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Techniques and technologies used in print production.

Technique              Definition                    Advantage                     Disadvantage
Etching                Like engraving and            The standard of the           It is very time consuming
                       scratching patterns into      outcome is very high
                       metal or wood
Linocut                A printmaking technique.      The standard of the           It is quite complicated
                       A design is cut into the      outcome is very high
                       linoleum surface with a
                       sharp knife
Screen print           A printing                    very useful commercially      Images for screen printing
                       technique,useswoven                                         have to be simple
                       mesh to support an ink-
                       blocking stencil
Woodcut                Artistic technique, an        cheap and readily available   It is hard to carve small
                       image is carved into the      materials                     lettering into the template
                       surface of a block of wood
Lithography            uses a stone or a metal       It is cheap                   The materials are
                       plate with a completely                                     complex to use.
                       smooth surfaceto print
                       text or artwork onto paper
                       or other suitable material
Letterpress            locking movable type into     It is a simple                Each colour has to dry
                       the bed of a press, inking    straightforward               before applying the next
                       it, and rolling or pressing
                       paper against it to form an   process
Gravure                Image is etched on surface    The outcome is of high        It is expensive
                       of metal plate/cylinderand    quality.
                       filled with ink.
                       Raisedportions of the
                       plate/ cylinder are wiped/
                       scraped free of ink leaving
                       the ink and shape/pattern
Screen process         Ink is applied to the back    It is quick, easy and         If there is one mistake
                       of the image carrier and      precise                       then thousands of
                       pushed through porous or
                       open areas.                                                 cop0ies can be ruined

Photocopying           Machine that makes paper      Quick and cheap               They can break down
                       copies of documents and                                     easily, get jammed and
                       other visual images. A dry
                       process using heat                                          ruin copies
Laser printing         rapidly produces high         Colour printing is            Prints wet and needs
                       quality text and graphics     possible and Print quality    time to dry and it is
                       on plain paper                is good                       costly
Inkjet                 creates a digital image by    Cheap and easy to refill      need special papers to
                       propelling droplets of ink    cartridges                    give best resolution
                       onto paper
Desktop publishing     The creation of printed       Good quality outcome          It is complicated to use
                       materials using page
                       layout on a personal
Techniques and technologies used in print production

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Techniques and technologies used in print production

  • 1. Techniques and technologies used in print production. Technique Definition Advantage Disadvantage HAND Etching Like engraving and The standard of the It is very time consuming scratching patterns into outcome is very high metal or wood Linocut A printmaking technique. The standard of the It is quite complicated A design is cut into the outcome is very high linoleum surface with a sharp knife Screen print A printing very useful commercially Images for screen printing technique,useswoven have to be simple mesh to support an ink- blocking stencil Woodcut Artistic technique, an cheap and readily available It is hard to carve small image is carved into the materials lettering into the template surface of a block of wood Lithography uses a stone or a metal It is cheap The materials are plate with a completely complex to use. smooth surfaceto print text or artwork onto paper or other suitable material MECHANICAL Letterpress locking movable type into It is a simple Each colour has to dry the bed of a press, inking straightforward before applying the next it, and rolling or pressing paper against it to form an process impression Gravure Image is etched on surface The outcome is of high It is expensive of metal plate/cylinderand quality. filled with ink. Raisedportions of the plate/ cylinder are wiped/ scraped free of ink leaving the ink and shape/pattern Screen process Ink is applied to the back It is quick, easy and If there is one mistake of the image carrier and precise then thousands of pushed through porous or open areas. cop0ies can be ruined DIGITAL Photocopying Machine that makes paper Quick and cheap They can break down copies of documents and easily, get jammed and other visual images. A dry process using heat ruin copies Laser printing rapidly produces high Colour printing is Prints wet and needs quality text and graphics possible and Print quality time to dry and it is on plain paper is good costly Inkjet creates a digital image by Cheap and easy to refill need special papers to propelling droplets of ink cartridges give best resolution onto paper Desktop publishing The creation of printed Good quality outcome It is complicated to use materials using page layout on a personal computer