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Teaching Strategies Using
Teaching Strategies Using
   Curriculum Development

    ◦ Curriculum originally came from a Latin word,
     which meant a racetrack that horses ran around.
Teaching Strategies Using
   Technology and Learning

    ◦ Technology is helping educators expand beyond
      linear, text-based learning to engage students
      who learn best in other ways.
    ◦ Technology is allowing teachers-students to
      collaborate, inquire, and share.
    ◦ The use of technology is not about the device or
      the capability, it’s about the experience.
Teaching Strategies Using
   What are We Talking About?

    ◦ Just in Time Teaching (JiTT)
Teaching Strategies Using
   Just-in-Time-Teaching (JiTT)
    ◦ History
      Invented by Gregor Novak (Professor USAF & IUPUI)
      Physics professor – Air Force Academy
      Developed for the working adult to maintain interest in
       learning a subject
Teaching Strategies Using
   Just-in-Time-Teaching (JiTT)
    ◦ What is it?
       Just-in-Time Teaching or JiTT (Novak, Patterson, Gowin,
        & Christian, 1999) is a pedagogical approach that
        combines the best features of traditional in-class
        instruction with the exciting new communication
        channels opened by the World Wide Web technologies.
Teaching Strategies Using
   Just-in-Time-Teaching (JiTT)
    ◦ What is it?
       The JiTT framework encourages student learning by
        promoting these three learning strategies (Middendorf,
        Novak, 2002).
         Out-of-class assignments increase student study time and
          structure student learning for maximum benefit.
         Students work together in teams to solve problems and teach
          each other.
         Faculty gather insights into student thoughts and feelings that
          they can use to adjust lectures and exercises to better meet
          student needs.
Teaching Strategies Using
   Just-in-Time-Teaching (JiTT)
    ◦ How?
      JiTT's goal is to improve learning by using web
       exercises, called warm-ups. Warm-Ups are a series of
       questions about a subject to prepare students for the
       upcoming exercise
      JiTT’s framework fosters Student-to-Student interaction
      Interaction between students and the teacher are crucial
       to learning
Teaching Strategies Using
   Just-in-Time-Teaching (JiTT)
    ◦ Benefits
      Because of the increasing use of mobile devices,
       learning content is being packaged and stored in new,
       more efficient ways, allowing it to be distributively
       accessed when needed, at greater speeds and in a wide
       variety of formats
      JiTT tiny lessons provides the means for students to self-
       check knowledge and understanding via brief interactive
       lessons regardless of location
Teaching Strategies Using
   Just-in-Time-Teaching (JiTT)
    ◦ Conclusion
      JiTT makes teaching less a matter of data transmission
       and more of a collaborative exercise in collection,
       orchestration, remixing, and integration of data into
       knowledge building
      The goal for the student now shifts from a need to collect
       information to a need to understand, and draw
       connections from it—to acquire it, disseminate it, and
       collaborate in its use
Teaching Strategies Using
Teaching Strategies Using
   Examples
     Just-in-Time Teaching

     Science Education Resource Center: Example JiTT WarmUp

     Video-Based Case Story

     JiTT Digital Library (must request login)

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Teaching strategies using technology

  • 2. Teaching Strategies Using Technology  Curriculum Development ◦ Curriculum originally came from a Latin word, which meant a racetrack that horses ran around.
  • 3. Teaching Strategies Using Technology  Technology and Learning ◦ Technology is helping educators expand beyond linear, text-based learning to engage students who learn best in other ways. ◦ Technology is allowing teachers-students to collaborate, inquire, and share. ◦ The use of technology is not about the device or the capability, it’s about the experience.
  • 4. Teaching Strategies Using Technology  What are We Talking About? ◦ Just in Time Teaching (JiTT)
  • 5. Teaching Strategies Using Technology  Just-in-Time-Teaching (JiTT) ◦ History  Invented by Gregor Novak (Professor USAF & IUPUI)  Physics professor – Air Force Academy  Developed for the working adult to maintain interest in learning a subject
  • 6. Teaching Strategies Using Technology  Just-in-Time-Teaching (JiTT) ◦ What is it?  Just-in-Time Teaching or JiTT (Novak, Patterson, Gowin, & Christian, 1999) is a pedagogical approach that combines the best features of traditional in-class instruction with the exciting new communication channels opened by the World Wide Web technologies.
  • 7. Teaching Strategies Using Technology  Just-in-Time-Teaching (JiTT) ◦ What is it?  The JiTT framework encourages student learning by promoting these three learning strategies (Middendorf, Novak, 2002).  Out-of-class assignments increase student study time and structure student learning for maximum benefit.  Students work together in teams to solve problems and teach each other.  Faculty gather insights into student thoughts and feelings that they can use to adjust lectures and exercises to better meet student needs.
  • 8. Teaching Strategies Using Technology  Just-in-Time-Teaching (JiTT) ◦ How?  JiTT's goal is to improve learning by using web exercises, called warm-ups. Warm-Ups are a series of questions about a subject to prepare students for the upcoming exercise  JiTT’s framework fosters Student-to-Student interaction  Interaction between students and the teacher are crucial to learning
  • 9. Teaching Strategies Using Technology  Just-in-Time-Teaching (JiTT) ◦ Benefits  Because of the increasing use of mobile devices, learning content is being packaged and stored in new, more efficient ways, allowing it to be distributively accessed when needed, at greater speeds and in a wide variety of formats  JiTT tiny lessons provides the means for students to self- check knowledge and understanding via brief interactive lessons regardless of location
  • 10. Teaching Strategies Using Technology  Just-in-Time-Teaching (JiTT) ◦ Conclusion  JiTT makes teaching less a matter of data transmission and more of a collaborative exercise in collection, orchestration, remixing, and integration of data into knowledge building  The goal for the student now shifts from a need to collect information to a need to understand, and draw connections from it—to acquire it, disseminate it, and collaborate in its use
  • 12. Teaching Strategies Using Technology  Examples Just-in-Time Teaching http://jitt.org Science Education Resource Center: Example JiTT WarmUp Exercises http://serc.carleton.edu/sp/library/justintime/index.htm Video-Based Case Story http://pachyderm.cdl.edu/elixr-stories/serc-geoscience/ JiTT Digital Library (must request login) http://jittdl.physics.iupui.edu/sign_on/

Editor's Notes

  1. How to make my thinking visible to the student
  2. Today, we might call it a racecourse, and so we see that the words curriculum and course are closely related.We can think of curriculum development as a continuous process, which is relevant to the situation where it takes place, and flexible, so you can adapt it over time.As in a race, there may be a finishing point, but if you work in curriculum development, you will probably find out that the work does not end at a particular moment.This is what makes it very interesting and exciting!
  3. JiTT -- Students respond electronically to carefully constructed web-based assignments which are due shortly before class, and the instructor reads the student submissions "just-in-time" to adjust the classroom lesson to suit the students' needs. Thus, the heart of JiTT is the "feedback loop" formed by the students' outside-of-class preparation that fundamentally affects what happens during the subsequent in-class time together. Although Just-in-Time Teaching makes heavy use of the web it is not to be confused with either distance learning (DL) or with computer-aided instruction (CAI.)
  4. The warm up exercises require Student to refer back to reading, or web links to comprehend the topic and to answer questions found in the exercises a few hours prior to class, requiring additional study time outside the class in preparation for upcoming activities.. The warm-up exercises may be implemented through an LMS/LCMS (Blackboard, Canvas, and Sakai).WarmUps demand a great deal of thinking on the part of students because they must read and understand concepts in the text in order to compose brief answers to the Warm-Up exercises on the course web page.JiTT -- Students respond electronically to carefully constructed web-based assignments which are due shortly before class, and the instructor reads the student submissions "just-in-time" to adjust the classroom lesson to suit the students' needs. Thus, the heart of JiTT is the "feedback loop" formed by the students' outside-of-class preparation that fundamentally affects what happens during the subsequent in-class time together. Although Just-in-Time Teaching makes heavy use of the web it is not to be confused with either distance learning (DL) or with computer-aided instruction (CAI.)
  5. According to the Digital Blog (2011), over 70% of the world's population now has a mobile phone, that is over 5 billion mobile subscribers, and in places like the United States, that number jumps to a staggering 90%.Mobile-device technology has increased exponentially in a short span of time.Today, a learner can access the Web, read, and edit articles, view videos, and more all via one piece of hardware that fits in a shirt pocket.In the case of JiTT tiny lessons, users now have their mobile device to access modular learning activities designed to maximize learning in smaller chunks of time for busy students.Mobile JiTT tiny lessons makes it possible and even practical for learning to take place anytime, anywhere for the Student.According to research (Maier, Simkins), the feedback from the earliest implementation of the JiTT framework for physics' found that those attending the JiTT classes were more receptive to the tools used for learning than those in a traditional physics class.