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Ποιος Τι Που Πότε?
Έρευνα και ανάλυση δεδομένων για τουριστικές επιχειρήσεις.

Θανάσης Δημάκης
Μarketing research &
e-business development
@ Tourix.gr
Τι θα δούμε σήμερα?

Εργαλεία και μέθοδοι έρευνας & ανάλυσης
1. Πριν
2. Κατά τη διάρκεια, και
3. Μετά την επίσκεψη του ταξιδιώτη
Πηγές δεδομένων + Στατιστικά + AdWords + Analytics + STP = Action
oriented Ανάλυση δεδομένων
Travel Data Sources (some of many)

Tourism ORGs

Internal data

email marketing

Industry Leaders

Think Insights

Expos & Events
consumer surveys


Many sources - Limited resources

The GOOD news:
1. Πλήθος πληροφοριών
2. Δωρεάν!

The BAD news:
1. Πλήθος πληροφοριών
2. Δωρεάν!

Αξιοποίηση δεδομένων → Ορθές αποφάσεις → Περισσότεροι πελάτες
New verbs: “Google it” (γκούκλαρέ το)

1+ δισ.

αναζητήσεις ανά ημέρα από 181 χώρες

των χρηστών στο ίντερνετ βρίσκει ιστοσελίδες μέσω της Google

των Ελλήνων είναι συνδεδεμένοι στο Internet

των Ελλήνων χρησιμοποιεί την Google ως πηγή πληροφοριών

των Ελλήνων κάνει έρευνα online πρωτού αγοράσει κάτι

Sources: 1.http://www.google.com/competition/howgooglesearchworks.html, 2. Forrester Research Inc., “UK Internet User Monitor” ,3. Google Touchpoints Consumer Survey January 2009.
Source: Google Engage Hangout Jul/13
Αντίστοιχο ποσοστό για Ελλάδα


Source: Google Engage Hangout Jul/13

Source: Google Engage Hangout Jul/13
Source: Google Engage Hangout Jul/13
Action: Τι πρέπει να κάνω εγώ τώρα;

1. Επένδυση στο internet για έρευνα και
απόκτηση πελατών
2. Δημιουργία φιλικών προς smartphones
ιστοσελίδων με δυνατότητα online κράτησης
3. Στόχευση σε αγορές με έντονο ενδιαφέρον
Data Data Data Data Data Data..

● a 1 point increase in a hotel’s average user rating on a 5-point scale
makes travelers 13.5% more likely to book that hotel, Cornell University
● 83% of leisure travelers and 76% of business travelers plan their vacations
online, Google/Ipsos OTX MediaCT
● 1/3 of mobile users are planning on the go, Expedia/comScore
● 51 % of meta search users save time during the planning process' and 52
% agree that meta search ‘has helped me find the right hotel at the right
price', TripAdvisor/PhoCusWright
68% began researching online before they decided where or how to travel
80% use the internet to plan their travel (49% family, friends or colleagues)
60% of leisure & 52% of business travelers rely on Search engines (Hotel websites: 58% & 68%, OTA: 47% & 48%)
58% of leisure & 64% of business travelers always start their travel booking and planning process with search
65% of business travelers book directly on company sites more often than via online travel agencies (11% increase from 2012)
43% of business travelers plan to research or use peer-to- peer sharing alternatives, such as Airbnb
TOP 3 important features when selecting Lodging 1. Price 2. Most convenient location 3. Past experience with establishment
66% of leisure, 60% of business & 52% of affluent travelers, plan to spend more time researching before booking
TOP 3 important features when choosing a destination: 1. Price (85%), 2 Activities specific to my interests (73%), 3. past experience with destination (64%) (
51% of leisure travelers rely on OTAs when considering a few destinations, 43% when they know where they're going, 6% when considering many destinations
TOP sources used for activity/excursion decisions: Brochures/Books in my room/house (42%), Destination website/app (41%), Walking around destination
(41%) Other people on trip (27%) Accommodation website/app (25%) TV in my room/house (22%) Other travel websites/apps (21%) Online videos (14%)
25% of smartphone travel planners book hotel via smartphones
65% of leisure & business travelers view videos when looking for activity ideas at a particular destination
60% of leisure travelers turn to the internet for inspiration (62% turn to family, friends or colleagues)
80 percent say the site's reviews help them feel more confident in their travel decisions
77 percent usually or always reference TripAdvisor reviews before selecting a hotel.
There is no denying that reviews are a powerful and significant part of the travel planning experience," comments Barbara Messing, chief marketing officer
Not only are travellers referencing reviews before they book, they are clearly more highly engaged by businesses that respond to reviews
87 percent of users agree that an appropriate management response to a bad review "improves my impression of the hotel"
70 percent of users agree that an aggressive/defensive management response to a bad review "makes me less likely to book that hotel"
62 percent of users agree that seeing hotel management responses to reviews generally "makes me more likely to book it
When researching places to stay on TripAdvisor, 80 percent of respondents read at least 6-12 reviews before making their decision, and they're most interested
in recent reviews that will give them the freshest feedback.
64 percent of respondents tend to ignore extreme comments when reading reviews
74 percent of travellers stating that they ‘feel good about sharing useful information with other travellers'
70 percent of respondents stating that they wanted to share a good experience with other travellers
Respondents in Russia and Japan were the only two markets to prefer to read a lot of reviews (multiple pages) to get an overall sense of people's opinions users in Spain read the most hotel reviews before booking. Thirty four percent read eleven or more hotel reviews before deciding on a hotel
- 69%) Brazil respondents are more likely to book a hotel that has hotel management responses, significantly higher than most other markets.
- Australians usually read 6-12 reviews before making a decision on hotels, restaurants or local attractions (45%), whilst 24% will go through 13-20 reviews
whilst planning

ly !!!
ra is
έρευνα και ανάλυση δεδομένων

την άφιξη του επισκέπτη
Έρευνα και ανάλυση δεδομένων για τουριστικές επιχειρήσεις
να στοχεύσω?
Έρευνα και ανάλυση δεδομένων για τουριστικές επιχειρήσεις
Έρευνα και ανάλυση δεδομένων για τουριστικές επιχειρήσεις
Έρευνα και ανάλυση δεδομένων για τουριστικές επιχειρήσεις
ψάχνουν για την επιχείρησή μου;
Search seasonality - kalamata
Search seasonality - kalamata hotel
Perfect competition markets & Price wars

Μεγάλος αριθμός πωλητών & αγοραστών
Μη διαφοροποιημένα προϊόντα/υπηρεσίες
Πλήρης πληροφόρηση καταναλωτών
Έρευνα και ανάλυση δεδομένων για τουριστικές επιχειρήσεις
STP & differentiation in action

Τουρισμός για λίγους
Στόχευση σε εξειδικευμένες ανάγκες/target groups:
ηλικιωμένους, διαβητικούς, ζευγάρια με μικρά
παιδιά, ζευγάρια που δεν θέλουν γύρω τους παιδιά,
με συγκεκριμένα χόμπι, ενδιαφέροντα, κατοικίδια,
σεξουαλικές προτιμήσεις, κτλ κτλ κτλ =
Διαφοροποίηση από τον ανταγωνισμό.
έρευνα και ανάλυση δεδομένων

ο ταξιδιώτης είναι εδώ
On-stay surveys

1. No tech research → Τι ρωτάει & ζητάει;
2. Social media monitoring → Τι λέει για εμάς και την πόλη μας;
3. Mobile searches → Τι ψάχνει ενώ είναι εδώ;
- more than 50% of global respondents do not want to make a booking commitment until they read reviews and find out what other travellers
thought about the property.
- 80 percent say the site's reviews help them feel more confident in their travel decisions
- 77 percent usually or always reference TripAdvisor reviews before selecting a hotel.
- There is no denying that reviews are a powerful and significant part of the travel planning experience," comments Barbara Messing, chief
marketing officer
- Not only are travellers referencing reviews before they book, they are clearly more highly engaged by businesses that respond to reviews
- 87 percent of users agree that an appropriate management response to a bad review "improves my impression of the hotel"
- 70 percent of users agree that an aggressive/defensive management response to a bad review "makes me less likely to book that hotel"
- 62 percent of users agree that seeing hotel management responses to reviews generally "makes me more likely to book it (versus a
comparable hotel that didn't respond to travellers
- When researching places to stay on TripAdvisor, 80 percent of respondents read at least 6-12 reviews before making their decision, and they're
most interested in recent reviews that will give them the freshest feedback.
- of respondents (53%) will not book a hotel that does not have reviews
- 64 percent of respondents tend to ignore extreme comments when reading reviews
- 74 percent of travellers stating that they ‘feel good about sharing useful information with other travellers'
- 70 percent of respondents stating that they wanted to share a good experience with other travellers
- Respondents in Russia and Japan were the only two markets to prefer to read a lot of reviews (multiple pages) to get an overall sense of
people's opinions - users in Spain read the most hotel reviews before booking. Thirty four percent read eleven or more hotel reviews before
deciding on a hotel
- 69%) Brazil respondents are more likely to book a hotel that has hotel management responses, significantly higher than most other markets.
- Australians usually read 6-12 reviews before making a decision on hotels, restaurants or local attractions (45%), whilst 24% will go through 1320 reviews whilst planning
ACTION: need for business owners to not only monitor their online reputation, but to engage as much as possible with their past and potential
customers. The benefits are clear - the more engaged the property, the more likely travellers are to book
81% of travelers find user reviews important; where as 49% of travelers won’t book a property without reviews. It is also highlighted that online
reviews and reputation affect sales conversion rates, Mashable

Οι επισκέπτες των Online Review Sites:

Διαβάζουν τα σχόλια που άφησαν οι πελάτες μας,
και μας επιλέγουν έναντι των ανταγωνιστών,
βάσει της αξιολόγησης που λάβαμε
και των απαντήσεων που δώσαμε στις αρνητικές κριτικές.
● Παρακολούθηση και άμεση ανταπόκριση σε αρνητικά σχόλια.
● Βελτίωση υπηρεσιών βάσει αξιολογήσεων.
Online / Offline Questionnaires

1. Ικανοποίηση
2. Προτάσεις βελτίωσης
3. Προτροπή online review και social profile follow
Σε επίπεδο τουριστικής μονάδας αλλά και προορισμού
Τι να κάνω εγώ τώρα;

Επένδυση σε έρευνα και προβολή μέσω του internet

Εκκίνηση από τα εύκολα και εστίαση στα βασικά


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Έρευνα και ανάλυση δεδομένων για τουριστικές επιχειρήσεις

  • 1. OpenTourism Ποιος Τι Που Πότε? Έρευνα και ανάλυση δεδομένων για τουριστικές επιχειρήσεις. Θανάσης Δημάκης Μarketing research & e-business development @ Tourix.gr
  • 2. Τι θα δούμε σήμερα? 01010101101011110101010011010101001011010101011101010101010101010111010101001010011001101010101 Εργαλεία και μέθοδοι έρευνας & ανάλυσης 1. Πριν 2. Κατά τη διάρκεια, και 3. Μετά την επίσκεψη του ταξιδιώτη Πηγές δεδομένων + Στατιστικά + AdWords + Analytics + STP = Action oriented Ανάλυση δεδομένων
  • 4. Travel Data Sources (some of many) 01010101101011110101010011010101001011010101011101010101010101010111010101001010011001101010101 Tourism ORGs Internal data email marketing Industry Leaders Think Insights Expos & Events consumer surveys Media Academia OpenTourism
  • 5. Many sources - Limited resources 01010101101011110101010011010101001011010101011101010101010101010111010101001010011001101010101 The GOOD news: 1. Πλήθος πληροφοριών 2. Δωρεάν! The BAD news: 1. Πλήθος πληροφοριών 2. Δωρεάν! The OPPORTUNITY: Αξιοποίηση δεδομένων → Ορθές αποφάσεις → Περισσότεροι πελάτες
  • 6. New verbs: “Google it” (γκούκλαρέ το) 01010101101011110101010011010101001011010101011101010101010101010111010101001010011001101010101 1+ δισ. 81% 52% 98% 70% αναζητήσεις ανά ημέρα από 181 χώρες των χρηστών στο ίντερνετ βρίσκει ιστοσελίδες μέσω της Google των Ελλήνων είναι συνδεδεμένοι στο Internet των Ελλήνων χρησιμοποιεί την Google ως πηγή πληροφοριών των Ελλήνων κάνει έρευνα online πρωτού αγοράσει κάτι Sources: 1.http://www.google.com/competition/howgooglesearchworks.html, 2. Forrester Research Inc., “UK Internet User Monitor” ,3. Google Touchpoints Consumer Survey January 2009.
  • 7. Source: Google Engage Hangout Jul/13
  • 8. Αντίστοιχο ποσοστό για Ελλάδα 12% Source: Google Engage Hangout Jul/13
  • 9. . Source: Google Engage Hangout Jul/13
  • 10. Source: Google Engage Hangout Jul/13
  • 11. Action: Τι πρέπει να κάνω εγώ τώρα; 01010101101011110101010011010101001011010101011101010101010101010111010101001010011001101010101 1. Επένδυση στο internet για έρευνα και απόκτηση πελατών 2. Δημιουργία φιλικών προς smartphones ιστοσελίδων με δυνατότητα online κράτησης 3. Στόχευση σε αγορές με έντονο ενδιαφέρον
  • 12. Data Data Data Data Data Data.. 01010101101011110101010011010101001011010101011101010101010101010111010101001010011001101010101 ● a 1 point increase in a hotel’s average user rating on a 5-point scale makes travelers 13.5% more likely to book that hotel, Cornell University ● 83% of leisure travelers and 76% of business travelers plan their vacations online, Google/Ipsos OTX MediaCT ● 1/3 of mobile users are planning on the go, Expedia/comScore ● 51 % of meta search users save time during the planning process' and 52 % agree that meta search ‘has helped me find the right hotel at the right price', TripAdvisor/PhoCusWright
  • 13. 68% began researching online before they decided where or how to travel 80% use the internet to plan their travel (49% family, friends or colleagues) 60% of leisure & 52% of business travelers rely on Search engines (Hotel websites: 58% & 68%, OTA: 47% & 48%) 58% of leisure & 64% of business travelers always start their travel booking and planning process with search 65% of business travelers book directly on company sites more often than via online travel agencies (11% increase from 2012) 43% of business travelers plan to research or use peer-to- peer sharing alternatives, such as Airbnb TOP 3 important features when selecting Lodging 1. Price 2. Most convenient location 3. Past experience with establishment 66% of leisure, 60% of business & 52% of affluent travelers, plan to spend more time researching before booking TOP 3 important features when choosing a destination: 1. Price (85%), 2 Activities specific to my interests (73%), 3. past experience with destination (64%) ( 51% of leisure travelers rely on OTAs when considering a few destinations, 43% when they know where they're going, 6% when considering many destinations TOP sources used for activity/excursion decisions: Brochures/Books in my room/house (42%), Destination website/app (41%), Walking around destination (41%) Other people on trip (27%) Accommodation website/app (25%) TV in my room/house (22%) Other travel websites/apps (21%) Online videos (14%) 25% of smartphone travel planners book hotel via smartphones 65% of leisure & business travelers view videos when looking for activity ideas at a particular destination 60% of leisure travelers turn to the internet for inspiration (62% turn to family, friends or colleagues) 80 percent say the site's reviews help them feel more confident in their travel decisions 77 percent usually or always reference TripAdvisor reviews before selecting a hotel. There is no denying that reviews are a powerful and significant part of the travel planning experience," comments Barbara Messing, chief marketing officer Not only are travellers referencing reviews before they book, they are clearly more highly engaged by businesses that respond to reviews 87 percent of users agree that an appropriate management response to a bad review "improves my impression of the hotel" 70 percent of users agree that an aggressive/defensive management response to a bad review "makes me less likely to book that hotel" 62 percent of users agree that seeing hotel management responses to reviews generally "makes me more likely to book it When researching places to stay on TripAdvisor, 80 percent of respondents read at least 6-12 reviews before making their decision, and they're most interested in recent reviews that will give them the freshest feedback. 64 percent of respondents tend to ignore extreme comments when reading reviews 74 percent of travellers stating that they ‘feel good about sharing useful information with other travellers' 70 percent of respondents stating that they wanted to share a good experience with other travellers Respondents in Russia and Japan were the only two markets to prefer to read a lot of reviews (multiple pages) to get an overall sense of people's opinions users in Spain read the most hotel reviews before booking. Thirty four percent read eleven or more hotel reviews before deciding on a hotel - 69%) Brazil respondents are more likely to book a hotel that has hotel management responses, significantly higher than most other markets. - Australians usually read 6-12 reviews before making a decision on hotels, restaurants or local attractions (45%), whilst 24% will go through 13-20 reviews whilst planning y b is s ly !!! ra is a P s ly a n A
  • 14. έρευνα και ανάλυση δεδομένων ΠΡΙΝ την άφιξη του επισκέπτη
  • 20. ΠΟΤΕ ψάχνουν για την επιχείρησή μου;
  • 21. Search seasonality - kalamata 01010101101011110101010011010101001011010101011101010101010101010111010101001010011001101010101
  • 22. Search seasonality - kalamata hotel 01010101101011110101010011010101001011010101011101010101010101010111010101001010011001101010101
  • 24. Perfect competition markets & Price wars 01010101101011110101010011010101001011010101011101010101010101010111010101001010011001101010101 Μεγάλος αριθμός πωλητών & αγοραστών Μη διαφοροποιημένα προϊόντα/υπηρεσίες Πλήρης πληροφόρηση καταναλωτών
  • 26. STP & differentiation in action 01010101101011110101010011010101001011010101011101010101010101010111010101001010011001101010101 Τουρισμός για λίγους Στόχευση σε εξειδικευμένες ανάγκες/target groups: ηλικιωμένους, διαβητικούς, ζευγάρια με μικρά παιδιά, ζευγάρια που δεν θέλουν γύρω τους παιδιά, με συγκεκριμένα χόμπι, ενδιαφέροντα, κατοικίδια, σεξουαλικές προτιμήσεις, κτλ κτλ κτλ = Διαφοροποίηση από τον ανταγωνισμό.
  • 27. έρευνα και ανάλυση δεδομένων ΕΝΩ ο ταξιδιώτης είναι εδώ
  • 28. On-stay surveys 01010101101011110101010011010101001011010101011101010101010101010111010101001010011001101010101 1. No tech research → Τι ρωτάει & ζητάει; 2. Social media monitoring → Τι λέει για εμάς και την πόλη μας; 3. Mobile searches → Τι ψάχνει ενώ είναι εδώ;
  • 29. - more than 50% of global respondents do not want to make a booking commitment until they read reviews and find out what other travellers thought about the property. - 80 percent say the site's reviews help them feel more confident in their travel decisions - 77 percent usually or always reference TripAdvisor reviews before selecting a hotel. - There is no denying that reviews are a powerful and significant part of the travel planning experience," comments Barbara Messing, chief marketing officer - Not only are travellers referencing reviews before they book, they are clearly more highly engaged by businesses that respond to reviews - 87 percent of users agree that an appropriate management response to a bad review "improves my impression of the hotel" - 70 percent of users agree that an aggressive/defensive management response to a bad review "makes me less likely to book that hotel" - 62 percent of users agree that seeing hotel management responses to reviews generally "makes me more likely to book it (versus a comparable hotel that didn't respond to travellers - When researching places to stay on TripAdvisor, 80 percent of respondents read at least 6-12 reviews before making their decision, and they're most interested in recent reviews that will give them the freshest feedback. - of respondents (53%) will not book a hotel that does not have reviews - 64 percent of respondents tend to ignore extreme comments when reading reviews - 74 percent of travellers stating that they ‘feel good about sharing useful information with other travellers' - 70 percent of respondents stating that they wanted to share a good experience with other travellers - Respondents in Russia and Japan were the only two markets to prefer to read a lot of reviews (multiple pages) to get an overall sense of people's opinions - users in Spain read the most hotel reviews before booking. Thirty four percent read eleven or more hotel reviews before deciding on a hotel - 69%) Brazil respondents are more likely to book a hotel that has hotel management responses, significantly higher than most other markets. - Australians usually read 6-12 reviews before making a decision on hotels, restaurants or local attractions (45%), whilst 24% will go through 1320 reviews whilst planning ACTION: need for business owners to not only monitor their online reputation, but to engage as much as possible with their past and potential customers. The benefits are clear - the more engaged the property, the more likely travellers are to book 81% of travelers find user reviews important; where as 49% of travelers won’t book a property without reviews. It is also highlighted that online reviews and reputation affect sales conversion rates, Mashable META
  • 30. Οι επισκέπτες των Online Review Sites: 01010101101011110101010011010101001011010101011101010101010101010111010101001010011001101010101 Διαβάζουν τα σχόλια που άφησαν οι πελάτες μας, και μας επιλέγουν έναντι των ανταγωνιστών, βάσει της αξιολόγησης που λάβαμε και των απαντήσεων που δώσαμε στις αρνητικές κριτικές. Actions: ● Παρακολούθηση και άμεση ανταπόκριση σε αρνητικά σχόλια. ● Βελτίωση υπηρεσιών βάσει αξιολογήσεων.
  • 31. Online / Offline Questionnaires 01010101101011110101010011010101001011010101011101010101010101010111010101001010011001101010101 1. Ικανοποίηση 2. Προτάσεις βελτίωσης 3. Προτροπή online review και social profile follow Σε επίπεδο τουριστικής μονάδας αλλά και προορισμού
  • 32. Τι να κάνω εγώ τώρα; 01010101101011110101010011010101001011010101011101010101010101010111010101001010011001101010101 Επένδυση σε έρευνα και προβολή μέσω του internet Εκκίνηση από τα εύκολα και εστίαση στα βασικά