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Tracey Gendron, Lynne Seward, Sonya Barsness,
                 Joan Russell, Pamela DeYoung
The audience will:
    Understand how and why a
 telephone support program was
 developed for family caregivers

                                Learn how volunteers were trained for the

                Learn the logistics of
              operating the telephone
                     support program

                             Hear the results/impact of the pilot program
Caregiving Demographics
        US ADULTS
                         65.7 million caregivers (29% of U.S. adults) provide care
                         to someone who is ill, disabled or aged

                                                                  14.9 million care for
                                                                  individuals with AD
                                                                  or other dementia

                      43.5 million care for
                      someone 50+ years old

Unpaid family caregivers will likely continue
to be the largest source of long-term care
services in the U.S.                                       Family Caregiver Alliance, 2011
Who are caregivers?
An estimated 66% of caregivers are female*
 • the number of male caregivers may be increasing

About 51% of caregivers are between the ages of 18 and 49*
 • Of those caring for someone aged 50+, the average age of family caregivers is between 50 and 64

Among adult caregivers, the majority are employed*

The number of people age 60+ with lifelong developmental disabilities is
growing, accounting for about 1 in 100 (Janicki & Ansello, 2000)

Most adults with intellectual disabilities live in the community with their families
(Heller & Factor, 1993)

Two-generation geriatric families are becoming the norm for older adults with
developmental disabilities (Ansello & Rose, 1989)

   *Family Caregiver Alliance, 2011
Virginia Caregivers
                                                              55% women

                                                                         Average age
                                                                         43 years old

                                                                             62% married
                                                                             or living with


National Family Caregivers Association and Family Caregiver Alliance, 2006
   Family caregivers of frail elders report significant stress
    as a result of the increased burdens and responsibilities
    they face on a daily basis.
   Caregiver burden has a negative impact on both the
    caregiver, in terms of mental health and physical
    illness, as well as the care recipient who may
    subsequently be at greater risk for institutional placement
    (Zarit, Bottigi, & Gaugler, 2007).
   These caregivers need additional support and
    resources to help reduce their stress and make them
    function more effectively.
   As many program providers have found, support services
    must be flexible in order to meet caregiver needs
   The caregiver’s need for support

        Traditional support
      groups might not be a       Staff not able to
      viable option for some   provide 1:1 due to time
         caregivers; some       and cost constraints
        prefer 1:1 support
Why telephone support?
   Attempts at support groups unsuccessful
   Caregiver does not have to leave home
   Caregiver does not have to concern himself/herself
    with appearance
   Caregiver does not have to secure transportation
   Caregiver can choose time
   Caregiver does not have to find respite
   Private
   One-on-one for individuals not comfortable with
   Evidence-based effectiveness of telephone
    support programs
Perceived Helpfulness of Telephone
Support (Chang Study, 2004)
   Found telephone support helpful in the
    following ways:
     Stressors - helped them to share their thoughts and
     Lack of support - helped them to express feelings
      of being overwhelmed
     Reduced quality of life - helped to discuss
      problems as well as forget about the situation
     Problems managing ADL’s - helped to see
      reassurance and ask for information
   In a continued effort to address the unique
    needs of caregivers, the Virginia
    Commonwealth University’s Department of
    Gerontology in partnership with the Department
    of Occupational Therapy and A Grace Place
    Adult Care Center was funded by a grant from
    the Council for Community Engagement to
    pilot a caregiver telephone support program.
About the Partners
Celebrating life is the unique culture of a   Our mission is to improve eldercare
Grace PLACE; a person-centered culture        through education.
elevating individuals through the sheer
                                              The philosophy of the department is
joy of life. Our members are not hindered
by their physical limitations and             to improve the overall well-being of
disabilities as they explore the              elderly persons through the
possibilities of life through                 development of educational
art, music, dance, theatre, exercise, com     programs that are responsive to the
munity service, and the company of            changing
friends.                                      psychological, physical, social, and
 At a Grace PLACE, we provide daytime         political needs of our elderly adult
heath services and support for adults with    population.
disabilities and chronic and/or age-related
conditions, while providing respite and
support for their caregivers.
Goals of Telephone Support
Program at Grace Place

          Provide emotional support to caregivers


         Connect caregivers to services/resources
          by referring them to A Grace Place staff
How is this program different
 from other telephone support?

Our Project                  Caregiver   Other Telephone Support
Telephone Supporters                     Programs
initiate call to caregiver               Caregiver initiates call to
1. Emotional support                     program
2. Connect to services/                  1. Resources/ Services
     resources                           2. Emotional Support
Outline of Program

                                                Student “telephone
VCU graduate students   Through active and
                                              supporters” would refer
(Gerontology and OT)         empathic
                                               caregivers to AGP for
   trained to provide   listening, students
                                                additional resources
 telephone support to      would provide
                                                 and services when
    AGP caregivers      emotional support
Program Timeline
   Started
     2009 planning and curriculum
     2010 start pilot

   Program planning/curriculum development:
       6 months

   Pilot:
        over the span of a semester (January- April)

   2nd program:
       Fall semester (August-December)
VCU/Student Participation
   Students participated in 6-hour training

   Curriculum developed by VCU Department of

   8 graduate students (OT and Gerontology) went
    through first training (pilot)

   Additional 22 Gerontology students went through
Telephone Support Training Curriculum
                              Module 1: The
                           Caregiver Experience

                                                    Module 2: Strains
        Module 6:
                                                      and Gains of

   Module 5: Empathy
      and Support:                                 Module 3: Telephone
   Respecting Individual                            Support Programs

                                Module 4:
                           Relationship Building
                           and Active Listening
Brief Program Description
              • This module provided:
              •    The caregiver perspective with two
       The         caregivers from A Grace Place sharing
 Caregiver         their experiences.
Experience    •    A diversity of caregiver situations.
              • This module provided:
              •    An overview of caregiver burden and
Strains and        caregiver concerns.
   Gains of
              •    Ways to promote caregiver health in
Caregiving         body, mind, and spirit.

MODULE 3      • This module provided:
                  • The evidence base of similar telephone
 Telephone          support programs.
   Support        • The value of such programs in providing
  Programs          social and emotional support to caregivers.
Brief Program Description (cont.)
                 • This module provided:
  MODULE 4       •   Tools for relationship building over the
 Relationship        phone.
 Building and    •   Active listening strategies and roadblocks.
        Active   •   An opportunity for students to participate
    Listening        in role play exercises to demonstrate these
                     strategies and roadblocks.
 MODULE 5        • This module provided:
Empathy and      •   Knowledge that, although caregiver
    Support:         stressors may be similar, each caregiving
 Respecting          experience is unique.
  Individual     •   Strategies and barriers to empathic
 Differences         listening.
                 • This module provided:
  MODULE 6       •   An overview of the telephone support program logistics,
                     including frequency of calls, documentation,
Housekeeping         confidentiality, ethics, etc.
Starting Telephone Support
   At conclusion of training, students were paired
    with 2-3 caregivers

   First phone call: introductions and setting up

   Students were asked to take notes on calls
    and refer caregivers to A Grace Place Staff as
A Grace Place Role
 Identified caregivers
 Contacted them 1:1 on phone
 Reminded, gave dates and times
 Checked in midway to assess
 Mediated and troubleshot
 Triaged and connected caregiver to services
 Read and reviewed call notes
 Communicated with faculty
Caregiver Participation
 Solicited 50 caregivers, 36 agreed.
 Of the 36 agreed, 32 then signed up for the
 Of the 32 caregivers who were paired up with a
  telephone support student, 21 (65%) continued
  to participate in the program for the duration of
  the pilot.
 Of the 21 caregiver participants, 14 were
  African American and 7 were Caucasian
Case Study I: Caregiver
       BK is an elderly woman with no living family members. She
       was “adopted” by a longtime friend who has been caring for
       her for several years without monetary compensation.

       The caregiver shared with the telephone support Volunteer that she
       had been “laid off” from her long time job due to budget cuts related to
       the economic downturn and had not been able to find employment.
       The caregiver stated that she feared that she was going to be forced
       to place BK in a nursing home because she could no longer afford to
       house and feed her.

       The information obtained from the Telephone Volunteer was channeled
       to the appropriate resources which were then able to arrange for the
       caregiver to be compensated for the care she provided to BK.

 This allowed BK to remain in her home setting instead of being institutionalized
Case Study II: Caregiver Client
   A custodial parent of an Adult child had become overwhelmed
    by daily caregiving responsibilities and the lack of family
    support. Frustrations were voiced to the Telephone Support
   Through “venting” to a non-judgmental third party, it became
    obvious to the caregiver that it was becoming necessary to
    solicit more assistance from the non-custodial parent and
    outside resources. Because of the increased clarity gained
    from voicing concerns many of the caregiver’s stress inducing
    issues were resolved.
   The non-custodial parent assumed more caregiving
    responsibilities on a consistent basis providing overnight care
    several days each week.
   An outside source for weekend respite service was identified
    and implemented.
   The client has benefited from the strengthened relationship
    with the non-custodial parent.
   The custodial parent has had a significant reduction in
    frustration and stress and is more relaxed when with the client.
Case Study III: Client
       NR had been living with her sister MP for an extended period
       while she had been undergoing chemotherapy and radiation
       treatments for Cancer.

       Her caregiver MP had become quite protective of her sister and
       as NR began to improve and regain her strength, she wanted to
       return to her own home to live. MP was very resistant to the
       idea of allowing NR to return to her own place.

       MP began to participate in the Caregivers Telephone Support
       program and was able to discuss and concerns with a person
       outside of the family.

       MP began to be more relaxed about her fears and allowed NR to
       return to her own apartment. NR credited the Telephone Support
       Program with allowing MP the opportunity to become more
       objective about allowing NR to regain her independence.
Feedback from Caregivers
   Reported positive experiences engaging with

   Reported that they enjoyed being able to have
    someone to talk to, not only about their caregiving
    difficulties, but about their lives in general.

   Felt that they were helping the students learn
    more about what it meant to be a caregiver

   Felt it was helpful to verbalize their frustrations
    and concerns to someone removed from their
    personal situation
Themes in Conversations with

   The most frequent
 emotions displayed by     The most frequently
 the caregivers during     talked about topics
  phone conversations
• frustration            • health issues
• guilt                  • resources
• sadness                • time for self
Influence on Caregivers
   “Yes, I was comfortable. She was a good
    listener, relaxed and understanding. She seemed
    to understand what I did as a caregiver of my

   “I couldn’t believe how good it was to just vent. I
    didn’t believe how much I talked. The person that
    calls me is an excellent listener.”

   “I really enjoy the phone calls that I have been
    receiving from the support services and I told my
    co-worker how nice it has been to have someone
    to talk to.”
Influence on Caregivers (cont.)
   "It was good to be able to articulate the difficulties of
    caregiving. The student showed interest in what I
    wanted to say. Sometimes it seemed helpful to just talk
    about the situation and the challenges."

   "It was an emotional time for me because my mother
    had just gone into a nursing home. I cried all the time.
    My student did not judge me. I had a lot of guilt, and
    talking helped."

   "I am stressed because I have a job, and I take care of
    my 88-year-old mother. It gave me a break and helped
    my stress. I remember the first call I had was when I
    was having a bad day. It really helped."
Student Feedback
The   students were able to develop meaningful
relationships with caregivers

Feltthat they were able to offer help and
emotional support

Learned   about the daily struggles of caregiving
and their overwhelming responsibilities

Felt that they gained valuable knowledge that
would benefit them both personally and
Influence on Students
   “ I have not only built strong relationships with these
    individuals, but have gained valuable experience that I
    will be able to bring to my practice. The family is so
    important to the overall collaboration of treatment
    services, and this piece is often overlooked by

   "I was surprised at the increased trust level between
    myself and the caregiver just on our second phone

   "It seemed cathartic for the individual to “vent” about the
    issues of others' lack of acceptance of her daughter.
Influence on Students
   “I was tempted to "give advice" but learned much
    more when I was thoughtfully quiet.

   It was a testimony to the good in people to learn
    how deeply caregivers can "dig" to find resources
    to care for themselves as well as the person
    receiving care. ”

   "After an hour of talking about stories of strength
    laced with much laughter and optimism, I found
    myself looking forward to our next conversation.
    Every conversation left me truly uplifted."
Influence over A Grace
Learned families histories

Learned more about family dynamics

Increased compassion

Increased focus

When to manage crisis
Influence over A Grace
   “I know that I have learned a great deal about both
    the clients and caregivers through their dialog with the
    volunteers. This has been so helpful, since I just
    don’t have the time available to give everyone the
    attention that I would like to give them.”

   “It can be difficult to maintain an objective
    balance, especially when things get hectic. I have
    found that getting input from the caregivers/students
    during this program has provided me with a refresh
    button. It has been good for my prospective.”
Lessons Learned

                                 The telephone
            Use validated          was not a
             measures.             barrier to
                                rapport building.

      Should have
      caregivers at
                                        was excellent.

                      The training
                      manual and
                      training was
                      critical to the
                                  Missing phone calls
                                Students called caregivers
 Between caller, student,                                    Follow-up/sustainability
                                 and caregivers could not
  and caregiver sharing
                                   return phone calls to
                                  students – phone tag.

 Some students wanted to               Staff time
                                                                  Data collection
provide more to caregivers        to manage volunteers.
 (visiting, resources, etc,).

                                                             Constant communication
 Resources to manage                  Morbidity of
                                                              (Reminders to caregivers
  crisis and problem              caregiver/client (one
                                                             about their participation in
        solving                        client died)
   VCU Council for Community Engagement:
     Exemplary Partnership in Outreach 2011
     Caregiver telephone support program –
      a high-touch/low-tech program to assist
      home based caregivers
Next Steps

   Replicate to other [volunteer] groups i.e.

   Consider 1:1 (caregiver to telephone supporter)

   Develop objective outcome measures that
    validate program

   Expand to computer, email, social platforms

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Telephone support for caregivers

  • 1. Tracey Gendron, Lynne Seward, Sonya Barsness, Joan Russell, Pamela DeYoung
  • 2. Objectives The audience will: Understand how and why a telephone support program was developed for family caregivers Learn how volunteers were trained for the program Learn the logistics of operating the telephone support program Hear the results/impact of the pilot program
  • 3. Caregiving Demographics 0% US ADULTS 65.7 million caregivers (29% of U.S. adults) provide care to someone who is ill, disabled or aged 29% 14.9 million care for individuals with AD or other dementia 70% 18% 43.5 million care for someone 50+ years old Unpaid family caregivers will likely continue to be the largest source of long-term care services in the U.S. Family Caregiver Alliance, 2011
  • 4. Who are caregivers? An estimated 66% of caregivers are female* • the number of male caregivers may be increasing About 51% of caregivers are between the ages of 18 and 49* • Of those caring for someone aged 50+, the average age of family caregivers is between 50 and 64 Among adult caregivers, the majority are employed* The number of people age 60+ with lifelong developmental disabilities is growing, accounting for about 1 in 100 (Janicki & Ansello, 2000) Most adults with intellectual disabilities live in the community with their families (Heller & Factor, 1993) Two-generation geriatric families are becoming the norm for older adults with developmental disabilities (Ansello & Rose, 1989) *Family Caregiver Alliance, 2011
  • 5. Virginia Caregivers 55% women Average age 43 years old 740,402 caregivers 62% married or living with partner 77% employed National Family Caregivers Association and Family Caregiver Alliance, 2006
  • 6. Background/Need  Family caregivers of frail elders report significant stress as a result of the increased burdens and responsibilities they face on a daily basis.  Caregiver burden has a negative impact on both the caregiver, in terms of mental health and physical illness, as well as the care recipient who may subsequently be at greater risk for institutional placement (Zarit, Bottigi, & Gaugler, 2007).  These caregivers need additional support and resources to help reduce their stress and make them function more effectively.  As many program providers have found, support services must be flexible in order to meet caregiver needs
  • 7. Background/Need  The caregiver’s need for support Traditional support groups might not be a Staff not able to viable option for some provide 1:1 due to time caregivers; some and cost constraints prefer 1:1 support
  • 8. Why telephone support?  Attempts at support groups unsuccessful  Caregiver does not have to leave home  Caregiver does not have to concern himself/herself with appearance  Caregiver does not have to secure transportation  Caregiver can choose time  Caregiver does not have to find respite  Private  One-on-one for individuals not comfortable with groups  Evidence-based effectiveness of telephone support programs
  • 9. Perceived Helpfulness of Telephone Support (Chang Study, 2004)  Found telephone support helpful in the following ways:  Stressors - helped them to share their thoughts and feelings  Lack of support - helped them to express feelings of being overwhelmed  Reduced quality of life - helped to discuss problems as well as forget about the situation  Problems managing ADL’s - helped to see reassurance and ask for information
  • 10. Partnership  In a continued effort to address the unique needs of caregivers, the Virginia Commonwealth University’s Department of Gerontology in partnership with the Department of Occupational Therapy and A Grace Place Adult Care Center was funded by a grant from the Council for Community Engagement to pilot a caregiver telephone support program.
  • 11. About the Partners Celebrating life is the unique culture of a Our mission is to improve eldercare Grace PLACE; a person-centered culture through education. elevating individuals through the sheer The philosophy of the department is joy of life. Our members are not hindered by their physical limitations and to improve the overall well-being of disabilities as they explore the elderly persons through the possibilities of life through development of educational art, music, dance, theatre, exercise, com programs that are responsive to the munity service, and the company of changing friends. psychological, physical, social, and At a Grace PLACE, we provide daytime political needs of our elderly adult heath services and support for adults with population. disabilities and chronic and/or age-related conditions, while providing respite and support for their caregivers.
  • 12. Goals of Telephone Support Program at Grace Place Provide emotional support to caregivers GOALS Connect caregivers to services/resources by referring them to A Grace Place staff
  • 13. How is this program different from other telephone support? Our Project Caregiver Other Telephone Support Telephone Supporters Programs initiate call to caregiver Caregiver initiates call to 1. Emotional support program 2. Connect to services/ 1. Resources/ Services resources 2. Emotional Support
  • 14. Outline of Program Student “telephone VCU graduate students Through active and supporters” would refer (Gerontology and OT) empathic caregivers to AGP for trained to provide listening, students additional resources telephone support to would provide and services when AGP caregivers emotional support necessary
  • 15. Program Timeline  Started  2009 planning and curriculum  2010 start pilot  Program planning/curriculum development: 6 months  Pilot: over the span of a semester (January- April)  2nd program: Fall semester (August-December)
  • 16. VCU/Student Participation  Students participated in 6-hour training  Curriculum developed by VCU Department of Gerontology  8 graduate students (OT and Gerontology) went through first training (pilot)  Additional 22 Gerontology students went through training
  • 17. Telephone Support Training Curriculum Module 1: The Caregiver Experience Module 2: Strains Module 6: and Gains of Housekeeping Caregiving Module 5: Empathy and Support: Module 3: Telephone Respecting Individual Support Programs Differences Module 4: Relationship Building and Active Listening
  • 18. Brief Program Description • This module provided: MODULE 1 • The caregiver perspective with two The caregivers from A Grace Place sharing Caregiver their experiences. Experience • A diversity of caregiver situations. • This module provided: MODULE 2 • An overview of caregiver burden and Strains and caregiver concerns. Gains of • Ways to promote caregiver health in Caregiving body, mind, and spirit. MODULE 3 • This module provided: • The evidence base of similar telephone Telephone support programs. Support • The value of such programs in providing Programs social and emotional support to caregivers.
  • 19. Brief Program Description (cont.) • This module provided: MODULE 4 • Tools for relationship building over the Relationship phone. Building and • Active listening strategies and roadblocks. Active • An opportunity for students to participate Listening in role play exercises to demonstrate these strategies and roadblocks. MODULE 5 • This module provided: Empathy and • Knowledge that, although caregiver Support: stressors may be similar, each caregiving Respecting experience is unique. Individual • Strategies and barriers to empathic Differences listening. • This module provided: MODULE 6 • An overview of the telephone support program logistics, including frequency of calls, documentation, Housekeeping confidentiality, ethics, etc.
  • 20. Starting Telephone Support  At conclusion of training, students were paired with 2-3 caregivers  First phone call: introductions and setting up schedule  Students were asked to take notes on calls and refer caregivers to A Grace Place Staff as appropriate
  • 21. A Grace Place Role  Identified caregivers  Contacted them 1:1 on phone  Reminded, gave dates and times  Checked in midway to assess  Mediated and troubleshot  Triaged and connected caregiver to services  Read and reviewed call notes  Communicated with faculty
  • 22. Caregiver Participation  Solicited 50 caregivers, 36 agreed.  Of the 36 agreed, 32 then signed up for the pilot.  Of the 32 caregivers who were paired up with a telephone support student, 21 (65%) continued to participate in the program for the duration of the pilot.  Of the 21 caregiver participants, 14 were African American and 7 were Caucasian
  • 23. Case Study I: Caregiver BK is an elderly woman with no living family members. She was “adopted” by a longtime friend who has been caring for her for several years without monetary compensation. The caregiver shared with the telephone support Volunteer that she had been “laid off” from her long time job due to budget cuts related to the economic downturn and had not been able to find employment. The caregiver stated that she feared that she was going to be forced to place BK in a nursing home because she could no longer afford to house and feed her. The information obtained from the Telephone Volunteer was channeled to the appropriate resources which were then able to arrange for the caregiver to be compensated for the care she provided to BK. This allowed BK to remain in her home setting instead of being institutionalized
  • 24. Case Study II: Caregiver Client  A custodial parent of an Adult child had become overwhelmed by daily caregiving responsibilities and the lack of family support. Frustrations were voiced to the Telephone Support Volunteer.  Through “venting” to a non-judgmental third party, it became obvious to the caregiver that it was becoming necessary to solicit more assistance from the non-custodial parent and outside resources. Because of the increased clarity gained from voicing concerns many of the caregiver’s stress inducing issues were resolved.  The non-custodial parent assumed more caregiving responsibilities on a consistent basis providing overnight care several days each week.  An outside source for weekend respite service was identified and implemented.  The client has benefited from the strengthened relationship with the non-custodial parent.  The custodial parent has had a significant reduction in frustration and stress and is more relaxed when with the client.
  • 25. Case Study III: Client NR had been living with her sister MP for an extended period while she had been undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments for Cancer. Her caregiver MP had become quite protective of her sister and as NR began to improve and regain her strength, she wanted to return to her own home to live. MP was very resistant to the idea of allowing NR to return to her own place. MP began to participate in the Caregivers Telephone Support program and was able to discuss and concerns with a person outside of the family. MP began to be more relaxed about her fears and allowed NR to return to her own apartment. NR credited the Telephone Support Program with allowing MP the opportunity to become more objective about allowing NR to regain her independence.
  • 26. Feedback from Caregivers  Reported positive experiences engaging with students.  Reported that they enjoyed being able to have someone to talk to, not only about their caregiving difficulties, but about their lives in general.  Felt that they were helping the students learn more about what it meant to be a caregiver  Felt it was helpful to verbalize their frustrations and concerns to someone removed from their personal situation
  • 27. Themes in Conversations with Caregivers The most frequent emotions displayed by The most frequently the caregivers during talked about topics phone conversations • frustration • health issues • guilt • resources • sadness • time for self
  • 28. Influence on Caregivers  “Yes, I was comfortable. She was a good listener, relaxed and understanding. She seemed to understand what I did as a caregiver of my brother.”  “I couldn’t believe how good it was to just vent. I didn’t believe how much I talked. The person that calls me is an excellent listener.”  “I really enjoy the phone calls that I have been receiving from the support services and I told my co-worker how nice it has been to have someone to talk to.”
  • 29. Influence on Caregivers (cont.)  "It was good to be able to articulate the difficulties of caregiving. The student showed interest in what I wanted to say. Sometimes it seemed helpful to just talk about the situation and the challenges."  "It was an emotional time for me because my mother had just gone into a nursing home. I cried all the time. My student did not judge me. I had a lot of guilt, and talking helped."  "I am stressed because I have a job, and I take care of my 88-year-old mother. It gave me a break and helped my stress. I remember the first call I had was when I was having a bad day. It really helped."
  • 30. Student Feedback The students were able to develop meaningful relationships with caregivers Feltthat they were able to offer help and emotional support Learned about the daily struggles of caregiving and their overwhelming responsibilities Felt that they gained valuable knowledge that would benefit them both personally and professionally
  • 31. Influence on Students  “ I have not only built strong relationships with these individuals, but have gained valuable experience that I will be able to bring to my practice. The family is so important to the overall collaboration of treatment services, and this piece is often overlooked by therapists."  "I was surprised at the increased trust level between myself and the caregiver just on our second phone conversation“  "It seemed cathartic for the individual to “vent” about the issues of others' lack of acceptance of her daughter.
  • 32. Influence on Students (cont.)  “I was tempted to "give advice" but learned much more when I was thoughtfully quiet.  It was a testimony to the good in people to learn how deeply caregivers can "dig" to find resources to care for themselves as well as the person receiving care. ”  "After an hour of talking about stories of strength laced with much laughter and optimism, I found myself looking forward to our next conversation. Every conversation left me truly uplifted."
  • 33. Influence over A Grace Place Learned families histories Learned more about family dynamics Increased compassion Increased focus When to manage crisis
  • 34. Influence over A Grace Place  “I know that I have learned a great deal about both the clients and caregivers through their dialog with the volunteers. This has been so helpful, since I just don’t have the time available to give everyone the attention that I would like to give them.”  “It can be difficult to maintain an objective balance, especially when things get hectic. I have found that getting input from the caregivers/students during this program has provided me with a refresh button. It has been good for my prospective.”
  • 35. Lessons Learned The telephone Use validated was not a measures. barrier to rapport building. Should have Caregiver’s surveyed participation caregivers at was excellent. end. The training manual and training was critical to the success.
  • 36. Challenges/Opportunities Missing phone calls Confidentiality Students called caregivers Between caller, student, Follow-up/sustainability and caregivers could not and caregiver sharing return phone calls to information. students – phone tag. Boundaries Some students wanted to Staff time Data collection provide more to caregivers to manage volunteers. (visiting, resources, etc,). Constant communication Resources to manage Morbidity of (Reminders to caregivers crisis and problem caregiver/client (one about their participation in solving client died) project.)
  • 37. Award  VCU Council for Community Engagement:  Exemplary Partnership in Outreach 2011  Caregiver telephone support program – a high-touch/low-tech program to assist home based caregivers
  • 38. Next Steps  Replicate to other [volunteer] groups i.e. Corporate  Consider 1:1 (caregiver to telephone supporter)  Develop objective outcome measures that validate program  Expand to computer, email, social platforms

Editor's Notes

  1. Sonya or Ayn?
  2. Sonya
  3. Sonya
  4. Sonya
  5. SonyaPositive outcomes of caregiving
  6. Sonya
  7. SonyaA Grace Place has long recognized the importance of supporting their caregivers. But they are challenged to find alternative ways to support them and have had challenges in getting caregivers to meet in traditional in person support groups
  8. Sonya
  9. Sonya starts and says” I am going to ask Lynne to talk about how this partnership started”Lynne tell story of how it happened
  10. Lynne- AGPSonya- DoG
  11. Lynne?
  12. Lynne
  13. Sonya
  14. Sonya
  15. Sonya
  16. Sonya
  17. Sonya
  18. Sonya
  19. Sonya
  20. Lynne
  21. Lynne
  22. Lynne
  23. Lynne
  24. Lynne
  25. Lynne
  26. Lynne
  27. Lynne
  28. Lynne
  29. Sonya
  30. Sonya
  31. Sonya
  32. Lynne
  33. Lynne
  34. Lynne: -telephone was not a barrier….-caregiver’s participation…-training manual….Sonya:Should have surveyed…Use validated measures…
  35. Lynne: confidentiality, missing phone calls, staff time, resources, morbidity, constant communicationSonya: followup, boundaries, data collection
  36. Lynne
  37. Sonya- this slideLynne- talk about next steps for AGP