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PowerPoint- This allowed me to put many of my ideas in one place to show the
target audience all my ideas so it would be easier to show them as well as getting
their feedback.
Microsoft word- This allowed me to clearly dissect what I found out from my
research of looking at videos on Youtube and accessing them to research what was
stereotypical in my genre.
Youtube- This allowed me to look at the trailers which was of the genre that I was
making to get ideas for my trailer and to see what was stereotypical.
Popplet- This is way to imindmap what I have found out from the videos on youtube,
this made it easier for me to gather ideas which would help me in planning my
trailer. This is a more creative and appealing way of showing a mindmap.
Prezi- This is another way to mindmap my ideas but to expand my ideas where I
could write more and explain more ideas for my planning which I could later use for
my trailer. This is a more creative and appealing way of showing a mindmap and my
further ideas.
Wallwisher- This was a way to get my feedback from my audience, it was a quick and easy way to
ask questions to my target audience. I asked them to watch a trailer and answer the questions to
what they liked or disliked about the trailer as this would help me plan for my trailer as I wanted
some of the ideas of the trailer but wanted to see what their opinion of it was.
Prezi- This is another way to mindmap my ideas but to expand my ideas where I could write more
and explain more ideas for my planning which I could later use for my trailer. This was a good way
also to conclude what I found out from my audience feedback so I could see clearly what they
thought about everything. This is a more creative and appealing way of showing a mindmap and
my further ideas.
PowerPoint- This allowed me to put many of my ideas in one place to show the target audience
all my ideas so it would be easier to show them as well as getting their feedback.
Survey monkey- This was also a good way of getting audience feedback as it was a professional
way to ask my target audience, it was quick and easier which saved time and I could see their
answers clearly to see what they thought about my planning.
Storyboard on paper- I could draw easily what I wanted in each shot which made it easier to plan
so I knew directly what I would be doing which would make it easier for me to start fliming.
Camera- I used to a still camera and a filming camera to film as they both had different qualities
such as a still camera was easily usable to do filming in different places to create different effects
whereas a filming camera was a good quality and looked proffesional.
Tripod- This was used to keep the camera still to make it look more professional so it didn’t move
while in the middle of filmining so the continuity looked professional.
Imovie- This was a software I used to do my actual trailer, where I could edit the movie and cut
clips and add sounds to make it look real and professional.
Youtube- I used this to upload my trailer so my audience to see this so I could get audience
feedback from my trailer to see what they thought about it.
Powerpoint-- This allowed me to put many of my ideas in one place to show the
target audience all my final ideas. To conclude my ideas to show my final product.
Popplet-This is way to mindmap what I have done to show the final product, this made
it easier for me to gather everything I had which helped me in showing everyone my
trailer. This is a more creative and appealing way of showing a mindmap.
Bubbl.us- This was a different software to show my final ideas as this was another
creative way of showing of my finished work.
Camera- This was used to film all of my film.

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  • 2. Research PowerPoint- This allowed me to put many of my ideas in one place to show the target audience all my ideas so it would be easier to show them as well as getting their feedback. Microsoft word- This allowed me to clearly dissect what I found out from my research of looking at videos on Youtube and accessing them to research what was stereotypical in my genre. Youtube- This allowed me to look at the trailers which was of the genre that I was making to get ideas for my trailer and to see what was stereotypical. Popplet- This is way to imindmap what I have found out from the videos on youtube, this made it easier for me to gather ideas which would help me in planning my trailer. This is a more creative and appealing way of showing a mindmap. Prezi- This is another way to mindmap my ideas but to expand my ideas where I could write more and explain more ideas for my planning which I could later use for my trailer. This is a more creative and appealing way of showing a mindmap and my further ideas.
  • 3. Planning Wallwisher- This was a way to get my feedback from my audience, it was a quick and easy way to ask questions to my target audience. I asked them to watch a trailer and answer the questions to what they liked or disliked about the trailer as this would help me plan for my trailer as I wanted some of the ideas of the trailer but wanted to see what their opinion of it was. Prezi- This is another way to mindmap my ideas but to expand my ideas where I could write more and explain more ideas for my planning which I could later use for my trailer. This was a good way also to conclude what I found out from my audience feedback so I could see clearly what they thought about everything. This is a more creative and appealing way of showing a mindmap and my further ideas. PowerPoint- This allowed me to put many of my ideas in one place to show the target audience all my ideas so it would be easier to show them as well as getting their feedback. Survey monkey- This was also a good way of getting audience feedback as it was a professional way to ask my target audience, it was quick and easier which saved time and I could see their answers clearly to see what they thought about my planning. Storyboard on paper- I could draw easily what I wanted in each shot which made it easier to plan so I knew directly what I would be doing which would make it easier for me to start fliming.
  • 4. Production Camera- I used to a still camera and a filming camera to film as they both had different qualities such as a still camera was easily usable to do filming in different places to create different effects whereas a filming camera was a good quality and looked proffesional. Tripod- This was used to keep the camera still to make it look more professional so it didn’t move while in the middle of filmining so the continuity looked professional. Imovie- This was a software I used to do my actual trailer, where I could edit the movie and cut clips and add sounds to make it look real and professional. Youtube- I used this to upload my trailer so my audience to see this so I could get audience feedback from my trailer to see what they thought about it.
  • 5. Evaluation Powerpoint-- This allowed me to put many of my ideas in one place to show the target audience all my final ideas. To conclude my ideas to show my final product. Popplet-This is way to mindmap what I have done to show the final product, this made it easier for me to gather everything I had which helped me in showing everyone my trailer. This is a more creative and appealing way of showing a mindmap. Bubbl.us- This was a different software to show my final ideas as this was another creative way of showing of my finished work. Camera- This was used to film all of my film.