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Explanation of GUI
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              Description of Level and Chapter

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                                                                                 Description about Chapter


                           Presenters Name

TechQuiz Rules                                                              Let me give you a glimpse of TechQuiz   Shutdown

         Hi, I am Ehtisham Ali
         Welcome to TechQuiz. I have tried my best to make this presentation error free and effortless.
         You need MS Office 2007 or higher to run this presentation.
         Switch on your speakers to enjoy the presentation in its full glory.

         Feel free to post suggestions or bugs about this presentation.
         Email : alitech123@gmail.com

         At least forward me a SMS if you liked the graphics (with your name)
         PhoneNo. 9412328586

        Since it is a self evaluating quiz so be Honest while evaluating your results.

        While answering questions note down your responses on a sheet as shown below:

                         1 a
                         2 b      etc

        This quiz contains 3 Levels and each level contains 3 chapters.

        A RESULT will be granted to you after each Level

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Quick Summary                                      Ok now Start Level 1                        Shutdown


                                         Chapter 1                    Basic Windows Operations
                            Level 1      Chapter 2                         Software Knowledge      RESULT
                                         Chapter 3                        Hardware Knowledge

                                         Chapter 1                    Basic Windows Operations

                            Level 2      Chapter 2                         Software Knowledge      RESULT
                                         Chapter 3                        Hardware Knowledge

                                         Chapter 1                Advanced Windows Operations

                            Level 3      Chapter 2                Advanced Hardware Knowledge      RESULT
                                         Chapter 3                         Administrative Skills

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Initializing Level 1

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Level 1 (chapter 1)                                                                 Next Chapter       Shutdown

         Q1 . A file with a “.txt” extension may basically contains.
              a) Textual Material       b) Text & Graphics                                   Chapter 1
              c) Audio                  d) Not Specific

         Q2 . What will be the shortcut key in windows to perform cut operation         This chapter will emphasize on
              a) Ctrl+Z                 b) Ctrl+C                                       “ Basic Windows Operations ”
              c) Ctrl+X                 d) Ctrl+V

         Q3. In Windows XP, “XP” stands for.
              a) Expert                 b) Experience
              c) Extra Power            d) Nothing

         Q4. Keys to permanently delete a file without sending it to the recycle bin.
              a) Shift+Ctrl+Del         b) Ctrl+Del
              c) Alt+Del                d) Shift+Del

         Q5. Which of the following application comes incorporated with windows OS.
              a) Photoshop              b) MSWord
              c) Powerpoint             d) Notepad

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Level 1 (chapter 2)                                                                         Next Chapter       Shutdown

         Q6 . Which key would you press from keyboard to pause a file in VLC Media Player.
              a) Enter                 b) Ctrl+P                                                     Chapter 2
              c) Space                 d) P

         Q7 . When you save a file in MS Word 2003 the default file extension will be.          This chapter will emphasize on
              a) . wrd                 b) . doc                                                   “ Software Knowledge ”
              c) . docx                d) . word

         Q8. Which software (most probably) would you choose to design a database.
              a) MS Excel              b) MS Access
              c) Database Pro          d) SQL

         Q9. Which key would you press from keyboard to pause a file in Windows Media Player.
              a) P                     b) Ctrl+P
              c) Enter                 d) Space

         Q10. Default file extension saved in paint software provided by Window XP.
              a) . jpg                 b) . jpeg
              c) . bmp                 d) . pnt

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Level 1 (chapter 3)                                                          Show Result       Shutdown

         Q11 . In the term LCD Monitor LCD stands for.
              a) Liquid Color Display     b) Liquid Crystal Diode                    Chapter 3
              c) Liquid Crystal Display   d) Large Color Displays

         Q12 . A standard IBM compatible Keyboard have .                        This chapter will emphasize on
              a) 110 Keys                 b) 56 Keys                             “ Hardware Knowledge ”
              c) 101 Keys                 d) Not Specific

         Q13. In TFT technology used in monitors TFT stands for.
              a) Think For Thin           b) Technically Feasible Transcoders
              c) Thin Fluid Transistors   d) Thin Film Transistors

         Q14. UPS stands for.
              a) Unified Projector Sink b) Uninterrupted Power Supply
              c) Unlimited Power Source d) None

         Q15. According to most recent definition DVD stands for.
              a) Digital Video Disc       b) Dynamic Video Diskette
              c) Digital Versatile Disc   d) Digitally Verified Disc

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Result of Level 1                                               Shutdown

         Match your answers from the table given below.

             Question No.        Answer          Question No.   Answer
                    1               a                 9           b
                   2                c                 10          c
                   3                b                 11          c
                   4                d                 12          c
                   5                d                 13          d
                   6                c                 14          b
                   7                b                 15          c
                   8                b

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Result of Level 1                                                 Shutdown

         Select an appropriate option according to your result and click Ok

           I have answered less than 5 (total) questions correctly.           Ok

           I have answered more than 5 (total) questions correctly.           Ok

           I have answered at least 7 (total) questions correctly
           and                                                                Ok
           At least 2 correct questions from each chapter.

           I have answered more than 10 (total) questions correctly.          Ok

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Result of Level 1                                                                                           Shutdown

                                         SORRY !
                            You have failed to qualify the level

                                      Learn more and try again
                            I think either you have seen computer for first time or you do not use computer ever.

                               *******Best of Luck*******

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Result of Level 1                                                                                                Proceed to Next Level   Shutdown

                                                     CONGRATULATIONS !
                                                    You have passed Level 1

                                               You have the Metal
                                         Work hard to improve your skills
                            Nice you know about computers but alas not that much. You should work on computer for at least 1 hour a day.
                                       I could guess you as a gamer, who uses computer only for gaming, music or movies etc.

                                           *******Best of Luck*******
Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Result of Level 1                                                                                                 Proceed to Next Level            Shutdown

                You have passed Level 1 with distinction

                                              You have done good
                                       You are a computer literate person
               Remarkably nice if you are not a computer professional. It seems that you own a computer and I think you are an experimental type of guy,
                                                              who not just uses but explores computer.

                                            *******Best of Luck*******
Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Result of Level 1                                                                                           Proceed to Next Level   Shutdown

                     You have just cracked Level 1

                                       You are awesome
                            No doubt you are a computer professional
                              Ok it means you definitely have a computer and spends time with it especially when you are alone.
                            No matter whether you are having a professional computer course or not your knowledge is sufficient.

                                       *******Best of Luck*******

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Initializing Level 2

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Level 2 (chapter 1)                                                                                   Next Chapter   Shutdown

         Q1 . Which key combination would you type to pop up Run window.
              a) Ctrl+Shift+R         b) Ctrl+R
              c) win+R                d) Alt+win+R

         Q2 . Easiest way to know the amount of memory (RAM) you are having within your computer using window XP.
              a) Goto Desktop         b) Goto Control Panel
              c) Goto My Computer                Message
                                      d) Goto Administrative Tools

         Q3. What command would you type in Run window to open Calculator.
              a) cal                  b) calc
              c) %cal%                d) //cal//
                                               From here onwards questions will become a bit harder.
         Q4. Every computer using window XP also have MS DOS.
              a) True                 b) False
              c) Can’t Say            d) May be or may not be                                        Ok
         Q5. Which special key would you use (in addition to letters) to access the items of tool menu in windows explorer.
              a) Ctrl                 b) Shift
              c) win                  d) Alt

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Level 2 (chapter 1)                                                                                   Next Chapter   Shutdown

         Q1 . Which key combination would you type to pop up Run window.
              a) Ctrl+Shift+R         b) Ctrl+R                                                                Chapter 1
              c) win+R                d) Alt+win+R

         Q2 . Easiest way to know the amount of memory (RAM) you are having within your computer using window XP. will emphasize on
                                                                                                     This chapter
              a) Goto Desktop         b) Goto Control Panel                                             “ Basic Windows Operations ”
              c) Goto My Computer     d) Goto Administrative Tools

         Q3. What command would you type in Run window to open Calculator.
              a) cal                  b) calc
              c) %cal%                d) //calc//

         Q4. Every computer using window XP also have MS DOS.
              a) True                 b) False
              c) Can’t Say            d) May be or may not be

         Q5. Which special key would you use (in addition to letters) to access the items of tool menu in windows explorer.
              a) Ctrl                 b) Shift
              c) win                  d) Alt

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Level 2 (chapter 2)                                                              Next Chapter       Shutdown

         Q6 . You would need MS Office Excel for the following file format.
              a) . exl                b) . exe                                            Chapter 2
              c) . xls                d) . ppt

         Q7 . Which key combination would you need to redo an action in MS Office.   This chapter will emphasize on
              a) Ctrl+R               b) Ctrl+Y                                        “ Software Knowledge”
              c) Ctrl+U               d) Ctrl+Z

         Q8. Pick the odd one out.
              a) . xls                b) . docx
              c) . ppsx               d) . xlsx

         Q9. An open source(free) competitor of MS Office is.
              a) Free Office          b) office,org
              c) Word Star            d) UNIX-office Pro

         Q10. Which of the following is not the compression utility for windows.
              a) Winrar               b) 7z
              c) IZArc                d) RawPackup

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Level 2 (chapter 3)                                                                        Show Results       Shutdown

         Q11 . Which type of a device is OCR.
              a) Output                 b) Input                                                    Chapter 3
              c) Both                   d) None

         Q12 . Which type of a device is Light Pen                                             This chapter will emphasize on
              a) Output                 b) Input                                                 “ Hardware Knowledge”
              c) Both                   d) None

         Q13. FSB stands for
              a) Frequency of System Bus b) Fake System BotNets
              c) Fast and Secure Blogs d) Front Side Bus

         Q14. BIOS stands for
              a) Basic Input Output System         b) Backup Input On System
              c) Basic Interchange Of Softwares    d) Block Input Output System

         Q15. CMOS stands for
              a) Common Mainboard Of System              b) Common Multiple Operating System
              c) Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor d) None

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Result of Level 2                                               Shutdown

         Match your answers from the table given below.

             Question No.        Answer          Question No.   Answer
                    1               b                 9           b
                   2                a                 10          d
                   3                b                 11          b
                   4                a                 12          b
                   5                d                 13          d
                   6                c                 14          a
                   7                b                 15          c
                   8                a

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Result of Level 2                                                 Shutdown

         Select an appropriate option according to your result and click Ok

           I have answered less than 5 (total) questions correctly.           Ok

           I have answered more than 5 (total) questions correctly.           Ok

           I have answered at least 7 (total) questions correctly
           and                                                                Ok
           At least 2 correct questions from each chapter.

           I have answered more than 10 (total) questions correctly.          Ok

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Result of Level 2                                                                                              Shutdown

                                          SORRY !
                            You have failed to qualify the level 2

                                               Develop more skills
                             Its nice that you have qualified Level 1 but It seems that you are not ready for Level2

                               *******Best of Luck*******

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Result of Level 2                                                                                                Proceed to Next Level   Shutdown

                                                     CONGRATULATIONS !
                                                   You have passed Level 2

                                               You have the Metal
                                         Work hard to improve your skills
                            Nice you know about computers but alas not that much. You should work on computer for at least 1 hour a day.

                                           *******Best of Luck*******

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Result of Level 2                                                                                                 Proceed to Next Level            Shutdown

                You have passed Level 2 with distinction

                                              You have done good
                                       You are a computer literate person
               Remarkably nice if you are not a computer professional. It seems that you own a computer and I think you are an experimental type of guy,
                                                              who not just uses but explores computer.

                                            *******Best of Luck*******
Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Result of Level 2                                                                                           Proceed to Next Level   Shutdown

                    You have just cracked Level 2

                                       You are awesome
                            No doubt you are a computer professional
                              Ok it means you definitely have a computer and spends time with it especially when you are alone.
                            No matter whether you are having a professional computer course or not your knowledge is sufficient.

                                       *******Best of Luck*******

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
                            Initializing Level 3

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Level 3 (chapter 1)                                                                                                                  Next Chapter

   Q1 . What will you type in Run window to open temporary folder in the respective user account.
        a) C:temp                 b) C:Documents And Settingstemporary
        c) %temp%                  d) %UserName%temp_dir

   Q2 . To reach Computer Management in window XP you will follow the path
        a) DesktopMy Computer([icon(right Click)]Manage(Left Click)      b) Control PanelAssecibility optionsAdministrative ToolsComputer Management
        c) Both a & b                                                      d) Control PanelComputer Management

   Q3. Which command would you execute from run to open Group Policy Editor.
        a) groupedit.exe           b) gpedit.msc
        c) //localgroup//          d) gpeditor.exe                 This level contains very hard questions.

   Q4. Shortcut key to reboot your computer from keyboard.
                                                    Recommended only for Administrators and Professionals.
        a) win+R                             b) Win+UR
        c) Ctrl+R                            d) Ctrl+Del
   Q5. Shortcut key to restore all minimized windows.
        a) win+m                                      b) win+Shift+m
        c) Alt+m                                      d) win+Shift+a

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Level 3 (chapter 1)                                                                                                           Next Chapter

   Q1 . What will you type in Run window to open temporary folder in the respective user account.
        a) C:temp                b) C:Documents And Settingstemporary                                                    Chapter 1
        c) %temp%                 d) %UserName%temp_dir

   Q2 . To reach Computer Management in window XP you will follow the path                                             This chapter will emphasize on
        a) DesktopMy Computer [icon(right Click)]Manage(Left Click)]                                                    “ Advanced Windows Operations “
                                                                         b) Control PanelAssecibility optionsAdministrative ToolsComputer Management
        c) Both a & b                                                    d) Control PanelComputer Management

   Q3. Which command would you execute from run to open Group Policy Editor.
        a) groupedit.exe          b) gpedit.msc
        c) //localgroup//         d) gpeditor.exe

   Q4. Shortcut key to reboot your computer from keyboard.
        a) win+R                            b) Win+UR
        c) Ctrl+R                           d) Ctrl+Del

   Q5. Shortcut key to restore all minimized windows.
        a) win+m                                      b) win+Shift+m
        c) Alt+m                                      d) win+Shift+a

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Level 3 (chapter 2)                                                                                                                              Next Chapter

   Q6 . A COM port is used to
        a) Download files from the web           b) Connect computers together                                                               Chapter 2
        c) Communicate with all hard drives      d) Communicate with other computer peripherals

   Q7 . Which computer is the fastest                                                                                                 This chapter will emphasize on
        a) PII 600MHz                                                           b) PIII 600MHz                                     “ Advanced Hardware Knowledge“
        c) Pentium 600MHz                                                       d) 486 Turbo

   Q8. In order for your computer to play music you need
        a) A network card and speakers b) A CD-ROM drive
        c) A sound card and speakers d) Nothing more than the internal speaker

   Q9. If you have two different printers attached to your computer
        a) It is not possible to have two printers attached to a single computer b) You need to install a single printer driver
        c) You need to use application software that can recognize both printers d) You need to install two different printer drivers in order to be able to print to either printer

   Q10. Which hardware is this “ Gigabyte GA-EG41MF-S2H “
        a) Network Card                                  b) Graphic Card
        c) Mother Board                                  d) PC Case

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Level 3 (chapter 2 contd…)                                                                                                           Next Chapter

   Q11 . In the following specification “ Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 – 500 GB SATA “ 7200 represents
        a) Model Number                           b) Product series                                                                Chapter 2
        c) RPM                                    d) Compatibility with mother Board
   Q12 . Which hardware is this “ Leadtek Quadro FX 560 – 128 MB “                                                            This chapter will emphasize on
        a) LAN Card                        b) Buffered RAM                                                                  “ Advanced Hardware Knowledge“
        c) Graphics Card                   d) Monitor with storage capacity

   Q13. Which of the following is not a Intel processor.
        a) Intel Core i7-920, 2.66 GHz      b) Intel Core 2 Duo D7600, 2.16 GHz
        c) Intel Core 2 Duo E7400, 2.80 GHz d) Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5200, 2.50 GHz

   Q14. Which RAM would you buy (the Best).
        a) 2GB DDR2-800MHz                                                         b) 2 GB DDR2-667MHz + 2GB DDR2-533 MHz
        c) 3GB DDR1-533MHz                                                         d) 1GB DDR3-667MHz

   Q15. Which Monitor would you buy (the Best). [Screen Size, Response Time, Brightness, Contrast Ratio]
        a) 19” , 12ms , 250cd/m2 , 700:1                  b) 17”, 5ms ,300cd/m2 , 1000:1
        c) 21” , 18ms , 250cd/m2 , 500:1                  d) 19” , 20ms , 250cd/m2 , 1000:1

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Level 3 (chapter 3)                                                                                                     Show Results

   Q16 . What is the function of NTDETECT.COM at the time of Booting.
        a) Load the bootloader in the memory b) Checks the hardware connected to the computer                          Chapter 3
        c) There is no such file             d) File is used by windows after booting

   Q17 . What is the changed name of “boot.ini” file of XP in Vista/window7.                                     This chapter will emphasize on
        a) boot.ini                      b) boot.exe                                                                 “ Administrative Skills“
        c) There is no such file         d) bootloader.sys

   Q18. Which of the following set of files is loaded at boot time (prior to Kernel loading).
        a) NTLDR , boot.ini , HAL.dll         b) NTOSKERNEL.exe , NTLDR.exe , boot.ini
        c) NTLDR , boot.ini , NTDETECT.com    d) NTDETECT.com , NTLDR.exe , SYSTEM , HAL.dll

   Q19. Which command is given at Recovery Console to write a new boot partition sector onto the system partition.
        a) fixmbr                                                                b) fixboot
        c) loadboot                                                              d) newboot

   Q20. LightScribe technology is used
        a) To make hard disks with large rpms           b) To burn labels on optical disks
        c) In Blu-ray DVD writers to burn discs         d) In servers to communicate with clients

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Results of Level 3
   Match your answers from the table given below.
        Question            Answer          Question   Answer
        Number                              Number
            1                 c                11        c
            2                 a                12        c
            3                 b                13        b
            4                 b                14        a
            5                 b                15        b      Proceed
            6                 d                16        b
            7                 b                17        c
            8                 c                18        c
            9                 d                19        b
           10                 c                20        b

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Results of Level 3
   Select an appropriate option according to your result and click Ok.

    I have answered less than 7 questions correctly.                     Ok

    I have answered more than 7 questions correctly.                     Ok

    I have answered more than 12 questions correctly.                    Ok

    I have answered more than 18 questions correctly.                    Ok

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Result of Level 3

                                          SORRY !
                            You have failed to qualify the level 3

                                               Develop more skills
                             Its nice that you have qualified Level 2 but It seems that you are not ready for Level3

                                *******Best of Luck*******

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Result of Level 3

                                       CONGRATULATIONS !
                                     You have passed Level 3

                                  You have the Metal
                            Work hard to improve your skills
                            Nice you are an Administrator but not a professional one.. You should learn more.

                             *******Best of Luck*******

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Result of Level 3

                You have passed Level 3 with distinction

                                            You have done good
                                     You are a computer literate person
                            Remarkably nice if you are not a computer professional. It seems that you are a professional Administrator..

                                          *******Best of Luck*******

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
Result of Level 3

                    You have just cracked Level 2

                                    You are awesome
                      No doubt you are a Professional Administrator
                              Ok it means you definitely have a computer and spends time with it especially when you are alone.
                            No matter whether you are having a professional computer course or not your knowledge is sufficient.
                                                        I feeling proud to call you a “ Tech Savvy Guy “
                                                                  Really you are just awesome.

                                       *******Best of Luck*******

Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali

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  • 2. Explanation of GUI Active Button to move to the next slide Description of Level and Chapter To quit TechQuiz presentation Description about Chapter Questions Presenters Name Continue…
  • 3. TechQuiz Rules Let me give you a glimpse of TechQuiz Shutdown Hi, I am Ehtisham Ali Welcome to TechQuiz. I have tried my best to make this presentation error free and effortless. You need MS Office 2007 or higher to run this presentation. Switch on your speakers to enjoy the presentation in its full glory. Feel free to post suggestions or bugs about this presentation. Email : alitech123@gmail.com At least forward me a SMS if you liked the graphics (with your name) PhoneNo. 9412328586 Since it is a self evaluating quiz so be Honest while evaluating your results. While answering questions note down your responses on a sheet as shown below: 1 a 2 b etc This quiz contains 3 Levels and each level contains 3 chapters. A RESULT will be granted to you after each Level Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 4. Quick Summary Ok now Start Level 1 Shutdown TechQuiz Chapter 1 Basic Windows Operations Level 1 Chapter 2 Software Knowledge RESULT Beginners Chapter 3 Hardware Knowledge Chapter 1 Basic Windows Operations Level 2 Chapter 2 Software Knowledge RESULT Students Chapter 3 Hardware Knowledge Chapter 1 Advanced Windows Operations Level 3 Chapter 2 Advanced Hardware Knowledge RESULT Administrators Chapter 3 Administrative Skills Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 5. Initializing Level 1 Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 6. Level 1 (chapter 1) Next Chapter Shutdown Q1 . A file with a “.txt” extension may basically contains. a) Textual Material b) Text & Graphics Chapter 1 c) Audio d) Not Specific Q2 . What will be the shortcut key in windows to perform cut operation This chapter will emphasize on a) Ctrl+Z b) Ctrl+C “ Basic Windows Operations ” c) Ctrl+X d) Ctrl+V Q3. In Windows XP, “XP” stands for. a) Expert b) Experience c) Extra Power d) Nothing Q4. Keys to permanently delete a file without sending it to the recycle bin. a) Shift+Ctrl+Del b) Ctrl+Del c) Alt+Del d) Shift+Del Q5. Which of the following application comes incorporated with windows OS. a) Photoshop b) MSWord c) Powerpoint d) Notepad Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 7. Level 1 (chapter 2) Next Chapter Shutdown Q6 . Which key would you press from keyboard to pause a file in VLC Media Player. a) Enter b) Ctrl+P Chapter 2 c) Space d) P Q7 . When you save a file in MS Word 2003 the default file extension will be. This chapter will emphasize on a) . wrd b) . doc “ Software Knowledge ” c) . docx d) . word Q8. Which software (most probably) would you choose to design a database. a) MS Excel b) MS Access c) Database Pro d) SQL Q9. Which key would you press from keyboard to pause a file in Windows Media Player. a) P b) Ctrl+P c) Enter d) Space Q10. Default file extension saved in paint software provided by Window XP. a) . jpg b) . jpeg c) . bmp d) . pnt Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 8. Level 1 (chapter 3) Show Result Shutdown Q11 . In the term LCD Monitor LCD stands for. a) Liquid Color Display b) Liquid Crystal Diode Chapter 3 c) Liquid Crystal Display d) Large Color Displays Q12 . A standard IBM compatible Keyboard have . This chapter will emphasize on a) 110 Keys b) 56 Keys “ Hardware Knowledge ” c) 101 Keys d) Not Specific Q13. In TFT technology used in monitors TFT stands for. a) Think For Thin b) Technically Feasible Transcoders c) Thin Fluid Transistors d) Thin Film Transistors Q14. UPS stands for. a) Unified Projector Sink b) Uninterrupted Power Supply c) Unlimited Power Source d) None Q15. According to most recent definition DVD stands for. a) Digital Video Disc b) Dynamic Video Diskette c) Digital Versatile Disc d) Digitally Verified Disc Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 9. Result of Level 1 Shutdown Match your answers from the table given below. Question No. Answer Question No. Answer 1 a 9 b 2 c 10 c 3 b 11 c Proceed 4 d 12 c 5 d 13 d 6 c 14 b 7 b 15 c 8 b Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 10. Result of Level 1 Shutdown Select an appropriate option according to your result and click Ok I have answered less than 5 (total) questions correctly. Ok I have answered more than 5 (total) questions correctly. Ok I have answered at least 7 (total) questions correctly and Ok At least 2 correct questions from each chapter. I have answered more than 10 (total) questions correctly. Ok Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 11. Result of Level 1 Shutdown FAILED SORRY ! You have failed to qualify the level Learn more and try again I think either you have seen computer for first time or you do not use computer ever. *******Best of Luck******* Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 12. Result of Level 1 Proceed to Next Level Shutdown PASSED CONGRATULATIONS ! You have passed Level 1 You have the Metal Work hard to improve your skills Nice you know about computers but alas not that much. You should work on computer for at least 1 hour a day. I could guess you as a gamer, who uses computer only for gaming, music or movies etc. *******Best of Luck******* Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 13. Result of Level 1 Proceed to Next Level Shutdown NICE *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** You have passed Level 1 with distinction You have done good You are a computer literate person Remarkably nice if you are not a computer professional. It seems that you own a computer and I think you are an experimental type of guy, who not just uses but explores computer. *******Best of Luck******* Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 14. Result of Level 1 Proceed to Next Level Shutdown EXCELLENT *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** You have just cracked Level 1 You are awesome No doubt you are a computer professional Ok it means you definitely have a computer and spends time with it especially when you are alone. No matter whether you are having a professional computer course or not your knowledge is sufficient. *******Best of Luck******* Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 15. Initializing Level 2 Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 16. Level 2 (chapter 1) Next Chapter Shutdown Q1 . Which key combination would you type to pop up Run window. a) Ctrl+Shift+R b) Ctrl+R c) win+R d) Alt+win+R Q2 . Easiest way to know the amount of memory (RAM) you are having within your computer using window XP. a) Goto Desktop b) Goto Control Panel c) Goto My Computer Message d) Goto Administrative Tools Q3. What command would you type in Run window to open Calculator. a) cal b) calc c) %cal% d) //cal// From here onwards questions will become a bit harder. Q4. Every computer using window XP also have MS DOS. a) True b) False c) Can’t Say d) May be or may not be Ok Q5. Which special key would you use (in addition to letters) to access the items of tool menu in windows explorer. a) Ctrl b) Shift c) win d) Alt Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 17. Level 2 (chapter 1) Next Chapter Shutdown Q1 . Which key combination would you type to pop up Run window. a) Ctrl+Shift+R b) Ctrl+R Chapter 1 c) win+R d) Alt+win+R Q2 . Easiest way to know the amount of memory (RAM) you are having within your computer using window XP. will emphasize on This chapter a) Goto Desktop b) Goto Control Panel “ Basic Windows Operations ” c) Goto My Computer d) Goto Administrative Tools Q3. What command would you type in Run window to open Calculator. a) cal b) calc c) %cal% d) //calc// Q4. Every computer using window XP also have MS DOS. a) True b) False c) Can’t Say d) May be or may not be Q5. Which special key would you use (in addition to letters) to access the items of tool menu in windows explorer. a) Ctrl b) Shift c) win d) Alt Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 18. Level 2 (chapter 2) Next Chapter Shutdown Q6 . You would need MS Office Excel for the following file format. a) . exl b) . exe Chapter 2 c) . xls d) . ppt Q7 . Which key combination would you need to redo an action in MS Office. This chapter will emphasize on a) Ctrl+R b) Ctrl+Y “ Software Knowledge” c) Ctrl+U d) Ctrl+Z Q8. Pick the odd one out. a) . xls b) . docx c) . ppsx d) . xlsx Q9. An open source(free) competitor of MS Office is. a) Free Office b) office,org c) Word Star d) UNIX-office Pro Q10. Which of the following is not the compression utility for windows. a) Winrar b) 7z c) IZArc d) RawPackup Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 19. Level 2 (chapter 3) Show Results Shutdown Q11 . Which type of a device is OCR. a) Output b) Input Chapter 3 c) Both d) None Q12 . Which type of a device is Light Pen This chapter will emphasize on a) Output b) Input “ Hardware Knowledge” c) Both d) None Q13. FSB stands for a) Frequency of System Bus b) Fake System BotNets c) Fast and Secure Blogs d) Front Side Bus Q14. BIOS stands for a) Basic Input Output System b) Backup Input On System c) Basic Interchange Of Softwares d) Block Input Output System Q15. CMOS stands for a) Common Mainboard Of System b) Common Multiple Operating System c) Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor d) None Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 20. Result of Level 2 Shutdown Match your answers from the table given below. Question No. Answer Question No. Answer 1 b 9 b 2 a 10 d 3 b 11 b Proceed 4 a 12 b 5 d 13 d 6 c 14 a 7 b 15 c 8 a Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 21. Result of Level 2 Shutdown Select an appropriate option according to your result and click Ok I have answered less than 5 (total) questions correctly. Ok I have answered more than 5 (total) questions correctly. Ok I have answered at least 7 (total) questions correctly and Ok At least 2 correct questions from each chapter. I have answered more than 10 (total) questions correctly. Ok Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 22. Result of Level 2 Shutdown FAILED SORRY ! You have failed to qualify the level 2 Develop more skills Its nice that you have qualified Level 1 but It seems that you are not ready for Level2 *******Best of Luck******* Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 23. Result of Level 2 Proceed to Next Level Shutdown PASSED CONGRATULATIONS ! You have passed Level 2 You have the Metal Work hard to improve your skills Nice you know about computers but alas not that much. You should work on computer for at least 1 hour a day. *******Best of Luck******* Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 24. Result of Level 2 Proceed to Next Level Shutdown NICE *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** You have passed Level 2 with distinction You have done good You are a computer literate person Remarkably nice if you are not a computer professional. It seems that you own a computer and I think you are an experimental type of guy, who not just uses but explores computer. *******Best of Luck******* Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 25. Result of Level 2 Proceed to Next Level Shutdown EXCELLENT *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** You have just cracked Level 2 You are awesome No doubt you are a computer professional Ok it means you definitely have a computer and spends time with it especially when you are alone. No matter whether you are having a professional computer course or not your knowledge is sufficient. *******Best of Luck******* Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 26. ...... Initializing Level 3 Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 27. Level 3 (chapter 1) Next Chapter Q1 . What will you type in Run window to open temporary folder in the respective user account. a) C:temp b) C:Documents And Settingstemporary c) %temp% d) %UserName%temp_dir Q2 . To reach Computer Management in window XP you will follow the path a) DesktopMy Computer([icon(right Click)]Manage(Left Click) b) Control PanelAssecibility optionsAdministrative ToolsComputer Management c) Both a & b d) Control PanelComputer Management Message Q3. Which command would you execute from run to open Group Policy Editor. a) groupedit.exe b) gpedit.msc c) //localgroup// d) gpeditor.exe This level contains very hard questions. Q4. Shortcut key to reboot your computer from keyboard. Recommended only for Administrators and Professionals. a) win+R b) Win+UR c) Ctrl+R d) Ctrl+Del Ok Q5. Shortcut key to restore all minimized windows. a) win+m b) win+Shift+m c) Alt+m d) win+Shift+a Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 28. Level 3 (chapter 1) Next Chapter Q1 . What will you type in Run window to open temporary folder in the respective user account. a) C:temp b) C:Documents And Settingstemporary Chapter 1 c) %temp% d) %UserName%temp_dir Q2 . To reach Computer Management in window XP you will follow the path This chapter will emphasize on a) DesktopMy Computer [icon(right Click)]Manage(Left Click)] “ Advanced Windows Operations “ b) Control PanelAssecibility optionsAdministrative ToolsComputer Management c) Both a & b d) Control PanelComputer Management Q3. Which command would you execute from run to open Group Policy Editor. a) groupedit.exe b) gpedit.msc c) //localgroup// d) gpeditor.exe Q4. Shortcut key to reboot your computer from keyboard. a) win+R b) Win+UR c) Ctrl+R d) Ctrl+Del Q5. Shortcut key to restore all minimized windows. a) win+m b) win+Shift+m c) Alt+m d) win+Shift+a Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 29. Level 3 (chapter 2) Next Chapter Q6 . A COM port is used to a) Download files from the web b) Connect computers together Chapter 2 c) Communicate with all hard drives d) Communicate with other computer peripherals Q7 . Which computer is the fastest This chapter will emphasize on a) PII 600MHz b) PIII 600MHz “ Advanced Hardware Knowledge“ c) Pentium 600MHz d) 486 Turbo Q8. In order for your computer to play music you need a) A network card and speakers b) A CD-ROM drive c) A sound card and speakers d) Nothing more than the internal speaker Q9. If you have two different printers attached to your computer a) It is not possible to have two printers attached to a single computer b) You need to install a single printer driver c) You need to use application software that can recognize both printers d) You need to install two different printer drivers in order to be able to print to either printer Q10. Which hardware is this “ Gigabyte GA-EG41MF-S2H “ a) Network Card b) Graphic Card c) Mother Board d) PC Case Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 30. Level 3 (chapter 2 contd…) Next Chapter Q11 . In the following specification “ Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 – 500 GB SATA “ 7200 represents a) Model Number b) Product series Chapter 2 c) RPM d) Compatibility with mother Board contd… Q12 . Which hardware is this “ Leadtek Quadro FX 560 – 128 MB “ This chapter will emphasize on a) LAN Card b) Buffered RAM “ Advanced Hardware Knowledge“ c) Graphics Card d) Monitor with storage capacity Q13. Which of the following is not a Intel processor. a) Intel Core i7-920, 2.66 GHz b) Intel Core 2 Duo D7600, 2.16 GHz c) Intel Core 2 Duo E7400, 2.80 GHz d) Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5200, 2.50 GHz Q14. Which RAM would you buy (the Best). a) 2GB DDR2-800MHz b) 2 GB DDR2-667MHz + 2GB DDR2-533 MHz c) 3GB DDR1-533MHz d) 1GB DDR3-667MHz Q15. Which Monitor would you buy (the Best). [Screen Size, Response Time, Brightness, Contrast Ratio] a) 19” , 12ms , 250cd/m2 , 700:1 b) 17”, 5ms ,300cd/m2 , 1000:1 c) 21” , 18ms , 250cd/m2 , 500:1 d) 19” , 20ms , 250cd/m2 , 1000:1 Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 31. Level 3 (chapter 3) Show Results Q16 . What is the function of NTDETECT.COM at the time of Booting. a) Load the bootloader in the memory b) Checks the hardware connected to the computer Chapter 3 c) There is no such file d) File is used by windows after booting Q17 . What is the changed name of “boot.ini” file of XP in Vista/window7. This chapter will emphasize on a) boot.ini b) boot.exe “ Administrative Skills“ c) There is no such file d) bootloader.sys Q18. Which of the following set of files is loaded at boot time (prior to Kernel loading). a) NTLDR , boot.ini , HAL.dll b) NTOSKERNEL.exe , NTLDR.exe , boot.ini c) NTLDR , boot.ini , NTDETECT.com d) NTDETECT.com , NTLDR.exe , SYSTEM , HAL.dll Q19. Which command is given at Recovery Console to write a new boot partition sector onto the system partition. a) fixmbr b) fixboot c) loadboot d) newboot Q20. LightScribe technology is used a) To make hard disks with large rpms b) To burn labels on optical disks c) In Blu-ray DVD writers to burn discs d) In servers to communicate with clients Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 32. Results of Level 3 Match your answers from the table given below. Question Answer Question Answer Number Number 1 c 11 c 2 a 12 c 3 b 13 b 4 b 14 a 5 b 15 b Proceed 6 d 16 b 7 b 17 c 8 c 18 c 9 d 19 b 10 c 20 b Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 33. Results of Level 3 Select an appropriate option according to your result and click Ok. I have answered less than 7 questions correctly. Ok I have answered more than 7 questions correctly. Ok I have answered more than 12 questions correctly. Ok I have answered more than 18 questions correctly. Ok Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 34. Result of Level 3 Failed SORRY ! You have failed to qualify the level 3 Develop more skills Its nice that you have qualified Level 2 but It seems that you are not ready for Level3 *******Best of Luck******* Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 35. Result of Level 3 Passed CONGRATULATIONS ! You have passed Level 3 You have the Metal Work hard to improve your skills Nice you are an Administrator but not a professional one.. You should learn more. *******Best of Luck******* Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 36. Result of Level 3 NICE *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** You have passed Level 3 with distinction You have done good You are a computer literate person Remarkably nice if you are not a computer professional. It seems that you are a professional Administrator.. *******Best of Luck******* Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali
  • 37. Result of Level 3 Excellent *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** CONGRATS *** You have just cracked Level 2 You are awesome No doubt you are a Professional Administrator Ok it means you definitely have a computer and spends time with it especially when you are alone. No matter whether you are having a professional computer course or not your knowledge is sufficient. I feeling proud to call you a “ Tech Savvy Guy “ Really you are just awesome. *******Best of Luck******* Prepared by: Ehtisham Ali