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Test shots 
Location, props, costume


This is the exterior of the family home that will appear within 
our trailer. We know that this location is conventional and will 
work within our trailer due to previous successful horror films 
which are based in similar locations. The use of a family home 
makes the audience feel involved as well as making the overall 
storyline realistic. The location could convey isolation to the 
audience as it's down a street with few houses, making the 
setting quiet and suspicious. This makes the trailer relatable to 
the audience as well as contributing to the overall success of 
the film trailer and storyline.


This is the living room which is situated in the family house. 
This will be used regularly within our trailer, especially when 
the family are spending time together. This particular location 
is also conventional be as it again makes the plot and storyline 
appear realistic to the audience. This is because it is a normal 
family environment in which most family’s enjoy their time 
together. This will specifically be used when the little girl 
wanders around the house once she is possessed and destroys 
the family’s belongings as well as herself. This area is quite 
spacious and will work well within our trailer.


This is the small child's bedroom again within the main location 
of the family house. This area will be most commonly used as 
it is relatable to the main character which is a young girl. 
Previous successful horror films that have been based in 
houses such as paranormal activity, use younger child’s 
bedrooms and environments to convey fear and realism. This 
will create a frightening effect for the onscreen characters as 
well as the audience due to the little girl finding clues leading 
to her to be taken over. When this scene is used there will 
usually be low key lighting to convey the correct mood for my 
storyline and plot.


This is the bathroom which will appear within our trailer, but 
only for a shot amount of time. This area is conventional as this 
is where the negative stuff will happen to the young girl. It is 
also conventional due to the mirror that is within the room as 
this is a conventional prop within horror films, where 
unexpected things happen for the audience and characters. 
Overall this room will be displayed with low key lighting to 
create the correct mood of fear and tension as well as ensuring 
that not too much of the storyline is given away.


This is the kitchen, where the mother and father will be seen, 
and also family time will be spent. This particular location 
notices the change within the characters each day as they all 
spend time around the dinner table but the young girl begins 
to be distracted by other events around the house.


This is the garden where we will be shooting the outside scenes 
of our trailer. This is a conventional setting as it allows the use 
of lighting so the characters can be seen but it also has some 
dark areas in which the characters and the audience are 
suspicious about. This environment creates a mysterious effect 
as well as building up tension for the audience.


One prop that will appear within our film trailer, but 
discretely is this pen. It will make it possible to write on 
mirrors and windows around the house without it 
being permanent. The only character that will be seen 
to do this is the young character Beth. To begin with it 
gives the impression of blood, which creates fear and 
tension for the characters. 
This will help create an effective trailer which the 
audience can find realistic and also relate to the 
storyline. The use of the colour red for the ink helps 
connote fear and danger for the onscreen characters 
within the disturbing messages.


This is one of the most significant props within our film trailer. 
It is a teddy that belongs to the young girl, which her mother 
didn’t want her to bring along when they moved house. This 
will play the role of her main possession within the film and 
will be associated with the main character throughout. This 
will appear more and more relevant as the trailer progresses 
and the evil spirit uses it to get the control of the main 
character Beth. We ensured that the bear that we chose would 
make a noise so that the young girl is aware when things are 
happening to it as she can hear it in different rooms. The teddy 
is of a normal size and is also normally coloured so that it is 
easily noticed throughout the trailer.


Along with the teddy, the note is also a significant prop within 
our film trailer and to the title. It is the first clue to strange 
events occurring within the trailer and is soon juxtaposed with 
the teddy to lead the young girl into the evil spirits control. It 
will also be the main character method of communication with 
what she is not aware to be the evil spirit who is soon to take 
control of her. This particular prop presents the young girl 
stereotypically and shows her as being naïve within the trailer 
before her possession. This will also be zoomed in on regularly 
to emphasise its importance.


This is another prop that will become relevant to the end of the 
trailer, once the young girl is possessed. It will be used as a 
weapon for the main character as she attempts to smash it over 
her helpless mother’s head once she has been possessed. This 
prop is conventional within our trailer as it is a normal household 
object, therefore the audience will not expect its later 
appearance as an attempted weapon.


Costume= Freddie (Lewis) 
This is the outfit what Lewis will be wearing within our 
trailer. He will look quite formal throughout the trailer to 
ensure that he is a conventional character for the father 
role he is playing. The clothing that he will wear will 
represent a stereotypical masculine character to help 
emphasise his role of a dominant character in the house 
which is conventional to horrors films which involve 
families . This is because the male is the protector over 
the family.


Costume= Charlotte (Amy) 
This is the costume that Amy will be wearing throughout the 
trailer, the outfit that she will wear will show her formally and 
conventional for a mother figure . It will make her look older 
to portray the family image better. As well as showing her to 
be not too dressed up as she has only just moved into her new 
house. Amy will also be wearing make-up during the trailer, 
again to emphasise her age and role.


Costume= Beth (Bethany) 
These are all potential outfits for the main character 
Beth. She will probably appear in 2 out of the 3 outfits 
throughout the trailer. Presenting Beth in dresses 
shows her as a stereotypical young girl. This costume 
will emphasise that she is of younger age making her 
appeal to the audience at the beginning, however, this 
will soon change when she gets distracted by certain 
events around her. She will look girly, however, as the 
trailer progresses the clothing that she is wearing will 
deteriorate and become ripped and dirty. This will 
represent her personality which is also getting worse 
due to the evil spirit taking control.

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Test shotsggjh

  • 1. Test shots Location, props, costume
  • 2. Location This is the exterior of the family home that will appear within our trailer. We know that this location is conventional and will work within our trailer due to previous successful horror films which are based in similar locations. The use of a family home makes the audience feel involved as well as making the overall storyline realistic. The location could convey isolation to the audience as it's down a street with few houses, making the setting quiet and suspicious. This makes the trailer relatable to the audience as well as contributing to the overall success of the film trailer and storyline.
  • 3. Location This is the living room which is situated in the family house. This will be used regularly within our trailer, especially when the family are spending time together. This particular location is also conventional be as it again makes the plot and storyline appear realistic to the audience. This is because it is a normal family environment in which most family’s enjoy their time together. This will specifically be used when the little girl wanders around the house once she is possessed and destroys the family’s belongings as well as herself. This area is quite spacious and will work well within our trailer.
  • 4. Location This is the small child's bedroom again within the main location of the family house. This area will be most commonly used as it is relatable to the main character which is a young girl. Previous successful horror films that have been based in houses such as paranormal activity, use younger child’s bedrooms and environments to convey fear and realism. This will create a frightening effect for the onscreen characters as well as the audience due to the little girl finding clues leading to her to be taken over. When this scene is used there will usually be low key lighting to convey the correct mood for my storyline and plot.
  • 5. Location This is the bathroom which will appear within our trailer, but only for a shot amount of time. This area is conventional as this is where the negative stuff will happen to the young girl. It is also conventional due to the mirror that is within the room as this is a conventional prop within horror films, where unexpected things happen for the audience and characters. Overall this room will be displayed with low key lighting to create the correct mood of fear and tension as well as ensuring that not too much of the storyline is given away.
  • 6. Location This is the kitchen, where the mother and father will be seen, and also family time will be spent. This particular location notices the change within the characters each day as they all spend time around the dinner table but the young girl begins to be distracted by other events around the house.
  • 7. Location This is the garden where we will be shooting the outside scenes of our trailer. This is a conventional setting as it allows the use of lighting so the characters can be seen but it also has some dark areas in which the characters and the audience are suspicious about. This environment creates a mysterious effect as well as building up tension for the audience.
  • 8. Props One prop that will appear within our film trailer, but discretely is this pen. It will make it possible to write on mirrors and windows around the house without it being permanent. The only character that will be seen to do this is the young character Beth. To begin with it gives the impression of blood, which creates fear and tension for the characters. This will help create an effective trailer which the audience can find realistic and also relate to the storyline. The use of the colour red for the ink helps connote fear and danger for the onscreen characters within the disturbing messages.
  • 9. Props This is one of the most significant props within our film trailer. It is a teddy that belongs to the young girl, which her mother didn’t want her to bring along when they moved house. This will play the role of her main possession within the film and will be associated with the main character throughout. This will appear more and more relevant as the trailer progresses and the evil spirit uses it to get the control of the main character Beth. We ensured that the bear that we chose would make a noise so that the young girl is aware when things are happening to it as she can hear it in different rooms. The teddy is of a normal size and is also normally coloured so that it is easily noticed throughout the trailer.
  • 10. Props Along with the teddy, the note is also a significant prop within our film trailer and to the title. It is the first clue to strange events occurring within the trailer and is soon juxtaposed with the teddy to lead the young girl into the evil spirits control. It will also be the main character method of communication with what she is not aware to be the evil spirit who is soon to take control of her. This particular prop presents the young girl stereotypically and shows her as being naïve within the trailer before her possession. This will also be zoomed in on regularly to emphasise its importance.
  • 11. Props This is another prop that will become relevant to the end of the trailer, once the young girl is possessed. It will be used as a weapon for the main character as she attempts to smash it over her helpless mother’s head once she has been possessed. This prop is conventional within our trailer as it is a normal household object, therefore the audience will not expect its later appearance as an attempted weapon.
  • 12. Costume= Freddie (Lewis) This is the outfit what Lewis will be wearing within our trailer. He will look quite formal throughout the trailer to ensure that he is a conventional character for the father role he is playing. The clothing that he will wear will represent a stereotypical masculine character to help emphasise his role of a dominant character in the house which is conventional to horrors films which involve families . This is because the male is the protector over the family.
  • 13. Costume= Charlotte (Amy) This is the costume that Amy will be wearing throughout the trailer, the outfit that she will wear will show her formally and conventional for a mother figure . It will make her look older to portray the family image better. As well as showing her to be not too dressed up as she has only just moved into her new house. Amy will also be wearing make-up during the trailer, again to emphasise her age and role.
  • 14. Costume= Beth (Bethany) These are all potential outfits for the main character Beth. She will probably appear in 2 out of the 3 outfits throughout the trailer. Presenting Beth in dresses shows her as a stereotypical young girl. This costume will emphasise that she is of younger age making her appeal to the audience at the beginning, however, this will soon change when she gets distracted by certain events around her. She will look girly, however, as the trailer progresses the clothing that she is wearing will deteriorate and become ripped and dirty. This will represent her personality which is also getting worse due to the evil spirit taking control.