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Twin Cities Eloqua User Group
September 24, 2013
today’s agenda
Updates & Announcements
updates and announcements
‣ Still growing!
‣ Carl Hendrickson, Software Development Manager
‣ Melissa Santos, Consultant
‣ Steven Schloskey, Business Development Representative
‣ Still hiring!
‣ Consultants
‣ Developers
updates and announcements
‣ Eloqua Experience 2013
‣ October 23-25
‣ San Francisco, CA
‣ http://www.eloquaexperience.com/northamerica/
‣ Fall Release 2013
‣ Pod 2 - Sep 24
‣ Pod 3 - Oct 6
‣ Pod 1 - Oct 27
updates and announcements
‣ Fall Release Highlights
‣ 1st Party Cookie Support (beta)
‣ Insight Enhancements (beta)
‣ Asset Chooser
‣ Eloqua Engage Updates
‣ Lead Scoring Updates
‣ Link Sandbox to Production (beta)
‣ Multiple Contacts w/same Email (closed beta)
Campaign Planning & QA Processes
(group discussion)
Cloud Connector Demo:
String Manipulation
cloud connector - String Manipulation
‣ What is it?
‣ Allows you to manipulate string data within Eloqua on a contact field
‣ Evaluates all contacts that flow through this step
‣ Returns the data to that same field, or places it in another field.
‣ Why use it?
‣ Clean or modify data
‣ Trim the space characters from the start or end of a string
‣ Detect whether a value exists in a string
‣ Run search and replace
‣ Use Regular Expression
cloud connector - String Manipulation
‣ Examples of Uses
‣ Parse full name into a separate first and last name field
‣ Parse phone number or zip code values
‣ Change the case of a field (upper case, lower case, title)
‣ How to get it?
‣ It is free
‣ http://topliners.eloqua.com/docs/DOC-3069
cloud connector - String Manipulation
‣ How to configure it?
‣ requirements:
‣ Eloqua User with API Access
‣ cloud connector User Credentials
‣ resources:
‣ Split Full Name into First and Last:
‣ Parse first five characters of zip code:
Demo time!
Cloud Component Demo:
Slideshare Embed App
cloud component - Slideshare Embed
‣ What is it?
‣ connector that allows you to embed public Slideshare presentations
onto your landing pages
‣ no cost
‣ additional Slideshare feeder available for Slideshare Pro members
‣ Why use it?
‣ leverage and track your Slideshare marketing content
cloud component - Slideshare Embed
‣ How to use it?
‣ apply connector to your landing pages
‣ select and configure through Cloud Connectors website
‣ How to get it?
‣ currently available in your instance. Enable under Setup > Cloud
cloud component - Slideshare Embed
‣ How to configure it?
‣ requirements:
‣ Eloqua User with API Access
‣ cloud connector user credentials
‣ Slideshare presentation
‣ resources:
‣ http://topliners.eloqua.com/docs/DOC-2892
Demo time!
Slideshare Feeder for PRO members
‣ resources
‣ http://topliners.eloqua.com/community/do_it/blog/2012/02/02/installing-and-using-
‣ http://topliners.eloqua.com/community/do_it/blog/2012/09/05/secrets-to-
Put Your Data To Work
Put Your Data To Work Agenda
‣ Eloqua Insight
‣ Key Reports
‣ Eloqua Insight Analyzer
‣ Added Functionality
‣ Tableau
‣ Advanced Reporting
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
8009 34th Avenue South, Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55425
P: 763.355.1025 | E: info@relationshipone.com
Modern Marketing
Mobile Apps
Visual Dashboard and Reports
Social Enterprise
Leverage External Tools
Digital Body Language
Capturing all Activities
Marketing Automation
Multichannel Automation and Sales
Dig Data
Modern marketers base decisions on data,
optimize efforts with data, and
communicate effectiveness with data.
Analyzing Your data
‣ Framework of thinking
‣ What is your problem statement?
(What is the core of what you are looking for?)
‣ What data do you want to include?
(Quality, Completeness, Appropriate...)
‣ Who is the audience?
(How are you going to represent the data?)
Eloqua Insights
Eloqua Insight
‣ Key Features
‣ Subscriptions
‣ Dashboard reports
‣ Grid Reporting
‣ Visualization
Eloqua Insight
‣ Key Reports
‣ Campaign Analysis
‣ Contacts: Database Health
‣ Forms Overview
‣ Email Analysis
‣ Website Visits
‣ Closed Loop Reporting
Campaign Analysis
‣ Aggregated campaign metrics to show overall success
‣ Key Metrics:
‣ Delivered
‣ Forwarded
‣ Bounceback Rate
‣ Opens
‣ Click-Throughs
‣ Form Submissions
‣ Page Views
Contacts: Database Health
‣ Aggregate measures on the completeness and accuracy of Contact
level data
‣ Key Metrics:
‣ Reachable Contacts
‣ Contact Email Frequency
‣ Field Completeness
‣ Database Growth
‣ Contact Engagement
‣ Net New
Forms Overview
‣ Form level success metrics
‣ Key Metrics
‣ Form Submission
‣ Form Conversion RAte
‣ Form Abandonment Rate
Email Analysis
‣ Email level success metrics
‣ Key Metrics:
‣ Sent
‣ Delivered
‣ Opens
‣ Click-Throughs
‣ Bounceback Rate
‣ Unsubscribe Rate
‣ Forwards
Website Visits
‣ Website and webpage level activity metrics
‣ Key Metrics:
‣ Page Views
‣ Visits
‣ Returning Visitors
‣ Page Views per Visitor
‣ Page Views per Visit
Closed Loop Reporting
‣ Show the return on investment of campaign efforts (requires
integration with CRM)
‣ Key Metrics:
‣ Attibuted and Influenced Revenue
‣ Campaign performance in terms of revenue achieved/opportunity won
‣ Cost per member behavior (lead, clicks, form submissions)
Eloqua Insight Analyzer
Eloqua Insight Analyzer
‣ Create Report
‣ The Create Report option enables you to create new reports in
Eloqua Insight. Analyzer Users can create reports from scratch using
the Blank Report option combined with the Design Mode view.
‣ Create Dashboard
‣ The Create Document option enables you to create new dashboards
in Eloqua Insight.
Eloqua Insight Analyzer
‣ Create Prompt
‣ The Create Prompt option enables you to create your own prompts in
Eloqua Insight. A prompt is a question the system presents to a user when
a report is executed. How the user answers the question determines what
data is displayed on the report when it is returned from the data source.
As a report designer, you can include one or more prompts in any report.
‣ Create Filter
‣ The Create Filter option enables you to create your own filters in Eloqua
Insight. A filter screens data in your data source to determine whether the
data should be included in or excluded from the calculations of the report
results. As an Analyzer User, you can include one or more prompts in any
Eloqua Insight Analyzer
‣ Build reports from scratch in Design Mode
‣ Create or edit dashboards in WYSIWYG Mode
‣ Create or edit dashboards in Design Mode
‣ Set the available default run mode and export modes for reports and dashboards
‣ Create and modify report filters
‣ Format and modify graph titles and axes
‣ Row, column and cell level formatting for grid reports
‣ Adjust row height and column widths
‣ Use Advanced Threshold Editor
‣ Create a calculated field in dashboards
‣ Toggle conditional formatting in dashboards
‣ Create and modify prompts using the Prompt Editor
‣ Create and edit links and drill options
‣ Save reports and dashboards to be used by everyone with access to Insight.
Modify Existing Reports
‣ Why?
‣ Faster than creating reports from scratch
‣ Allow existing reports to meet your analytical needs
‣ Can reformat to fit your reporting needs
‣ Visual branding for better presentation
Modify Existing Reports
‣ Functionality:
‣ Add new or existing filters
‣ Modify amount of data or data aggregation
‣ “Save As” function for others to see
‣ Customize visual appearance
Modify Existing Reports
‣ Key Reports to Consider for Modification:
‣ Email Analysis
‣ Campaign Analysis
‣ Forms
‣ Website Visits
Creating Custom Reports
‣ Why?
‣ The ability to bring data together that best answers the questions of
your target audience.
Creating Custom Reports
‣ Functionality:
‣ Same as modifying existing reports
‣ User defined format, attributes, and metrics (customized ROI and
calculated attributes)
‣ Custom graphs
‣ Can be designed to fit customized dashboards
‣ Eloqua University
‣ Topliners Community
‣ Relationship One
Analysis beyond Insight
‣ Why use a tool like Tableau?
‣ Merge/blend multiple datasources
‣ Custom reporting
‣ Advanced calculated fields
‣ Modeling or predictive analysis
Connecting with Data
‣ Direct Connections
‣ Warehouse Data
‣ (Quosity Platform)
Examples in Tableau
Examples in Tableau
Examples in Tableau
Examples in Tableau
‣ www.relationshipone.com/solutions/consulting-services/performance-
‣ www.tableausoftware.com
Getting The Most Out Of EE13
(group discussion)
‣ Prep
‣ Check out who is going
‣ Topliners - Eloqua Experience 2013
‣ Twin Cities User Group
‣ Twitter - #EE13
‣ Game Plan Your Session Schedule
‣ Have Business Cards
‣ Rest
‣ During
‣ Keynotes & Sessions
‣ Electronic Notes
‣ Engage
‣ Network
‣ Twitter - #EE13 & Twitter Dashboard
‣ Stay Caffeinated
‣ Partner Showcase - Partners, App Cloud & Eloqua
‣ Stop booths for “research”...or swag :-)
‣ Get Inspired
‣ Attend the Markie Award Ceremony
EE13 Tips
‣ Post Event
‣ Connect on Topliners & LinkedIn
‣ Download session presentations on Topliners
‣ Develop and Execute a Plan
‣ With Your Team
‣ With Eloqua
‣ With Relationship One
Plan for your 2014 Markie Award Submission!
Stump the Consultants
Open Discussion / Social Time
REMINDER: October 29
8009 34th Avenue South, Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN 55425
P: 763.355.1025
E: info@relationshipone.com
W: www.relationshipone.com

More Related Content

Twin Cities Eloqua User Group 092413

  • 1. Twin Cities Eloqua User Group September 24, 2013
  • 2. today’s agenda start end Updates  & Announcements Campaign   Planning  &   QA  Processes   (group  discussion) Featured   Cloud  Connector &  Component   Get  The  Most   Out  Of  EE13   (group  discussion) Open  Discussion     &  Social  Time Put  Your  Data   To  Work
  • 4. updates and announcements ‣ Still growing! ‣ Carl Hendrickson, Software Development Manager ‣ Melissa Santos, Consultant ‣ Steven Schloskey, Business Development Representative ‣ Still hiring! ‣ Consultants ‣ Developers
  • 5. updates and announcements ‣ Eloqua Experience 2013 ‣ October 23-25 ‣ San Francisco, CA ‣ http://www.eloquaexperience.com/northamerica/ ‣ Fall Release 2013 ‣ Pod 2 - Sep 24 ‣ Pod 3 - Oct 6 ‣ Pod 1 - Oct 27
  • 6. updates and announcements ‣ Fall Release Highlights ‣ 1st Party Cookie Support (beta) ‣ Insight Enhancements (beta) ‣ Asset Chooser ‣ Eloqua Engage Updates ‣ Lead Scoring Updates ‣ Link Sandbox to Production (beta) ‣ Multiple Contacts w/same Email (closed beta)
  • 7. Campaign Planning & QA Processes (group discussion)
  • 9. cloud connector - String Manipulation ‣ What is it? ‣ Allows you to manipulate string data within Eloqua on a contact field ‣ Evaluates all contacts that flow through this step ‣ Returns the data to that same field, or places it in another field. ‣ Why use it? ‣ Clean or modify data ‣ Trim the space characters from the start or end of a string ‣ Detect whether a value exists in a string ‣ Run search and replace ‣ Use Regular Expression
  • 10. cloud connector - String Manipulation ‣ Examples of Uses ‣ Parse full name into a separate first and last name field ‣ Parse phone number or zip code values ‣ Change the case of a field (upper case, lower case, title) ‣ How to get it? ‣ It is free ‣ http://topliners.eloqua.com/docs/DOC-3069
  • 11. cloud connector - String Manipulation ‣ How to configure it? ‣ requirements: ‣ Eloqua User with API Access ‣ cloud connector User Credentials ‣ resources: ‣ Split Full Name into First and Last: http://topliners.eloqua.com/community/do_it/blog/2012/09/14/ using-the-string-manipulation-cloud-connector--splitting-full- name-into-first-and-last ‣ Parse first five characters of zip code: http://topliners.eloqua.com/message/11760#11760 Demo time!
  • 13. cloud component - Slideshare Embed ‣ What is it? ‣ connector that allows you to embed public Slideshare presentations onto your landing pages ‣ no cost ‣ additional Slideshare feeder available for Slideshare Pro members ‣ Why use it? ‣ leverage and track your Slideshare marketing content
  • 14. cloud component - Slideshare Embed ‣ How to use it? ‣ apply connector to your landing pages ‣ select and configure through Cloud Connectors website ‣ How to get it? ‣ currently available in your instance. Enable under Setup > Cloud Components
  • 15. cloud component - Slideshare Embed ‣ How to configure it? ‣ requirements: ‣ Eloqua User with API Access ‣ cloud connector user credentials ‣ Slideshare presentation ‣ resources: ‣ http://topliners.eloqua.com/docs/DOC-2892 Demo time!
  • 16. Slideshare Feeder for PRO members ‣ resources ‣ http://topliners.eloqua.com/community/do_it/blog/2012/02/02/installing-and-using- the-slideshare-feeder ‣ http://topliners.eloqua.com/community/do_it/blog/2012/09/05/secrets-to- implementing-the-eloqua-slideshare-cloud-connector
  • 17. Put Your Data To Work
  • 18. Put Your Data To Work Agenda ‣ Eloqua Insight ‣ Key Reports ‣ Eloqua Insight Analyzer ‣ Added Functionality ‣ Tableau ‣ Advanced Reporting
  • 19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8009 34th Avenue South, Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55425 P: 763.355.1025 | E: info@relationshipone.com Modern Marketing Mobile Mobile Apps Data/Analytics Visual Dashboard and Reports Social Social Enterprise Extendable Leverage External Tools Digital Body Language Capturing all Activities Marketing Automation Multichannel Automation and Sales Enablement Dig Data Modern marketers base decisions on data, optimize efforts with data, and communicate effectiveness with data.
  • 20. Analyzing Your data ‣ Framework of thinking ‣ What is your problem statement? (What is the core of what you are looking for?) ‣ What data do you want to include? (Quality, Completeness, Appropriate...) ‣ Who is the audience? (How are you going to represent the data?)
  • 22. Eloqua Insight ‣ Key Features ‣ Subscriptions ‣ Dashboard reports ‣ Grid Reporting ‣ Visualization
  • 23. Eloqua Insight ‣ Key Reports ‣ Campaign Analysis ‣ Contacts: Database Health ‣ Forms Overview ‣ Email Analysis ‣ Website Visits ‣ Closed Loop Reporting
  • 24. Campaign Analysis ‣ Aggregated campaign metrics to show overall success ‣ Key Metrics: ‣ Delivered ‣ Forwarded ‣ Bounceback Rate ‣ Opens ‣ Click-Throughs ‣ Form Submissions ‣ Page Views
  • 25. Contacts: Database Health ‣ Aggregate measures on the completeness and accuracy of Contact level data ‣ Key Metrics: ‣ Reachable Contacts ‣ Contact Email Frequency ‣ Field Completeness ‣ Database Growth ‣ Contact Engagement ‣ Net New
  • 26. Forms Overview ‣ Form level success metrics ‣ Key Metrics ‣ Form Submission ‣ Form Conversion RAte ‣ Form Abandonment Rate
  • 27. Email Analysis ‣ Email level success metrics ‣ Key Metrics: ‣ Sent ‣ Delivered ‣ Opens ‣ Click-Throughs ‣ Bounceback Rate ‣ Unsubscribe Rate ‣ Forwards
  • 28. Website Visits ‣ Website and webpage level activity metrics ‣ Key Metrics: ‣ Page Views ‣ Visits ‣ Returning Visitors ‣ Page Views per Visitor ‣ Page Views per Visit
  • 29. Closed Loop Reporting ‣ Show the return on investment of campaign efforts (requires integration with CRM) ‣ Key Metrics: ‣ Attibuted and Influenced Revenue ‣ Campaign performance in terms of revenue achieved/opportunity won ‣ Cost per member behavior (lead, clicks, form submissions)
  • 31. Eloqua Insight Analyzer ‣ Create Report ‣ The Create Report option enables you to create new reports in Eloqua Insight. Analyzer Users can create reports from scratch using the Blank Report option combined with the Design Mode view. ‣ Create Dashboard ‣ The Create Document option enables you to create new dashboards in Eloqua Insight.
  • 32. Eloqua Insight Analyzer ‣ Create Prompt ‣ The Create Prompt option enables you to create your own prompts in Eloqua Insight. A prompt is a question the system presents to a user when a report is executed. How the user answers the question determines what data is displayed on the report when it is returned from the data source. As a report designer, you can include one or more prompts in any report. ‣ Create Filter ‣ The Create Filter option enables you to create your own filters in Eloqua Insight. A filter screens data in your data source to determine whether the data should be included in or excluded from the calculations of the report results. As an Analyzer User, you can include one or more prompts in any report.
  • 33. Eloqua Insight Analyzer ‣ Build reports from scratch in Design Mode ‣ Create or edit dashboards in WYSIWYG Mode ‣ Create or edit dashboards in Design Mode ‣ Set the available default run mode and export modes for reports and dashboards ‣ Create and modify report filters ‣ Format and modify graph titles and axes ‣ Row, column and cell level formatting for grid reports ‣ Adjust row height and column widths ‣ Use Advanced Threshold Editor ‣ Create a calculated field in dashboards ‣ Toggle conditional formatting in dashboards ‣ Create and modify prompts using the Prompt Editor ‣ Create and edit links and drill options ‣ Save reports and dashboards to be used by everyone with access to Insight.
  • 34. Modify Existing Reports ‣ Why? ‣ Faster than creating reports from scratch ‣ Allow existing reports to meet your analytical needs ‣ Can reformat to fit your reporting needs ‣ Visual branding for better presentation
  • 35. Modify Existing Reports ‣ Functionality: ‣ Add new or existing filters ‣ Modify amount of data or data aggregation ‣ “Save As” function for others to see ‣ Customize visual appearance
  • 36. Modify Existing Reports ‣ Key Reports to Consider for Modification: ‣ Email Analysis ‣ Campaign Analysis ‣ Forms ‣ Website Visits
  • 37. Creating Custom Reports ‣ Why? ‣ The ability to bring data together that best answers the questions of your target audience.
  • 38. Creating Custom Reports ‣ Functionality: ‣ Same as modifying existing reports ‣ User defined format, attributes, and metrics (customized ROI and calculated attributes) ‣ Custom graphs ‣ Can be designed to fit customized dashboards
  • 39. Resources ‣ Eloqua University ‣ Topliners Community ‣ Relationship One
  • 40. Analysis beyond Insight ‣ Why use a tool like Tableau? ‣ Merge/blend multiple datasources ‣ Custom reporting ‣ Advanced calculated fields ‣ Modeling or predictive analysis
  • 41. Connecting with Data ‣ Direct Connections ‣ Warehouse Data ‣ (Quosity Platform)
  • 48. Getting The Most Out Of EE13 (group discussion)
  • 49. EE13 ‣ Prep ‣ Check out who is going ‣ Topliners - Eloqua Experience 2013 ‣ Twin Cities User Group ‣ Twitter - #EE13 ‣ Game Plan Your Session Schedule ‣ Have Business Cards ‣ Rest
  • 50. EE13 ‣ During ‣ Keynotes & Sessions ‣ Electronic Notes ‣ Engage ‣ Network ‣ Twitter - #EE13 & Twitter Dashboard ‣ Stay Caffeinated ‣ Partner Showcase - Partners, App Cloud & Eloqua ‣ Stop booths for “research”...or swag :-) ‣ Get Inspired ‣ Attend the Markie Award Ceremony
  • 51. EE13 Tips ‣ Post Event ‣ Connect on Topliners & LinkedIn ‣ Download session presentations on Topliners ‣ Develop and Execute a Plan ‣ With Your Team ‣ With Eloqua ‣ With Relationship One Plan for your 2014 Markie Award Submission!
  • 53. Open Discussion / Social Time REMINDER: October 29
  • 54. 8009 34th Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55425 P: 763.355.1025 E: info@relationshipone.com W: www.relationshipone.com