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                          Introduction to Tensors
                                PFI Seminar

                                Kenta OONO


Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Self Introduction

           • Kenta OONO (Twitter:@delta2323 )
           • PSS(Professional and Support Service) Division
           • Jubatus Project
               • msgpack-idl, generation of clients
           • Survey and Prototyping Team
           • 2010 PFI Summer Intern → 2011 Engineer

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors

           • What is Tensor?
           • Decomposition of Matrices and Tensors
           • Symmetry Parametrized by Young Diagram

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors

           • What is Tensor?
           • Decomposition of Matrices and Tensors
           • Symmetry Parametrized by Young Diagram

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Vector as a Special Case of Tensor
       Consider a n dimensional vector (Below is the case n = 3)
                                          
                                           
                                      v = 4                           (1)
       When we write this vector as v = (vi ), we have v1 = 7, v2 = 4,
       and v3 = 9. As v has One index, this vector is regarded as Rank 1

           • We use 1-index notation, not 0-index.
           • We somtimes use rank in a different meaning, (also in the
               context of tensors).
Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Matrix as a Special Case of Tensor

       Consider a n × n Matrix (Below is the case n = 3).
                                                    
                                     7 10 3
                                           
                                A = 4 −1 −2                          (2)
                                     9 4  5
       We write this matrix as A = (aij )1≤i,j≤3 .
           • e.g. a11 = 7, a23 = −2, a32 = 4.
       A has Two indices (namely i and j) and these indeices run through
       1 to 3. A can be regarded as Rank 2 Tensor.

       → What happens if the number of indices are not just 1 or 2 ?

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
An Example of Rank 3 Tensor

       Consider the set of real numbers X = (xijk )1≤i,j,k≤3 . As i, j, k run
       throuth 1 to 3 independently, this set contains 3 × 3 × 3 = 27
       If we fix the value of i, we can write this set in a matrix form.

                                                                           
               7 10 3             10 2 1              5 −10 18
                                                            
       x1∗∗ = 4 −1 −2 , x2∗∗ =  3 −1 0 , x3∗∗ = −4  1    −2 
               9 4  5              8 1 4              9 −4 −10
           • In some field, we concatenate these matrix and name it X(1)
                • This is called Flattening or Matricing of X .

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Is This a Multidimensional Array?

       We can realize a tensor as a multiple dimensional array in most
       programming languages.

       PseudoCode(C like):
         int[3][3][3] x;
         x[1][1][2] = -1;

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Inner Product of Tensors

       Let X = (xijk ), Y = (yijk ) be two rank 3 tensors and G = (g ij ) be
       a symmetric (i.e. g ij = g ji ) and positive definite matrix. We can
       introduce an inner product of X and Y by:

                          < X , Y >=                   g ai g bj g ck xabc yijk   (4)

        • We can similarly define an inner product of two arbitrary rank
                   • X and Y must have same rank.

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
An Example of Inner Product (Vector)

       Let’s consider the case of rank 1 tensor ( = vector). We can write
       X = (xi ), Y = (yi ). And we set G = (g ij ) an identity matrix:
                                                      
                                     1 ···           0
                                    .               .
                                G = . 1
                                     .               .
                                                     .                   (5)
                                     0 ···           1
       In this case, this definition of inner product reduce to ordinal inner
       product of two vectors, namely,
                                       ∑                    ∑
                          < X , Y >=         g ai xa yi =       xi yi    (6)
                                       a,i                  i

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
An Example of Tensor
       Suppose we have a (smooth) function f : R3 → R. We can derive
       tensors of arbitrary rank from this function.
       Taking Gradient, we obtain rank 1 tensor. (Please replace (1, 2,
       3) with (x , y , z) and vice versa.
                                                            ∂f 
                                                            ∂x 
                                    ∇f = (∇i f ) =  ∂y 
       Similarly, Hessian is an example of rank 2 tensor.
                                                                         
                                                    ∂2f       ∂2f     ∂2f
                                                  ∂x2∂x     ∂x ∂y   ∂x ∂z 
                          H(f ) = (Hij (f )) =    ∂ f        ∂2f     ∂2f 
                                                  ∂y ∂x     ∂y ∂y   ∂y ∂z 
                                                    ∂2f       ∂2f     ∂2f
                                                   ∂z∂x      ∂z∂y    ∂z∂z

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Supersymmetry Property

       By taking derivative, we can create an arbitrary rank of tensors.
       These tensors are (Super)Symmetric in the sense that
       interchange of any two indices remains the tensor identical. For

                          fx y z = fx zy = fy x z = fy zx = fzx y = fzy x .   (9)
           • Afterward, we write this symmetry as                  .

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors

           • What is Tensor?
           • Decomposition of Matrices and Tensors
           • Symmetry Parametrized by Young Diagram

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors

       It is fundamental in mathematics to decompose some object into
       simpler, easier-to-handle objects.
                                      ∑          √
          • Fourier Expansion : f =       an exp( −1nx )
           • Legendre Polynomial : P =              ak Pk
                                      1 dk 2
                   • where Pk (x ) =           (x − 1)k
                                     k!2k dx k
           • Jordan-H¨lder : e = G0 ◁ G1 ◁ G2 ◁ · · · ◁ Gn−1 ◁ Gn = G

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Decomposition of Matrix

       There are many theories regarding the decomposition (or,
       factorization) of matrices.
           • SVD
           • LU
           • QR
           • Cholesky
           • Jordan
           • Diagonalization ...
       Although we have theories of factorization of Tensors (e.g. Tucker
       Decomposition, higher-order SVD etc.) We do NOT go this
       direction. Instead, we consider decomposition of matrix into
       Summation of matrix.
Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Example: Projection to Axis

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Example of Decomposition of Matrix

       We can decompose matrix into Symmetric part and
       Antisymmetric part.

                                                          
           7 10 3               7 7       6           0 3 −3
                                                          
         4 −1 −2 =           7 −1      1   +   −3 0 −3
           9 4  5               6 1       5           3 3 0
                              Symmetric   Part   Antisymmetric Part
                    A             Asym                  Aanti

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
How to Calculate Sym. and Antisym. Part

       We can calculate the symmetic and antisymmetric part by simple
       calculation (Exercise!).
                                                       
                                   7 10 3            7 4 9
                               1                       
                   Asym =        4 −1 −2 + 10 −1 4
                                   9 4    5          3 −2 5       (11)
                    sym                 1
                   aij     =              (aij + aji )
                                                       
                                   7 10 3            7 4 9
                               1                        
                   Aanti   =     4 −1 −2 − 10 −1 4
                                   9 4    5          3 −2 5       (12)
                   aij     =              (aij − aji )

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Picture of Projection to Sym. and Antisym. Part

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Notation Using Young Diagram

       We can symbolize symmetry and antisymmetry with Young

                                                        
             7 10 3      7 7 6       0 3 −3
                                       
            4 −1 −2 = 7 −1 1 + −3 0 −3
             9 4  5      6 1 5       3 3 0                             (13)

                          A       Asym              Aanti

       The number of boxes indicates rank of the tensor (one box for
       vector and two boxes for matrix).

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors

           • What is Tensor?
           • Decomposition of Matrices and Tensors
           • Symmetry Parametrized by Young Diagram

           • From now on, we concentrate on Rank 3 Tensors (i.e.
               k = 3).
           • And we assume that n = 3, that is, indices run from 1 to 3.

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Symmetrizing Operator

       We consider the transformation of tensor:

                           T       : X = (xijk ) → X ′ = (xijk ),
              where xijk   = 1 (xijk + xikj + xjik + xjki + xkij + xkji )
                             6                                              (15)
                           = x(ijk) .

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Young Diagram and Symmetry of Tensor (Sym. Case)

       Let X = (x123 ) be a tensor of rank 3, we call X Has a Symmetry
       of      , if interchange of any of two indices doesn’t change each
       entry of X .

           • If X has a symmetry of             , then

                                        x112 = x121 = x211
                          x123 = x132 = x213 = x231 = x312 = x321 etc...

           • Symmetric matrices have a symmetry of

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Property of T
           • For all X , T  (X ) has symmetry of       .
           • If X has symmetry of     , then T    (X ) = X .
           • For all X , T   (T     (X )) = T    (X ).

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Antisymmetrizing Operator
       Next, we consider Antisymmetrization of tensors:

                            T : X = (xijk ) → X ′ = (xijk ),

              where xijk   = 1 (xijk − xikj − xjik + xjki + xkij − xkji )
                             6                                              (18)
                           = x[ijk] .

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Young Diagram and Symmetry of Tensor (Antisym. Case)

       Let X = (x123 ) be a tensor of rank k, we call X has a symmetry of

         if interchange of any of two indices change only the sign of
       each entry of X .


           • If X has a symmetry of , then
                • x123 = −x132 = −x213 = x231 = x312 = −x321
                • x112 = 0, because x112 must be equal to −x112 .

           • Antisymmetric matrix has a symmetry of

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Orthogonality of Projection
       T           and T       are orthogonal in the sense

                           T       ◦ T (X ) = T ◦ T          (X ) = 0.   (19)

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Counting Dimension

       How many dimension do the vector space consisting of tensors ...
           • with symmetry      have ?

           • with symmetry   have ?

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Dimensions of each subvector spaces.
       If n = 3 (that is, i, j and k runs through 1 to 3), then each
       dimension is as follows.

       But dimension of total space is 3 × 3 × 3 = 27. This is larger than
       1 + 10 = 11.
Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Young Diagram

       Young Diagram is an arrangent of boxes of the same size so that:
           • two adjacent boxes share one of their side.
           • the number of boxes in each row is non-increasing.
           • the number of boxes in each column is non-increasing.
       Here is an example of Young Diagram with 10 boxes.

                          English Notation French Notation

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Decomposition of Tensor (of Rank 3)

       We have three types of Young Diagram which have three boxes,

                                 ,         ,      and
                          Symmetric Antisymmetric       ???

       → What symmetry does              represent?

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Coefficients of Symmetrizers
       We list coneffients of each operator in a tabular form.

                                            Coefficient of xijk
                                ijk   ikj      jik   jki kij     kji

                                1/6   1/6      1/6   1/6   1/6   1/6

                                1/6   -1/6    -1/6   1/6   1/6   -1/6

                          Sum    1

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Coefficients of Symmetrizers

                                             Coefficient of xijk
                                ijk   ikj      jik    jki      kij   kji

                                1/6   1/6       1/6    1/6    1/6    1/6

                                1/6   -1/6     -1/6    1/6    1/6    -1/6

                                4/6                    -2/6   -2/6
                          Sum    1

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Symmetrizer T

       We consider the transformation of tensor:

                                 T     : X = (xijk ) → X ′ = (xijk ),

       where xijk =       1
                              (2xijk − xjki − xkij ).

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Property of T

           • For all X , T   (X ) has symmetry of   .

           • If X has symmetry of , then T (X ) = X .
                           (       )
           • For all X , T   T (X ) = T (X ).

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Tensors with Symmetry of

       Let X = (xijk ) be a tensor of rank 3. We say X Has a Symmetry
       of        , if
                             xijk =     (2xijk − xjki − xkij )   (23)
       for all 1 ≤ i, j, k ≤ n.

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Where This Equation ”Symmetric” ?

       Remember that X has a symmetry of               , if
                             xijk =     (2xijk − xjki − xkij )   (24)
       for all 1 ≤ i, j, k ≤ n.

       This equation can be transormed as follows :
                                      (2xijk − xjki − xkij )
                                  xijk =
                                    3                            (25)
                           ⇔ 3xijk = 2xijk − xjki − xkij
                           ⇔ xijk + xjki + xkij = 0

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Projection to Each Symmetrized Tensors

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors
Decomposition of Higher Rank Tensors

       Higher rank tensors are also decompose into symmetric tensors
       parametrized by Young Diagram.

                                         ⊕              ⊕
             Rn×n×n×n×n =

                          ⊕          ⊕         ⊕         ⊕


Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors

           • Tensors as a Generalization of Vectors and Matrices.
           • Decomposition of Matrices and Tensors
           • Symmetry of Tensors Parametrized by Young Diagrams.

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors

           • T G. Kolda and B W. Bader, Tensor Decompositions and
               • 2009, SIAM Review Vol. 51, No 3, pp 455-500
           • D S. Watkins, Fundamentals of Matrix Computations 3rd. ed.

                   • 2010, A Wiley Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts
           • W. Fulton and J Harris, Representation Theory
              • 1991, Graduate Texts in Mathematics Readins in Mathematics.
           • And Google ”Representation Theory”, ”Symmetric Group”,
               ”Young Diagram” and so on.

Kenta OONO
Introduction to Tensors

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  • 3. Agenda • What is Tensor? • Decomposition of Matrices and Tensors • Symmetry Parametrized by Young Diagram Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
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  • 11. An Example of Tensor Suppose we have a (smooth) function f : R3 → R. We can derive tensors of arbitrary rank from this function. Taking Gradient, we obtain rank 1 tensor. (Please replace (1, 2, 3) with (x , y , z) and vice versa.  ∂f   ∂x  ∇f = (∇i f ) =  ∂y  ∂f (7) ∂f ∂z Similarly, Hessian is an example of rank 2 tensor.   ∂2f ∂2f ∂2f  ∂x2∂x ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂z  H(f ) = (Hij (f )) =  ∂ f ∂2f ∂2f  (8)  ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂y ∂z  ∂2f ∂2f ∂2f ∂z∂x ∂z∂y ∂z∂z Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 12. Supersymmetry Property By taking derivative, we can create an arbitrary rank of tensors. These tensors are (Super)Symmetric in the sense that interchange of any two indices remains the tensor identical. For example, fx y z = fx zy = fy x z = fy zx = fzx y = fzy x . (9) Note: • Afterward, we write this symmetry as . Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 13. Agenda • What is Tensor? • Decomposition of Matrices and Tensors • Symmetry Parametrized by Young Diagram Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 14. Decompose! It is fundamental in mathematics to decompose some object into simpler, easier-to-handle objects. ∑ √ • Fourier Expansion : f = an exp( −1nx ) n∈Z ∑ • Legendre Polynomial : P = ak Pk k 1 dk 2 • where Pk (x ) = (x − 1)k k!2k dx k • Jordan-H¨lder : e = G0 ◁ G1 ◁ G2 ◁ · · · ◁ Gn−1 ◁ Gn = G o Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 15. Decomposition of Matrix There are many theories regarding the decomposition (or, factorization) of matrices. • SVD • LU • QR • Cholesky • Jordan • Diagonalization ... Although we have theories of factorization of Tensors (e.g. Tucker Decomposition, higher-order SVD etc.) We do NOT go this direction. Instead, we consider decomposition of matrix into Summation of matrix. Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 16. Example: Projection to Axis Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 17. Example of Decomposition of Matrix We can decompose matrix into Symmetric part and Antisymmetric part. Example:       7 10 3 7 7 6 0 3 −3       4 −1 −2 = 7 −1 1 + −3 0 −3 9 4 5 6 1 5 3 3 0 Symmetric Part Antisymmetric Part A Asym Aanti (10) Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 18. How to Calculate Sym. and Antisym. Part We can calculate the symmetic and antisymmetric part by simple calculation (Exercise!).     7 10 3 7 4 9 1     Asym = 4 −1 −2 + 10 −1 4 2 9 4 5 3 −2 5 (11) sym 1 aij = (aij + aji ) 2     7 10 3 7 4 9 1     Aanti = 4 −1 −2 − 10 −1 4 2 9 4 5 3 −2 5 (12) 1 anti aij = (aij − aji ) 2 Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 19. Picture of Projection to Sym. and Antisym. Part Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 20. Notation Using Young Diagram We can symbolize symmetry and antisymmetry with Young Diagram       7 10 3 7 7 6 0 3 −3       4 −1 −2 = 7 −1 1 + −3 0 −3 9 4 5 6 1 5 3 3 0 (13) A Asym Aanti The number of boxes indicates rank of the tensor (one box for vector and two boxes for matrix). Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 21. Agenda • What is Tensor? • Decomposition of Matrices and Tensors • Symmetry Parametrized by Young Diagram Note: • From now on, we concentrate on Rank 3 Tensors (i.e. k = 3). • And we assume that n = 3, that is, indices run from 1 to 3. Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 22. Symmetrizing Operator We consider the transformation of tensor: T : X = (xijk ) → X ′ = (xijk ), ′ (14) ′ where xijk = 1 (xijk + xikj + xjik + xjki + xkij + xkji ) 6 (15) = x(ijk) . Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 23. Young Diagram and Symmetry of Tensor (Sym. Case) Let X = (x123 ) be a tensor of rank 3, we call X Has a Symmetry of , if interchange of any of two indices doesn’t change each entry of X . Example: • If X has a symmetry of , then x112 = x121 = x211 (16) x123 = x132 = x213 = x231 = x312 = x321 etc... • Symmetric matrices have a symmetry of Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 24. Property of T • For all X , T (X ) has symmetry of . • If X has symmetry of , then T (X ) = X . • For all X , T (T (X )) = T (X ). Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 25. Antisymmetrizing Operator Next, we consider Antisymmetrization of tensors: T : X = (xijk ) → X ′ = (xijk ), ′ (17) ′ where xijk = 1 (xijk − xikj − xjik + xjki + xkij − xkji ) 6 (18) = x[ijk] . Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 26. Young Diagram and Symmetry of Tensor (Antisym. Case) Let X = (x123 ) be a tensor of rank k, we call X has a symmetry of if interchange of any of two indices change only the sign of each entry of X . Example. • If X has a symmetry of , then • x123 = −x132 = −x213 = x231 = x312 = −x321 • x112 = 0, because x112 must be equal to −x112 . • Antisymmetric matrix has a symmetry of Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 27. Orthogonality of Projection T and T are orthogonal in the sense T ◦ T (X ) = T ◦ T (X ) = 0. (19) Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 28. Counting Dimension How many dimension do the vector space consisting of tensors ... • with symmetry have ? • with symmetry have ? Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 29. Dimensions of each subvector spaces. If n = 3 (that is, i, j and k runs through 1 to 3), then each dimension is as follows. But dimension of total space is 3 × 3 × 3 = 27. This is larger than 1 + 10 = 11. Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 30. Young Diagram Young Diagram is an arrangent of boxes of the same size so that: • two adjacent boxes share one of their side. • the number of boxes in each row is non-increasing. • the number of boxes in each column is non-increasing. Here is an example of Young Diagram with 10 boxes. (20) English Notation French Notation Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 31. Decomposition of Tensor (of Rank 3) We have three types of Young Diagram which have three boxes, namely, (21) , , and Symmetric Antisymmetric ??? → What symmetry does represent? Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 32. Coefficients of Symmetrizers We list coneffients of each operator in a tabular form. Coefficient of xijk ijk ikj jik jki kij kji 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 -1/6 -1/6 1/6 1/6 -1/6 Sum 1 Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 33. Coefficients of Symmetrizers Coefficient of xijk ijk ikj jik jki kij kji 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 -1/6 -1/6 1/6 1/6 -1/6 4/6 -2/6 -2/6 Sum 1 Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 34. Symmetrizer T We consider the transformation of tensor: T : X = (xijk ) → X ′ = (xijk ), ′ (22) ′ where xijk = 1 (2xijk − xjki − xkij ). 3 Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 35. Property of T • For all X , T (X ) has symmetry of . • If X has symmetry of , then T (X ) = X . ( ) • For all X , T T (X ) = T (X ). Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 36. Tensors with Symmetry of Let X = (xijk ) be a tensor of rank 3. We say X Has a Symmetry of , if 1 xijk = (2xijk − xjki − xkij ) (23) 3 for all 1 ≤ i, j, k ≤ n. Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 37. Where This Equation ”Symmetric” ? Remember that X has a symmetry of , if 1 xijk = (2xijk − xjki − xkij ) (24) 3 for all 1 ≤ i, j, k ≤ n. This equation can be transormed as follows : 1 (2xijk − xjki − xkij ) xijk = 3 (25) ⇔ 3xijk = 2xijk − xjki − xkij ⇔ xijk + xjki + xkij = 0 Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 38. Projection to Each Symmetrized Tensors Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 39. Decomposition of Higher Rank Tensors Higher rank tensors are also decompose into symmetric tensors parametrized by Young Diagram. ⊕ ⊕ Rn×n×n×n×n = ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ (26) Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 40. Summary • Tensors as a Generalization of Vectors and Matrices. • Decomposition of Matrices and Tensors • Symmetry of Tensors Parametrized by Young Diagrams. Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors
  • 41. References • T G. Kolda and B W. Bader, Tensor Decompositions and Applications • 2009, SIAM Review Vol. 51, No 3, pp 455-500 • D S. Watkins, Fundamentals of Matrix Computations 3rd. ed. • 2010, A Wiley Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts • W. Fulton and J Harris, Representation Theory • 1991, Graduate Texts in Mathematics Readins in Mathematics. • And Google ”Representation Theory”, ”Symmetric Group”, ”Young Diagram” and so on. Kenta OONO Introduction to Tensors