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• Konsep Dasar Web
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Apakah yang dimaksud World Wide Web?
Apakah web sama dengan internet?
Siapakah yang mengunjungi web?
Bagaimana Cara Kerja Web?
Apa saja yang dapat kita lakukan dengan web?
Apa yang harus dilakukan dengan pemrogrman web?
Internet: sebuah jaringan fisik yang menghubungkan jutaan komputer
dengan menggunakan protokol yang sama untuk berbagi / mengirim
informasi (TCP / IP)
• pada kenyataannya, Internet adalah jaringan dari jaringan yang lebih kecil
World Wide Web: koleksi berbagai media dokumen yang saling terkait
yang disimpan di internet dan diakses menggunakan protokol umum
e.g., email, telnet, ftp, usenet, Instant Messenger, Napster, …
Key distinction: Internet is hardware; Web is software
Many other Internet-based applications exist
the idea of a long-distance computer network traces back to early 60's
• Licklider at M.I.T.
• Baran at Rand
• National Physics Laboratory in U.K.
in particular, the Department of Defense was interested in the development
of distributed, decentralized networks
 survivability (i.e., network still functions despite a local attack)
 fault-tolerance (i.e., network still functions despite local failure)
contrast with phone system, electrical system
in 1969, Advanced Research Project Agency funded the ARPANET
 connected computers at UCLA, UCSB, SRI, and Utah
 allowed researchers to share data, communicate
56Kb/sec communications lines (vs. 110 b/sec over phone lines)

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The document provides an introduction and overview of computers and the internet. It discusses the history of the ARPANET and how it led to the development of the internet. It also covers the development of personal computing, the world wide web, popular software technologies like Java and key internet protocols like TCP/IP. The document then summarizes features of the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser and how to use it to search the internet, access help resources, manage favorites and use email and instant messaging. It concludes with a brief overview of alternative web browsers.

internet application
Know The Future of IT - WEB
Know The Future of IT - WEBKnow The Future of IT - WEB
Know The Future of IT - WEB

This document discusses the origins and development of the Internet and World Wide Web. It describes how ARPANET was developed in the late 1960s, the creation of TCP/IP in the 1970s which allowed communication between different networks, and the launch of the first satellite which prompted development of early computer networks. It also summarizes the creation of the World Wide Web at CERN in the early 1990s, the formation of the W3C to standardize web protocols and technologies, and the process of developing websites which includes requirements, design, coding, testing and publishing. Finally, it discusses why websites are useful for business and marketing.

sans technologies

The document provides an overview of the history and development of the Internet. It discusses how the Internet originated from the ARPANET network created by the U.S. Department of Defense in the 1960s to enable communication between researchers even if parts of the network failed. It describes how standards like TCP/IP were developed in the 1970s and 1980s, allowing the Internet to grow rapidly from around 1,000 hosts in 1984 to over 200 million hosts by 2002. The document also summarizes how the Internet works, including topics like browsers, URLs, domain names, and different ways users can access the Internet through connections like LAN servers, dial-up, or online services.

throughout the 70's, the size of the ARPANET doubled every year
• decentralization made adding new computers easy
• ~1000 military & academic computers connected by 1984
in 80', U.S. government took a larger role in Internet development
 created NSFNET for academic research in 1986
 ARPANET was retained for military & government computers
by 90's, Internet connected virtually all colleges & universities
 businesses and individuals also connecting as computing costs fell
 ~1,000,000 computers by 1992
in 1992, control of the Internet was transferred to a non-profit org
 Internet Society: Internet Engineering Task Force
Internet Architecture Board
Internet Assigned Number Authority
World-Wide-Web Consortium
. . .
Computers on
the Internet
2002 162,128,493
2000 93,047,785
1998 36,739,000
1996 12,881,000
1994 3,212,000
1992 992,000
1990 313,000
1988 56,000
1986 5,089
1984 1,024
1982 235
Internet has exhibited exponential growth – doubling
in size every 1-2 years (stats from Internet Software
estimated >600 million Internet users in 2002
• Website : kumpulan beberapa halaman web(web page)
• Homepage : halaman pertama dari sebuah website
• Domain : nama computer
• URL : alamat lengkap web
• Semua website bergabung membentuk “jaringan abstrak” yg disebut
WWW (World Wide Web)
• Data dari sebuah websites dapat diakses dengan bantuan sebuah
jaringan komunikasi yaitu Internet
• Pengguna web yang mencari informasi disebut pihak client
(menggunakan browser)
• Penyedia informasinya disebut pihak server (program khusus web

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The document provides information about the history and development of the Internet. It discusses how the Internet originated from the ARPANET network developed by the US Department of Defense in the 1960s for research purposes. It then explains how ARPANET evolved into the Internet over time as networking technology advanced and more computers and networks became connected. The document also outlines some of the key events and innovations that led to the widespread adoption of the Internet, such as the introduction of TCP/IP protocols and the creation of the World Wide Web.

Episode 3(3): Birth & explosion of the World Wide Web - Meetup session11
Episode 3(3): Birth & explosion of the World Wide Web - Meetup session11Episode 3(3): Birth & explosion of the World Wide Web - Meetup session11
Episode 3(3): Birth & explosion of the World Wide Web - Meetup session11

This is the 11th of of 23 presentations in a series introducing and outlining my hypertext book project, "Application Holy Wars or a New Reformation - A Fugue on the Theory of Knowledge. The project explores the interactions of technology and cognition in the extraordinary evolutionary history of the human species. In presentation I show how a universally accessible library for the body of human knowledge emerged from what started as defense projects to interconnect various projects so they could share computer resources and to harden digital communications against nuclear warfare. Tonight's topics cover: ● ARPANET and the invention of addressable digital communications ● Vannevar Bush, Memex, and the revolutionary invention of hypertext ● Revolutionary tools for authoring, managing, and delivering hypertext ● Exponential growth of the web and web content ● Using the Web's automated cognition for assembling and retrieving relevant knowledge

anthropologypaleontologyhistory of technology
History of Web Technology
History of Web TechnologyHistory of Web Technology
History of Web Technology

The practical Application of knowledge especially in a particular area, a manner of accomplishing a task especially using Technical processes, methods, or knowledge . The specialized aspects of a particular field of endeavor are called technology.

history of web technologywebserver
the idea of hypertext (cross-linked and inter-linked documents) traces
back to Vannevar Bush in the 1940's
• online hypertext systems began to be developed in 1960's
e.g., Andy van Dam's FRESS, Doug Englebert's NLS
• in 1987, Apple introduced HyperCard
in 1989, Tim Berners-Lee at the European Particle Physics Laboratory
(CERN) designed a hypertext system for linking documents over the
 designed a (Non-WYSIWYG) language for specifying document content
• which evolved into HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
 designed a protocol for downloading documents and interpreting the content
• which evolved into HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
 implemented the first browser -- text-based, no embedded media
the Web was born!
the Web was an obscure, European research tool until 1993
in 1993, Marc Andreessen (at the National Center for
Supercomputing Applications) developed Mosaic, the first
graphical Web browser
• the intuitive, clickable interface made hypertext accessible to the masses
• made the integration of multimedia (images, video, sound, …) much easier
• Andreessen left NCSA to found Netscape in 1994
cheap/free browser popularized the Web (75% market share in 1996)
in 1995, Microsoft came out with Internet Explorer
Netscape bought by AOL in 1999 for $10 billion in stock
today, the Web is the most visible aspect of the Internet
Stats from
Netcraft Web Server Survey.
Computers on
the Internet
Web Servers on
the Internet
2002 162,128,493 33,082,657
2000 93,047,785 18,169,498
1998 36,739,000 4,279,000
1996 12,881,000 300,000
1994 3,212,000 3,000
1992 992,000 50
recent estimates suggest 40-50 M Web sites, with 4-5 B Web pages!
• Dokumen diakses web mempunyai alamat
unik yang disebut Uniform Resource Locator
• Istilah Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
kadang-kadang digunakan secara bergantian
dengan URL, meskipun URI adalah istilah
yang lebih umum, sebuah URL adalah jenis
• Alamat tersebut memungkinkan user mencari
file di internet kemudian menampilkannya.
• Contoh URL:

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This is my all-time favorite presentation that I've delivered. I was invited to address the ACM Student Chapter at UAB, and I thought this topic would appeal to them. Having watched the Web grow up (I got on the Web in 1992 when there was still an index page that listed every new page that had appeared on the web that day!), I thought it would be neat to trace the path from completely static, totally text pages to completely dynamic, asynchronous data delivery that was state of the art in 2007.

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The document discusses information and communication technologies in education, focusing on the internet and the world wide web. It defines key terms like internet, intranet, extranet, and ethernet. It explains how the internet functions as a network of networks using protocols. The document outlines the history of the internet from its origins as ARPANET and the key developments that led to its growth. It defines the world wide web and how information is accessed on the web using browsers, search engines, and uniform resource locators (URLs). The client-server model of website development and common scripting languages used are also summarized.

Web tehnology
Web tehnologyWeb tehnology
Web tehnology

The document provides information on various web technologies including Telnet, Usenet, WAIS, Bulletin Board Service, and Gopher. It also covers internet addressing using IP addresses and domains. Finally, it discusses HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the basic building block for web pages, including tags, elements, attributes, and the basic HTML document structure with the <html>, <head>, and <body> sections.

htmljava scriptcss
• Menampilkan dan melakukan interaksi dengan
dokumen-dokumen yang disediakan oleh server web.
• Secara teknis akan menterjemahkan kode yang dikirim
dari web server untuk ditampilkan ke user.
• Server web adalah sebuah
perangkat lunak server yang
berfungsi menerima
permintaan HTTP atau HTTPS
dari klien yang dikenal dengan
browser web dan mengirimkan
kembali hasilnya dalam bentuk
halaman-halaman web yang
umumnya berbentuk dokumen

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1Chapter 1
Chapter 1

This document provides an overview of how the web works. It begins with the basic concepts and history of the Internet, distinguishing between the Internet and the World Wide Web. It describes key components like web browsers that users employ to access web pages, and web servers that host websites and content. Specific examples of popular browsers like Chrome and Safari are outlined, as well as common web server software like Apache, IIS, and Nginx. The document aims to explain the fundamental workings and interconnected pieces that make up the modern web.

The Modern Web
The Modern WebThe Modern Web
The Modern Web

This session will be an introduction to concepts relative to the Modern Web. The Web has come a long way since it’s inception over a quarter of a century ago. We will explore a bit of history, where we were, how far we have come and the new technologies that deliver on the promise of a modern web experience, and digital transformation. We will define “the Modern Web” and explore selection criteria for a few of the tools of the trade. The goal is for Scorpions to walk away with a better understanding of the concepts and thinking relative to the Modern Web and to generate further interest in the domain.

webweb designweb development
Evolution of Internet and WWW-03-01.pptx
Evolution of Internet and WWW-03-01.pptxEvolution of Internet and WWW-03-01.pptx
Evolution of Internet and WWW-03-01.pptx

The document provides an overview of full stack web development and covers several topics related to the evolution of the internet and world wide web including: - The origins of the internet with ARPANET and how it laid the foundations for today's global network. - The invention of the world wide web by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and the introduction of technologies like HTTP and HTML that enabled the sharing of information over the internet. - Key stages in the development of the internet including the commercialization of the internet in the 1990s, rise of e-commerce and user-generated content with social media and web 2.0. - Architectural models for web applications including 1-tier, 2-tier

most Web pages are static
• contents (text/links/images) are the same each time it is accessed
e.g., online documents, most homepages
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is used to specify text/image format
as the Web moves towards online services and e-commerce, Web pages
must also provide dynamic content
 pages must be fluid, changeable (e.g., rotating banners)
 must be able to react to the user's actions, request and process info, tailor services
e.g., amazon.com, www.thehungersite.com
this course is about applying your programming skills to the development
of dynamic Web pages and applications
• a scripting language for Web pages, developed by Netscape in 1995
• uses a C++/Java-like syntax, so familiar to programmers, but simpler
• good for adding dynamic features to Web page, controlling forms and GUI
• see www.creighton.edu/~davereed/Memory
Java applets
 can define small, special-purpose programs in Java called applets
 provides full expressive power of Java (but more overhead)
 good for more complex tasks or data heavy tasks, such as graphics
 see www.creighton.edu/~davereed/csc107.F03/Labs/MontePI.html
can download program with Web page, execute on client machine
 simple, generic, but insecure
CGI programming
• programs can be written to conform to the Common Gateway Interface
• when a Web page submits, data from the page is sent as input to the CGI program
• CGI program executes on server, sends its results back to browser as a Web page
• good if computation is large/complex or requires access to private data
Active Server Pages, Java Servlets, PHP, Server Side Includes
 vendor-specific alternatives to CGI
 provide many of the same capabilities but using HTML-like tags
can store and execute program on Web server, link from Web page
 more complex, requires server privileges, but secure

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Teknologi Aplikasi Web I : Internet

  • 1. TEKNOLOGI APLIKASI WEBSITE • Konsep Dasar Web • HTML • CSS • Client-side Script dg Java Script • XML • Jquery • PHP • Framework Web 1
  • 2. PERTANYAAN YANG UMUM BERKAITAN DENGAN WEB Apakah yang dimaksud World Wide Web? Apakah web sama dengan internet? Siapakah yang mengunjungi web? Bagaimana Cara Kerja Web? Apa saja yang dapat kita lakukan dengan web? Apa yang harus dilakukan dengan pemrogrman web? 2
  • 3. WEB  INTERNET Internet: sebuah jaringan fisik yang menghubungkan jutaan komputer dengan menggunakan protokol yang sama untuk berbagi / mengirim informasi (TCP / IP) • pada kenyataannya, Internet adalah jaringan dari jaringan yang lebih kecil World Wide Web: koleksi berbagai media dokumen yang saling terkait yang disimpan di internet dan diakses menggunakan protokol umum (HTTP) 3 e.g., email, telnet, ftp, usenet, Instant Messenger, Napster, … Key distinction: Internet is hardware; Web is software Many other Internet-based applications exist
  • 4. HISTORY OF THE INTERNET the idea of a long-distance computer network traces back to early 60's • Licklider at M.I.T. • Baran at Rand • National Physics Laboratory in U.K. 4 in particular, the Department of Defense was interested in the development of distributed, decentralized networks  survivability (i.e., network still functions despite a local attack)  fault-tolerance (i.e., network still functions despite local failure) contrast with phone system, electrical system in 1969, Advanced Research Project Agency funded the ARPANET  connected computers at UCLA, UCSB, SRI, and Utah  allowed researchers to share data, communicate 56Kb/sec communications lines (vs. 110 b/sec over phone lines)
  • 5. INTERNET GROWTH throughout the 70's, the size of the ARPANET doubled every year • decentralization made adding new computers easy • ~1000 military & academic computers connected by 1984 5 in 80', U.S. government took a larger role in Internet development  created NSFNET for academic research in 1986  ARPANET was retained for military & government computers by 90's, Internet connected virtually all colleges & universities  businesses and individuals also connecting as computing costs fell  ~1,000,000 computers by 1992 in 1992, control of the Internet was transferred to a non-profit org  Internet Society: Internet Engineering Task Force Internet Architecture Board Internet Assigned Number Authority World-Wide-Web Consortium . . .
  • 6. INTERNET GROWTH (CONT.) Year Computers on the Internet 2002 162,128,493 2000 93,047,785 1998 36,739,000 1996 12,881,000 1994 3,212,000 1992 992,000 1990 313,000 1988 56,000 1986 5,089 1984 1,024 1982 235 6 Internet has exhibited exponential growth – doubling in size every 1-2 years (stats from Internet Software Consortium) estimated >600 million Internet users in 2002 (www.nua.ie)
  • 7. 7
  • 8. ISTILAH-ISTILAH DALAM WEB • Website : kumpulan beberapa halaman web(web page) • Homepage : halaman pertama dari sebuah website • Domain : nama computer • URL : alamat lengkap web • Semua website bergabung membentuk “jaringan abstrak” yg disebut WWW (World Wide Web) • Data dari sebuah websites dapat diakses dengan bantuan sebuah jaringan komunikasi yaitu Internet • Pengguna web yang mencari informasi disebut pihak client (menggunakan browser) • Penyedia informasinya disebut pihak server (program khusus web server)
  • 9. HISTORY OF THE WEB the idea of hypertext (cross-linked and inter-linked documents) traces back to Vannevar Bush in the 1940's • online hypertext systems began to be developed in 1960's e.g., Andy van Dam's FRESS, Doug Englebert's NLS • in 1987, Apple introduced HyperCard 9 in 1989, Tim Berners-Lee at the European Particle Physics Laboratory (CERN) designed a hypertext system for linking documents over the Internet  designed a (Non-WYSIWYG) language for specifying document content • which evolved into HyperText Markup Language (HTML)  designed a protocol for downloading documents and interpreting the content • which evolved into HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)  implemented the first browser -- text-based, no embedded media the Web was born!
  • 10. HISTORY OF THE WEB (CONT.) the Web was an obscure, European research tool until 1993 in 1993, Marc Andreessen (at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications) developed Mosaic, the first graphical Web browser • the intuitive, clickable interface made hypertext accessible to the masses • made the integration of multimedia (images, video, sound, …) much easier • Andreessen left NCSA to found Netscape in 1994 cheap/free browser popularized the Web (75% market share in 1996) in 1995, Microsoft came out with Internet Explorer Netscape bought by AOL in 1999 for $10 billion in stock today, the Web is the most visible aspect of the Internet 10
  • 11. WEB GROWTH Stats from Netcraft Web Server Survey. Year Computers on the Internet Web Servers on the Internet 2002 162,128,493 33,082,657 2000 93,047,785 18,169,498 1998 36,739,000 4,279,000 1996 12,881,000 300,000 1994 3,212,000 3,000 1992 992,000 50 11 recent estimates suggest 40-50 M Web sites, with 4-5 B Web pages! Mosaic Netscape IE
  • 12. KOMPONEN URL • Dokumen diakses web mempunyai alamat unik yang disebut Uniform Resource Locator (URL). • Istilah Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) kadang-kadang digunakan secara bergantian dengan URL, meskipun URI adalah istilah yang lebih umum, sebuah URL adalah jenis URI. • Alamat tersebut memungkinkan user mencari file di internet kemudian menampilkannya. • Contoh URL:
  • 14. WEB BROWSER • Menampilkan dan melakukan interaksi dengan dokumen-dokumen yang disediakan oleh server web. • Secara teknis akan menterjemahkan kode yang dikirim dari web server untuk ditampilkan ke user.
  • 15. WEB SERVER • Server web adalah sebuah perangkat lunak server yang berfungsi menerima permintaan HTTP atau HTTPS dari klien yang dikenal dengan browser web dan mengirimkan kembali hasilnya dalam bentuk halaman-halaman web yang umumnya berbentuk dokumen HTML.
  • 17. STATIC VS. DYNAMIC PAGES most Web pages are static • contents (text/links/images) are the same each time it is accessed e.g., online documents, most homepages HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is used to specify text/image format 17 as the Web moves towards online services and e-commerce, Web pages must also provide dynamic content  pages must be fluid, changeable (e.g., rotating banners)  must be able to react to the user's actions, request and process info, tailor services e.g., amazon.com, www.thehungersite.com this course is about applying your programming skills to the development of dynamic Web pages and applications
  • 18. CLIENT-SIDE PROGRAMMING JavaScript • a scripting language for Web pages, developed by Netscape in 1995 • uses a C++/Java-like syntax, so familiar to programmers, but simpler • good for adding dynamic features to Web page, controlling forms and GUI • see www.creighton.edu/~davereed/Memory 18 Java applets  can define small, special-purpose programs in Java called applets  provides full expressive power of Java (but more overhead)  good for more complex tasks or data heavy tasks, such as graphics  see www.creighton.edu/~davereed/csc107.F03/Labs/MontePI.html can download program with Web page, execute on client machine  simple, generic, but insecure
  • 19. SERVER-SIDE PROGRAMMING CGI programming • programs can be written to conform to the Common Gateway Interface • when a Web page submits, data from the page is sent as input to the CGI program • CGI program executes on server, sends its results back to browser as a Web page • good if computation is large/complex or requires access to private data 19 Active Server Pages, Java Servlets, PHP, Server Side Includes  vendor-specific alternatives to CGI  provide many of the same capabilities but using HTML-like tags can store and execute program on Web server, link from Web page  more complex, requires server privileges, but secure