenged that young Americans have no understanding of the issues and cannot make an
intelligent decision. Yet how many adults understand or care about these issues and make a "mature"
decision when voting.
However, the youth can provide insight on many issues and concern, but they have no voice and no
representation. The Young Americans must stand up for themselves, just as the generations did
before us. Let us face it, "taxation without representation" is alive and well in the 21st Century. The
only way to be heard is to stand up for the right to have a
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Tax Law Essay
Tax Laws
Professor Emanovsky
Econ 2015
Should Tax Laws be Reformed to Encourage Savings? What defines a nation's way of life and
standard for living depends entirely on its ability to function economically. In addition, the rate at
which a country saves is the key to determining its prosperity from a long term perspective. More
businesses with more facilities and more equipment equal a greater degree of productivity and
greater income for employees. This formula transfers to show greater income for consumers and
proves clear relationships between national saving rates and terms in which we measure economic
well–being. In addition to the large scale national example, there is also an obvious connection
between increased savings and families who ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In some cases, families intentionally save very little in order to qualify for these educational
benefits. Some supporters for tax law reform suggest expanding the ability that households have to
use tax advantaged savings accounts such. In such accounts, owners do not have to pay taxes for
interest until the money is withdrawn at retirement. Unfortunately, such accounts limit how much
can be deposited, who is authorized to withdraw and when. In average American households, where
the potential for real emergencies is consistently present, the unavailability of funds when they're
needed is a real deterrent from putting money in such an account in the first place. One of the most
likely beneficial changes would be something called the Financial Security Credit. This credit would
benefit low/middle income homes who save money at tax time because it would give them an
opportunity to open a savings account directly on their tax form but it would not discriminate
against those who already have savings accounts established. In addition, it would support a larger
variety of current savings products and would match every dollar that low/middle income tax filers
deposit in a designated savings account and add an additional dollar from the federal government.
Such a plan would have a cap at $500 annually and would also deposit matched credit directly
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Tax Law Essay
Amazon Tax Laws
Founded by Jeffery P. Bezos in 1994, Amazon Inc. is an American international e–commerce
company. Recognized as the world's largest online retailer, Amazon managed to survive during the
1990's unlike other .com companies. Worldwide it is the eleventh most searched site. The company
that started selling online books, is rapidly expanding and has since become the world' largest online
retailer, and is becoming a high technology company, now offering more than just e–books, the
company also offers online shopping for computers and office supplies, toys, tools, movies, music,
games and much more and has with over 43,000 employees. Selling the Kindle below cost with the
new and improved hardware is not a wise decision by Amazon, this move ... Show more content on
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Amazon further offers free shipping on Kindle content and better online shopping options. Despite
Netflix's monthly charge, their service gives members the flexibility of monthly fee offers, and the
option to terminate and restart service whenever desired. The decision of whether or not Amazon
should increase their streaming content depends. The company currently offers the latest movies and
television shows content at a cost saving price, unlike Netflix who offers older shows and movies
for three dollars less per year, but charges up to an additional twelve dollars more to rent recent
movies. In my opinion I believe that the company is doing exceptionally well and does not need to
extend their library content, unless they would like to incorporate older movies or foreign movies
into their package. After the introduction of the Kindle in 2007, Apple' iPad app launched and both
rivals teamed effortlessly to distribute Amazon's e–book through the iPad's Kindle app. The
convenient trade–off allowed
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Tax Law Essay

  • 1. Tax Law Essay Trump's New Tax Law Only Benefits the Rich The new Republican tax bill Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, one of the biggest tax bill in decades, officially took effect in 2018. The bill will supposedly cut corporate and individual taxes by cutting income taxes, doubling the standard deduction, and eliminating personal exemptions. Trump promoted the bill, claiming that it would benefit the middle class Americans. However, new analysis by the Tax Policy Center shows that only the wealthy will benefit, as the major change is that corporate tax rate dropped from 35% to 21%, while the poor will pay more taxes unlike Trump's proposal. The Act will drop income tax rates, but not as significantly as the corporate taxes. There are still seven brackets, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, there are hidden downsides to the benefits. First, income tax rates and standard deductions are only affected until 2025. Also, analysis discovered that low–income families, especially large families with multiple children or single–parent households, would not benefit from the Act. In fact, they will be forced to pay more taxes due to the elimination of personal exemptions. For example, a married or joint couple with two children would have benefited a total of about $26,000 in 2017 with both standard deduction and personal exemptions. With the new changes, the same family will only benefit $24,000 from the standard deductions and lose out on $2,000. In general, families will be hurt from the changes while individuals will benefit. The situation is even worse for single– parent families due to the significantly lower standard deduction for single filers when compared to married or joint filers. Although the changes above will be impactful, there are still greater changes in the bill. The biggest changes of the Act are on corporate taxes, with many of these changes being beneficial for the corporates. First, corporate tax rates dropped from 35% to 21%, a major drop and possible profit for large corporations and its rich owners. The new tax rate, the lowest since 1939, could even be lowered to an average ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Case Study Of An Australian Tax Law It is necessary for Jenny to be an Australian resident according to ordinary concepts. Tax rulings 98/17 assist to determine the residency of a person. In this case, Jenny is physically present in Australia. Additionally she leased an apartment for 9 months. She considers this apartment as her home during her stay. Moreover, her parents visit her two times. These are enough reasons for Jenny to be Australian resident for taxation purposes. So, Jenny is regarded as a resident of Australia. Domicile test It is apparent from Jenny's activities that she has intentions to make Australia as her permanent place of abide. It is her original intention to live in Australia for more than one half of year as she leased an apartment for nine ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Moorhouse v Dooland, all the earnings from personal exertion may be considered as ordinary income. If there is enough connection between the individual service and the receipt then it will be regarded as ordinary income. If the payment is not assessable as ordinary income but it can be assessable under section 15–2 of Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, as statutory income. The important factor here is to identify whether the person has given up some valuable rights. Application: a) $100000 annual salary: It is clear from the facts that $100000 is her salary, so it is assessable as ordinary income. It is a service from personal exertion. This amount is annual so it is regular and periodic. There is a sufficient nexus or flow between the receipt and her personal service. Hence, it is evident that $100000 is ordinary income because it satisfies the characteristics of section 6–5 of Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. It can be further explained in relation to Arthur Murray (NSW) Pty Ltd v FCT (1965) , which shows that the income is only assessable when it is derived and earned. b) $400000 lump sum payment: In the case of $400,000 lump sum amount, if there is satisfactory connection between the receipt and her personal service then this amount will be considered as ordinary income. However, under section 15–2 of Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, it may be considered as statutory income if there is any benefit, bonus and if ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Chapter 1 Understanding and Working with the Federal Tax... CHAPTER 1 UNDERSTANDING AND WORKING WITH THE FEDERAL TAX LAW SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEM MATERIALS Question/ Problem 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Learning Objective LO 1 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 2 LO 3 Topic Revenue neutrality Controlling the economy Encouraging industries Research and development expenditures Social considerations Earned income credit Charitable contributions Fines and penalties Home ownership Higher education incentives Tax credit versus deduction Alleviating the effect of multiple taxation Double taxation and effect of a credit versus a deduction Wherewithal to pay concept: transfer to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... © 2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 1–4 2012 Corporations Volume/Solutions Manual Est'd completion time 5 5 10 15 10 10 10 10 10 15 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. U.s. Federal Tax Law A Federal Tax Law comprises of statutory provisions, administrative support and court decisions in certain cases. The first and foremost task of any Federal Tax Law is raising revenue for Federal and various state governments to absorb the cost of government operations. The role of social, economic, equity and political factors couldn't be ignored while discussing various tax consequences during particular budget period. Nevertheless, the amount of revenue raised through this method decides the amount of services that the government can afford to provide. The forum topics for this week are explained in following broad heads: Revenue generated through tax receipts ideally should exceed annual costs on various government operations. Moreover, the economic considerations involving amendment of Internal Revenue Codes for various depreciation deductions for purchase of business property and research/development deductions credits1. The second consideration, referred to, as social consideration give tax benefits to the employers encouraging health insurance and deduction for charitable contributions by employees as well as private companies. The equity considerations enable individuals or corporations to avoid the effect of double taxation on their taxable income. This could be necessarily ensured by deducting state and local taxes from Gross Income. The credit or deduction for certain foreign taxes and deductions for dividend received by corporations to avoid triple taxation. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Essay On Fat-Tax Law Introduction: The Minister of Health of Canada has created a new law which targets those who have health concerns due to obesity. This law is meant to deal with the aging population and the increase of cases of obesity. While, also being concerned on age and obesity, the increase of demand for health care became a factor in the creation of this law. The Fat–Tax Law, the maximum waistline size for anyone age 40 and over: 90 centimeters (35.5 inches) for men and 85 centimeters (33.4 inches ) for women. If one surpasses these limits they must be remeasured in 6 months and given a warning. But, the person does not pass a second time, they must pay a higher premium on their provincial health care. Once they pass the measurement test, the y will be able to pay a lower premium. Mr. Big is 56 years old and 50lbs overweight, and he failed the waistline test. For six months, Mr. Big dieted and workout to be able to fit within the accepted range. However, the extreme pressure to lose weight caused Mr.Big to have anxiety and sleeplessness which affected his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is seen that having this law in placed that there is a decreased in the amount of obese cases due to that citizens do not want to pay a higher premium for their healthcare because of their waistline is too big. The law does do its job in decreasing the amount of obesity cases, it does not take in the amount of suffering citizens have to go through to enable they are safe from the increase of payment. The purpose is carried out but, there needs to be a change in how the law is presented. The rational connection between the measure and its intended purpose is there yet, there is more that comes with it. The amount of setback from the negativity from inputting this law in everyday life is belittling the effort taken by the Ministry to establish a healthy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Tax Laws And The United States Constitution Ever since the ratification of the 16th amendment to the United States Constitution, Americans have faced the burden of federal income taxes. Income taxes were first proposed as a better way of gathering revenue, as well as an effective measure to manipulate economic spending. However, the current tax code bears very little resemblance to the relatively simple codes that were originally written into law. Today's tax laws have grown astonishingly complex and unequally distributes the burden of tax liabilities. Our country should confront the issues derived from the increasing complexity of the tax laws and equally distribute the obligations to each taxpayer. Virtually all citizens and politicians alike, agree that the current tax code is entirely too complex, yet nearly every year the system gets more complicated, not less. The reason is that simplicity almost always clashes with the other goals within the tax policy. Most people believe income taxes should be enforceable, fair, and beneficial to economic wealth, all while maintaining simplicity. But even those who agree on the necessity of these goals often disagree about the hierarchical importance of each. As a result, the tax policies usually represent a portion of each competing goal, leaving no room for simplicity. For example, most countries tailor tax liabilities to the characteristics of the individual taxpayer. That can make taxes more fair, but also more complex. Income must first be traced from a business to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Tax Law : Primary And Secondary Sources There are a variety of sources that including tax law research such as primary and secondary sources and several other methods used to resolve a tax issue. Tax professionals have to be familiar with the IRC, which are organized paragraphs, sections, and parts. The administrative and judicial interpretations of the IRC are essential and necessary. "The Treasury Regulation provides administrative interpretations and Court opinions provide judicial interpretations" (Pope & Anderson, 2010, p. 1–7). By researching primary and secondary tax sources, court rulings, and substantial authority will provide a better understanding of how essential the tax research has become for advisors and tax practitioners to communicate tax consequences to clients. As part of the tax research process an individual must analyze and identify all primary sources pertinent to answering specific tax questions. Without the aid of secondary sources, these tasks would be extremely difficult to fulfill. A reference that gathers federal tax law primary sources in one convenient location, lets you know whether a primary source is still a good law or not, explains and comments on primary sources, as well as gives a list of other primary sources that have dealt with the same tax question is known as a secondary source of federal tax law. There are many different types of secondary sources, such as tax jargon, websites, and many others. However, with the many advancements and the mass growth of technology, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Australian Tax Compliance And Laws For Individuals And... Broadly skilled finance professional with over 3 years experience in both accounting and taxation. Thorough understanding of Australian tax compliance and laws for individuals and companies. Excellent financial reporting skills, building meaningful financial information and reports that can be presented to financial and non–financial members. Benefits from Chartered and Commercial environments, whilst quickly demonstrating the versatility to adapt to both. Pro–active communicator, confidently developing relationships both internally and externally, and liaising with all levels of staff. Financial & Statutory Reporting Tax Advice & Compliance Corporate & Capital Gains Tax Fixed Asset Registers Financial Forecasts/Projections Cash Flow Statements Cost Management High NetWorth Client Tax Business Structuring Investigative Analysis Fixed Asset Maintenance Superannuation Returns FBT, GST, BAS, IAS & PAYG Client Relationship Management ATO Legislation Translation Qualifications & Education: Studying CPA Qualification | Six papers completed with two subject left. 2012 Certificate III in Business | Navitas Workplace Solutions, Melbourne, VIC 2011 Master of Practising Accounting | Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, VIC Academic Awards: Top Student Award | Swinburne University, Melbourne, VIC, for excellent performance, Semester 1, 2011 Certificate of Excellence | Highest result in Strategic Cost Management, Swinburne, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Tax Law and Accounting Paper Tax Law and Accounting Paper In today's financial world, preparation and reporting of income taxes has become one among the other main reasons why individuals and businesses are keeping and maintain their financial records. However, there has been some controversy between tax laws and accounting under the General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Simply because IRS is not always agrees with GAAP's principles and thus creates its own tax laws. This paper will discuss the objectives of modern income tax statutes, compare and contrast the GAAS and tax accounting, and differentiate between tax avoidance and tax evasion. Objectives of Modern Income Tax Statutes The primary objective of the modern income tax statutes was to amend the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is basically a legal process of avoiding paying too much taxes through finding tax loopholes, by using the existing tax laws at own advantage (Murray, 2008). One example of tax avoidance was shown by Browning in her article, IRS Aims to Curb Offshore Tax–Avoidance Tactic, where she showing on how internationally trading companies try to avoid taxes by using the transfer pricing tactics. The transfer pricing tactic stands for companies transferring their income back overseas by undercharging or overpaying foreign subsidiaries for goods and services (2008, p. 6). While such companies are supposed to calculate those prices as if they were between independent entities and pay taxes, typically 35 percent, on profits brought back to the United States (Browning, 2008, p. 6). Other examples of tax avoidance include but not limited to various tax allowances for education, medical bills, to reduce some amount for each depended, etc. Tax evasion, on the other hand, is the other side of the tax avoidance and is considered to be a crime. It is a willfully attempt to evade or defeat the payment of federal income taxes (Lectric Law, 2008). The tax evasion involves failing to report an income, or improperly failing deductions which are not authorized by the IRS. Stark (2008), provides some examples of tax evasion. First example includes sales tax evasion, when a retailer offers to let a customer pay cash and provide a false ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Tax Payer Laws And Criminal Laws There are a lot of disorders that arose in the country we live in today and it's all because of our corrupt system. These laws are tax payer laws and criminal laws in general. In the United States of America, some citizens can argue that our government is fair enough when it comes to the rate of our taxes and how the government utilizes the money that we're basically required to pay to them. On the other hand, however, some individuals can argue that the government spends their tax dollars on things that our nation doesn't really needs. Being citizens of this country, we sometimes don't get an input on what the government decides to spend the money on. One controversial topic that has been in and out of the news for the past few years is the issue of whether or not our tax dollars should be paying for lawbreakers we have behind bars. Some say that there are better methods for paying or there could also be less expensive punishments to get the same job done for less. Today, whether it is federal or state jails in the United States, all jails are paid for using American tax dollars. Some citizens are in disbelief that our country allows this and some are furious to the fact that we basically are required to pay for the free meals and housing for convicted felon that has previously broken the law. Paying for taxes can sometimes be a tad bit stressful, the date April 15, for example. A lot of normal Americans who complete their own taxes have that date steam pressed into the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Tax Law Summarize the sources and objectives of modern income tax statutes. The primary source of US tax law is Congress. Power to initiate tax legislation is vested in the House of Representatives but all tax bills must pass both houses and be signed into law by the President. Many times the details of the legislation are not dictated by Congress, but left to the Treasury Department which adopts regulations (that have the force of law) to spell out the details as well as interpret the statutes and provide guidance on the law. In addition, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issues rulings that address the application of the law to specific fact situations. The court system is also involved in making tax law through decisions about specific ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If you are established in your business and do not need to issue financial statements, or your personal budget is adequate and realistic to your living needs, the simpler tax accounting methods may be better for you as your focus will remain on what is needed to successfully file taxes at the end of each year, and you do not need the masses of data associated with tracking every financial transaction that occurs during the year. Expert Insight Tax accounting, also known as OCBOA (Other Comprehensive Basis of Accounting), also includes a method of accounting known as cash basis. It is rare that any business can succeed basing its accounting on cash. The intricacies of financial transactions and the necessity of looking for non– cash based deductions come tax time make cash based tax accounting impractical. Note that all standards for accounting are set by the IASC (International Accounting Standards Commission). Differentiate between tax avoidance and tax evasion. Since the passage of the first income tax law, tax accountants, lawyers, and business persons have concerned themselves with choosing among the various forms a transaction may take. Tax planning is the process of arranging an individual's transactions in such a manner as to maximize the individual's after–tax income. This process is called tax avoidance, and it is a legal and legitimate pursuit. Some persons ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. America 's New Tax Laws Essay The American Revolution happened between 1763–1783 and it happened because the colonists were appalled with Great Britain's new tax laws. The revolution had begun to raise questions on slavery and equality. The main reason for the revolution seemed unjust and unfair to slaves since it mainly applied to white males and not to them. Then the market revolution in 1800–1840 and the anti– slavery movement in 1830s raised even more doubts for women as well as slaves regarding equality between genders and race. As time went by these ideas became more clear since slavery was vanishing from many other places except from the united states. The document "Letters in the Liberator" by Angelina Grimke is a powerful piece. The end of the revolution didn't change the status of women. According to Eric Foner, "men took pride in qualities like independence and masculinity that distinguished them from women and still considered control over their families an element of freedom." (Foner 242) Men thought of themselves as superior individuals and considered women to being submissive and inferior to them. During the making of the new republic the issues on inequality to genders had not yet been properly addressed because the founders had not considered that ordinary citizens would continue to be involved. As stated by Foner, "...time had not arrived for a broad assault on gender inequality, but discussion of women's status helped to popularize the language of right in the new republic." (Foner ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Tax Law Case Study FACTS: Client A is an unmarried U.S. taxpayer residing in New York City. Recently client A's investment advisor paid her $150,000 for her investment losses. Per the client, the losses occurred due to the advisor not changing her investment objectives for her account from "all equity" to "current income" in a prompt manner. However, the advisor understood her request to mean restructure her portfolio over time as opposed to immediately. Consequently, client A incurred large monetary losses due to the delay of selling off the volatile securities to safer conservative securities. Nevertheless, both parties agreed to the $150,00 settlement without admission of fault by either party. ISSUE(S): The first concern is whether client A's entire ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This section of the code excludes specific awarded damages from gross income for occurrences such as personal physical injuries subjected within the workplace, accidents, and sickness due to a third– party involvement." For example, an employee falling down a work staircase due to a faulty banister railing not properly maintained or a motor vehicle accident caused by another driver's carelessness (texting while driving) and lastly an "asbestos–related disease from working in power plants without protective gear" would all be excludable from gross income (Power Plants, n.d.). The "requirements for exclusion of settlements for a recovery to be excludable under section 104(a)(2) is best defined in James D. Ktsanes, TC Summary Opinion 2014–85, Code Sec(s) 61; 104, 09/2/2014 where the taxpayer argued that a settlement of $65,000 received from an insurance company fell under the guidelines of IRC § 104 due to his Bell's Palsy. Regrettably, the Tax Court's "decision did not allow the $65,000 payment to be excluded from the taxpayer's gross income based on the payment being ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Tax Law Personal Statement Essay Personal Statement For those who want to live in a foreign country, there are many to expect. But for those who are already living in a foreign country, there are more to learn and adapt. The year after moving to the United States, my brother and I started our small trade company in the shared bedroom of our packed apartment. Day after day, my job was to knock on doors of retail stores and try to get a conversation with someone. I was a sales representative. I was there to sell jeans. On a summer day, I was sitting across the table from a store manager in Downtown L.A. After careful examinations of my jeans samples, he indicated that we might have an opportunity to work together. I was relieved and happy. But when he started "suggesting" ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My participation in the trade business ended when I transferred to Washington University for my undergraduate study. The lessons I have learned nevertheless directed me to become an auditor in one of the big four accounting firms after I graduated. This experience reinforced my belief in integrity and business opportunities. More importantly, I have cultivated a strong passion in tax law. Its dynamic nature demonstrates countless opportunities for business thrifts. In light of tax code overhauls and disruptive technology developments globally, I see increasing demand for professionals with integrated knowledge in client business, accounting, tax research, and technology. My decision to pursue a career that fulfills my long–standing interest in tax law is a simple one and has never been stronger. The lessons I have learned over my years in the States have remained inspiring and relevant to my life. My business experience and auditor career taught me right from wrong and equally importantly, how to do things right. I expect law school will help give me the knowledge to better assist businesses in integrating tax strategies into their operations and tools to further my ability to study and interpret the ever–changing tax ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. America 's First Income Tax Law The nation had few taxes in its early history. From 1791 to 1802, the United States government was supported by internal taxes on distilled spirits, carriages, refined sugar, tobacco and snuff, property sold at auction, corporate bonds, and slaves. The high cost of the War of 1812 brought about the nation 's first sales taxes on gold, silverware, jewelry, and watches. In 1817, however, Congress did away with all internal taxes, relying on tariffs on imported goods to provide sufficient funds for running the government. In 1862, in order to support the Civil War effort, Congress enacted the nation 's first income tax law. It was a forerunner of our modern income tax in that it was based on the principles of graduated, or progressive, taxation and of withholding income at the source. During the Civil War, a person earning from $600 to $10,000 per year paid tax at the rate of 3%. Those with incomes of more than $10,000 paid taxes at a higher rate. Additional sales and excise taxes were added, and an "inheritance" tax also made its debut. In 1866, internal revenue collections reached their highest point in the nation 's 90–year history–more than $310 million, an amount not reached again until 1911. The Act of 1862 established the office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue. The Commissioner was given the power to assess, levy, and collect taxes, and the right to enforce the tax laws through seizure of property and income and through prosecution. The powers and authority remain ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Environment, Public Health And Safety 4.Environment Enterprises should protect the environment within the framework of environment laws in the countries in which they operate. They should not pollute the environment, public health and safety. In particular, enterprises should collect all the information about the environment where they operate and analysis the environment, safety and health impart due to their activity of operate. They need to make specific plan about how to improve the local environment performance and recycle the nature resources. And timely verification of progress of the plan of environmental performance. They need to make emergency plan to prepare and control the emergency situation that can damage from the operations. The enterprises should consider environmental imparts when they develop their product or services, such as reduce use of nature resource, reduce any greenhouse gas emissions and use recycled resource. And the employees also need to be train to protect the environment, including more general environmental knowledge, deal with toxic materials. Protect environment is a very necessary action that for human beings since in some place on the earth had serious pollution situation. Enterprises should take responsibility to controlling the environment damage. The CEO of the enterprises should consider environment issue when they make decision. The company need to develop a environment standard to influence the employees, shareholders, community and society to protect the environment ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Progressive Tax Laws Pros And Cons Opposition As with any ballot issue, the opposition to Issue 3 was far reaching. The Commercial Builders Union was one organization that came out against the amendment. The group feared workplace safety issues created by workers under the influence. Politicians also let their feelings be known, such as Ohio Attorney general Mike DeWine. In Colorado, lack of regulation has resulted in increased emergency room visits for children having accidentally ingested marijuana infused candies. DeWine, having visited Colorado recently, stressed that a lack of regulation, like what exists in Colorado, is one of the many faults Ohioans should see in Issue 3. Similar to DeWine, the Fraternal Order of Police of Ohio voiced concerns about accidental consumption ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Tax estimates vary greatly, depending upon whom you ask. According to The Ohio Department of Taxation, the marijuana business would bring in anywhere from $133 million to $300 million in tax revenue annually. The department explained that such a large range exists in their estimate because it is still uncertain how much legal pot sales will replace illegal pot sales. This is due to the fact that illegal sales are part of the shadow economy, which is difficult to estimate. In response, ResponsibleOhio claimed that the Department of Taxation made a gross underestimation, saying that the pot industry would instead create $554 million in tax revenue annually. The PAC claims that this disparity is due to the Department of Taxation not looking at federal usage data when making their projections. The Vote Despite the size and scope of the pro–pot campaign, Issue 3 failed on November 3, 2015. Some have said, with the increased momentum towards marijuana legalization in the United States, it is just a matter of time until another marijuana related issue makes its way back onto the ballot in Ohio. Currently, a number of other groups are already looking to the next election and the possibility of passing their very own version of a marijuana amendment to the Ohio ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Tax Law Changes of 2012 The bill officially titled "Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010 (HR 4853)," extended many of the Bush era tax cuts of "The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001" (EGTRRA) that then President Bush signed into law. As per the announcement on Desire to Learn, I'll call this new bill "The Bush Tax Cut Extension." The bill was signed into law December 17, 2010. I am happy with most of the provisions and cuts as they positively affect most individuals' lives in this country, including mine. The Bush Tax Cut Extension applies to small businesses as well but I will focus on the laws that affect mainly individuals. Working people, both rich and poor, will be able to save more with the tax ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to the researchers at CCH, "Without this patch...an estimated 21 million additional households would be subject to the AMT." The AMT was designed so that higher income earners would have to pay some tax and not be allowed all the deductions and credits. However, the AMT has increasingly affected more middle income taxpayers. This is a really good provision that helps many families keep more of their hard earned income. Also, the National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program and the Armed Forces Scholarship Program continue to be qualified scholarships for exclusion from income purposes through 2012. Without the tax extensions, in 2010 this would have had to be included in income. I feel that people who are promoting our nation's health and fighting for our country should not have to pay tax on their scholarships, making this another great aspect of the tax cuts. Overall, there are dozens of other tax cut extensions in this Bush Tax Cut Extension bill that were recently passed. I touched on some of the key ones that affect individuals. I am happy and grateful that it did pass as well as millions of other Americans most likely are. This helps students, parents, homeowners, working individuals, married couples, investors, and really every individual. We are all in some way, shape, or form affected by these tax ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Case Study: Lovin My Bags: Spa Designer Handbags. "Lovin My Bags by Barbara" is a premier handbag spa offering a variety of products and services, mainly for designer handbags which require extra care. This company was launched by the founder, Barbara Crouthamel who spent time developing restoration products for Lovin My Bags. It is also the only company in the world that creates specific leather care products and services exclusively for designer handbags. The main aim of this company is to provide the best handbag spa products and services in the world and find the best solutions to take care for fashion leathers and restore damaged designer handbags. The products are Lovin My Bags have been created in such a way that each of the products are designed for particular leather and they are created in such a way that they can repair the basic problems one can face owning a handbag such as darkened handles, water stains, oil stains or wine stains and all these products are pre–tested and are extremely reliable. While this company is trying to expand globally, it is now available in Dubai, Manila, Kuala Lumpur and Riyadh. Each of these locations are equipped with all the possible products required for bag restoration and are trained and supports by Lovin My Bags USA. This company is a registered trademark and all rights are reserved. As amazing this company ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People may have different preferences and choices differ, so while creating products, Lovin My Bags would have to create a survey to figure out what are the common brands and what kind of leather or skin people wear in order to create special care products for their bags. Another difference would be language barriers. It is extremely important to remove the hindrance of language which may affect the company brand name which is why planning marketing and advertisement campaigns across their original locations might be a challenge for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Tax Laws And The Federal Budget Every person, organization, company, or non–profit is subject to the tax. tax refers to those taxes obligatory on any cash attained throughout a yr. the govt. taxes our financial gain thus it will have enough cash to get hold of the items we have a tendency to all would like. so as to fits tax laws and rules, an honest understanding of the Federal law, its sources and functions, and therefore the relation with the accounting profession should be achieved. Congress and therefore the President of the us square measure to blame for writing and approving the tax laws. they 're additionally to blame for the federal budget. The budget is what proportion the govt. plans to pay on varied programs and services. the interior Revenue Service (IRS) is to blame for imposing the law, for assembling taxes, for process tax returns, for provision tax refunds, and for turning over the cash collected to the United States Treasury. Then, the Treasury is to blame for paying varied government expenses. The tax was initial developed throughout the war once the primary tax was obligatory. the aim of the tax was to amass cash to get hold of the war debt. when the war, the tax was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1895 as a result of it absolutely was not allotted among the states in conformity with the Constitution. With the passage of the Sixteenth modification to the Constitution in 1913, Congress was approved to impose AN tax while not apportioning. Therefore, it resulted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Acc547 Week 1 Tax Law Research Worksheet Acc 547 Week 1... ACC 547 ACC547 Complete Course Click below link for Answer visit www.workbank247.com http://workbank247.com/q/acc–547–acc547–complete–course–acc547–complete–cou/10452 http://workbank247.com/q/acc–547–acc547–complete–course–acc547–complete–cou/10452 ACC547 Week 1 Tax Law Research Worksheet Complete the Tax Law Research Worksheet – Week 1. Format your responses consistent with APA guidelines. Write an APA–formatted response of no more than 200 words for each the following questions: The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) is the supreme source of income tax law. When trying to resolve an income tax question, a tax practitioner will look to other sources in addition to the IRC. For example, the tax practitioner may consult IRC regulations, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 4) Completion of applicable IRS forms is encouraged. ACC 547 Week 2 Tax Law Research Worksheet Write an APA–formatted response of no more than 200 words for each the following questions: * What are the differences between the following components of taxable income? Provide at least one example of each. Deductions for AGI and deductions from AGI Gross income and AGI AGI and taxable income Tax deduction and tax credit Personal exemption and dependency exemption * Section 61 of the Internal Revenue Code defines income as "income from whatever source derived unless otherwise excluded" (2014, IRC Code). In determining income, several key concepts have evolved from this definition. Explain the following concepts, and provide at least one example of each. Explain which concept you think is most beneficial from a taxpayer's point of view and which concept is most beneficial from IRS's point of view. Realized income Recognized income Return of capital doctrine Constructive receipt Tax benefit rule Wherewithal to pay doctrine How does the alternative minimum tax system differ from the regular tax system? How is it similar? Why did Congress implement the alternative minimum tax system? The starting point for computing alternative minimum taxable income is regular taxable income. What are some adjustments and preferences to regular taxable income to compute alternative minimum taxable income? * Sue owns a home ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. US Tax Laws and Treaties 1. There are both positive and not quite so positive components of the fact that U.S. law grants equal status to domestic legislation and to tax treaties. One of the primary purposes of the latter, in the case of bilateral treaties, is to prevent double taxation (Tax Treaties and Tax Planning Revised, p.1), which is good. However, there are differences between treaties, which mean that a different set of 'laws' applies to both individuals and corporations. As such, there is the propensity to be an atmosphere of ambiguity created by these treaties which very rarely takes place where domestic law is concerned. Such ambiguity is rarely a good thing, and has the possibility of creating loopholes which is bad. The degree of interpretation which the multitude of treaties allows for enables both individuals to and corporations to manipulate them, in a way that is decidedly more difficult to do with domestic law. However, the principle benefit of the equal status between treaties and law is that the latter one prevails in the event of a dispute (Tax Treaties and Tax Planning Revised, p. 4), so that a swift reconciliation is certainly possible. 2. The primary means in which a corporation is able to do so is to qualify for benefits in the 1996 U.S. Model Treaty. There are actually a couple of different ways in which corporations can access these benefits in international transactions. One of the ways is if that corporation is regarded as a fiscally transparent partnership in another ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. David Cay Johnston's Use Of Ethos Pathos Logos Rhetorical Analysis Paper The use of rhetoric is powerful, dangerous, and has the influence to change people's opinion. So in the article "Art of the Steal: This Is How Trump Lost $916M and Avoided Tax" David Cay Johnston effectively uses rhetoric to suede his viewers towards his opinion. Johnston uses pathos, ethos, logos, tonal shifts, and inductive and deductive reasoning to try to explain to his readers how the presidential candidate ,Donald Trump, lost and made money..The author explains how the use of ethos, the appealing towards ethics, helps shift the audience's view of Donald Trump. Johnston also uses the emotions of the reader to help his own claim, through the use of pathos. Through the use of logos, the use of logic, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is a gateway to more knowledge and can help with understanding what people have to say. Just like Johnston used rhetoric in his article to get his point across. He used rhetoric as a tool to convey his message. Trying to sway people towards his opinion about Donald Trump evading taxes for over 18 years and made around 1 billion dollars in tax–free money. The strongest form of rhetoric used was logos, gathering information, citing sources, and using inductive and deductive reasoning to bring logic to his claim. He also uses ethos to try and push the audience to change their perspective of Donald Trumps character and image. Lastly he uses pathos to strike at the reader's emotions to convince the audience to believe Johnston's claim that Donald Trump avoided paying taxes and made around 1 billion ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. A Brief Note On The Canadian Tax Law Under Canadian Tax Law, there is an election for companies to defer recaptures and capital gains of property that was involuntarily or voluntarily disposed of. In this research paper, we attempt to prove that the election is a useful taxation strategy for businesses so that they are not subject to pay taxes on capital gains or recaptures until such a time where they may acquire an eligible replacement property that will help them earn business income. We will provide facts, definitions, and examples to illustrate the use of this election throughout the paper by explaining the capital cost allowance system, the offset available to business for capital gains and recaptures, the election process, the rules regarding replacing former business ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A voluntary disposition is when the taxpayer has deliberately disposed of a capital asset by means of sale or other form of disposition, in which the taxpayer receives consideration for the disposal. An involuntary disposal, on the other hand, is where property is stolen, destroyed by fire or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Annotated Bibliography On Corporate Reorganization Tax Research Memorandum Date: November 16, 2014 To: Tax Files From: Jonathan Ruhi Subject: Availability of Corporate Reorganization Summary of Facts Chris and Sue are 50 percent shareholders in BackBone personal service corporation. Backbone provides chiropractic services in four separate offices, in four small towns: Troy, Union, Vista and Willow. Chris is the main chiropractor in the Troy office, and Sue heads up the Vista office. Charlie, the main chiropractor in the Willow office, does not see eye–to–eye with Chris and Sue on management styles. Charlie is highly competent and well–liked by patients and therefore indispensable in the eyes of Chris and Sue. Chris and Sue may be willing to give Charlie control of the Willow office, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, Chris and Sue will not have to worry about any loss of profits since the profits of the new subsidiary corporation will flow through to the BackBone personal service corporation. Issue and Conclusion 2 How should the corporate reorganization be structured? The corporate reorganization should be structured as a divisive "D" reorganization and the restructuring process should conform to section 355 of the tax law in order to minimize the tax consequences of the reorganization. Law and Analysis 2 Section 368(a)(1) of the tax code provides several options for corporate reorganizations. Section 368(a)(1)(d), also known as a "divisive D reorganization", is the best choice for this particular situation. In a divisive "D" reorganization, the controlling corporation (in this case, BackBone) will distribute assets (the Willow office) to a newly formed subsidiary corporation, in exchange for the stock of the new subsidiary corporation, in a transaction that qualifies under section 355 (Sec. 368(a)(1)(d)). After the transaction is complete, the Willow office will be its own corporation which is wholly (or at least mostly) owned by BackBone. BackBone will also still own and control the
  • 50. Troy, Union and Vista offices after the reorganization. Issue and Conclusion 3 What will be the tax consequences of the reorganization? Section 355 of the tax code will drastically reduce, or even completely eliminate, any tax liability caused by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. The Tax Laws And Performance Bonuses According to section 86 of Australian income tax laws, Performance bonuses structures some part of compensation and wages and along these lines are taxable in the employees' hands. The measure of bonus so got is assessable in the representative 's hands regardless to the truth whether he is full time or employed part timely. In light to the procurements, performance rewards structures some piece of employment income. Part 2 . A payment made by a satellite TV company to a soccer player for being named the World's Best Player According to the procurements of the Australian tax laws any income that has been earned by the person through any recreations i.e. lottery wining diversions won 't be assessable in the Individual 's hands. Any ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These are non money advantages to the employee and will be taxable in the retailer 's hands as opposed to in hands of the salesman. Part 4 Proceeds from the sale of books, furniture and toys at a garage sale According to the procurements of the Australian tax laws, if any transaction has been haphazardly completed during the year without embracing it as a business then the pay so inferred won 't be viewed as business in come. In the given if the sale of books, furniture and toys at a garage deal is a onetime practice then the same won 't be viewed as business wage generally the business continues will be considered now and again of doing the business income for the carport. Part 5 . Frequent flyer points received by a lawyer in a firm in relation to work related travel paid for by his firm. According to section86 of Australian income tax laws, Fringe advantage tax alludes to the
  • 53. assessment that has been paid by the business for the non money advantage that has been given by the business specifically or through some other intends to his representative. According to case law, Payne v. FC of T (1996) 66 FCR 299; 96 ATC 4407; (1996) 32 ATR 516 any prize focuses that has been earned by the worker because of business consumption will be at risk for Fringe advantage tax. The representative is not subject to pay any tax on these non money benefits. In the given case flyer points got are gotten by the attorney for doing business related ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Investment Law, Tax Law and the Biotechnology Industry Advancements in science have been in most cases an indirect result of addressing the economic and military needs in the world. Similarly, advances in biotechnology are not exempt from this statement, as biotechnology found its birth in part due to the fertile economic landscape and the huge gaps left in the market by the big pharmaceutical companies. An interesting point that the author mentioned in the book was how changes in investment law and tax law in the United States of America propelled the venture capital industry and the correlation of these events in the rise of the biotechnology industry. The first event that changed the landscape in the venture capital business took place in 1970. During this year the Department of Labor changed the rules and allowed pension funds to invest their money in venture capital funds. The second event took place in 1978, when a new law was passed in Congress that allowed for capital gains to be taxed at a lower rate than regular income. These two events helped to take the venture capital business from the hands of a few wealthy families in the United States to large institutional investors, thus releasing large amounts of risk capital ready to be poured into startup companies. Additionally, a lower tax rate for capital gains motivated all kinds of investors to try their hand at entrepreneurship, thus increasing the cash flow into small startup companies. Moreover, a large percentage of the risk capital available during the 1970's ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. A Brief Note On Income Tax Law And Practice BULAW3731 Income Tax Law & Practice Individual Assignment Essay Submitted by: Name: Simant Sahi Student ID: 30309353 Purpose of the Assignment To enable you to research an aspect of taxation law and its practice. It is important for you to have time to think through how to structure and present your responses, and to review and discuss what the law is or should be in a particular area. Whilst discussion with others is encouraged, the final piece of work must be your own. Topic This year in Australia there will be a federal election, and tax reform is currently a topic of debate. The Leader of the Opposition, the Honourable Bill Shorten MP, recently released an election policy on negative gearing and the treatment of capital gains tax discounts as they relate to the housing market (the Policy). Required Identify and explain the key areas of the Policy, then evaluate whether it exhibits the features (characteristics) of a good tax system. In your response you must include an explanation of negative gearing and the existing treatment of capital gains as they relate to property investors – referring to sections of legislation, tax rulings and cases where relevant. You must also identify and discuss ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 59. Case Study On Cross Border Merger And Acquisition Cross border merger and acquisition become a fundamental characteristic of the global business landscape. With the increasing significance of globalization in business sector, it is one of the quickest ways to achieve the objective. This phenomenon is not only noticeable in the developed country like American, Europe and Japan but also in the developing market like India. Since, 1991 the period of liberalization has influenced functioning of Indian corporate enterprise. This growing trend towards cross–border merger & acquisition has raised new urgency to understand and manage the tax consequences of international expansion. The global market for these transactions has been expanded very firstly beyond the regulatory each of any particular country. But except the purely domestic legislation, there is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Research questions are: What are the crucial aspects of tax matters that can make or break the cross–border merger & acquisition in India? Is our present tax law sufficient to deal a cross–border merger and acquisition? Is the government can earn more taxes from cross–border merger &acquisition? How can be solve the double taxation issues in case of cross–border merger & acquisition? METHODOLOGY: In order to fulfill the above stated aim, the methodology adopted is doctrinal. No empirical research is employed in this study. However, with a view to compliment and substantiate the research paper corroborated the study with other forms of legal research such as case studies. I used the analytical and descriptive method which is completely based on primary and secondary data. I mainly relied on primary sources i.c statutes. And secondary sources like books, journals and web sites like www.taxguru.com, www.papers.ssrn.com, etc. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 61. Update the Recurring Sin Tax Law that Was Newly... Rationale of the Study This study was drawn to update the recurring sin tax law that was newly implemented by the President of the Philippines, Benigno Aquino by assessing its effect to the consumers of sin products and has given fruitful grounds and suggestions for future research in this field. In belief, the purpose of the imposition of excise tax on sin products is to raise revenues and discouraging the consumption of the tobacco products and alcoholic beverages. It is claimed that higher excise taxes on tobacco will make some smokers to quit, and reduce consumption of continuing smokers, and prevent others from starting (Sunley, 2009). Because the demand for cigarettes is relatively price inelastic, the expectation is that higher taxes will yield higher revenues in the near term while preventing smoking in the longer term. If a tax is imposed on a good, verbally express excise taxes on alcohol or tobacco, it may possibly have influenced the decision of how many to consume and make efficiency cost (Badenes–Plá & Jones, 2003). In contrast, according to McGee (2000), liquor and cigarettes are had insensitive to changes of price that many of the consumers of sin products continue to buy it regardless of the increase in its prices. Then, it becomes usual that there will be a protest on excise tax for the reason that this sin tax law will not cause a reduction to their demand in sin products. In worldwide tax rates, Philippines obtain the lowest rate specifically on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 63. Gaar Uk (General Anti-Avoidance Rule) General Anti–avoidance rule Tax avoidance has become a massive topic of discussion over the past few years, given the current global economic conditions and the cuts to the public sector by the government as a result. This led to increased anger from the public who perceive avoidance by many of the country's wealthiest people in a time of austerity as greed. Perhaps the most notable demonstration of this anger can be seen in the actions of the group UK Uncut, who for the past year have been organising protests at shops owned by retail tycoon Philip Green who, as the poster boy for tax avoidance, paid a £1.2 billion dividend to his Monaco–resident wife. It is estimated that avoidance schemes in the UK cost the treasury roughly £25 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I know "every little helps," but when you consider the UKs national debt stands at over £900billion, I find myself wondering if the introduction of a GAAR is going to be far more hassle than it's worth to the economy. The Institute of Charted Accountants of Scotland are in favour of the introduction of a GAAR and made the point that, "too many of the best brains in Britain are focussed on tax avoidance," to the chancellor. I do have to agree that it does seem to be madness to have so many thousands of intelligent people working on ways to reduce the amount of tax revenue the government receives but I would have to disagree with the rest of their argument that the labour could be redeployed more effectively, adding more value to the economy as I'm not sure where else several thousand tax specialists could be redeployed at a time of widespread unemployment. Those in favour of a GAAR also point to the apparent success of similar laws in countries that have used the law for years such as Australia or Canada. Despite initial problems with its introduction in Australia, a GAAR has been in law for over a decade and while it has been used relatively rarely, it acts as a measure of control over avoidance activity reducing the amount of schemes that are created therefore reducing the workload for the tax authority. More countries are now following the Australians and Canadians lead with South Africa and India introducing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 65. The New Tax Law Through President Obama 's Term, Congress With possibly the last changes to the tax law through President Obama's term, Congress agrees on making many of the "Tax Extenders" permanent. These so–called "Tax Extenders" are tax provisions that Congress has passed over the past few years with short–term expiration dates, at which point the provision would lapse. Typically, after the provision lapsed, Congress would retroactively reinstate the provisions, thus extending its life through the current tax year. This has led to some tax planners relying on the hopes that Congress will reinstate these provisions, without the explicit knowledge that they would do so. Therefore, the now permanent provisions (those that have been extended without a set expiration date) are able to give tax planning professionals more certainty in their projections. The act made several changes to Section 529 Plans alongside with these "extenders". The chart below briefly summarizes the new tax law changes from the PATH Act of 2015 that most closely affect individuals and small businesses. It should be noted that this does not encompass all aspects of the act, as there are several changes that apply to larger corporations, IRS reform, and the prevention of fraud and abuse. *Adapted from "Congress Approves (Mostly Permanent) 2015 Tax Extenders Legislation For QCDs And More!" by Michael Kitces Permanent Provisions Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) – In 2006, Congress allowed qualified distributions from IRAs to be directly given to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 67. Personal Income Tax Law AB–697 Personal income tax: credits: senior citizen renters The Personal Income Tax Law is design to give income tax credit to senior citizen who rent in certain counties of the state of California. The Personal Income tax applies mainly to those senior citizen living in poverty levels and renting in the County of Alameda, the City and County of San Francisco, County of Ventura, and the County of Santa Clara. Certain qualifications must be met by the senior citizen requesting the income tax credit. Some of these qualifications includes being over the age of 62 years, the qualified residence must be the primary residence, name on the lease, income of less than $50,000, and live in the qualifying counties. Today, 20 percent of seniors, 65 years and older, already live below poverty level and Homelessness among senior citizen is on the rise. For those senior citizens ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is also predicted that homelessness among seniors will rise by 33 percent from 2010 to 2020. According to the SFgate.com article California seniors have highest poverty rate, senior poverty levels stared to rise again in 2008 economic collapse, during which many seniors lost their jobs, homes, savings and pensions. I believe the Personal Income Tax Law should be implemented not just in California but in all the United States. Many of our senior citizens work very hard for so many years to end up living in poverty. In some cultures the elderly are honor and respected because of their age. Somehow I see that in our time and age that respect and honor to our seniors is being lost. They deserve to get as much help as they need to survive and live a decent life in their most vulnerable age. So I do agree with laws that give our seniors the opportunity to live a joyful life without the worry of living in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 69. The Income Tax Law : Australia INCOME TAX LAW Name: MEHRAN MUZAFFAR Candidate Number: 30111746 Professor: SATHIASUNDAR VIJAYASANKAR Date Due: 18 Sep 2014 PART A REQUIRED 1 Introduction 1. Income tax is generally payable annually by residents or non residents who are receiving income in Australia provided the income was derived, earned or accrued while living in Australia. The returns earned from a business operated partly in or out of the country i.e. Australia are considered to have accrued in totality from Australia. All the income earned from investments, sale of personal property or any other income is subject to taxation. (Renton, 2005) The residents of Australia are basically ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The income tax assessment ruling IT 2650 of permanent place determination which is also related to case IT 2607under the ATO ID 200/179 puts more emphasis on the place of resident. It defines a resident as a person who is domiciled in Australia unless the commissioner is convinced and satisfied that the permanent place is not Australia as was illustrated in the case of Henderson v Henderson (1965) 1 All E.R.179. James Cookie works for a foreign company that has been registered in Bermuda that owns and operates passenger cruises across the Pacific Ocean. He owns a house that he inherited from his parents in Sydney, Australia. By virtue of his inheritance and parentage he is an Australian citizen. But he has rented the family house to his relatives who live in the house but the furniture and one of the rooms belongs to him. In the current year he spent only eighty days in the house while most of the other days he was away. For tax purposes he will be considered as a resident as he has no other permanent home even though the company he works for is foreign based. All his income will be subjected to taxation in Australia
  • 70. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 72. A Brief Note On Law Student Tax Challenge Problem LAW OFFICES OF J.D. TEAM NUMBER________ Tax Town, ABA State 10000 Client Tax Town, ABA State, 10000 Re: 2015–2016 Law Student Tax Challenge Problem Mr. Paul, Thank you for contacting our firm again this year to assist you in determining the tax consequences of your business and investment activities. We have completely analyzed all of your investments and will summarize the tax results for your review below. Your stock compensation package sounds great, but since you are receiving this as compensation for services, you must report this as income to the IRS. Unless you can show an inability to freely transfer the stock to someone other than your employer, or that the stock is subject to an obligation of providing future services or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The remaining two–thirds of stock will not vest in 2015, because you can still forfeit the right to receive them. These shares will only be included in your future tax returns if you continue your employment with the company. Congratulations on your new investment in the lemonade truck, though I'm sorry it's not going as well as you would have liked. Lucky for you the IRS permits deductions for the expenses of starting a new business. There are two requirements for a deduction on account of start–up costs. First, the payment must be paid in connection with creating a business. Within the past year you have incurred several expenses in connection with starting the business: (1) $1,000 of your own money as a down payment on the truck; (2) a $49,000 loan for the truck; (3) $750 for the lemonade maker; and (4) $1,500 on lemons, sugar, and boba tea. Second, the expenses must be one that is allowed as a deduction. To be deducted the expense must be ordinary, necessary, and incurred during the taxable year in order to carry–on the business. In determining whether expenses are necessary, we look to the purpose in making the payments and whether they have a connection to the business. In your case this would be to have a place to run your business, and to have the equipment and inventory needed to make your product. A necessary expense is one that is appropriate and helpful for the business. It is both appropriate and extremely helpful to have a place ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 74. Tax Law Ordinary income Tennant v Smith, (money or convertible into money) An employee was given accommodation rent free by his employer. Was this ordinary income? The employee could not sublet the accommodation to anyone else, therefore could not turn this accommodation into cash. The Court said it was not ordinary income under s. 25(1) (now s.6–5) since the accommodation was not convertible into money. Not ordinary income under s.6–5. FCT v Cooke & Sherden. (money or convertible into money) Soft drink retailers were given holidays by wholesalers/manufacturers for selling a certain number of soft drinks. Was this ordinary income? The holidays could not be cashed in or transferred to anyone else. The holidays were not convertible into ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Contrast with Jones' case. Conducted a horse racing business and the betting systematic and organised. Therefore the betting was seen as small part of that large business. The winnings were held to be income under s. 6–5(1) and the losses deductible. Martin v FCT. A case between the extremes of Jones and Trautwein. Taxpayer owned and raced horses as a part–time activity. He employed trainers to train them and also bet on them using a betting system. High Court decided the activities were not enough to constitute carrying on a business General deduction cases Charles moore Employees were robbed whilst going to the bank to deposit the day's takings. Banking daily takings is a necessary part of business operations (High Court). Therefore the loss was necessarily incurred in carrying on a business for producing assessable income. The loss by robbery was 'incidental and relevant' to the business. ACG This case involved a finance company which traded unprofitably. Trading ceased for one year and then the company was taken over by AGC Ltd whereupon trading recommenced. Deductions were sought for losses incurred in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 76. How Do Tax Laws Affect Young Americans It sounds morbid, but the truth is there are two things in life that are certain, Death and Tax. In fact, many before us have died for the right to be heard on many subjects, especially taxation. The old adage, "Taxation without Representation" is still prevalent in today's society, especially when dealing with the young Americans who pay tax and have no voice. Many teens gain employment in high school and pay tax, even if it is not a permanent job. Young Americans from zero to 18 years olds contribute to the National Debt, yet have no say as to how much they are taxed A number of laws affect Young Americans, yet they cannot stand up for their rights. Depending on the state, children can be convicted and sentenced as adults and receive sentences of life or death as young as 14 years old. Young Americans have no say in climate control, health care issues, and educational concerns, all of which presently and forever will affect them. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The answer is no one. In fact, politicians contend that it is not worth putting the effort into changing the voting age since the youth grow up and then gain the ability to vote. Additionally, some have challenged that young Americans have no understanding of the issues and cannot make an intelligent decision. Yet how many adults understand or care about these issues and make a "mature" decision when voting. However, the youth can provide insight on many issues and concern, but they have no voice and no representation. The Young Americans must stand up for themselves, just as the generations did before us. Let us face it, "taxation without representation" is alive and well in the 21st Century. The only way to be heard is to stand up for the right to have a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 78. Tax Laws Professor Emanovsky Econ 2015 Should Tax Laws be Reformed to Encourage Savings? What defines a nation's way of life and standard for living depends entirely on its ability to function economically. In addition, the rate at which a country saves is the key to determining its prosperity from a long term perspective. More businesses with more facilities and more equipment equal a greater degree of productivity and greater income for employees. This formula transfers to show greater income for consumers and proves clear relationships between national saving rates and terms in which we measure economic well–being. In addition to the large scale national example, there is also an obvious connection between increased savings and families who ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In some cases, families intentionally save very little in order to qualify for these educational benefits. Some supporters for tax law reform suggest expanding the ability that households have to use tax advantaged savings accounts such. In such accounts, owners do not have to pay taxes for interest until the money is withdrawn at retirement. Unfortunately, such accounts limit how much can be deposited, who is authorized to withdraw and when. In average American households, where the potential for real emergencies is consistently present, the unavailability of funds when they're needed is a real deterrent from putting money in such an account in the first place. One of the most likely beneficial changes would be something called the Financial Security Credit. This credit would benefit low/middle income homes who save money at tax time because it would give them an opportunity to open a savings account directly on their tax form but it would not discriminate against those who already have savings accounts established. In addition, it would support a larger variety of current savings products and would match every dollar that low/middle income tax filers deposit in a designated savings account and add an additional dollar from the federal government. Such a plan would have a cap at $500 annually and would also deposit matched credit directly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 80. Amazon Tax Laws Founded by Jeffery P. Bezos in 1994, Amazon Inc. is an American international e–commerce company. Recognized as the world's largest online retailer, Amazon managed to survive during the 1990's unlike other .com companies. Worldwide it is the eleventh most searched site. The company that started selling online books, is rapidly expanding and has since become the world' largest online retailer, and is becoming a high technology company, now offering more than just e–books, the company also offers online shopping for computers and office supplies, toys, tools, movies, music, games and much more and has with over 43,000 employees. Selling the Kindle below cost with the new and improved hardware is not a wise decision by Amazon, this move ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Amazon further offers free shipping on Kindle content and better online shopping options. Despite Netflix's monthly charge, their service gives members the flexibility of monthly fee offers, and the option to terminate and restart service whenever desired. The decision of whether or not Amazon should increase their streaming content depends. The company currently offers the latest movies and television shows content at a cost saving price, unlike Netflix who offers older shows and movies for three dollars less per year, but charges up to an additional twelve dollars more to rent recent movies. In my opinion I believe that the company is doing exceptionally well and does not need to extend their library content, unless they would like to incorporate older movies or foreign movies into their package. After the introduction of the Kindle in 2007, Apple' iPad app launched and both rivals teamed effortlessly to distribute Amazon's e–book through the iPad's Kindle app. The convenient trade–off allowed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...