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September 2012
Today’s discussion

From 2010 to 2012

 Into the future….
Did You Know: Shift Happens

     1. What trends do you recognize?

 2. How are these trends affecting you and
              your organization?

3. What does this have to do with networks?
Human capacity cannot keep up…

       Growth                         and knowledge



Adapted from Cohen & Levinthal 1989
Big Data is now big money

Tomas Larsson, Sep 2012
”No one knows everything,
     everyone knows something,
all knowledge resides in networks

                      Six degrees of
                     - Milgram, 1967

                         Adapted from Lévy 1997
3.74 degrees of separation!

                                    Aug 2012
                               5 mln active monthly
                                 users in Sweden
Source: Facebook
People > 45 years becoming more active

             % age group with personal profile on
                any social networking website

Edison Research, 2012 - US-based study
Check-ins not taking off…

          How often do you check in to location
         services such as Foursquare or Gowalla?
   60%                 57%



   30%                                                                        2011
                                           24%                                2012

   20%                                                18%        18%


              Almost never          Sometimes    Almost every time I go out

Edison Research, 2012 - US-based study
Creation > curation

   46% Creators: Create and post photos, videos, etc.
    41% Curators: Find and post photos, videos, etc.
Organizations span the full range of use but….
                2010    2012
                Organizational use
      No             One-way           Two-way
      use         “broadcasting”     conversations
      ..the majority
            ..the majority
         are here here
     Ban                Allow          Encourage
     use                 use              use
                 Employee use

Teigland 2010
US Fortune 500 renews interest in social media


                  70%                      66%
                            62%                                         62%
                  60%                   58%
                  40%                                                                      2012

                  30%                                  28%

                                                                0   0         0   0
                          Twitter     Facebook   Public blogs   YouTube       Pinterest

            Google: 5.3 mln Twitter followers, up from 3.3 mln
            Coca-Cola: >51 mln Facebook fans, up from 32 mln
                 Pinterest: Dominated by B2C companies

Social media gaining in influence
                     on buying decisions

         Which ONE social networking site or service
         influences your buying decisions the most?

Edison Research, 2012 - US-based study
67% in USA do not follow a brand in social media
 and for those who do, no one brand dominates
       Think about the companies, brands, products and services
             you enjoy following on social networking sites.
               What is the first ONE that comes to mind?

Edison Research, 2012                   Of 332 responses
Google Glass and Fashion collaborate
        in short film about Diane Von Furstenburg
                shot entirely with 'Glasses’

       Going for the
        Wow Effect

Hidden influence of your friends’ friends…

                           Happy people                                         Christakis & Fowler, 2011
                           In between people
                           Unhappy people
How Wrapp’s friend-to-friend
          marketing platform drives sales

Converting online relationships to offline sales

Organizations span the full range of use but….
                Organizational use
      No             One-way           Two-way
      use         “broadcasting”     conversations
                ..the majority
                   are here
     Ban                Allow          Encourage
     use                 use              use
                 Employee use

Teigland 2012
cannot mandate social relationships

             My company has blocked my
            computer from accessing most
           social media sites. But I feel cut
          off from my network so now I just
              connect through my phone.

                                 Photo: ac360.blogs.cnn.com
Wide adoption of internal use across industries

Google, Millward Brown, 2012
Use of social networking tools
                          within organizations



Google, Millward Brown, 2012
Exploitation     Exploration
       Improving existing   Developing new
         value creation      value creation
            activities          activities

Adapted from March 1991
The wisdom of the crowd

                Closed                Open
              Expensive            Inexpensive
               Complex                Simple
               Accurate           Close enough
Hinton 2007
30% profit margin
  in commodity
From clothing to home products….
The new market place

                A shift by companies from being
             “problem solvers” to “solution finders”
Ericsson & Augur 2011
Shifting market logic

Ericsson & Augur 2011
Into the future….

Who develops it?

Who finances it?

Who manufactures it?
Models of Knowledge Creation

               E.g., Microsoft
           ~ Built by employees within
            organizational boundaries

The Firm
                          vs             The Collective

                              E.g., Linux
                              ~ Built by users and distributed
                              freely regardless of affiliation

                                                      Teigland, Di Gangi, & Yetis 2012
“Open source” …
not just about software anymore
New forms of financing

Fb daniel

Daniel Bergqvist
   Founder                 http://blog.pennybridge.org/
3D printing becoming more commonplace…
…and it’s no longer just for companies

                           3D scanning

home 3D
Where is all this

Access to 24x7 global workforce

               Matchmakers: USD 1bln industry
Increasing supply of freelance talent globally

    Global Online
 Employment Report
  Q2 2012 at Elance

OpenSimulator: A value-creation ecosystem
                                                Large Firm
                                                Local Public
                                                Federal Public
                                                Research Inst
                                                SME Employee

                              Teigland, Di Gangi, & Yetis 2012
Here comes the Immersive Internet….

O’Driscoll 2009
What are Virtual Worlds ?

           Platforms for unleashing creativity
           and revolutionizing value creation
The number of virtual worlds and users
               continues to rapidly increase

                                              ≈1.9 bln accounts

                                ≈100 worlds
Training and simulation for
         Providers of Healthcare Delivery
Virtual hallucinations at     In hospital counseling at
UC Davis                      Univ of New England

Pharmacy training at Umeå U   Emergency training w/ SAIC
Accelerating innovation to meet global needs

                                  Integrating users in
                                 development process

Teigland et al. 2010     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kMNWBU1Yb8
Cloud party on Facebook - In beta
Marketplace app and Cloud Coins

≈1.4 bln VW accounts under age 16

225 mln

 170 mln

                                     200 mln

           42 mln
                                                             265 mln
Developing international entrepreneurs?
“Clearly, if social activity migrates to
       synthetic worlds, economic activity will
           go there as well.” Castronova, 2006

          $14.8 billion
    worldwide market for
    virtual goods in 2012E

US$ 635,000 for a virtual asteroid!

•US$ 500,000 profit in 5 years
   by Jon “Neverdie” Jacobs
 •Entropia Universe with GDP
        >US$ 440 mln
The future of immersion…

History tends to repeat itself….
     Innovation, financial crisis, industrial revolution, …


       Late 18th C        Late 19th C          Late 20th C

Schön 2008
From factories to office parks to….
From the mobility of goods
    to the mobility of financial capital to …

...the “mobility” of labor?
                                       Teigland, JVWR, 2010
Some things do not change

Innovation                   Exchange

Exchange                     Trust

Trust                        Relationships

Relationships                Interaction
Are you ready?
If you love
                                         knowledge, set it free…

                                             Karinda Rhode
  Photo: Lindholm, Metro
                                            aka Robin Teigland

Interested in learning more?

More Related Content

Teigland_Exploring future of value creation

  • 2. Today’s discussion From 2010 to 2012  Into the future….
  • 3. Did You Know: Shift Happens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL9Wu2kWwSY&feature=search 1. What trends do you recognize? 2. How are these trends affecting you and your organization? 3. What does this have to do with networks?
  • 4. Human capacity cannot keep up… Information Growth and knowledge Human absorptive capacity Time Adapted from Cohen & Levinthal 1989
  • 5. Big Data is now big money Tomas Larsson, Sep 2012
  • 6. ”No one knows everything, everyone knows something, all knowledge resides in networks humanity.” Six degrees of separation - Milgram, 1967 Adapted from Lévy 1997
  • 7. 3.74 degrees of separation! Aug 2012 5 mln active monthly users in Sweden Source: Facebook
  • 8. People > 45 years becoming more active % age group with personal profile on any social networking website Edison Research, 2012 - US-based study
  • 9. Check-ins not taking off… How often do you check in to location services such as Foursquare or Gowalla? 60% 57% 50% 42% 39% 40% 30% 2011 24% 2012 20% 18% 18% 10% 0% Almost never Sometimes Almost every time I go out Edison Research, 2012 - US-based study
  • 10. Creation > curation 46% Creators: Create and post photos, videos, etc. 41% Curators: Find and post photos, videos, etc. http://pewinternet.org/Reports/2012/Online-Pictures.aspx
  • 11. Organizations span the full range of use but…. 2010 2012 Organizational use No One-way Two-way use “broadcasting” conversations ..the majority ..the majority are here here are Ban Allow Encourage use use use Employee use Teigland 2010
  • 12. US Fortune 500 renews interest in social media 100% 90% 80% 73% 70% 66% 62% 62% 60% 60% 58% 56% 2010 50% 2011 40% 2012 30% 28% 23%23% 20% 10% 2% 0 0 0 0 0% Twitter Facebook Public blogs YouTube Pinterest Google: 5.3 mln Twitter followers, up from 3.3 mln Coca-Cola: >51 mln Facebook fans, up from 32 mln Pinterest: Dominated by B2C companies http://www.umassd.edu/cmr/studiesandresearch/2011fortune500/
  • 13. Social media gaining in influence on buying decisions Which ONE social networking site or service influences your buying decisions the most? Edison Research, 2012 - US-based study
  • 14. 67% in USA do not follow a brand in social media and for those who do, no one brand dominates Think about the companies, brands, products and services you enjoy following on social networking sites. What is the first ONE that comes to mind? Edison Research, 2012 Of 332 responses
  • 15. Google Glass and Fashion collaborate in short film about Diane Von Furstenburg shot entirely with 'Glasses’ Going for the Wow Effect http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/13/google-glass-diane-von-furstenburg-video_n_1881484.html
  • 16. Hidden influence of your friends’ friends… Happy people Christakis & Fowler, 2011 In between people Unhappy people http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/nicholas_christakis_the_hidden_influence_of_social_networks.html
  • 17. How Wrapp’s friend-to-friend marketing platform drives sales Converting online relationships to offline sales
  • 19. Organizations span the full range of use but…. 2012 Organizational use No One-way Two-way use “broadcasting” conversations ..the majority are here Ban Allow Encourage use use use Employee use Teigland 2012
  • 20. Management cannot mandate social relationships My company has blocked my computer from accessing most social media sites. But I feel cut off from my network so now I just connect through my phone. Photo: ac360.blogs.cnn.com
  • 21. Wide adoption of internal use across industries Google, Millward Brown, 2012
  • 22. Use of social networking tools within organizations Used for Significant impact Google, Millward Brown, 2012
  • 23. Exploitation Exploration Improving existing Developing new value creation value creation activities activities Adapted from March 1991
  • 24. The wisdom of the crowd Closed Open Expensive Inexpensive Complex Simple Accurate Close enough Accurate Up-to-date Hinton 2007
  • 25. 30% profit margin in commodity business
  • 27. From clothing to home products….
  • 28. The new market place A shift by companies from being “problem solvers” to “solution finders” Ericsson & Augur 2011
  • 30. Into the future…. Who develops it? Who finances it? Who manufactures it?
  • 31. Models of Knowledge Creation E.g., Microsoft ~ Built by employees within organizational boundaries The Firm vs The Collective E.g., Linux ~ Built by users and distributed freely regardless of affiliation Teigland, Di Gangi, & Yetis 2012
  • 32. “Open source” … not just about software anymore
  • 33. New forms of financing http://blog.intuit.com/trends/crowd-power-what-is-crowdfunding-infographic/
  • 34. Fb daniel Daniel Bergqvist Founder http://blog.pennybridge.org/
  • 35. 3D printing becoming more commonplace…
  • 36. …and it’s no longer just for companies 3D scanning apps Affordable home 3D printers
  • 37. Where is all this happening? Online
  • 38. Access to 24x7 global workforce Matchmakers: USD 1bln industry
  • 39. Increasing supply of freelance talent globally Global Online Employment Report Q2 2012 at Elance https://www.elance.com/trends/talent-available
  • 40. OpenSimulator: A value-creation ecosystem Academic Entrepreneur Hobbyist Large Firm Non-profit Local Public Federal Public Research Inst SME Employee Periphery Teigland, Di Gangi, & Yetis 2012
  • 41. Here comes the Immersive Internet…. O’Driscoll 2009
  • 42. What are Virtual Worlds ? Platforms for unleashing creativity and revolutionizing value creation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Quh2OiPHkm8
  • 43. The number of virtual worlds and users continues to rapidly increase ≈1.9 bln accounts ≈100 worlds http://www.slideshare.net/nicmitham/kzero-universe-q1-2012
  • 44. Training and simulation for Providers of Healthcare Delivery Virtual hallucinations at In hospital counseling at UC Davis Univ of New England Pharmacy training at Umeå U Emergency training w/ SAIC
  • 45. Accelerating innovation to meet global needs Integrating users in development process Teigland et al. 2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kMNWBU1Yb8
  • 46. Cloud party on Facebook - In beta Marketplace app and Cloud Coins https://www.facebook.com/CloudParty
  • 47. ≈1.4 bln VW accounts under age 16 225 mln 170 mln 200 mln 42 mln 265 mln http://www.slideshare.net/nicmitham/kzero-universe-q1-2012
  • 49. “Clearly, if social activity migrates to synthetic worlds, economic activity will go there as well.” Castronova, 2006 $14.8 billion worldwide market for virtual goods in 2012E http://www.superdataresearch.com/monetization-is-a-four-letter-word/
  • 50. US$ 635,000 for a virtual asteroid! •US$ 500,000 profit in 5 years by Jon “Neverdie” Jacobs •Entropia Universe with GDP >US$ 440 mln http://blogs.forbes.com/oliverchiang/2010/11/13/meet-the-man-who- just-made-a-cool-half-million-from-the-sale-of-virtual-property/
  • 51. The future of immersion… http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-19568451
  • 52. History tends to repeat itself…. Innovation, financial crisis, industrial revolution, … Microelectronics Internal combustion engine Steam engine Third industrial revolution? Late 18th C Late 19th C Late 20th C Schön 2008
  • 53. From factories to office parks to….
  • 54. From the mobility of goods to the mobility of financial capital to … ...the “mobility” of labor? Teigland, JVWR, 2010
  • 55. Some things do not change Innovation Exchange Exchange Trust Trust Relationships Relationships Interaction
  • 57. If you love knowledge, set it free… Karinda Rhode Photo: Lindholm, Metro aka Robin Teigland robin.teigland@hhs.se Photo: Nordenskiöld www.knowledgenetworking.org www.slideshare.net/eteigland www.nordicworlds.net RobinTeigland Photo: Lindqvist

Editor's Notes

  1. Of original Forbes 100 in 191761 companies ceased to exist by 198718 of remaining 39 underperformed market by 20%Only 2 beat market index (GE & Eastman Kodak)Only 1 (1%) today!Of companies in original S&P 500 in 1957426 companies ceased to exist by 1997Only 12 (2.4%) outperformed S&P 500 index in 1997 Of top 100 companies in Korea in 1955Only 7 still on list in 20041997 crisis destroyed half of 30 largest conglomerates
  2. Strong ties – 4-6 on averageWeak ties – 150 on average Teamporary ties -
  3. The “Check-in” is the phenomenon that never happened74% of Americans are unfamiliar with the concept of checking in to a location via mobile device, and only 3% have ever checked in. Even more damning, is that 4% had checked in when surveyed in 2011. This is a 25% decrease in check in behaviors in a single year. It’s not going to rebound, which is why Foursquare’s play is to be the new Yelp.
  4. Photo: http://blog.tweetfind.com/pin-this-pinterest-releases-android-ipad-apps.html
  5. http://www.forbes.com/sites/haydnshaughnessy/2012/09/21/does-apples-success-prove-social-media-doesnt-really-matter/
  6. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/13/google-glass-diane-von-furstenburg-video_n_1881484.htmlhttp://thecreatorsproject.com/blog/google-glasses-strut-their-stuff-on-the-catwalk-at-new-york-fashion-weekWhen Google’s Project Glass was announced back in April, most people were wowed by the concept but a little unsure about walking around looking like an extra from Star Trek. Sure, they certainly would be fun—if a little overwhelming—to use, but as a fashion statement, it was mainly the techies who’d be keen to show them off as eyewear.This didn’t stop them from making an appearance on Sunday at New York Fashion Week, gracing the catwalk on the faces of supermodels for Diane von Furstenberg‘s show—even color-coded to match the models’ outfits for her S/S 2013 collection.So is this the moment wearable tech went mainstream? Probably not, because while the glasses were being worn by models at a global fashion mega-event, they were there for practical, rather than aesthetic, reasons: to record behind-the-scenes for a short film DVF through Glass. The images from the show were streamed on von Furstenberg’s Google+ profile, so us normals could glimpse the backstage glam from the world of high-end fashion.More than a fashion statement though, this was a power marketing play by Google—aligning with the fashion elite like DVF is certainly one way to get the public’s buy-in. I mean, if the fashion world could convince people wearing armadillo-inspired shoes that resemble lobster claws is a good idea, why not Google Glasses?
  7. 46% of variation in how many friends you have is explained by your genes – some born shy and some gregarious.47% of variation in whether your friends know each other has to do with your genes. So do people knit networks of those around them or not….30% of variation in whether in middle or on edge of network has to do with your genes.
  8. Photo source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/philliecasablanca/3344142642/
  9. How social technologies drive business success EUROPEAN SURVEY RESULTS 15TH MAY 2012
  10. How social technologies drive business success EUROPEAN SURVEY RESULTS 15TH MAY 2012
  11. Fades onto all screens(1) teaching people how to do things we already know how to do and (2)creating collaborative environments that allow people to develop new ideasand concepts to address unanticipated opportunities or challenges.Productive learning focuses mostly on the individual and on helpingthat individual to adopt a pattern of behavior that improves productivity.Generative learning, by contrast, is a collaborative endeavor. Shared meaningand insights are developed at the group level, and these insights driveenterprise transformation to ensure growth and sustainability. Today, thelearning function is focused primarily on productive learning. As a result,it appears that trainers are more likely to want to maintain the status quo,rather than challenge it.Learning is a far more complicated phenomenon than can ever be limitedto the classroom context. If we convey knowledge about tasks we alreadyknow how to do, we call it productive learning . If we share knowledge abouttasks that are new and different, we call it generative learning . Productivelearning serves largely to maintain the status quo within an enterprise byconveying what is already known, while generative learning involves notonly absorbing existing information but also creating new solutions to unanticipatedproblems. Information age learning requires that individuals andorganizations change the way they think about and act on what is knownand what needs to be known in order to innovate, change, and win.
  12. Q13. What are your general thoughts on using social media and business relevant to your job etc? networking applications for work-related purposes; that is for collaborating with colleagues on specific tasks, keeping in touch with clients or other people
  13. Fades into center screenRT: Walls are breaking down – value added coming from across boundaries of the firm Kay, J. (1993) Foundations of Corporate Success, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  14. RT: Walls are breaking down – value added coming from across boundaries of the firm .
  15. Threadless:What came first – the community or the companyRT: presents Threadless, http://www.nickburcher.com/2009/05/threadless-twitter-tees-another-example.html1,530,000 followers on TwitterThe whole business model for Threadless is based on an implicit understanding of how the social web works and gives a great demonstration of how communities can be built and harnessed across an organisation. Identifying online enthusiasts and passion groups and then using social platforms to bring them into the core of a business would appear to be a more powerful way of utilising social opportunities than just running ads on Facebook - but it requires a good deal more commitment. The media aspect of social offers some exciting opportunities for brands, but the potential of the social web can be significantly greater if the power of community is fully realised. In summary, there has to be purpose behind why you use social media. Largest challenge is about changing the mindset though – where create value? Use of social media considerably larger in smaller companies: Inc 100 vs Fortune 100. In these smaller companies, social media being used as a leadership tool as well. Let’s hear from some of you now on your thoughts about social media. (Next Slide)
  16. http://opensourceecology.org/wiki/Marcin_Jakubowskihttp://www.localmotors.com/
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhYvDS7q_V8
  18. http://www.dexigner.com/news/25559
  19. http://orgnet.com/community.html
  20. http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~drand/
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CijdlYOSPcWhile many definitions of VWs, these are the characteristics that I find relevant to the study of virtual entrepreneurship. Persistent, computer-simulated, immersive environments ranging from 2D "cartoon" imagery to more immersive 3D environmentworld exists regardless of whether users logged inUsers can manipulate and/or alter existing content or even create customized content Shared space or co-presencenumerous users, or ‘avatars’, simultaneously participate, interact, and share experiences through gestures, text chat, and voiceSocialization/community formation of in-world social groups such as teams, guilds, clubs, cliques, housemates, neighborhoods, etc the world allowed and encouraged
  22. https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/cGAPUCiKe6LI6l5fM4rFqAComputer-generated, persistent spaceThree-dimensional, immersiveenvironmentExperienced by many people at once/interactivity
  23. https://www.facebook.com/CloudParty
  24. RT: traditional leadership further challenged as we move to a world of web 3.0 or the immersive internet…http://www.forbes.com/sites/limyunghui/2012/08/02/1-6-of-facebook-users-spent-over-1-billion-on-virtual-goods/http://www.informationweek.com/development/mobility/virtual-goods-to-generate-29-billion-in/232602637http://techcrunch.com/2012/02/29/virtual-good-market-boom/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ahqjBeknT0
  25. Lecuyer et al, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Virtual Reality, and Videogames Opensimulator3d printingBCI
  26. I always like to put things into perspective. I think that what is interesting and relevant here is that several economic historians had actually predicted the crisis that we are experiencing now. I don’t have time to go into all the details, but what we are seeing is a pattern repeating itself. As in the late 18th and 19th Centuries there was a technological innovation that led to a period first of transformation as the innovation began to be diffused, then a period of rationalization leading to an imbalance, and then to a financial crisis coming around 40 years after the innovation. However, in the past, these financial crises have then led to periods of great economic development – industrial revolutions, in which industry profitability has been restored through a redistribution of the value-added between capital and labor. But more importantly, these crises filtered out those organizations that could not adapt and change to stay competitive in the new industrial environment. And one of the most important things that is of interest for today’s discussion is that in one of the factors facilitating these new phases of economic growth following the crisis has been that a generation of people that had never experienced life without the innovation starts to enter the workforce – thus they are not restricted by old ways of thinking.experiencing now some economic historians claim to be due to the innovation of the microprocessor and microelectronics in the 1970s. Similar to what we experienced with the innovation of the steam engine in the late 18th C and the internal combustion engine and electric motor in the late 19th C, there was a subsequent crisis about due to various forces converging. We saw that as these basic innovations were diffused, people stopped investing in the existing industrial structure and instead focused on investing in a new generation of competitive machinery, which then led to an industrial revolution in both cases as the innovations became embedded in society. At the same time, the crisis served to release the negative pressure that had been built up as well as to restore industry profitability through the redistribution of value-added between capital and labor. Other notesNotes from article - Schön, L, Economic Crises and Restructuring in HistoryA crisis is connected with changes in the long term or structural conditions built up during a rather long period of time and effects behavior for a long time to comeTransformation – changes in industrial structure – resources are reallocated between industries and diffusion of basic innovations with industry that provides new bases for such reallocationRationalization – concentration of resources to most productive units within the branches and measures to increase efficiency in different lines of productionShifts between transformation and rationalization have occurred with considerable regularity in structural cycle of 40 years – 25 years on transformation, and 15 years on rationalization. Crises been part of this cycle as wellInternational crisis in 1840s – How go from crisis to expansion quickly – went quite rapidly in 1930s for Sweden – but Sweden in opposite corner in 1970s1850s – upswing of industrial and infrastructural investments was linked to breakthrough of mechanized factories in Sweden, modernization of steel processes and construction of railways1930s and more marked after WWII late 1940s - expansion of electrification and diffusion of automobiles, processing of electrosteel to small motors in handicraft and household – combination with motorcar – new styles in living and consumptionWaves of investments around development of an infrastructure from basic innovation of preceding cycle mid 1970s – microprocessor – knowledge and information in production of goods and servicesIt is not the basic innovation itself – but the diffusion of the innovation that counts!When invented, then expensive to implement, have a narrow range of application – Following generalization – A structural crisis (that has been preceded by an early development of basic innovations) has put an end to old directions of investments mainly in rationalization of existing industrial structure and given rise to investments in ne and devt of new tech that after one decade (the length of the classical Juglar cycle of machinery investments) has created a new generation of economically competitive machineryReallocation of labor occurs approx 15-30 years after the structural crisisDevelopment of markets – distribution of value added between capital and labour is one mirror of these changesDiffusion of innovations leads to expansion of markets and arrival of new competitors – Structural crises – release negative pressure and restored profitability in industry – get rid of those who not competitive
  27. Abandoned factory in Michigan: http://www.nebraskaweatherphotos.org/july2009photos.htmlOffice building: http://homeasnika.com/office-buildings/
  28. RT: the 3D internet characterized by ….(next slide)
  29. http://journals.tdl.org/jvwr/article/view/866
  30. http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/147/doctor-love.html
  31. I can’t find the source for this, it would be great if someone could point this out to me.