Why should we use TDD to develop in Elixir? When we are applying it correctly? What are the differences that we can find in a code developed with TDD and in code not developed with it? Is it TDD about testing? Really? In this talk, I'll show what is TDD and how can be used it in functional programming like Elixir to design the small and the big parts of your system, showing what are the difference and the similarities between an OOP and FP environment. Showing what is the values of applying a technique like TDD in Elixir and what we should obtain applying it.
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Tdd is not about testing
1. TDD is not about
Bad name for good technique ...
Born to be a developer with an interest in distributed system.
I have developed with many languages like C++, C#, js and ruby. I had fallen in
love with functional programming, especially with elixir, erlang.
● Twitter: https://twitter.com/gpad619
● Github: https://github.com/gpad/
● Medium: https://medium.com/@gpad
CTO & founder of coders51
What is TDD - History
Wikipedia - TDD
Wikipedia - Extreme Programming
Quora - Why does Kent Beck rediscover TDD
Wikipedia - C2 System
What is TDD - History
The C3 project started in 1993 [...]. Smalltalk development was initiated in 1994.
[...] In 1996 Kent Beck was hired [...]; at this point the system had not printed a
single paycheck.
In March 1996 the development team estimated the system would be ready to go
into production around one year later.
In 1997 the development team adopted a way of working which is now formalized
as Extreme Programming.
The one-year delivery target was nearly achieved, with actual delivery being a
couple of months late;
What is TDD - History
It was developed by Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson
and James Rumbaugh at Rational Software in
1994–1995, with further development led by them
through 1996.
In 1997 UML was adopted as a standard by the
Object Management Group (OMG) [...].
In 2005 UML was also published by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) as an approved ISO standard. Since then the standard
has been periodically revised to cover the latest revision of UML.
What is TDD - History
Form Wikipedia:
Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development process that relies on the
repetition of a very short development cycle: requirements are turned into very
specific test cases, then the software is improved to pass the new tests, only.
This is opposed to software development that allows software to be added that is
not proven to meet requirements.
American software engineer Kent Beck, who is credited with having developed or
"rediscovered" the technique, stated in 2003 that TDD encourages simple designs
and inspires confidence.
10. #CodeBEAMSTO
What is TDD
1. Add a test
2. Run all tests and see if the new test
fails (RED)
3. Write the code (Only to make the
test pass!!!)
4. Run tests
5. Refactor code
6. Repeat
13. #CodeBEAMSTO
TDD changes the point of view.
Forces the developer to think about the “behaviour” of the code.
Talks to the developer showing what are the “difficult points” of the code.
If the tests talk, we should listen them … (often we ignore them).
14. #CodeBEAMSTO
Listen the test
defmodule MyModule do
def postpone(dest, msg) do
msg = encapsulate(msg)
time = get_delay()
Process.send_after(dest, msg, time)
defp encapsulate(msg) do
{:postone, msg}
def get_delay() do
Application.get_env(:postone, :time, 10000)
15. #CodeBEAMSTO
Listen the test
defmodule MyModuleTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "postone right" do
MyModule.postpone(self(), "ciao")
assert_receive {:postone, "ciao"}, 20_000
The name doesn’t mean anything
Our test is sloooow ...
16. #CodeBEAMSTO
Listen the test - other smells ...
defmodule MyModuleTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "postpone right" do
Application.put_env(:postone, :time, 1)
MyModule.postpone(self(), "ciao")
assert_receive {:postone, "ciao"}
test "postpone for right time ..." do
MyModule.postpone(self(), "ciao")
refute_receive {:postone, "ciao"}, 5000
Change GLOBAL value!!!!
No More isolated !!!
17. #CodeBEAMSTO
Listen the test
defmodule MyModuleTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: false
import Mock
test "postone right with mock" do
with_mock(Process, [:passthrough], send_after: fn dst, msg, _ -> send(dst, msg) end) do
MyModule.postpone(self(), "ciao")
assert_receive {:postone, msg}
No more concurrency
Why this ?!?!
Still doesn’t work ...
This is not our module
19. #CodeBEAMSTO
Listen the test
defmodule MyModuleTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "postone right" do
MyModule.postpone(self(), "ciao")
assert_receive {:postone, "ciao"}, 20_000
The name doesn’t mean anything
Our test is sloooow ...
20. #CodeBEAMSTO
Listen the test
defmodule MyModuleTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "postone/1 send delayed message" do
MyModule.postpone(self(), "ciao", 0)
assert_receive {:postone, "ciao"}
Describe the behaviour of method
We can manage the behaviour of our function ...
21. #CodeBEAMSTO
Listen the test
defmodule MyModule do
@postpone_time Application.get_env(:postone, :time, 10000)
def postpone(dest, msg, time @postpone_time) do
msg = encapsulate(msg)
Process.send_after(dest, msg, time)
defp encapsulate(msg) do
{:postone, msg}
24. #CodeBEAMSTO
Type of tests
End to End tests - Tests that work on the entire stack.
Integration Test - Tests that work on some parts of the application.
Unit Test - Tests that work on a single “module/function”.
Why is it important to know which type of test we are writing?
Because we get different feedbacks from different types of test.
26. #CodeBEAMSTO
Cycle of TDD ...
1. Add a test
2. Run all tests and see if the new
test fails (RED)
3. Write the code
4. Run tests
5. Refactor code
6. Repeat
28. #CodeBEAMSTO
End To End Test or Acceptance Test
This type of test exercises the entire stack of the application.
It remains RED until the feature is completed.
Don’t write too much E2E.
They are slow and fragile.
Where is the design?
30. #CodeBEAMSTO
How application is done (or should be)
Try to create a E2E test that interacts
with system from the external.
If it’s “impossible” try to move a little
inside skipping the adapter.
32. #CodeBEAMSTO
OOP - We pass object reference to Object under test!
FP - We have immutability!
Elixir - We have almost always immutability!
Immutability means purity.
Purity means no side effects.
33. #CodeBEAMSTO
What are the instructions that make the code impure?
Everytime we make an I/O operation we aren’t pure.
Everytime we send a message.
Everytime we use the time.
34. #CodeBEAMSTO
What’s happen when we lost our purity?
We depend to something “external”.
We are doing at least integration test.
So ...
35. #CodeBEAMSTO
In OOP is quite common use mock to mock dependencies of objects and to
define the relationship between them.
In FP (IMHO) mock should be used to manage the impurity of our language.
37. #CodeBEAMSTO
When to use Mock?
When we want to isolate one part from another.
Classic example HTTP connections.
We have to make some HTTP calls and manipulate the results in some ways.
How can we do it?
38. #CodeBEAMSTO
When to use Mock?
test "create data via https", %{id: id} do
response = create_response(201, %{key: "value"})
with_mock HTTPoison, [:passthrough], post: fn @url, _, _, _ -> {:ok, response} end do
{:ok, %{res: value}} = MyModule.execute(id)
assert value == "value"
assert called(HTTPoison.post(@url, %{id: id}, :_, :_))
39. #CodeBEAMSTO
When to use Mock?
Better solution
test "create data via https", %{id: id} do
with_mock RemoteData, create: fn %{id: id} -> {:ok, %{key: "value"}} end do
{:ok, %{res: "value"}} = MyModule.execute(id)
assert called(RemoteData.create(%{id: id}))
Our module
More domain related function ...
40. #CodeBEAMSTO
When to use Mock?
We are at the boundaries of our
system and we can use the mock to
shape the behavior between the
CORE and the adapter that talks with
the external system.
It’s the CORE that choose the shape
of the data and how the functions
should be done.
41. #CodeBEAMSTO
When to use Mock? - I/0
defmodule MyCoreModule do
def store_valid_data(data, limit, delta) do
content = data
|> Enum.filter(fn %{value: value} -> around(value, limit, delta) end)
|> Enum.map(fn %{value: v, comment: c} -> "value: #{v} - comment: #{c}" end)
|> Enum.join("n")
:ok = File.write(@path, content)
42. #CodeBEAMSTO
When to use Mock? - I/0
defmodule MyCoreModule do
def store_valid_data(data, limit, delta, storage FileStorage) do
content = data
|> Enum.filter(fn %{value: value} -> around(value, limit, delta) end)
|> Enum.map(fn %{value: v, comment: c} -> "value: #{v} - comment: #{c}" end)
|> Enum.join("n")
:ok = storage.store(content)
43. #CodeBEAMSTO
When to use Mock? - I/O
defmodule MyCoreModuleTest do
use ExUnit.Case
defmodule MockStorage do
def store(content) do
send(self(), {:store, content})
test "store only valid data", %{limit: limit, delta: delta} do
valid = valid_data(limit, delta)
invalid = invalid_data(limit, delta)
content = "value: #{valid.value} - comment: #{valid.comment}"
[valid, invalid], limit, delta, MockStorage)
assert_received {:store, ^content}
44. #CodeBEAMSTO
When to use Mock? - Time
defmodule MyCoreModule do
def create_question(opts) do
question: Keyword.get(opts, :q, "Sense of life?"),
response: Keyword.get(opts, :a, 42),
created_at: DateTime.utc_now()
45. #CodeBEAMSTO
When to use Mock? - Time
defmodule MyCoreModuleTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "create questions" do
assert MyCoreModule.create_question([]) == %{
question: "Sense of life?",
response: 42,
created_at: DateTime.utc_now()
47. #CodeBEAMSTO
When to use Mock? - Time
defmodule MyCoreModule do
def create_question(opts, clock Clock) do
question: Keyword.get(opts, :q, "Sense of life?"),
response: Keyword.get(opts, :a, 42),
created_at: clock.utc_now()
48. #CodeBEAMSTO
When to use Mock? - Time
test "create default questions" do
assert MyCoreModule.create_question([], MockClock) == %{
question: "Sense of life?",
response: 42,
created_at: MockClock.utc_now()
51. #CodeBEAMSTO
When to use Mock? - Time
defmodule MyCoreModuleTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "change state at every tick" do
prev = MyCoreModule.new()
next = MyCoreModule.tick(prev)
assert next.value == prev.value + 1
52. #CodeBEAMSTO
When to use Mock? - Time
defmodule MyCoreModuleServerTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "call tick when receive tick" do
with_mock(MyCoreModule, tick: fn s -> s end) do
pid = MyCoreModuleServer.start_link()
send(pid, :tick)
eventually_assert(fn -> assert_called(MyCoreModule.tick(:_)) end)
53. #CodeBEAMSTO
When to use Mock? - Time
defmodule MyCoreModuleServer do
use GenServer
def init([other_args, duration]) do
state = calc_state(other_args, duration)
Process.send_after(self(), :tick, duration)
{:ok, state}
def handle_info(:tick, state) do
new_core = MyCoreModule.tick(state.core)
Process.send_after(self(), :tick, state.duration)
{:noreply, %{state | core: new_core}}
54. #CodeBEAMSTO
WHERE to use Mock?
Use the mock at the external of
CORE/Domain (adapter).
Try to keep the CORE pure so we
don’t have “side-effect” inside it.
55. #CodeBEAMSTO
When not to use Mock?
Don’t use mock on Module that don’t own.
test "create data via https", %{id: id} do
response = create_response(201, %{key: "value"})
with_mock HTTPoison, [:passthrough], post: fn @url, _, _, _ -> {:ok, response} end do
{:ok, %{res: value}} = MyModule.execute(id)
assert value == "value"
assert called(HTTPoison.post(@url, %{id: id}, :_, :_))
56. #CodeBEAMSTO
When not to use Mock?
Don’t use mock because otherwise “you aren’t doing unit test”
defmodule MyCoreModule1 do
def execute(data) do
|> Enum.map(fn -> {data.id, data.value, data} end)
|> MyCoreModule2.filter(data.filter)
|> MyCoreModule3.map(data.type)
57. #CodeBEAMSTO
When not to use Mock?
defmodule MyCoreModule1Test do
use ExUnit.Case
test "execute filter and map data" do
with_mocks [
{MyCoreModule2, [], filter: fn data, _level -> data end},
{MyCoreModule3, [], map: fn data, _type -> data end}
] do
MyCoreModule1.execute([%{id: 12, value: 1, filter: 10, type: OtherModule}])
assert called(MyCoreModule2.filter(:_, :_))
assert called(MyCoreModule3.map(:_, :_))
58. #CodeBEAMSTO
TDD - Mix Everything together
What is the first test to do?
We could start from an E2E test to enter inside our application.
Create at least one E2E for every User Story.
Don’t create too much E2E they are slow and fragile.
59. #CodeBEAMSTO
TDD - Mix Everything together
defmodule MayApp.EndToEnd.GamesTest do
use MayApp.ConnCase, async: false
describe "As Logged User" do
test "I would see my active games", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, game} = create_active_game()
conn = get(conn, "/api/games")
assert json_response(conn, 200) == expected_response_for(game)
60. #CodeBEAMSTO
TDD - Mix Everything together
defmodule MayApp.EndToEnd.GamesTest do
use MayApp.ConnCase, async: false
describe "As Logged User" do
test "I would create a new games", %{conn: conn} do
conn = post(conn, "/api/games")
res = json_response(conn, 200)
assert %{"id" => _, "status" => "active"} = res
61. #CodeBEAMSTO
TDD - Mix Everything together
The E2E remains RED until all the cycle is completed.
After that we have written the E2E we go inside the CORE and start to create
some unit tests.
The Unit Test should be PURE.
62. #CodeBEAMSTO
TDD - Mix Everything together
defmodule MayApp.MyCoreModuleTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "at every tick the count is incremented" do
state = MyCoreModule.new(MockClock)
new_state = MyCoreModule.tick(state)
assert new_state.count == state.count + 1
assert new_state.last_updated_at == MockClock.utc_now()
63. #CodeBEAMSTO
TDD - Mix Everything together
defmodule MayApp.MyCoreModuleTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "at every tick the count is incremented" do
state = MyCoreModule.new()
new_state = MyCoreModule.tick(state, now)
assert new_state.count == state.count + 1
assert new_state.last_updated_at == now
64. #CodeBEAMSTO
TDD - Mix Everything together
After we have written the unit tests for the CORE we could move to the
boundaries where we should write tests for the adapter parts.
The test for storage part should be written using the DB. IMHO they are more
integration than unit.
65. #CodeBEAMSTO
TDD - Mix Everything together
defmodule MayApp.GameServerTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: false
test "at every tick the state is changed" do
id = 123
game = %{id: id, state: :ready}
with_mocks [{GameStorage, load: fn ^id -> game end},
{MyCoreModule, tick: fn ^game, _ -> game end}] do
{:ok, pid} = GameServer.start_link(id, tick: :manual)
assert_called(MyCoreModule.tick(game, :_))
66. #CodeBEAMSTO
TDD - Mix Everything together
defmodule MayApp.GameServerTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: false
test "at every tick the new game is stored" do
game = Game.new()
{:ok, pid} = GameServer.start_link(game.id, tick: :manual)
eventually_assert(fn ->
new_game = GameStorage.load(game.id)
assert new_game.count == game.count + 1
67. #CodeBEAMSTO
TDD - Mix Everything together
Writing these tests BEFORE the implementation we are doing DESIGN.
We are shaping the production code.
The code became more “composable”.
It’s more clear where are side effects (I/O, Time).
It’s more clear what are the different parts of our applications.
68. #CodeBEAMSTO
TDD is not a Silver Bullet.
TDD doesn’t give us a “good” design if we are not able to do it.
TDD can help us to find some issues in our design.
Listen the test, often they are screaming in pain ...